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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-27 19:27:37

At 9/27/11 12:51 AM, ihatesonic1 wrote: level 29, I hate fist levels, good thing this is the last one

Sorry but you are wrong on that matter. You forgot about level 47 which is guess what? Another fist level. However on the bright side you won't be seeing that level for a couple of years if you deposit consistantly.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 00:07:57

Level 54

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 00:29:31

At 9/26/11 04:33 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/25/11 05:58 PM, Bobbybroccoli wrote: I finally got my BBS posts per day up to 2. I posted for the first time in February and never posted again for weeks. That brought it down by a significant amount.
We really don't care about posts per day "achievements" - otherwise it just encourages spam. Post totals ones do that as well, but not by so much.

For serious? If someone posts (just once, I mean... in their entire time on NG BBS) that they just hit 6.666 ppd... or in Bahamut's case, 7.777, I guess..... still a no go? (gasp)

I remember fondly talking about my 1.234s and such. I never broke 2 ppd due to not discovering the BBS until just shy of my 3rd NG birthday, but... still. We take what we can get.

At 9/25/11 11:56 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/25/11 07:46 AM, Coop wrote: Coop recovers from last night, while congratulating:
I'd ask what happened... but I'm not sure I want to know! (gasp)
I went out drinking with the cricketers, after we won 2 of the 3 leagues we were in last season.

Well, congrats on that. And that sounds like the Coop we all know and love...

Plus there were underlying details about my ex-girlfriend, which would up her best friend and me by proxy.

but... what's this? O_o .....

IRL dramas? EX-gf? ... what is this, I don't even...... okay, clearly I've missed out on a lot. Maybe you should fill me in on Steam IM sometime so we don't clog up the LUL intertubes with old news (to everyone but me, I mean).

... still. Stunned. Flabbergasted. Jabberwockied. Gumdropped. The lot.

Gotta love them 5s :P

And 53s and 83s, no? I think of you evertime I see a 53 and 55 and 83. :)

I know you love the #, too (as do I, but you more than me), but I love the icon most of all... and if you love it too, then the favour is returned (with me loving the icon more than you, I'd expect).

All in all, a great level & # & icon all around. :::tempted to stop depositing:::
I've got to ask you, what do you feel about Steven Strasburg? I mean, he wears 37, he was a great pitcher until Tommy John surgery, now he's just a good pitcher, I feel.

As I'm sure Bahamut has informed you, as of turning 34 back in June, I've made a commitment to not necessarily.... love... 37. But to stop hating it. I'm even on the verge of liking it some times. But at worst, disliking it.

Your powers are weak, old man. That number has no power over me any longer. Yadda yadda yadda. :)

Oh, but as to Steven Strasberg... sorry, I know the name, know he's a pitcher, know he has a good reputation, &c... but I haven't been keeping up with baseball for the past 2-3 years. Astros sucking + too busy IRL + &c.

So, I had no idea he had Tommy John. No idea he wore #37, as well.

I feel his quality (or newfound lack thereof) and his jersey number have little to do with each other. But I commend him for choosing baseball over the many inferior sports he could have chosen to turn into a career. :::nods:::

</faking being a baseball snob to help himself past instinctive number-fixation/OCD/even-numbers-and-36-
especially vs. odd-numbers-and-37-especially mental hangups/conditions/&c>

At 9/26/11 10:00 AM, jonthomson wrote: HI THERE JONCH DIE IN A FIRE

by: jonch
date: 1 hour ago

Although this is awful, this is good enough to pass the judgement. I give this 1/10 because that;s what it deserves but I give it a 5/5 so I can get the save point.

There are still noobs and newbs who don't know they can get a save from a 2/5 just as easily as a 5/5?

And still users (period) who think it's cool to give radically different scores on the review and the vote?

Not sure which one (fails to) amaze me more. But either way... at least I know that NG is still the same old NG, no matter how long I disappear for.

Oh, hi there, jt. :D

At 9/27/11 08:15 AM, Coop wrote: After months of chasing Ehwaz and eventually ReconRebel's coat tails, I have changed my profile.

Not bad fellows to be chasing and catching.

I am now the 13th Highest grossing B/Per OF ALL TIME


I can start to focus on the top 10 now.

Godspeed. I hope you (at the very least) match my #2 someday... but really... I know you prefer ze gold, unlike ze gfox. ;)

At 9/27/11 11:15 AM, Jolly wrote: I've been considering switching to neutral as of lately. Dark goes well with my sig though, and I don't plan on changing it any time soon.

DOOOO EEEEET. Neutral calls to you!

I think Gold looks the best with level 27, 46, and every level 55 and above. I prefer dark (or neutral) for every other level.

