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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-26 03:33:01

At 2/23/13 08:57 AM, Coop wrote:
At 2/20/13 04:31 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/20/13 01:55 PM, Coop wrote: My laptop is kaput :(
My first thought was: Nice wallpaper... on your wall and on you laptop. ^^
The flash increased the intensity of the green, methinks. But that's good and the fucked laptop is bad :(

But you still have a green wallpaper. That's fucked up, man!

At 2/23/13 09:04 AM, Auz wrote: [Insert long winded speech about my time here]


At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/16/13 11:54 AM, Auz wrote: LMAO XD

Fine if you haven't read The Hobbit, but even from the film itself it becomes obvious that it's a prequel to The Lord of the Rings.
Yes. Also, how can you miss all the talk going on, that Jackson is now brining THE PREQUEL to the cinemas now?
Indeed. But I guess there's always a large crowd that doesn't really care all that much about what they're watching.

Just as there's always a large crowd that seems to be just stupid.

Well if I remember correctly, he says something like: "Not fair!" but I don't hear him mentioning it's against the rules or that it isn't a riddle. In fact, he even starts trying to guess it.
Yes, he complains about it but Bilbo insists, so Gollum doesn't really have a choice.
Yeah okay, but he could've just refused and eat Bilbo :p

Bilbo still had a sword.

I thought this part was adapted well in the movie. Bilbo even does fiddle around with the ring before he asks that question, just as it is described in the book.
Yeah they nicely paid attention to the details. As they should, because it was definitely the major scene of this first part.
By the way, for some reason I always imaged that Gollum was sitting on that island during the scene and didn't actually see Bilbo, but I suppose I misread something in the book.

You know, I always imagined the same thing. So maybe he just does sit on his island in the book. But that wouldn't have been very interesting to watch, so they changed it a bit in the movie.

Yeah I would still like to get my hands on them someday. I believe we do have the films on DVD, but I don't think they contain many extras.
I have bought the BluRay-Box on the last Amazon "Cyber Monday". It was money well spent, since the additional scenes add so much more value to the movies... the only thing that pisses me off slighty is that there are sometiems different camera angles for the same scenes in both versions. ^^
I can imagine Lord of the Rings would be awesome to watch on Blu-Ray. The thing is that I don't have a Blu-Ray player (yet) because we still have one of those old fashioned TVs with a (relatively) small screen. I don't think I'd notice much difference between DVDs and Blu-Rays on such a TV.

Well, I have a PS3, so I also have a BluRay-Player. But yes, you should get one of those nice Plasma- or LCD-TVs as soon as possible. I used to have the PS3 hooked up to an CRT-TV via RCA Jacks (those cables with two audio -red and white- and one video output -yellow-). It looked OK. Then, we got a Plasma-TV and I used that RCA Cable to hook up the PS3 there. It looked a lot better. Than I bought a HDMI Cable... it's a difference as great as day and night!

At 2/19/13 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote: Oh boy...
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8LV1S2q2GA]"Who controls the beaches?" - "The Surfers!"[/url]
[urlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surf_Nazis_Must_Die]"Who controls the surfers?" - "The Surf Nazis!"[/url]
Ahaha! Noob! XD

Says the one with the 2005 signup date. ROFL!

At 2/23/13 04:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/23/13 07:35 AM, Haggard wrote: I stopped making lists because there where so many people doing it... and because it felt more like a chore doing them.
You should start again, as there's now next to nobody making them. I honestly always enjoyed seeing my name and achievement listed here, even if the typical congrats list is a bit routine and generic -it's a LUL tradition, anyways. ;)

Nowadays I have even less time to do lists.

As long as we don't start talking like old men... "Back in OUR days...." or "You know kid, when I was young..."
Now hold on there, sonny, I think I said "whippersnapper" on the BBS the other day, though I don't quite remember. Ya see, my memory ain't what it used to be. *sucks on dentures*

All those young'uns round here are driving me mad!

