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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-09 18:04:25

At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: So what's my big announcement for this week? I finally got a job!

Very nice, congrats!
Also, nice to see you again with an evil aura. :P

At 7/8/10 03:39 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sadly, you are so wrong. Good and Manowar do mix.
Good and Manowar don't even mix in a blender.
I bet you haven't even tried it.

Why should I try something that is impossible?

It fucking burns my skin. It's horrible.
No, it's nice. Especially the Mediterranean Sea.
Not if you have sensitive skin like I have.

What is it that burns your skin? The amount of salt in the water?

Also, Wade still has his place as Wadolf in the staff.
Fair enough, there can be Wadolf and Bahamut. Newgrounds shall be a better place.

Wadolf summoning his Zombies and Bahamut finishing off the remains with a Mega Flare. Scary thought.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-09 18:56:47

I hate when I act stupidly or immaturely.

I had the catch ups almost ready to be posted in here, with the congrats list and everything. But I, being stupid, somehow forgot to paste a huge part of the posts in the rtf file I had them. So I saved what I had there without realizing they weren't there.

Frustration hits me when I opened the file and little was in there. And, being immature, I deleted whatever was in there.

Well... fuck.

In other news, I'm on vacations for this and the next three weeks. And I bought two new albums, Iron Maiden's Powerslave (since Coop and gfox recommended it to everyone) and Dream Theater's Greatest Hit. Although the 2nd disc has a problem that makes the audio goes shit, so I can only listen to the 1st CD. FUCK.

Listening to:
Dream Theater - Greatest Hit (1st disc)

Congrats to:
Everyone who achieved something over the past days. Sorry, I don't have the motivation to do a congrats list again.

At 7/4/10 08:55 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/3/10 03:06 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Thanks for being sceptical about me... :P
In the future, I see Sir-Nuts still devastated over Brazil's loss so much that he will join the team in 2018.

That's a nice idea. #1 jersey, starting goalie and catching a penalty in the final seconds of the match.

Ambition is never enough. :P

At 7/4/10 01:46 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah... I sometimes avoid posting something like "You should post this on 'this' forum, you'll get better answers there" because I'm afraid of being banned. I've done this before and either a mod just locked the thread or a mod deleted my post, banned me and posted the same thing after. :(
You can kind of get a way with that in the Wi/Ht? i.e. 'post in the Flash Forum', but any other forums I wouldn't. Some of the mods get bend out of shape when they think they are being usurped.

...Or can you?

I've been banned for three days when I posted that in here, the Wi/Ht. Not only that, but the moderator who banned me re-posted nearly exactly what I had just posted.


At 7/4/10 09:40 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/4/10 10:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: You know something is wrong with English speaking people when they have terrible grammatical skills.
English isn't even a particularly difficult language in terms of grammar so we have no excuses.

May I say that I find English way easier than Portuguese? I think it's way easier to speak and write in English, Portuguese has many issues, especially when it comes to writing. There are so many rules and exceptions, it's crazy.

I think your and you're is the worst but to, too and two is also bad and let's not forget there, they're and their.
It's and its is pretty annoying. Affect and effect doesn't bug me as much but I see mistakes with those more than anything.

I also find annoying those who mistake honest/honast, sequel/sequal and such... It's so silly!

At 7/4/10 01:46 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Ah right, this page should make things a lot easier for you. I imagine if you had to hunt down every single page there, heh. :P
It still takes a lot more time than I want it to. I have a word document with all the link codes so it's hard to see where to put the numbers. The worst part though is having to scroll through peoples' pages to see who hasn't missed a log.

Ah, that should be a pain to do. Although there are quite a lot of inactive users and users that don't log every day, so it shouldn't take that long...

Good. I usually try to make mine after lunch. Since I don't type that fast and I get distracted with the flash portal and such, the posts usually come out at 2:30 EST. Either at that time or at night...
I'm usually busy during lunch so I wouldn't have time. It's easy at night because all I do is watch TV and play online games.

Since I'm on vacation now and I don't do much the entire day, I'll just do it whenever I'm available.

At 7/5/10 04:50 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to launch a new list...

Awesome list, nice job. I plan on joining it in some distant date. :P

At 7/4/10 01:46 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/4/10 05:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, Uruguay shouldn't have been there, you should be facing Ghana - that handball was ridiculous and the goal should have stood [...]
Well, you can use your hands in football when you're not a goalie, but you have to face the consequences after - in that case, a penalty shot. The Ghana player wasn't competent enough to score it, so...
Yeah, but look at it this way - the Uruguayans carried the offender around the pitch like a national hero, after the match. Doesn't this condone cheating from FIFA's standpoint? Poor decisions on their part, I'm afraid and we're looking at a pretty bad World Cup for them.

Well, I'm afraid they paid for their sin against Holland. :P

But really, I don't see it as cheating, because there's a punishment to it - cheating, in my opinion, is when you get away with it (hence Henry). I'd have done the same in a desperate situation. I'd rather get a red card and have a chance than do nothing at all and lose the match.

Ha, much better! And a bonus for safety cars wrecked, as well as mad team-mates. :P
Explosives! Rampant Koala Bears in Australia! Is it silly enough yet?

Shocked narrators with an "eh?" balloon text in Canada!

Bouncing over Barrichello multiple times!

Could be a very smart move for them - Kovy and Tavares, with Okposo on the other wing? Should be fun if that happens.
That would be great, yet unlikely to happen. He's probably going to LA, it seems...
LA's out of the talks. My money is firmly back with the Devils.

...And LA is back in the talks. I haven't heard anything on the Islanders' or on the Devil's side, though.

I'd say no one will sign him. Take that for refusing $10mi a year from Atlanta earlier this year. >:(

But we have to re-sign Sean Bergenhein. He's a pretty good left winger, I think he was our blue-liner last season...
Not a bad player, but we'll see if he's got some teammates that could cope with Philly's pretty solid looking D for next year...

Him and Matt Moulson. I think Matt was our scoring leader this past season, another UFA.

We won't have left wingers for the next season. :(

At 7/5/10 06:10 AM, Faggard wrote: ~ smooches ~

Hey Faggard, what's up with your sig's link?

At 7/5/10 07:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/4/10 01:46 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/4/10 10:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, I suppose there's that.
Yeah... I sometimes avoid posting something like "You should post this on 'this' forum, you'll get better answers there" because I'm afraid of being banned. I've done this before and either a mod just locked the thread or a mod deleted my post, banned me and posted the same thing after. :(
You know, I see so many people going "OMG VIDEO GAMES FORUM". :(

And yet they don't get banned over that. =/

That's me dominating Scouts. ;P
Yes because no-one likes the Scout.

I actually played Scout a couple of days ago, and I failed miserably, since my computer is running TF2 slower and slower everyday. :(

I can't play classes that require immediate reflex, like a sniper Sniper, the Scout and the Spy (sometimes). And it affects the other classes as well. I mean, a Heavy dying for a Scout when I was with full health? Saddening.

No problem. Beach > BBS :P
I have to disagree with that, I'm afraid.

Nah, beaches are great. And computers and beaches don't get along, unfortunately.

I guess it's just how I was raised - I go to the beach every summer for 16 years, and I can stay there for hours straight without getting bored. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-09 18:58:25

At 7/5/10 07:39 AM, Haggard wrote: How on earth did I overlook the "there" in your above sentence yesterday? Only excuse I can bring up is that it's too damn hot and I wasn't paying too much attention because of this.

Your brain is MELTING!

At 7/5/10 08:16 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/3/10 02:59 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: In the meanwhile, Brazil got eliminated by the Netherlands. Auz, you are forbidden to mention this match towards me. ;_;
Lol XD

I'll never let you hear the end of it until Brazil beats Holland again ;)

Sure, I guess we won't talk about it for a pretty long time then. :P

At 7/3/10 03:06 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: But save their goalie, Eduardo. I mean, he was really upset after losing to Spain, since it was one of his best matches. All that effort wasted by the rest of the team, mainly that faker called Cristiano Ronaldo.
Yeah Ronaldo played like shit. He's way too selfish and doesn't do jack when Portugal is not playing well.

