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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 11:19:34

06/18/10 11:05 AM
Level 44

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 12:29:12

Rev is hoping for a total implosion of the English team; congrats to:
Yamor - Level 27
Gagsy - 30k Posts!
SpiffyMasta - Gold Whistle
Auz - 62k B/P!
chris-marks - 1,000 Posts and Staff Sergeant
Sir-Nuts - 12k Blams, 13k Saves, Commander, 40k Total Stats, 11.00 Total VP, Top 1,000 in Exp and Top 200 in B/P
vader316 - 17k Saves
Knuckstrike - 1,000 B/P
dawg25043 - 6.66 Total VP
Hacsev - 8,000 Exp
GUTHRIE - Level 44


At 6/17/10 02:42 PM, Gagsy wrote: Here's to 30,000 more? I don't think so.

Somebody has to challenge ZAAL and you're the best person to do it.

At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 5/4/10 12:37 PM, reverend wrote: May the 4th be with you;

Clearly not a Star Wars fan. Too bad I missed out on my other date quote March 4th.

This. What a mess the referee has made. 9th inning, and the guy is SAFE?

I actually think that instant replays should be added after this. And maybe to football as well.

Though as much as I hate that call I don't think we need replay for it. It was just a fluke.

At 6/13/10 04:58 PM, reverend wrote: Rev favorite color is now GREEN; congrats to:

Now, your aura is still light... When are you switching to Neutral? :P

Neva. I was just poking fun at my English friends, though they didn't take notice apparently.

At 6/17/10 12:20 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is ready for Game 7...
So am I. And I have no idea who's going to win this one, but I'm hoping for the Celtics to win.

Yeah me too since I don't partially care for Kobe or Phil Jackson. Alas, Boston just couldn't hold on to the lead in the 4th.

At 6/18/10 09:25 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Twas most fun while it lasted :P

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. . .

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 12:53:42

Holy shit 0.0 Epic catch-up there Sir-Nuts.

If you don't mind I'm not gonna catch-up with you yet. Maybe I'll have to postpone that to next week, because I am a little swamped here at the moment.

Achievement of the Day
Gagsy: 30,000 Posts

You know, yesterday I saw a topic where people wondered how you would waste your 30,000th post. I was about to bet that you would post it in here, but then the topic got locked. Looks like I was right. Anyway, congrats on this epic milestone ;)

Congrats to:
darksoldier567: Level 11
Yamor: Level 27
SpiffyMasta: Gold Whistle
chris-marks: 1,000 Posts, Staff Sergeant
Sir-Nuts: 12,000 Blams, 13,000 Saves, Level 33, Commander, 40,000 Total Stats, 11.00 VP, Top 1,000 Exp, Top 200 BP
vader316: 17,000 Saves
Knuckstrike: Level 19, Police Sgt.
dawg25043: 6.66 Voting Power
Hacsev: 8,000 Experience
GUTHRIE: Level 44

At 6/17/10 08:43 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/16/10 02:09 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/15/10 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop and Tom Fulp with a can of beans!
Oh so that's what they're holding in the picture.

I had no idea what they were doing there actually, but now I get it after reading Coops newspost.
It's not so obvious for a non-Brit so I'll cut you some slack.

Why? Because Britain is the only place with canned beans?

Possible Liverpool meet?
Liverpool meet?

I'm not UK'er and don't care much for meets in general, so don't expect to see me there. Although I would love to go to the home of The Beatles someday.
I'm sure others will want to go to the home of The Beatles someday as well which is why I think something can be arranged here. However, if I was the one organising it, I'd think it'd be best if I met a NGer beforehand so they can confirm a trustworthy meet. I've never been to meets before so it'll look strange if I arranged one myself.

I suppose you gotta suggest places to go to, places to meet up etc.. Requires some organizing and I agree it might be best if you did it with someone who's more experienced with NG meets.

No but I still have my blue aura and that's what counts! Being a gold dragon would make me much heavier. :P
Yes, but you could be like... Bahamut-ZERO! Or something.
I don't remember Bahamut ZERO being gold or anything.

Ah well, I just meant an upgraded version of Bahamut ;)

I'm hoping I do get it. It'll be a tough competition with Scarab still around but we'll see. If I do win Best Poster, maybe I'll have a happy e-retirement.
You're not gonna retire from posting then are you?
Nah, I'll still post as long as I'm happy here. If I did win Best Poster, I'll know that I've done something right here and shouldn't doubt myself too much.

