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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 06:06:40

At 3/22/11 04:51 AM, Coop wrote: A shame that I'm not comfortable enough to even consider trying it at the moment...

You know it could be interesting. I nevr heard of a British Miss Piggy before.

Oh yeah Coop, I got bored last night and figured that I would update your sig. I think it comes pretty close; use it if you wish.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 08:22:21

Will be seeing Sonata Arctica tonight!

Listening to:

Cathedral - Forest of Equilibrium

Thanks to:


At 3/21/11 01:03 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 3/21/11 06:57 AM, EggoBleeder wrote: I got a Last.fm account. I'll post what I'm listing to atm.
I think I'm the only one who doesn't like last.fm?

As far as I'm concerned, reverend, Auz and Coop don't have Last.fm accounts.

At 3/21/11 02:57 PM, EggoBleeder wrote:
At 3/21/11 10:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: Please add me when you can. My username is NGBahamut.


At 3/22/11 04:51 AM, Coop wrote: Listening to:
MeatLoaf - Bat Out Of Hell

I do need to get that album. I've seen it packaged with Dead Ringer but I only know Bat Out of Hell and I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That).

At 3/21/11 10:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, that's what my dad has so he knew about the song as well.
The looks I got yesterday sitting at the traffic lights, with Hier Kommt Alex playing on my car stereo. The classical intro, followed by the scream just made people turn and stare.

It's an awesome, who cares what the others think? I really should pick up his Magnum Opus album. No, really, that's what the album is called.

At 3/22/11 06:06 AM, reverend wrote: Oh yeah Coop, I got bored last night and figured that I would update your sig. I think it comes pretty close; use it if you wish.

lol I didn't realise it still said 83 until now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 08:34:37

You passed 51000 Saves. Way to go!

I will probably catch-up later today. Yesterday I've been working from 8:00 AM to 1:00 AM this morning to finish up uni stuff =/

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 10:08:09

I just noticed that in addition to reaching level 22 with its bloody monkey wrench (seriously, it's blood-stained), I passed 22,222 total stats. Also, less of a milestone but still interesting, now more than 25% of my flash reviews have responses. Although not really something that's usually tracked, I think it's pretty neat.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 10:52:14

At 3/22/11 08:34 AM, Auz wrote: You passed 51000 Saves. Way to go!

Oh I forgot, I also reached 22,000 Experience today.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 12:55:27

At 3/10/11 07:12 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote: Okay, I bet against this. Rohan will have 4 kids with three different women, Coop will marry but will not have kids. Auz will have kids, but he won't marry!
Alright deal. Now we wait five to ten years from now.

That's quite long, but what can you do...

At 3/11/11 03:56 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/9/11 03:53 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/8/11 12:46 PM, Haggard wrote: I guess he did wabble all over just like Homer Simpson in that one episode where they tested his body fat by slapping him?

Also, I'm going to get the ball back now...
Can you bring me back a soda?*
Here, I bought you some bacon-flavour soda!
Holy shit, greasy pig in a can! *chugs*

It was all they had man, not my fault!

At 3/11/11 04:19 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now that Haggard isn't here, let's talk about Manowar and how much the shitblade sucks!

So that's what you do behind my back?

At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote:
Enjoy your trip!

Thanks, I did! :)

At 3/11/11 05:41 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/8/11 03:53 PM, Auz wrote: Great. So... any good stripper clubs in Hamburg where we can meet? Or are we supposed to keep it a secret where we're going?
You know, asking if there are any good strip clubs in Hamburg is like asking if there are any good "coffee shops" in Amsterdam. ;)
But I suppose Amsterdam's reputation as a coffee shop capital is bigger than Hamburgs reputation as a sex club valhalla.

But you should've heard about the Kaiserkeller and the Star-Club, if you are a Beatles fan. Those bars are located in the red light district.
Also, I thought the Reeperbahn was something that is know across national borders.

Also, linkage time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reeperbahn
Lol, so that's like Hamburgs Moulin Rouge? :p

Except for that the Reeperbahn is a lot bigger than the Moulin Rouge since it's a whole street and just one building. ^^

But to be honest, I try to avoid the Reeperbahn during the week ends. Much too crowded.

Conclusion: Translators suck and will seldom translate anything correctly.
But they are much better now than they used to be!
True, but you're still better off using an old fashioned dictionary (or an online one).

Yes, but sometimes those won't help as well.

On our last trip to scotland we had to wait 5 hours for our connection flight. :/
That sucks. It's a good thing airports have restaurants and shopping malls nowadays.

Yeah, we had to switch airports anyway (from Gatwick to Heathrow... or the other way round, can't remember ^^) and then we had a second breakfast. And then we could look around in the shops for a very long time. ^^

I know some people know everything about the royal family and constantly keep themselves up to date with what they do (royalty experts), but quite frankly I do not give a single crap about them.
I sometimes think the royal families only exist so that some people can work as "royalty experts". I have even seen a "billionaires expert" on TV once. :/
How people can make a living out of that is beyond me. Though I suppose if they are 'one of the few' in the country, they'd always turn to them if anything interesting happens at the palace.

But that's the thing: It never happens anything interesting. I mean William is getting married now... so what? No reason to get overly excited. But most likely there will be a 5 hour report on TV, on ALL of the major stations...

At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote:
Okay, I bet against this. Rohan will have 4 kids with three different women, Coop will marry but will not have kids. Auz will have kids, but he won't marry!
Alright deal. Now we wait five to ten years from now.
With my current future plans, Haggard's gonna lose this one :p

We'll see. :P

At 3/12/11 07:05 AM, Coop wrote: Haggard: Married. Make sure the noose isn't too snug ;)

Thanks... I guess. I really don't know what that means. ^^
Damn those figures of speech!

At 3/12/11 09:01 AM, EggoBleeder wrote: Congrats:
Haggard: Married


At 3/13/11 08:41 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Deep Purple - The Book of Taliesyn


At 3/12/11 06:37 AM, Haggard wrote: Just dropping by to say:

Thanks! :)

At 3/14/11 01:47 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/12/11 06:37 AM, Haggard wrote: Just dropping by to say:


At 3/14/11 09:06 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 3/12/11 06:37 AM, Haggard wrote: Just dropping by to say:
gratz homeslice

Thankz man!

At 3/16/11 05:23 PM, Auz wrote: Oh shit, forgot to congratulate Haggard :(


Congrats Haggard! Hope you're having / had a good time! Best wishes with your marriage and all.

Thank you!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 13:01:14

Just entered the top 600 EXP ranks.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 16:05:50

I am feeling small by entering this topic, but here are my achievements for today:
Got to level 10, ranked up to Pvt. First Class and reached 3000 B/P Points.

Tuturu~ ♫

Without truth, there is no justice.

Asandir's interviews with Newgrounds forum users

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 19:23:44

Catch-up time.

Just a note: I probably won't be here as much for the next two weeks or so. There's a course I'm following at the moment on my uni for which I have to do a ridiculous amount of work to pass it. Within seven weeks I have to hand in four pretty big reports and have to pass three tests about all the material from the first two years. Today I heard I failed for one of the reports and so I have to redo that next to the other work that still has to be done in the following two weeks.

After that it's exam time again, so I'm pretty much swamped in uni work right now. Fortunately, after the exams are over, I can chill the fuck out until Christmas =/

At 3/20/11 03:29 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/19/11 05:05 PM, Auz wrote: You can clearly see they're less popular. Whenever I enter a McD, it's always crowded, no matter what time of day it is. In a Subway there are usually only two or three others beside me at most.
I think it's the fact that they have a drive thur and Subway doesn't. When you only have an hour for lunch, you want food right this instant.

I don't find drive-thru's to be that much faster than simply going inside the restaurant, but perhaps we're doing it wrong. Usually we just 'drive-thru' and then park somewhere close to eat our food, which of course doesn't save any time whatsoever :p

I can understand why everybody would think that, but I simply like it. But doesn't everyone have some weird, custom made food they like?
Yeah, it all about where you live and what resources you have there really depends on what unique foods a country has. America has tons of cattle, chicken, and pigs so most dishes derive from them. Peru has lots of fish and guinea pigs and that what they eat and so forth. And apparently England has a huge allocation of beans.

That as well, but I was more talking individually. For example my dad likes to eat (solid) cheese with mayonnaise on a slice of bread, which I find disgusting.

No not exactly. You have to officially live together under one roof before you can register yourselves as fiscal partners. For us I think the benefits come down to that, instead of getting health care support and 'housing benefit' seperately, one of us will receive it for the both of us and we'll have to share that. The total amount will be a little bit more that way, but it's not much.

There might be some more things, but I haven't looked into it in detail.
Sounds like someone claiming as Head of the Household on taxes here in America. One person can claim it and consider the other people in the household as dependents when filing their taxes. I don't think they have to be married.

Yeah that sounds comparable. The thing is though, there isn't one head of the household who gets everything here. We have to fill it in for every little thing, can decide who gets the money and they basically address letters to whoever filled in the form for that specific support. So I get all the health care support stuff right now while my gf gets the 'housing benefit'.

At 3/20/11 09:08 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/19/11 05:05 PM, Auz wrote: Well we could certainly do with about 4 billion less people. It would help to get nature and the climate back on its feet.
It'd probably help the economy in one way.

That's the one thing that I'd expect to completely collapse when 2/3rd of the world population suddenly vanishes :p

Ah yes, my gf has had similar problems with her rabbits. Two male ones had to be seperated cause they kept fighting.
It's better pairing with a male rabbit with a female rabbit. That's just how it works.

Yeah, they seem to get along much better. Two females appear to do fine as well.

Yeah that's one of the downsides. You have to have an LP player, otherwise you can't even listen to them anymore. I suppose that special device could be costly?
Luckily my dad has a hifi that has a vinyl player but that's outside in the conservatory and not next to my laptop. Then again, I'll be using the old computer soon enough while my laptop goes away to get the dust issues fixed again.

Well of course you could take your laptop there. If your old computer is there as well, I'm sure there must be room to sit.

It's certainly lengthy, but Ocarina of Time always felt lengthier to me. With all the sidequest it might get longer than OoT though. The sidequest for the Couple's Mask / Postman's Hat / Extra Bottle can take up a few hours since you have to do it 3 times to get all the stuff if I remember correctly.
Yeah, you have to time things right with some sidequests. I suppose that's one thing that makes it much longer. I'm sure you can beat Majora's Mask without getting all 40 masks but I know for a fact that Majora is much harder without the Fierce Deity Mask.

Yeah you can beat the game without getting all the masks, but personally I consider that sidequest to be part of the main game.

The Fierce Deity Mask makes the fight incredibely easy, and even without I think it was not that hard. You'd just have a bit more trouble hitting him since you'd have to use arrows instead of energy disks. I thought the difficulty of Majora was a bit dissapointing, but I liked the psychedelic, creepy atmosphere during the fight.

Majora's Mask just goes a different way and explores different, new themes, which was the right thing to do in my opinion. Indeed it is much less straight forward than OoT and it misses a few basic things, but that's not a problem. It's awesome the way it is and has a very interesting, unique concept with the time travelling thing and the impending apocalypse.
I think the time traveling concept was what made it great. Many things happened depending on the time and it gives you a chance to keep going back and seeing how things go elsewhere.

Indeed. I've seldom seen a game that applied the time travelling idea as well as Majora's Mask did.

Oh yes, that was another story element which wasn't explained in that much detail if I remember correctly. They could definately dedicate a whole game to that.
Yeah, the most we knew about it was a great war ages ago. It's one that can definitely be explained better to give it a better storyline. There's only a thing or two I'd change in FFVI but they're really minor.

I'm still unsure about whether I liked the second half of the game or not. The part where you have to gather all your party members again from all over the world before you can go to Kefka's Tower. It did sort of take the pace out of the games story.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 19:30:06

At 3/20/11 10:19 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/19/11 05:05 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/18/11 05:02 AM, Coop wrote:
Sadly I can't say I'm familiar with them, although I have heard of the three stooges. They seem to have an almost legendary status nowadays and when I first heard of them I thought they were from some famous old book :p
I'm not overly familiar with them, I just catch a scene or two ever once in a while on YouTube

I thought you'd know much about them, but I guess they're also well before your time.

At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/21/11 01:03 PM, Odyssic wrote: I think I'm the only one who doesn't like last.fm?
As far as I'm concerned, reverend, Auz and Coop don't have Last.fm accounts.

Nope I do not.

At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/11 05:41 PM, Auz wrote: But I suppose Amsterdam's reputation as a coffee shop capital is bigger than Hamburgs reputation as a sex club valhalla.
But you should've heard about the Kaiserkeller and the Star-Club, if you are a Beatles fan. Those bars are located in the red light district.

I can't say I have and my gf, who knows way more about the Beatles than I do, says that doesn't ring any bells either. What do they have to do with the Beatles?

Also, I thought the Reeperbahn was something that is know across national borders.

Well I think we think that 'de Wallen' are world famous as well, but I doubt they are.

Lol, so that's like Hamburgs Moulin Rouge? :p
Except for that the Reeperbahn is a lot bigger than the Moulin Rouge since it's a whole street and just one building. ^^

... Weird. I thought the Moulin Rouge was a street, but now I remember that I actually walked past that place during one of my trips to Paris.

But to be honest, I try to avoid the Reeperbahn during the week ends. Much too crowded.

Lol! Not the place to be then if you don't want your wife, family or friends to find out :p

True, but you're still better off using an old fashioned dictionary (or an online one).
Yes, but sometimes those won't help as well.

True as well. Fortunately I only have to look up English words and I can just type in the phrase I think is correct on Google. Then I'll see if it is commonly said or not so that I know whether it's correct.

That sucks. It's a good thing airports have restaurants and shopping malls nowadays.
Yeah, we had to switch airports anyway (from Gatwick to Heathrow... or the other way round, can't remember ^^) and then we had a second breakfast. And then we could look around in the shops for a very long time. ^^

Luckily the public transport in London is awesome, so you can get from one place to the other very quickly.

How people can make a living out of that is beyond me. Though I suppose if they are 'one of the few' in the country, they'd always turn to them if anything interesting happens at the palace.
But that's the thing: It never happens anything interesting. I mean William is getting married now... so what? No reason to get overly excited. But most likely there will be a 5 hour report on TV, on ALL of the major stations...

Oh yes, I remember a report on TV about it which was only the announcement that they were getting married. Interviews with the parents and all. I kinda laughed at how the father of the girl had to read his (very simple) speech to the press from a piece of paper. That's about all I've seen from it though.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 21:38:34

Level 29.

New to Politics?/ Friend of the Devil/ I review writing! PM me

"Question everything generally thought to be obvious."-Dieter Rams

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 23:11:47

40,000 B/P points

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-22 23:41:20

Time on NG: 8 year(s), 0 month(s) and 0 day(s) (=2921 days)

My sign up date isn't for another two days it looks like....so....I guess NG Logs is just confused. Nonetheless I caught it in Ng Logs PLUS two days is the real NG birthday :D

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-23 03:32:52

At 3/22/11 11:41 PM, SeeD419 wrote: Time on NG: 8 year(s), 0 month(s) and 0 day(s) (=2921 days)

My sign up date isn't for another two days it looks like....so....I guess NG Logs is just confused. Nonetheless I caught it in Ng Logs PLUS two days is the real NG birthday :D

Thats strange. I wonder how that happened. Couldn't be leap year messing it up I wouldn't think since nglogs got my 4th ng birthday correct.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-23 04:53:37


>Error - defective script on levelup data.
>Please Wait
>Preparing Levelup information, please stand by.

11,000 Experience

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-23 05:04:26

Coop prepares for tough meetings today. Congratulations to:
Auz: 51,000 Saves; 22,000 Experience
DiMono: 22,222 Total Points
bifgis: Top 600 Experienced
Asandir: Level 10; Private 1st Class; 3,000 B/P
BrianEtrius: Level 29
Emlfuryoflion: 40,000 B/P
SeeD419: 8th NG Berfday (falsified)

Listening to:
Alice Cooper - Spark in the Dark
Rush - Spirit of Radio
Alice Cooper - Hell is Living Without You

At 3/22/11 06:06 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/22/11 04:51 AM, Coop wrote: A shame that I'm not comfortable enough to even consider trying it at the moment...
You know it could be interesting. I nevr heard of a British Miss Piggy before.

You don't know me very well then - I do accents :P

Oh yeah Coop, I got bored last night and figured that I would update your sig. I think it comes pretty close; use it if you wish.

Thanks, I saw this while elsewhere and meant to update the sig yesterday. Well, here goes.

At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/22/11 04:51 AM, Coop wrote: Listening to:
MeatLoaf - Bat Out Of Hell
I do need to get that album. I've seen it packaged with Dead Ringer but I only know Bat Out of Hell and I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That).

I've only got his best of volume 1 & 2, so it's got the best ones on there.

At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/11 03:56 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/9/11 03:53 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/8/11 12:46 PM, Haggard wrote: I guess he did wabble all over just like Homer Simpson in that one episode where they tested his body fat by slapping him?

Also, I'm going to get the ball back now...
Can you bring me back a soda?*
Here, I bought you some bacon-flavour soda!
Holy shit, greasy pig in a can! *chugs*
It was all they had man, not my fault!

*belches* I still drank it, didn't I?

At 3/12/11 07:05 AM, Coop wrote: Haggard: Married. Make sure the noose isn't too snug ;)
Thanks... I guess. I really don't know what that means. ^^
Damn those figures of speech!

The hangman's noose - kind of literally referring to the fact that since you're male, you'll die first, but it could also be a lead, as in a dog. You are now her pet ;)

At 3/22/11 07:30 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/20/11 10:19 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/19/11 05:05 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/18/11 05:02 AM, Coop wrote:
Sadly I can't say I'm familiar with them, although I have heard of the three stooges. They seem to have an almost legendary status nowadays and when I first heard of them I thought they were from some famous old book :p
I'm not overly familiar with them, I just catch a scene or two ever once in a while on YouTube
I thought you'd know much about them, but I guess they're also well before your time.

Are you trying to say that I'm old?!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-23 05:22:24

At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: As far as I'm concerned, reverend, Auz and Coop don't have Last.fm accounts.

