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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-20 02:54:14

Finally passed 8k blams, took long enough!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-20 09:18:35

In The Top 2,000 For Experience!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-21 03:32:42

42,000 saves.
Also, UOTD on NGLogs!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-21 05:46:54

I like to offer my congratulations to:

Painbringer: level 25! Still love that classic icon!
Asandir: Level 31 and 10k experience points!
The Red555: 4k Experience!
Nimhster2: Getting gold whistle! Keep whistling!
LittleWashu: Level 47!
Coop: 91k Saves! You're still the man Coop.
Hacsev: 13.37 votes!
RohantheBarbarian: 8k Blams!
Decky: Top 2,000 experience!
Martin: 70k B/P!
sandwich-eater: 42k saves and UTOD on Ng Logs!

I seem to have reached level 59! Huzzah!

Just one more level before I reach the covenant last step. It's nostalgic to think back to how I first started with Newgrounds and coming back day after day, voting on flash movies and games of a diverse mix. I gotta say.. the animation standard has significantly grown since then.

I'm glad to see that this thread has continued its long and cherish tradition of congratulating others and themselves. It's in my opinion, still one of the most effective way to get approval from your fellow Newgrounders. Rock on guys.

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-21 15:32:00

Reached 220,000 medal point.

"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-22 17:17:36

Congratulations to

Asandir: level 31, 10,000 exp.
TheRed555: 4,000 exp.
Nimhster2: gold whistle
LittleWashu: level 47 -will it ever be a big deal??
Coop: 91,000 saves
Hacsev: 13.37 total vp
RohantheBarbarian: 8,000 blams
Decky: top 2,000 in exp.
Martin: 70,000 b/p
sandwich-eater: 42,000 saves, NGlog UOTD
WavyGravy: level 59
VJF: 220,000 medal points

At 9/16/13 02:09 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, users like Afro_Stud always seem to get every B/P point there is to get.

I've been there more than once, though Afro_Stud has been a bit more consistent than me over the years. :P

I think Coop once was the only listmaker for a while. So you are not the first one. And even if you are, remember: You are not alone! :3

That must have been after I came back late last year -it was Coop and Odyssic then, before I jumped in, then just me and Coop. And I see I'm not alone, for the moment anyway (My old buddy BR made a list!)

At 9/19/13 02:33 AM, Coop wrote: I feel like a bit of a fraud, now I'm coming in here soley to show off m achievements...

Don't worry, you're just like the 95% of users who post here now.

At 9/21/13 05:46 AM, WavyGravy wrote: Just one more level before I reach the covenant last step. It's nostalgic to think back to how I first started with Newgrounds and coming back day after day, voting on flash movies and games of a diverse mix. I gotta say.. the animation standard has significantly grown since then.

Congrats. Once you reach level 60, you'll be able to focus on Supreme Commander... ;)

I'm glad to see that this thread has continued its long and cherish tradition of congratulating others and themselves. It's in my opinion, still one of the most effective way to get approval from your fellow Newgrounders. Rock on guys.

Come back and congrats me when I reach 50,000 B/P, ok? I'M RETIRING, DAMMIT! :P


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-22 19:05:42

Well that was a bit of a shit week. Had a long time friend who decided to start making out with me recently on one night. With that I thought she might have wanted to start dating me because of it so I make my efforts to see what I can do and when it came to seeing her last week, she was being awkward with me and on Friday night she was making out with someone else and I think he was with someone already. Sucks to feel used like that but at least now I know she wasn't the right person to date and with her off the list that means I am back down to just one option and I'm sure this one would be very loyal to me if she is willing to date me.

At 9/15/13 02:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/15/13 12:54 PM, Murray wrote: It's a domino effect, really. When some of us don't post in a while, none of us do but when some of us start posting here again, it picks up but not by a whole lot. I could add a fair amount of discussion here but how much of it will be responded to?
If I see anything I can respond to, I will do so. :P

I was meant to have responded to these posts sooner but at least I'm doing it now.

The latest EXP update suggests otherwise.
That's good to know. I just had the feeling: "Wait, did I deposit my Exp yesterday? Oh well, propably not..."

Sooner or later I'm sure this will happen to me. I'll see if it ever happens before I reach level 60 but if I still do good then, I'd only wonder how far I could possibly go before I'm truly fed up with depositing.

as there's been plenty of days where I thought I didn't deposit but still did so.
Yes, that has just happen to me. If you just come here to deposit the Exp then it kind of gets hard to keep track of wether you did deposit or not. If I can also come here to post on the BBS, then it's much easier fo me to remember if I did deposit or not. ^^

I was using NG Logs to ensure me that I had been depositing but even that I've recently stopped using. I go by fortnight cycles. If I know it's an odd number (for the second to last digit, that is) on a Sunday when it should be then I know I'm good (apply even numbers to other weeks).

but when I DO get a full-time permanent job, that will leave me with hardly any free time to have and I'd like to spend my spare time on more important things.
Easy, just find a job that doesn't block newgrounds. :P

Ah but when I'm working I wouldn't even think of going on Newgrounds anyway. And besides, there are other sites that I'd much rather spend my time with than here.

If some of us leave here permanently, I would like to acquire contacts of you all before you move on because I'd like to still speak to some of you even when NG is hardly in your interests anymore. Sadly some of you aren't accustomed to social networking so keeping in touch won't be that easy. Thankfully I have Coop on Twitter and some of you on Steam but if not, how will you stay in contact with us?
ICQ / AIM / MSN (if it would work properly with pidgin... but it doesn't) / Jabber
That are enough IMs to choose from, right? :P

lol, which of them are even relevant? At least have Skype or something.

On the other hand, Newgrounds is a very old site and there propably aren't many sites with such a long history.

You can certainly give Newgrounds credit for being able to live for so long. There were even some troubles in the past where it could have went down the drain but it fought its way through. I hope that it can do that now with its struggling activity but I can't be sure. It would be great if it did pick up, though.

At 9/16/13 11:26 AM, Dev wrote:
At 9/15/13 12:54 PM, Murray wrote:
Thankfully I have Coop on Twitter and some of you on Steam but if not, how will you stay in contact with us?
I have your email address. >:)

Eh, I don't really like email too much as a form of communication. Although I email Afro_Stud occasionally, I'd much rather use other forms of communication.

At 9/19/13 02:33 AM, Coop wrote: I feel like a bit of a fraud, now I'm coming in here soley to show off m achievements...

91,000 Saves

To be honest, I'm amazed you even find time in the portal these days.

At 9/21/13 05:46 AM, WavyGravy wrote: I seem to have reached level 59! Huzzah!

Well done on that! It's crazy to think how close some of us are to the final level now when a few years back I would recall us being only in the mid-late 30s for levels. I want to finally reach the last level but I know when I get it I'll feel a bit sad knowing that there are no more level ups to achieve. Best making the most out of the next 18 months then.

At 9/22/13 05:17 PM, Dev wrote:
At 9/16/13 02:09 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, users like Afro_Stud always seem to get every B/P point there is to get.
I've been there more than once, though Afro_Stud has been a bit more consistent than me over the years. :P

Nothing against the guy but I do wonder why some users would even insist on collecting so many points after a while. Although, I tend to wonder where I'd be now if I never stopped. Perhaps be one of the top 5 but that's not something I ever want anyway and I'm glad I don't dedicate all my free time to the portal. I may have done so back in the day but that was when it was far more active and when I was aiming to reach Supreme Commander. That and I was far less sociable than I am now so.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-23 12:56:14

Level 36. The dreaded Fluffy Axe is mine at last!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-24 00:56:46

30,000 Experience! >:(

I think I missed a deposit on Saturday. Oh well... :/

At 9/22/13 05:17 PM, Dev wrote: LittleWashu: level 47 -will it ever be a big deal??

No. :P

At 9/16/13 02:09 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, users like Afro_Stud always seem to get every B/P point there is to get.
I've been there more than once, though Afro_Stud has been a bit more consistent than me over the years. :P

Makes me think what kind of motivation Afro_Stud has to continue B/Ping. I mean, he stopped being active on the BBS a long time ago and the gap between him and the 2nd spot in B/P-Points is quite large, so...

I think Coop once was the only listmaker for a while. So you are not the first one. And even if you are, remember: You are not alone! :3
That must have been after I came back late last year -it was Coop and Odyssic then, before I jumped in, then just me and Coop. And I see I'm not alone, for the moment anyway (My old buddy BR made a list!)

Hey hey
my my
list making will never die

At 9/22/13 07:05 PM, Murray wrote:
At 9/15/13 02:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/15/13 12:54 PM, Murray wrote: It's a domino effect, really. When some of us don't post in a while, none of us do but when some of us start posting here again, it picks up but not by a whole lot. I could add a fair amount of discussion here but how much of it will be responded to?
If I see anything I can respond to, I will do so. :P
I was meant to have responded to these posts sooner but at least I'm doing it now.

I didn't really check the BBS in the last week anyway, so...

The latest EXP update suggests otherwise.
That's good to know. I just had the feeling: "Wait, did I deposit my Exp yesterday? Oh well, propably not..."
Sooner or later I'm sure this will happen to me. I'll see if it ever happens before I reach level 60 but if I still do good then, I'd only wonder how far I could possibly go before I'm truly fed up with depositing.

If I ever reach level 60, I think that's it for me. No real use to continue then.

as there's been plenty of days where I thought I didn't deposit but still did so.
Yes, that has just happen to me. If you just come here to deposit the Exp then it kind of gets hard to keep track of wether you did deposit or not. If I can also come here to post on the BBS, then it's much easier fo me to remember if I did deposit or not. ^^
I was using NG Logs to ensure me that I had been depositing but even that I've recently stopped using. I go by fortnight cycles. If I know it's an odd number (for the second to last digit, that is) on a Sunday when it should be then I know I'm good (apply even numbers to other weeks).

I used to use NG Logs daily, so it was really easy to see if I had already deposited. But with activity declining here, my activity on NG Logs declines as well. But a quick check on the users lists there came with quite a surprise: I am in 4th spot for most Logs, haha.

Easy, just find a job that doesn't block newgrounds. :P
Ah but when I'm working I wouldn't even think of going on Newgrounds anyway. And besides, there are other sites that I'd much rather spend my time with than here.

Well, there are days when there's not much to do...

ICQ / AIM / MSN (if it would work properly with pidgin... but it doesn't) / Jabber
That are enough IMs to choose from, right? :P
lol, which of them are even relevant?

All of them? :P
I can even use those on my smartphone, thanks to IM+.

At least have Skype or something.

I would use Skype too, if it would work with pidgin. But to use Skype with pidgin, I would have to start up Skype as well. That's useless... also, Microsoft reads and listens to everything you do in Skype. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-24 03:38:50

Passed 34,000 saves!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-24 16:24:45

Nearly 9 years of on again off again b/p'ing has lead to this: 38,000 saves, 12,000 blams and 50,000 B/P.

So, yeah, I am officially retired from b/p'ing. Talk about bittersweet... :\

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-24 17:03:54

At 9/24/13 04:24 PM, Dev wrote: Nearly 9 years of on again off again b/p'ing has lead to this: 38,000 saves, 12,000 blams and 50,000 B/P.

So, yeah, I am officially retired from b/p'ing. Talk about bittersweet... :\

Congratulations. What will you do if someone else gains global rank 90?

"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-24 21:53:02

Thanks for voting, Hacsev! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 19,580 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 43.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-25 21:32:05

You entered the top 600 in Experience Points. Outstanding!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-25 23:14:20

Yesterday, I reached level 28 and I became a Private!

PsychoZoid/Andrew Berry: The most uninteresting man in the world

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-26 01:27:27

Just got my 5000th medal.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-26 04:14:28

Double milestone for me today! That doesn't happen much anymore.

