At 5/24/14 06:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/23/14 10:50 AM, Murray wrote:
You are spot on with the last sentence. Now THAT is what's underappreciated. However, regardless of his level of appreciation he still makes fantastic music. Still now I'm listening to some lesser known songs of his and still enjoy what I hear.
I don't listen to his music (or rather: haven't had a chance to start doing it ^^), but I still can appreciate his value for the music industry. ^^
Come to think about it, do you know who really is an underappreciated artist? Mike Oldfield! Seriously, he's done way too much good stuff and he seems to be hardly appreciated for it. Well, maybe Moonlight Shadow, Shadow on the Wall and To France but not so much else.
Yep, they did. I wanted to hear the 22 minute version since I'm a sucker for long songs. I really should try out more of their music since all I have is The Man Machine.
It's hard to get a hand on their albums, especially if you started collecting vinyl. I payed about 15 euros for "Autobahn", and that's a pretty good deal.
I did pay Ā£15 for The Man Machine. Not so much cheaper on Amazon but at this time I can't really buy so many albums. I really should be using Spotify or something during this time where I'm not gonna get so much new music. This month I am hoping to make a push with the Fourth Doctor cosplay but already I had to pay Ā£47.50 to get my 3DS fixed.
I did pick up an external hard drive two weeks ago. Makes life much easier to record game footage for my Let's Plays.
Ha, I have one hard drive just for storing football matches. >_>
Fair enough man. A lot of the recorded footage I will eventually delete but only after I have made the final versions of the videos. I'm still in the middle of uploading everything for my Tomb Raider 1 LP and have done another game and a half that's also waiting on being uploaded to YouTube when I can. It just sucks that publishing the videos just takes up so much memory on the laptop that it limits me on what I can do while it's doing that.
However, my laptop performs like shit with recording game footage, even with Mega Drive games.
Yeah, recording live video on your PC/Laptop is a real bitch. I tried recording Mario on an NES emulator. But the emulator ran so slow that you could consider it cheating.
Wow, even NES games...
At 5/27/14 10:23 AM, jonthomson wrote:
At 5/24/14 06:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
Yeah, recording live video on your PC/Laptop is a real bitch. I tried recording Mario on an NES emulator. But the emulator ran so slow that you could consider it cheating.
try dxtory, don't know what you were using
Hmm, haven't heard of it before but I have downloaded it so hopefully it does work a whole lot better than Fraps does for me. It still won't help with the technical issues I have with playing FFVII and IX on the emulator but perhaps it will do a lot better for everything else.
At 5/31/14 06:24 PM, SmashLuigiFan1 wrote:
At 5/23/14 10:50 AM, Murray wrote:
Heh, there's plenty of crap games out there. I used to tolerate some that were more difficult to control with but generally I find that there isn't much time to play everything so I'd rather only go with what I'm sure I'm going to enjoy.
This may sound weird, but I sort of don't consider a game crap until I've played it myself. Games like Sonic 06 aren't as bad as people tell you. But I'd never recommend them because they're not outstanding or special. The only exception to this are games like Big Rigs, Crazy Bus, and Desert Bus, as they literally have no content.
I find Big Rigs to be fucking hilarious so it gets some credit for that but it still doesn't change the fact that it's blatantly an unfinished product.
Some days I easily did over 100 icons and I'm sure one day I did 250 icons. It was extreme work but that was from a time ago. There may be still yet more games and movies that need modern icons but 16,000 for the whole site is still good enough. At that time I had covered 10% of the whole portal which also included genre modding.
Seriously, that's pretty awesome that you contributed to a large chunk of the website like that. And yeah, there's a lot of submissions without icons. See here.
What I was doing with icons was clearing out the earliest submissions that were missing icons. I did a bit of that the other day and managed to make a few icons; the first of myself doing any of that in two years. I can't say I'll be doing it all the time but I'd like to do a bit of it when I'm not so focused on other things. When it's just sitting at home, stuff I'd like to do is making karaoke videos, working on Let's Plays (as already stated), watching TV shows and films and hopefully a bit of working out soon enough. For outside, it's night outs and exercising so I have a lot to keep my life going whilst I'm unemployed and single.
Yep, I tried playing Mega Drive games on my PS3 controller and it feels really weird. However, if it's a mean to play it best on the emulator then that's what I'll have to do. Sadly, my laptop is getting really shit at recording game footage, even with Mega Drive games so at this point it'd be a lot easier to use the DVD recorder.
How bad is your laptop? I mean, my computer is a low resolution netbook that can't even run CS2 and even I can record Mega Drive games is good quality. I personally use Gens 2.11 when I'm recording and KEGA Fusion when I'm not. Wait, do you record on actual hardware? And I had no clue you did Let's Plays, what games have you done?
Ah, I've been using Fraps which is probably not a good idea. I would try other capture softwares but most sound unreliable. I'll look into Gens 2.11 and see how that goes. I have tried KEGA Fusion to record so maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. As for what I've done with Let's Plays, I won't say what I have in the pipeline but so far I've only been able to upload Let's Play videos for Tomb Raider 1. Each video of mine has taken at least two hours just to publish after editing the video and adding the voice to it.
I really don't get the hate for the games. I'm not sure why Ecco gets some hate while everything else from that console is praised. The worst I can point out is that sometimes the levels can be confusing to navigate but apart from that it's really not that bad.
The game does look pretty interesting and has some nice ambient music from what I've played so far, so I wouldn't mind playing through it. I forgot what my brother personally hated about the game,
I really like the music for the game. It is different for other versions, though, particularly Sega CD. I did download one of the soundtracks but got something completely different to what I heard on the Mega Drive. Will need to pick up the original soundtracks for them and not something that may be from the same game but isn't from what I played.
I'll possibly give RE5 another shot but to me, it could have been better in some ways but it's not as bad as some make it out to be. RE6 on the other hand, I don't even want to know what that's like.
It's decent from what I've seen. They put a lot of focus on physical combat and energy, so they're at least trying to be a little different.
Speaking of Resident Evil, I did see Director's Cut being advertised on the local indie game shop today but I really need to hold back a bit of money so I'll have to let it slide as much as I hate doing that. It'll be best getting it on eBay anyway.
At 5/31/14 06:44 PM, Coop wrote:
I'm over a month late for my 10th Anniversary
The cake has probably gone off by now :(
Dammit man, this is a huge sign of slacking... or you're way too busy in the real world... which is always fair enough. For me, I'll put my 10th anniversay down on Google calendar to remind me but after that I'm not gonna focus on any NG birthdays until it gets to 15 and that's if I happen to still be here by then.