Catch-up time.
Just a note: I probably won't be here as much for the next two weeks or so. There's a course I'm following at the moment on my uni for which I have to do a ridiculous amount of work to pass it. Within seven weeks I have to hand in four pretty big reports and have to pass three tests about all the material from the first two years. Today I heard I failed for one of the reports and so I have to redo that next to the other work that still has to be done in the following two weeks.
After that it's exam time again, so I'm pretty much swamped in uni work right now. Fortunately, after the exams are over, I can chill the fuck out until Christmas =/
At 3/20/11 03:29 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/19/11 05:05 PM, Auz wrote:
You can clearly see they're less popular. Whenever I enter a McD, it's always crowded, no matter what time of day it is. In a Subway there are usually only two or three others beside me at most.
I think it's the fact that they have a drive thur and Subway doesn't. When you only have an hour for lunch, you want food right this instant.
I don't find drive-thru's to be that much faster than simply going inside the restaurant, but perhaps we're doing it wrong. Usually we just 'drive-thru' and then park somewhere close to eat our food, which of course doesn't save any time whatsoever :p
I can understand why everybody would think that, but I simply like it. But doesn't everyone have some weird, custom made food they like?
Yeah, it all about where you live and what resources you have there really depends on what unique foods a country has. America has tons of cattle, chicken, and pigs so most dishes derive from them. Peru has lots of fish and guinea pigs and that what they eat and so forth. And apparently England has a huge allocation of beans.
That as well, but I was more talking individually. For example my dad likes to eat (solid) cheese with mayonnaise on a slice of bread, which I find disgusting.
No not exactly. You have to officially live together under one roof before you can register yourselves as fiscal partners. For us I think the benefits come down to that, instead of getting health care support and 'housing benefit' seperately, one of us will receive it for the both of us and we'll have to share that. The total amount will be a little bit more that way, but it's not much.
There might be some more things, but I haven't looked into it in detail.
Sounds like someone claiming as Head of the Household on taxes here in America. One person can claim it and consider the other people in the household as dependents when filing their taxes. I don't think they have to be married.
Yeah that sounds comparable. The thing is though, there isn't one head of the household who gets everything here. We have to fill it in for every little thing, can decide who gets the money and they basically address letters to whoever filled in the form for that specific support. So I get all the health care support stuff right now while my gf gets the 'housing benefit'.
At 3/20/11 09:08 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/19/11 05:05 PM, Auz wrote:
Well we could certainly do with about 4 billion less people. It would help to get nature and the climate back on its feet.
It'd probably help the economy in one way.
That's the one thing that I'd expect to completely collapse when 2/3rd of the world population suddenly vanishes :p
Ah yes, my gf has had similar problems with her rabbits. Two male ones had to be seperated cause they kept fighting.
It's better pairing with a male rabbit with a female rabbit. That's just how it works.
Yeah, they seem to get along much better. Two females appear to do fine as well.
Yeah that's one of the downsides. You have to have an LP player, otherwise you can't even listen to them anymore. I suppose that special device could be costly?
Luckily my dad has a hifi that has a vinyl player but that's outside in the conservatory and not next to my laptop. Then again, I'll be using the old computer soon enough while my laptop goes away to get the dust issues fixed again.
Well of course you could take your laptop there. If your old computer is there as well, I'm sure there must be room to sit.
It's certainly lengthy, but Ocarina of Time always felt lengthier to me. With all the sidequest it might get longer than OoT though. The sidequest for the Couple's Mask / Postman's Hat / Extra Bottle can take up a few hours since you have to do it 3 times to get all the stuff if I remember correctly.
Yeah, you have to time things right with some sidequests. I suppose that's one thing that makes it much longer. I'm sure you can beat Majora's Mask without getting all 40 masks but I know for a fact that Majora is much harder without the Fierce Deity Mask.
Yeah you can beat the game without getting all the masks, but personally I consider that sidequest to be part of the main game.
The Fierce Deity Mask makes the fight incredibely easy, and even without I think it was not that hard. You'd just have a bit more trouble hitting him since you'd have to use arrows instead of energy disks. I thought the difficulty of Majora was a bit dissapointing, but I liked the psychedelic, creepy atmosphere during the fight.
Majora's Mask just goes a different way and explores different, new themes, which was the right thing to do in my opinion. Indeed it is much less straight forward than OoT and it misses a few basic things, but that's not a problem. It's awesome the way it is and has a very interesting, unique concept with the time travelling thing and the impending apocalypse.
I think the time traveling concept was what made it great. Many things happened depending on the time and it gives you a chance to keep going back and seeing how things go elsewhere.
Indeed. I've seldom seen a game that applied the time travelling idea as well as Majora's Mask did.
Oh yes, that was another story element which wasn't explained in that much detail if I remember correctly. They could definately dedicate a whole game to that.
Yeah, the most we knew about it was a great war ages ago. It's one that can definitely be explained better to give it a better storyline. There's only a thing or two I'd change in FFVI but they're really minor.
I'm still unsure about whether I liked the second half of the game or not. The part where you have to gather all your party members again from all over the world before you can go to Kefka's Tower. It did sort of take the pace out of the games story.