Nope, don't have one.

lol I didn't realise it still said 83 until now.

I figured that if he hasn't changed his name back by now, he isn't going to. So it sig must go.

At 3/22/11 07:23 PM, Auz wrote: I don't find drive-thru's to be that much faster than simply going inside the restaurant, but perhaps we're doing it wrong. Usually we just 'drive-thru' and then park somewhere close to eat our food, which of course doesn't save any time whatsoever :p

Yeah sometimes I do that as well. They don't usually make the seating comfortable enough, which is deliberate to keep people moving.

That as well, but I was more talking individually. For example my dad likes to eat (solid) cheese with mayonnaise on a slice of bread, which I find disgusting.

Ah yeah I guess. I can't think of anything I eat that most others won't except Old Bay on the fries apparently.

Yeah that sounds comparable. The thing is though, there isn't one head of the household who gets everything here. We have to fill it in for every little thing, can decide who gets the money and they basically address letters to whoever filled in the form for that specific support. So I get all the health care support stuff right now while my gf gets the 'housing benefit'.

People over here can get social support services that aren't apart from tax credits e.g. low income medical aid (Medicaid) or need based aid (TANIF). However that's not typical for everyone, only the extremely poor.

At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote: You don't know me very well then - I do accents :P

Can you do a Dutch accent?

Thanks, I saw this while elsewhere and meant to update the sig yesterday. Well, here goes.

Looks good. I like the corrected "O"s.
Though it seems cut off at the top. Hotfix

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-23 08:06:11

Sonata Arctica were great last night! I'll be writing up about the show later on.

Listening to:

Destruction - Eternal Devastation

At 3/22/11 10:52 AM, Auz wrote: Oh I forgot, I also reached 22,000 Experience today.

And so close to the top 200.

At 3/22/11 11:10 AM, Odyssic wrote: I would like to say, I can see my wings. Now, how long will it take to get 100 blams and 100 Saves?

Not even 5,000 blams reached?

At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/11 04:19 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now that Haggard isn't here, let's talk about Manowar and how much the shitblade sucks!
So that's what you do behind my back?

Well what were you expecting? It turned out me and Coop just talked about Paul Di'Anno.

At 3/13/11 08:41 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Deep Purple - The Book of Taliesyn

Yep, that's one album I got recently.

At 3/22/11 07:23 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/20/11 09:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: It'd probably help the economy in one way.
That's the one thing that I'd expect to completely collapse when 2/3rd of the world population suddenly vanishes :p

Hey, if we lost all the criminal scumbags, surely that would ease off on taxes.

Luckily my dad has a hifi that has a vinyl player but that's outside in the conservatory and not next to my laptop. Then again, I'll be using the old computer soon enough while my laptop goes away to get the dust issues fixed again.
Well of course you could take your laptop there. If your old computer is there as well, I'm sure there must be room to sit.

Yeah but no stable table out there.

Yeah, you have to time things right with some sidequests. I suppose that's one thing that makes it much longer. I'm sure you can beat Majora's Mask without getting all 40 masks but I know for a fact that Majora is much harder without the Fierce Deity Mask.
Yeah you can beat the game without getting all the masks, but personally I consider that sidequest to be part of the main game.

Yeah, the sidequests do a lot for the game. I should probably try beating the game without the sidequest masks and see how I do.

I think the time traveling concept was what made it great. Many things happened depending on the time and it gives you a chance to keep going back and seeing how things go elsewhere.
Indeed. I've seldom seen a game that applied the time travelling idea as well as Majora's Mask did.

There are games that do involve time traveling but not in a way where it counts down to a certain time and then it's back to square one.

Yeah, the most we knew about it was a great war ages ago. It's one that can definitely be explained better to give it a better storyline. There's only a thing or two I'd change in FFVI but they're really minor.
I'm still unsure about whether I liked the second half of the game or not. The part where you have to gather all your party members again from all over the world before you can go to Kefka's Tower. It did sort of take the pace out of the games story.

I liked it that way. It was a matter of reuniting with everyone and ready to confront with Kefka.

At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: I do need to get that album. I've seen it packaged with Dead Ringer but I only know Bat Out of Hell and I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That).
I've only got his best of volume 1 & 2, so it's got the best ones on there.

It won't have the whole of Bat Out of Hell, though and that's necessary for a rock opera listening. I'm well against compilation albums so I won't be getting volumes 1 & 2.

At 3/23/11 05:22 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: lol I didn't realise it still said 83 until now.
I figured that if he hasn't changed his name back by now, he isn't going to. So it sig must go.

Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-23 08:17:04

At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?

