At 8/29/11 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Metal Monday - Week 35: Equilibrium - Des Sängers Fluch
Metal-ABC: K - Keep of Kalessin
At 8/28/11 10:21 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/27/11 05:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
That's nothing to "Hah!" about.
It is. Hah!
It's not.
Tom is going to make his appearance in Manchester so maybe I can leave Pico Day for the following year.
There should be direct flights from Manchester to Hamburg.
I'm pretty sure there are. Manchester Airport is a huge place. Not as huge as Heathrow, though but still damn big to cover many places.
Well, my brother is a City fan, he sometimes visits their home games. So I know there are direct flights. If you are lucky you can get tickets pretty cheap.
Redesign: Get rid of signatures altogether?
Get rid of pictures in signatures. A little text is all right, but pictures are annoying most of the time.
Yeah, keep the text but the pictures can go.
Oh, so we agree on something again? Nice.
But I need to defend Dratini's cuteness.
No no, you don't get it.
War! huh-yeah What is it good for?Absolutely nothing (<- that's a link right there)
I know that but I'm still defending Dratini.
Cutness is in the eye of the beholder. So, no need to fight about that. ^^
At 8/29/11 02:02 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/28/11 10:21 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/27/11 05:46 PM, Auz wrote:
Nope I'm pretty sure there aren't. Just fat nerds and weirdos >.>
But what about the girls I saw in the math faculty?
Just nerdy, sweaty guys with long hair. Perhaps dressed up as girls.
Their masks have been perfect, then.
Yeah... sort of. A bit less child-ish maybe, but it's comparable I think.
Good thing I never saw Highschool Musical or Glee, then.
To be fully honest Glee isn't really my kind of show either :p
Yeah right. That's what you SAY... :P
Well perhaps they have an equal amount of fans and haters? I don't know.
Maybe they just bought all the records themselves to get up high in the charts.
Of course!
They take a loan at the bank, buy up all their own records so that the money will get back to them and then they pay off the loan with that money! Brilliant!
There's no flaw in that tactic! You just have to put on your cool face to make it work.
So if I have two bottomless bags and I put one of those bags in the other, will it fill up the other bag?
Interesting question. But since the first bag is bottomless at well there should still be an infinite amount of space left.
So can I put an infinite amount of bottomless bags in a bottomless bag?
I guess so, but where to get an infinite amount of bottomless bags?
YES! Driving a car is awesome!
Not in large cities. And not on highways.
Oh but the German highways are such fun. You can drive 180 there without having to be afraid to get a fine.
Only on some (there are highways with speed limits in germany :P ). And only if you are lucky and there's no road works going on (and there are an awful lot of those it seems, especially in holiday season... o_O) and if there's no traffic jam...
Also another reason I hate highways is that there seem to be an unpropotional high amount of complete douchebags driving. Tailgaiting, trying to get you from the left lane (or even worse, overtaking you on the LEFT side while you are driving on the LEFT lane... I've seen it happen!) and stuff like that. Some people really need to get their licence revoked. :/
Hm, I tried to translate that, but google failed. I guess it's een krachtterm as well?
Hmm ... if I had to translate it literally 'typhoid mess' :p
Ah. Google gave me the translation "stuff" for "zooi". Tyfus is pretty obvious what it means. ^^
We like to throw diseases around when we're angry, like cancer, typhoid and tuberculosis (well 'tering' is a different name for that).
Hm, in Germany you usually throw around excreta (only literally of course ^^).
"Verdammte drecksscheiße!"
Sometimes emphazised with the word "ficken" (= to fuck). "Verdammte dreckfickscheiße!"
Now you're reminding me of The Lawnmower Man, just when I had erased it out of my memory.
AAAAAH shitty CGI effects that are supposed to represent cyberspace!
Oh yeah, they where horrobile.
I guess it is. I've heard the term more often, but it sounds like a good way to cover up that something is a downright porn film.
Yeah, but you could never cover up hardcore porn, I guess. Besides, I think exploitation movies still have more story than a porn. Even if the story is bullshit... ^^
Are their stories really that much deeper than 'Bruno the cableguy coming to fix the cable and ending up having sex with the blonde chick and her friend'? :p
Hm, yes. Usually there's some sort story twist involved.
Sounds more like a subgenre of hardcore porn XD
Oh yeah. That's why it's also called "sexploitation" sometimes.
I should remember that name. If I ever want to rent a porn, I'll ask for a 'sexploitation film' and pretend it's some informative documentary or an obscure art house film.
Be careful or you might end up with some nasty BDSM movies.
You're recommending me a film that scores a 3.2? :p
Oh come on. Those people who rated the movie just don't get the visionary elements in this movie, the well-thought-out story line... and most of all they porpably didn't drink enough alcohol before watching this movie!
The visionary elements were probably brought to you by your own brain :p
Hey, the tentacle monster IS visionary!
Also, tits, man. The film has some very nice tits to offer.
Yeah we sucked back then. And our army still sucks ass, but unfortunately our government doesn't seem to realise that the Netherlands' army will always be a joke compared to the major powers in the world and they feel like we need 85 JSF's to keep up with everyone...
Well, that's the disadvantage of living in a small country.
Yeah but being a small country is not an excuse for wasting billions of cash just so we can pretend our military can keep up with you Germans for example.
The only thing we are good at is building tanks and selling them to dictators around the world.