New album: Iced Earth's first album (which of course is self titled... -_-). But not the "Dark Genesis" version but the version with Gene Adam on vocals.
At 8/23/11 04:58 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/22/11 05:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/22/11 04:39 PM, Auz wrote:
I liked the book and I should still see the Disney film.
What PC game?
American McGee's Alice.
Lol. I'm looking at some gameplay footage right now. It looks... interesting :p
Yeah. But I think I never finished it. It wasn't a legit copy anyway. :/
Lol. It didn't help that I was more of a math kind of guy.
Some say, math is a language as well. :P
Not the language of love, that's for sure.
Well, if you ever happen to fall in love with a very nerdy girl... it's best to know the deepest secrets of mathematics. ^^
Well I guess a film was inevitable if it already had a TV series.
Not every TV series is turned into a movie.
But a lot of them are!
True. But most of them shouldn't be turned into movies.
We even have a Glee 3D musical experience or whatever coming up.
I've never even heard of Glee before.
I think Rock is even broader.
And even worse, the border between Rock and Metal isn't very well defined.
There is stuff like Linkin Park of which you can wonder in which category it belongs...
Linkin Park? It belongs in the "stuff that sucks" category. :P
True. And a very small backpack.
Except in Zelda. I still have no idea how Link stuffs away a bow, 30 arrows, a giant hammer, 30 bombs, four bottles and 10 sticks in that tunic of his =/
Maybe he just has a bottomless bag?
But he doesn't even carry a bag! Maybe a bottomless pocket inside his shirt.
Maybe he had a bottemless bag inside his bottomless pocket!
Top Gear isn't mostly about sports cars is it?
Top Gear only runs on stations I rarely watch, so I never watch that show. ^^
Wow. You must be the first guy I've met who never watches top gear.
I'm just not interested in cars. I don't even own a driver's licence!
Lol. It means sold here, but I can see the logic behind it meaning overcooked :p
I always thought "sold" was something like "verkooft". But maybe that's more danish than dutch.
Nope, that's not even a word as far as I'm aware.
I've just googled it. It's berlin(ian?) dialect, lol.
No way! He's defnitely A material! He just never had the chance!
Maybe he was when he was younger. But now he's just a fat guy with no talent. :(
Isn't he doing some police reality show nowadays?
I don't know.
Heh, well perhaps they also have the "don't drop the soap"-thing in female prisons... :p
I wonder how that should work.
Hmm... frankly I have no idea =/
But it would make for some great scenes in exploitation movies, I guess.
I never watched that show at all.
Hey! It's not my fault that they never even broadcast it here.
Wow, that's quite a surprise. Well, you should get the DVDs then. It's only 11 seasons... :P
*Start tossing expensive lighting equipment*
Wow, where's the special forces when you need them? Still busy with that riot, I guess?
*Side curtains catch on fire*
Oh shit! 0,0
Fuck! Let's get out of here!
Oh yeah the cold war is a pretty interesting topic.
Perhaps you're not so unlucky though. The 20th century is probably one of the more interesting era's in high school history lessons. I remember we had lots of lessons about the Renaissance too and it was SO BORING.
But going through the same years of german history over and over again is boring as well. And the years 33-45 shouldn't cause a "OH NO! NOT AGAIN!" reaction in my opinion.
Nah. I'm surprised you didn't get much about the first World War then. I mean... it was pretty much what caused Germany to be put in a poor financial situation and explains why Hitler became 'popular' and all.
Yeah, we discussed what lead to Hitler's takeover of power and of course WW I was part of that. But it was discussed for only a short time.
We got those too in high school about Dutch and English literature. I think it's too bad though that we only treated snippets of great literature pieces and never had to read a whole book of anything.
If you only read snippets then there's no chance you can understand the whole context. But the context would be pretty important to really understand the snippet, I guess.
Yeah. Usually we got some explanations and extra info along with it, but we only really read like one chapter of The Canterbury Tales and one chapter of Jane Eyre...
It's like reading only one page of "War and Peace"...
At 8/24/11 07:31 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/23/11 02:25 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/23/11 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Far from it.
No second abroad trip for next year!
I understand that.
He shouldn't be as bad now, I assure you. Maybe toning down those hypothetical threads would be a good idea but there's worse threads over there.
Yeah, there are always worse things in general. ^^
Indeed. So he isn't that bad right now. At least he's not spewing out shitty pony images like the majority of aspies do over there.
Good thing I don't visit general that often.
No, Dratini is cute!
But not as cute as Bub and Bob!
Can you at least agree that Dratini is cute?
Hm... *looks at picture again*
No, sorry. :(