Can't say for sure as I've been arguing with only one of those. :P
I'd imagine dragons would be great to argue with, as they've always stuck me as grumpy beasts. :P

I guess I would be grumpy as well if I had to live in caves the whole time.

I almost had a heart attack when I saw this:

And now it has come to this:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-26 07:57:53

Level 14

Do Not Press -"No Seriously"-

Support NG -"If only I can.."-

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-26 10:17:16

At 2/23/13 04:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/23/13 09:04 AM, Auz wrote: Indeed. You'd expect them to keep at least some level of seriousness. I just hope they won't go too far with comic relief in the next two films.
I'll be happy if they keep it where it belongs... Hopefully they don't ruin Smaug by turning him into a clown.

Hehehe that would be interesting :p

Nah it's Benedict Cumberbatch so it should be cool. He's also playing the Necromancer by the way, so he basically plays both bad guys.

I bet they want to work to a DUN DUN DUN! moment for those not familiar with Tolkien's novels.
As in discovering the Necromancer is the reemergence of Sauron?

Yeah like:
"Oooh shit it's Sauron, I did not see this coming!" DUN DUN DUN!

To be honest though, I wasn't sure who the Necromancer was either until I looked it up after I watched the film. It feels a bit like I spoiled a major plot twist there.
I didn't know for sure, either, (though I did suspect it was Sauron) after reading The Hobbit for the first time. I ultimately decided to look it up, just to know for sure. :P

I read it was vaguely referenced in the book, but I was probably like "whatever, this can't be important" when I was at that bit.

At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/16/13 11:54 AM, Auz wrote:
Yeah okay, but he could've just refused and eat Bilbo :p
Bilbo still had a sword.

But it's not like he's an experienced sword fighter or anything and Gollum is pretty strong for such a little guy. I'd put my money on Gollum if the two were to fight it out.

Yeah they nicely paid attention to the details. As they should, because it was definitely the major scene of this first part.
By the way, for some reason I always imaged that Gollum was sitting on that island during the scene and didn't actually see Bilbo, but I suppose I misread something in the book.
You know, I always imagined the same thing. So maybe he just does sit on his island in the book. But that wouldn't have been very interesting to watch, so they changed it a bit in the movie.

Ah so I might have been right about it after all. I discussed it with my girlfriend who read the book again right before we went to see the film, and she said they got it correct in the film.

I can imagine Lord of the Rings would be awesome to watch on Blu-Ray. The thing is that I don't have a Blu-Ray player (yet) because we still have one of those old fashioned TVs with a (relatively) small screen. I don't think I'd notice much difference between DVDs and Blu-Rays on such a TV.
Well, I have a PS3, so I also have a BluRay-Player. But yes, you should get one of those nice Plasma- or LCD-TVs as soon as possible. I used to have the PS3 hooked up to an CRT-TV via RCA Jacks (those cables with two audio -red and white- and one video output -yellow-). It looked OK. Then, we got a Plasma-TV and I used that RCA Cable to hook up the PS3 there. It looked a lot better. Than I bought a HDMI Cable... it's a difference as great as day and night!

The problem is that we're only uni students though, so we don't have that much money to spare. As long as our current TV still works I don't feel like making the purchase yet.

As soon as I get a fancy TV I'll definitely make the switch to Blu-Rays though. I don't think I'll have much of a choice anyway :p

At 2/19/13 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote: Oh boy...
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8LV1S2q2GA]"Who controls the beaches?" - "The Surfers!"[/url]
[urlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surf_Nazis_Must_Die]"Who controls the surfers?" - "The Surf Nazis!"[/url]
Ahaha! Noob! XD
Says the one with the 2005 signup date. ROFL!


I only signed up for an account in 2005, but I already came to this site in 1998 man!

</noob excuse>

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-26 12:26:38

Congratulations To

Spretznaz: Sergeant Major
iGranadoz: level 14

At 2/25/13 01:39 PM, Coop wrote: Coop makes it 3 days in a row (OMG!), of congratulating:

I've noticed; and here I was fearing we'd see you less, after seeing that pic of your laptop.