You know, I think he only played decently when he was in Manchester United. He isn't that much of a player, in my opinion. He just has a prettier face than the majority.

I mean, look at this guy! How can he become a superstar? :P

At 7/3/10 06:49 AM, Auz wrote: Just wanna leave this here for Sir-Nuts' enjoyment :p
Well, I've already stated that it was the team's fault, you cannot blame a single player for that. And congrats to Holland for getting to the semi-finals, even though it feels a little bitter to say that... =/
No I wouldn't blame a particular player, although Melo wasn't playing the best match in his career ;)

Exactly. Thinking over this again, he played really well, actually.

Against Brazil. >:(

Maybe you guys were just playing too defensively. I mean after the 1-0 is was mainly Holland that had ball possession and created opportunities. I think the thing where Brazil went wrong and Holland didn't was that after the goal they didn't press on to score a next. They were stronger in the beginning and if they had only made one or two more goals it would've been over for us.

This is what my mother said while we were watching the game - "We need a 2-0 before half time, then things will get more controlled." But we didn't put more pressure after the goal, much on the contrary, we fell back! Hey, it's a quarter-finals match, it's do or die! Don't hold back! :(

And now there is the coach issue. Dunga was "fired', along with all the coaching department. Who will take this pineapple?

Our commentator was saying something about Brazilians throwing TVs out of their windows.
I wouldn't doubt that, hahahaha. Hey, I've heard a few bangs coming from our neighbours, I wouldn't be surprised if I found a TV in my yard. :P
Haha :p

At least our TV is safe. We wouldn't throw a HD TV in a loss, would we? :P

You guys aren't used to losing are you? I heard this was only the 15th loss for the Brazilian team XD

Not really. With five world cups, some think that it's our obligation to win every cup. We have to try to win, of course. But some have to realise - you can't win everything.

And maybe it was our 15th loss in a world cup. We had only 6 losses with Dunga as our coach. And that 6th one came at the worst time possible. :(

At 7/5/10 09:35 AM, Auz wrote: Finally here they are: Sir-Nuts replies from two weeks ago, part 1

Read, but postponed to tomorrow, possibly. :P

At 7/5/10 12:36 PM, reverend wrote: Rev wants the endless rain to go away...

42nd day without a rain drop in our city, how's that? :P

At 7/6/10 03:58 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop decides he's up for an Iron Maiden Medley...

Needed more Powerslave.

At 7/6/10 04:29 AM, Auz wrote: Today is my 21st birthday!
At 7/8/10 04:45 PM, Auz wrote: Yep yep. Today I became a forum moderator.

What a month, right?

Now to cherry the cake, Netherlands beating Spain!

At 7/7/10 05:47 AM, DumbassDude wrote: Sometimes I wish there was more newbie stuff in the portal that I could blam.

With these vacations, I can easily get 15+ blams a day. :)

But yeah, I wish spam groups would stop using proxies to vote their shit up too. Can't something be done over this?

At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Start of a new but short contest: Alternative Character Battle TF2 Edition - Battle 1: Scout vs Soldier vs Pyro

Awesome contest! I can't wait to see the Pyro owning them all. ^^

At 7/9/10 02:34 PM, reverend wrote: Lebron what have you done?

Hey, what's the difference between LeBron and Saturn?

At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: Oh noes! Bahamut turned evil :o

Run and hide everyone!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-09 20:58:54

Wilhelm has been busy recording every single person in his grades' advisories. Congrats to:
Zoete - 1k Experience
gamejunkie - 17k Blams
Odyssic - General
thenewbies - 1k Blams

At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:40 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: Auz - BBS Mod; the yellow looks good with that sword.
Didn't we discuss this when I got there?

Did we? You may be thinking of someone else.

At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:40 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: What about technology in general? Many people including myself have many negative things to say about things like the iPad and Internet Explorer. If not, movie reviews aren't a bad idea, seeing as most of the cinematic material these days is...terrible.
Technology rants, I'll say a few things but won't make a series on. As for movie reviews, just leave it to those who know so much about movies such as Doug Walker of That Guy With the Glasses. I'm just a casual viewer for movies. I just want to talk more about metal albums since I have so many albums and so much to talk about.

Fair enough. Actually it's quite coincidence because someone I know keeps negatively reviewing Sister Sin (which apparently is a metal group; I don't listen to any metal at all), and lately he's been criticizing someone who thinks otherwise. I have absolutely no knowledge on the matter.

At 7/9/10 12:29 PM, Fro wrote:
At 7/7/10 08:37 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
It doesn't sound very hot but the humidity and lack of wind made doing anything outside for more than ten minutes impossible, at least for a Chicagoan like me. :D
Yeah, humidity is just as bad here. I completely understand. When it's 100 plus degrees and the humidity is high, on top of not having an air conditioner... work sounds much much better when I'm sitting behind an air conditioner and register.

The thing is I'm a pretty poor swimmer. I can't even fathom doing what you do. Besides, I'm a cross country runner, so actually running is the most practical thing I can do. Thankfully I usually don't have to run more than two miles competitively so the extra running will really pay off.
Cross country use to run laps around us during football practice. The big difference was we were running the same distance with small break, but it can get up to 130 degrees inside of shoulder pads. There you guys were with short shorts and tank tops. *reminds me of track season*

Same distance? I don't see why a football player would need to run several miles. But yeah, it's a good thing we have our little sexy uniforms to run in. The body can heat up pretty fast.

At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/4/10 09:40 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/4/10 10:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: You know something is wrong with English speaking people when they have terrible grammatical skills.
English isn't even a particularly difficult language in terms of grammar so we have no excuses.
May I say that I find English way easier than Portuguese? I think it's way easier to speak and write in English, Portuguese has many issues, especially when it comes to writing. There are so many rules and exceptions, it's crazy.
At 7/4/10 01:46 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Ah right, this page should make things a lot easier for you. I imagine if you had to hunt down every single page there, heh. :P
It still takes a lot more time than I want it to. I have a word document with all the link codes so it's hard to see where to put the numbers. The worst part though is having to scroll through peoples' pages to see who hasn't missed a log.
Ah, that should be a pain to do. Although there are quite a lot of inactive users and users that don't log every day, so it shouldn't take that long...

It's not that bad. I just have to check every user who gets a number of logs that equal the amount of days since the last update plus or minus one. Most of them miss a log.

Good. I usually try to make mine after lunch. Since I don't type that fast and I get distracted with the flash portal and such, the posts usually come out at 2:30 EST. Either at that time or at night...
I'm usually busy during lunch so I wouldn't have time. It's easy at night because all I do is watch TV and play online games.
Since I'm on vacation now and I don't do much the entire day, I'll just do it whenever I'm available.

That'll be me in about two weeks. I'm heading off to Puerto Rico and I don't want to think about the internet much while I'm there.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-09 21:03:05

Finally made the Top 150 Protectors List.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 00:22:13

Unweighted voting power of 7.

Happy Robot Day everyone!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 00:28:09

Happy Robot Day 2010!

Also, I've achieved 14,000 Saves not that long ago. ^^

Also, I had remembered something after those two posts... I remember that some users used to actually catch-up on congratulatory posts. For example, Officer and Auz used to do those. And hey, I'm in a better mood right now, so...

Why not?

Listening to:
Foo Fighters - The Colour And The Shape

Congratulations to:

Page 2627

MudkipsPiano - 4,000 Posts
SlashFirestorm - Level 38
Psymakio - Level 19
Faggard - Level 29
NEVR - 14,000 Exp.

