At 12/23/10 07:05 AM, Coop wrote:At 12/22/10 03:47 PM, Auz wrote: Well most of the times it's just friendly of course and intended as comedy.Exactly - if you can't take a joke, don't make one. I live by this.
Very true.
Alright. Any other exotic teas you guys have invented?Twinings are always inventing new teas.
Lol, they appear to be the Ben & Jerries of the tea industry. I see they got many decaffeinated and caffeine free kinds as well.
At 12/23/10 09:39 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/22/10 03:47 PM, Auz wrote: I'm not even that much of a deleter, I think I'm just letting a lot of threads go.I'm starting to feel this myself. The only threads I find myself locking are those that aren't necessary to begin with, posted in wrong forums or are really stupid. I think it's better if I was easier on the threads than to be strict on it.
Same for me, mostly redirecting people to other forums. I think it's okay to be strict sometimes, but of course you should be careful that you're not being unfair.
If she goes, who would I have?At 12/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:Well that would be a shame indeed.
You'll have us! Although not to satisfy your need for female company...
But that'll still take a month. Unless of course you decide to update earlier, say... on New Years?Nah, I'll wait until the next scheduled update. Yeah, that's late January but it'll arrive soon enough. Infact, it's a week after the Manchester meet.
Oh alright, fine with me. I always like a special New Years update, but it's not like I'm planning anything for the reviewers list myself.
At 12/23/10 12:36 PM, reverend wrote:At 12/22/10 03:42 PM, Haggard wrote: At 12/22/10 03:47 PM, Auz wrote: I did go from 6 PPD to about 10 PPD when I was just modded, but now it fell back to about 7 PPD. Still, there's a slight improvement.Most of the stuff I delete is so beyond useless that nothing needs to be said. I usually have too much of a headache after dealing with reviews to put up with General, heh.
I'm not even that much of a deleter, I think I'm just letting a lot of threads go.
Yeah, before you go modding the general, you better get yourself in a decent shape :p
My posts have risen due to the American football season, but as soon as that's over it'll fall back down to 5 PPD.
Lol, well I did also have a boost in PPD when the Fifa World Cup was going on in July. I posted several times per day in that WC thread. Luckily for you the American football season lasts longer than a month, doesn't it?