IIRC, level 45 is the ultimate black weapon with the gold aura. If it's the scythe I'm thinking of. 46 isn't bad either, though, nope.

Level 55 and above are too gold already for me to enjoy them with a gold aura behind. I'd much rather see 'em with dark or neutral, personally. But to each his own. :)

At 9/27/11 04:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: Still having a good time in Disneyland Paris. My mum's netbook is awkward to use but free WiFi at McDonalds? Can't complain.

BAHAMUT. I AM POSTING. You didn't seem to notice. ;_;

</ragequits... jkjkjkjkjkjk :D .... OR IS HE?>

I saw your last.fm nod to your trip to Paris. Very very clever choice on that final song before you left town, man. :::tips cap::: #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 00:31:58

At 9/28/11 12:29 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I remember fondly talking about my 1.234s and such. I never broke 2 ppd due to not discovering the BBS until just shy of my 3rd NG birthday, but... still. We take what we can get.

(cough)... not sure WTF I was thinking right there. Never broke 4 ppd, I should have said.

I was in the 3.x ppd range for a long time (and probably raved about 3.456 at some point, just like 1.234). Hell, I'm even 2.x ppd right now... talk about a typo. There's bad typos and then there's BAD. TYPOS. I just made the latter (by my standards, at least).

Ah well. I'm only human, alas. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 04:06:03

Coop has noticed how his week has become really busy, while congratulating:
illuminate: Level 54

Listening to:
Steve Ouimette - The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Rush - 2112 (Full Version)

Thank you to:

At 9/27/11 11:25 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/27/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/26/11 10:00 AM, jonthomson wrote: HI THERE JONCH DIE IN A FIRE

by: jonch
date: 1 hour ago

Although this is awful, this is good enough to pass the judgement. I give this 1/10 because that;s what it deserves but I give it a 5/5 so I can get the save point.
What a retard. I'm, going to have words.
Ignorant much? I still tend to vote 0-2 on the cookie cutter games at most. Mostly because every time I play a new one they have added nothing new or interesting. Sadly no matter how hard I try there is some twit still passing them through. I'm pretty sure just swapping Ben10 for Mario on an an ATV doesn't count as much of a change.

Yeah, I've not voted for one of those games to pass for an age. Yes, I fell for it in the early days. Oh yeah, have you all seen that eddsworld2 account floating around. Duffer much?

At 9/26/11 11:16 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/26/11 04:33 AM, Coop wrote: Sure, get any Weird Al, it's worth it, especially if they're in the clearance bin!
Sadly I went to go buy them today from the bin and I found none or maybe they were buried deep into the pile. Might go early in the morning or something literally take all the CDs out to organize it a bit and find those 2 CDs, who knows, might find a few other CDs to get. Found a couple of KISS, Fleetwood Mac, Journey, and Foreigner CDs in there though. That or go to an fye store over the weekend and look for them there. On another note, last time I went there I couldn't find any Buckethead albums.
I turned up at a friend's yesterday and found that he's acquired a copy of Floyd's discovery boxed set. I might just have to borrow those CDs and copy them up.
Ahh, nice, found some of those there too. Might just get them. Then again my dad has an entire Pink Floyd, Metallica, and AC/DC boxsets sitting downstairs. Might be worth getting out and putting the stuff on my computer anyways.

If I did that with my dad's music, the only stuff I'd still need to copy would be the Beatles. I will eventually, but just can't be arsed at the moment.

At 9/27/11 04:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: Still having a good time in Disneyland Paris. My mum's netbook is awkward to use but free WiFi at McDonalds? Can't complain.

My fellow depositers are doing a great job so far.

Thanks for voting up my audio :P

At 9/28/11 12:29 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/26/11 04:33 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/25/11 05:58 PM, Bobbybroccoli wrote: I finally got my BBS posts per day up to 2. I posted for the first time in February and never posted again for weeks. That brought it down by a significant amount.
We really don't care about posts per day "achievements" - otherwise it just encourages spam. Post totals ones do that as well, but not by so much.
For serious? If someone posts (just once, I mean... in their entire time on NG BBS) that they just hit 6.666 ppd... or in Bahamut's case, 7.777, I guess..... still a no go? (gasp)

I remember fondly talking about my 1.234s and such. I never broke 2 ppd due to not discovering the BBS until just shy of my 3rd NG birthday, but... still. We take what we can get.

At 9/25/11 11:56 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/25/11 07:46 AM, Coop wrote: Coop recovers from last night, while congratulating:
I'd ask what happened... but I'm not sure I want to know! (gasp)
I went out drinking with the cricketers, after we won 2 of the 3 leagues we were in last season.
Well, congrats on that. And that sounds like the Coop we all know and love...

