gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.
At 7/11/14 08:12 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote:At 7/11/14 06:09 AM, Murray wrote:Hey, Bahamut, long time no see :D How's it hanging?At 7/10/14 06:01 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: I wish I had something relevant to say, but alas. I feel like I've been gone too long so I'm going to come back and try to rejoin the Wi/Ht? fold.Hey, I remember you!
Can't remember when was the last time you were even here so I don't even know where to begin with describing how life has been. I'll just say that with recent events, I had some downer moments but things have been picking up this month. My first weekend this month had myself seeing Black Sabbath live along with Motorhead and Faith No More, last weekend it was my birthday and this weekend I have Manchester expo so it's been busy times right now. After this I will need to cut back on spending a bit.
Enough about me, how is it going for you over the last few years?
At 7/16/14 06:00 AM, gamejunkie wrote:At 7/13/14 07:41 PM, Murray wrote: GO GERMANY!Haggard is on holidays at the moment. I'm looking after his account for him. I'm sure he agrees with you 100% though.
Right @Haggard?
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about him being away for a while. Ah well, as long as he's happy with them winning and I started rooting for them after the way they played against Brazil as well as the fact that I was watching the final with a few friends at a German bar so it was fitting.
.At 7/17/14 12:06 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 7/16/14 04:17 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: On a side note, is RedCircle still around?Nope :(
Yeah... that's one of many names that I've not heard of in ages. I tend to wonder how him and many others are doing with life right now. Those are the kind of reasons why I like to have Facebook/Twitter contacts with many users on this site so I can see how they're doing with life.
At 7/18/14 03:27 AM, Muffin wrote: 30,000 ex-pees
Wow, didn't think you were still keeping up with depositing. Nicely done man!
Good morning everyone. Just swinging by to show off my latest addition to the trophy cabinet here, since I'm now only a few thousand points away from achieving nirvana of levels, now having reached Level 59
Also, how the devil is everyone?
here i go! congrats to:
Coop ~ 96,000 saves ~ Level 59
ThePigeonMaster ~ completed 3rd year of med school. that is no easy feat!
Viper ~ 13,000 posts ~ Colonel ~ Level 34
LittleWashu ~ 9.00 base voting power
supra187 ~ Level 26
Pokemonpoeguygcn ~ 78,000 saves
jonthomson ~ 41,000 experience
SCTE3 ~ 666 art reviews! ohh myyyy :0
SmashLuigiFan1 ~ 7.00 base voting power
Martin ~ Level 41 ~ 67,000 saves
Cyberdevil ~ 14,000 total reviews ~ 70,000 total b/p
Psyco86 ~ Level 59. indeed, one more level to go!
Jolly ~ 57,000 total b/p ~ 50,000 saves
gamejunkie ~ 33,000 experience ~ 23,000 blams ~ 150,000 medal points
VicariousE ~ Level 32
GUTHRIE ~ 33,000 experience
Auz ~ 25th birthday! ~ 13,000 posts. cheers to your 25 years!
Murray ~ #86 in exp ~ 24th birthday ~ same as above, cheers to your 24 years!
Indeks ~ Level 12
LegolaSS ~ 31,000 experience
DoctorStrongbad ~ 11,000 blams
Muffin ~ 30,000 expisssss
sushi13 ~ 43,000 saves
on another note~ level 15 for me
At 6/30/14 12:02 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I honestly don't know why I get sad. I'll be ok and then suddenly snap and feel incredibly sad for no reason. What makes you feel sad?
i am very late on answering this. i'll shoot ya a pm on it :p
At 7/20/14 06:09 AM, Coop wrote: Good morning everyone. Just swinging by to show off my latest addition to the trophy cabinet here, since I'm now only a few thousand points away from achieving nirvana of levels, now having reached Level 59
Sweet, your level up means mine's not too far off. You're on the last run for level ups now. How do you feel?
Also, how the devil is everyone?
Really good. Enjoyed my time at Comic Con in Manchester and already I want to go to another of these events. Will probably consider the one in London in October.
At 7/21/14 09:30 PM, Murray wrote:At 7/20/14 06:09 AM, Coop wrote: Good morning everyone. Just swinging by to show off my latest addition to the trophy cabinet here, since I'm now only a few thousand points away from achieving nirvana of levels, now having reached Level 59Sweet, your level up means mine's not too far off. You're on the last run for level ups now. How do you feel?
The same as I feel most days. Even if I feel bad, I look in the mirror and see me, so I'm happy that I haven't mutated or anything...
Also, how the devil is everyone?Really good. Enjoyed my time at Comic Con in Manchester and already I want to go to another of these events. Will probably consider the one in London in October.
Nice, I used to want to go to an event like that, but I think nowadays, I'd spend my time letching over the few hot female cosplayers that inevitably turn up.
With that vote, you now have 22,480 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 46.
At 7/22/14 02:24 AM, Coop wrote:At 7/21/14 09:30 PM, Murray wrote: Sweet, your level up means mine's not too far off. You're on the last run for level ups now. How do you feel?The same as I feel most days. Even if I feel bad, I look in the mirror and see me, so I'm happy that I haven't mutated or anything...
Sometimes I look in the mirror and I actually think "Hey, I'm not that bad looking after all." Gives myself a little confidence which is always needed.
Really good. Enjoyed my time at Comic Con in Manchester and already I want to go to another of these events. Will probably consider the one in London in October.Nice, I used to want to go to an event like that, but I think nowadays, I'd spend my time letching over the few hot female cosplayers that inevitably turn up.
Hahah yeah, I saw several of them. However, I can't help but think that most of the hot girls that stood out were ones that were cosplaying as Poison Ivy. I'm sure you can imagine what some of them would have been like with their costumes. :P Admittedly I was hoping to talk to some girls while I was there but that was really just a bonus if anything happened. I was happy enough finding a little niche and hung out mostly with others who dressed up as any of the Doctors (I was Tom Baker Doctor).
At 7/22/14 03:48 PM, Murray wrote:At 7/22/14 02:24 AM, Coop wrote: The same as I feel most days. Even if I feel bad, I look in the mirror and see me, so I'm happy that I haven't mutated or anything...Sometimes I look in the mirror and I actually think "Hey, I'm not that bad looking after all." Gives myself a little confidence which is always needed.
I know I'd look a lot better if I just got a decent night's sleep. But it's just too damned hot right now for that...
Nice, I used to want to go to an event like that, but I think nowadays, I'd spend my time letching over the few hot female cosplayers that inevitably turn up.Hahah yeah, I saw several of them. However, I can't help but think that most of the hot girls that stood out were ones that were cosplaying as Poison Ivy. I'm sure you can imagine what some of them would have been like with their costumes. :P Admittedly I was hoping to talk to some girls while I was there but that was really just a bonus if anything happened. I was happy enough finding a little niche and hung out mostly with others who dressed up as any of the Doctors (I was Tom Baker Doctor).
Can you do the voice? That way, you'd get extra points for being Tom Baker Doctor. I think that the next time I try something like that, I need to either go in a suit with a hangman's noose around my neck (Niccodemus) or get myself a natural wooden staff and a trenchcoat (jeans and T-shirt are easy to come by) to be Harry Dresden himself. Those will probably be a couple of Hallowe'ens for me :)
At 7/22/14 06:29 PM, Coop wrote:At 7/22/14 03:48 PM, Murray wrote: Sometimes I look in the mirror and I actually think "Hey, I'm not that bad looking after all." Gives myself a little confidence which is always needed.I know I'd look a lot better if I just got a decent night's sleep. But it's just too damned hot right now for that...
I'm lucky I've managed to sleep through the last two nights but I suppose it's been a tad easier because I slept so little on Friday and Saturday nights due to needing to get up early. I'm sure I only had a combined total of six hours sleep over those two days but it was hard when I had to get up very early twice in a row.
