Coop finishes assembling a fence with his dad, before congratulating:
gamejunkie: Medals from 1,000 Games; Top 60 Voting Power
LiquidFire: 8.00 Base Voting Power
Listening to:
Andy Williams - The Impossible Dream (The Quest)
Bruce Dickinson - Gypsy Road
At 2/15/13 10:00 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/14/13 03:24 PM, Coop wrote: Been there, done that - travelling to see my girlfriend when we were both up north at Uni. Sure, it wasn't far, but sometimes, we were taking two, three or even four evenings a week on trains between Manchester and Leeds. when neither of us had a job, that eroded a lot of our money. But damn, it was fun!Manchester is a place that's reachable for both of us. Ticket will be something like 11 something for return so I could possibly do that sometime.
I've been talking about meeting an old flame in Leicester, but it would be just that - casual, nothing serious and perhaps a chance to catch up on old times. God, I sound like I'm going through a midlife crisis...
At 2/15/13 02:26 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:At 2/14/13 03:24 PM, Coop wrote: I can't even tempt you into that...It doesn't require much tempting; I'm just trying my hardest to be strong! (boy, that sentence would have looked perfect with a SHIFT/;/p on the end.) *sigh*
Well, with that Discovery, I really should Carve Away The Stone and climb into my hole. Would you care to sing the Soliloquy?I was hoping to hear the Good News First, yet I find you Here Again, before the Countdown has completed. In truth, it was a Far Cry to think we'd be able to use every last song; I see that now I no longer need concern myself with Finding My Way against you, the Digital Man. I want to hang onto this Everyday Glory, but alas, I cannot make Time Stand Still. It was fun Making Memories, but now it's time to remove the War Paint and pass Under The Shadow, To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...
Seriously, uncle. My brain has crawled off into the corner to die.
#86 Most Experienced
I only noticed this because I looked at my stats from the Voting Power list... Shocking.
At 2/15/13 10:00 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/13/13 02:39 PM, Haggard wrote: You HAVE to! Sooner or later.Hell no.
Hell yes.
I like it. But it isn't that important anymore, since the level icons are so small...Yeah, it's hard to bring myself as much excitement as I did for the 2007 levels whenever I level up. I guess reaching level 60 will have a "meh" effect to it.
Which is really disappointing.
I'm slowly but surely going through season two of Batman: The Animated Series.
Nothing beats the TV series with Adam West!
At 2/15/13 02:26 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Has he ever ended up agreeing with you in the end on anything? I do think he needs to accept all types of dragons, though, even cute ones that don't like breathing fire. ;)
Actually, we do agree on some things. ;)
A couple of achievements I didn't even notice!
I ranked up to Sergeant Major, got 13,000 exp and have 10,000 medals from 1,500 games. Plus 1*10^0 submissions.
I used to have over 10,000 medals, but with the glitch I lost a thousand of them. Luckily it's fixed.
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
Oh, and with this, my voting power is now over 10.00. Only 1.96 more to enter the list.
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
10,000 reviews! :)
Which means I'll finally get pentalisted! :D
90,000 B/P!
At 2/10/13 12:33 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:At 2/9/13 06:30 PM, Auz wrote: That is true perhaps. I agree that the scene in the Goblin caves was so silly that it started to look a bit cartoony. Like how they dashed through the caves and not a single arrow hit them. Heck, they didn't even have a scratch when they walked out.Yes, that's my main beef; when they were captured by the Goblins. I actually didn't mind the comedic nature of the Goblin King, with his grotesquely sagging jowls. It was the general sillyness of their escape, culminating with the Goblin King saying: "That'll do!" in response to Gandalf slashing his gut. HIS STINKING, STEAMING GUTS SHOULD HAVE SPILLED ALL OVER THE FLOOR, DAMMIT!! (ok, maybe that's a little much) That was just a wtf moment for me, anyway. :P
Oh yeah I remember that bit. During that split second of silence that fell before the joke I was thinking "Nah they can't make this THAT silly..." and then they did. It was a bit of a wtf moment for me too.
Well the additions they made to the original story were pretty good scenes at least. Like all the extra stuff with Radagast and the scene at Rivendell with Saruman. I'm curious about how they're going to work out the side plot with the Necromancer.Should be interesting. I also like how they left us hanging with Smaug's appearance. Hopefully we'll get to see him in his entirety in the next movie. :P
Yeah I agree. I liked how they kept his appearance a bit of a mystery.
