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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-24 07:25:43

Passed 9000 posts.

It's only fun if you get a scar out of it

Team Fortress 2 club

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-24 11:04:26

150k medal points.

At 10/22/13 12:03 AM, ViceFullbuster wrote: Level 60

It only took 11 years
At 10/17/13 09:53 PM, Toocool100 wrote:
Apparently im level 60 now... where did that come from? Woah, its been a long time....

Congrats guys :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-25 06:57:48

I just hit 12,000 blams. It's gonna be a LONG time before my next blam milestone seeing as most of the crap seems to either get deleted by mods before voting finishes or makes it through on a score of around 2/5 stars.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-25 10:58:47

12,000 reviews
19,000 posts

At 10/24/13 07:25 AM, LiquidFire wrote: Passed 9000 posts.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-25 18:22:22

Lamenting the fact that my level 49 Halloween icon sucks I suddenly level up. Hooray for Level 50 and hooray for a better Halloween icon.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-25 19:46:46

At 10/22/13 12:03 AM, ViceFullbuster wrote: Level 60

It only took 11 years

Awesome. Many congratulations on that one!

At 10/25/13 06:22 PM, Gagsy wrote: Lamenting the fact that my level 49 Halloween icon sucks I suddenly level up. Hooray for Level 50 and hooray for a better Halloween icon.

Well done, Level 50 is a particularly nice milestone, though a cauldron of goop isn't much of an improvement, surely?

I've got a few more days left yet, so Hallowe'en should be done and dusted, before I trade in the golden Cthulhu

Thanks also to Dev.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-25 20:19:59

Anyone remember me? Haha.

Thought I'd just show my face and see how many people stuck around. A surprising amount to be honest!
The site has changed so much since my last visit. It's fun just to look at my old posts and see how much of an idiot I was when I was 13.

Anyway, was very nostalgic to come back this thread.
Bye bye!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-25 20:40:10

At 10/25/13 07:46 PM, Coop wrote:
Well done, Level 50 is a particularly nice milestone, though a cauldron of goop isn't much of an improvement, surely?

It's an improvement on a level which has no special Halloween design! And careful. With this cauldron of *ahem* goop as you so tactfully put it, I can wield the power of, well, not the cosmos but certainly the power of eye of newt!

I didn't even think that level 50 is a milestone, it is though you're right. Scary.

I've got a few more days left yet, so Hallowe'en should be done and dusted, before I trade in the golden Cthulhu

Just in time to finally receive your proper ban hammer!

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-26 06:19:24

At 10/25/13 08:19 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Anyone remember me? Haha.

How could we ever forget the times when you and gfox used to be active here. One post wasn't enough to fit in all the conversations we had, haha.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-26 15:01:30

10/26/13 02:54 PM

Level 54

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-27 18:32:51

At 10/25/13 08:40 PM, Gagsy wrote: It's an improvement on a level which has no special Halloween design! And careful. With this cauldron of *ahem* goop as you so tactfully put it, I can wield the power of, well, not the cosmos but certainly the power of eye of newt!

Careful, eye of newt can actually send your spunk green. Whether that's gone off or not, I really don't want to know.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-28 03:34:10

Thank you to Blitz-Mage, as I've recently Cooped him, to move up to #76 most experienced

That's probably my last rank change before Level 57, but I'll get the rest of them... eventually.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-29 06:48:11


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-30 02:44:45

Thanks for voting, jonthomson! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 38,642 experience points. You need -2 more to get to Level 60. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 21 hours, 15 minutes, and 37 seconds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-30 06:45:21

At 10/27/13 06:32 PM, Coop wrote:
Careful, eye of newt can actually send your spunk green. Whether that's gone off or not, I really don't want to know.

Your future wife might.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-30 16:56:39

Congratulations to

jonthomson: level 60 -that's 3 now in the last few days!

LiquidFire: 9,000 posts
TheRed555: 150,000 medal points
sushi13: 12,000 blams
Cyberdevil: 12,000 reviews, 19,000 posts
Gagsy: level 50
Vinnyy: 5,000 posts
GUTHRIE: level 54
Coop: exp. rank #76
Tony-DarkGrave: level 41

At 10/25/13 06:57 AM, sushi13 wrote: I just hit 12,000 blams. It's gonna be a LONG time before my next blam milestone seeing as most of the crap seems to either get deleted by mods before voting finishes or makes it through on a score of around 2/5 stars.

I recently hit 12k myself and I don't EVER see 13k happening. Hell, I congrats ya if you make it to 12,500. ;)

At 10/25/13 10:58 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:

Start making lists with me, maybe? :3


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-30 20:45:52

I heard back from that girl. I hate the use the term friendzone but... that's what happened. However, she felt things were too soon for her to develop any feelings and strongly noted that it didn't mean never. I may have said things too soon but I feared it was either then or never since someone else might have taken her. She just wants to remains friends for the time being. Although, I am being careful with her words since right now there's no guarantee for anything to happen. I'd like to wait things out and allow her to decide when she's ready but after my last few moments with letting girls try and come back to me it didn't go the right way. I believe she is more genuine than the last few I tried dating so I still want to see if anything will happen but doing that could be bad for me if it doesn't go my way.

For now I'll just focus on events that I'm attending for the rest of the year as well as Christmas. When the new year arrives I'll see what's going on in my life since by then I'll have a clearer idea on what I want to do. I already want to do a few things for 2014 so I'll mind my own business in the meantime. Although, some of those plans consist of meeting up with her but it's all good.

At 10/22/13 06:34 PM, Dev wrote:
At 10/20/13 09:21 AM, Murray wrote:
I do hope she'll say yes but at the same time I have to understand her when she's not up for taking on the relationship. Still, I'd rather be with her than anyone else.
All you can do is roll with the punches. And whatever happens, just be grateful for the experience! :P

She explained her reasons and you know what, I respect her for it. Everything she said was within reason and there was no "It's not you, it's me" bullshit. Just down to earth honesty with her hoping that she'd like things to turn out better for us. I guess all I can do is persevere and at least try and maintain the friendship.

Yeah, I suppose there's always doing that with very little fuss. I never mind it when people grab the odd few points from the portal whilst depositing. It's hitting two birds with one stone, really.
Exactly. I don't like being totally inactive in the BP list while I'm still active around here. To be honest, I was kind of glad in a way when I saw that extra save pop up. And hey, I've even gained 2 more ranks since hitting 50,000. ;)

You're speaking to the guy who did the B/P updates for years whilst doing absolutely nothing in the portal. :P I just did it because I had the time to do that stuff but now I've changed gears and honestly, it's for the better for me. I've got my own life to take care of and I'm seeing that I can get to where I want it to be.

And you know what, I've yet to see her since. We will eventually bump into each other again so hopefully by then she's over that little moment and we can all move on from it. I'm guessing she'll be around at the Halloween event. That said, I kinda wonder if I'll ever bump into my ex again. Last time I even had to be a few metres near her was back in June. There's really nothing she can do to me now since I'll (hopefully) soon be spending my time with someone else and she finally got the one friend to love her and that's a lot coming from Mrs "I can't handle a relationship."
It's probably best to leave the past in the past, anyway. I was googling some of my old high school friends last night -it's so depressing... :P

Oh man, I've seen some of those that I recognised from high school. I saw the Facebook profile of one of them and I just laughed. Same as my age and already she has a kid. Granted, my nan had her first child when she was 20 but at least she was married by then. Then again, times were different back then but now, having a kid at the age of 23 is far too soon if you ask me. Oh well, if doing that ruined her life then that's her fault and not mine. However, I'm sure the retarded government gave her all the benefits to make sure she and her kid are fine all because she most likely had unprotected sex. For shame.

Well shit!
Yeah, I'm one of those people that thought life was better before social media. I'm just glad that I graduated high school before facebook, twitter and the smart phone existed. (There was myspace, though, but that was pretty tame compared to how things are now...)

I guess that's lucky for your call. I tried to have a Facebook-free life but eventually I had to get on there for the sake of contacts with others. There was simply no escape for me. However, I could do without Twitter because if one day I ceased all activities on there contact issues with those I know would be minimal. Facebook is the real "problem" for me in terms of communication with others.

At 10/30/13 04:56 PM, Dev wrote: Congratulations to

jonthomson: level 60 -that's 3 now in the last few days!

It's at this point where the level 60 users will keep flowing in. It's more special when only one user reaches a certain level within the four-week period.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-30 23:28:35

It's a little late, but 7 years :P No I'm not gone just yet.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-31 05:35:23

Woohoo double milestone day! Don't get many of these anymore.