Oh come on, you have been around here for half a decade, won most underrated twice in a row and are about to get nominated for a third, made it into the Wi/Ht?-members, are (probably) recognized in most forums you regularly visit (and not in a negative way)... No reason to doubt yourself ;)

At 6/17/10 12:21 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/16/10 02:09 PM, Auz wrote: Judging from the first games I'd say Germany are the favorites at the moment. With Spain fucking up and Brazil winning with a lousy 2-1 to North-Korea, Germany have been the only ones to perform good in their first match. Let's just hope they don't peak too early.
Yellow Press already makes them World Champions. I hate that...
Also, Argentina impressed with their second match, so they are back in business. I really hope Greece loses against Argentina and the winner of the match Nigeria - South Korea can go on to the next round. I really don't like Greece. ^^

Yeah, in Holland the press was also blamed for bombing them #1 favorites after their group stage. That might have caused their loss in the quarter-finals against Russia, or so they say.

Argentina impressed in their second match indeed, although they were a bit lucky. Germany... did not impress :p But like I said in the WC topic, they only need a 1-0 victory against Ghana and they'll be group winners.

At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/17/10 07:16 AM, Auz wrote: Anyway, it must've been nice meeting Tom. I don't suppose he goes to Europe often to meet his fans.
Yeah - I wish he'd come back, because it was a great meet, but I missed the Karaoke :(

I keep hearing from everyone that the Karaoke was one of the highlights of that day.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 13:33:18

At 6/18/10 11:01 AM, Fro wrote: Saying Congrats To:
SpiffyMasta: Gold, Just make a couple of abusive reviews with alts on Snow Wars :)

You know that's the only way I got all the way to Gold. Now I'll have to make some on all your other submissions.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 14:07:34

At 6/17/10 08:01 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/28/10 04:24 PM, Haggard wrote: Replies tomorrow, no time today. :(
I wish my replies also came on the day after. :(

Well you just have to work harder on your timing then. :P

At 6/17/10 08:03 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/29/10 02:06 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/28/10 08:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll get it when I'm up to playing it. I have enough games lying around that I've yet to play and Steam is far worse.
Steam is a plague! :P
It is, in some manner... It made my computer crash a few times, including one that it just wouldn't ream the HD anymore...
How this was fixed? My dad punched the side of the computer. REALLY HARD.
And it came back to normal. o_O

Violence is the only language those nasty PCs will understand! >:(

At 4/1/10 04:00 PM, Haggard wrote: But wiki tells me, that in english the word "soli" refers to classical pieces and that "solos" is the anglicised form of the plural. How lame!
Well, not everything is trustworthy on Wikipedia. I usually only look up about artists' discographies and such...

I know that, but I trust them on language things.

At 4/2/10 08:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/2/10 03:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Sure it was. "he caught up on the last posts" = Bahamut talking about me doing catchups to you. #;-}>
He = Sir-Nuts, I think. :P
Indeed it is. And I knew it the whole time, but I never mentioned it... I think I wanted to have you figuring it out by yourselves. :P

Thanks for clearing that up. :)

At 6/17/10 08:32 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/10/10 06:47 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/10/10 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/9/10 05:48 PM, Haggard wrote: Oh yeah, forgot about that. Still, owning a physical copy of a game >>>>> "owning" a game on Steam.
Not if it's so cheap on Steam.
Physical copies always beat the digital copy.
I actually agree with this statement. Physical copies are actually better than digital copies in everything; albums, games, even books nowadays. It just feels "better" to hold a copy in your hands. ^^

That's what I'm saying. :)
I bought a few MP3 albums this year, but somehow it just doesn't feel as if I'm owning a copy of those albums.

I have yet to try Opera. My brother said it isn't very good (and he works with computers, so his words count), but I still haven't downloaded it on this computer. I might try it one day...

And I study business informatics, so my word counts more. :P

At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 5/4/10 12:37 PM, reverend wrote: May the 4th be with you;

German TV interviewed Mr. Lucas. The last question was: "Can you say the most famous quote form the movies, please?" and Lucas replied "May the force be with you."
But the guy who translated it for german TV was really confused and he thought Lucas said "May the 4th, (we'll) be with you" so he translated that. ^^

At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: You rock Sir-Nuts!

You rule Sir-Nuts!

Listening to:
Einherjer - Blot

Oh, yet another band I need to check out.

At 6/17/10 12:21 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/16/10 06:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, he's been focusing more and more on the games themselves these days and hardly anything besides that. I'm guessing he'll have something special in August, though.
A little special from time to time is all right, but there was a time when I felt he focuses more on all the stuff beside reviewing than on reviewing itself.
Ninja Gaiden review is a great example but he does make it related to the video games he reviews, unlike a certain hack out there.

I quite liked the Ninja Gaiden review as he also focused on the game and all the "training" he did was to beat the game. He also found the right mix between game scenes and "training" scenes, imo.

At 6/18/10 12:53 PM, Auz wrote: Argentina impressed in their second match indeed, although they were a bit lucky. Germany... did not impress :p But like I said in the WC topic, they only need a 1-0 victory against Ghana and they'll be group winners.

Looking back now after a few hours I don't blame the team, but I blame the coach.
The team did create some good chances but they where either unlucky or in case of Podolski too selfish (there where two or three situations where he should've just passed the ball but instead he took the shot himself). But I've seen much worse performances from Germany already.
What I blame the coach for is that he didn't react during half time. He should've replaced Badstuber or positioned him somewhere else on the field.
He also should've brought Cacau on for the second half and not when the second half was already half over again.

Well, I hope Podolski doesn't play against Ghana and that the team will show a much better performance.
Problem with Ghana is, that they are so hard to predict. One day they beat every other team, the next day they'll lose against every team...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 14:36:25

Yeehaw ! Level 50 !
And eh ... yeah ... don't have much more to say ^^"
What a whore I am ...

Anyway, thinks have changed since the last time I've been here. I think the only user I remember (from the previous page, I'm a lazy bum ^^) is Bahamut :P

Anyway, have fun :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 16:26:34

Level 25. It looks ok, I guess.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 19:14:32

Well it appears that I'm now unofficially ranked #300 in B/P after having passed Joelasticot about an hour ago. Won't see it on my page till tomorrow though.

At 6/17/10 01:39 PM, Yamor wrote:
At 6/17/10 12:08 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
I kinda see it. I think the feathers are what overdoes it for me. It's not least favorite icon for sure, but I don't why it's level 36 and not something lower. Ah well, such is life.
It is one of my favorites actually. It just has a higher level of detail than most other icons on the site. Not only does it have blood; it has feathers and fur as well.

That it does. It may not be a level 46 or 53, but it's at least moderately thought out. I still don't like it :/

Plus, Native American warriors are just about as badass as they come.

Can't say I disagree with ya on that one, mate. They knew how to live it up, yes they did.

At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote:
What's with the whole "a brighter future and a better life" thing? He sounds like some Eastern European dictator :P
I'm glad I try and blank out his posts most of the time. Shame there's far too much shit on the BBS to even blank out everyone who sucks.

To me, it almost seems like some of the BBS mods encourage users to make short, useless posts. We could use more who set a good example.

At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/18/10 09:14 AM, Hacsev wrote: This means I'm now in the Exp. Updates, right Bahamut?
Yes you will. I noticed Ismael92 is only 6 days away from 8k so he too will enter the next EXP update. Sadly, Rohan will have to wait until the update after for his entry.

He's not the only one. :P

At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/13/10 04:52 PM, Coop83 wrote: Will kill for Blams... anyone?

And make sure to distribute the saves for the masses.
I'm still peeved that I don't have that many Blams - I'm climbing towards the top 50, but it's so infuriatingly slow >:(

It takes me almost a month to get an amount of blams equal to the amount of saves I get in a week. It's a slow climb to say the least. At least you were around during a time when blams were ample.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 19:19:10

You passed 9000 Blams. Impressive!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 19:46:49

Master Sergeant.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 19:54:35

I levelled up the other day, glad not to be black anymore.

Not meant to sound racist, I just don't like my level icon being black when I'm not, it seems... wrong.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-18 21:36:16

8,500 Flash Reviews

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 03:52:32

Coop prepares to run three miles, while congratulating:
Hacsev: 8,000 Experience
GUTHRIE: Level 44
WeirdAlthe3rd: Major
Myst: Level 50
dx5231: Level 25
WilhelmTheVampire: Top 300 B/Per
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 9,000 Blams
Tetimaru000: Master Sergeant
Molotov: 8,500 Reviews (Flash)

After waiting for iTunes to update, listening to:
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again

At 6/18/10 11:01 AM, Fro wrote:
At 6/17/10 01:39 PM, Yamor wrote: See, Coop lied to you. Make him be on bathroom duty. We can also draw sexual images on his face while he sleeps. And give him a mustache. Ooooh this is so exciting :3
Coop's face can be scary enough. :(

Regardless of whether or not I'm scary, I already have a moustache, currently intermingled with my goatee. Gagsy hates it, but most people on Stickam gave it a positive reception :P

At 6/17/10 08:03 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Haven't you had any "apprentice" jobs?
Apprentice jobs? I work the cash register at Sears if that counts.

"Shop smart. Shop S-Mart."

At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: I have none lying around in the house so I'll just have to rely on my memory.
Then Vader has already won.
The death metal band named Vader?

Well... it was a Star Wars quote, but if that Death Metal band was named after the legendary Star Wars character, then what the hell.

At 6/18/10 12:29 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is hoping for a total implosion of the English team

*slow handclaps*

At 6/18/10 12:53 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/17/10 07:16 AM, Auz wrote: Anyway, it must've been nice meeting Tom. I don't suppose he goes to Europe often to meet his fans.
Yeah - I wish he'd come back, because it was a great meet, but I missed the Karaoke :(
I keep hearing from everyone that the Karaoke was one of the highlights of that day.

Karaoke really is a highlight, with these people. I love it.

At 6/18/10 07:14 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm still peeved that I don't have that many Blams - I'm climbing towards the top 50, but it's so infuriatingly slow >:(
It takes me almost a month to get an amount of blams equal to the amount of saves I get in a week. It's a slow climb to say the least. At least you were around during a time when blams were ample.

I think it's something that you can help yourself with, by trying to convince more people to vote 0 or 1 on marginal flash. The balance is there and I personally think that Tom needs to remove the 2 week ban for people that get 2 flash blammed - it only takes out the marginal authors and doesn't stop the real spam, as if it gets blammed, another account submits it.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 04:06:33

99 Luft balloons. No wait, thats not right.

101 Dalmations. Hmmmmm, thats not it either.

30,000 B/P. That sounds about right.
Officially the 172nd EGSC. Thank you linesmen, thank you ball-boys.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 06:00:04

You passed 7000 Experience Points. Good job!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 08:03:15

Congratulations to: -

GUTHRIE - Level 44
WeirdAlthe3rd - Major
Myst - Level 50
dx5231 - Level 25
WilhelmTheVampire - Top 300 in B/P
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 9,000 Blams and 7,000 Experience
Tetimaru000 - Master Sergeant
Molotov - 8,500 Flash Reviews
gamejunkie - Supreme Commander

At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:58 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: That is just as awesome as the Opeth show I went to, if not, BETTER!
Haha, it was amazing all right, first time I've been front row for a gig as well, which made it twice as special.
We weren't right at the front but we were just behind the VIPs. This has made us think we should attend the venues earlier for more shows. Hell, we should get VIP tickets for some bands to meet the band as well as being guaranteed to be right in the front.

Been trying to do the same for ages, closest I've been is meeting 2 of the lads from Sirocco on Monday :P

Speaking of "gamers", that fucker went to E3. There is no god.
Ugh, what so many people wouldn't give to get into E3 and that wanker goes.
Yeah, he doesn't deserve to go at all and whoever invited him to E3 should be ashamed of himself. I just wish he was exposed there, especially for his Tekken 6 scandal. I'm sure that would have intimidated him for life. I want to be nice to as many people as possible but there's nothing to justify this douchebag.

Only hope he gets found out for being a know-nothing dipshit and doesn't get anywhere near E3 again.

At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/18/10 09:14 AM, Hacsev wrote: This means I'm now in the Exp. Updates, right Bahamut?
Yes you will. I noticed Ismael92 is only 6 days away from 8k so he too will enter the next EXP update. Sadly, Rohan will have to wait until the update after for his entry. And yes, I do realise how close you three are to each other in EXP.

Funny enough Hacsev and I were B/P rivals back in 08, but he's completely blown me away ever since lol.At 6/18/10 12:29 PM, reverend wrote:

Rev is hoping for a total implosion of the English team

Looks like you got your wish, brutal game, almost unwatchable.

At 6/18/10 09:25 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Twas most fun while it lasted :P
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. . .

It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?!?!? YOU STUPID MONKEY!!!

Oh and if you haven't seen my post in the discussion thread, vote Auz for Most Underrated, lest a Bahamut vote result in the deaths of any more innocent young dragons.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 11:13:19

Just wanna point out that the voting topic for the midway BBS awards is up :)

Me and Bahamut are nominated for most underrated, Coop for best mod and Bahamut again for best poster. That's about it for the Wi/Ht?-ers this time. Oh and you can also vote viva la revolution! for best thread.

Achievement of the Day
gamejunkie: Supreme Commander (#172)

Awesome! I thought you would get there sooner, but I guess you had some inactivity lately. Congrats though! :)

Congrats to:
Myst: Level 50
dx5231: Level 25
WilhelmTheVampire: Top 300 BP
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 9,000 Blams
Tetimaru000: Master Sergeant
Molotov: 8,500 Flash Reviews
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 7,000 Experience

At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/10 12:53 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah - I wish he'd come back, because it was a great meet, but I missed the Karaoke :(
I keep hearing from everyone that the Karaoke was one of the highlights of that day.
Karaoke really is a highlight, with these people. I love it.

Heh I never joined a Karaoke myself, except for that one time me and some friends played Singstar. I'm a horrible singer though, so I should stay away from them :p

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 11:16:42

Fro is actually excited to go to work tonight while saying Congrats To:

GUTHRIE: Level 44
WeirdAlthe3rd: Major
Myst: Level 50
dx5231: Level 25
WillhelTheVampire: Top 300 in B/P
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 9,000 Blams, 7,000 Experience
Tetimaru000: Master Sergeant
Molotov: 8,5000 Flash Reviews
gamejunkie: 30,000 B/P, Supreme Commander


Cast your vote either in this thread or via a review on which version of my introduction you rather see on the beginning of my future submissions.


I'd appreciate any comments on my Robot Day story. I'm hoping I have a good chance of winning the prize money. :)

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1171 577

It's towards the bottom and of course you can't comment there so if anybody does check it out you can do it here as well.


At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Combo breaker by Fro, lol.

Now I guess the real question is, what's better? A combo breaker that disrupts a 9 post catch up or a combo breaker that is talking about the combo breaker that disrupted a 9 post catch up and never meant to be a combo breaker in the first place. :P

At 6/18/10 01:33 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:
You know that's the only way I got all the way to Gold. Now I'll have to make some on all your other submissions.

Hey, I don't mind. Don't even watch the full submission and give your opinion then!

At 6/18/10 02:36 PM, Myst wrote:
Anyway, thinks have changed since the last time I've been here. I think the only user I remember (from the previous page, I'm a lazy bum ^^) is Bahamut :P

I always assumed that Coop83, Haggard, and Auz where well known around these parts for a long time.

At 6/18/10 07:54 PM, Limited wrote: I levelled up the other day, glad not to be black anymore.

Not until level 10 my friend.

Also, your last name was better.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 12:51:19

You passed 16000 B/P! Congrats!

That's an achievement, I guess.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 13:24:03

im almost lvl 12 and nearly Town Watch!... i know town watch is low

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 13:40:12

Like Auz said, the BBS awards finals are up and myself in Most Underrated? BOOOOOOOOO! However, good to see I'm doing good in Best Poster.

Listening to:

Brocas Helm - Black Death

At 6/18/10 12:29 PM, reverend wrote:
Now, your aura is still light... When are you switching to Neutral? :P
Neva. I was just poking fun at my English friends, though they didn't take notice apparently.

It's all fine by me as I hardly care about how England are doing.

At 6/18/10 12:53 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: It's not so obvious for a non-Brit so I'll cut you some slack.
Why? Because Britain is the only place with canned beans?

Beans are such a British thing.

I'm sure others will want to go to the home of The Beatles someday as well which is why I think something can be arranged here. However, if I was the one organising it, I'd think it'd be best if I met a NGer beforehand so they can confirm a trustworthy meet. I've never been to meets before so it'll look strange if I arranged one myself.
I suppose you gotta suggest places to go to, places to meet up etc.. Requires some organizing and I agree it might be best if you did it with someone who's more experienced with NG meets.

Yeah, whoever has been to a meet before and lives nearby could be of great help to me in this situation. I don't know anyone nearby who's attended these meets, though.

I don't remember Bahamut ZERO being gold or anything.
Ah well, I just meant an upgraded version of Bahamut ;)

Nah, there is Bahamut and Bahamut only.