Page 2628

Rabid-Animals - Top 900 in B/P + Level 27
Hacsev - 31,000 B/P
Jolly - 3,000 Posts + Police Captain
Tetimaru000 - Level 16
thenewbies - Level 17 + Silver Whistle
gamejunkie - Level 42
Obvious-M - Level 19
iscrulz - 37,000 Saves
Auz 21 years old
Coop83 - 51,000 Saves
whatty - Level 22
sixflab - 10,000 Medal points
DumbassDude - Commander

Page 2629

XwaynecoltX - 22,000 Exp.
DumbassDude - 20,000 Saves
Odyssic - 4 years, 4 months and 4 days on NG
BaronVonBadGuy - Gold Whistle
Jolly - Level 19
FBIpolux - Top 300 in Exp.
SpiffyMasta - Level 24
ThePigeonMaster - 2,000 Saves
Coop83 - 120,000 Total stats
vader316 - 18,000 Saves
xRiskiiyxBlaze - Level 10
sushi13 - 7,000 Saves
jonthomson - Level 50
domo48 - 100 Flash Reviews

Page 2630

Odyssic - 15,000 Exp. + General
gamejunkie - Top 150 in B/P + 17,000 Blams
aldlv - 3 Years on NG
dx5231 - 6.66 Base VP
Auz - BBS Mod
Zoete - 1,000 Exp.

Page 2631

thenewbies - 1,000 Blams
gamejunkie - Top 150 in Saves
sumidiotdude - 7.00 Base VP

Hopefully today will be a great day at the portal.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 01:40:11

You passed 26000 B/P! Congrats!

Yea I coming for you sir nuts. I going to pass you... >-)

Woot for 26k b/p

"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson

Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 02:51:20

Coop prepares to hit the road, while congratulating:
Zoete: 1,000 Experience
Bahamut: Employment
gamejunkie: 17,000 Blams
Odyssic: General
thenewbies: 1,000 Blams
sumidiotdude: 7.00 Base Voting Power
Sir-Nuts: 14,000 Saves
vader316: 26,000 B/P

Thank you to:
Sir-Nuts (x2)

At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/8/10 05:17 PM, Coop83 wrote: You won Most Underrated - it was only a matter of time. I went Review, then BBS; Bahamut's gone to Icon and now you've taken them by surprise to stamp some more authoritah across the BBS.
Don't forget Timmy. He won Most Underrated with you and he's a BBS mod. However, we can't say anything to those who won Most Underrated before us.

Ah yes, how could I forget Timmy. Perhaps he will forgive me... or just ignore me, for that matter.

At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Nicely done. Just get 2,000 more and you'll be ahead of me!
I'm getting there. These things take time and I'm going to devote a lot of time to it!
You'll be there before I know it.

That's the spirit!

Imagine if I started B/P'ing again as soon as you got close to 77,777. :P That'll only happen if they added more ranks all of sudden.
More ranks above 77,777? I seriously doubt that, but wouldn't be surprised if they did that before I caught you :P
Haha, I sure hope the Fulps do something soon then.

They're running out of time... and so is Phantom :P

You know what would have been a dare to me? Asking me to google human porn.
It's too easy to get you going, so I'm not going to rise to it.
Oh, oh, here's a real challenge: Search for Manowar Rule 34. Yes, I went there!

Yes, and the search results were thoroughly predictable.

At 7/9/10 08:59 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:02 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/7/10 07:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: Not bad for 10 minutes and a cup of tea.
Not bad at all :P
I would have done the vocals for it yesterday, but there was an issue with the internet, which took up most of my time and pissed off those around me. Perhaps I'll have a chance tonight, or over the weekend... mind you, I'm off to a wedding.
No rush man; converting the masses and progressing the revolution takes time and patience :P

It'll be Sunday at the earliest - cleaning the car took a lot longer than expected.

At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/8/10 05:17 PM, Coop83 wrote: Also mod combo :3
It's awesome to see the Wi/Ht? turn gold :p

April Fools 2011? Everyone gets modded, the mods are just regular users?

I wonder if my most underrated award really had anything to do with me being modded...

You can ask, but we won't tell you :P

At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 07:14 AM, Auz wrote: Hahaha XD I read that he managed to make Derby County a premier division club, won the title with them and also won the champions league Nottingham Forest. He also had some lesser years, but those are some amazing achievements with second division clubs.
Nottingham Forest were the most feared team in the league, under Clough. I think we could have won the World Cup with him at the helm.
I'm sure he would have done really well. I can't think of any other coach in history that single handedly managed to bring a second division club among the top teams of Europe.

Well, I wouldn't have said they were that bad in the first place - the face that they've fallen apart now can only be traced as far as teams like Leeds United. They dropped down a massive amount and are only just starting to come back.

At 7/9/10 04:32 PM, jonthomson wrote: heh, i'm not sure why i did that. guess that comes with moving from primarily posting on places that can handle their html properly to those that can't.

Don't let James hear you say that :P

At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/5/10 04:50 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to launch a new list...
Awesome list, nice job. I plan on joining it in some distant date. :P

Cool, I look forward to it.

At 7/4/10 01:46 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/4/10 05:32 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Ha, much better! And a bonus for safety cars wrecked, as well as mad team-mates. :P
Explosives! Rampant Koala Bears in Australia! Is it silly enough yet?
Shocked narrators with an "eh?" balloon text in Canada!

Bouncing over Barrichello multiple times!

Could be a very smart move for them - Kovy and Tavares, with Okposo on the other wing? Should be fun if that happens.
That would be great, yet unlikely to happen. He's probably going to LA, it seems...
LA's out of the talks. My money is firmly back with the Devils.
...And LA is back in the talks. I haven't heard anything on the Islanders' or on the Devil's side, though.

And for the lulz, LA is reportedly out again.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 05:33:08

Achievement of the Day
vader316: 26,000 BP

It's still a long road towards EGSC, but you're getting there. Keep it up!

Congrats to:
Odyssic: General
thenewbies: 1,000 Blams
gamejunkie: Top 150 Saviours
Rabid-Animals: 1,500 Blams
sumidiotdude: 7.00 Voting Power
Sir-Nuts: 14,000 Saves

At 7/9/10 06:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/5/10 08:16 AM, Auz wrote: Lol XD

I'll never let you hear the end of it until Brazil beats Holland again ;)
Sure, I guess we won't talk about it for a pretty long time then. :P


Have you ever seen A Clockwork Orange? Imagine something like that, but with Holland - Brazil over and over and over again ;)

*pic below

At 7/3/10 03:06 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Yeah Ronaldo played like shit. He's way too selfish and doesn't do jack when Portugal is not playing well.
You know, I think he only played decently when he was in Manchester United. He isn't that much of a player, in my opinion. He just has a prettier face than the majority.

I mean, look at this guy! How can he become a superstar? :P

Yeah I think his popularity among women is mostly what helped him become a superstar. At Man Utd he was okay, but still a whiner. I think the only time I liked him was when he still played at Sporting Lisbon and was just about to make his major breakthrough.

At 7/3/10 06:49 AM, Auz wrote:
No I wouldn't blame a particular player, although Melo wasn't playing the best match in his career ;)
Exactly. Thinking over this again, he played really well, actually.

Against Brazil. >:(

Lol :p Yeah one own goal and one red card... I bet he didn't sleep well that night.

Maybe you guys were just playing too defensively. I mean after the 1-0 is was mainly Holland that had ball possession and created opportunities. I think the thing where Brazil went wrong and Holland didn't was that after the goal they didn't press on to score a next. They were stronger in the beginning and if they had only made one or two more goals it would've been over for us.
This is what my mother said while we were watching the game - "We need a 2-0 before half time, then things will get more controlled." But we didn't put more pressure after the goal, much on the contrary, we fell back! Hey, it's a quarter-finals match, it's do or die! Don't hold back! :(

Yep, I guess they were going for the "make a quick 1-0 and keep defending" strategy. Doesn't work against Holland, you gotta prevent them from getting in control instead. I think Spain might be able to do that, but Holland might be able to do the same to Spain.

The final is probably gonna be interesting. Might come down to which team is more efficient, and so far that team has been Holland.

And now there is the coach issue. Dunga was "fired', along with all the coaching department. Who will take this pineapple?