Yeah, there were trophies and I'm being lauded as the best scorer that we've had at the club ever :P

Plus there were underlying details about my ex-girlfriend, which would up her best friend and me by proxy.
but... what's this? O_o .....

IRL dramas? EX-gf? ... what is this, I don't even...... okay, clearly I've missed out on a lot. Maybe you should fill me in on Steam IM sometime so we don't clog up the LUL intertubes with old news (to everyone but me, I mean).

6 months of being single now. Details to follow on Steam.

... still. Stunned. Flabbergasted. Jabberwockied. Gumdropped. The lot.

Gotta love them 5s :P
And 53s and 83s, no? I think of you evertime I see a 53 and 55 and 83. :)

Kind of worrying, but I'll let it pass, for now. It should probably worry your wife more :3

I know you love the #, too (as do I, but you more than me), but I love the icon most of all... and if you love it too, then the favour is returned (with me loving the icon more than you, I'd expect).

All in all, a great level & # & icon all around. :::tempted to stop depositing:::
I've got to ask you, what do you feel about Steven Strasburg? I mean, he wears 37, he was a great pitcher until Tommy John surgery, now he's just a good pitcher, I feel.
As I'm sure Bahamut has informed you, as of turning 34 back in June, I've made a commitment to not necessarily.... love... 37. But to stop hating it. I'm even on the verge of liking it some times. But at worst, disliking it.

Your powers are weak, old man. That number has no power over me any longer. Yadda yadda yadda. :)

You can't win, fox. If you kill 37, it shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Oh, but as to Steven Strasberg... sorry, I know the name, know he's a pitcher, know he has a good reputation, &c... but I haven't been keeping up with baseball for the past 2-3 years. Astros sucking + too busy IRL + &c.

So, I had no idea he had Tommy John. No idea he wore #37, as well.

You probably won't be playing against him that much longer - league realignment means that the 'stros might end up in the AL West and have to make the trip to Yankee Stadium, from next season ;)

I feel his quality (or newfound lack thereof) and his jersey number have little to do with each other. But I commend him for choosing baseball over the many inferior sports he could have chosen to turn into a career. :::nods:::

</faking being a baseball snob to help himself past instinctive number-fixation/OCD/even-numbers-and-36-
especially vs. odd-numbers-and-37-especially mental hangups/conditions/&c>

Impressive, you're getting much better at it.

At 9/26/11 10:00 AM, jonthomson wrote: HI THERE JONCH DIE IN A FIRE

by: jonch
date: 1 hour ago

Although this is awful, this is good enough to pass the judgement. I give this 1/10 because that;s what it deserves but I give it a 5/5 so I can get the save point.
There are still noobs and newbs who don't know they can get a save from a 2/5 just as easily as a 5/5?

That's almost as bad, but not as bad as 0 reviewers that vote 5 on the piece just for the save point.

At 9/27/11 08:15 AM, Coop wrote: After months of chasing Ehwaz and eventually ReconRebel's coat tails, I have changed my profile.
Not bad fellows to be chasing and catching.

I am now the 13th Highest grossing B/Per OF ALL TIME

I can start to focus on the top 10 now.
Godspeed. I hope you (at the very least) match my #2 someday... but really... I know you prefer ze gold, unlike ze gfox. ;)

We'll see - I've eclipsed your marker for career, but I'm sure I can make up some more places above me yet.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 05:15:00

At 9/27/11 11:25 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/27/11 11:15 AM, Jolly wrote:
At 9/27/11 12:51 AM, ihatesonic1 wrote: level 29, I hate fist levels, good thing this is the last one
The fist levels are some of my favourites. I like all of them, except level 47.
Probably the only levels I don't like at all are levels 33,34, and 54. Aside from that, the other ones do not bother me much. Also after checking NG Logs this morning, had I never missed a day on Newgrounds in my life I would be level 46, neat.

I don't really like the 30s at all. Out of all of them I only really like level 36 and level 39.

At 9/27/11 04:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: Still having a good time in Disneyland Paris. My mum's netbook is awkward to use but free WiFi at McDonalds? Can't complain.

My fellow depositers are doing a great job so far.

I logged your stats on NG log for you. (I didn't think about it the first day you were gone)

At 9/28/11 12:29 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/27/11 11:15 AM, Jolly wrote: I've been considering switching to neutral as of lately. Dark goes well with my sig though, and I don't plan on changing it any time soon.
DOOOO EEEEET. Neutral calls to you!

Done. I don't know how long I'll keep it. The change feels odd. I've been using dark for 1-2 years.
Maybe it won't take long to get use to.