Hit 20,000 EXP and passed 46,000 B/P points!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-26 05:22:52

Level 53!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-26 08:49:06

Congratulations to

Haggard: 30,000 exp., level 53
sushi13: 34,000 saves, 20,000 exp., 46,000 b/p
Hacsev: level 43
Pokemonpoeguygcn: top 600 in exp.
PsychoZoid: level 28, Private
DiMono: 5,000 medals

So, what do you guys think about shutting down the NG store? I guess they have to do what's in their best interests, but man... :'( At least I've assembled a nice collection of NG merch over the years...

At 9/22/13 07:05 PM, Murray wrote: Well that was a bit of a shit week. Had a long time friend who decided to start making out with me recently on one night.

Sounds a bit slutty to me. Probably not girlfriend material, but at least you saw a little action. You must be doing something right! ;)

Eh, I don't really like email too much as a form of communication. Although I email Afro_Stud occasionally, I'd much rather use other forms of communication.

Well, at least I could shoot you an email every once and again if one/both of us leave here someday, just to see how life's treating you and all that.

Nothing against the guy but I do wonder why some users would even insist on collecting so many points after a while. Although, I tend to wonder where I'd be now if I never stopped. Perhaps be one of the top 5 but that's not something I ever want anyway and I'm glad I don't dedicate all my free time to the portal. I may have done so back in the day but that was when it was far more active and when I was aiming to reach Supreme Commander. That and I was far less sociable than I am now so.

Yeah, I'm much the same way. Back in the early days of my account then later in 08-09 I used to be in the Portal nearly all day. I've decided to stop at 50k because I just don't see myself gaining another 50k b/p, or even another 10k, for that matter, especially with it being less active these days. Just seems like a good place to stop with the high paces...

At 9/24/13 12:56 AM, Haggard wrote:
No. :P

I figured as much.

Makes me think what kind of motivation Afro_Stud has to continue B/Ping. I mean, he stopped being active on the BBS a long time ago and the gap between him and the 2nd spot in B/P-Points is quite large, so...

That's why I thought he might stop at 200k, or at least take a break like ramagi used to when reaching a big milestone. Guess not.

Hey hey
my my
list making will never die

I hope not!

At 9/24/13 05:03 PM, VJF wrote:
Congratulations. What will you do if someone else gains global rank 90?

That will happen soon enough, but I will always be the 90th user to reach 50k! I woke up this morning to see 30,001 saves, which really pissed me off, seeing as I hadn't voted on anything since reaching 30k a few days ago. I suppose since my perfect 50k is now fucked up, I'll just vote on uj's when I deposit. (mind as well, right?) Lets just say I'm retiring from gaining more than 35 b/p per week. lol

Thank You

VJF (Been a while since I made a thank you list...)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-27 13:16:26

At 9/24/13 12:56 AM, Haggard wrote: 30,000 Experience! >:(

Good job!

I think I missed a deposit on Saturday. Oh well... :/

Only one way to find out: The EXP updates. :P

Makes me think what kind of motivation Afro_Stud has to continue B/Ping. I mean, he stopped being active on the BBS a long time ago and the gap between him and the 2nd spot in B/P-Points is quite large, so...

Well, what they do in their spare time is up to them, I guess but for me, I just wouldn't have that willpower to go that far. Not when I've got so much to do in the outside world.

At 9/22/13 07:05 PM, Murray wrote:
At 9/15/13 02:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
Sooner or later I'm sure this will happen to me. I'll see if it ever happens before I reach level 60 but if I still do good then, I'd only wonder how far I could possibly go before I'm truly fed up with depositing.
If I ever reach level 60, I think that's it for me. No real use to continue then.

Yeah, I feel like after level 60 there doesn't seem much else point in continuing but I would like to see how far I can go with the EXP ranks. I've already got myself in the top 100 and I would like to see that I can get even higher up.