Passed 35,000 Saves and 47,000 B/P!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-31 17:34:43

At 10/30/13 08:45 PM, Murray wrote:
It's at this point where the level 60 users will keep flowing in. It's more special when only one user reaches a certain level within the four-week period.

quit raining on my parade Kappa

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-31 18:00:01

At 10/30/13 08:45 PM, Murray wrote:
At 10/22/13 06:34 PM, Dev wrote:
At 10/20/13 09:21 AM, Murray wrote:
I do hope she'll say yes but at the same time I have to understand her when she's not up for taking on the relationship. Still, I'd rather be with her than anyone else.
All you can do is roll with the punches. And whatever happens, just be grateful for the experience! :P
She explained her reasons and you know what, I respect her for it. Everything she said was within reason and there was no "It's not you, it's me" bullshit. Just down to earth honesty with her hoping that she'd like things to turn out better for us. I guess all I can do is persevere and at least try and maintain the friendship.

Real honesty is something you can only respect and praise the honest person. It's really hard to be honest (not only to yourself but to others as well).
I know, I said it before, but I mean it: I really wish you all the best for your friendship. :)

However, I'm sure the retarded government gave her all the benefits to make sure she and her kid are fine all because she most likely had unprotected sex. For shame.

On the other hand, would you really like to live in a country that doesn't care about people are in need of help? I sure as hell wouldn't. Sure, there are always the dumb fucks that misuse a system, but I rather not live anywhere where the government would only say: "Hey, it's your own fault. Go fuck yourself!"or that would decide which life is worth living and which isn't. That's what we already had in Germany from 1933 to 45.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-31 23:40:25

Congratulations to

imaTouko-chan: level 24
idiot-buster: 7 years on NG
sushi13: 35,000 saves, 47,000 BP

At 10/30/13 08:45 PM, Murray wrote:
She explained her reasons and you know what, I respect her for it. Everything she said was within reason and there was no "It's not you, it's me" bullshit. Just down to earth honesty with her hoping that she'd like things to turn out better for us. I guess all I can do is persevere and at least try and maintain the friendship.

I still say it's great that you're getting the oppurtunies, man -you're bound to get lucky eventually. Anyway, Stay friends and if it was meant to happen, it will, or not. Simple as that.

You're speaking to the guy who did the B/P updates for years whilst doing absolutely nothing in the portal. :P I just did it because I had the time to do that stuff but now I've changed gears and honestly, it's for the better for me. I've got my own life to take care of and I'm seeing that I can get to where I want it to be.

Yeah, that is true -still at 77,777! ;) I put this list together to commemorate all the people (like you) who kept this forum going over the years. I suppose its more of a record, actually, but check it out, anyway! :P

Oh man, I've seen some of those that I recognised from high school. I saw the Facebook profile of one of them and I just laughed. Same as my age and already she has a kid.

Yeah, it makes me feel old and a bit left behind seeing my old high school buddies on wedding registry sites and shit while I'm still hanging around here on NG! (Not to mention I still feel like I'm 16 half the time, not 26.) :P

Granted, my nan had her first child when she was 20 but at least she was married by then.

My mom was 19 when she had me. Then again, I know a girl who had a kid at 17, so it could be worse.

Then again, times were different back then but now, having a kid at the age of 23 is far too soon if you ask me.

Agreed. I don't understand the rush to get married/have kids. I'm more inclined to enjoy my 20's and live for myself -there's plenty of time to worry about kids later on (or never). LOL

I guess that's lucky for your call. I tried to have a Facebook-free life but eventually I had to get on there for the sake of contacts with others. There was simply no escape for me. However, I could do without Twitter because if one day I ceased all activities on there contact issues with those I know would be minimal. Facebook is the real "problem" for me in terms of communication with others.

Meh, we've somehow got along just fine without for all this time -if you want to get in touch with me, call, or come over and we can hang out. It just find it asinine that people feel the need to share every last damn trivial thing and hope people will "like" it like it's some kind of popularity contest. "Selfies", or however you spell it are the worst - I mean, how egotistical or insecure to you have to be to sit around taking pictures of YOURSELF for no other reason other than being a giant attention whore on facebook?

It's at this point where the level 60 users will keep flowing in. It's more special when only one user reaches a certain level within the four-week period.

True. But I think it's special every time someone reaches level 60. ;)

At 10/31/13 05:34 PM, jonthomson wrote:
quit raining on my parade Kappa

He didn't mean it! A user reaching level 60 is of the same magnitude as a star being born. It's MAGICAL! :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-31 23:52:46

At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-01 01:07:47

At 10/22/13 12:03 AM, ViceFullbuster wrote: Level 60

It only took 11 years

Now that's something! I'm still a few years from it!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-01 09:31:48

At 10/31/13 11:52 PM, JanKutscher wrote: congratz

Gee, I wonder how many people have responded to the first post in all those years.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-02 00:21:20

Finally something decent to post about, its been sparse.

22,222 Blams.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-02 10:43:53

14,000 experience!