As for the Necromancer, my only concern with him is that he might take the wind out of Smaug's sails as the main villain. I just hope they'll keep it more as a sideplot and still keep Smaug as the major bad guy they have to beat.
Now that I take a good look at it again, it does look more like bird shit :pAll matted in his beard and shit. Eww.
I'm sure he smells pretty bad too :p
At 2/12/13 02:24 PM, Haggard wrote:At 2/9/13 06:30 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah that was quite a while ago, wasn't it? Odd that there's already a 55 days difference.Yes. We wheren't that far away leveling wise from each other anyway. Everytime you leveled up, I knew that I was a few weeks away from leveling up as well. But now, we almost level up on the same day.
Anyway, I seem to be level up buddies with Haggard now.
I guess things have reversed now.
I read a comment the other day. Somebody watched the movie and one guy in the theatre asked. "Huh? Why does he have the ring all of a sudden? I thought it was destroyed?" Oh. My. God.At 2/8/13 01:19 PM, Haggard wrote:Also, I think they were trying to make some clear connections with the Lord of the Rings films, just for the crowd that never read the book.At 2/8/13 05:57 AM, Auz wrote:
Fine if you haven't read The Hobbit, but even from the film itself it becomes obvious that it's a prequel to The Lord of the Rings.
I always imagined that part to be a bit silly. Like, how would Gollum even consider that to be a proper riddle? However, they made it fairly believable in the film.Heh, he doesn't consider it to be a proper riddle, that's the whole point. ^^
Well if I remember correctly, he says something like: "Not fair!" but I don't hear him mentioning it's against the rules or that it isn't a riddle. In fact, he even starts trying to guess it.
They even cut a lot of parts of the LotR just to keep it all within 3 hour portions.Yes, that's why you just have to get the extended versions. It's really worth it!
Yeah I would still like to get my hands on them someday. I believe we do have the films on DVD, but I don't think they contain many extras.
But oh well. It seems to be hip nowadays to split books in as many films as they think they can get away with.At least the movies aren't as shitty as Episode I - III. I watched Episode I in the movies, the other two, I only watched parts of III, when it was on the TV. And I really can't bring myself to watch Episode II...
It's like "What was he thinking?!"
You're talking about Star Wars, right?
Of the three prequels, Episode III was the best one by far in my opinion. Episode I was okay (though it seems to be disliked the most by fans) and Episode II was absolutely dreadful if you ask me.
Congratulations To
Cyberdevil: 10,000 reviews, pentalisted
gamejunkie: top 60 in vp
LiquidFire: 8.00 base vp
Coop: exp rank #86
Odyssic: level 48
Knuckstrike: Sergeant Major, 13,000 exp, 10.00 total vp
Auz: 90,000 b/p
At 2/16/13 06:48 AM, Coop wrote: lol
I refuse to use that emoticon when replying to your posts now.
Seriously, uncle. My brain has crawled off into the corner to die.
It was fun. :) I'm honestly going to miss making these...
At 2/16/13 08:27 AM, Haggard wrote: Actually, we do agree on some things. ;)
Are these things able to be counted on one hand? :P
At 2/16/13 11:54 AM, Auz wrote: Oh yeah I remember that bit. During that split second of silence that fell before the joke I was thinking "Nah they can't make this THAT silly..." and then they did. It was a bit of a wtf moment for me too.
Exactly. There's a time and place for comic relief -that wasn't one of them.
Yeah I agree. I liked how they kept his appearance a bit of a mystery.
As for the Necromancer, my only concern with him is that he might take the wind out of Smaug's sails as the main villain. I just hope they'll keep it more as a sideplot and still keep Smaug as the major bad guy they have to beat.
I never really considered that... I'm honestly surprised at how much attention the Necromancer received in the movie, considering it was just more of a plot device in the book, foreshadowing Sauron's rise in LOTR. It'll be interesting to see how it develops, anyway.
I'm sure he smells pretty bad too :p
I bet he has a pleasant sent, like a pine forest in springtime. lmao
At 2/11/13 03:15 PM, Fagamut wrote:At 2/9/13 08:01 PM, S-k-y wrote: Level 46.Level 46.
Level 46.
28,000 Exp Points. Also have another nice achievement coming very, very soon.
At 2/13/13 12:04 AM, ZJ wrote: Level 40! Only 20 to go! :D
It's awesome until you realize that the next 20 Levels take about the same time to attain as the first 40 Levels. Climbing from Level 40 to Level 50 is super slow going. I'm Level 51 and still have 2 years, 11 months of not missing any votes to reach that much desired Level 60.
I'm amazed I've yet to talk about this here. On Wednesday, I saw The Room in Liverpool's indie cinema and Tommy Wiseau was there to meet the fan as well as signing autographs and even taking pictures. To have myself a picture with Tommy Wiseau, Greg Sestero and my friends is a great honour.
However, then came a crisis. After leaving the cinema, I realised one of my coat pockets felt a bit empty and then realised that my iPod slipped out of the pocket. I had to speak to reception about lost property and sadly had to wait until tomorrow morning to hear if it was found. I was ready to prepare the worst and spend over 200 for a new iPod considering one of the last things you'd expect to get back after losing it somewhere is an iPod. Much to my surprise, the iPod was found and the cinema phoned up informing me they do have it. That was a really close one and next time, I shouldn't expect to be so lucky. To make sure this doesn't happen again, I now have a new coat with zipped pockets and not crappy buttoned pockets.
Listening to:
Threshold - March of Progress
At 2/15/13 02:26 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
It's on its way. ;)
At 2/15/13 10:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: I've said to her that if she needs me in for additional days, she can go right ahead and ask me. She has my contact on Facebook so it's a matter of messaging me on there.Hopefully she'll be in touch.
She will but more in the sense of myself seeing her a week tomorrow for my second day of voluntary work there. I just wonder how tidy the shelves have been since I was last there.
I believe it's still the idea stage for now. It's not something to rush into straight away, especially when we've been discussing the cons about it.My gut tells me it's not going to happen, but we'll see, I guess.
Yeah, the idea feels a little shot down now. Still, happy to discuss it and at least it wasn't an utterly dumb idea. One I heard about replacing the $100 prize draw with bonus EXP to a random user made me want to throw up.
I ought to... I was hoping he'd get the message by not that I really don't like him.Block that bitch! ;P
I suppose it's a matter of time then. Maybe next time...
At 2/16/13 06:48 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/15/13 10:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Manchester is a place that's reachable for both of us. Ticket will be something like 11 something for return so I could possibly do that sometime.I've been talking about meeting an old flame in Leicester, but it would be just that - casual, nothing serious and perhaps a chance to catch up on old times. God, I sound like I'm going through a midlife crisis...
You know, I always hoped we could meet outside the NG events.
At 2/16/13 08:19 AM, Odyssic wrote: Level 48, Coop is this the new "Groovy" because this is the book from Evil Dead.
Nah, you got until level 55 to say that again.
At 2/16/13 08:27 AM, Haggard wrote:At 2/15/13 10:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hell no.Hell yes.
Nope nope nope, not ever.
Yeah, it's hard to bring myself as much excitement as I did for the 2007 levels whenever I level up. I guess reaching level 60 will have a "meh" effect to it.Which is really disappointing.
I agree. That said, the auras are better looking for the current icons. Pink isn't such an eyesore now and purple aura is a welcome addition. Teal aura for writer/reader kinda blends in with game aura but I suppose I can live with it.
I'm slowly but surely going through season two of Batman: The Animated Series.Nothing beats the TV series with Adam West!
I'd say the animated series is where it was best at. Maybe we can both agree that TAS surpasses all the films.
At 2/15/13 02:26 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Has he ever ended up agreeing with you in the end on anything? I do think he needs to accept all types of dragons, though, even cute ones that don't like breathing fire. ;)Actually, we do agree on some things. ;)
At 2/16/13 12:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Congratulations To
Cyberdevil: 10,000 reviews, pentalisted
Seems fitting for my last update.
At 2/17/13 02:05 AM, gamejunkie wrote: It's awesome until you realize that the next 20 Levels take about the same time to attain as the first 40 Levels. Climbing from Level 40 to Level 50 is super slow going. I'm Level 51 and still have 2 years, 11 months of not missing any votes to reach that much desired Level 60.
I always thought level 42 was the halfway point considering you need 19,000 something EXP and 38,000 something EXP for level 60. At least I'm beyond 3/4 way mark to level 60. It's actually gonna be a sad feeling reaching the final level and knowing there won't be more to obtain. Ah well, good times have gotta come to an end, I guess.
Just reached 1/3 of a million medal points. Should I really go for this?
29,000 saves.
Reaching Supreme Commander in saves alone will be a pretty nice milestone. :)
At 2/16/13 11:54 AM, Auz wrote:LMAO XDI read a comment the other day. Somebody watched the movie and one guy in the theatre asked. "Huh? Why does he have the ring all of a sudden? I thought it was destroyed?" Oh. My. God.At 2/8/13 01:19 PM, Haggard wrote:Also, I think they were trying to make some clear connections with the Lord of the Rings films, just for the crowd that never read the book.At 2/8/13 05:57 AM, Auz wrote:
Fine if you haven't read The Hobbit, but even from the film itself it becomes obvious that it's a prequel to The Lord of the Rings.
Yes. Also, how can you miss all the talk going on, that Jackson is now brining THE PREQUEL to the cinemas now?
Well if I remember correctly, he says something like: "Not fair!" but I don't hear him mentioning it's against the rules or that it isn't a riddle. In fact, he even starts trying to guess it.I always imagined that part to be a bit silly. Like, how would Gollum even consider that to be a proper riddle? However, they made it fairly believable in the film.Heh, he doesn't consider it to be a proper riddle, that's the whole point. ^^
Yes, he complains about it but Bilbo insists, so Gollum doesn't really have a choice.
I thought this part was adapted well in the movie. Bilbo even does fiddle around with the ring before he asks that question, just as it is described in the book.
Yeah I would still like to get my hands on them someday. I believe we do have the films on DVD, but I don't think they contain many extras.They even cut a lot of parts of the LotR just to keep it all within 3 hour portions.Yes, that's why you just have to get the extended versions. It's really worth it!
I have bought the BluRay-Box on the last Amazon "Cyber Monday". It was money well spent, since the additional scenes add so much more value to the movies... the only thing that pisses me off slighty is that there are sometiems different camera angles for the same scenes in both versions. ^^
You're talking about Star Wars, right?But oh well. It seems to be hip nowadays to split books in as many films as they think they can get away with.At least the movies aren't as shitty as Episode I - III. I watched Episode I in the movies, the other two, I only watched parts of III, when it was on the TV. And I really can't bring myself to watch Episode II...
It's like "What was he thinking?!"
Of course. Are there any other shitty movies with "Episode I - III" in the title? ^^
At 2/16/13 12:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:At 2/16/13 08:27 AM, Haggard wrote: Actually, we do agree on some things. ;)Are these things able to be counted on one hand? :P
I think... yes. :(
At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: That was a really close one and next time, I shouldn't expect to be so lucky.
Really lucky indeed.
At 2/16/13 08:27 AM, Haggard wrote:Nope nope nope, not ever.At 2/15/13 10:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hell no.Hell yes.
You have to, sometime...
I agree. That said, the auras are better looking for the current icons. Pink isn't such an eyesore now and purple aura is a welcome addition. Teal aura for writer/reader kinda blends in with game aura but I suppose I can live with it.Yeah, it's hard to bring myself as much excitement as I did for the 2007 levels whenever I level up. I guess reaching level 60 will have a "meh" effect to it.Which is really disappointing.
Yes, the additional aura is nice and I like the new auras much better than pre-re-redesign.
I'd say the animated series is where it was best at. Maybe we can both agree that TAS surpasses all the films.I'm slowly but surely going through season two of Batman: The Animated Series.Nothing beats the TV series with Adam West!
Since I never watched any animated series of Batman (the was some cheaply made cartoon when I was young, but it sucked), I really cannot agree with you here. :(
Congratulations To
EmoDragon: level 46
Jolly: 60,000 medal points
gamejunkie: 28,000 exp, 90,000 total stats
Nijsse: 330,000 medal points
sumidiotdude: level 37
Winrar1337: brig. general
Martin: 13,000 exp
Haggard, I have two questions for thee:
1. Why, for as long as I can remember have you never had a BBS signature?
2. What the hell is a "Surf Nazi"?
At 2/16/13 12:39 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: I bet he has a pleasant sent, like a pine forest in springtime. lmao
At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Much to my surprise, the iPod was found and the cinema phoned up informing me they do have it. That was a really close one and next time, I shouldn't expect to be so lucky. To make sure this doesn't happen again, I now have a new coat with zipped pockets and not crappy buttoned pockets.
You lucked out big-time, man. I'd have a stroke if I lost my (160G) iPod. 0.o
It's on its way. ;)
Damn, it's been a lot to digest... (You were hinting at the Hexalist, right?)
She will but more in the sense of myself seeing her a week tomorrow for my second day of voluntary work there. I just wonder how tidy the shelves have been since I was last there.
Hopefully they're a mess! :P I'd do everything I could to make myself indispensable -especially if finding a job is as hard as it is around where I live...
Yeah, the idea feels a little shot down now. Still, happy to discuss it and at least it wasn't an utterly dumb idea. One I heard about replacing the $100 prize draw with bonus EXP to a random user made me want to throw up.
That's retarded. Newgrounds exp. system is a marathon, not a lottery. :\
I suppose it's a matter of time then. Maybe next time...
You're more patient than I am. :P
At 2/17/13 06:48 PM, Nijsse wrote: Just reached 1/3 of a million medal points. Should I really go for this?
Hell, you're already a third of the way there, so why not? :P
At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote: I think... yes. :(
That's what I figured. ;)
At 2/18/13 12:17 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Congratulations To
Nijsse: 330,000 medal points
Thanks, but come ooooooon, I did a much prettier job than that. =P
Yeah, the idea feels a little shot down now. Still, happy to discuss it and at least it wasn't an utterly dumb idea. One I heard about replacing the $100 prize draw with bonus EXP to a random user made me want to throw up.That's retarded. Newgrounds exp. system is a marathon, not a lottery. :\
Wow, yeah that's about the worst idea possible. If, for whatever reason, earning EXP is not 100% my own responsibility, I'm done with it. Even after coming to this website 3400 to deposit my grounds gold.
Damn I got so lucky today. I drive a lot and never even had a scratch on my car. Today I had to deliver some stuff for my boss so I parked my car and walked away. Apparently I forgot to use my hand brake (wtf?) and my car started rolling backwards. Some dude saw it happen and ran towards my car to make it stop. He yelled so I turned around, saw the whole thing and noticed that if the guy didn't stop my car it would've rolled into a fucking pit and be completely underwater. I really felt like the most retarded person ever, thanked the guy a couple of times and randomly gave him 20 bucks (looking back to it, it should have been a lot more, but I was really in shock). I obviously have car-insurance, but I really love my current car and have no clue if they even insure moronic stuff like this.
It's insane how you can be driving for so many years (as I said, without even a single scratch) and do something that stupid because your mind is elsewhere.
[x] Irrelevant post-traumatic adrenaline rant in a completely unrelated topic.
Level 40. Still depositing every chance I get.
Listening to:
Helloween - Straight Out of Hell
At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote:At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: That was a really close one and next time, I shouldn't expect to be so lucky.Really lucky indeed.
I don't expect that mishap to happen ever again.
Nope nope nope, not ever.You have to, sometime...
I never will. And besides, my girlfriend finds me to be an adorable dragon and I'm meant to be fierce. :P
I agree. That said, the auras are better looking for the current icons. Pink isn't such an eyesore now and purple aura is a welcome addition. Teal aura for writer/reader kinda blends in with game aura but I suppose I can live with it.Yes, the additional aura is nice and I like the new auras much better than pre-re-redesign.
Pre-re-redesign? You're talking about 2007, right?
I'd say the animated series is where it was best at. Maybe we can both agree that TAS surpasses all the films.Since I never watched any animated series of Batman (the was some cheaply made cartoon when I was young, but it sucked), I really cannot agree with you here. :(
It's a series I recommend watching. I feel the episodic formats of Batman helps to present various villains in the franchise.
At 2/18/13 12:17 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Much to my surprise, the iPod was found and the cinema phoned up informing me they do have it. That was a really close one and next time, I shouldn't expect to be so lucky. To make sure this doesn't happen again, I now have a new coat with zipped pockets and not crappy buttoned pockets.You lucked out big-time, man. I'd have a stroke if I lost my (160G) iPod. 0.o
Mine's 120GB. It was the cheaper option at the time and I still have at least half of it to fill up.
It's on its way. ;)Damn, it's been a lot to digest... (You were hinting at the Hexalist, right?)
Hopefully you can manage it all.
She will but more in the sense of myself seeing her a week tomorrow for my second day of voluntary work there. I just wonder how tidy the shelves have been since I was last there.Hopefully they're a mess! :P I'd do everything I could to make myself indispensable -especially if finding a job is as hard as it is around where I live...
Well if they are messy, I'll go right ahead and make the place tidy again.
Yeah, the idea feels a little shot down now. Still, happy to discuss it and at least it wasn't an utterly dumb idea. One I heard about replacing the $100 prize draw with bonus EXP to a random user made me want to throw up.That's retarded. Newgrounds exp. system is a marathon, not a lottery. :\
I agree. I had to crush that idea as much as possible the moment it was suggested.