Yeah it's always hard to bring a team back to the top when they performed like that. Just look at France. Although quarter-finals is still not bad though ;) Sure it's less than Brazil had hoped for, but most countries are satisfied if they end up there.

Haha :p
At least our TV is safe. We wouldn't throw a HD TV in a loss, would we? :P

That would be a waste.

You guys aren't used to losing are you? I heard this was only the 15th loss for the Brazilian team XD
Not really. With five world cups, some think that it's our obligation to win every cup. We have to try to win, of course. But some have to realise - you can't win everything.

And maybe it was our 15th loss in a world cup. We had only 6 losses with Dunga as our coach. And that 6th one came at the worst time possible. :(

Yes it was probably WC losses. Now that I think about it... maybe it's not that impressive since Italy and Germany must have only a few losses more so far =/


Yep, Italy has 15 losses too and Germany is at 20.

At 7/5/10 09:35 AM, Auz wrote: Finally here they are: Sir-Nuts replies from two weeks ago, part 1
Read, but postponed to tomorrow, possibly. :P

Okay, but don't expect quick replies from me ;)

At 7/6/10 04:29 AM, Auz wrote: Today is my 21st birthday!
At 7/8/10 04:45 PM, Auz wrote: Yep yep. Today I became a forum moderator.
What a month, right?

Now to cherry the cake, Netherlands beating Spain!

You might even say: "What a week!"

I'm happy with them getting to the finals already, but winning it would be fantastic ^^

At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: It's awesome to see the Wi/Ht? turn gold :p
April Fools 2011? Everyone gets modded, the mods are just regular users?

Lol. A good idea. To make it even better, Tom should open up a 'Mod Forum' for all those users ;) Could be hilarious.

I wonder if my most underrated award really had anything to do with me being modded...
You can ask, but we won't tell you :P

Meh. So many things you gotta keep secret when you're a mod.

At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 07:14 AM, Auz wrote:
I'm sure he would have done really well. I can't think of any other coach in history that single handedly managed to bring a second division club among the top teams of Europe.
Well, I wouldn't have said they were that bad in the first place - the face that they've fallen apart now can only be traced as far as teams like Leeds United. They dropped down a massive amount and are only just starting to come back.

Yeah I guess that shows what an influence that guy had. It's still strange though how a club can climb all the way to the top of Europe and then fall back to the 2nd division again. You would say that they would then have the money to keep a good team and attract more good players.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 06:09:17

12,000 saves (got that a bit late) and level 28!
Love dat big knife...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 08:15:12

Congratulations to: -

gamejunkie - 17,000 Blams and Top 150 in Saves
Odyssic - General
thenewbies - 1,000 Blams
sumidiotdude - 7.00 Base Voting Power
Sir-Nuts - 14,000 Saves
vader316 - 26,000 B/P
HeavyTank - 12,000 Saves and Level 28

At 7/9/10 12:29 PM, Fro wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:59 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Glorious days in the Wi/Ht forum; icon moddings everywhere, Auz getting BSS modded, and our favourite dragon getting a job after waiting for so long. Good times indeed.
RohantheBarbarian for review mod!

Hahaha, would be hilarious if on Monday Bahamut and I both got gold aura-related birthday presents.

Not happening for me though, Fromod > Romod :P

At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:59 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:02 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/7/10 07:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: Not bad for 10 minutes and a cup of tea.
Not bad at all :P
I would have done the vocals for it yesterday, but there was an issue with the internet, which took up most of my time and pissed off those around me. Perhaps I'll have a chance tonight, or over the weekend... mind you, I'm off to a wedding.
No rush man; converting the masses and progressing the revolution takes time and patience :P
It'll be Sunday at the earliest - cleaning the car took a lot longer than expected.

No worries man.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 09:47:35

Level 31 on Robot Day!!

I love hunting for Blam points!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 11:02:22

Alternative Character Battle TF2 Edition - Battle 3: Medic vs Sniper vs Spy

Happy Robot Day!

Listening to:

Equilibrium - Rekreatur

Thanks to:


At 7/9/10 08:39 AM, TehSlapHappy wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm tempted to change my aura just to spite you. :P
My head would implode because I only seen you as Light. I think I would cry. :(

Hahaha, look what you made me do yesterday. This is what happens when people say to me "I'm too used to seeing you with light aura." or "Evil aura will look weird on you."

That would be awesome.
The revolution would come full circle.

We're far from reaching the end.

At 7/9/10 08:59 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: The big announcement comes tonight! And no, it's not to do with the TF2 Character Battle, even though the Engineer Update is up tonight (HOLY SHIT)! You know what really sucks right now? I'm torn apart between Monkey Island 2 remake and TF2 for Engineer Update. Damn you Valve and LucasArts!
Well as it turns out it is indeed awesome news. And yeah, having to choose between 2 games like that is awful lol.

Well, it might be a little easier. I'm having doubts on whether being a Spy to counter the Engineer rush will do much right now. I've already got all except one item so I'm happy enough. If the Engineer rush turns out to be hectic, I can easily focus on Monkey Island 2 or any games I might get for my birthday.

At 7/9/10 12:29 PM, Fro wrote:
At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: And that's why the majority hate that guy. I never enjoyed his flashes at all and I still don't like them. Oh well, at least we don't have to worry about IWP anymore. The Star Syndicate on the other hand...
I have a feeling that I'm going to be the icon mod that does the people nobody wants to do.

Someone's got to do it sooner or later.

At 7/9/10 02:34 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: And to think everyone weeped at Broken Saints.
Oh yes, Broken Saints. I still haven't figured out if that had any real plot or what. I never really made it though the series completely.

It made more sense later on. The problem with Broken Saints was how slow it was for the first half which doesn't make it very accessible. However, I had to watch through it and found the time I took to watch through it to be worth it.

At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: Oh noes! Bahamut turned evil :o

Run and hide everyone!

It's OK, I'm back to light now but remember this: I've changed my aura to evil before and I'll do it again to fuck with people's minds. >:)

At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not that there's anything too wrong with furries. Bestiality, however, is undoubtedly wrong! And no, I'm not implying that all furries are into bestiality.
There is a thin line between furries and bestiality in my opinion.

I know a few furries who are against bestiality. Then again, it's hard to say about the rest of them...

Yes, and very painful probably.
Probably? I'd sure it's certain.
I never tried it myself XD

Never going to either.

It'd be an epic death for sure but we can't let that happen to you.

We Wi/Ht?'ers have every right to nominate for whoever so no-one can accuse us of anything, unless alts were used.
Yes you are right there. And I suppose it is quite logical that Wi/Ht? regulars tend to vote a lot for Wi/Ht? regulars. I mean, we know each other a lot better than we know general users.

Exactly! We're a smaller community but stronger at the same time. We know each other very well while there's loads of General regulars and only a few of them are recognisable and most of them happen to be Stickam regulars. :P

Yeah, and as a result, I only really used Meltdown and Aura but they were really good for the Junction system.
Yeah Meltdown was the best spell for Vitality, I believe it even surpassed Ultima on that stat. Aura was very good for almost anything.

I can't remember what was good for what but I knew they were very helpful for a boost in stats.

You know, I hardly drew magic from battles which is why I never had an issue with drawing but I didn't like how you had to wait a long time for some draw points to recharge.
I suppose you simply kept it at refining items and using draw points then?

Yeah, those were my methods of getting magic from the game.

Doing it that way was a lot more effective indeed, but you often needed some luck before the enemies dropped the items you wanted.

I just kept fighting and fighting. As a result, I was at level 100 by the time I got to Ultimecia's Castle.

It must happen! He went to E3 and now it's time for him to go to Japan and witness his horror.
Yes I am certain it's going to be hilarious if he did. He should go to a game convention with loads of crazy Japanese shit. I bet he'll go berserk :p

I can't wait for it to happen but someone needs to think of a way to get him there. I bet if someone said to Spoony "Congratulations! You have won tickets to this gaming convention in Japan.", he would refuse.

At 7/8/10 05:32 PM, reverend wrote: ITT: Wi/Ht Moderator Lounge
Indeed. Soon this will be the new mod forum ;)

Does this apply to icon mods as well or must the whole lounge be gold to satisfy you?

At 7/9/10 06:04 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: So what's my big announcement for this week? I finally got a job!
Very nice, congrats!
Also, nice to see you again with an evil aura. :P

Too bad it didn't last long.

I bet you haven't even tried it.
Why should I try something that is impossible?

Why not do the impossible?

Not if you have sensitive skin like I have.
What is it that burns your skin? The amount of salt in the water?

I have eczema and that with salty water is a bad mix. You think Manowar and good don't mix, this is a much much worse.

Fair enough, there can be Wadolf and Bahamut. Newgrounds shall be a better place.
Wadolf summoning his Zombies and Bahamut finishing off the remains with a Mega Flare. Scary thought.

You should have already feared Wadolf beforehand and I'm only the icing on the cake.

At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/5/10 07:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: You know, I see so many people going "OMG VIDEO GAMES FORUM". :(
And yet they don't get banned over that. =/

I can't be sure on whether they do get banned or not.

Yes because no-one likes the Scout.
I actually played Scout a couple of days ago, and I failed miserably, since my computer is running TF2 slower and slower everyday. :(

I blame the updates. I know more and more stuff get added to the game but surely there's a way to give it better performance for older computers.

As for being a Scout, I mostly play as him in 2fort if I have a good shot at capturing the intelligence.

Nah, beaches are great. And computers and beaches don't get along, unfortunately.

I guess it's just how I was raised - I go to the beach every summer for 16 years, and I can stay there for hours straight without getting bored. :)

I don't understand you humans. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 11:03:34

At 7/9/10 08:58 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Technology rants, I'll say a few things but won't make a series on. As for movie reviews, just leave it to those who know so much about movies such as Doug Walker of That Guy With the Glasses. I'm just a casual viewer for movies. I just want to talk more about metal albums since I have so many albums and so much to talk about.
Fair enough. Actually it's quite coincidence because someone I know keeps negatively reviewing Sister Sin (which apparently is a metal group; I don't listen to any metal at all), and lately he's been criticizing someone who thinks otherwise. I have absolutely no knowledge on the matter.

I looked up Sister Sin on MA but only see one review. I've never even heard of Sister Sin so I don't know whether they're bad or not. As for that person who keeps criticising others for different opinions, shame on them. From the few reviews I've made, it doesn't bother me if someone likes the album more or less than I do. I've had some criticism for making a negative review for Helloween's Unarmed. Well, the criticism was only on Last.fm.

At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Don't forget Timmy. He won Most Underrated with you and he's a BBS mod. However, we can't say anything to those who won Most Underrated before us.
Ah yes, how could I forget Timmy. Perhaps he will forgive me... or just ignore me, for that matter.

If there's any hate between you two, I will cry.

Haha, I sure hope the Fulps do something soon then.
They're running out of time... and so is Phantom :P

Meh, Phantom's been gone for a long time so it's his loss.

Oh, oh, here's a real challenge: Search for Manowar Rule 34. Yes, I went there!
Yes, and the search results were thoroughly predictable.

What? You actually looked that up?!

At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: It's awesome to see the Wi/Ht? turn gold :p
April Fools 2011? Everyone gets modded, the mods are just regular users?

That's kinda been done before where the BBS listed EVERYONE as admins. They did that twice in a row. I think it was 2006 and 2007 when it happened.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 11:13:43


36,000 Medal Points

Listening To:

Listen to my beautiful vocals. :P

Fro says GO TEAM BEAR while saying Congrats To:

gamejunkie: 17,000 Blams, Top 150 in Saves
Odyssic: General
thenewbies: 1,000 Blams
sumidiotdude: 7.00 VP
Sir-Nuts: 14,000 Saves
vader316: 26,000 B/P
HeavyTank: 12,000 Saves, Level 28
juansolous: Level 31


At 7/9/10 02:34 PM, reverend wrote:
We? Sounds like you got brainwashed, sparky. But yes he is still popular with the young disgruntled crowd who frequent Hot Topic, so he might not disappear anytime soon.

Oh jesus... it seems that I have somehow attached myself to his submissions since I've done his icons. I didn't see this side effect coming. :(

It's not a bad idea considering that he is from India (or at least his email domain is) and the dollar he earns is much stronger than the Indian Rupee. So technically, he is making a killing. Whether game creator should just submit generic games for the sake of revenue each day is a pointy one. I so believe a game maker should profit from their works, but not take advantage of it like Game2dress and Game2rule does.

I think most of the time they don't actually make these games, but instead buy them through sponsorship or buy them right out for about 100 dollars a piece. Then they go and make 10 times that through ad profits throughout a year.

Oh god, this is a great idea. Reverend for BBS mod. :)
30 day bans for capitalizing my username. >:)

I had to silly. It was a beginning of a sentence.

At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: Oh noes! Bahamut turned evil :o

Looks like he's calmed down now.

At 7/9/10 08:58 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
Same distance? I don't see why a football player would need to run several miles. But yeah, it's a good thing we have our little sexy uniforms to run in. The body can heat up pretty fast.

You guys would run the distances at once while we would run them over a 3 hour time period during plays and sprints.

At 7/10/10 08:15 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
Hahaha, would be hilarious if on Monday Bahamut and I both got gold aura-related birthday presents.

Not really hilarious, but instead an intelligent move.

At 7/10/10 10:52 AM, Odyssic wrote: Hmm... Robot day?

It's only been advertised for more than a month. :P

I forgot my random icon of the day last time.

Random Icon Of The Day

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 12:32:57

At 7/10/10 05:33 AM, Auz wrote: Achievement of the Day
vader316: 26,000 BP

It's still a long road towards EGSC, but you're getting there. Keep it up!

Yea I know. I am in it for the long hall. Only 3958 BP away. I think I get it by next month or sooner. Depending on how much I can get in a week.

"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson

Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 13:51:48

At 7/10/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/9/10 06:04 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: So what's my big announcement for this week? I finally got a job!
Very nice, congrats!
Also, nice to see you again with an evil aura. :P
Too bad it didn't last long.

You can always change back.

I bet you haven't even tried it.
Why should I try something that is impossible?
Why not do the impossible?

Because it's impossible?

Not if you have sensitive skin like I have.
What is it that burns your skin? The amount of salt in the water?
I have eczema and that with salty water is a bad mix. You think Manowar and good don't mix, this is a much much worse.

Oh, I see. I'm glad I don't have any problems with my skin apart from getting razor burns and sun burns very easily. But at least there are lotions that help me to get rid of those/prevent those burns.

Fair enough, there can be Wadolf and Bahamut. Newgrounds shall be a better place.
Wadolf summoning his Zombies and Bahamut finishing off the remains with a Mega Flare. Scary thought.
You should have already feared Wadolf beforehand and I'm only the icing on the cake.

I HAVE feared Wadolf before, but not too much.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 14:21:43

30,000 medal points

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 15:01:55

Well I reached Police Lieutenant and im pretty sure I am in the top 5,000 B/P but won't find out till later.The part that really amazes me is it took me 2 weeks when police officer to police Sergent took 4 months

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 15:31:15

20,000 Medal Points!

In your face Gandhi!

Rev is enjoying Robot Day with some Bender flair; Congrats to:
Oydssic - General
thenewbies - 1,000 Blams
sumidiotdude - 7.00 Base VP
Sir-Nuts - 14k Saves
vader316 - 26k B/P
HeavyTank - 12k Saves and Level 28
juansolous - Level 31
Fro - 36k Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 30k Medal Points


At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: ...Or can you?

I've been banned for three days when I posted that in here, the Wi/Ht. Not only that, but the moderator who banned me re-posted nearly exactly what I had just posted.

I guess someone was moody that day.