By the time I reach 15k, I should be knocking on the door of the top 1000!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-02 11:26:19

Bronze Whistle
I never thought I'd see other whistle in my stats (maybe garbage)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-03 15:13:59

Had an extremely fun night on Friday. All night Halloween with Abbath corpse paint on! That was only the beginning for me for November since there's more events to come. Next up is a masquerade party next Saturday!

At 10/31/13 06:00 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 10/30/13 08:45 PM, Murray wrote: She explained her reasons and you know what, I respect her for it. Everything she said was within reason and there was no "It's not you, it's me" bullshit. Just down to earth honesty with her hoping that she'd like things to turn out better for us. I guess all I can do is persevere and at least try and maintain the friendship.
Real honesty is something you can only respect and praise the honest person. It's really hard to be honest (not only to yourself but to others as well).
I know, I said it before, but I mean it: I really wish you all the best for your friendship. :)

If nothing ever happens with a relationship then she can at least be a great friend of mine. I suppose it's good that for now we're only friends so we can be more sure at a later time that we're right for each other. The last relationship I had got rushed into and look what happened to that. I won't entirely put my ex to blame for that since I think both of us were at fault for going in too soon. Oh well, nevermind that one since as long I'll still hang out with her it could get better later on.

However, I'm sure the retarded government gave her all the benefits to make sure she and her kid are fine all because she most likely had unprotected sex. For shame.
On the other hand, would you really like to live in a country that doesn't care about people are in need of help? I sure as hell wouldn't.

The funny thing is, now they're trying to clamp down on under 25s getting these benefits. I'm sure the government would have some bias way of dealing with me if I was with someone and we didn't take those precautions. They'd only put us on the streets and put all the chavs in homes.

Sure, there are always the dumb fucks that misuse a system, but I rather not live anywhere where the government would only say: "Hey, it's your own fault. Go fuck yourself!"

If you see Britain now, they're heading more and more towards that. The youth are always getting treated badly by the government, particularly the tories. Just wait until 2015 and those fuckers in number ten will be out once and for all. If not, there is really no hope for Britain at all. Granted, I don't like Labour party's leader but it's better we have them in charge than the others. When the tories are in charge riots seem to occur. Co-incidence? I think not!

At 10/31/13 11:40 PM, Dev wrote:
At 10/30/13 08:45 PM, Murray wrote:
She explained her reasons and you know what, I respect her for it. Everything she said was within reason and there was no "It's not you, it's me" bullshit. Just down to earth honesty with her hoping that she'd like things to turn out better for us. I guess all I can do is persevere and at least try and maintain the friendship.
I still say it's great that you're getting the oppurtunies, man -you're bound to get lucky eventually. Anyway, Stay friends and if it was meant to happen, it will, or not. Simple as that.

Indeed, there is that chance for me but it cannot be acquired instantly. At least I can see that out of everyone she would be with I'm strongly in mind. She hasn't been with anyone else before so I can see that it is hard for her to all of sudden go with someone right away, particularly when the distance between us is far.

You're speaking to the guy who did the B/P updates for years whilst doing absolutely nothing in the portal. :P I just did it because I had the time to do that stuff but now I've changed gears and honestly, it's for the better for me. I've got my own life to take care of and I'm seeing that I can get to where I want it to be.
Yeah, that is true -still at 77,777! ;) I put this list together to commemorate all the people (like you) who kept this forum going over the years. I suppose its more of a record, actually, but check it out, anyway! :P

I like that very much. Out of everyone who would compile such a list, I figured it would be you. :)

Oh man, I've seen some of those that I recognised from high school. I saw the Facebook profile of one of them and I just laughed. Same as my age and already she has a kid.
Yeah, it makes me feel old and a bit left behind seeing my old high school buddies on wedding registry sites and shit while I'm still hanging around here on NG! (Not to mention I still feel like I'm 16 half the time, not 26.) :P

Heh, what about me knowing two great friends who are both 24, are married together and also have their own house? I'm still free (for the time being) after all this time and I can't say for sure how much longer I'll be on my own for. It's not the easiest of circumstances right now since I'd like to reserve myself for someone but it wouldn't take much for another girl to take me if I'm going out drinking so often. It almost happened before and it could actually happen somewhere down the road. I don't want to rush the one I'm interested in but life is short. I may have rushed into telling her that I liked her but I felt it was a now or never situation since there may have not been another chance for me.

Granted, my nan had her first child when she was 20 but at least she was married by then.
My mom was 19 when she had me. Then again, I know a girl who had a kid at 17, so it could be worse.

Or they could be as young as they can possibly be to have a kid. There were a few in high school when I was there who were pregnant in their last year.

Then again, times were different back then but now, having a kid at the age of 23 is far too soon if you ask me.
Agreed. I don't understand the rush to get married/have kids. I'm more inclined to enjoy my 20's and live for myself -there's plenty of time to worry about kids later on (or never). LOL

I just wonder how many of them having kids so young actually wanted them or was it because they didn't have protection on at the time and fucked up their own lives as a result. I could actually tell who's who from the mothers in the outside world.

I guess that's lucky for your call. I tried to have a Facebook-free life but eventually I had to get on there for the sake of contacts with others. There was simply no escape for me. However, I could do without Twitter because if one day I ceased all activities on there contact issues with those I know would be minimal. Facebook is the real "problem" for me in terms of communication with others.
Meh, we've somehow got along just fine without for all this time -if you want to get in touch with me, call, or come over and we can hang out. It just find it asinine that people feel the need to share every last damn trivial thing and hope people will "like" it like it's some kind of popularity contest.

Like this post if you think Dev is a turd. :P

It's at this point where the level 60 users will keep flowing in. It's more special when only one user reaches a certain level within the four-week period.
True. But I think it's special every time someone reaches level 60. ;)

I wonder how special it will be when I reach level 60. One thing for sure, I will be one of the first hundred at least. At this point there's now over 40 level 60 users so it won't be long until the whole of the top 50 will be at their highest level.

"Selfies", or however you spell it are the worst

Selfies, you say? Here's one for you!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-11-03 23:16:56

Congratulations to:

Vinnyy: 15,000 medal points
gamejunkie: 22,222 blams
LoboF: bronze whistle

Listening to: Type O Negative - White Slavery, Pyretta Blaze

At 11/1/13 09:31 AM, Haggard wrote:
Gee, I wonder how many people have responded to the first post in all those years.

You think spancker gets a shiver down his spine every time that happens? Kinda like when someone treads on the spot of your future grave, or how ever that goes? :P

At 11/3/13 03:13 PM, Murray wrote:
I like that very much. Out of everyone who would compile such a list, I figured it would be you. :)

I'm glad you liked it and thanks for checking it out. :) This community has been around for a long time and has developed some real history. I know it's only the internet, but I think it's important, or at least neat, to keep these things documented! ;)

Heh, what about me knowing two great friends who are both 24, are married together and also have their own house?

Did you know them from school? Well, at least you're still in touch; I think a lot of the depressing-ness for me stems from the fact that I haven't seen them in so long and so much has changed...

I'm still free (for the time being) after all this time and I can't say for sure how much longer I'll be on my own for. It's not the easiest of circumstances right now since I'd like to reserve myself for someone but it wouldn't take much for another girl to take me if I'm going out drinking so often. It almost happened before and it could actually happen somewhere down the road. I don't want to rush the one I'm interested in but life is short.

Don't be afraid to live, man -just don't do anything careless. ;)

I may have rushed into telling her that I liked her but I felt it was a now or never situation since there may have not been another chance for me.

I've had a few opportunities over the years to tell a girl how I felt about her and never did it just because I didn't have the balls; one of which I was sure actually liked me and was waiting for me to make the first move. Now I'll never know what could could have happened if I just grew a pair and spoke up. Sucks, man -you did the right thing.

Or they could be as young as they can possibly be to have a kid. There were a few in high school when I was there who were pregnant in their last year.

Whoa, that would be what, like 13? Now that's some pedobear (or maybe Jerry Springer) shit right there. :P

I just wonder how many of them having kids so young actually wanted them or was it because they didn't have protection on at the time and fucked up their own lives as a result. I could actually tell who's who from the mothers in the outside world.

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason behind many kids at that age, though I've known more than one couple who WANTED kids in their early 20's. My response is that your brain's not fully developed until age 25 -think about it! :P

Like this post if you think Dev is a turd. :P

lmao -Where's the like button?!?!?

I wonder how special it will be when I reach level 60. One thing for sure, I will be one of the first hundred at least. At this point there's now over 40 level 60 users so it won't be long until the whole of the top 50 will be at their highest level.

It doesn't matter how many there are; reaching level 60 doesn't lose it's epicness just because there are more of them. ;)

Selfies, you say? Here's one for you!

Oh, god. Well, at least you don't look like you're enjoying it. Remember, you need to have this douchebag look on your face like you're contemplating your existence and/or don't give a shit about anything other than posting pictures of yourself of facebook. ...Wait a second, yes, that IS the look -I see it now! :P


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