Life just feels shittier and shittier but... maybe I can see some light soon. Maybe...
Listening to:
Black Sabbath - TYR
At 4/20/13 11:37 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/19/13 10:09 PM, FromADistance wrote:
I've become way too superstitious about the number 420 so I'm still debating whether 20th April will result in something happening or not.
Today is the birthday of Adolf Hitler. So I guess some dumbasses are "celebrating" it...
Yeah, I imagine that to be not so pleasant for you. 420 has bigger purposes than the birthday of some dick, though but after my events with 4/20, I can conclude that it's not my lucky number. I just spent most of the day fearing of going back home to face my parents. I knew from one little argument they would carry it over when they got to see me again. They did and it got uglier. I've been speaking to a local help centre about how I can move away from them.
So what's your backing up for depositing?
My wife's Smartphone and a great invention called "Tethering". ;)
Ah yes. I did use tethering when I was in London last week but didn't want to overuse it. I just kept to Twitter and Facebook.
Although, if life really did kick it up a bit by then and I just can't have the time for NG anymore then... yeah. :P
I always have 5 minutes time to deposit. It's not that hard. :P
Maybe it's easy to do but if I just don't feel like doing it anymore so be it. That won't happen just yet, though but it's something I might kick out of my system somewhere down the road.
Eh, fair play to that. Will you agree to only do that once, though?
Since your posts now are made under the name of "FromADistance", no I won't change that. I might call you "Bahamut" while posting out of habit, though.
I can see that happening.
Not necessarily Mega Flares but my new dragon persona can still breathe fire and fly around. He's kinda like the Bahamut you knew but new and better!
With shin new scales?
Shiny new scales? Why yes. Still a blue dragon, though but again, he's different to Bahamut. It's what I should have been on here all along.
Probably not the best of ideas but I can't bring myself to walk up to a girl at a bar and try and pull on the spot.
I cannot do that as well. But I realized that I was more confident around girls than before. And that surely helped.
I suppose online communication doesn't mean all that much but I'm at least stepping it up a bit. I suppose all the time I spent on NG hasn't done any favours considering the amount of bullshitters you get on here. When I look at it now, 95% of my time is spent on social media and 5% is either Newgrounds or other sites.
I'll admit that looking back at everything now I kinda want to see if we can be friends again but I need to fight against that.
After all you told here, I advise you to not come in contact with her again any time soon.
Not a single person has told me I did wrong for taking her off my contacts everywhere. Many people on my Facebook felt that she wasn't the ideal one for me and a lot agreed that she has a lot of issues which is true. She ruins a lot of her own friendships because of her actions.
The fire brigade sketch was what really put me off.
Yeah, that wasn't funny.
I agree (lol us two agreeing with each other). It's one sketch I'll gladly skip over but the majority of everything else, I like. I think by season 1 alone I was all like "Man, if it's this awesome here, I wonder what the rest will be like." I suppose if I go through it all again, I can easily higher it up to my favourite shows of all time but I don't think anything will top Father Ted for me. Flawless from start to finish.
I'm not dead certain yet but out of all the Pythons, I enjoy Cleese the most.
He sure has a way of being funny and looking dead serious at the same time. Palin is great, too.
That's what I like about Cleese. I also like how he can adapt to the more evil characters in the sketches and do damn well with it. Yes, Palin is another great one but I think if I had a second favourite, it would be Chapman.
True, it does have some part on the site but I still have a right to change name if I so desire.
If it were up to me, nobody could change their name. :P
That would suck. What if I was named Xxdarkmaster666xX?
At 4/21/13 11:16 AM, Coop wrote:
At 4/14/13 10:36 AM, FromADistance wrote:
Oh fuck, so even Hell is in trouble now.
It's their problem now, not mine. Although, I remember a few girls from my youth who did say that they would only go out with me when Hell froze over. If she's shutting down furnaces, I might have a chance... Where is my little black book?!
Hah, anyone who has ever said "When hell freezes over" now have to do those deals. Now THAT would be hilarious. Considering I never asked out girls I've not had to deal with that like you. However, lack of courage of doing that hasn't looked good on me. Well, there were times when I did have a girl in mind but it was already too late. I wanted to go slow on it but at the same time it allowed others to get in before me. In any case I'm still going to pace it out and if I find the one who I think is the one I'll see about taking the courage to ask her out. It's just not going to happen out of magic when one girl sees me and immediately falls for me.
There are plenty of reasons why I've had very little luck with girls but at least I'm at the more suitable age to be looking for a serious relationship. I feel around the age of 20 is the best time to start looking for such relationship but I won't argue that anyone who get together at a younger age than that can turn out for the better. Two of my best friends got together at the age of 14 and they've been married for 18 months, they both work and have their own house. Those two are definitely something special.
Even though at this point I can no longer understand what my ex is doing with herself. I swear, her personality changes every so often and it's hard to even keep up with what she wants to do in life. She could have had a better focus on her life and stuck to it with me. I would have accepted her vows but too late for that now. I tried helping her out whenever possible but it was all thrown back at me so I don't see why I should accept her help now when she couldn't listen to me back then. She's ruined me and I don't know if I even want to be friends with her anymore.
Step back and be there for her if she needs someone to talk to. You can't meddle with everything that they do. Like with me and the issues that Bex has had since we split. It hurts to see her do some stuff to herself, but I can no longer grab her by the lapels and tell her to sort her life out.
I don't think talking to her is something that will happen now. The last straw for her was when I read a post of hers that stated how she missed her previous boyfriend prior to me and has interest in a new guy. When she doesn't show any feelings for me, I've got no intentions to talk to her. Maybe she'll talk to me at a later point whether it be actually seeing her in person or she'll attempt to text me again. Either way, I'm gonna keep away from her for a good while.
Needs more'ing.
I have never'ed.
You can start it?
At 4/15/13 11:15 AM, FromADistance wrote:
1. No more Bahamut. Name became less and less attached to me and it's something I'm gonna put behind me. Was gonna go with another name but this one keeps what I do on here separate from everything else easier.
Well, I'm going to leap over the usual "hole in the alias" part and state that your username is now a FAD :P
Others have beaten you to that.