Part 2
At 6/17/10 08:00 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Lol. So the president is like... promoting the next left party's candidate? :p Yeah that is indeed unfair towards the other parties.
Indeed, and the hole got even bigger in the past months... :(
Our president had to pay some fines due to that (nothing huge, more like a warning). And now, there's the speculation that there are spies among the parties, working for the other party! :O
At least the candidate I'm voting for has nothing to do with that scandal. :)
Lol XD
I'm glad our government doesn't do those sort of things. I wouldn't thrust any of them if they did.
Haha so they're actually on vacation most days of the year? :p
Sort of. I'm afraid most of them won't show up to work during the world cup. They even wanted to vote a project that would extend their vacations during the wc, I think.
Isn't it abusive? =(
Hahaha. Oh well, our government is usually taking holidays as well at this time of year. It's usually the time when absolutely nothing happens in our country and papers just print everything that's slightly interesting XD
Yep. Seems to the case in quite a bunch of countries all across the world actually. Not sure which one of them actually throw people in jail for not showing up, but seems like even in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Australia you will have to vote if you are allowed to.
Come to think of it, I think the same thing happens in here. If you don't vote, then you have to justify why you didn't vote. If you don't justify / don't have an apparent reason to not have voted, then you get a fine. If you don't pay that fine, then I THINK you go arrested, and have to pay a fine when you leave. :P
Yeah, I heard there was a similar system in Belgium. I guess it makes some sense to make people vote since at least you know that when someone has the majority they actually have the majority of the people behind them. Unlike in our country where only 70% or so showed up this time and in Rotterdam only 50% bothered to vote. And then of course those people still complain about politics =/
Lol. Well if I was poor I'd probably take the money as well. I mean there are probably not many fair politicians standing up for the poor people right?
Yeah, but still it's unfair for the ones who don't take it, right?
Yeah it is of course. The poor people should realize it's not gonna make them or the country any better on the long run.
At 3/20/10 09:16 AM, Auz wrote:
And part 2. Just hope I haven't forgotten anything.
And I think I'm going to need a part three, just for your posts. :P
I hope I can keep this within three posts ^^
At 3/16/10 05:40 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Heh, and James Cameron lost the Best Director award to his ex-wife. :P
Imagine what their son would be like?
A super director? At least that's what everyone would expect him to be, but of course he doesn't necessarily have to be very good at directing...
Indeed, but it would be interesting to see if he/she would have skills in doing so. Depends on how he/she would be raised, etc...
Yeah I just hope for him/her that he won't get forced to become a director if he doesn't really want to.
No, no. It's actually supposed to be a sequel to the books. Alice is now 19 instead of 7 and goes back to Wonderland to find out it's been taken over by the Red Queen. I'm just saying some elements Tim Burton added do not fit the books that well. The books are really not that serious you know, so fighting scenes and all that...
There are fighting scenes? O_o
Alice in Wonderland is already a pretty twisted story, and that just turns it weirder. Anyway, I'll have to wait until it's in the DVDs, thus I'll watch it in regular HD, instead of 3D. :)
Yes there are some fighting scenes and it's kinda weird.
I don't know if you should still go see the movie by the way. Now that I've let the movie sink into my mind I'm not sure if it was really that good. It has gotten a lot of criticism and I can't help but agree with most of it. It's alright still, but maybe you should just wait until it's on TV and don't waste too much money on it :p
It's already becoming more and more popular, but it seems to me like the cinema's now have a good excuse to cash in on some extra money. Because for most people it's still new and mindblowing and all that, so they'll go to the cinema anyway.
Indeed, and there are more and more movies coming out in 3D. MILK MORE CASH FROM US, WE'LL TAKE IT. >:(
Although they're also releasing "normal" versions along with them, I think only Alice and Avatar were 3D exclusives in here. Maybe because not all cinemas have the 3D technology, I guess...
Yes a couple of days ago I discovered that a whole shitload of movies are coming out in 3D this year. Harry Potter 7, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Toy Story 3, Shrek 4, a few other animations movies...
The worst thing is: Cinema's here only show the 3D versions of those movies. Or in Toy Story 3's case I could only watch the dubbed version (in dutch) in 2D, which blows >=(
Seriously, I find it enough reason to stop going to the cinema's. I really do not want to pay a few euros extra for that bullshit and if they even want to offer the 2D versions anymore because they're so greedy... >=(
Yeah I wish I could do that as well, but like I said, on the island I live there is not a single cinema. We have to go to Rotterdam which is at least a 20 minutes drive so... it's not like we will just go there if we are bored or something.
...And I just realised that the Netherlands consist of many separate islands. I swear I didn't know about that. :P
Haha I live in the South-West where there are a bunch of (small) islands and peninsulas. But all in all there aren't that many in our country actually. More than in Brazil though.
Yeah it sounds a bit like whining because they're starting to become popular among the masses which die-hard fans don't like. But indeed, as long as their music is still good, why complain?
Yeah, this happens a lot with some bands. Whenever they become popular, they automatically become "sellouts, making music for the money" etc... The same thing happened to Green Day when they released their best known album, "Dookie". But we all know what is Green Day today because of that album...
Although Green Day became pretty shitty lately. Either way, they'll play a concert in here in October, and I should go there. :)
I don't know, I'm not really following Green Day. Although I think they did get a bad image at some point, but that was already a while ago. Is "Dookie" one of their older albums?
And yeah I've heard their concerts were really good as well.
Metallica's concerts are great, not only for the music, but also for the effects. For example, during "One", the stage becomes some kind of battlefield, with a bunch of fireworks for explosions. :)
Haha I heard there's also a lot of pitting and wall of death-ing going on XD
Weird isn't it? The bands that usually play there are bands like The Kaiser Chiefs, Keane, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, The Kooks, but also pop artists like Pink, Amy McDonald, Katy Perry etc.
I'd like to go there one day, then. :P Kaiser Chiefs, Keane, Franz Ferdinand and The Killers are among my favourite bands, I'd wear pink to see them. :P
Lol. You should just go to Europe then. They are really typical festival bands that can be found at almost any European festival during the summer.
It's really not a hardrock or heavy metal festival at all. Although they had Volbeat last year and this year they've managed to get Rammstein =/
Even Rammstein? That's far from being pop... o_O
Yeah I don't know why they decided to go play there. I guess they got a lot of money for it as they were the main act of this year.