"Everyone's a jerk. You, me, this jerk..."

Hey, what's the difference between LeBron and Saturn?

Hmm ... one has rings and one doesn't?

"Is the Space Pope reptilian!?"

At 7/10/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Does this apply to icon mods as well or must the whole lounge be gold to satisfy you?

"Yeah, well... I'm gonna go build my own moderator lounge, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the lounge!"

At 7/10/10 11:13 AM, Fro wrote: I had to silly. It was a beginning of a sentence.

I know, but it reminded me how people often capitalize mid-sentence. A minor peeve of mine. :P

"Hey, look! The suns are setting! I can finally switch to hard liquor!"

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-10 21:20:50

Played a lot of Mahjong and Minesweeper today. At least I'm good at one them. Happy Robot Day! Congrats to:
gamejunkie - Top 150 Protector
Rabid-Animals - 1500 Blams
sumidiotdude - 7 Base Voting Power
Sir-Nuts - 14k Saves
vader316 - 26k B/P
HeavyTank - 12k Saves and Level 28
juansolous - Level 31
Fro - 36k Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 30k Medal Points
domo48 - Police Lieutenant
reverend - 20k Medal Points

At 7/10/10 11:03 AM, Bahamut wrote: I looked up Sister Sin on MA but only see one review. I've never even heard of Sister Sin so I don't know whether they're bad or not. As for that person who keeps criticising others for different opinions, shame on them. From the few reviews I've made, it doesn't bother me if someone likes the album more or less than I do. I've had some criticism for making a negative review for Helloween's Unarmed. Well, the criticism was only on Last.fm.

I feel lame for not knowing a single song on that album, or any Helloween song at all for that matter. I do agree though that it's wrong and pointless to criticize an opinion. If we all had the same opinion, there would be no need to review.

At 7/10/10 11:13 AM, Fro wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:58 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
Same distance? I don't see why a football player would need to run several miles. But yeah, it's a good thing we have our little sexy uniforms to run in. The body can heat up pretty fast.
You guys would run the distances at once while we would run them over a 3 hour time period during plays and sprints.

Ah, that would make sense. I don't play much football, but I'm pretty sure it's running in short bursts like some events in track.Of course in track we don't have to hold something while we run or wear padding.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 00:17:30

General question to everyone: do you have an alt? If so, did you have to create a "real" e-mail to sign it up or could you create one of those temporary ones?

Robot Day hasn't been ALL of what I was expecting. There have been some nice submissions, but I think not everyone was that aware of it. I've seen some submissions "made in a few hours", which could have been great. And no flashes from MindChamber so far. =/

Listening to:
Foo Fighters - The Colour And The Shape

Congrats to:
vader316 - 26,000 B/P -- Back off, BACK OFF! :(
HeavyTank - 12,000 Saves + Level 28
juansolous - Level 31
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 30,000 Medal Points
domo48 - Police Lieutenant
reverend - 20,000 Medal Points
EJR - Level 23

Thanks to:

At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/5/10 04:50 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to launch a new list...
Awesome list, nice job. I plan on joining it in some distant date. :P
Cool, I look forward to it.

Keep looking then - I don't expect writing many reviews soon enough. :P

LA's out of the talks. My money is firmly back with the Devils.
...And LA is back in the talks. I haven't heard anything on the Islanders' or on the Devil's side, though.
And for the lulz, LA is reportedly out again.

Meh, he'll just end up without a team then. What a prick. >:(

At 7/10/10 05:33 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/9/10 06:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/5/10 08:16 AM, Auz wrote: Lol XD

I'll never let you hear the end of it until Brazil beats Holland again ;)
Sure, I guess we won't talk about it for a pretty long time then. :P

Have you ever seen A Clockwork Orange? Imagine something like that, but with Holland - Brazil over and over and over again ;)

Heh, unfortunately not yet. But I've seen that scene a few times already... and NO, I cannot stand watching Felipe Melo stomping Sneijder again! :(

You know, I think he only played decently when he was in Manchester United. He isn't that much of a player, in my opinion. He just has a prettier face than the majority.

I mean, look at this guy! How can he become a superstar? :P
Yeah I think his popularity among women is mostly what helped him become a superstar. At Man Utd he was okay, but still a whiner. I think the only time I liked him was when he still played at Sporting Lisbon and was just about to make his major breakthrough.

I only kept up with him when he was already in Manchester Utd. so I don't know much about his carer on Portugal. He must have been a really great player back then, though, since he was hired by one of the most important football clubs.

At 7/3/10 06:49 AM, Auz wrote:
No I wouldn't blame a particular player, although Melo wasn't playing the best match in his career ;)
Exactly. Thinking over this again, he played really well, actually.

Against Brazil. >:(
Lol :p Yeah one own goal and one red card... I bet he didn't sleep well that night.

Yeah, he might have been thinking - "Man, what am I going to say when I get home?"

PS: He wasn't really well received in his arrival here. Talk about a bunch of bodyguards around him + people willing to throw things at him. :P

This is what my mother said while we were watching the game - "We need a 2-0 before half time, then things will get more controlled." But we didn't put more pressure after the goal, much on the contrary, we fell back! Hey, it's a quarter-finals match, it's do or die! Don't hold back! :(
Yep, I guess they were going for the "make a quick 1-0 and keep defending" strategy. Doesn't work against Holland, you gotta prevent them from getting in control instead. I think Spain might be able to do that, but Holland might be able to do the same to Spain.

Yeah, that's an issue. You can play defensively against an offensive powerhouse that is Holland, Germany, Spain etc... You have to attack more and more, expose their defences to risks. It's how you usually win a match - attacking.

The final is probably gonna be interesting. Might come down to which team is more efficient, and so far that team has been Holland.

I hope so. I really don't want Spain to win this one.

They have the octopus on their side, though. =(

And now there is the coach issue. Dunga was "fired', along with all the coaching department. Who will take this pineapple?
Yeah it's always hard to bring a team back to the top when they performed like that. Just look at France. Although quarter-finals is still not bad though ;) Sure it's less than Brazil had hoped for, but most countries are satisfied if they end up there.

Sure, but it's that "we have to win everything" spirit. Also, he was really contested for not bringing Ronaldinho and some other younger players that could've made a difference.

But it's that same old story: if they win, they're heroes. If they lose, they're villains. No one would be saying anything if we hadn't lost that match.

Haha :p
At least our TV is safe. We wouldn't throw a HD TV in a loss, would we? :P
That would be a waste.

And hey, due to that TV, my dad is thinking of buying a PS3, since it's also a Blu-Ray player. Isn't that great? ^^

And maybe it was our 15th loss in a world cup. We had only 6 losses with Dunga as our coach. And that 6th one came at the worst time possible. :(
Yes it was probably WC losses. Now that I think about it... maybe it's not that impressive since Italy and Germany must have only a few losses more so far =/


Yep, Italy has 15 losses too and Germany is at 20.

Remembering that we have 15 losses, but we are the only country that has been to all the world cups. :)

At 7/5/10 09:35 AM, Auz wrote: Finally here they are: Sir-Nuts replies from two weeks ago, part 1
Read, but postponed to tomorrow, possibly. :P
Okay, but don't expect quick replies from me ;)

Sure, no problem.

What a month, right?

Now to cherry the cake, Netherlands beating Spain!
You might even say: "What a week!"

...And hopefully the rest of the month as well. ^^

I'm happy with them getting to the finals already, but winning it would be fantastic ^^

I'd be happy for them too. Anyone but Spain, please.

At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I wouldn't have said they were that bad in the first place - the face that they've fallen apart now can only be traced as far as teams like Leeds United. They dropped down a massive amount and are only just starting to come back.
Yeah I guess that shows what an influence that guy had. It's still strange though how a club can climb all the way to the top of Europe and then fall back to the 2nd division again. You would say that they would then have the money to keep a good team and attract more good players.

