Coop ploughs through yet more job applications and writing projects, while congratulating:
GUTHRIE: Level 51
VJF: Level 17
Jolly: 38,000 B/P
Listening to:
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Times Like These
At 9/27/12 09:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 9/26/12 04:20 AM, Coop wrote:You know, I forgot why we were talking about this.At 9/25/12 09:21 AM, Bahamut wrote: Alright then, Lisa Lisa Lisa!She's lovely, but she's in a very stable relationship and she has a child. I'm not a homewrecker.
You were trying to get me to make a pass at my hairdresser. Not going to happen.
Unless it turns out they're in the middle of moving out and staying at their place is simply not an option this time around. They do need to find a better flat and I think they can manage that soon but it's a matter of when.And seeing as it's London, don't expect me to help out anyone if I'm at my sister's small flat.I wouldn't expect you to.
Yeah, I think most people in our age demographic need to find better accommodation.
I'll only need money for transport (60) food (10) and booze.... Uh, I dunno how much that will be. I'd say around 100 for the whole weekend is actually not bad. Then again, I could consider day 0 better this time and I won't bother with the aftermath after last time.At 9/26/12 01:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: London meet in January confirmed. YESYESYESYESYESProper meet? I'll have to get some cash together.
I've not got a clue how much I need, but it's car time and that puts a lot higher a demand on my resources.
At 9/27/12 01:10 PM, Odyssic wrote:At 9/27/12 04:10 AM, Coop wrote: Well, it works both ways - Dance of Death and El Dorado stuck straight in my head and they're two of my favourites from Maiden.Speaking of Gangnam Style, it played TWICE at Uni today. I would love it if they just played some piano or something because thats the stuff I love most.
I've not watched the video in 2 days and I'm trying my best to avoid it - hence watching the Foo Fighters at Wembley at as high a volume that I can get away with.
At 9/27/12 05:39 PM, simon wrote:At 9/26/12 09:28 PM, Addict wrote: 20,000 Saves.I've been on 9,000+ blams for 2-3 years now, I'm never going to make it into the pentalist at this rate.
I find it harder & harder every year to rack up a reasonable amount of blams.
I could feel like that about 30k Blams, but just 11 more now!
At 9/28/12 01:58 AM, Haggard wrote:At 9/27/12 04:10 AM, Coop wrote: The Cold War USSR would have given modern day Germany a run for its money, as would have America. Wow, can you imagine the Cold War in the internet age? Espionage via Twitter...People always say "the cold war is over", but I'm not sure if I can believe them or not.
Well, judging by the way that Russia and China are dealing with Syria, it's still in full swing.
It still is "dramatic music".But there is some dramatic music after Zoidberg demands MOOOOORRREEE!That's just a note or three. Hardly Beethoven's 5th, is it?
Oh, but now you're just bandying terms around. Like in Fantasia, when the narrator says "would the soundtrack kindly produce a sound?" and it produces a random sound that lasts less than a second. Still a sound, but not what we were after.
The party rigs up a way of opening the trap again, but the argument continues, until the trap shuts once more. DM getting frustrated by this point, when they open the trap for the third time, the ceiling opens, to dump a load of refuse on the rogue. The party lets him drown in it.Nice story. But the DM should never get frustrated. Nothing better than a party that nearly kills themselves due to stupid arguments. Less work for the DM. ^^
Oh, I've learned from these issues and gone on to run my own games. I think I'm doing marginally better.
Oh, right. Maybe I was thinking of some other Ghouls from some other universe.Do ghouls still have to go to the bathroom? I mean, they aren't exactly alive...They're still human. Just blood bound mortals, with a little Potence and possibly Fortitude added.
Ghouls in D&D are dead - they eat rotting flesh and can paralyse just by touch.
On a not totally unrelated side note: I once again stumbled upon "Straight Talk on D&D":
Make sure to also read the follow up "Should a Christian play D&D?".
I'll check it in a bit - a little busy today.
There where no NPCs around. We where in the middle of an ocean and our helicopter just crashed. Because the pilot turned into a vampire as well...Maybe it wasn't the clan itself that the others didn't like. Maybe it was because we where gambling all along. With card tricks, shell games, and so on. Best of all: The Gamemaster didn't like us as well (yeah, maybe our characters where a bit annoying... ^^). At one time he said: "Why on earth are the two fucking Ravnos still alive?". Good times...I could have played that into an NPC encounter. "And yet the two members of house Ravnos still live? One day, their luck will run out, I am sure."
Oh... that's not fun.