Account turned 7 years old 4 days ago and I'm still aware of this website, Christ.
So I heard about Newgrounds when I was about 10 through my troublemaker friends on the fucking playground during recess. If I remember correctly they were talking about how some Harry Potter flash spoof where he shoots himself in the head, apparently it was hilarious and I needed to see it. (I don't think I ever did.) Months pass eventually I'm checking out Newgrounds at a friend's house while dodging his parents so they don't see what we're doing. (We even deleted the Netscape the browsing history because we were looking at some bad stuff.) I was already familiar with sites like killfrog and like everybody else my age I had been staying up late watching South Park since it's original run, so the site back then in it's more primal phase was just that much more interesting to me, but my family didn't own a computer and therefore I didn't know shit about the internet (specifically how to get my own e-mail address) and neither did my parents or any of my friends. Signing up at that time was an impossibility to me.
Fast forward a year or so, it's summer vacation and my family gets their own computer; a Hewlett-Packard piece of shit that's still sitting in our basement who's 10GB harddrive is clogged with so much shit, BonziBuddy, so many ancient viruses, trojans and worms that it wouldn't even be worth the effort to try and restore it. Anyway, I used that P.O.S. to create my own Yahoo! email at some point, I believe my youngest aunt taught me how to do that for the purpose of sending me cute clip art pictures through e-mail or something. I use my AOL instant messenger name as my handle, Mack8354. The name has no significance whatsoever, my brother picked it. Anyway a few days after creating said e-mail I find myself browsing Newgrounds probably looking at the latest Retarded Animal Babies and fucking LOVING IT. I vote on it and WHAT'S THIS?! If I create an account I get more stuff when I vote? And now with my newfangled e-mail I can actually create an account? What was I waiting for? Mack8354 becomes the newest member of Newgrounds. Being 12 at the time and knowing that the age limit is actually 13 I mark myself as 21 (just in case!) and lurk the forums. I actually never posted before I turned 13, but that doesn't stop the quality of my posts from being so poor that they're literally a stain on my record. Same goes for my reviews, what the fuck was I thinking. I used to be very dedicated to depositing every day, somewhere along the way I stopped caring, but I have no regrets. I also remember when I went through a phase around 15-16 years old where I wanted to be a forum moderator. That certainly would have been a train wreck to say the least. Fast forward 7 years and I'm typing some stupid shit nobody will read, and that's my story.