Coop works through another round of sunburn (bye bye, farmer's tan!), while congratulating:
Dream-of-Duke: 18,000 Experience
Haggard: 34,000 Saves
SCTE3: 11,000 Experience
Odyssic: 55,555 Saves
gamejunkie: 1,500 Medals
Martin: 2nd NG Berfday
SeeD419: Sergeant Major
Listening to:
Alice Cooper - Sanctuary
Allman Brothers - Jessica
Aerosmith - Livin' on the Edge
Thank you to:
At 7/2/11 07:56 AM, Odyssic wrote:
Coop: 2,000 Flash Reviews - Can I say, about time? A month ago, you had 1991 flash reviews but if you want to shout at me, I've had 95 flash reviews for years now.
Procrastination got the better of me, I'm afraid. Let's hope that the next 1,000 comes up quicker!
At 7/2/11 02:27 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/2/11 07:16 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/1/11 03:00 PM, Auz wrote:
I know my iPod still has room for plenty of songs, so I could get everything on it I moderately like. But I don't know, I'm fine with listening to that radio station and hear a nice variety of music that I don't really feel like having on my iPod.
Well, each person has a different setup for how they play their music in the car. I think this system works well and I'll continue to do so until I get a new car that allows me to connect the iPod straight in :P
Oh but for the car I would love to have a system with which I can connect my iPod though, because as I said I can only receive shitty channels in there.
They're not as expensive as you think
Besides, I got a few good car driving songs, like:
She Sells Sanctuary
Drivers Seat
Riders on the Storm
Jessica by the Allman Brothers is another good one. The theme for Top Gear. I also liek The Chain, by Fleetwood Mac, but that's the theme for the F1 coverage on the BBC
Is that from the accident you were involved a couple of months back? The one of which you posted pictures?
No, that one wasn't my fault - I was driving to cricket last Saturday and met a car coming the other way on a tight, twisty country lane. I backed up and reversed into a brick wall. That's ridiculous, I know, but I'll have to live with it.
So you backed up without looking or what? :P
The wall was about 3 foot high and right in my blind spot. I couldn't have seen it.
Oh looking at their discography they are still actively writing albums. Looks like Final Frontier has been their best album in Holland yet, followed by Seventh son of a seventh son.
I'll let you know how well it's received when I go to see them in Birmingham, come the 31st of July!
Apparently they were here last month. Odd that I haven't heard any of my friends mention it. They drove all the way from Holland to Wacken to Sziget last year to see them twice live. If they bought tickets then I would've certainly gone too.
Keep checking their site, they tour every year, pretty much and getting tickets is a nightmare, but well worth it.
Lol, that's how they did it at my sports club too. Wasn't a very good rule when we were kids though. One person always got picked on and they threw his stuff outside the changing room so he was the last one to finish.
When we were at school, we were teenagers left to run amok. I used to grab a quick shower and the lads all took the piss for that, so I just pulled my trousers on over my shorts, just like everyone else and grabbed a "shower in a can".
We still shower in a can at some cricket grounds these days. We would go in the shower cleaner than how we came out :P
So that's like... not showering at all and just put some deodorant on or what?
Yeah - though these days it's cover the smell, so you can get home and take a shower there :P
I myself just went showering at home eventually. Well until later when people weren't so childish anymore.
I always had to put the world to rights on that one - they give stalls for the girls / ladies, but communal showers for the guys. Now that's double standards. I bet there are some weird types in the female community that like to "check out the competition" in a mutual environment.
At 7/2/11 06:31 PM, Drake wrote:
At 7/2/11 02:11 AM, Jolly wrote:
I lost nearly 30 post today (According to NGlogs I had 5,022 post 2 hours ago, so it's been just since then)
Was a user deleted recently, or something?
Bees had his posts wiped. TehSlapHappy lost over 420 posts and I lost over 60, so you're not the only one to lose posts.
Twilight? That explains my drop of 27 posts.
Also, Slappy lost over 400 Spams, not 420 posts :3
At 7/2/11 07:25 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/2/11 07:16 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/1/11 04:10 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/1/11 04:09 AM, Coop wrote:
At 6/30/11 09:17 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/29/11 04:09 AM, Coop wrote:
I'll let you off, because you're one of the few Germans I know who has a sense of humour :P
We germans have a fine sense of humour in general. You just seem to know the wrong kind of people. :P
I think it's because English humour doesn't translate well into German.
I think that's the case with all humour around the world. It just doesn't translate too well into other languages.
That and most Germans don't find slapstick funny.
I think I disagree with that last statement, sir.
Laurel and Hardy are heroes here (and everywhere else, I guess).
Those sweeping generalisations have left me with egg on my face, once again :(