At 1/13/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/12/11 03:51 PM, Auz wrote:
Oh well, it looks like all the countries are in a bad shape right now and the EU is under great pressure with euro becoming instable. It does feel like something big is gonna happen sooner or later.
It makes you wonder if there's a stable country right now. Looks like we'll all go back to square one eventually.
China seems pretty stable at the moment, and willing to help other nations out. Of course they want a little influence in return, which might be bad... or good... I don't know yet.
I guess there are lots of new young people entering that market every year, so perhaps your chances are never that high to begin with?
For apprenticeships, the usual age range they ask for is 16-19. I started applying to hell to them at the age of 18 and even got turned down because someone had more experience than me. You're taking these courses for the fucking experience.
Oh so you were a bit late perhaps. But yeah, that last thing doesn't make sense.
Lol :p
My school also went to great lengths to block every site that provided some form of entertainment. Sites like Youtube got blocked, and even some sites that could easily provide useful information for students.
YouTube is one that either gets blocked or doesn't. I don't know about the kids but the school computers I use don't have YouTube blocked. The only site I know is definitely blocked to both students and staff is Facebook. Heh, this is reminding me of how the college were on and off with blocking YouTube.
I'd rather block Youtube than Facebook if I wanted to prevent kids from wasting time on the internet during school time. Surely there's not that much to do on Facebook if everybody is attending classes at that moment.
But usually it's the Europeans that get the worst and have to wait the longest, so it's nice they do something back for us.
But not for Pokemon Black/White. We're getting it just before America does.
Awesome! I don't think I'll check it out anytime soon though. I'm just about done with playing Platinum and I still got Soul Silver to play through. But for now I'd rather play something other than Pokemon.
Oh well, at least he's not actually making a ton of money by passing off a cheaply made, poorly written film as proper cinema material.
You know, I can't remember if Spoony still has a job or not. I'm all for video makers getting a bit of money in return for their videos but when it came to critiquing Spoony, it was regardless of how much money he's earning.
I've always wondered if he had a job. I think he's making quite a lot of money with ads on his website. Also, he seems to live in a not-so-expensive apartment, so I wouldn't be surprised if he lived on those earnings. But what he does for the rest, I don't know. Sometimes I got the feeling he's just watching films and playing games the whole day.
At 1/13/11 08:10 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/12/11 03:51 PM, Auz wrote:
Baw :(
So all you guys did was fight all the time?
Selective memory - I choose to only remember the bad, since that's the more recent.
Well that's too bad. If you don't have any good memories, then it's gonna be difficult changing the way you think about your brother.
At 1/13/11 11:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/12/11 03:51 PM, Auz wrote:
I think I'll dig through my dads collection. He must have some more CCR CD's somewhere.
The CCR Box isn't that expensive. After all you'll get all 7 albums of CCR!
I don't know how much you paid for it...
True. There are many commercial jingles that I'd like to forget :(
"Crazy Frog" comes to my mind here.
Oh God! Just when I thought I had completely erased it from my memory... :(
Surely you may borrow it sometimes, right? As long as you pay for the gas?
And how should my gf get to work then?
Well if she's working 9 to 5 every day of the week, then it might be a problem. But if she's a part-timer, there must be an oppertunity to use the car from time to time. Unless your schedule coincides with hers.
Also, whenever I am riding along in the car, we share the gas money. ;)
Also also she said (half joking): "I will not let you drive the car when you are still a beginner." >_>
After all it's a factory new car.
And then you made clear that a man's driving skills are far superiour to that of a woman, even when he is a beginner. Am I right? :p
No parking spots there? That's weird. Every building on our universities' campus has its own parking place, which are never full. Also, it's longer for me to go via public transport due to the waiting times between busses, trains, subways etc.
There are about 32.000 students imatriculated at the University of Hamburg, plus the buldings are quite old. So no, there aren't too many parking spots.
32.000? Holy shit 0.0
I think the Technical University of Delft only has about 15.000 students or so. Then again, Germany probably has 5 times as many students in total.
Also, there's a train going from where I live to the University. Takes me about one hour overall to get from door to door.
Well that's not too bad. It's about 1 hour and 30 minutes for me, but once I have moved to The Hague it's no more than about 50 minutes.
Well it was about 8.5km for me, so 17km per day which usually took me 35 minutes or so for one way. Although I did have a very strong tailwind once and it took me only 12 minutes :p It sucked on the way back though =/
Lol, I nearly always had head wind. Which was quite strange, since there where quite a few 90 degree turns on one part of the way. XD
That's peculiar indeed.
Indeed that's still not a good idea. Although at New Years I simply went driving anyway after not sleeping at all and not drinking anymore for about five hours. I felt fine, but if there was an alcohol check somewhere I would've been screwed probably.
Another advantage of not having a drivers license: I cannot lose it! XD
True. And that'll save you the hundreds of euros you have to pay to do a new exam.
No that's just when:
Oh. My. God.
Can it get any worse than David Hasslehoff?
Wait, David Hasslehoff? 0.o
I always thought it was this guy.
I really don't know if Matthias Reim is in any way better than "The Hoff"... :/
Don't know, I only know him from that one song :p
Though it can't get any worse than The Hoff, can it?