At 9/26/11 04:33 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/25/11 05:58 PM, Bobbybroccoli wrote:
I finally got my BBS posts per day up to 2. I posted for the first time in February and never posted again for weeks. That brought it down by a significant amount.
We really don't care about posts per day "achievements" - otherwise it just encourages spam. Post totals ones do that as well, but not by so much.
For serious? If someone posts (just once, I mean... in their entire time on NG BBS) that they just hit 6.666 ppd... or in Bahamut's case, 7.777, I guess..... still a no go? (gasp)
I remember fondly talking about my 1.234s and such. I never broke 2 ppd due to not discovering the BBS until just shy of my 3rd NG birthday, but... still. We take what we can get.
At 9/25/11 11:56 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/25/11 07:46 AM, Coop wrote:
Coop recovers from last night, while congratulating:
I'd ask what happened... but I'm not sure I want to know! (gasp)
I went out drinking with the cricketers, after we won 2 of the 3 leagues we were in last season.
Well, congrats on that. And that sounds like the Coop we all know and love...
Plus there were underlying details about my ex-girlfriend, which would up her best friend and me by proxy.
but... what's this? O_o .....
IRL dramas? EX-gf? ... what is this, I don't even...... okay, clearly I've missed out on a lot. Maybe you should fill me in on Steam IM sometime so we don't clog up the LUL intertubes with old news (to everyone but me, I mean).
... still. Stunned. Flabbergasted. Jabberwockied. Gumdropped. The lot.
Gotta love them 5s :P
And 53s and 83s, no? I think of you evertime I see a 53 and 55 and 83. :)
I know you love the #, too (as do I, but you more than me), but I love the icon most of all... and if you love it too, then the favour is returned (with me loving the icon more than you, I'd expect).
All in all, a great level & # & icon all around. :::tempted to stop depositing:::
I've got to ask you, what do you feel about Steven Strasburg? I mean, he wears 37, he was a great pitcher until Tommy John surgery, now he's just a good pitcher, I feel.
As I'm sure Bahamut has informed you, as of turning 34 back in June, I've made a commitment to not necessarily.... love... 37. But to stop hating it. I'm even on the verge of liking it some times. But at worst, disliking it.
Your powers are weak, old man. That number has no power over me any longer. Yadda yadda yadda. :)
Oh, but as to Steven Strasberg... sorry, I know the name, know he's a pitcher, know he has a good reputation, &c... but I haven't been keeping up with baseball for the past 2-3 years. Astros sucking + too busy IRL + &c.
So, I had no idea he had Tommy John. No idea he wore #37, as well.
I feel his quality (or newfound lack thereof) and his jersey number have little to do with each other. But I commend him for choosing baseball over the many inferior sports he could have chosen to turn into a career. :::nods:::
</faking being a baseball snob to help himself past instinctive number-fixation/OCD/even-numbers-and-36-
especially vs. odd-numbers-and-37-especially mental hangups/conditions/&c>
At 9/26/11 10:00 AM, jonthomson wrote:
by: jonch
date: 1 hour ago
Although this is awful, this is good enough to pass the judgement. I give this 1/10 because that;s what it deserves but I give it a 5/5 so I can get the save point.
There are still noobs and newbs who don't know they can get a save from a 2/5 just as easily as a 5/5?
And still users (period) who think it's cool to give radically different scores on the review and the vote?
Not sure which one (fails to) amaze me more. But either way... at least I know that NG is still the same old NG, no matter how long I disappear for.
Oh, hi there, jt. :D
At 9/27/11 08:15 AM, Coop wrote:
After months of chasing Ehwaz and eventually ReconRebel's coat tails, I have changed my profile.
Not bad fellows to be chasing and catching.
I am now the 13th Highest grossing B/Per OF ALL TIME
I can start to focus on the top 10 now.
Godspeed. I hope you (at the very least) match my #2 someday... but really... I know you prefer ze gold, unlike ze gfox. ;)
At 9/27/11 11:15 AM, Jolly wrote:
I've been considering switching to neutral as of lately. Dark goes well with my sig though, and I don't plan on changing it any time soon.
DOOOO EEEEET. Neutral calls to you!
I think Gold looks the best with level 27, 46, and every level 55 and above. I prefer dark (or neutral) for every other level.
IIRC, level 45 is the ultimate black weapon with the gold aura. If it's the scythe I'm thinking of. 46 isn't bad either, though, nope.
Level 55 and above are too gold already for me to enjoy them with a gold aura behind. I'd much rather see 'em with dark or neutral, personally. But to each his own. :)
At 9/27/11 04:21 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Still having a good time in Disneyland Paris. My mum's netbook is awkward to use but free WiFi at McDonalds? Can't complain.
BAHAMUT. I AM POSTING. You didn't seem to notice. ;_;
</ragequits... jkjkjkjkjkjk :D .... OR IS HE?>
I saw your nod to your trip to Paris. Very very clever choice on that final song before you left town, man. :::tips cap::: #;-}>