At 2/23/13 08:57 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/20/13 04:31 PM, Haggard wrote:The flash increased the intensity of the green, methinks. But that's good and the fucked laptop is bad :(At 2/20/13 01:55 PM, Coop wrote: My laptop is kaput :(My first thought was: Nice wallpaper... on your wall and on you laptop. ^^
But you still have a green wallpaper. That's fucked up, man!
At 2/23/13 09:04 AM, Auz wrote: [Insert long winded speech about my time here]
At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote:Indeed. But I guess there's always a large crowd that doesn't really care all that much about what they're watching.At 2/16/13 11:54 AM, Auz wrote: LMAO XDYes. Also, how can you miss all the talk going on, that Jackson is now brining THE PREQUEL to the cinemas now?
Fine if you haven't read The Hobbit, but even from the film itself it becomes obvious that it's a prequel to The Lord of the Rings.
Just as there's always a large crowd that seems to be just stupid.
Yeah okay, but he could've just refused and eat Bilbo :pWell if I remember correctly, he says something like: "Not fair!" but I don't hear him mentioning it's against the rules or that it isn't a riddle. In fact, he even starts trying to guess it.Yes, he complains about it but Bilbo insists, so Gollum doesn't really have a choice.
Bilbo still had a sword.
I thought this part was adapted well in the movie. Bilbo even does fiddle around with the ring before he asks that question, just as it is described in the book.Yeah they nicely paid attention to the details. As they should, because it was definitely the major scene of this first part.
By the way, for some reason I always imaged that Gollum was sitting on that island during the scene and didn't actually see Bilbo, but I suppose I misread something in the book.
You know, I always imagined the same thing. So maybe he just does sit on his island in the book. But that wouldn't have been very interesting to watch, so they changed it a bit in the movie.
I can imagine Lord of the Rings would be awesome to watch on Blu-Ray. The thing is that I don't have a Blu-Ray player (yet) because we still have one of those old fashioned TVs with a (relatively) small screen. I don't think I'd notice much difference between DVDs and Blu-Rays on such a TV.Yeah I would still like to get my hands on them someday. I believe we do have the films on DVD, but I don't think they contain many extras.DVD. LOL! :P
I have bought the BluRay-Box on the last Amazon "Cyber Monday". It was money well spent, since the additional scenes add so much more value to the movies... the only thing that pisses me off slighty is that there are sometiems different camera angles for the same scenes in both versions. ^^
Well, I have a PS3, so I also have a BluRay-Player. But yes, you should get one of those nice Plasma- or LCD-TVs as soon as possible. I used to have the PS3 hooked up to an CRT-TV via RCA Jacks (those cables with two audio -red and white- and one video output -yellow-). It looked OK. Then, we got a Plasma-TV and I used that RCA Cable to hook up the PS3 there. It looked a lot better. Than I bought a HDMI Cable... it's a difference as great as day and night!
At 2/19/13 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote: Oh boy...Ahaha! Noob! XD
[url=]"Who controls the beaches?" - "The Surfers!"[/url]
[url]"Who controls the surfers?" - "The Surf Nazis!"[/url]
Says the one with the 2005 signup date. ROFL!
At 2/23/13 04:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:At 2/23/13 07:35 AM, Haggard wrote: I stopped making lists because there where so many people doing it... and because it felt more like a chore doing them.You should start again, as there's now next to nobody making them. I honestly always enjoyed seeing my name and achievement listed here, even if the typical congrats list is a bit routine and generic -it's a LUL tradition, anyways. ;)
Nowadays I have even less time to do lists.
As long as we don't start talking like old men... "Back in OUR days...." or "You know kid, when I was young..."Now hold on there, sonny, I think I said "whippersnapper" on the BBS the other day, though I don't quite remember. Ya see, my memory ain't what it used to be. *sucks on dentures*
All those young'uns round here are driving me mad!
Can't say for sure as I've been arguing with only one of those. :PI'd imagine dragons would be great to argue with, as they've always stuck me as grumpy beasts. :P
I guess I would be grumpy as well if I had to live in caves the whole time.
I almost had a heart attack when I saw this:
And now it has come to this: