Level 24. Didn't really take too long, tbh.
I'm busy, but I'm still sorta here. I'm so far behind on exp from the pack that my thoughts are to silently catch up and pass a few here and there :P
Level 24. Didn't really take too long, tbh.
I'm busy, but I'm still sorta here. I'm so far behind on exp from the pack that my thoughts are to silently catch up and pass a few here and there :P
At 1/14/11 03:30 AM, ArtDanVal wrote: I hope my next milestone shall be 200 reviews, as I hope to complete my mission of reviewing over 1500 Flash submissions between now and my 19th Birthday in March.
Disregard that, I am now level 25.
Take care of yourself.
13K blams!!!
a hard one to see this days... so i am kinda proud of it
I forgot to mention this earlier before but I now have 1,000 medals! The Hexalist has given me good motivation to earn a nice amount of medals and I look forward to reaching 10,000 someday. Well, that's if I'm still there by then.
Congrats to all of you btw. I've been slacking on NG really badly since I started running this game server. It's a lot of work :/ Plus my side business. Those coupled together it's like I never get any time to sit and write some reviews, or grab some b/p.
Hopefully things will calm down and I can get back to passing inactives as usual :3
Having Peace is Fabulous
Coop enjoys an English victory against the French and congratulates:
Life-Stream: Level 38
SeeD419: Level 24
ArtDanVal: Level 25
aldlv: 13,000 Blams
Cootie: 40,000 Total Points
Bahamut: 1,000 Medals
sandwich-eater: Level 15
At 2/26/11 07:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote: Coop laments the loss of 17 reviews overnight, while congratulating:It seems Fro did some housecleaning and removed some of his flash, as well as one of my reviews.
It hurts - I've lost major league stattage over that >:(
Exactly - baked beans on toast, with scrambled eggs - protein overload!Why don't you slap some bacon and sausage on top of that and have a heart attack as well, heh.
All day breakfast sandwich - egg, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, fried slice and beans all in a sandwich for about £8. My dad's cousin had one once, with "thick bread", which amounted to half a hollowed out loaf.
At 2/27/11 03:23 AM, Food123 wrote: i'm 110 points away from 15
Then the solution to this is to come back and tell us that you've achieved it in 11 days time. Don't waste our time and space in the topic by telling us stuff that you might achieve in the future.
At 2/27/11 04:46 AM, Coop wrote: sandwich-eater: Level 15
Something seems a little 'off' here.
Fro says sorry about the loss of stats. The big thing is his name only brought up his accounts because of him foolishly saying it in posts and/or the flash movie descriptions. Google forever engraved his name into these accounts. His flashes will slowly be put up on another account and he'll come back to joining, but just needed to clear his name for job reasons.
Listening to:
Vicious Rumors - Ministry of Fear
Primordial - Heathen Tribes
At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/25/11 12:34 PM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:I love that song.
Overkill - Bring Me The Night
I'm checking out bands that are announced for the Rock Hard Festival now. I know, I checked out Overkill before, but it never hurts to listen to a band more than once if you want to know if they are any good.
So far Overkill is #1 on my "Bands I want to see" list, together with Amorphis.
But we're happy!At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: That's good, right?Failing is never good.
We shouldn't be happy when we are failing, though. Even though it reminds me a bit of "Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage. ^^
Either way, those songs are still more mainstream friendly than their previous works.Too bad, they seem like ideal songs for the radio.Sad But True might just a little bit too "heavy" for the radio and The Unforgiven is over 6 minutes long. Hardly ideal for pop music radio stations. They prefer songs that aren't longer than 4 minutes.
Well, "One" got pretty heavy rotation on various music tv stations.
It saves me from getting Load and ReLoad so I'm happy.Ain't My Bitch isn't on S&M. Oh well.S&M is the only album I won't pick up. The concept might be interesting, but the excecution is somewhat lame. The orchestra is drowned out in huge parts of the songs.
You should pick them up, though.
Shame, really. We at least agreed on that but of course, it doesn't give us confidence in newer technology.Remember the time when we agreed on newer technology not lasting as long as older stuff?Oh yeah. But we wheren't too happy about that, so I didn't mark that day.
See above: We shouldn't be happy about sad things like newer technology failing more often than older technology.
What about the times when you were outvoted for liking the shitblade?No, it's awesome!Auz says it's lame. So that's 2 votes for "lame" and only one vote for "awesome".
That's a whole different story...
At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/25/11 12:34 PM, Haggard wrote:Yeah, but it allows for artistic expression. That's something I love.At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:Because most of the time the pictures are larger than the posts. Okay, it's not as bad on newgrounds as the size of the pictures is strictly limited. But I've seen some very bad signatures...At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:Any reason why?At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote: I think that you need to get a sig made like the Zidane / Matterazzi one that was floating around a few years ago. (Pic below)No, I'm strictly against pictures in signatures. :P
Yes, but it's annoying if you have to load over 3MB of pictures each time you open up a new page in a thread.
At 2/26/11 07:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote: Coop laments the loss of 17 reviews overnight, while congratulating:It seems Fro did some housecleaning and removed some of his flash, as well as one of my reviews.
I lost 10 reviews and 10 responses. Now I'm back to 499 responses again. :'(
Listening to:
Manilla Road - Spiral Castle
Thanks to:
At 2/26/11 07:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh man, I thought it was obvious to every user on the BBS. We were all raging about The Room last year.I've never seen The Room. I mean I've played the game but would have never picked up on that line from it.
In that case, I'll show you the scene.
At 2/27/11 04:46 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/27/11 03:23 AM, Food123 wrote: i'm 110 points away from 15Then the solution to this is to come back and tell us that you've achieved it in 11 days time. Don't waste our time and space in the topic by telling us stuff that you might achieve in the future.
I already had to delete one post alike from him...
At 2/27/11 08:01 AM, FireZombies wrote: Fro says sorry about the loss of stats. The big thing is his name only brought up his accounts because of him foolishly saying it in posts and/or the flash movie descriptions. Google forever engraved his name into these accounts. His flashes will slowly be put up on another account and he'll come back to joining, but just needed to clear his name for job reasons.
Yeah, he told me about clearing all his stuff for this so it's no surprise those flashes are gone. I expect the LUL to drop by many pages soon.
At 2/27/11 08:08 AM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Primordial - Heathen Tribes
More awesome stuff.
At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: I love that song.I'm checking out bands that are announced for the Rock Hard Festival now. I know, I checked out Overkill before, but it never hurts to listen to a band more than once if you want to know if they are any good.
True that.
So far Overkill is #1 on my "Bands I want to see" list, together with Amorphis.
Overkill should be a good one considering how good their new album is.
But we're happy!We shouldn't be happy when we are failing, though. Even though it reminds me a bit of "Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage. ^^
We should always look on the bright side of life.
Either way, those songs are still more mainstream friendly than their previous works.Well, "One" got pretty heavy rotation on various music tv stations.
Of course and it deserved it.
It saves me from getting Load and ReLoad so I'm happy.You should pick them up, though.
Maybe if they were £1 each. :P As for St. Anger, you'd have to pay me to put that CD in my collection.
What about the times when you were outvoted for liking the shitblade?That's a whole different story...
Nope, same thing.
At 2/25/11 12:34 PM, Haggard wrote:At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah I know. Often it really has this basic, no-frills look. Especially the cheaper furniture they sell. It doesn't look bad though, but you do need to add some little things to make it look less bare.We bought a sofa yesterday, for 1,800 Euro. :o
Ours was only 350. I feel poor :(
But if we had such an expensive sofa right from the start we wouldn't really appreciate it. I am of the opinion that you have to start "low", with cheap furniture that doesn't fit together too well. And then when you have the money to buy new stuff, you'll be able to appreciate it more.
Yeah I can agree with that line of thinking. Apart from the fact that we'll learn to appreciate more expensive furniture, it's also a bit risky to go and buy very expensive stuff. At the start you never know if it's gonna work out or not and if it isn't then you end up being flat out broke with furniture worth thousands of euros that you can hardly store anywhere.
But it's decent stuff really. It feels very solid and you can be sure that it will hold for at least 5-10 years.Billy and Benno rule!
And so do Björn and Benny! Our closet is called dombås. We decided that it's pronounced "dumbass" :p
Silly Swedish names. Even for Dutch people they're unpronouncable.
Okay, maybe four weeks is still way too little to actually see much of the country.Depends on the country, I guess.
I bet 4 weeks would be enough to travel through the netherlands from north to south and east to west. :P
More than enough. In a week or two I'm sure you can see all that might be worth seeing around here.
I've discussed a trip to America with my gf and together we want to see so much that we'd need at least half a year to see everything. The inconvenient thing is, we pretty much want to go to all sides of the country. I want to go to Alaska, Florida, the Yoshimite Park, the Nevada desert. She wants to go to New York, San Francisco... It's gonna be impossible to see all that in a four week holiday.You just need an awesome time management and quite a few drugs to keep you awake.
"Okay, that was two minutes of Yoshimite Park, on to our next location!"
Obviously I'd like to stay for a while to enjoy the scenery :p
Naaah they're usually in their classrooms or in the teachers lounge. It were the janitors who were always patrolling in and around the school.Teachers here have playground duty. Maybe it's because the janitors are too lazy to walk around?
I guess. That sounds like a typical janitor job to me.
At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: I thought that was where all the 'Bedn steals teh candy!' jokes came from.Hmm, not that I'm aware of.
I could swear some kind of NG meme sprouted from the fact that Bedn stole the programming code for the Flash portal to build Retrogade's portal.
IIRC he was only on that frozen glacier mountain and he wasn't that tough. In other games I remember him to be much harder. You could even consider him a mini-boss.Yeah, that's where he was in FFVII. Definitely not the Malboros we know and fear.
Nah they were nothing to fear for. I believe some walkthrough explicitely warned me for them, but I think you could also get some kind of protection accesory from status effects just before you were going to battle him. Without his Bad Breath, he's a pushover.
Wow... so it must be the FF game that is available on the most amount of systems.It is. Hell, once they've remade FFV and VI on 3DS (which will happen eventually), they'll probably put them on the new PSP as well.
And people keep complaining about how they are milking FF7 so much :p
I suppose not. I like the DS' improved graphics very much. I'm curious how it will look for the PSP then though.It uses the traditional sprites but they're all redrawn.
But the battles were now in 3D right? That looked pretty nice to me.
I don't know where that would be. Usually I went training near the entrance if I went to the Northern Crater, but my favorite training place was that old aircraft wreck in which you could morph monsters into HP ups, Attack ups etc.There were two mystical rooms that were full of magic pots and Movers. That gave you uber EXP, AP and money. Equip EXP Plus materia and anything else alike and you've got some serious gains from them.
Oh yeah I remember those magic pots giving massive money and AP or something. It never really came up with me that I should go and train in those rooms. I always had a hard time finding the exit in the Northern Crater. Wasn't there a point of no return somewhere and if you built your safe point there and saved you were fucked?
At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/25/11 11:38 AM, Auz wrote: I'm gonna have to go and refresh my memory as well...Yeah that's the part of it, thought the whole scene is hilarious. Just thinking of how it ruined McCauley Culken makes me laugh to this day.
Is this the one you're talking about? I thought that there was much more in that scene... hmmm... can't find any other vids though.
Yeah I thought so.
I watched a compilation of Home Alone 1 and 2 and plenty of those traps were quite hilarious now that I see them again :p
At 2/26/11 07:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/25/11 11:38 AM, Auz wrote: I could never get a meal like that down my throat in the early morning. Even one slice of bread is difficult for me.I try to have at least something for breakfast whether it is just toast or a bowl of cereal.
I go for one slice of bread usually, but I found that a bowl of soy yoghurt goes down best for me. The problem is, I'll be hungry again an hour later.
Well we put salt on it as well, but I find it kinda boring without anything else on it. It just needs a sauce.Yeah, it just seems now that ketchup is just getting sweeter and sweeter. Soon it's just going to be tomatoes and sugar.
Agreed. It's often too sweet for my liking. I prefer curry ketchup sauce on most things, it's basically a more spicy version of ketchup. Goes much better with burgers and stuff like that.
Mayonaisse doesn't have to be so fattening. We got plenty of 'ligher' versions that only contain 30% fat or so instead of 70-80%. Of course there's a slight difference in taste, but it's still great. Also, fries don't have to be so unhealthy either. Sometimes they baked them in lard here, but for restaurants and such that has been forbidden for a long time now. At home we usually bake them in sunflower oil or peanut oil, which is much better for you than lard.Yeah peanut is great for deep frying stuff since it has a high smoke point and doesn't leave a peanut taste as one might think.
Peanut oil is by far the best oil in my opinion by the way.
Exactly. That higher temperature you can bake with just gives everything a better taste.
And, light mayonnaise is not worth eating. You can't skip out of the fat in mayo and have it taste decent. I dunno I just see mayo as a dressing rather than a dipping sauce. Now just toss some chili and cheese sauce on top, there you have my perfect addition to fries.