I think Gold looks the best with level 27, 46, and every level 55 and above. I prefer dark (or neutral) for every other level.
IIRC, level 45 is the ultimate black weapon with the gold aura. If it's the scythe I'm thinking of. 46 isn't : bad either, though, nope.
Level 55 and above are too gold already for me to enjoy them with a gold aura behind. I'd much rather see 'em with dark or neutral, personally. But to each his own. :)

I like the levels to look similar to the aura. Black on black, gold on gold... looks the best that way, in my opinion.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 06:10:37

At 9/28/11 05:15 AM, Jolly wrote: Done. I don't know how long I'll keep it. The change feels odd. I've been using dark for 1-2 years.
Maybe it won't take long to get use to.

It won't. And ever since I tried changing my aura to the gold just for kicks, I got it reset to neutral -- and I find it goes pretty well with the bat, unlike Light or Dark.

Dark'll probably be best for level 18, though. I've not seen one person who doesn't have a dark aura for that level.

Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp

"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 11:38:55

At 9/26/11 04:33 AM, Coop wrote: Yes - Lancashire won the county championship, Worcestershire avoided the drop, so all is well. Now I'm rooting for the Worcester Warriors, who need to get a win, after a tough luck loss to Harlequins on Saturday.

So what is your club name?

Ah, the 50 things to do BEFORE YOU DIE - not while you're still alive, but BEFORE YOU DIE! Gives it more of a sense of urgency.

Well they call it a bucket list as well because you put everything you want to do in bucket and pull it out, because you can't do everything but at least this way you can do a good amount of them at random.

Bucket fanny - a woman, usually with kids, whom having sex with, even the most well endowed porn stars would find it difficult to touch both sides, during copulation.

Yeah I looked it up on Urban Dictionary right after you said it. Must be an European term since fanny has a different meaning here.

Yeah, but he's voiced by Coolio.

Did not know that. Although I didn't know Coolio was still around after Gangster's Paradise.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 13:45:45

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 14:15:24

I just became a Sergeant First Class! :D

At 9/28/11 01:45 PM, The-Great-One wrote: The Interviewer has HIT THE FRONT PAGE!


Wow, that's amazing. You definitely deserve it with those great interviews of yours. :)

Last.FM | I like comments. :3 | Awesome sig made by Life-Stream

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 14:19:48

I level up in a few days.. From one of my favourite levels to one of my least favourite.

At 9/28/11 06:10 AM, Gimmick wrote:
At 9/28/11 05:15 AM, Jolly wrote: Done. I don't know how long I'll keep it. The change feels odd. I've been using dark for 1-2 years.
Maybe it won't take long to get use to.
It won't. And ever since I tried changing my aura to the gold just for kicks, I got it reset to neutral -- and I find it goes pretty well with the bat, unlike Light or Dark.

The gold aura is overrated, because without using a script most users can't have it. I used the gold aura for a few months after I was made an icon mod and I began hating it. It's nice to have at first though.

At 9/28/11 10:14 AM, SCTE3 wrote: I will say though that not all of them are cookie cutters. Some do respond to the reviewers and update their userpage to tell of the new game. There is a couple but the only I can remember the name of is FlashGirlGames. Wonder what will become of these annoying cookie cutters in the redesign as well.

It seems like if Tom was going to do something about the cookie cutter flash submissions he would have done it already. Maybe he eventually will do something about them, but honestly I doubt it.

The fuzzy handled axe, 35, and 39 all look good to me I think. Even level 31 looks pretty nice.

I like the tomahawk ("Fuzzy handled axe" aka Level 36), 39... and 35 is okay, I guess... It's my 3rd favourite out of all of the other levels in the 30s. I don't like level 31 at all, though. It's a boring level, I think.

At 9/28/11 01:45 PM, The-Great-One wrote: The Interviewer has HIT THE FRONT PAGE!


Congrats. Kind of makes me want to do an interview. :P

Eh, honestly I'm not a good person to interview. I'm kind of boring, and I never know what I should say. The only reason I did the interview with Asandir is because he's a good friend and he gave me the freedom to add/remove any question I didn't want to answer.

By the way, you know your interviews have been on the front page for I'd say.. a week or so? Not like they are now where you have an entire section dedicated to the interviews, but one of the things said "Read some interviews".

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 14:34:41

B/P Rank #: 1,234

Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp

"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 14:44:23

At 9/24/11 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: ZERO!

Today is Sunday and when I wake up, I'll be getting ready for my trip to London and Paris. To tell you the truth, I've yet to pack my stuff so I'll have to do it last minute. Take care of our forums now. :P

*rages all over the forum*

At 9/24/11 11:28 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/24/11 04:30 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/24/11 10:20 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/23/11 02:04 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/23/11 08:25 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Indeed. Much like a few others seen. I like NewsReporter, almost as if that one was meant to be dull on purpose which is greatly humorous.
Newsreporter just is the most uninteresting person in the world.
And in today's news... NewsReporter reported things. I wonder if the news people tend to get tired of reporting since most people can just find things like the latest news on the internet, granted not everyone has a computer though.
If news reporter don't report things there's no way it can be found on the internet. :P
It had to be reported first by someone.
Indeed, or written by a columnist on the internet, not too sure if they would count as a news reporter though. Sadly the only real thing I even bother watching news for these days is to see what the weather will be and that's it really.

