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Bathory - Twilight of the Gods
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At 7/15/10 09:41 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
Sir-Nuts: he's a massive dragon, so I doubt it P
You're right about that. Dragons and barbarians are two different things. Infact, in stories, the two are meant to fight each other. However, we are friends and I am a very friendly dragon. People shouldn't believe what they read in stories about dragons being evil.
At 7/14/10 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Exactly and it took this long to get it right. Wow.
Yeah, but when they got it right, they really did.. Almost flawless.
You're right about that. I suppose if they tried it in the 90s, the game would have been terrible. That's just how a lot of 3D games flopped back then.
Sounds like a challenge. Hopefully they know what they're doing with that since Spider-Man tried that once and I got bored with the game so fast. Batman could probably pull it off better, though because it's fucking Batman!
Yeah, I've brought this point up with friends who disagreed saying the stealth in Arkham worked so well because it was a closed environment, and if it was applied to a whole city it wouldn't work as well, but I don't care, I want my GTA Batman dammit!
We'll just have to see how it goes. I'll definitely beat the game well before the second game comes out. Once I get through Arkham Asylum, I'll need to play Assassin's Creed II since I got that game for Christmas and once I beat those two games as well as Resident Evil 5 who I borrowed from my sister, hopefully I can borrow FFXIII from her as well.
At 7/15/10 11:42 AM, Fro wrote:
At 7/14/10 11:58 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
Corruption, man. Corruption...
Get use to it. It's how most of the world works.
And Britain is full of it.
At 7/15/10 05:31 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/15/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Yeah, some of us need to get on there at the right time. However, I've already asked Coop if he could let me know when he'll be on Stickam. He will make the chat rooms more interesting.
I don't even think Cooper on Stickam can lure me on it. Now NG Chat...
What if all the Wi/Ht?'ers went to Stickam? Would you be convinced then? Last night, I got myself to get on Stickam just because Coop was there.
I'll take the cool icon for granted. Well, that's if I had it. :P
Somebody should make a GreaseMonkey script for it. At least you'd be able to see it and admire it.
Give me a picture of it with the right dimensions and we'll talk.
At 7/15/10 08:59 AM, Soup83 wrote:
Level 10
Not sure where I want to retire this alt but level 11 might be the closest that's related to soup for it to open the can.
You should retire at Level 26. :)
Nah, level 11 is good.
At 7/15/10 06:08 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Congrats to:
Soup83 - Level 10 -- Retiring that soon? Hey, swords can open soup cans as well. ;P
Yes but it's not as convenient.
At 7/15/10 07:03 AM, Odyssic wrote:
After watching NC review The Room, I have to say. This is it, the worst movie he has ever reviewed.
Meh, it's been taken down from TGWTG, I don't know why...
I've heard some crazy shit about this. Supposedly there's a server error and the two videos went down but then I heard they deliberately took them down as a joke.
At 7/15/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Wait, you mean no-one took that name? Wow.
Well, IronMaiden was taken, so I had to improvise. ;P
I would have thought Iron-Maiden would have been taken by now.
*laughs like a Spy* He was so happy for the Engineer update.
Indeed. And hey, I did quite well as a Spy earlier today on 2fort, although there weren't many engies. I guess there was that class-limit thing.
Yeah, some servers have a class-limit which is actually good at times. It prevents class rushes so you wouldn't have seen the server consisting of nothing but Engineers and the odd Spy. As for me, I feel Soldier does a better job at taking down sentries in 2fort, although any with the Wrangler shield is a bitch to destroy. I feel Valve made the shield too powerful. It seems the only way to destroy a shielded sentry is by getting a Spy to backstab the Engineer. Personally, I'd like to see more balance here.
You know, the servers where only 4 people are playing right now.
Sure, but why "broken"? =P
Because if there's only 4 people, you can get through the enemy base and grab the intel with ease. You can't expect that to happen in a game with 24 players.
Of course not. That's why most of you won't find dragons to be attractive. :P It's a shame since we really are beautiful creatures.
I know you are beautiful
Thank you! It's good to know some humans realising that.
and fearsome as well, one of the reasons I HAVE to respect you. ;P
Fearsome to the General regulars, yes! >:)
At 7/15/10 11:33 PM, NEVR wrote:
Supreme Commander, finally.
At long last you reached Supreme Commander! Congrats NEVR! Now to see if NeMeSiSM66 will ever reach Supreme Commander.
At 7/16/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/15/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
True that. Like I said, I wouldn't say no to Tom, especially if he showed me his puppy eyes. However, I don't know what I'd be doing to help out NG if I worked there. The most I ask for at this point is to be able to attend a major meet or even an event at the office.
Admit it, it's the beard you can't resist!
No, it's, it's....Yeah, it's the beard. Well, that and his smile. He's that guy you can never say no to and whoever says otherwise must be heartless.
At 7/15/10 08:59 AM, Soup83 wrote:
Not sure where I want to retire this alt but level 11 might be the closest that's related to soup for it to open the can.
We once opened a can of soup with an axe at Scout Camp. It did lead to three of the more senior scouts losing their knife and axe badges, but we had a lot of tasty soup, so it was worth it.
Hilarious. Sorry but level 11 it has to be.
At 7/16/10 04:23 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/15/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
But technically, I haven't shown myself with grey icon before and that will be a first whenever I do it.
So technically you had and hadn't a dark aura. Amazing.
Yeah, it's a contradiction but it works. It'll be really strange to see myself with grey aura since all this time, I've only used red, blue and green.
Alright, here goes! *mixes Manowar and good in the blender and succeeds*
Pics or it didn't happen!
I'll have to show you it later.
Nope, just silly. So what do you think the future Wi/Ht?'ers will think of the shitblade and angry face arguments then?
Future Wi/Ht?ers will of course like the awesomeblade (just yesterday I saw a thread on general: "What's you favorite level icon?" and at least one user mentioned level 26 ^^). And of course they will use the angry face to post their achievements.
Actually, I see most hating the shitblade so whoever mentioned it there is in the minority just like you are.
Yeah, they finished season 21 so it's 20 and 21. I have heard season 21 is mostly alright but they had that Ke$ha intro...
You have to keep in mind that the episodes have to get dubbed first. So if a new season starts for the UK and the US chances are we are still in the middle of the previous season here.
Oh, so you're in season 20 then? If that's the case, season 19 blows but it did have a few passable episodes.