I think light mayonnaise is different in America than it is here :p It's quite similar to normal mayonnaise in Holland. They just used less oil I think.
Also cheese sauce? Ugh, I would never eat that with my fries.
I'm not so sure about that last statement. Maybe if she's very demanding, wants to go buy new clothes every day, wants a new car, wants stupid clothing for her stupid chiwawa etc. Perhaps hookers would be a cheaper option :pUnless you get a VD and then it won't be so cheap. Ha!
Well yeah... then you could perhaps spend thousands of dollars to cure yourself :p
Next milestone passed 19000 saves. however with the way saves come this is even less of a big deal then it was before >_<
Level 45, finally another awesome level.
Only 144 B/P away from my final badge as well.
Coop watches highlights of a weekend of sport. Congratulations to:
sandwich-eater: Level 22
Bloodthorne: 27,000 Experience
Death: Level 14
GUTHRIE: Level 46
Hacsev: 40,000 B/P
mothballs: 5,000 Posts; snail
LittleWashu: 19,000 Saves
BaronVonBadGuy: Level 45
At 2/27/11 05:43 AM, sandwich-eater wrote:At 2/27/11 04:46 AM, Coop wrote: sandwich-eater: Level 15Something seems a little 'off' here.
Dammit, my clock seems to have stopped.
At 2/27/11 08:01 AM, FireZombies wrote: His flashes will slowly be put up on another account and he'll come back to joining, but just needed to clear his name for job reasons.
I assume that the flash submissions will be selectively censored?
At 2/27/11 08:08 AM, Haggard wrote:Yes, but it's annoying if you have to load over 3MB of pictures each time you open up a new page in a thread.Yeah, but it allows for artistic expression. That's something I love.At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:
I get used to it - I spend time on The Escapist boards and video collections, so 3 meg is little to me.
At 2/26/11 07:11 AM, reverend wrote:I lost 10 reviews and 10 responses. Now I'm back to 499 responses again. :'(At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote: Coop laments the loss of 17 reviews overnight, while congratulating:It seems Fro did some housecleaning and removed some of his flash, as well as one of my reviews.
Right, we're going to give you a quick tip - battosai810. Review one of his a day. Auz too, if you want to climb up the rankings!
At 2/27/11 08:27 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/26/11 07:11 AM, reverend wrote:In that case, I'll show you the scene.At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh man, I thought it was obvious to every user on the BBS. We were all raging about The Room last year.I've never seen The Room. I mean I've played the game but would have never picked up on that line from it.
I'll be showing that around work today :P
At 2/27/11 04:46 AM, Coop wrote:I already had to delete one post alike from him...At 2/27/11 03:23 AM, Food123 wrote: i'm 110 points away from 15Then the solution to this is to come back and tell us that you've achieved it in 11 days time. Don't waste our time and space in the topic by telling us stuff that you might achieve in the future.
The shotgun is loaded and ready.
"There he is again! *fires shotgun at Bender*"
At 2/27/11 05:20 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote:Yeah I thought so.At 2/25/11 11:38 AM, Auz wrote: I'm gonna have to go and refresh my memory as well...Yeah that's the part of it, thought the whole scene is hilarious. Just thinking of how it ruined McCauley Culken makes me laugh to this day.
Is this the one you're talking about? I thought that there was much more in that scene... hmmm... can't find any other vids though.
I watched a compilation of Home Alone 1 and 2 and plenty of those traps were quite hilarious now that I see them again :p
Thinking about it, roof sealant and a six inch nail was pretty sick.
Also, you're the film buff around these parts - what did you think of the Oscars? A genuine acceptance speech from Colin Farrell; plus some shitty blubbing from Natalie Portman. Okay, that might be hormones, since she is pregnant, but come on!
Metal Monday 2011 - Week 9: Annihilator - Schizos (Are Never Alone), Pts. 1 & 2
Listening to:
Turisas - Stand Up and Fight
Thanks to:
At 2/27/11 05:20 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hmm, not that I'm aware of.I could swear some kind of NG meme sprouted from the fact that Bedn stole the programming code for the Flash portal to build Retrogade's portal.
I really don't think so.
Yeah, that's where he was in FFVII. Definitely not the Malboros we know and fear.Nah they were nothing to fear for. I believe some walkthrough explicitely warned me for them, but I think you could also get some kind of protection accesory from status effects just before you were going to battle him. Without his Bad Breath, he's a pushover.
Does his Bad Breath even do anything?
It is. Hell, once they've remade FFV and VI on 3DS (which will happen eventually), they'll probably put them on the new PSP as well.And people keep complaining about how they are milking FF7 so much :p
Hahaha. At least FFVII hasn't got a remake yet.
It uses the traditional sprites but they're all redrawn.But the battles were now in 3D right? That looked pretty nice to me.
Nah, the PSP version is going back to 2D.
Wasn't there a point of no return somewhere and if you built your safe point there and saved you were fucked?
You CAN get back out. You just have to go all the way back to the start and enter the Highwind. The only point of no return is when you enter the very centre but by then the game will disable the save point.
At 2/28/11 01:18 AM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: Level 45, finally another awesome level.
Only 144 B/P away from my final badge as well.
Good to see you getting along. You'll be at a nice rank for VP once you reach Supreme Commander.
At 2/28/11 04:00 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/27/11 08:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: In that case, I'll show you the scene.I'll be showing that around work today :P
You should show the ending of The Room instead. Much funnier.
Level 19.
The levels are starting to get far apart enough for me to not really care...
At 2/27/11 04:46 AM, Coop wrote: It hurts - I've lost major league stattage over that >:(
Yeah I bet the loss of responses cost you since he always tend to respond to reviews.
All day breakfast sandwich - egg, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, fried slice and beans all in a sandwich for about £8. My dad's cousin had one once, with "thick bread", which amounted to half a hollowed out loaf.
That sounds pretty good actually.
At 2/27/11 08:01 AM, FireZombies wrote: Fro says sorry about the loss of stats. ...
OMG fire zombies!
At 2/27/11 08:08 AM, Haggard wrote: I lost 10 reviews and 10 responses. Now I'm back to 499 responses again. :'(
At 2/27/11 08:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: In that case, I'll show you the scene.
Wow. I don't know what to say.
I would begin to question what I just saw, but I feel that would just open Pandora's Box of why
At 2/27/11 05:20 PM, Auz wrote: I go for one slice of bread usually, but I found that a bowl of soy yoghurt goes down best for me. The problem is, I'll be hungry again an hour later.
For me it's just whatever to tide me over to lunch to keep the stomach from growling. At the moment I would settle for anything besides oatmeal. I'm sick of the stuff atm.
Agreed. It's often too sweet for my liking. I prefer curry ketchup sauce on most things, it's basically a more spicy version of ketchup. Goes much better with burgers and stuff like that.
Curry ketchup, hmmm never heard of it. I'm assuming it's just curry powder mixed in, right?
If I want to spice it up, I sometimes just add Old Bay to it. It's pretty good.
I think light mayonnaise is different in America than it is here :p It's quite similar to normal mayonnaise in Holland. They just used less oil I think.
I guess have a keen sense of taste or in other words I'm picky. I'm the type to by whole milk instead of 2 percent even though it's better for you, heh.
Also cheese sauce? Ugh, I would never eat that with my fries.
Well okay shredded cheese then. :P
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
I ordered "October Rust" and "Dead Again" (both from Type O Negative) yesterday. Now my discography is complete! YAY!
But I might have to buy "Bloody Kisses" again, because the CD is scratched and skips on track number 7. :/
I also discovered Obscurus Lupus while watching the Nostalgia Critic's review for "The Room" (she has as a small appearance there). I checked out her review for "The Room" as well and think it's a pretty good one. I'm now checking out some of her other reviews she did for some "Z movies" and I really like her style.
Listening to:
Epica - Resign To Surrender
Bullet - Bite the Bullet
Bullet - Pay The Price
At 2/27/11 08:27 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/27/11 08:08 AM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:More awesome stuff.
Primordial - Heathen Tribes
Oh yeah. At first I thought about skipping this band because I still hold some sort of grudge against them. At Wacken Open Air 2002 (yes, it's that long ago) I wanted to see a band called Eisregen (propably not a band for you since they only sing in german, but I linked a song anyway), but the running order got mixed up a bit due to a heavy storm. By the time I got to the stage where Eisregen should play (it was pretty hard to get to it, since it was located in a small tent that had only one entrance which also served as an exit... it took me almost 15 minutes until I could see the stage!) and suddendly some other band where up on stage. I said: "This is not Eisregen" and someone replied: "No, this is Primordial" and I was like WTF?
I wanted to see Eisregen pretty badly since their live shows are rare and now some assholes with a band name that I can't even pronounce correctly are up on stage? Very dissappointing...
BUT! Luckily I did check them out anyway. Their songs sound really cool and I have changed my opinion about them (which was based on one bad incident anyway).
So far Overkill is #1 on my "Bands I want to see" list, together with Amorphis.Overkill should be a good one considering how good their new album is.
That's good to hear. Now I can only hope they aren't headliner on Sunday...
We should always look on the bright side of life.But we're happy!We shouldn't be happy when we are failing, though. Even though it reminds me a bit of "Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage. ^^
And of course look on the bright side of death.
Of course and it deserved it.Either way, those songs are still more mainstream friendly than their previous works.Well, "One" got pretty heavy rotation on various music tv stations.
And I still haven't seen "Johnny got his gun" yet. :(
I once recorded it on video, but I forgot on which one...
Maybe if they were £1 each. :P As for St. Anger, you'd have to pay me to put that CD in my collection.It saves me from getting Load and ReLoad so I'm happy.You should pick them up, though.
I can give you a boot to the head. :P
You should give Load/Reload a fair chance, imo.
Nope, same thing.What about the times when you were outvoted for liking the shitblade?That's a whole different story...
Nah, because my vote in favor of the awesomeblad is always worth one more than the amount of negative votes.
At 2/27/11 05:20 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/25/11 12:34 PM, Haggard wrote:Ours was only 350. I feel poor :(At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah I know. Often it really has this basic, no-frills look. Especially the cheaper furniture they sell. It doesn't look bad though, but you do need to add some little things to make it look less bare.We bought a sofa yesterday, for 1,800 Euro. :o
We only actually pay 600 Euros for it, the rest is payed by my soon-to-be-parents-in-law. Because we are getting married and stuff. :)
But if we had such an expensive sofa right from the start we wouldn't really appreciate it. I am of the opinion that you have to start "low", with cheap furniture that doesn't fit together too well. And then when you have the money to buy new stuff, you'll be able to appreciate it more.Yeah I can agree with that line of thinking. Apart from the fact that we'll learn to appreciate more expensive furniture, it's also a bit risky to go and buy very expensive stuff. At the start you never know if it's gonna work out or not and if it isn't then you end up being flat out broke with furniture worth thousands of euros that you can hardly store anywhere.
Yeah, plus if you try to sell it, you'd only get about half of what you payed if you are lucky.
But you know, the thought of "things not working out" never crossed my mind when I moved in with my gf. ^^
And so do Björn and Benny! Our closet is called dombås. We decided that it's pronounced "dumbass" :pBut it's decent stuff really. It feels very solid and you can be sure that it will hold for at least 5-10 years.Billy and Benno rule!
Hm, when I searched for Björn I only came up with some ugly as fuck teddy bear, Benny resulted in Benno and Billy... maybe Benny is a cross between those two? ^^
Silly Swedish names. Even for Dutch people they're unpronouncable.
I was instantly thinking of "dumbass" as well, heh.
There's also some furniture which name looks a lot like "wichsen", which means "to jerk off" in german. ^^
More than enough. In a week or two I'm sure you can see all that might be worth seeing around here.Okay, maybe four weeks is still way too little to actually see much of the country.Depends on the country, I guess.
I bet 4 weeks would be enough to travel through the netherlands from north to south and east to west. :P
Great, then I'd have another two weeks to visit Belgium. I only have been to the city of Brussels once, but I would like to see more of the country.
You just need an awesome time management and quite a few drugs to keep you awake.Obviously I'd like to stay for a while to enjoy the scenery :p
"Okay, that was two minutes of Yoshimite Park, on to our next location!"
"We have no time for the scenery, we have another 10 places to visit today!"
I guess. That sounds like a typical janitor job to me.Naaah they're usually in their classrooms or in the teachers lounge. It were the janitors who were always patrolling in and around the school.Teachers here have playground duty. Maybe it's because the janitors are too lazy to walk around?
My new goal in life: Become a janitor!
You passed 30000 Saves. Way to go!
I just wish I would have achieved this before Bahamut made the B/P Update.
13,000 Experience points
39,000 B/P points.
At 2/28/11 04:54 PM, Emlfuryoflion wrote: 13,000 Experience points
13,000 Exp ! And a screenshot.