I was using NG Logs to ensure me that I had been depositing but even that I've recently stopped using. I go by fortnight cycles. If I know it's an odd number (for the second to last digit, that is) on a Sunday when it should be then I know I'm good (apply even numbers to other weeks).
I used to use NG Logs daily, so it was really easy to see if I had already deposited. But with activity declining here, my activity on NG Logs declines as well. But a quick check on the users lists there came with quite a surprise: I am in 4th spot for most Logs, haha.

I'm probably second. I would be first but I had some name changes so that's put me behind on log counts but I shouldn't have to worry about that.

Ah but when I'm working I wouldn't even think of going on Newgrounds anyway. And besides, there are other sites that I'd much rather spend my time with than here.
Well, there are days when there's not much to do...

It will be a very low priority thing. :P

At least have Skype or something.
I would use Skype too, if it would work with pidgin. But to use Skype with pidgin, I would have to start up Skype as well. That's useless... also, Microsoft reads and listens to everything you do in Skype. :P

Are you really that paranoid about what Microsoft will try and do with Skype? How many people would they have to monitor 24/7? Yeah, I don't think there's anything to worry about.

At 9/24/13 04:24 PM, Dev wrote: Nearly 9 years of on again off again b/p'ing has lead to this: 38,000 saves, 12,000 blams and 50,000 B/P.

So, yeah, I am officially retired from b/p'ing. Talk about bittersweet... :\

That's a good place to stop for sure. Hopefully you don't get any additional blams coming in. That happened to me but at least I was able to get the extra blams cut off.

At 9/26/13 08:49 AM, Dev wrote: So, what do you guys think about shutting down the NG store? I guess they have to do what's in their best interests, but man... :'( At least I've assembled a nice collection of NG merch over the years...

I may have never used the NG store but the fact that it's going as well as the office are strong signs of the decline of the site. Although now they'll be spending less, it is still going backwards bur I suppose not much can be done at this point.

At 9/22/13 07:05 PM, Murray wrote: Well that was a bit of a shit week. Had a long time friend who decided to start making out with me recently on one night.
Sounds a bit slutty to me. Probably not girlfriend material, but at least you saw a little action. You must be doing something right! ;)

Yeah, I had my fun for one night, although I wasn't meaning to do any of it but it happened. I really didn't do much for it to happen. I was just enjoying my night as usual and she was just buying me some drinks and at some point she got ahold of my arm and it wasn't long until we started making out. Thankfully this is over and done with and now I can return to my real intentions.

Eh, I don't really like email too much as a form of communication. Although I email Afro_Stud occasionally, I'd much rather use other forms of communication.
Well, at least I could shoot you an email every once and again if one/both of us leave here someday, just to see how life's treating you and all that.

You can always do that or at least see if Facebook or Twitter becomes your thing somewhere down the road. :P

Nothing against the guy but I do wonder why some users would even insist on collecting so many points after a while. Although, I tend to wonder where I'd be now if I never stopped. Perhaps be one of the top 5 but that's not something I ever want anyway and I'm glad I don't dedicate all my free time to the portal. I may have done so back in the day but that was when it was far more active and when I was aiming to reach Supreme Commander. That and I was far less sociable than I am now so.
Yeah, I'm much the same way. Back in the early days of my account then later in 08-09 I used to be in the Portal nearly all day. I've decided to stop at 50k because I just don't see myself gaining another 50k b/p, or even another 10k, for that matter, especially with it being less active these days. Just seems like a good place to stop with the high paces...

And I like my 77,777 retirement still. That still looks good to me! It would be cool to stop at 77,770 EXP but that's a long way off. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-28 02:52:37

At 9/26/13 08:49 AM, Dev wrote: Haggard: 30,000 exp., level 53


So, what do you guys think about shutting down the NG store? I guess they have to do what's in their best interests, but man... :'( At least I've assembled a nice collection of NG merch over the years...

I never bought anything there, but I had the impression, that it was pretty succesful. Oh well..

At 9/24/13 12:56 AM, Haggard wrote:
No. :P
I figured as much.

