At 2/21/11 03:32 AM, reverend wrote:
At 2/20/11 02:59 PM, Auz wrote:
Mashed potatoes with some vegetables I'd say. Not a very convenient type of food to fish out of the garbadge cans :p
So if I was a poor college student in the Netherlands, what would I survive on? Here in the US it's instant noodles like Ramen.
I think most students go for cheap pastas and microwaved food (pizzas etc.). Not many can cook that well, so they'd rather eat cheap and simple things :p
My gf loves to cook though, so I won't have to go into such a diet :)
I'm sure women can appreciate a guy with a sense of humor :p
A sense of humor can only go so far. Now, a sports car and a six figure salary...
The type of girl that would instantly fall for that wouldn't be the type of girl I like on the long run :p
At 2/21/11 04:13 AM, Coop wrote:
At 2/20/11 02:59 PM, Auz wrote:
I don't know about that, but Joe Pesci has this typical way of talking that only makes him suitable for mobster roles.
They'd better spell my name right, remember that! L-I-D-E-O! Frankie Lideo!
Either that or a case of getting him to play a bumbling fool in Home Alone.
I knew it! He plays Harry right? I recognized him from Home Alone, but other people said I was wrong. Ha!
Anyway, he's still a thief there. Close enough to a mobster.
At 2/21/11 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
LOL, I forgot Auz's posts since he made his post just a minute before mine last night.
Happens to me as well sometimes :)
At 2/20/11 02:59 PM, Auz wrote:
At 2/19/11 06:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Yeah, I don't care much about them getting BP or not. But on the forums it'd be nice to see some of them return.
Yeah, there's that or they can hang out on Retrogade.
But Retrogade has been closed for years now, hasn't it?
Well, I just think they look way different from their N64 appearance and I don't like how they tried to move away from their cartoony look and tried to add some realism to their images. They did the same with Conker, although there they didn't do such a crappy job.
I guess after what I've seen happening to Crash and Spyro, it's not so bad.
Maybe it's because they were your childhood heroes and Banjo, Kazooie and Conker were mine. It just doesn't feel right when they drastically change their looks like that.
I'll be 36 then... well I wouldn't be the oldest user ever on NG, but I doubt I'll be able to connect very well with the teenagers on these boards anymore :p
Don't worry, Tom and Wade should still be around as well as a few old folks we have right now.
We'd be like the elders of the BBS. Some kind of senate that will vote against any changes :p
I don't think we talked about limit breaks before. I think FF VIII system was alright, although you could abuse it to hell by keeping your HP low. That was actually the main attacking strategy for me throughout the game.
I wouldn't say abuse since you have to make sure you're not going to die, although that with Holy Water is downright abusive.
With high/maxed out Vitality it usually wasn't a big problem. Your limit break activates at 1/4th of max HP so with 2,499 HP remaining you could still take a hit or two. Otherwise you could always cast protect and shell.
Furthermore, you could upgrade your speed so that the ATB loaded in like... 0.1 second. I had that with Squall. I could rape about every enemy before he even noticed I was attacking him :p
In FF IX I think the limit break system sucked ass. It took ages to load it up and it happened to me often that I had already done enough to kill an opponent and had to let someone's limit break go to waste.
FFIX could have done without the limit break system as well as FFVI. VI is the worst since you could go throughout the game and not encounter it once.
Can't remember what it was like in FF VI again. Didn't they improve it in the GBA version?
I've never beaten those two weapons, but I can imagine it's very easy to beat Sephiroth if you can take on those.
It is. Just make sure you don't use Knights of the Round. Without it, Sephiroth can put out a bit of a fight.
Lol, yeah that summon was soooo cheap. Although it can not kill the weapons instantly if I remember correctly.
The thing about Sephiroth was, his Supernova always took 9/10th of your HP and would instantly charge up your limit breaks. So you could counter with Omnislash and what not which would pretty much kill him straight away (if you had decent attack that is though).
Heh, he never gets enough time to use Supernova on me. :P
Doesn't he start using it after his HP drops below 1/2 of his max health? I don't know, but he did use it on me once and afterwards I killed him with Omnislash.
At 2/21/11 12:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/20/11 02:59 PM, Auz wrote:
Alright. I'm sure she'll gladly go there someday then,
but perhaps not this summer yet. We might be a little bit short on funds due to us moving to Den Haag and all.
Oh... :(
I can't help it. So far we've invested hundreds of euros already and the furniture is probably going to cost us 1500 euros more at the very least. We might rather skip going on vacation this year.
Although we have some friends coming up with plans for a roadtrip in eastern Europe... sounded interesting to me, but I don't know yet. My summer holiday isn't very long and it might be better if I go find a summerjob to replenish my bank account.
I don't know if they could really have managed to take over countries like Russia, America, China and so forth. If they hadn't stranded in Russia, they would've probably stranded somewhere else.
Yes, I doubt they would've managed to take over the whole world, but over the half of Europe would be bad enough.
Maybe if things settled down, it wouldn't have been that bad for us. Although I wouldn't have been happy with the concentration camps of course =/
The profs don't care about eating, but occasionally some janitor walks around and tells people to put away their drinks and sandwiches. Most people just put their food back on the table as soon as the lecture starts though, the janitor won't come back in anyway :p
Lol, our janitors are too lazy to walk around the building anyway. ^^
Heh. I remember the janitors in high school seemed to work a lot harder than the ones in university.