At 2/18/13 01:01 PM, Nijsse wrote: If, for whatever reason, earning EXP is not 100% my own responsibility, I'm done with it.
Well, except for when I'm away somewhere but London trips are manageable so I generally don't need to ask someone to cover for me then. If it's somewhere else then I might need backup incase mobile internet supports sucks at wherever I am.
Congratulations To
sumidiotdude: major
GUTHRIE: 29,000 exp.
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: level 40
Haggard: 61,000 b/p
Decky: 7.00 base vp
So, I'm the only one making lists on a daily basis now? :(
At 2/18/13 01:01 PM, Nijsse wrote: Thanks, but come ooooooon, I did a much prettier job than that. =P
I'm determined to congratulate medal points in increments of 10,000, so I decided to round your 333,330 down to 330,000. If it was 333,333, though... Are there any medals worth 3 points? :P
Wow, yeah that's about the worst idea possible. If, for whatever reason, earning EXP is not 100% my own responsibility, I'm done with it. Even after coming to this website 3400 to deposit my grounds gold.
It would have to be pretty damn outrageous to get me to quit depositing at level 56. ;)
Damn I got so lucky today.
Wow, you and Bahamut both. I honestly have no idea if the insurance would cover something like that, but even if it did, you can be sure your premium would skyrocket...
It's insane how you can be driving for so many years (as I said, without even a single scratch) and do something that stupid because your mind is elsewhere.
I've had my licence for almost 10 years now with no accidents. Now's the time I'd be knocking on wood, if I were a superstitious kind of guy. ;)
At 2/19/13 01:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: Mine's 120GB. It was the cheaper option at the time and I still have at least half of it to fill up.
I have a fair amount of video on mine, which takes up a lot of space. I got the biggest one available because I never wanted to worry about running out of room and having to choose what to remove to make room for new stuff. (I still have around 90GB free, so that's not going to be an issue anytime soon.)
Hopefully you can manage it all.
I'm not worried about the workload; I did the top reviewers with nothing but my browser, a calculator and a notepad file every week. This is just a lot more complex than what I'm used to. I've been trying to do a mock update, following the instructions you sent. I've gotten to the part with copying the 1x10k'ers into the separate spreadsheet. I'll be in touch with you soon to chat about it, just iron out any bumps.
At 2/18/13 12:17 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Haggard, I have two questions for thee:
1. Why, for as long as I can remember have you never had a BBS signature?
What? I DO have a BBS Signature. You are reading it all the time. :P
I never had a picture in it, because... users with pictures in their signature are just lame (dragons and cricket players excluded, you guys are awesome, even with pics in your signature). :P
Back in the days, when we could have animated sigs, I even blocked those, because I found it too distracting.
2. What the hell is a "Surf Nazi"?
Oh boy...
[url=]"Who controls the beaches?" - "The Surfers!"[/url]
[url]"Who controls the surfers?" - "The Surf Nazis!"[/url]
You are welcome. ;)
At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote: I think... yes. :(That's what I figured. ;)
At 2/19/13 01:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/18/13 09:09 AM, Haggard wrote:I don't expect that mishap to happen ever again.At 2/17/13 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: That was a really close one and next time, I shouldn't expect to be so lucky.Really lucky indeed.
Never say never. Also, I'm sorry, but Nijsse's story even tops your story.
I never will. And besides, my girlfriend finds me to be an adorable dragon and I'm meant to be fierce. :PNope nope nope, not ever.You have to, sometime...
See? Dragons can be adorable. And Grisu is most adorable.
Pre-re-redesign? You're talking about 2007, right?I agree. That said, the auras are better looking for the current icons. Pink isn't such an eyesore now and purple aura is a welcome addition. Teal aura for writer/reader kinda blends in with game aura but I suppose I can live with it.Yes, the additional aura is nice and I like the new auras much better than pre-re-redesign.
It's a series I recommend watching. I feel the episodic formats of Batman helps to present various villains in the franchise.I'd say the animated series is where it was best at. Maybe we can both agree that TAS surpasses all the films.Since I never watched any animated series of Batman (the was some cheaply made cartoon when I was young, but it sucked), I really cannot agree with you here. :(
Hopefully it also has a logical story line and isn't a reboot of the reboot that rebooted the reboot from 3 years ago. Seriously, "The Dark Knight" just fucked around with the story line too much. The whole idea was that Joker created Batman and Batman created the Joker. But in the Dark Knight? Some killer creates Batman and Joker just appeared out of nowhere? LAME!