The radio station I listen to has a news break every 15 minutes during the morning, so I'm pretty much up to date most of the time. But the real news that interest me (I am studying busniess informatics after all) I have to get from somewhere else. Luckily there are some good IT related sites that I can check frequently.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 16:29:37

Thanks for voting, Sispri! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 14,390 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 37. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 7 hours, 31 minutes, and 33 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 17:59:37

Level 3 Reached

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 19:09:49

10,000 bbs posts. I don't know if I should be proud of myself for being so dedicated to this community over the last few years or disgusted for wasting so much time. :D

Now let's dance:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-28 19:50:36

21 years old >__< ancient.
13.00 VP

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 04:26:08

Coop prepares to head to a job interview, while congratulating:
ngfan14: Sergeant 1st Class
Sispri: Level 37
ZJ: 10,000 Posts; Doublelisted
bifgis: 21st Birthday; 13.00 Total Voting Power

At 9/28/11 10:14 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/28/11 04:06 AM, Coop wrote: Listening to:
Steve Ouimette - The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Have you heard his cover of dueling banjos? Does not sound too bad, he even modified one of the guitars to have a banjo string for a sixth string I think.

I saw that, but for me, it doesn't sound quite right - yes, he's done a good job and it's a nice challenge on Guitar Hero, but not as good as Devil.

At 9/27/11 11:25 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/27/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/26/11 10:00 AM, jonthomson wrote: HI THERE JONCH DIE IN A FIRE

by: jonch
date: 1 hour ago

Although this is awful, this is good enough to pass the judgement. I give this 1/10 because that;s what it deserves but I give it a 5/5 so I can get the save point.
What a retard. I'm, going to have words.
Ignorant much? I still tend to vote 0-2 on the cookie cutter games at most. Mostly because every time I play a new one they have added nothing new or interesting. Sadly no matter how hard I try there is some twit still passing them through. I'm pretty sure just swapping Ben10 for Mario on an an ATV doesn't count as much of a change.
Yeah, I've not voted for one of those games to pass for an age. Yes, I fell for it in the early days. Oh yeah, have you all seen that eddsworld2 account floating around. Duffer much?
And.... voting in the portal this morning more than half the crap under judgment was cookie cutter accounts and I see there is a new one there called OnlineIndianGames. How very annoying indeed. The sad part is at this point most of the crappy submissions are suddenly looking a lot better too because the cookie cutter games are just becoming more of an annoyance than they are fun.

I will say though that not all of them are cookie cutters. Some do respond to the reviewers and update their userpage to tell of the new game. There is a couple but the only I can remember the name of is FlashGirlGames. Wonder what will become of these annoying cookie cutters in the redesign as well.

It remains to be seen, but the only reason these seem to be submitted to the portal is that they produce exposure to the websites.

If I did that with my dad's music, the only stuff I'd still need to copy would be the Beatles. I will eventually, but just can't be arsed at the moment.
Ahh I see. Not a large amount of their songs I liked but I did enjoy Yellow Submarine, Hey Jude, Come Together (along with the Aerosmith cover), and strangely Revolution 9...

Aerosmith covered Come Together? I love Michael Jackson's working of it, as it's quite rock-like, as opposed to the Beatles, which just seems a little lifeless and flat.

At 9/28/11 10:42 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 9/28/11 04:06 AM, Coop wrote: Rush - 2112 (Full Version)
Hell yeah, I'm going to listen to it now.

Good call.

At 9/28/11 11:38 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/26/11 04:33 AM, Coop wrote: Yes - Lancashire won the county championship, Worcestershire avoided the drop, so all is well. Now I'm rooting for the Worcester Warriors, who need to get a win, after a tough luck loss to Harlequins on Saturday.
So what is your club name?

What, the cricket team? Cookley Cricket Club. The county cricket clubs are known by the county that they come from, though in the one day format, they have evolved nicknames - Worcestershire Royals and Lancashire Lightning, amongst others.

Ah, the 50 things to do BEFORE YOU DIE - not while you're still alive, but BEFORE YOU DIE! Gives it more of a sense of urgency.
Well they call it a bucket list as well because you put everything you want to do in bucket and pull it out, because you can't do everything but at least this way you can do a good amount of them at random.

