At 8/17/11 05:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/16/11 12:24 PM, Haggard wrote:
Listening to:
Death - Symbolic
Hats off to Amazon. They already sent me the Death album, and I didn't even had to pay shipping costs!
Free postage for a great album? Amazon sure treated you well.
It's one part of my order. The second part is the 9th season of Columbo, which is released in october. So, I was over the 20 Euro limit (if your order is above 20 euros, you don't pay shipping costs, don't know how high the limit is for, but I never thought they'd split the order in two parts and charge no shipping costs, since they now have to ship twice and none of the items reaches the 20 euro limit.
At 8/15/11 04:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:
And I managed to resist crashing the party with Manowar. I hope that saved your day.
It sure did.
You may not be lucky next time.
On the other hand, if you want to crash my party with Manowar, this would mean, you'd be AT my party. You know, if you ever make it to my birthday party, I'd listen to a whole Manowar album with you.
Oh, nevermind then. What about The Sound of Perseverance?
I guess Spiritual Healing will be the next album I get.
Let me know what that album is like.
Will do.
No Haggard, we're talking about those above me. Wait, don't you mean WavyGravy who used to call himself BahamutReborn?
When I said "above you" I actually didn't mean just you, but "you" in a broader sense. Like in "everyone". So, you are above me in XP rankings. So I should hate you for that. :P
But we're hating on those who are above me in EXP. So, that poxpower guy...
But there are only so many users above you. While I have one particular user above me that seems to like Afros really much...
Just cuddle them all.
I don't know. Do dragons like being cuddled?
Sure they do. They do need a bit of love after all.
But not all of them look as adorable as Bub and Bob.
At 8/17/11 04:21 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/16/11 12:24 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/15/11 03:30 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/14/11 02:47 PM, Haggard wrote:
Sometimes I have the feeling that all the european languages are just one big familly. Well, except for french of course... XD
Those snobby French!
Off with their heads!
Yeah. Like the time when they translated the pen&paper RPG "Dungeons and Dragons" literally. Everybody was like "WTF?"
Verliesen und Drachen?
Kerker und Drachen. Also, the plural of Verlies would be Verliese.
"Wat een geitenbreier!"
Geitenbreier seems to be a pretty good word. A quick search for a translation revealed many useful translations.
Yeah, the literal meaning is correct I suppose. However, it's a very uncommon, perhaps a bit old-fashioned insult. I'm sure if you seriously insulted someone with 'geitenbreier' you'd be laughed at :p
Sounds a bit like "Geiermeier" (I hope "The Little Vampire" is known in the Netherlands...)
Yes, but not every Japanese cartoon has shitty J-pop with a techno beat as a soundtrack :p And even then, it probably still beats shitty American 80's rock music for this purporse.
Hair Metal is awesome!
Hair Metal? Makes me think of bands like Van Halen and Kiss.
Right on!
And you can carry an unlimited amount of ammunition.
Not only that, any small backpack can carry up to at least 20 items. No matter how big or heavy they are.
"Wait, where did I leave my bazooka..."
"Camping Life". Hm, judging by common stereotypes, this must be an awfully succesful show. :P
Well it's mostly about a bunch of presentors going to France or some place to talk with Dutch people on vacation there and check out the area and the camping site and stuff. Not exactly top class television.
But they do show a lot of caravans, right? :P
Yep. We have RTL 4, RTL 5 and RTL7. They're alright in my opinion. RTL 4 has some nice programs from time to time.
Hm, we have RTL and RTL 2. I wonder what happened to RTL 3 and 6.
Also, RTL 2 is even worse than RTL.
Well here they are usually on the 4th, 5th and 7th channel so I suppose it makes sense. SBS6 is of course the 6th channel on most TVs.
Much like Pro7 is on the 7th channel here.
But I was more aiming for the names of the stations. If we have RTL and RTL 2 and you have RTL 4, where the hell is RTL 3?
And how he laughs it away with "This? This is nothing."
"It's not even a flesh wound!"
Of course laughing without twitching a single muscle in his face :p
Yeah, I wonder how he does that.
Naah, I'm pretty sure they use a tape for that too. At least, the laughter pretty much always sounds the same so I doubt it's real. And yes, they usually wait for a second or two and stand still until the artificial laughter dies down. I guess it's supposed to trick you into thinking they're acting in front of an audience.
I did a google search on this, and all I found was someone saying it was taped in front of a real audience.
Really? Seems odd to me, because again, the laughter pretty much always sounds similar. But if someone else says so...
Maybe it was always the same audience?
M*A*S*H originally had a laughing track as well. They took it out in the geman dub. And for the DVD release they included the option to watch it in english without the laughing track. This is really nice.
Heh, I would definitely watch it without the laughing track if given the option.
Yeah, that's what we did. Most of the time I know where to laugh without a laughing track. ^^
Do they sometimes also yell "WHOOOOOO" in the German version when Al Bundy or any of the other characters come in?
Sometimes? All the fucking time! Especially with Al.
Lol, yeah Al always gets the most applaus. Christina Applegate gets a good deal of yelling and whistling too when she comes on.
Well yeah, she looks pretty nice. ^^
Anyway, it's one of the main things I dislike about sitcoms. Artificial laughter. In every one of those shows you can really distuingish a pattern of:
-Character A makes remark
-Character B says something witty
-*Artifical laughter for 2 seconds*
-Repeat former steps for 15 minutes
Which is why I almost never watch sitcoms.
Me neither.
*artificial laughter from an imaginary audience*
Though I do think Married with Children is an alright show. At least the jokes are sometimes actually funny in my opinion.
Yeah, and they are so different. The exact opposite of Bill Cosby.
I don't think I ever watched his show.
Me neither.
*even more artificial laughter*
Less whiney than in the original. She's constantly whinig there.
I'm not too experienced with the original. All I can say is, she's whiney in the dubbed version as well.
Alright, if you say so.
*artificial laughter*
All right, all right! Can someone PLEASE get rid of this laughing box?
They should've thought of a solution for that. Maybe a horrible German accent?
Doesn't make much sense either.
No I guess it doesn't, but at least it would make a bit more sense that they need a translator.
That's just the kind of stuff you have to live with if you watch dubbed films. Advantage subtitles, I guess.
Und Wilhelm?
I thought they were mostly named Wilhelm.
Wilhelm II. was the last german Kaiser.
Oh, so there were only two then.
Yes, two kaisers named Wilhelm. But there where also two Kings in the Kingdom of Württemberg who where also named Wilhelm I. and Wilhelm II.