Ireland win at football, Happy Days :P
At 6/3/11 10:25 PM, NEVR wrote:
Shanus, if you go to the London meet this year, I'll definitely have to go. So basically make sure you get it all sorted so that we can both go and I can drink Guinness with a real Irish person.
Luis will probably not let me drink Guinness again, but with all this talk of the meet you're kinda forcing me to go :P Would be good to shake the hands of people though, and maybe pickle some livers :P
At 6/4/11 04:49 AM, Coop wrote:
My bad, though it did lull him into a false sense of security.
I'm gonna get such a hard time on the BBS, auto lock all the topics I post on :P
12 was a very nice number yesterday. Hopefully, I can get myself up there quick enough
Got 8 in the end, it's gonna take me years. I haven't really B/Ped since I got Sup Commander. So it's nice to be back, even though the portal is quite different than I remember.
No, you've forsaken it, no lube for you! >:(
If the stick does exist I may not like to meet mods in person, may not be able to sit right after
I've not drunk Guinness for years. I'll dust off the old Phil Lynott impression if that does happen.
This can only end in a drunken mess, oh the memories we'll make and forget :P
At 6/4/11 04:57 AM, Auz wrote:
Told ya.
I'll probably just disappear as mysteriously as I returned :P
At 6/4/11 05:33 AM, Haggard wrote:
Super gay <3 ;)
Yeah, that description covers the experience quite well.
Hunter S. Thompson was pretty unique
an example
He was a legend
You should still know that the LUL is full of hot and sweaty man love! ;)
Yeah, we've just got a little older, I wonder if anyone new wants to join the love :P
<3 again
What I said above, but harder :P
At 6/4/11 06:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:
To the Opeth fans out there, the band have announced the title for the new album is Heritage. Sounds very Opeth-ish but what really took me by surprise is the album artwork. I find it particularly interesting since it's rather contrast to the rest of the albums.
It will be amazing, can't wait :D
I'm not sure how much of MGS2 I'll play but MGS3 easily deserves a strong playthrough or two.
I have to finish my subsistence play through of that, great game, Peacewalker will be fun too, as I've not played it
I was listening to the Jailbreak album. ;)
Of course! Help us out with blamming crap and get some blams for your reward.
I tried to blam loads yesterday, but it still got through, only a couple of submissions were what I would consider quality :(
I'll ban you if that happens just so you'll be safe. :P
Sweet, but just make it a few hours, nothing too drastic :)
I haven't even watched Highlander. I'm tempted, though.
It's alright, very '80s and action. Makes not sense really, but Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery are in it, how can you go wrong, RAIDEN & JAMES BOND :P
Here's hoping you get your money issues solved.
Well I'll have the money, just how much will it cost and will it be worth my while :P
And I thought I'd have been happy enough with Gagsy and Coop. All we need now is a gaming bar and we're all set.
I've always wanted to go to London, and a gaming bar sounds awesome
At 6/4/11 09:24 AM, NEVR wrote:
I'm back to BBS modding, though Wade seems to have accidentally removed my review modship in the process, lol.
Another person I have to try not annoy :P
I imagine your Phil Lynott impression, after the 6th or 7th pint, to look something like this...
I do not get the reference :P
But in all seriousness I don't think Luis will let me drink Guinness after last time