Fair enough - at least I'm a little better at planning than that :P

Bucket fanny - a woman, usually with kids, whom having sex with, even the most well endowed porn stars would find it difficult to touch both sides, during copulation.
Yeah I looked it up on Urban Dictionary right after you said it. Must be an European term since fanny has a different meaning here.

Yeah, I used to record baseball games overnight and play them back at a more civilised hour. Mum wandered in as one of the commentators remarked about a guy being hit by a pitch "Ooh, that got him right in the fanny.", much to her displeasure.

Yeah, but he's voiced by Coolio.
Did not know that. Although I didn't know Coolio was still around after Gangster's Paradise.

Yeah, he came with about a dozen voices all ready to go and the guys were astounded.

At 9/28/11 02:44 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/24/11 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: ZERO!

Today is Sunday and when I wake up, I'll be getting ready for my trip to London and Paris. To tell you the truth, I've yet to pack my stuff so I'll have to do it last minute. Take care of our forums now. :P
*rages all over the forum*


Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 09:01:16

At 9/28/11 07:16 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/28/11 05:15 AM, Jolly wrote:
The gold aura is overrated, because without using a script most users can't have it. I used the gold aura for a few months after I was made an icon mod and I began hating it. It's nice to have at first though.
I would agree it is probably really nice to have at first and then after awhile you would likely grow tired of being PMed by forum regulars/reviewers/and audio users alike sending you messages all the time for various things.

I don't even mean with the mod powers. If every body was given the option to use the gold aura I wouldn't use it. I don't like it. I prefer dark, neutral, and light over it.

At 9/28/11 10:14 AM, SCTE3 wrote: I will say though that not all of them are cookie cutters. Some do respond to the reviewers and update their userpage to tell of the new game. There is a couple but the only I can remember the name of is FlashGirlGames. Wonder what will become of these annoying cookie cutters in the redesign as well.
It seems like if Tom was going to do something about the cookie cutter flash submissions he would have done it already. Maybe he eventually will do something about them, but honestly I doubt it.
Same here but it's always cool to dream right? I've come across a couple of them that are not too bad for games but then the rest of their games on their account are bland and stale after a couple of minutes.

igirlgames (or anything similar) annoys me the most out of all of them. The other ones are annoying too, but there's probably been a few people that actually got some enjoyment out of them.. Very little, if any, people have probably actually played and enjoyed any of the games. Most people that play their games probably play them hoping it will be an adult dress up

The fuzzy handled axe, 35, and 39 all look good to me I think. Even level 31 looks pretty nice.
I like the tomahawk ("Fuzzy handled axe" aka Level 36), 39... and 35 is okay, I guess... It's my 3rd favourite out of all of the other levels in the 30s. I don't like level 31 at all, though. It's a boring level, I think.
I can see what you are saying since a butcher knife seems kind of dull and overused in horror/murder movies.

I think it looks too much like the previous level, and it's sort of a down grade from the previous level as well, both look and combat wise.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 12:06:14

I am the dreaded Level 19.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 14:07:58

888 Flash Reviews!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 16:34:07

15,000 total B/P.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 17:31:27

Passed 9000 b/p

It's only fun if you get a scar out of it

Team Fortress 2 club

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 18:33:53

At 9/24/11 04:30 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/24/11 04:18 PM, Auz wrote: Hmm yeah it's always good to have a goal getter up front. Especially if you don't have any other players with good scoring capabilities on your team.
Well, Ribéry, Robben (who scored the third goal today) and Müller (who scored the first goal today) HAVE scoring capabilities, but they are a different type of player than Gomez. Gomez is somebody who stays up front, who gets the ball from his team mates and whose job it is to just be at the right spot at the right time.
The other players are more like players who dribble past the defenders and then shoot.
Of course, Gomez can also dribble and then shoot, but his technique is... well... limited. ^^
But it doesn't matter that much if he just does his job and gets the ball over the line somehow.

Yeah, but I mean if you have any midfielders with good scoring capabilities, or good "number 10's", it doesn't have to be a problem when you only have a guy like Muller up front.

Yeah it's ridiculous how much those people get paid and also, how much clubs pay for such a player. I don't know, but it looks like football is kind of digging its own grave when clubs start to toss cash around in such numbers.
Won't happen as long as the sponsors pay and the tv stations pay millions for the broadcasting rights...

It's all the medias fault!

Hm... I was more thinking of something better. Some things can keep burning under water.

Erm... some flame retardant goo-y stuff then.

You need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.
It shows a cool face, of course.

Well done.
Don't put it in your pocket, sir. Don't put it in your pocket. It's your lucky quarter.

At 9/24/11 07:51 PM, Addict wrote: 10k BBS Posts.

Hey congrats! Lots of users seem to be getting to 10k posts lately.

At 9/25/11 01:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, LittleWashu!

I just turned 55 myself!!! ......... on NG, that is. :D

One of the best golden icons, if not THE best.

At 9/25/11 07:46 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/24/11 04:18 PM, Auz wrote: And that is why I don't like clubs like Chelsea. He's not the first great player / talent they've wasted.
All teams with too much money waste talent - just to stop everyone else from utilising them. That saddens me.

Yes it is such a shame that the football world is going that way. Another bad thing about it is that the smaller clubs without as much budget just don't stand a chance in the Champions League anymore because of clubs like that. All their talent is bought away by them and their matches are basically David vs Goliath.

I thought it was sad to see last Tuesday that my favorite club, Ajax, got wiped off the pitch by Real Madrid (3-0). Ajax used to be amongst the best clubs in Europe, but they just can't compete with clubs like Chelsea and Real Madrid anymore.

Oh man... my family would kill me if I missed my brothers wedding that way.
Yeah, it's going to hurt my family, but I can't see any other way around it. I have tried my best to get on with my brother, but he never fucking talks to me, so I can't tell what he wants me to do and I constantly get a bad press for it, despite the fact I'm trying.

I don't suppose your family would want any drama during the wedding either, so perhaps it'll be for the best to steer clear anyway.

At 9/25/11 06:19 PM, reverend wrote:
At 9/24/11 04:18 PM, Auz wrote: We could celebrate Banukah :p
Yeah, sounds like a great holiday. All we need is a face for it to sign the bans.

Something like this but more jewish looking? It's got a banhammer...

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 21:21:46

I remember fondly talking about my 1.234s and such. I never broke 2 ppd due to not discovering the BBS until just shy of my 3rd NG birthday, but... still. We take what we can get.

Yeah, those were the times.

I was in the 3.x ppd range for a long time (and probably raved about 3.456 at some point, just like 1.234). Hell, I'm even 2.x ppd right now... talk about a typo. There's bad typos and then there's BAD. TYPOS. I just made the latter (by my standards, at least).

If they were knowing about alas and ppd.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-29 21:35:00

At 9/29/11 09:27 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/29/11 09:21 PM, Michaely385 wrote:
If they were knowing about alas and ppd.
We celebrate many achievements but posts per day is not one of them as it would only encourage spam.

My achievements for swell to ask is just became so dull about that.
I think i need to make sure about that about alas and ppd.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-30 00:25:02

At 9/28/11 01:45 PM, The-Great-One wrote: The Interviewer has HIT THE FRONT PAGE!

Nice. Is it automated or does one of the staff have to manually updated it when a new post is made?

At 9/28/11 07:50 PM, bifgis wrote: 21 years old >__< ancient.


At 9/29/11 04:26 AM, Coop wrote: What, the cricket team? Cookley Cricket Club. The county cricket clubs are known by the county that they come from, though in the one day format, they have evolved nicknames - Worcestershire Royals and Lancashire Lightning, amongst others.

So there is only one team per county? Not by cities?

Yeah, I used to record baseball games overnight and play them back at a more civilised hour. Mum wandered in as one of the commentators remarked about a guy being hit by a pitch "Ooh, that got him right in the fanny.", much to her displeasure.

Haha! Funny how things vary even in a common language.

Yeah, he came with about a dozen voices all ready to go and the guys were astounded.

At least he is still out there compared to other rappers like MC Hammer.

At 9/29/11 06:33 PM, Auz wrote: Something like this but more jewish looking? It's got a banhammer...

A smurf doesn't seem as menacing even with a banhammer. We need something to instill fear like moderator Morbo (except more Jewish):

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-30 05:27:31

After the interview and lots of IRL stuff yesterday, Coop plots a trip to Middle Earth. Congratulations to:
EDylan: Level 19
Haggard: 888 Reviews (Flash)
Tycrane: 15,000 B/P
tally1989: 9,000 B/P

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Tailgunner
Alice Cooper - When Hell Comes Home
Motorhead - Born to Lose
Iron Maiden - Powerslave [Live; Flight 666]
Nirvana - Rape Me
Foo Fighters - But, Honestly

At 9/29/11 10:12 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/29/11 04:26 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/28/11 10:14 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 9/28/11 04:06 AM, Coop wrote: Listening to:
Steve Ouimette - The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Have you heard his cover of dueling banjos? Does not sound too bad, he even modified one of the guitars to have a banjo string for a sixth string I think.
I saw that, but for me, it doesn't sound quite right - yes, he's done a good job and it's a nice challenge on Guitar Hero, but not as good as Devil.
Not even Steve could best the Devil himself...

Wouldn't a guitar made of gold weigh hundreds of pounds and sound crummy?

