Stranger's Wrath is a good game but it's hard to beat the Abe classics. Now I'm onto Rayman Origins for PS3.
Listening to:
Claim the Throne - Triumph and Beyond
Thanks to:
At 1 day ago, Coop wrote:
At 22 hours ago, Bahamut wrote:
I saw Alestorm last night.
"Keelhaul that filthy landlubber!
Send him down to the depths below!"
That was played and it was actually fun.
Their show was sadly not that enjoyment due to the excessively rough moshpit. I came all the way to Manchester to see them live, not get pushed around by knobheads. At least the support acts were enjoyable.
Oh, that's not as good...
I expect Primordial fans to have more respect to society. I really want to see them in May at the same venue not just for them but also for Hell as their support act.
Oh, I thought you caught that one. Heh, it will be interesting to see who was perfect with their deposits on the 4th year EXP special. :P I may just have 3,650 as the gold star again as a result. 3,660 will be the standard perfection due to leap year.
I'm waiting for your next Experience update to confirm, but I may have to speak to the management about this...
You finding a way to get that one deposit back?
I'm also going to boycott ATI. They've given me nothing but headaches.
Not familiar with them...
A company making bad video cards.
Please bring her to me.
Well... I say girl. She would dispute that, being a woman and all... not sure if I should risk calling her a lady.
Whatever, bring her to me.
At 21 hours ago, Auz wrote:
A new Top 100 Reviewers List update is up. Including audio and art reviews this time.
I'm liking this. I'll give you a batch of users to look into later on.
At 1 day ago, Bahamut wrote:
The Pandora's Box must not have a lid.
Apparently it's a Mario block. Hmm... An endless supply of coins doesn't sound so bad.
Eh, when you have so many lives you stop giving a fuck. I ended up having over 150 lives on 3D Land. Gameplay is a lot of fun but as far as Mario goes, it's nothing highly refreshing for the series.
At 15 hours ago, Haggard wrote:
I now reviewed Graveyard - Hisingen Blues.
You sound very productive recently.
At 11 hours ago, Bahamut wrote:
Sounds like the issues are going down one by one.
But why doesn't anybody find the time to get rid of "day on the internet"? It's been there for like 3 or 4 days now...
Give them time.
Nah, I was just portraying you as a Metal-Archives reviewer.
Oh. Yeah, I should properly submit a review there just like that for the lulz.
I don't bother with my reviews on there anymore. They take far too long to even get to mine. When mine is still in the queue for two weeks, you can just forget about posting reviews on their site and just make a site of your own.
At 10 hours ago, iscrulz wrote:
At 15 hours ago, Bahamut wrote:
38,630? Now why does that number sound familiar? Ah, I got it!
It will be worth it if just one herp a derp goes Y U NO get lavel 60 F7U11
I love this idea a lot. I like your thinking with the idea of having one deposit away from level 60 and permanently staying there.
Sorry, if they had to start taking requests from one person, they'd have to do it for everyone else.
Damn Wade and Tom and Johhnies inbox must be maxed out with complaints from the redesign not being perfect. Its going to be or not a challenge to get the b/p vp bonus back because the have to retroactive all the votes.
Good thing they're not forgetting our VP bonus.
At 2 hours ago, Coop wrote:
101,000 B/P
You sure it's necessary to mention every thousand after reaching 100k?
Well, since relaunch, I've been enjoying a prolific pace, so I'm trying to chase down Ehwaz double quick. Not sure if Bahamut will be updating the B/P list tonight, but I'll still keep an eye on the rankings, to see if I can reel him in.
Actually, with the updated INI files from byteslinger, the B/P update should be good to go tonight.