Electronics never suffer from mercy killings, especially if you kill them because they don't work right.

Maybe, but this laptop was ancient and I was only using it as an auxiliary computer at the time (it wasn't even online) so I didn't really blow a gasket when I broke it. Now, if I spilled Red Bull on my expensive custom-build, THAT would be a different story. ;)

I will. I need to plan how to conquer the world and how to get more sims into my new city, which will be being built soon. March 8th is release date, it's still not available for pre-order on Steam...

Never got into The Sims.

At 2/26/13 03:33 AM, Haggard wrote: Nowadays I have even less time to do lists.

I put the list together as I'm typing up my reply. (which I do in notepad) I've found that it doesn't add more than a few seconds onto the time it takes me to get everything typed up -especially when you do them daily. It's no biggie, though, I understand being busy.

All those young'uns round here are driving me mad!

*see pic*

I guess I would be grumpy as well if I had to live in caves the whole time.

*see pic*

And now it has come to this:

Yeah, submissions just stopped last night, but I wasn't expecting to still see it dead when I woke up... What the hell is going on? Did they shut down the Portal again, or something? This is just too much.

At 2/26/13 10:17 AM, Auz wrote: Hehehe that would be interesting :p

More like freaking infuriating. :P

Nah it's Benedict Cumberbatch so it should be cool. He's also playing the Necromancer by the way, so he basically plays both bad guys.

Is he known for being a badass? Sorry I know nothing about actors/voice actors. (Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were like the only movies that I've watched in the last 10 years or so.)

Yeah like:
"Oooh shit it's Sauron, I did not see this coming!" DUN DUN DUN!

It would be interesting, but they'd have to deviate pretty far from the book to make him anything more than a LOTR cameo.

I read it was vaguely referenced in the book, but I was probably like "whatever, this can't be important" when I was at that bit.

Guess it was too vague for me to pick up on, too. I'm sure I'd be like "DUH!" if I read through it again now, though. :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-26 14:58:49

Level 40 is now mine only 20 more to go.

Relevant image below

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-26 16:11:25

Coop watches the portal go from sublime to ridiculous. Congratulations to:
iGranadoz: Level 14
Mihoshi: Level 40

At 2/26/13 03:33 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/23/13 08:57 AM, Coop wrote:
At 2/20/13 04:31 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/20/13 01:55 PM, Coop wrote: My laptop is kaput :(
My first thought was: Nice wallpaper... on your wall and on you laptop. ^^
The flash increased the intensity of the green, methinks. But that's good and the fucked laptop is bad :(
But you still have a green wallpaper. That's fucked up, man!

I disagree. I sleep there and I'm absolutely fine.

From the wider angle, the pic looks better.

At 2/26/13 12:26 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/25/13 01:39 PM, Coop wrote: Coop makes it 3 days in a row (OMG!), of congratulating:
I've noticed; and here I was fearing we'd see you less, after seeing that pic of your laptop.

Well, I have the desktop computer in the study set up and I've just had the time to do it. Hell, it's even 4 days now...

Electronics never suffer from mercy killings, especially if you kill them because they don't work right.
Maybe, but this laptop was ancient and I was only using it as an auxiliary computer at the time (it wasn't even online) so I didn't really blow a gasket when I broke it. Now, if I spilled Red Bull on my expensive custom-build, THAT would be a different story. ;)

Yes, because you'd be up for the electronic version of a Darwin award >:(

I will. I need to plan how to conquer the world and how to get more sims into my new city, which will be being built soon. March 8th is release date, it's still not available for pre-order on Steam...
Never got into The Sims.

I used to be into that, but I'm talking Sim City. The better version of the game, that was once fantastic, shall rise!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 05:44:59

Now at level 29 :).

I've never really understood this level, is it meant to represent a suit of armour or a guy with a metal hand that goes around hitting people with it. Either way I've got it now and it's only about 60 days until I reach level 30. Happy days.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 14:19:27

32,768 B/P

Programmers and mathematicians will recognize that as 2^15. Because why should multiples of 1,000 get all the attention?