Hahah yeah, I saw several of them. However, I can't help but think that most of the hot girls that stood out were ones that were cosplaying as Poison Ivy. I'm sure you can imagine what some of them would have been like with their costumes. :P Admittedly I was hoping to talk to some girls while I was there but that was really just a bonus if anything happened. I was happy enough finding a little niche and hung out mostly with others who dressed up as any of the Doctors (I was Tom Baker Doctor).Can you do the voice? That way, you'd get extra points for being Tom Baker Doctor. I think that the next time I try something like that, I need to either go in a suit with a hangman's noose around my neck (Niccodemus) or get myself a natural wooden staff and a trenchcoat (jeans and T-shirt are easy to come by) to be Harry Dresden himself. Those will probably be a couple of Hallowe'ens for me :)
I'd have to do a little recording for myself and see what you think. Halloween is the next definite time I will do something and as a matter of fact, I will reuse the Fourth Doctor. Sure, it has no relevance to Halloween but so many don't follow the theme of the holiday so what makes it different for me. There is London to go to a week before but my decision isn't definite yet. I'll have to see how the budget goes and I'm mostly relying on DLA and the dole to keep me going.
56,000 B/P!! Two milestones in two days! And it'll be my NG birthday in a couple of days.
At 7/16/14 06:00 AM, gamejunkie wrote:At 7/13/14 07:41 PM, Murray wrote: GO GERMANY!Haggard is on holidays at the moment. I'm looking after his account for him. I'm sure he agrees with you 100% though.
Right @Haggard?
I do. I'm glad I could watch the finale in a hotel lobby. Shitty view at the screen sometimes, but it was worth it. :)
IRL 30 years old.
I would make a list for all the years I missed, but I have to go do old people things...
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
13 years on Newgrounds as of yesterday. Wow that's nearly half my life I've had this account for...
At 7/29/14 01:45 PM, Haggard wrote: @LittleWashu
so is this a big deal now? :P
Funny but no. It is not really a big deal >_<
36k EXP. @gfoxcook better be proud of me for this.
34,000 Experience Points and I passed 71,000 Saves sometime last week. I didn't even notice.
At 7/21/14 02:32 PM, FRAYDO wrote: Auz ~ 25th birthday! ~ 13,000 posts. cheers to your 25 years!
Thanks man!
At 7/28/14 12:40 AM, reverend wrote: IRL 30 years old.
I would make a list for all the years I missed, but I have to go do old people things...
Happy birthday! Broken any hips yet?
At 7/30/14 11:51 AM, Auz wrote: I passed 71,000 Saves sometime last week. I didn't even notice.
No one gives a damn about their saves anymore. It's all about BLAM POINTS!
At least, it is for me. But I doubt that I will ever reach 20k blams. :(
Level 43. Not diggin the new icon for it tho, much prefered the flail prior to the redesign
At 7/31/14 10:03 AM, Haggard wrote:At 7/30/14 11:51 AM, Auz wrote: I passed 71,000 Saves sometime last week. I didn't even notice.No one gives a damn about their saves anymore. It's all about BLAM POINTS!
At least, it is for me. But I doubt that I will ever reach 20k blams. :(
IKR I miss the old days when Blam points were supreme, and Save points went to stuff that was actually worth saving. But now thanks to many changes Blam points are harder to come by. The Unpublish system doesn't help this either seeing as if something get's unpublished you get no blam point but if the flash get's saved and then unpublished the user keeps the save point.
I miss the old well of marked flashes that would give extra blam points the moment they were deleted so much.
At 7/29/14 02:15 PM, LittleWashu wrote:At 7/29/14 01:45 PM, Haggard wrote: @LittleWashuFunny but no. It is not really a big deal >_<
so is this a big deal now? :P
With that vote, you now have 31,180 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 54.