My question is when did he change it in the first place? I completely forgot he used to have a number in front of his name until this was mentioned.

Also why change. Whats wrong with the number 83 anyway lol.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-24 03:18:49

At 3/22/11 07:30 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/11 05:41 PM, Auz wrote: But I suppose Amsterdam's reputation as a coffee shop capital is bigger than Hamburgs reputation as a sex club valhalla.
But you should've heard about the Kaiserkeller and the Star-Club, if you are a Beatles fan. Those bars are located in the red light district.
I can't say I have and my gf, who knows way more about the Beatles than I do, says that doesn't ring any bells either. What do they have to do with the Beatles?

There's a whole wikipedia article about the Beatles in Hamburg. ^^
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles _in_Hamburg

Also, I thought the Reeperbahn was something that is know across national borders.
Well I think we think that 'de Wallen' are world famous as well, but I doubt they are.

Never heard of it. :(

Lol, so that's like Hamburgs Moulin Rouge? :p
Except for that the Reeperbahn is a lot bigger than the Moulin Rouge since it's a whole street and just one building. ^^
... Weird. I thought the Moulin Rouge was a street, but now I remember that I actually walked past that place during one of my trips to Paris.

This reminds me, I never have been to Paris. :(

But to be honest, I try to avoid the Reeperbahn during the week ends. Much too crowded.
Lol! Not the place to be then if you don't want your wife, family or friends to find out :p

Well, it's not only strip bars and brothels on the "Kiez" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiez), but also normal bars, discos and other nightclubs. So it's not a problem at all if your friends and family know you are going to the Reeperbahn.
But the problem is that it seems that EVERYBODY who stays in Hamburg visits this place during the weekends.

True, but you're still better off using an old fashioned dictionary (or an online one).
Yes, but sometimes those won't help as well.
True as well. Fortunately I only have to look up English words and I can just type in the phrase I think is correct on Google. Then I'll see if it is commonly said or not so that I know whether it's correct.

That's how I do it as well. Sometimes I already know the word I'm looking for, but I'm not entirly sure if it is the correct word... so I look up the english word and find out that I have been right with my translation. ^^

That sucks. It's a good thing airports have restaurants and shopping malls nowadays.
Yeah, we had to switch airports anyway (from Gatwick to Heathrow... or the other way round, can't remember ^^) and then we had a second breakfast. And then we could look around in the shops for a very long time. ^^
Luckily the public transport in London is awesome, so you can get from one place to the other very quickly.

Yes, it took about one hour, which isn't too bad I suppose. The only thing that wasn't too good was the price for the tickets: 40 pounds for two tickets. And when we showed the tickets to the bus driver she didn't even had a look at it. I guess we could've just hopped on to the bus without buying any tickets at all...

At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/11 03:56 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/10/11 01:46 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/9/11 03:53 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/8/11 12:46 PM, Haggard wrote: I guess he did wabble all over just like Homer Simpson in that one episode where they tested his body fat by slapping him?

Also, I'm going to get the ball back now...
Can you bring me back a soda?*
Here, I bought you some bacon-flavour soda!
Holy shit, greasy pig in a can! *chugs*
It was all they had man, not my fault!
*belches* I still drank it, didn't I?

Yuck! Your breath smells really awful!

At 3/12/11 07:05 AM, Coop wrote: Haggard: Married. Make sure the noose isn't too snug ;)
Thanks... I guess. I really don't know what that means. ^^
Damn those figures of speech!
The hangman's noose - kind of literally referring to the fact that since you're male, you'll die first, but it could also be a lead, as in a dog. You are now her pet ;)

Oh, now I get it!

At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/11 04:19 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now that Haggard isn't here, let's talk about Manowar and how much the shitblade sucks!
So that's what you do behind my back?
Well what were you expecting? It turned out me and Coop just talked about Paul Di'Anno.

Which is a much more interesting topic than Manwoar, for sure.

At 3/13/11 08:41 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Deep Purple - The Book of Taliesyn
Yep, that's one album I got recently.

You should also get In Rock.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-24 05:03:15

Coop looks at the scene of devastation in the office, while congratulating:
SCTE3: Level 31; 21,000 B/P
Cootie: 10.00 Total Voting Power
Friday: Level 20; 4,000 Experience

Listening to:
Reel Big Fish - 241
Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
(Right underneath that is Slade's "Cum on Feel The Noise")
Weird Al - Jerry Springer

At 3/23/11 05:22 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote: You don't know me very well then - I do accents :P
Can you do a Dutch accent?

I can, at the risk of mortally offending Auz (and, from the discussion we had last week, Haggard)

Thanks, I saw this while elsewhere and meant to update the sig yesterday. Well, here goes.
Looks good. I like the corrected "O"s.
Though it seems cut off at the top. Hotfix

Right, how about now?

At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: I do need to get that album. I've seen it packaged with Dead Ringer but I only know Bat Out of Hell and I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That).
I've only got his best of volume 1 & 2, so it's got the best ones on there.
It won't have the whole of Bat Out of Hell, though and that's necessary for a rock opera listening. I'm well against compilation albums so I won't be getting volumes 1 & 2.

Fair enough - whatever floats your boat.

At 3/23/11 05:22 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/22/11 08:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: lol I didn't realise it still said 83 until now.
I figured that if he hasn't changed his name back by now, he isn't going to. So it sig must go.
Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?

To avoid being confused with Gagsy's favourite supermarket?

At 3/23/11 08:17 AM, Emlfuryoflion wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?
My question is when did he change it in the first place? I completely forgot he used to have a number in front of his name until this was mentioned.

This should explain

At 3/24/11 03:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
Here, I bought you some bacon-flavour soda!
Holy shit, greasy pig in a can! *chugs*
It was all they had man, not my fault!
*belches* I still drank it, didn't I?
Yuck! Your breath smells really awful!

*eats Mentos* Now I've got to avoid shaking for a while. That soda has too much sugar in it...

At 3/12/11 07:05 AM, Coop wrote: Haggard: Married. Make sure the noose isn't too snug ;)
Thanks... I guess. I really don't know what that means. ^^
Damn those figures of speech!
The hangman's noose - kind of literally referring to the fact that since you're male, you'll die first, but it could also be a lead, as in a dog. You are now her pet ;)
Oh, now I get it!

Good Futurama quote ;)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-24 12:49:02

Write up for Sonata Arctica as promised!

Listening to:

Triosphere - The Road Less Travelled

At 3/23/11 08:17 AM, Emlfuryoflion wrote: Also why change. Whats wrong with the number 83 anyway lol.

Names are often better without numbers. I'm much happier with Bahamut than I was with Bahamut7. I only use Bahamut7 or any other variants if I can't get my first, second or third choice.

At 3/23/11 01:10 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not even 5,000 blams reached?
Almost, I have gotten more blams since getting my laptop, so I may go to 10,000 Blams. However long that may take.

I wish you luck with 10k blams.

At 3/24/11 03:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well what were you expecting? It turned out me and Coop just talked about Paul Di'Anno.
Which is a much more interesting topic than Manwoar, for sure.

To be fair, it was a new topic to talk about.

Yep, that's one album I got recently.
You should also get In Rock.

You really should check my list of CDs. You'll see In Rock right there.

At 3/24/11 05:03 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?
To avoid being confused with Gagsy's favourite supermarket?

What does that have to do with the number 83?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-24 14:41:51

At 3/24/11 05:03 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:22 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote: You don't know me very well then - I do accents :P
Can you do a Dutch accent?
I can, at the risk of mortally offending Auz (and, from the discussion we had last week, Haggard)

Why would I be offended by a dutch accent (sorry, I didn't read the conversation from last week >_> )?
Also, dutch accent should be quite different from a german accent. ^^

At 3/24/11 03:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
Here, I bought you some bacon-flavour soda!
Holy shit, greasy pig in a can! *chugs*
It was all they had man, not my fault!
*belches* I still drank it, didn't I?
Yuck! Your breath smells really awful!
*eats Mentos* Now I've got to avoid shaking for a while. That soda has too much sugar in it...

So, we won't play "roll down that steep hill in a trash can" right now?

At 3/12/11 07:05 AM, Coop wrote: Haggard: Married. Make sure the noose isn't too snug ;)
Thanks... I guess. I really don't know what that means. ^^
Damn those figures of speech!
The hangman's noose - kind of literally referring to the fact that since you're male, you'll die first, but it could also be a lead, as in a dog. You are now her pet ;)
Oh, now I get it!
Good Futurama quote ;)

Which - of course - was totally unintentional. :P

At 3/24/11 12:49 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/24/11 03:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well what were you expecting? It turned out me and Coop just talked about Paul Di'Anno.
Which is a much more interesting topic than Manwoar, for sure.
To be fair, it was a new topic to talk about.

Yes, we need some fresh topics here.

Yep, that's one album I got recently.
You should also get In Rock.
You really should check my list of CDs. You'll see In Rock right there.

But it's nice that you already have it.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-24 17:47:47

At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?

Because Coop83 > Coop
Having the 83 is 83 times better; simple math. :)

At 3/24/11 05:03 AM, Coop wrote: I can, at the risk of mortally offending Auz (and, from the discussion we had last week, Haggard)

I think it'll be fine if you don't add any Dutch stereotype statements about blonds, windmills, wooden shoes, and tulips.

Right, how about now?

It's still cut off at the top a little, but I don't want to decrease the font size anymore. It's hardly noticeable. I hope in the redesign we get increase heights for sigs; 50px doesn't cut it sometimes.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-24 20:49:30

1,000 posts!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-25 03:02:02

I have a new badge. And it has WINGS.... (Police Lieutenant)

Also, on my way to the first cool level icon. Apart from the lollypop...

The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.

Sig by Emperor-Bubba

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-25 03:39:56

LEVEL 32~~~


My Youtube channel

http://www.youtube.com/user/fuzzum1 11

If you get a ban, it was totally worth it. 10/10, I love you. -Skaren

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-25 04:59:43

Coop tries to sort out the remaining mess in the office, while congratulating:
SCTE3: 10,000 Experience; Triplelisted
Odyssic: 25,000 Saves
EDylan: 1,000 Posts
EJR: 5,000 Posts; 3rd NG Berfday
fuzzum111: Level 32

Listening to:
Faith No More - Epic
Michael Jackson - Give In To Me

At 3/24/11 12:49 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/24/11 05:03 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?
To avoid being confused with Gagsy's favourite supermarket?
What does that have to do with the number 83?

Adding the 83 at the end makes it more discernible from the name of the popular hyphenated supermarket brand, as opposed to the shortened version of the profession responsible for making barrels.

At 3/24/11 02:41 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/24/11 05:03 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:22 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote: You don't know me very well then - I do accents :P
Can you do a Dutch accent?
I can, at the risk of mortally offending Auz (and, from the discussion we had last week, Haggard)
Why would I be offended by a dutch accent (sorry, I didn't read the conversation from last week >_> )?
Also, dutch accent should be quite different from a german accent. ^^

Auz thinks that some people's Dutch accents sound German. This could be interesting.

At 3/24/11 03:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/11 05:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/22/11 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
Here, I bought you some bacon-flavour soda!
Holy shit, greasy pig in a can! *chugs*
It was all they had man, not my fault!
*belches* I still drank it, didn't I?
Yuck! Your breath smells really awful!
*eats Mentos* Now I've got to avoid shaking for a while. That soda has too much sugar in it...
So, we won't play "roll down that steep hill in a trash can" right now?

Well, if you want to get in and enjoy the ride, I'm up for giving you a push.

At 3/24/11 05:47 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?
Because Coop83 > Coop
Having the 83 is 83 times better; simple math. :)

Not at all - Coop83 is 83 times better than Coop1. I am merely Coop - the only implication of 1 is that there is no number, as in most movie sequences.

At 3/24/11 05:03 AM, Coop wrote: I can, at the risk of mortally offending Auz (and, from the discussion we had last week, Haggard)
I think it'll be fine if you don't add any Dutch stereotype statements about blonds, windmills, wooden shoes, and tulips.

Right, how about now?
It's still cut off at the top a little, but I don't want to decrease the font size anymore. It's hardly noticeable. I hope in the redesign we get increase heights for sigs; 50px doesn't cut it sometimes.

I know, but then it's such a ballache to get the sigs, banners and other shit sorted.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-25 10:20:06


Master Sergeant Shooter Person!


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-03-25 13:08:50

May and June for metal releases will have Alestorm, Anvil, Falconer, HammerFall, Rhapsody, Morbid Angel, Saxon, Symphony X and Tyr. These will be some crazy months for metal but I'm really looking forward to the summer. Not only that, I still have some live shows to see, especially Maiden... and that AC/DC clone for support act.

Listening to:

Edge of Sanity - Crimson. One song, 40 minutes of death metal!

At 3/24/11 02:41 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/24/11 12:49 PM, Bahamut wrote: To be fair, it was a new topic to talk about.
Yes, we need some fresh topics here.

So how about my latest discussion?

You really should check my list of CDs. You'll see In Rock right there.
But it's nice that you already have it.

You can simply CTRL + F to find the specific album and see if I have it.

At 3/24/11 05:47 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/23/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why would he change back to Coop83 anyway?
Because Coop83 > Coop
Having the 83 is 83 times better; simple math. :)

In that case, Bahamut7 is seven times better.


At 3/25/11 04:59 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/24/11 12:49 PM, Bahamut wrote: What does that have to do with the number 83?
Adding the 83 at the end makes it more discernible from the name of the popular hyphenated supermarket brand, as opposed to the shortened version of the profession responsible for making barrels.

So what if Gagsy associates you with a supermarket? I'll deal with her if she's taking a step too far. :P