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 14:58:31

I don't have any fancy powers of two, but I do have 240,000 medal points.

I needed to take a sprint as there's someone right behind me...

The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.

Sig by Emperor-Bubba

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 16:05:57

Congratulations To

Mihoshi: level 40
Decky: level 29
Knuckstrike: 240,000 medal points

At 2/26/13 04:11 PM, Coop wrote: Well, I have the desktop computer in the study set up and I've just had the time to do it. Hell, it's even 4 days now...

Good thing you have another computer to fall back on. ;)

Yes, because you'd be up for the electronic version of a Darwin award >:(

Yeah, that would be pretty foolish. Thankfully, I always take good care of my valuable items.

I used to be into that, but I'm talking Sim City. The better version of the game, that was once fantastic, shall rise!

I didn't even know there was a difference. :(


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 19:48:26

Where was I again? Oh yeah.

Listening to:

Diablo Swing Orchestra - Sing-Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious

At 2/23/13 07:35 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/23/13 07:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: My aunt is almost 55 and she has no drivers licence.
I wonder if she has to listen to all this crap from her in-law family that I have to listen to as well?

Eh, her partner is complicated to say the least. I'm not even sure how much of that side of the family she has even seen.

Hard to say. At least she likes me for it.
So, it's a good sign. :3

It sure is. A dragon can sure turn on someone like her.

I don't mind keeping the gold aura. I've had it for at least 2 1/2 years now.
I would really miss not being able to change my aura whenever I level up. ^^

Eh, I've grown to live with it. I believe the only time I ever switched auras around on the 2007 redesign level icons apart from something like St. Patrick's Day is when I changed to evil for level 39. I went back to light for level 40. I never ever used dark or fab on my main account.

You should ask my girlfriend's input on them.
No, she's biased.

She isn't a dragon herself. :P

At 2/23/13 08:57 AM, Coop wrote:
At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: You know, I always hoped we could meet outside the NG events.
You talk as if one of us is dead - there is still a chance that it could happen.

Ah yes. Well, if you happen to be in Liverpool for whatever or I'm in Worcester for more than just an hour or two, maybe something can happen.

At 2/18/13 12:35 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Reaching Supreme Commander in saves alone will be a pretty nice milestone. :)
Trust me, the endorphins released upon achieving it for Blams are a lot better!

I still need Supreme Commander in posts. I'm taking forever to even get there. It'll be April by the time I get to 30k posts.

At 2/21/13 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: How long have you had that for?
It's having a 5th birthday part in August :)

Around the same age as my laptop then. I've yet to encounter fatal problems like that, although the laptop has had the odd hiccup or two barring overheating dust issues. However, some of the keys like N and right arrow are falling apart.

At 2/23/13 04:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/23/13 07:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: as well as some of my friends teabagging me.

Anybody who puts their balls in my mouth gets castrated. End of story.

More friends know about this now. I'm not going to hear the end of it. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 19:51:35

36,000 Saves.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-27 22:58:55

20,000 B/P. Two thirds of the way to EGSC.

"Censorship is telling a man that he cannot have a steak just because a baby cannot chew it." - Mark Twain

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-28 06:23:02

now in the top 200 in EXP...
(also 333 in B/P but that in constant flux)

so close to a bunch of mile stones D:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-02-28 12:47:28

41,000 b/p!

At 2/28/13 06:23 AM, LegolaSS wrote: now in the top 200 in EXP...
(also 333 in B/P but that in constant flux)

You reminded me that I'm also ranked #111 in b/p. ;)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 05:26:32

Just got me a Deity whistle.

"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 07:44:52

At 2/28/13 12:47 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/28/13 06:23 AM, LegolaSS wrote: now in the top 200 in EXP...
(also 333 in B/P but that in constant flux)
You reminded me that I'm also ranked #111 in b/p. ;)

And I'm reminded that one alt of mine is in the top 200 for EXP. That's really good considering how much you actually need to get to top 200 now. When my main got it, I was level 43 three years ago.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 08:22:46

At 3/1/13 07:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: And I'm reminded that one alt of mine is in the top 200 for EXP. That's really good considering how much you actually need to get to top 200 now. When my main got it, I was level 43 three years ago.

I know, me and rose have been battling to stay ahead of each other

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 08:27:05

At 3/1/13 08:22 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
At 3/1/13 07:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: And I'm reminded that one alt of mine is in the top 200 for EXP. That's really good considering how much you actually need to get to top 200 now. When my main got it, I was level 43 three years ago.
I know, me and rose have been battling to stay ahead of each other

RebeccaRose? I know the one that holds that alt.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 10:42:39

10,000 b/p!
To memorate this event there's another protector's update ;D

The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.

Sig by Emperor-Bubba

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 13:40:55

500 movie reviews.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 13:46:38

Congratulations To

gamejunkie: 36,000 saves
Winrar1337: 20,000 b/p
Martin: 54,000 saves, 63,000 b/p
LegolaSS: exp. rank #200, b/p rank #333
Chrausner: level 22 -change your icon to the wrench, dammit! :P
VJF: Deity Whistle
Knuckstrike: 10,000 b/p

At 2/27/13 07:48 PM, Bahamut wrote: I still need Supreme Commander in posts. I'm taking forever to even get there. It'll be April by the time I get to 30k posts.

Just go to the General Forum and make a masturbation thread or something. ;P

More friends know about this now. I'm not going to hear the end of it. :P

So, how did this end up happening, anyway? Or better yet, WHY did it end up happening? I can't think of too many things that are more emasculating than having another mans nuts in your mouth. At least tell me you had some listerine handy afterwards? lol

At 3/1/13 07:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: And I'm reminded that one alt of mine is in the top 200 for EXP. That's really good considering how much you actually need to get to top 200 now. When my main got it, I was level 43 three years ago.

Do you plan on retiring all your alts at certain milestones/levels, or are there a few you'll always deposit for? It almost doesn't seem fair, when one person has multiple accounts holding those super-high ranks.

RebeccaRose? I know the one that holds that alt.

Is that the only one he still deposits for? (Speaking of alts holding high exp ranks...)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 18:29:34

At 2/26/13 04:11 PM, Coop wrote:
At 2/26/13 03:33 AM, Haggard wrote: But you still have a green wallpaper. That's fucked up, man!
I disagree. I sleep there and I'm absolutely fine.
From the wider angle, the pic looks better.

Sorry, I still think it's fucked up. :P

At 2/27/13 07:48 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/23/13 07:35 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/23/13 07:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: My aunt is almost 55 and she has no drivers licence.
I wonder if she has to listen to all this crap from her in-law family that I have to listen to as well?
Eh, her partner is complicated to say the least. I'm not even sure how much of that side of the family she has even seen.

I like my in-law family, if only they would just stop bugging me about a drivers licence... :/

You should ask my girlfriend's input on them.
No, she's biased.
She isn't a dragon herself. :P

She still is biased.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-01 23:11:58

95,000 bp. That feels like a lot. I didn't want to celebrate this but in about 1000 bp time I will be dropping the saves so it will take me a long ass time to get to 100,000 if ever just on blams alone. So woo I guess.

Also Bahamut, congrats on the girlfriend! Though this ruins my plans to marry you and steal your Futurama plushies. What the hell man?!

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-02 00:03:18

Level 22! I wonder how long it took me to level up from level 21 (since I took a break from NG). ;)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-02 00:05:56

hay guys i just got level 13

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-02 05:30:50

Listening to:

Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom

At 3/1/13 01:46 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/27/13 07:48 PM, Bahamut wrote: I still need Supreme Commander in posts. I'm taking forever to even get there. It'll be April by the time I get to 30k posts.
Just go to the General Forum and make a masturbation thread or something. ;P

Yeah, I could do that. I could explain how a dragon masturbates.