We have a few similar cases here as well. The are two clubs that I remember that won the national title in the 80s with a pretty great squad, but are on the 3rd division now. I guess time really makes a difference in sports...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 00:18:41

At 7/10/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:59 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Well as it turns out it is indeed awesome news. And yeah, having to choose between 2 games like that is awful lol.
Well, it might be a little easier. I'm having doubts on whether being a Spy to counter the Engineer rush will do much right now. I've already got all except one item so I'm happy enough. If the Engineer rush turns out to be hectic, I can easily focus on Monkey Island 2 or any games I might get for my birthday.

Well, I've seen team with up to 8 engies at a certain point. Talk about impenetrable defences and a happy Spy. ^^

At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I actually played Scout a couple of days ago, and I failed miserably, since my computer is running TF2 slower and slower everyday. :(
I blame the updates. I know more and more stuff get added to the game but surely there's a way to give it better performance for older computers.

I'd love to see a "low-resolution / high-resolution" setting in those games. I wouldn't mind the graphics that much, I just want a steady performance! :(

As for being a Scout, I mostly play as him in 2fort if I have a good shot at capturing the intelligence.

Me too. I'd rather play Scout on emptier servers as well, like in a 2x2 battle. Imagine loads of bats and "NEED A DISPENSER HERE" shouts. :P

Nah, beaches are great. And computers and beaches don't get along, unfortunately.

I guess it's just how I was raised - I go to the beach every summer for 16 years, and I can stay there for hours straight without getting bored. :)
I don't understand you humans. :P

Hey, we humans just like beaches, that's nothing abnormal. =P

And hey, not everything is perfect about beaches. I've been burnt badly by a jellyfish once, aside from various minor burns. It's a pretty awful feeling, it feels like touching something really hot, but not being able to cool it down.

And you cant scratch it either, since it'll only spread the burning venom more and more. I did that once, never to be done again. =(

At 7/10/10 03:31 PM, reverend wrote: "Everyone's a jerk. You, me, this jerk..."

Quote get fail - where's this one from? =(

Hey, what's the difference between LeBron and Saturn?
Hmm ... one has rings and one doesn't?

Exactly! They're both big and full of gas, although one has rings and the other one doesn't. ^^

"Is the Space Pope reptilian!?"

Surely from Futurama...

...dammit. =(

At 7/9/10 08:58 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Ah, that should be a pain to do. Although there are quite a lot of inactive users and users that don't log every day, so it shouldn't take that long...
It's not that bad. I just have to check every user who gets a number of logs that equal the amount of days since the last update plus or minus one. Most of them miss a log.

Right then. How long does it take to make the entire list, anyway?

I'm usually busy during lunch so I wouldn't have time. It's easy at night because all I do is watch TV and play online games.
Since I'm on vacation now and I don't do much the entire day, I'll just do it whenever I'm available.
That'll be me in about two weeks. I'm heading off to Puerto Rico and I don't want to think about the internet much while I'm there.

Well, will you have internet connection there, at least? Try to deposit, at least. You might regret it later. =P

At 7/10/10 09:20 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: Played a lot of Mahjong and Minesweeper today. At least I'm good at one them.

Which one? I like them both, and I'm pretty good at Minesweeper, but I tend to fail a Mahjong game sometimes...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 00:24:16

Robot Day was not good for my B/P Ratio. I did'nt change my voting style at all, and voted 0 on a number of submissions. But alas, the final results for the day were woeful.

Blams: 17005 (+1 since last log)
Saves: 13700 (+56 since last log) (As per NGLogs.)

That is without a doubt the worst B/P ratio day I have ever had on NG.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 00:47:00

12k medal points.

This is really low in comparison to some of the people who posted earlier today.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 05:14:42

10,000 Reviews

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 05:45:01

Having learned to tie a Windsor Knot, Coop changes his profile pic, before congratulating:
HeavyTank: 12,000 Saves; Level 28
juansolous: Level 31
Fro: 36,000 Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 30,000 Medal Points
reverend: 20,000 Medal Points. Damn, you beat me :(
EJR: Level 23
sixflab: 12,000 Medal Points
Molotov / illuminate: 10,000 Reviews (Total); Pentalisted. Awesome.

At 7/10/10 05:33 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: It's awesome to see the Wi/Ht? turn gold :p
April Fools 2011? Everyone gets modded, the mods are just regular users?
Lol. A good idea. To make it even better, Tom should open up a 'Mod Forum' for all those users ;) Could be hilarious.

The funny thing would be when that forum gets deleted on April 2nd and everyone loses those posts :P

I wonder if my most underrated award really had anything to do with me being modded...
You can ask, but we won't tell you :P
Meh. So many things you gotta keep secret when you're a mod.

And you don't know half of what I keep secret, because I'm a Review Mod :P

At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 07:14 AM, Auz wrote:
I'm sure he would have done really well. I can't think of any other coach in history that single handedly managed to bring a second division club among the top teams of Europe.
Well, I wouldn't have said they were that bad in the first place - the face that they've fallen apart now can only be traced as far as teams like Leeds United. They dropped down a massive amount and are only just starting to come back.
Yeah I guess that shows what an influence that guy had. It's still strange though how a club can climb all the way to the top of Europe and then fall back to the 2nd division again. You would say that they would then have the money to keep a good team and attract more good players.

They did, but the problem was, they didn't have a successful manager after he left.

At 7/10/10 11:03 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Don't forget Timmy. He won Most Underrated with you and he's a BBS mod. However, we can't say anything to those who won Most Underrated before us.
Ah yes, how could I forget Timmy. Perhaps he will forgive me... or just ignore me, for that matter.
If there's any hate between you two, I will cry.

Hate? Nah, we're still friends - we pass like ship in the night, which is a shame.

Haha, I sure hope the Fulps do something soon then.
They're running out of time... and so is Phantom :P
Meh, Phantom's been gone for a long time so it's his loss.

Indeed. 2-3 more days and he's toast.

Oh, oh, here's a real challenge: Search for Manowar Rule 34. Yes, I went there!
Yes, and the search results were thoroughly predictable.
What? You actually looked that up?!

Yeah - what was there to fear, I knew they were gay anyway.

At 7/11/10 12:17 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: General question to everyone: do you have an alt? If so, did you have to create a "real" e-mail to sign it up or could you create one of those temporary ones?

I have an alt, it is signed up with another of my email accounts.

At 7/10/10 02:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/9/10 06:56 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/5/10 04:50 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to launch a new list...
Awesome list, nice job. I plan on joining it in some distant date. :P
Cool, I look forward to it.
Keep looking then - I don't expect writing many reviews soon enough. :P

I'll wait then :P

LA's out of the talks. My money is firmly back with the Devils.
...And LA is back in the talks. I haven't heard anything on the Islanders' or on the Devil's side, though.
And for the lulz, LA is reportedly out again.
Meh, he'll just end up without a team then. What a prick. >:(

Devils will take him. No questions.

At 7/11/10 12:24 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Blams: 17005 (+1 since last log)
Saves: 13700 (+56 since last log) (As per NGLogs.)

That is without a doubt the worst B/P ratio day I have ever had on NG.

I managed 2 Blams and I was out of the loop for the most part of the day.

Clock Day 2008 was awful for ratio - No Blams; ~950 Saves

Once I get home, a better picture of the tie-clad Coop will appear, I promise.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 06:07:27

Guys, I will be going on a trip to Londen tomorrow and will be back on Sunday next week. I might have internet at the place I'm staying, but I have no idea if it's reliable or not. So I might hop around every now and again, but don't expect any massive catch-ups or congrats list from me in the upcoming week.

Also don't bother contacting me about any forum/icon issues (unless it can wait).

Achievement of the Day
illuminate: 10,000 Total Reviews

That is an almost legendary achievement man (although 10,000 flash reviews would be even more legendary) :p I'm looking forward on seeing you pentalisted on the pentalist.

Congrats to:
domo48: Police Lt
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 30,000 Medal Points
juansolous: Level 31
HeavyTank: 12,000 Saves, Level 28
reverend: 20,000 Medal Points
EJR: Level 23

At 7/10/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/9/10 03:56 PM, Auz wrote: Oh noes! Bahamut turned evil :o

Run and hide everyone!
It's OK, I'm back to light now but remember this: I've changed my aura to evil before and I'll do it again to fuck with people's minds. >:)

What is this mind-fuckery about anyway?

At 7/8/10 08:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not that there's anything too wrong with furries. Bestiality, however, is undoubtedly wrong! And no, I'm not implying that all furries are into bestiality.
There is a thin line between furries and bestiality in my opinion.
I know a few furries who are against bestiality. Then again, it's hard to say about the rest of them...

I don't suppose most of them are really practicing bestiality in real life, but maybe they're thinking about it.

I never tried it myself XD

Never going to either.
It'd be an epic death for sure but we can't let that happen to you.

No it would be the lamest death I've ever had.

Yes you are right there. And I suppose it is quite logical that Wi/Ht? regulars tend to vote a lot for Wi/Ht? regulars. I mean, we know each other a lot better than we know general users.
Exactly! We're a smaller community but stronger at the same time. We know each other very well while there's loads of General regulars and only a few of them are recognisable and most of them happen to be Stickam regulars. :P

Haha well I heard the number of true Stickam regulars that won awards this year is actually pretty low. About as much as the number of Wi/Ht?-ers Gagsy said (although I'm not sure if Gagsy can be trusted).

I suppose you simply kept it at refining items and using draw points then?
Yeah, those were my methods of getting magic from the game.

Like I said it were the most time efficient methods. You could also refine cards for it, but that method was even lamer and more time consuming than drawing (unless you went to someone with very good cards).

Doing it that way was a lot more effective indeed, but you often needed some luck before the enemies dropped the items you wanted.
I just kept fighting and fighting. As a result, I was at level 100 by the time I got to Ultimecia's Castle.

I gotta say that I did like the level up system a lot. In other FF's the game often stalled when you got to a boss fight (or the final boss) because your level wasn't high enough to beat him. In FF8 you could just keep on going in the game.

Yes I am certain it's going to be hilarious if he did. He should go to a game convention with loads of crazy Japanese shit. I bet he'll go berserk :p
I can't wait for it to happen but someone needs to think of a way to get him there. I bet if someone said to Spoony "Congratulations! You have won tickets to this gaming convention in Japan.", he would refuse.

Yeah someone needs to convince him how good this idea is. Maybe he would want to go for the sake of 'having seen more of the world' and maybe he will agree that it could make some awesome videos.

At 7/8/10 05:32 PM, reverend wrote: ITT: Wi/Ht Moderator Lounge
Indeed. Soon this will be the new mod forum ;)
Does this apply to icon mods as well or must the whole lounge be gold to satisfy you?

Gold alone is still not enough. I want to see almighty pentamods roaming this place.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-11 06:12:04

Part 2.

At 7/11/10 12:17 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/10/10 05:33 AM, Auz wrote: Noooo....

Have you ever seen A Clockwork Orange? Imagine something like that, but with Holland - Brazil over and over and over again ;)
Heh, unfortunately not yet. But I've seen that scene a few times already... and NO, I cannot stand watching Felipe Melo stomping Sneijder again! :(

Sneijder? It was Robben wasn't it? :p

And you should watch A Clockwork Orange, it's awesome.

Yeah I think his popularity among women is mostly what helped him become a superstar. At Man Utd he was okay, but still a whiner. I think the only time I liked him was when he still played at Sporting Lisbon and was just about to make his major breakthrough.
I only kept up with him when he was already in Manchester Utd. so I don't know much about his carer on Portugal. He must have been a really great player back then, though, since he was hired by one of the most important football clubs.

Well I only know him from when he was still at Sporting Lisbon and played for the Portuguese team. I was like: "hey this guy is pretty amazing". I think back then he didn't overuse those little tricks so much, and he wasn't a complete prick yet.

At 7/3/10 06:49 AM, Auz wrote:
Lol :p Yeah one own goal and one red card... I bet he didn't sleep well that night.
Yeah, he might have been thinking - "Man, what am I going to say when I get home?"

PS: He wasn't really well received in his arrival here. Talk about a bunch of bodyguards around him + people willing to throw things at him. :P

Ai. That's a little much. I mean any player can play a bad game sometimes. It's just unfortunate for him that it was for such an important match.

Yep, I guess they were going for the "make a quick 1-0 and keep defending" strategy. Doesn't work against Holland, you gotta prevent them from getting in control instead. I think Spain might be able to do that, but Holland might be able to do the same to Spain.
Yeah, that's an issue. You can play defensively against an offensive powerhouse that is Holland, Germany, Spain etc... You have to attack more and more, expose their defences to risks. It's how you usually win a match - attacking.

True. It will probably work if you lure them out and go for the counter, but you shouldn't be afraid to take a risk yourself. I mean there is not much use in going into a counter with only one or two people participating.

The final is probably gonna be interesting. Might come down to which team is more efficient, and so far that team has been Holland.
I hope so. I really don't want Spain to win this one.

They have the octopus on their side, though. =(

Me neither. I've already said it several times, they just don't deserve it in my opinion. They played a very average tournament with minimal victories and they even lost to Switzerland.

And yeah that fucking octopus >=|

Yeah it's always hard to bring a team back to the top when they performed like that. Just look at France. Although quarter-finals is still not bad though ;) Sure it's less than Brazil had hoped for, but most countries are satisfied if they end up there.
Sure, but it's that "we have to win everything" spirit. Also, he was really contested for not bringing Ronaldinho and some other younger players that could've made a difference.

But it's that same old story: if they win, they're heroes. If they lose, they're villains. No one would be saying anything if we hadn't lost that match.

Yeah if Dunga won he would be a genius, if Dunga lost he would be a retard. Looking at the whole picture he didn't do that badly, but it might have been a good idea to bring Ronaldinho and Pato along. If it was only to shut-up the media back home.

That would be a waste.
And hey, due to that TV, my dad is thinking of buying a PS3, since it's also a Blu-Ray player. Isn't that great? ^^

Ha yeah. My dad had the same idea once, because a PS3 is cheaper apparently. But he bought a Blu-Ray/Stereo/Hi-Fi/DVD/Tape player type thingie instead.

I'm just sticking to DVD's though, Blu-Ray's are still too expensive in my opinion.

Yes it was probably WC losses. Now that I think about it... maybe it's not that impressive since Italy and Germany must have only a few losses more so far =/


Yep, Italy has 15 losses too and Germany is at 20.
Remembering that we have 15 losses, but we are the only country that has been to all the world cups. :)

That is still impressive.

You might even say: "What a week!"
...And hopefully the rest of the month as well. ^^

Maybe my trip to Londen can bring me much awesomeness.

At 7/11/10 05:45 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/10/10 05:33 AM, Auz wrote: Lol. A good idea. To make it even better, Tom should open up a 'Mod Forum' for all those users ;) Could be hilarious.
The funny thing would be when that forum gets deleted on April 2nd and everyone loses those posts :P

Yeah, but at least they had a little fun with spamming the shit out of a forum for a day.

Also, they should let us mods mess around with it first the days before :p

Meh. So many things you gotta keep secret when you're a mod.
And you don't know half of what I keep secret, because I'm a Review Mod :P

Well I'm an Icon Mod. Me and Bahamut have secrets too >=|

I'm not gonna tell you about the super secret Icon Mod lounge with swimming pools, jacuzzis, minibars, Vietnamese massage chicks and adjustable beach chairs.

At 7/9/10 04:46 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/8/10 07:14 AM, Auz wrote:
Yeah I guess that shows what an influence that guy had. It's still strange though how a club can climb all the way to the top of Europe and then fall back to the 2nd division again. You would say that they would then have the money to keep a good team and attract more good players.
They did, but the problem was, they didn't have a successful manager after he left.

Being solely responsible for the downfall of a club is also an achievement I suppose :p

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature