8.88 Base Voting Power
Only 116 people have ever been here before!
8.88 Base Voting Power
Only 116 people have ever been here before!
At 2/22/11 06:09 PM, Hacsev wrote: You passed 10000 Blams. Impressive!
Impressive indeed. You don't see many of those anymore. Congrats!
At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote:Yeah - Marve would be busy blocking the sinks.At 2/22/11 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:He'd still be higher up in the ranks than 'Marve' though.
I'm sure his 'wet bandits' gimmick won't get him far in the mob world :p
At 2/23/11 05:34 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote: There might still be small differences in our food though, but for the most part I suppose it's about the same. Perhaps it's typical for students in western countries. Students from other areas tend to bring more exotic foods to our uni.I guess that's to be expected since you are kind of close to France and it's cuisine. I was kind of hoping there was some weird dishes like eating octopi or something.
Naaah. Is there any western country in which that is normal? Greece perhaps, but even there I wouldn't expect it from students.
I don't know, the most peculiar thing you might find here is that we like our fries with mayonaisse :p
Nice! I wish I was a better cook, but I'm just a little bit too clumsy in the kitchen to be any good at cooking. I can prepare a few simple things though and at least I'm trying :pI learned to cook and bake when I was young so it's natural for me. Not to mention that I often watch cooking show when there is nothing else on, which is often. Like everything it take practice.
Well I suppose. I always hear people say: If you can read, you can cook. Of course referring to that all you have to do is follow the recipe. Still, it's not always as simple as it sounds in practice. So many things you have to pay attention to sometimes.
Better make sure you have several of them then so that you won't get bored so quickly :pLove the optimism but one is difficult enough.to get.
Well all you need is a big ass car and a six figure salary ;) Or just some good looks and rock hard abs. Either of the two will do.
At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Auz - 6 years on NG. Excellent!
At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote:They said they want to move away from the NG copying they did with the old site. Retrogade was originally Bedn's site and he heavily based the site off NG.At 2/22/11 08:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:I see. It isn't anything like I remember it to be. I guess they're done with trying to copy NG?
Yeah I know. Wasn't he accused of stealing NG's code or something to program the photoshop portal?
They better do! At least we'll be in a position of authority if we're still mods :pBetter make sure we still have time to mod the forums by then. :P
Hopefully I'll have a full time job by then. Fortunately I will probably be sitting behind a desk and a computer, so I might have the oppurtunity to slack every now and again and go to NG.
Well actually, the more problematic battles were the ones VS the Ruby Dragon and Malboro's. Those were by far the most difficult fights in the game (apart from Ultima and Omega Weapon), although you could protect yourself sufficiently against a Malboro's Bad Breath.I don't recall Ruby Dragon being much of a problem. Malboro on the other hand, no comment.
The thing about him was his Breath attack. If he didn't use it, you were fine. Otherwise you were usually fucked to some degree. With Malboro's... well you just had to make sure you had one character with 100% resistance against confusion, berserk and silence so that you could use Esuna to save the other two. It's still a difficult fight though, no matter how you put it.
I can't remember that well, but I thought I heard that FFIV Advance had several changes from the original and the limit break system might be one of them. I know they also added some extra sidequests to get summons like Leviathan and Raiden.Yeah, FFIV Advance did come with extras. One of them was being able to switch party members later on which FFIV had none of that at all originally. I'm tempted to get FFIV Advance for the extras but the PS1 port IS playable. Well, I still have FFIV on DS as well.
So FFIV is available on the SNES, the Playstation, the GBA and the DS? Damn.
I'll stick to my choice to play it on the DS and be hardcore and all.
IIRC correctly he had around 80,000 HP and KOTR hits opponents 16 times or so. So yeah, he'd be toast anyhow unless your magic was very low.I think both forms of Sephiroth had over 100,000 HP and yes, Knights of the Round can take that much off.
I looked it up and apparently KOTR is 13 hits so that comes down to 129,987 HP damage max. Still enough to take Sephiroth down in one attack I think.
This here marks my 8,000th Post!
Nice how I got it on my 6th NG birthday. Only 2,000 more to go until I hit the big 10k. So far I'm on schedule to make it there before the end of the year :)
At 2/23/11 05:29 PM, EggoBleeder wrote:At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote:Is updating when I have 9000 posts allowed though or would I have to wait until I hit 10,000?At 2/22/11 04:26 PM, EggoBleeder wrote: Too bad I can't say I have OVER 9000 POSTS!!!!!Well you DON'T say that here, EVER! It's overused as fuck by now and should be laid to rest.
You are welcome to post here if you want to celebrate your 9,000th post, but for the love of God don't use that meme again. It's kinda lame by now because it's been used soooooo many times already.
At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote: Naaah. Is there any western country in which that is normal? Greece perhaps, but even there I wouldn't expect it from students.
That is true. I'm mean British people have beans with their breakfast. What's up with that? :P
I don't know, the most peculiar thing you might find here is that we like our fries with mayonaisse :p
Well that isn't too bad. A little odd from my view but I know some people who do that as well.
Well I suppose. I always hear people say: If you can read, you can cook. Of course referring to that all you have to do is follow the recipe. Still, it's not always as simple as it sounds in practice. So many things you have to pay attention to sometimes.
I use recipes all the time; you can't memorize everything. It's not really the recipe but how you prepare it that makes all the difference, especially when it comes to overcooking. Most people don't know to slightly under cook your eggs (scrambled, omelet, etc.) because it will continue to cook when out of the pan. Little tidbits of knowledge like that.
Well all you need is a big ass car and a six figure salary ;) Or just some good looks and rock hard abs. Either of the two will do.
I do have six figures in my salary from NG for all my modding duties, but they are all zeros though. I'm not to overtly concerned about it at the moment. Somebody will pop up I'm sure or I'll just be one of those old billionaire with a young wife. Either way is fine.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/22/11 12:52 PM, Haggard wrote:Yeah we were considering that and went to some second hand stores. However, most of the stuff we've found there wasn't really our taste and there could always be something wrong with it. So we're mostly buying at IKEA right now. It's fairly cheap still and at least you can rest assured that you got some decent stuff.At 2/21/11 12:43 PM, Auz wrote: I can't help it. So far we've invested hundreds of euros already and the furniture is probably going to cost us 1500 euros more at the very least. We might rather skip going on vacation this year.For the first appartment I suggest second hand furniture. We bought a three-piece suite for 70 Euros(!) when we moved in here.
IKEA has some pretty nice stuff, but the problem is: It always looks like IKEA Stuff. ^^
Sometimes you can see IKEA Stuff in some TV series and you can instantly say: Oh look, they bought their furniture at IKEA, heh.
But generally, IKEA furniture is pretty good.
Oh well, our last trip to Scotland was pretty nice, even though it lasted for only 10 days. Next time we might go to Canada, but it would be a much longer trip than only 10 days. :)Lol, if you want to see a reasonable portion of the country then yeah... prepare to be around there for at least a week or four.
When I was in the USA with my father and my brother, we where there for four weeks. And we only traveled around in Florida... (ok, we had a one week vacation in Chicago as well, because some relatives live there)
In my school they were mostly pissed if you left the school's area during breaks and such :pHeh. I remember the janitors in high school seemed to work a lot harder than the ones in university.At least they where really pissed when you tried to enter the schoolground when school was over.
Nah, that's what the teachers are there for. ^^
At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/22/11 12:52 PM, Haggard wrote:I think that you need to get a sig made like the Zidane / Matterazzi one that was floating around a few years ago. (Pic below)At 2/22/11 04:50 AM, Coop wrote: "We were both speaking in Scottish, I can't tell you what we actually said, because it's unprintable." Quote from Gattusso in the papers.Lol, if I had any more space left in my signature, this quote would go straight to it.
No, I'm strictly against pictures in signatures. :P
At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:
Oh, Bahamut's back in the game!
I was thinking about a return as well, since there are so few lists around right now. We'll see...
At 2/22/11 02:14 PM, Haggard wrote: I just noticed that I completly forgot to reply to Bahamut. Sorry. :'(lol we're failing recently.
It's only because we are too happy lately.
It's one I can relax to, though.At 2/22/11 08:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: I hear it's a relaxing album and oddly enough, I'm wanting to get a few relaxing albums right now. Could this be the right bet or is there anything else from Radiohead I should get first?Hm, I guess it is somewhat relaxing. I think you can also relax to Kid A, but well... it's some kind of "uncomfortable relaxing", if you know what I mean.
Maybe you should get Amnesiac as well, then.
Also, Beth Gibbons just has a really great voice, so the album is worth checking out, imo.That's quite a random recommendation.
It is, and I only recommended it because I was listening to it at the time I wrote the post. ^^
But it's still an album worth checking out, imo.
And also Portishead is a badn worth checking out. Beth Gibbons is the singer of Portishead, btw. ;)
Maybe not but there's still The Unforgiven and Sad but True.I thought the black album was to have a more mainstream appeal. Nothing Else Matters is one that easily fits on radio stations.Yes, but that's about the only one. I just can't imagine hearing "Of Wolf and Man" on the radio.
I only heard The Unforgiven once on the radio. And at that time the song was already a few years old.
Then there would be no reason for me to pick up ReLoad at all. Then again, I got S&M so I could get a taster of some of the songs from those albums as well as hearing some symphonic epicness with their music. The Call of Ktulu sounds badass.Well, going to the Load/ReLoad albums lost some meaning to the name Metallica."Fuel" could've been released on the black album as well. Just try it out yourself: Listen to the Black Album and then immediatly after that to Fuel.
Funny that I got confused with the songs/albums there. I didn't mean the first song of ReLoad, but the first song of Load, which is called "Ain't my bitch" and not "Fuel".
But oh well, Fuel would fit on the black album as well. ^^
No, we have been happy for a few things in the past.Have you done this to any other days when we were both happy on something?I think we never where happy about the same thing at the same time before.
Must have been very long ago, because I don't own the calendars where I marked the days (if I did mark them, that is) anymore.
Nah, I've got to get the golden gauntlet in... TWO DAYS!Unless I ask to step down but we're far too late now.You could ask for a drop in Experience as well. :P
Golden Gauntlets are lame. :(
At 2/23/11 09:00 AM, Coop wrote: 8.88 Base Voting Power
Only 116 people have ever been here before!
Congrats on that Coop. But I have to ask how do you know that only 116 people have ever had that before? Years back for all you or I know when the exp gaps weren't crazy there could have been others with who had that voting power before they lost it due to inactivity.
But on another note my next milestone passed 7.77 Base voting power. It pales in comparision to your 8.88 voting power there by making it less of a big deal then it would have been if it didn't pale.
Coop plots and schemes his way to Wolrd Domination, while congratulating:
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 50,000 B/P
Auz: 6 Years on Newgrounds; 8,000 Posts
FattyWhale: 19,000 Experience
sushi13: 11,000 Saves
LittleWashu: 7.77 Base Voting Power
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Back in the Village
The J. Gelis Band - Centerfold
Michael Jackson - Tabloid Junkie
At 2/23/11 05:34 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote: Coop is uneasy with the knowledge that he is due three fillings.That's what she said. :P
I wish :P I was quite happy that no extractions were mentioned, but three fillings is about as bad.
At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:As for me, I've passed 900 medals and have the urge to play yet more medal games. I'd say as long as I get to 1,000 by the end of the week, I'll be happy with that.At 2/22/11 08:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: OMG me too! I hope to aim for 1k medals before I go back to work, even though I should try even more productive things with my free time.I conquered Mongolia yesterday if that makes you feel any better. Today I'm in the office, so tomorrow might bring more conquerage. We'll see.
Nice - I overran the city of Tyre yesterday and today the English Campaign begins in earnest. London, York and Nottingham will fall prey to the Songhai Empire.
Their fault for picking up crappy bands. They did the same thing for their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour but last year they actually had a good band who was exclusive to America.I'd somewhat win in this case since I'd have the band I'd rather see live.Yeah, but you're going to see Iron Maiden. Iron. Fucking. Maiden!
Don't get so pissed off because of the support act, it's not worth it.
These things happen. I'm sure Bruce will make it up to you personally :P
At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:I'm sure his 'wet bandits' gimmick won't get him far in the mob world :pAt 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote:Yeah - Marve would be busy blocking the sinks.At 2/22/11 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:He'd still be higher up in the ranks than 'Marve' though.
Particularly when he yells at the cops how to spell "Wet"
At 2/24/11 04:03 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote: Naaah. Is there any western country in which that is normal? Greece perhaps, but even there I wouldn't expect it from students.That is true. I'm mean British people have beans with their breakfast. What's up with that? :P
Beans are good for any meal of the day.
At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:No, I'm strictly against pictures in signatures. :PAt 2/22/11 12:52 PM, Haggard wrote:I think that you need to get a sig made like the Zidane / Matterazzi one that was floating around a few years ago. (Pic below)At 2/22/11 04:50 AM, Coop wrote: "We were both speaking in Scottish, I can't tell you what we actually said, because it's unprintable." Quote from Gattusso in the papers.Lol, if I had any more space left in my signature, this quote would go straight to it.
Any reason why?
At 2/24/11 04:40 AM, LittleWashu wrote:At 2/23/11 09:00 AM, Coop wrote: 8.88 Base Voting PowerCongrats on that Coop. But I have to ask how do you know that only 116 people have ever had that before? Years back for all you or I know when the exp gaps weren't crazy there could have been others with who had that voting power before they lost it due to inactivity.
Only 116 people have ever been here before!
Because the gaps were frozen at the 2007 redesign. There are only 116 more users with as much or more experience than me, so 116 users have achieved 8.88 Base Voting Power. Sure, some people have retired but below that mark.
Educated guesswork at the most.
But on another note my next milestone passed 7.77 Base voting power. It pales in comparision to your 8.88 voting power there by making it less of a big deal then it would have been if it didn't pale.
Congratulations - with the exponential curve, I wonder if you'll reach 8.00 before I reach 9.00...
Finally got a new sig. I was getting sick of seeing The Room's shop assistant on every post of mine.
Listening to:
Motörhead - March ör Die
Congrats to:
Coop - 8.88 base VP
Auz - 8,000 posts. Another 2,000 to go!
FattyWhale - 18,000 EXP
sushi13 - 11,000 saves
LittleWashu - 7.77 base VP
At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: They said they want to move away from the NG copying they did with the old site. Retrogade was originally Bedn's site and he heavily based the site off NG.Yeah I know. Wasn't he accused of stealing NG's code or something to program the photoshop portal?
He may have been. Can't exactly remember now.
Better make sure we still have time to mod the forums by then. :PHopefully I'll have a full time job by then. Fortunately I will probably be sitting behind a desk and a computer, so I might have the oppurtunity to slack every now and again and go to NG.
I'll have to do any modding at home if I can even find any time for it.
I don't recall Ruby Dragon being much of a problem. Malboro on the other hand, no comment.The thing about him was his Breath attack. If he didn't use it, you were fine. Otherwise you were usually fucked to some degree. With Malboro's... well you just had to make sure you had one character with 100% resistance against confusion, berserk and silence so that you could use Esuna to save the other two. It's still a difficult fight though, no matter how you put it.
Malboros were never an easy monster to beat, although some like FFVII didn't put much thought into him.
Yeah, FFIV Advance did come with extras. One of them was being able to switch party members later on which FFIV had none of that at all originally. I'm tempted to get FFIV Advance for the extras but the PS1 port IS playable. Well, I still have FFIV on DS as well.So FFIV is available on the SNES, the Playstation, the GBA and the DS? Damn.
Also going to be released on the PSP.
I'll stick to my choice to play it on the DS and be hardcore and all.
Not a bad choice.
I think both forms of Sephiroth had over 100,000 HP and yes, Knights of the Round can take that much off.I looked it up and apparently KOTR is 13 hits so that comes down to 129,987 HP damage max. Still enough to take Sephiroth down in one attack I think.
It's more than enough. As for the weapons, they need a few KOTR summons to be beaten down. However, getting a master materia for KOTR takes forever. You gotta grind in the Northern Crater for hours, especially in one particular room.
At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote: At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:Oh, Bahamut's back in the game!
I was thinking about a return as well, since there are so few lists around right now. We'll see...
It's easy to do this week so I may as well do it for a bit.
lol we're failing recently.It's only because we are too happy lately.
That's good, right?
It's one I can relax to, though.Maybe you should get Amnesiac as well, then.
Good idea.
Maybe not but there's still The Unforgiven and Sad but True.I only heard The Unforgiven once on the radio. And at that time the song was already a few years old.
Too bad, they seem like ideal songs for the radio.
Then there would be no reason for me to pick up ReLoad at all. Then again, I got S&M so I could get a taster of some of the songs from those albums as well as hearing some symphonic epicness with their music. The Call of Ktulu sounds badass.Funny that I got confused with the songs/albums there. I didn't mean the first song of ReLoad, but the first song of Load, which is called "Ain't my bitch" and not "Fuel".
But oh well, Fuel would fit on the black album as well. ^^
Ain't My Bitch isn't on S&M. Oh well.
No, we have been happy for a few things in the past.Must have been very long ago, because I don't own the calendars where I marked the days (if I did mark them, that is) anymore.
Remember the time when we agreed on newer technology not lasting as long as older stuff?
Nah, I've got to get the golden gauntlet in... TWO DAYS!Golden Gauntlets are lame. :(
No, it's awesome!
At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Their fault for picking up crappy bands. They did the same thing for their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour but last year they actually had a good band who was exclusive to America.These things happen. I'm sure Bruce will make it up to you personally :P
He's got to find me as well as the time to do it first. :P
At 2/24/11 04:03 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote: Naaah. Is there any western country in which that is normal? Greece perhaps, but even there I wouldn't expect it from students.That is true. I'm mean British people have beans with their breakfast. What's up with that? :P
Disgusting, right?
I don't know, the most peculiar thing you might find here is that we like our fries with mayonaisse :pWell that isn't too bad. A little odd from my view but I know some people who do that as well.
Yeah, cause it tastes great together. You should try it as well sometime. Definitely beats ketchup :p
Well I suppose. I always hear people say: If you can read, you can cook. Of course referring to that all you have to do is follow the recipe. Still, it's not always as simple as it sounds in practice. So many things you have to pay attention to sometimes.I use recipes all the time; you can't memorize everything. It's not really the recipe but how you prepare it that makes all the difference, especially when it comes to overcooking. Most people don't know to slightly under cook your eggs (scrambled, omelet, etc.) because it will continue to cook when out of the pan. Little tidbits of knowledge like that.
Those are the things you'll learn from experience I guess. And the way to obtain experience is to practice, practice and then practice some more.
Well all you need is a big ass car and a six figure salary ;) Or just some good looks and rock hard abs. Either of the two will do.I do have six figures in my salary from NG for all my modding duties, but they are all zeros though. I'm not to overtly concerned about it at the moment. Somebody will pop up I'm sure or I'll just be one of those old billionaire with a young wife. Either way is fine.
Lol XD
Like having a trophy wife eh? Sounds fine to me as well :p
At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah we were considering that and went to some second hand stores. However, most of the stuff we've found there wasn't really our taste and there could always be something wrong with it. So we're mostly buying at IKEA right now. It's fairly cheap still and at least you can rest assured that you got some decent stuff.IKEA has some pretty nice stuff, but the problem is: It always looks like IKEA Stuff. ^^
Sometimes you can see IKEA Stuff in some TV series and you can instantly say: Oh look, they bought their furniture at IKEA, heh.
But generally, IKEA furniture is pretty good.
Yeah I know. Often it really has this basic, no-frills look. Especially the cheaper furniture they sell. It doesn't look bad though, but you do need to add some little things to make it look less bare.
But it's decent stuff really. It feels very solid and you can be sure that it will hold for at least 5-10 years.
Lol, if you want to see a reasonable portion of the country then yeah... prepare to be around there for at least a week or four.When I was in the USA with my father and my brother, we where there for four weeks. And we only traveled around in Florida... (ok, we had a one week vacation in Chicago as well, because some relatives live there)
Okay, maybe four weeks is still way too little to actually see much of the country.
I've discussed a trip to America with my gf and together we want to see so much that we'd need at least half a year to see everything. The inconvenient thing is, we pretty much want to go to all sides of the country. I want to go to Alaska, Florida, the Yoshimite Park, the Nevada desert. She wants to go to New York, San Francisco... It's gonna be impossible to see all that in a four week holiday.
In my school they were mostly pissed if you left the school's area during breaks and such :pNah, that's what the teachers are there for. ^^
Naaah they're usually in their classrooms or in the teachers lounge. It were the janitors who were always patrolling in and around the school.
At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote: I'm sure his 'wet bandits' gimmick won't get him far in the mob world :pParticularly when he yells at the cops how to spell "Wet"
I guess he just wanted to make sure that there was no mistake about it. It's 'wet', not 'wed'!
At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah I know. Wasn't he accused of stealing NG's code or something to program the photoshop portal?He may have been. Can't exactly remember now.
I thought that was where all the 'Bedn steals teh candy!' jokes came from.
Hopefully I'll have a full time job by then. Fortunately I will probably be sitting behind a desk and a computer, so I might have the oppurtunity to slack every now and again and go to NG.I'll have to do any modding at home if I can even find any time for it.
With a standard 9 to 5 job, it's gonna be tough. Especially if you got some kids running about.
The thing about him was his Breath attack. If he didn't use it, you were fine. Otherwise you were usually fucked to some degree. With Malboro's... well you just had to make sure you had one character with 100% resistance against confusion, berserk and silence so that you could use Esuna to save the other two. It's still a difficult fight though, no matter how you put it.Malboros were never an easy monster to beat, although some like FFVII didn't put much thought into him.
IIRC he was only on that frozen glacier mountain and he wasn't that tough. In other games I remember him to be much harder. You could even consider him a mini-boss.
So FFIV is available on the SNES, the Playstation, the GBA and the DS? Damn.Also going to be released on the PSP.
Wow... so it must be the FF game that is available on the most amount of systems.
I'll stick to my choice to play it on the DS and be hardcore and all.Not a bad choice.
I suppose not. I like the DS' improved graphics very much. I'm curious how it will look for the PSP then though.
I looked it up and apparently KOTR is 13 hits so that comes down to 129,987 HP damage max. Still enough to take Sephiroth down in one attack I think.It's more than enough. As for the weapons, they need a few KOTR summons to be beaten down. However, getting a master materia for KOTR takes forever. You gotta grind in the Northern Crater for hours, especially in one particular room.
I don't know where that would be. Usually I went training near the entrance if I went to the Northern Crater, but my favorite training place was that old aircraft wreck in which you could morph monsters into HP ups, Attack ups etc.
21,000 Experience points.
Some more nice achievements coming in the next few days.
Coop stretches his runs out for longer distances and feels the "benefit". Congratulations to:
Shmossy: Level 11
EggoBleeder: Level 14
sushi13: 18,000 B/P
SCTE3: 1,000 Reviews (Audio)
gamejunkie: 21,000 Expeirence
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - New Frontier
Thank you to:
At 2/24/11 08:04 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
Auz: 8,000 Posts, 8.88 Base VP
>:( *twitches*
At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:He's got to find me as well as the time to do it first. :PAt 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Their fault for picking up crappy bands. They did the same thing for their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour but last year they actually had a good band who was exclusive to America.These things happen. I'm sure Bruce will make it up to you personally :P
You saw what I wrote about my dream? Live it!
At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:I guess he just wanted to make sure that there was no mistake about it. It's 'wet', not 'wed'!At 2/23/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote: I'm sure his 'wet bandits' gimmick won't get him far in the mob world :pParticularly when he yells at the cops how to spell "Wet"
I went on YouTube and watched the paint cans again. That's hilarious.
"Hey Bahamut, did you get a haircut or something?"
"Oh I see. You're the tallest dragon in the world. And you're made of solid gold!"
At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote: I wish :P I was quite happy that no extractions were mentioned, but three fillings is about as bad.
I don't want to even think about what I need done. I can say for sure, wisdom teeth will need to go.
Beans are good for any meal of the day.
Except for breakfast. Who has time to cook beans for breakfast anyways unless you get them out of a can.
At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: Finally got a new sig. I was getting sick of seeing The Room's shop assistant on every post of mine.
To be honest I didn't get the reference until you just mentioned it just now. At first I thought it was Susan Boyle. :S
At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: Disgusting, right?
Indeed. Nothing proper about having beans with breakfast.
Yeah, cause it tastes great together. You should try it as well sometime. Definitely beats ketchup :p
I usually just have mine plain with salt. Mayo just seem kind of fattening to put on fries. It's already unhealthy being deep fried; no need to make it worse, heh.
Like having a trophy wife eh? Sounds fine to me as well :p
It's a warm body. Though it's the last of my options.
It's cheaper than having hookers over each day, I say.
At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "FOURTEEN KARAT GOLD!"
I think you just brought up the value of the LUL a few notches.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
66k medal points.
(points didn't add up properly but if you look on ng logs the points are registered correctly)
At 2/25/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: I guess he just wanted to make sure that there was no mistake about it. It's 'wet', not 'wed'!I went on YouTube and watched the paint cans again. That's hilarious.
I'm gonna have to go and refresh my memory as well...
Is this the one you're talking about? I thought that there was much more in that scene... hmmm... can't find any other vids though.
At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "Hey Bahamut, did you get a haircut or something?"
"Oh I see. You're the tallest dragon in the world. And you're made of solid gold!"
Awesome! Congrats!
Sucky level icon though.
At 2/25/11 05:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: Disgusting, right?Indeed. Nothing proper about having beans with breakfast.
I could never get a meal like that down my throat in the early morning. Even one slice of bread is difficult for me.
Yeah, cause it tastes great together. You should try it as well sometime. Definitely beats ketchup :pI usually just have mine plain with salt. Mayo just seem kind of fattening to put on fries. It's already unhealthy being deep fried; no need to make it worse, heh.
Well we put salt on it as well, but I find it kinda boring without anything else on it. It just needs a sauce.
Mayonaisse doesn't have to be so fattening. We got plenty of 'ligher' versions that only contain 30% fat or so instead of 70-80%. Of course there's a slight difference in taste, but it's still great. Also, fries don't have to be so unhealthy either. Sometimes they baked them in lard here, but for restaurants and such that has been forbidden for a long time now. At home we usually bake them in sunflower oil or peanut oil, which is much better for you than lard.
Peanut oil is by far the best oil in my opinion by the way.
Like having a trophy wife eh? Sounds fine to me as well :pIt's a warm body. Though it's the last of my options.
It's cheaper than having hookers over each day, I say.
I'm not so sure about that last statement. Maybe if she's very demanding, wants to go buy new clothes every day, wants a new car, wants stupid clothing for her stupid chiwawa etc. Perhaps hookers would be a cheaper option :p
Listening to:
Down - NOD
Triptykon - Abyss Within My Soul
Overkill - Bring Me The Night
At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:Any reason why?At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote: I think that you need to get a sig made like the Zidane / Matterazzi one that was floating around a few years ago. (Pic below)No, I'm strictly against pictures in signatures. :P
Because most of the time the pictures are larger than the posts. Okay, it's not as bad on newgrounds as the size of the pictures is strictly limited. But I've seen some very bad signatures...
Also I think I am the only one who's happy they got rid of animated sigs. I find that far too distracting so I ended up blocking all the sigs when there where so many animated ones around.
At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:That's good, right?At 2/22/11 05:13 PM, Auz wrote: At 2/23/11 07:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: lol we're failing recently.It's only because we are too happy lately.
Failing is never good.
Too bad, they seem like ideal songs for the radio.Maybe not but there's still The Unforgiven and Sad but True.I only heard The Unforgiven once on the radio. And at that time the song was already a few years old.
Sad But True might just a little bit too "heavy" for the radio and The Unforgiven is over 6 minutes long. Hardly ideal for pop music radio stations. They prefer songs that aren't longer than 4 minutes.
Ain't My Bitch isn't on S&M. Oh well.Then there would be no reason for me to pick up ReLoad at all. Then again, I got S&M so I could get a taster of some of the songs from those albums as well as hearing some symphonic epicness with their music. The Call of Ktulu sounds badass.Funny that I got confused with the songs/albums there. I didn't mean the first song of ReLoad, but the first song of Load, which is called "Ain't my bitch" and not "Fuel".
But oh well, Fuel would fit on the black album as well. ^^
S&M is the only album I won't pick up. The concept might be interesting, but the excecution is somewhat lame. The orchestra is drowned out in huge parts of the songs.
Remember the time when we agreed on newer technology not lasting as long as older stuff?No, we have been happy for a few things in the past.Must have been very long ago, because I don't own the calendars where I marked the days (if I did mark them, that is) anymore.
Oh yeah. But we wheren't too happy about that, so I didn't mark that day.
No, it's awesome!Nah, I've got to get the golden gauntlet in... TWO DAYS!Golden Gauntlets are lame. :(
Auz says it's lame. So that's 2 votes for "lame" and only one vote for "awesome".
At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote: IKEA has some pretty nice stuff, but the problem is: It always looks like IKEA Stuff. ^^Yeah I know. Often it really has this basic, no-frills look. Especially the cheaper furniture they sell. It doesn't look bad though, but you do need to add some little things to make it look less bare.
Sometimes you can see IKEA Stuff in some TV series and you can instantly say: Oh look, they bought their furniture at IKEA, heh.
But generally, IKEA furniture is pretty good.
We bought a sofa yesterday, for 1,800 Euro. :o
But if we had such an expensive sofa right from the start we wouldn't really appreciate it. I am of the opinion that you have to start "low", with cheap furniture that doesn't fit together too well. And then when you have the money to buy new stuff, you'll be able to appreciate it more.
But it's decent stuff really. It feels very solid and you can be sure that it will hold for at least 5-10 years.
Billy and Benno rule!
Okay, maybe four weeks is still way too little to actually see much of the country.Lol, if you want to see a reasonable portion of the country then yeah... prepare to be around there for at least a week or four.When I was in the USA with my father and my brother, we where there for four weeks. And we only traveled around in Florida... (ok, we had a one week vacation in Chicago as well, because some relatives live there)
Depends on the country, I guess.
I bet 4 weeks would be enough to travel through the netherlands from north to south and east to west. :P
I've discussed a trip to America with my gf and together we want to see so much that we'd need at least half a year to see everything. The inconvenient thing is, we pretty much want to go to all sides of the country. I want to go to Alaska, Florida, the Yoshimite Park, the Nevada desert. She wants to go to New York, San Francisco... It's gonna be impossible to see all that in a four week holiday.
You just need an awesome time management and quite a few drugs to keep you awake.
"Okay, that was two minutes of Yoshimite Park, on to our next location!"
Naaah they're usually in their classrooms or in the teachers lounge. It were the janitors who were always patrolling in and around the school.In my school they were mostly pissed if you left the school's area during breaks and such :pNah, that's what the teachers are there for. ^^
Teachers here have playground duty. Maybe it's because the janitors are too lazy to walk around?
At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "Hey Bahamut, did you get a haircut or something?"
"Oh I see. You're the tallest dragon in the world. And you're made of solid gold!"
Strange, I can't even remember this conversation.
Congrats on level 47!
100000 Medal points! Now lets go for the 1 million mark. :P
Hey guys, hope you are all well. Life's got me pretty damn busy, not so busy that I'm not still swinging by, and on that note, just passed 26,000 B/P!
At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "FOURTEEN KARAT GOLD!"
It's finally time to post this!
Also, 7,000 Blams!
Going back to retirement for congrats lists.
Listening to:
Omen - Battle Cry
Thanks to:
At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote:At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: He may have been. Can't exactly remember now.I thought that was where all the 'Bedn steals teh candy!' jokes came from.
Hmm, not that I'm aware of.
I'll have to do any modding at home if I can even find any time for it.With a standard 9 to 5 job, it's gonna be tough. Especially if you got some kids running about.
True but that's life for you.
Malboros were never an easy monster to beat, although some like FFVII didn't put much thought into him.IIRC he was only on that frozen glacier mountain and he wasn't that tough. In other games I remember him to be much harder. You could even consider him a mini-boss.
Yeah, that's where he was in FFVII. Definitely not the Malboros we know and fear.
Also going to be released on the PSP.Wow... so it must be the FF game that is available on the most amount of systems.
It is. Hell, once they've remade FFV and VI on 3DS (which will happen eventually), they'll probably put them on the new PSP as well.
Not a bad choice.I suppose not. I like the DS' improved graphics very much. I'm curious how it will look for the PSP then though.
It uses the traditional sprites but they're all redrawn.
It's more than enough. As for the weapons, they need a few KOTR summons to be beaten down. However, getting a master materia for KOTR takes forever. You gotta grind in the Northern Crater for hours, especially in one particular room.I don't know where that would be. Usually I went training near the entrance if I went to the Northern Crater, but my favorite training place was that old aircraft wreck in which you could morph monsters into HP ups, Attack ups etc.
There were two mystical rooms that were full of magic pots and Movers. That gave you uber EXP, AP and money. Equip EXP Plus materia and anything else alike and you've got some serious gains from them.
At 2/25/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: He's got to find me as well as the time to do it first. :PYou saw what I wrote about my dream? Live it!
That's only a dream, though.
At 2/25/11 05:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: Finally got a new sig. I was getting sick of seeing The Room's shop assistant on every post of mine.To be honest I didn't get the reference until you just mentioned it just now. At first I thought it was Susan Boyle. :S
Oh man, I thought it was obvious to every user on the BBS. We were all raging about The Room last year.
At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "FOURTEEN KARAT GOLD!"I think you just brought up the value of the LUL a few notches.
I'm pretty sure it's more valuable than that now.
At 2/25/11 11:38 AM, Auz wrote:At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "Hey Bahamut, did you get a haircut or something?"Awesome! Congrats!
"Oh I see. You're the tallest dragon in the world. And you're made of solid gold!"
Sucky level icon though.
I think it's pretty cool.
At 2/25/11 12:34 PM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Overkill - Bring Me The Night
I love that song.
At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: That's good, right?Failing is never good.
But we're happy!
Too bad, they seem like ideal songs for the radio.Sad But True might just a little bit too "heavy" for the radio and The Unforgiven is over 6 minutes long. Hardly ideal for pop music radio stations. They prefer songs that aren't longer than 4 minutes.
Either way, those songs are still more mainstream friendly than their previous works.
Ain't My Bitch isn't on S&M. Oh well.S&M is the only album I won't pick up. The concept might be interesting, but the excecution is somewhat lame. The orchestra is drowned out in huge parts of the songs.
It saves me from getting Load and ReLoad so I'm happy.
Remember the time when we agreed on newer technology not lasting as long as older stuff?Oh yeah. But we wheren't too happy about that, so I didn't mark that day.
Shame, really. We at least agreed on that but of course, it doesn't give us confidence in newer technology.
No, it's awesome!Auz says it's lame. So that's 2 votes for "lame" and only one vote for "awesome".
What about the times when you were outvoted for liking the shitblade?
At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "Hey Bahamut, did you get a haircut or something?"Strange, I can't even remember this conversation.
"Oh I see. You're the tallest dragon in the world. And you're made of solid gold!"
Congrats on level 47!
That's because I was daydreaming about it.
At 2/25/11 01:22 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Hey guys, hope you are all well. Life's got me pretty damn busy, not so busy that I'm not still swinging by, and on that note, just passed 26,000 B/P!
Thanks for stopping by!
At 2/26/11 05:17 AM, sushi13 wrote:At 2/25/11 04:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: "FOURTEEN KARAT GOLD!"It's finally time to post this!
Oh yes! However, that's probably the result of becoming a mod on NG.
Coop laments the loss of 17 reviews overnight, while congratulating:
Bahamut: Level 47
Nijsse: 100,000 Medal Points
RohantheBarbarian: 26,000 B/P
RuinedMartyr: Level 21
Odyssic: 29,000 B/P
sushi13: 7,000 Blams
Listening to:
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Motorhead - I Know How To Die
Thank you to:
At 2/25/11 05:11 AM, reverend wrote:At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote: I wish :P I was quite happy that no extractions were mentioned, but three fillings is about as bad.I don't want to even think about what I need done. I can say for sure, wisdom teeth will need to go.
Nasty - you have my sympathy. as for me, it's drilling, followed by polyfilla.
Beans are good for any meal of the day.Except for breakfast. Who has time to cook beans for breakfast anyways unless you get them out of a can.
Exactly - baked beans on toast, with scrambled eggs - protein overload!
At 2/25/11 11:38 AM, Auz wrote:At 2/25/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:I'm gonna have to go and refresh my memory as well...At 2/24/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: I guess he just wanted to make sure that there was no mistake about it. It's 'wet', not 'wed'!I went on YouTube and watched the paint cans again. That's hilarious.
Is this the one you're talking about? I thought that there was much more in that scene... hmmm... can't find any other vids though.
Yeah that's the part of it, thought the whole scene is hilarious. Just thinking of how it ruined McCauley Culken makes me laugh to this day.
At 2/25/11 12:34 PM, Haggard wrote:At 2/24/11 06:03 AM, Coop wrote:Because most of the time the pictures are larger than the posts. Okay, it's not as bad on newgrounds as the size of the pictures is strictly limited. But I've seen some very bad signatures...At 2/24/11 04:33 AM, Haggard wrote:Any reason why?At 2/23/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote: I think that you need to get a sig made like the Zidane / Matterazzi one that was floating around a few years ago. (Pic below)No, I'm strictly against pictures in signatures. :P
Yeah, but it allows for artistic expression. That's something I love.
Also I think I am the only one who's happy they got rid of animated sigs. I find that far too distracting so I ended up blocking all the sigs when there where so many animated ones around.
I used to look at so many profiles for my list updates, that I had to look away from some of the less appetising ones. That was much worse.
At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 2/25/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:That's only a dream, though.At 2/24/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: He's got to find me as well as the time to do it first. :PYou saw what I wrote about my dream? Live it!
It's a premonition, dammit!
At 2/25/11 11:38 AM, Auz wrote: I could never get a meal like that down my throat in the early morning. Even one slice of bread is difficult for me.
I try to have at least something for breakfast whether it is just toast or a bowl of cereal.
Well we put salt on it as well, but I find it kinda boring without anything else on it. It just needs a sauce.
Yeah, it just seems now that ketchup is just getting sweeter and sweeter. Soon it's just going to be tomatoes and sugar.
Mayonaisse doesn't have to be so fattening. We got plenty of 'ligher' versions that only contain 30% fat or so instead of 70-80%. Of course there's a slight difference in taste, but it's still great. Also, fries don't have to be so unhealthy either. Sometimes they baked them in lard here, but for restaurants and such that has been forbidden for a long time now. At home we usually bake them in sunflower oil or peanut oil, which is much better for you than lard.
Peanut oil is by far the best oil in my opinion by the way.
Yeah peanut is great for deep frying stuff since it has a high smoke point and doesn't leave a peanut taste as one might think.
And, light mayonnaise is not worth eating. You can't skip out of the fat in mayo and have it taste decent. I dunno I just see mayo as a dressing rather than a dipping sauce. Now just toss some chili and cheese sauce on top, there you have my perfect addition to fries.
I'm not so sure about that last statement. Maybe if she's very demanding, wants to go buy new clothes every day, wants a new car, wants stupid clothing for her stupid chiwawa etc. Perhaps hookers would be a cheaper option :p
Unless you get a VD and then it won't be so cheap. Ha!
At 2/26/11 05:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh man, I thought it was obvious to every user on the BBS. We were all raging about The Room last year.
I've never seen The Room. I mean I've played the game but would have never picked up on that line from it.
At 2/26/11 06:26 AM, Coop wrote: Coop laments the loss of 17 reviews overnight, while congratulating:
It seems Fro did some housecleaning and removed some of his flash, as well as one of my reviews.
Exactly - baked beans on toast, with scrambled eggs - protein overload!
Why don't you slap some bacon and sausage on top of that and have a heart attack as well, heh.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
After what seems like an eternity, I finally made level 38! Must be alot worse for you bigshots and your high levels!