More friends know about this now. I'm not going to hear the end of it. :P
So, how did this end up happening, anyway? Or better yet, WHY did it end up happening? I can't think of too many things that are more emasculating than having another mans nuts in your mouth. At least tell me you had some listerine handy afterwards? lol

I fell off my seat, had my girlfriend keeping me stuck on the floor and then some had the chance to teabag me.

At 3/1/13 07:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: And I'm reminded that one alt of mine is in the top 200 for EXP. That's really good considering how much you actually need to get to top 200 now. When my main got it, I was level 43 three years ago.
Do you plan on retiring all your alts at certain milestones/levels, or are there a few you'll always deposit for? It almost doesn't seem fair, when one person has multiple accounts holding those super-high ranks.

I am intending to retire them but either with my aimed retirement marks or I lose more and more motivation to keep up with them. If I do continue, though, expect at least two or three to stop sometime this year.

RebeccaRose? I know the one that holds that alt.
Is that the only one he still deposits for? (Speaking of alts holding high exp ranks...)

He deposits for a few others but as far as alts go, I think that's his last one.

At 3/1/13 06:29 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/27/13 07:48 PM, Bahamut wrote: Eh, her partner is complicated to say the least. I'm not even sure how much of that side of the family she has even seen.
I like my in-law family, if only they would just stop bugging me about a drivers licence... :/

I've yet to meet my girlfriend's family so I better brace myself.

She isn't a dragon herself. :P
She still is biased.

Because she happens to like a dragon?

At 3/1/13 11:11 PM, Gagsy wrote: 95,000 bp. That feels like a lot. I didn't want to celebrate this but in about 1000 bp time I will be dropping the saves so it will take me a long ass time to get to 100,000 if ever just on blams alone. So woo I guess.

I like that you're still determined with the 77,777 for both blams and saves even now.

Also Bahamut, congrats on the girlfriend! Though this ruins my plans to marry you and steal your Futurama plushies. What the hell man?!

About that, I apologise. :P However, she has said she doesn't care much for Futurama so my plushies are safe. However, she has more intentions to steal my hair bobbles and is hoping to get some of my T-shirts in the near future.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-02 11:22:37

Coop tries to make the cricket club more efficient. Congratulations to:
Decky: Level 29
KNuckstrike: 240.000 Medal Points
gamejunkie: 36,000 Saves
Winrar1337: 20,000 B/P
Martin: 54,000 Saves; 63,000 B/P
LegolaSS: Top 200 Experienced
Metal-Therapy: 41,000 B/P; Ranked #111 for B/P
Chrausner: Level 22
VJF: Deity Whistle
Knuckstrike: 10,000 B/P
Dream-of-Duke: 500 Reviews (Movie)
Gagsy: 95,000 B/P
UVSoaked: Level 22
PenisFromHell: Level 13

At 2/27/13 02:19 PM, DiMono wrote: 32,768 B/P

Programmers and mathematicians will recognize that as 2^15. Because why should multiples of 1,000 get all the attention?

Because I make lists and I say so. The door is that way, smart arse *points*

At 2/27/13 04:05 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 2/26/13 04:11 PM, Coop wrote: Well, I have the desktop computer in the study set up and I've just had the time to do it. Hell, it's even 4 days now...
Good thing you have another computer to fall back on. ;)

Technically, I have two to fall back on. I could push that to three, but I don't want to try posting on here with my phone...

Yes, because you'd be up for the electronic version of a Darwin award >:(
Yeah, that would be pretty foolish. Thankfully, I always take good care of my valuable items.

Good - you wear a box (or a cup?) while playing sport like Baseball, then :P

I used to be into that, but I'm talking Sim City. The better version of the game, that was once fantastic, shall rise!
I didn't even know there was a difference. :(

Sim City was the original game, where your sims lived in the city, making you simoleans to build the city even better. Then they launched the Sims, where you could micro manage a family's life, but this latest game is an improvement of the original concept and I'll be giving it a go at some stage.