LittleWashu explained the reason for the "not really a big deal" and the crying smiley a few times, but I'm too lazy to look for it right now. ;)

Makes me think what kind of motivation Afro_Stud has to continue B/Ping. I mean, he stopped being active on the BBS a long time ago and the gap between him and the 2nd spot in B/P-Points is quite large, so...
That's why I thought he might stop at 200k, or at least take a break like ramagi used to when reaching a big milestone. Guess not.

Maybe at 300k, haha.

Hey hey
my my
list making will never die
I hope not!

But I hope you got the not very subtle reference there, lol. :P

At 9/27/13 01:16 PM, Murray wrote:
At 9/24/13 12:56 AM, Haggard wrote: 30,000 Experience! >:(
Good job!


I think I missed a deposit on Saturday. Oh well... :/
Only one way to find out: The EXP updates. :P

Looking forward to the next update. ;)

Makes me think what kind of motivation Afro_Stud has to continue B/Ping. I mean, he stopped being active on the BBS a long time ago and the gap between him and the 2nd spot in B/P-Points is quite large, so...
Well, what they do in their spare time is up to them, I guess but for me, I just wouldn't have that willpower to go that far. Not when I've got so much to do in the outside world.

Exactly. I mean, Pimp isn't exactly active. But he only votes on 5 UJ submissions each day. This is something that can be done in 5 minutes (depending on the length of the flash). But getting a high B/P pace each and every week is something that takes up a whole lot of your time.
But oh well, maybe he just likes watching flash animations. ;)

At 9/22/13 07:05 PM, Murray wrote:
At 9/15/13 02:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
Sooner or later I'm sure this will happen to me. I'll see if it ever happens before I reach level 60 but if I still do good then, I'd only wonder how far I could possibly go before I'm truly fed up with depositing.
If I ever reach level 60, I think that's it for me. No real use to continue then.
Yeah, I feel like after level 60 there doesn't seem much else point in continuing but I would like to see how far I can go with the EXP ranks. I've already got myself in the top 100 and I would like to see that I can get even higher up.

I wonder if I can ever reach the top 100. Would be funny to see over 100 level 60 users.

I used to use NG Logs daily, so it was really easy to see if I had already deposited. But with activity declining here, my activity on NG Logs declines as well. But a quick check on the users lists there came with quite a surprise: I am in 4th spot for most Logs, haha.
I'm probably second. I would be first but I had some name changes so that's put me behind on log counts but I shouldn't have to worry about that.

Yes, the name Bahamut comes up as second in the list, Auz is first and skatin-andy is third.

At least have Skype or something.
I would use Skype too, if it would work with pidgin. But to use Skype with pidgin, I would have to start up Skype as well. That's useless... also, Microsoft reads and listens to everything you do in Skype. :P
Are you really that paranoid about what Microsoft will try and do with Skype? How many people would they have to monitor 24/7? Yeah, I don't think there's anything to worry about.

Wikipedia: "Both Chinese and Russian law enforcement agencies have the ability to eavesdrop on Skype conversations, as well as have access to Skype users geographic locations. In many cases, simple request for information is sufficient, and no court approval is needed. This ability was deliberately added by Microsoft after Skype purchase in 2011 for the law enforcement agencies around the world. This is implemented through switching the Skype client for a particular user account from the client side encryption to the server side encryption, allowing dissemination of an unencrypted data stream."
So, who's to say that other governments aren't eavesdropping as well?
Also, monitoring is something that doesn't require humans sitting in front of the screen 24/7, but something that can be an automated process.

But as I've said, the real reason I don't use Skype is that I don't want to have TWO IM-clients running at the same time. One is enough. Plus, there are more than enough ways to contact me outside Newgrounds. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-29 10:05:02

I got the golden pirate pistol! Sweet!

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-29 21:32:05

You passed 19,000 Experience Points. Good job!

Getting closer and closer to the halfway point ^.^

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-09-30 14:38:16

At 9/29/13 10:05 AM, Auz wrote: I got the golden pirate pistol! Sweet!