But I meant The Devil Went Down to Georgia

It remains to be seen, but the only reason these seem to be submitted to the portal is that they produce exposure to the websites.
Yea but the reviews I've seen on some seem to show they are getting annoying with it a bit.

Ooh, do I have to purge >:)

Aerosmith covered Come Together? I love Michael Jackson's working of it, as it's quite rock-like, as opposed to the Beatles, which just seems a little lifeless and flat.
Indeed they did and it doesn't sound too bad either. I enjoyed quite a few Michael Jackson songs, too bad he has left the world to go elsewhere sadly.

I was quite pissed off with The Sun newspaper in the UK, as it printed a picture of Jackson's corpse as front page news. I felt sick to the stomach a few days back. No-one should see one of their heroes like that. Hell, no-one should see another creature like that ever - not printed on a newspaper

At 9/29/11 06:33 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/25/11 07:46 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/24/11 04:18 PM, Auz wrote: And that is why I don't like clubs like Chelsea. He's not the first great player / talent they've wasted.
All teams with too much money waste talent - just to stop everyone else from utilising them. That saddens me.
Yes it is such a shame that the football world is going that way. Another bad thing about it is that the smaller clubs without as much budget just don't stand a chance in the Champions League anymore because of clubs like that. All their talent is bought away by them and their matches are basically David vs Goliath.

The success of the top clubs is actually killing off the competition.

I thought it was sad to see last Tuesday that my favorite club, Ajax, got wiped off the pitch by Real Madrid (3-0). Ajax used to be amongst the best clubs in Europe, but they just can't compete with clubs like Chelsea and Real Madrid anymore.

Yeah, I feel the same about Aston Villa - we won lots of competitions in the early 80s, but now we're lucky if we can finish mid table.

Oh man... my family would kill me if I missed my brothers wedding that way.
Yeah, it's going to hurt my family, but I can't see any other way around it. I have tried my best to get on with my brother, but he never fucking talks to me, so I can't tell what he wants me to do and I constantly get a bad press for it, despite the fact I'm trying.
I don't suppose your family would want any drama during the wedding either, so perhaps it'll be for the best to steer clear anyway.

Mum said she doesn't care what I do, but it's not hard to see she's lying. My brother's baby machine had her third kid yesterday (his second) and I'd just rather ignore the situation. They get praise and attention for being reckless. Well, I've still got a life and if they've ruined theirs, then that's fine by me. I'll meet the kid before he's 8 weeks old, when I met their second - it's not harmed relations with my nieces, so why should it harm relations with my Nephew?

At 9/30/11 12:25 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/29/11 04:26 AM, Coop wrote: What, the cricket team? Cookley Cricket Club. The county cricket clubs are known by the county that they come from, though in the one day format, they have evolved nicknames - Worcestershire Royals and Lancashire Lightning, amongst others.
So there is only one team per county? Not by cities?

London is the exception - Surrey and Middlesex play their games at the Oval (Kennington) and Lords (St John's Wood). They are over the Thames from one another, but separated by about 5 miles.

Yeah, I used to record baseball games overnight and play them back at a more civilised hour. Mum wandered in as one of the commentators remarked about a guy being hit by a pitch "Ooh, that got him right in the fanny.", much to her displeasure.
Haha! Funny how things vary even in a common language.

I've never seen Americans get offended by the English Language in such a way :P

Yeah, he came with about a dozen voices all ready to go and the guys were astounded.
At least he is still out there compared to other rappers like MC Hammer.

Everyone knows that you can't touch the Hammerman.

At 9/29/11 06:33 PM, Auz wrote: Something like this but more jewish looking? It's got a banhammer...
A smurf doesn't seem as menacing even with a banhammer. We need something to instill fear like moderator Morbo (except more Jewish):

"Morbo will now introduce tonight's candidates. Puny Human number 1! Puny Human number 2! And Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon."

"Hi Morbo, how's the family?"

"Belligerent and numerous."

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-30 10:25:04

At 9/30/11 08:20 AM, Odyssic wrote: Finished for the week, and get to sleep in on Monday, cool.

Congrats to:
Tycrane: 15,000 B/P
tally1989: 9,000 B/P

At 9/30/11 05:27 AM, Coop wrote: After the interview
How did it go?

To be honest, Interviews are cool.
But honestly i just made that swell to ask.

Well for...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-09-30 17:37:19

At 9/28/11 01:45 PM, The-Great-One wrote: The Interviewer has HIT THE FRONT PAGE!


I'm not back home just yet, even though I did leave Paris yesterday but I do have to make a special post for this achievement. Congrats on changing the front page!! What you've done is quite possibly more of a change to the site than my contributions to icons and genres. So little will appreciate all my efforts to update flashes for the redesign while you will be thanked more for interviewing these individuals.

Once again, congrats!