At 12/24/13 08:51 AM, Haggard wrote:At 12/24/13 07:23 AM, VJF wrote: (except for the Xbox).PMy days as Sony "fanboy" are long gone. I consider myself a "multi-consolero", I own PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, PSVita (lol, sonyfanboy), GameBoy, GameBoy Color, NES, SNES and my wife owns a Wii U and a 3DS. ^^
I'm not really a Sony fanboy, per se. I just hate Xbox, for my own reasons; I personally think Microsoft rules the computer world enough that they don't need to intrude on the gaming world. Playstation and Nintendo were doin just fine and along comes Microsoft and Xbox and ruins everything. That's the only reason I hope PS4 wins the "console wars" this year.
End Rant
I used to have all those systems except for the Vita and I found out they all rock in their own respective categories. My favorite will always be NES (because that was my first system) even though having to blow in those cartridges was always annoying.
"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.