So, I leveled up before you? Interesting. I remember when you would level up and then it took me a few deposits to level up as well.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-03 02:39:37

122,000 B/P

I wanted to post this on Tuesday, but fell just short. Wednesday saw my lowest single day B/P total for a while - 6...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-03 08:32:08

With that vote, you now have 33,000 experience points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-03 20:02:49

Congratulations to

darknessdweller: 6 years on NG
Auz: level 54
Pokemongoeguygcn: 19,000 exp.
SmashLuigiFan1: top 400 in b/p
Coop: 122,000 b/p -your evil, golden squid icon is amazing.
Murray: 33,000 exp.

At 9/27/13 01:16 PM, Murray wrote:
That's a good place to stop for sure. Hopefully you don't get any additional blams coming in. That happened to me but at least I was able to get the extra blams cut off.

I thought about trying to have the save removed, but voting on uj's when I deposit seemed like a better idea. I'm still going to be fairly active around here anyway, so why not.

I may have never used the NG store but the fact that it's going as well as the office are strong signs of the decline of the site. Although now they'll be spending less, it is still going backwards bur I suppose not much can be done at this point.

Seems like a lot of you long-time NG'ers never bought anything there. Strange. And yeah, I kinda thought it strange for them to be scrapping something that makes money... Hell, I'd just do nothing but package and ship stuff for Tom if he gave me a closet to sleep in. :P

Yeah, I had my fun for one night, although I wasn't meaning to do any of it but it happened. I really didn't do much for it to happen. I was just enjoying my night as usual and she was just buying me some drinks and at some point she got ahold of my arm and it wasn't long until we started making out. Thankfully this is over and done with and now I can return to my real intentions.

Huh, seems like she was playing the dude there. Next time tell her no means NO! :P

You can always do that or at least see if Facebook or Twitter becomes your thing somewhere down the road. :P

Social media makes me ill, so probably not going to happen. :P

And I like my 77,777 retirement still. That still looks good to me! It would be cool to stop at 77,770 EXP but that's a long way off. :P

Seems like I should know this, as I know it's been special to you for a long time, but why the number 7? I'm going to guess Final Fantasy...? (I never played any of those games.)

At 9/28/13 02:52 AM, Haggard wrote:
I never bought anything there, but I had the impression, that it was pretty succesful. Oh well..

Apparently not anymore...

LittleWashu explained the reason for the "not really a big deal" and the crying smiley a few times, but I'm too lazy to look for it right now. ;)

LittleWashu, if you see this please post a reply explaining why none of your statistical achievements are a big deal and also the obsession with the crying emote and facepalm pics. Thanks

Maybe at 300k, haha.

I can almost guarantee he'll never see 300k -but hey, I've been wrong before...

But I hope you got the not very subtle reference there, lol. :P

I'm pop culture inept, remember? I was the one who didn't know what Surf Nazis were. lol

At 9/28/13 10:06 AM, darknessdweller wrote:
The last few years have really flown by, but being of High School age does that to you.

You have no idea -just wait until after you graduate!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-04 17:53:42

At 10/3/13 08:02 PM, Dev wrote:
Maybe at 300k, haha.
I can almost guarantee he'll never see 300k -but hey, I've been wrong before...

And if he does... are you going to react like the cereal guy?

But I hope you got the not very subtle reference there, lol. :P
I'm pop culture inept, remember? I was the one who didn't know what Surf Nazis were. lol

Here you go. This isn't even "pop culture", this is general knowledge. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-04 19:17:45

At 10/4/13 05:53 PM, Haggard wrote:
And if he does... are you going to react like the cereal guy?


Here you go. This isn't even "pop culture", this is general knowledge. :P

I've heard the song before, but I'm not a big enough Neil Young fan to recognize a pun on any of his lyrics.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-10-05 01:24:36

Passed 35,000 saves today. Also I'm somewhere in the top 1800 Experience now.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup