Coop returns to the office, a winning Captain. Congratulations to:
Winrar1337: Gold Whistle
DiMono: Level 25
imaTouko-Chan: Deity Whistle
Jolly: 34,000 B/P
At 6/24/12 06:37 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/24/12 06:08 AM, Coop wrote:
At 6/23/12 11:50 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/19/12 05:18 AM, Coop wrote:
Coop gets himself ready to head out for a haircut. Congratulations to:
Lol, haircuts... I haven't been to a haircutter for nearly 10 years now.
Dr. Sticks, the drummer of the band that I auditioned for hasn't had a haircut for 17 years now. I was stunned.
I'm just hoping I still HAVE hair that I don't cut in 7 years from now...
I don't mind going for a haircut, because it's cheaper to pay £10 to have a good looking woman mess with my head, than it was for the last relationship I had :P
I had some graphic relaism on Borderlands the other day - stomped a skag to death. I even got an achievement for it :P
Yet another game I haven't played yet. Damn!
Borderlands is quite fun for killing time, to be honest. No two guns are the same and being able to make a giant psychopath explode right in front of your eyes is always amusing.
I've bought a bunch of PS1 games recently, Riven, Blazing Dragons, Discworld and Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars are the main reason I bought the whole package
I loved playing Discworld, but I'd never want to play it on a Playstation. Just like playing Command & Conquer on there, why wouldn't you play it on a PC, where you can control with a mouse?!
My wife has Discworld for the PC, but I never got around to play it. Also, Discworld was just part of the package I bought. Also also, you actually CAN control Discworld with a mouse on Playstation. I'll just have to try if I can just plug in a USB mouse on the PS3 and use that to control the PS1 game. If not, I just might buy a mouse for the PS1... on the other hand, Discworld is the only mouse compatible game so far. :/
Yeah, I just never understood why my friends got games like that, Theme Park, C&C and all of the other traditional Point and Click games on the playstation, while I was at school. Perhaps it was because they didn't have PCs...
At 6/24/12 08:51 AM, Bahamut wrote:
You know what I like? Waking up at something like half 10, get the EXP update stat pulling rolling and then go to sleep until 1 in the afternoon. Work is done while I was sleeping!
I love it when work can be done like that. A shame that I've had to go back to real work today :P
At 6/24/12 06:08 AM, Coop wrote:
At 6/23/12 07:56 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 6/22/12 11:32 PM, darknessdweller wrote:
And that is all you're going to hear from me.
Just ignore him.
I think he'll be ignoring us even more. :P
At 6/23/12 02:09 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Why not both?
This is a hobby. When it becomes a chore, it's time to quit.
Quit posting? You never.
Exactly. I may have become a successful captain yesterday, but I want to carry this on.
To shave or not to shave.
That is the question
Well, I have a very small goatee on me. Nothing great but it's better than nothing.
I used to think that with my first attempt at a goatee. I was 18, had been shaving for about 3-4 years and it looked awful. Now, it looks a lot better, when I choose to grow it.
Damn best experience ever?
No, for various reasons. The shower is too small, you can lose your footing, she might enjoy the showerhead more, I might get bored.
I don't believe the last reason at all.
Really? I think this was the biggest reason.
At 6/25/12 02:18 AM, imaTouko-chan wrote:
So I heard that in this status that this type of whistle is special among the others of having some sort of secret?
Nothing secret to do with it, as far as I am concerned. As one of the few who gave you the Deity Whistle, I can see nothing different. Don't stop searching for abusive reviews.
At 6/25/12 02:28 AM, Jolly wrote:
You are now a level 8 mage. Use your spell points wisely!
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability; Ice Storm; Phantasmal Killer; Polymorph. There, pick two of those, that should give you a few laughs.