At 2/27/13 07:48 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/23/13 08:57 AM, Coop wrote:
At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: You know, I always hoped we could meet outside the NG events.
You talk as if one of us is dead - there is still a chance that it could happen.
Ah yes. Well, if you happen to be in Liverpool for whatever or I'm in Worcester for more than just an hour or two, maybe something can happen.

Indeed. I just hope that I have time if you're in my neck of the woods.

At 3/1/13 08:27 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/1/13 08:22 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
At 3/1/13 07:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: And I'm reminded that one alt of mine is in the top 200 for EXP. That's really good considering how much you actually need to get to top 200 now. When my main got it, I was level 43 three years ago.
I know, me and rose have been battling to stay ahead of each other
RebeccaRose? I know the one that holds that alt.

Cock Joke!

At 3/1/13 06:29 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/26/13 04:11 PM, Coop wrote:
At 2/26/13 03:33 AM, Haggard wrote: But you still have a green wallpaper. That's fucked up, man!
I disagree. I sleep there and I'm absolutely fine.
From the wider angle, the pic looks better.
Sorry, I still think it's fucked up. :P

Well, you don't have to sleep there.

At 3/1/13 11:11 PM, Gagsy wrote: 95,000 bp. That feels like a lot. I didn't want to celebrate this but in about 1000 bp time I will be dropping the saves so it will take me a long ass time to get to 100,000 if ever just on blams alone. So woo I guess.

Also Bahamut, congrats on the girlfriend! Though this ruins my plans to marry you and steal your Futurama plushies. What the hell man?!

I'm sure you'll find someone else who would marry, conveniently owning a plushie collection.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-02 12:36:50

I suppose I have a lot of accomplishments to list today.

I created a Newgrounds account, reached level 2 (what a great feat), and I reviewed my first submission. The best and worst part is that I still have so much to do here.

Level up, indeed; I hope to remain active as I continue to use Newgrounds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-02 13:02:49

Congratulations To

Gagsy: 95,000 b/p
UVSoaked: level 22
PenisFromHell: level 13

At 3/2/13 05:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I could do that. I could explain how a dragon masturbates.

There ya go. Hell, I'd be curious enough to check that thread out. How DO dragons masturbate, without any grasping appendages able to reach their crotch? Maybe they bring their tail up between their legs and coil it around themselves? (The tail could be used by female dragons, as well.) I mean, come on, this would be better than 90% of threads in the General forum right now!

I fell off my seat, had my girlfriend keeping me stuck on the floor and then some had the chance to teabag me.

Your girlfriend was the one holding you down? Yeah, you'll probably never hear the end of it.

I am intending to retire them but either with my aimed retirement marks or I lose more and more motivation to keep up with them. If I do continue, though, expect at least two or three to stop sometime this year.

Good. I can't wait until I start passing all these alts you and Afro_Stud made. -_- So, how many of your alts have you quit depositing for so far?

He deposits for a few others but as far as alts go, I think that's his last one.

He gave up on the review responses, though, eh? ;)

At 3/2/13 11:22 AM, Coop wrote: Technically, I have two to fall back on. I could push that to three, but I don't want to try posting on here with my phone...

Oh. I was not aware of your depth in internet-capable devices. ;)

Good - you wear a box (or a cup?) while playing sport like Baseball, then :P

Yeah, I've had the good fortune to have never taken more than a glancing blow to my balls. (even those hurt.) I've had a baseball take a high hop and hit me in the mouth once, though I'd much rather it hit me in the face than down below, anyway. ;)

Sim City was the original game, where your sims lived in the city, making you simoleans to build the city even better. Then they launched the Sims, where you could micro manage a family's life, but this latest game is an improvement of the original concept and I'll be giving it a go at some stage.

Ah, I see. I have enjoyed some simulation games (mainly Harvest Moon/Rune Factory for the various Nintendo systems I've owned over the years.) Do you actually play as a character in these games, or are you simply making decisions and overseeing everything?

Thank You



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