Nah, I'll still post as long as I'm happy here. If I did win Best Poster, I'll know that I've done something right here and shouldn't doubt myself too much.
Oh come on, you have been around here for half a decade, won most underrated twice in a row and are about to get nominated for a third, made it into the Wi/Ht?-members, are (probably) recognized in most forums you regularly visit (and not in a negative way)... No reason to doubt yourself ;)

I still feel there's a few things I can improve on but for the most part, I know I'm doing something right. Infact, I may be doing something magnificent if I'm supposedly a legend in the NG office. That's what Luis said last night on Stickam and I wonder what I've done to amuse the NG staff.

At 6/18/10 02:07 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Einherjer - Blot
Oh, yet another band I need to check out.

For now, you can enjoy the music video to Iron Bound starring the frontman's awesomely evil looks.

At 6/18/10 02:36 PM, Myst wrote: Anyway, thinks have changed since the last time I've been here. I think the only user I remember (from the previous page, I'm a lazy bum ^^) is Bahamut :P

No love for Coop? I would have thought he'd be someone you would recognise well enough or maybe he wasn't in Wi/Ht? early enough to be around during your active days.

At 6/18/10 07:14 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: Well it appears that I'm now unofficially ranked #300 in B/P after having passed Joelasticot about an hour ago. Won't see it on my page till tomorrow though.

Welcome aboard! :)

At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm glad I try and blank out his posts most of the time. Shame there's far too much shit on the BBS to even blank out everyone who sucks.
To me, it almost seems like some of the BBS mods encourage users to make short, useless posts. We could use more who set a good example.

This is what us Wi/Ht?'ers are here for. This is our revolution for the General forum.

At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes you will. I noticed Ismael92 is only 6 days away from 8k so he too will enter the next EXP update. Sadly, Rohan will have to wait until the update after for his entry.
He's not the only one. :P

True that, you're not too far off either. We'll be seeing you and Rohan in the July update.

At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: The death metal band named Vader?
Well... it was a Star Wars quote, but if that Death Metal band was named after the legendary Star Wars character, then what the hell.

"According to Piotr Wiwczarek, the band's founding singer and guitar player, the band's name was inspired by Darth Vader from the Star Wars film series."

Good enough for me.

At 6/19/10 08:03 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: We weren't right at the front but we were just behind the VIPs. This has made us think we should attend the venues earlier for more shows. Hell, we should get VIP tickets for some bands to meet the band as well as being guaranteed to be right in the front.
Been trying to do the same for ages, closest I've been is meeting 2 of the lads from Sirocco on Monday :P

You actually saw them personally? Nice one!

Yeah, he doesn't deserve to go at all and whoever invited him to E3 should be ashamed of himself. I just wish he was exposed there, especially for his Tekken 6 scandal. I'm sure that would have intimidated him for life. I want to be nice to as many people as possible but there's nothing to justify this douchebag.
Only hope he gets found out for being a know-nothing dipshit and doesn't get anywhere near E3 again.

Some of us are doing their best to expose him but it's not easy. You'd think he would have been noticed there but I guess no-one wanted to cause any disruptions at E3.

Oh and if you haven't seen my post in the discussion thread, vote Auz for Most Underrated, lest a Bahamut vote result in the deaths of any more innocent young dragons.

Indeed, save those poor dragons!

At 6/19/10 11:16 AM, Fro wrote:
At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Combo breaker by Fro, lol.
Now I guess the real question is, what's better? A combo breaker that disrupts a 9 post catch up or a combo breaker that is talking about the combo breaker that disrupted a 9 post catch up and never meant to be a combo breaker in the first place. :P

Yours is better since it was unintentional. I like it when it's not forced.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 13:56:49

You passed 22000 Saves. Way to go!

At 6/19/10 01:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: Like Auz said, the BBS awards finals are up and myself in Most Underrated? BOOOOOOOOO! However, good to see I'm doing good in Best Poster.

Hey, quick question. What can I do to get nominated in these BBS awards?

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 15:55:42

O. as of today 6/19/10 I been on newgrounds for 3 years.

Mortal kombat sprites are Aweshum

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 18:35:42

Rev is beat; congrats to:
WeirdAlthe3rd - Major
Myst - Level 50
WilhelmTheVampire - Top 300 in B/P
Tetimaru000 - Master Sergeant
Molotov - 8,500 Flash Reviews
gamejunkie - 30k B/P and Elite Guard Supreme Commander!
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 7,000 Exp and 9,000 Blams
Rabid-Animals - Top 1,000 in B/P
dx5231 - 16k B/P and Level 25
Hacsev - 22k Saves
EDDDDDDDD - 3 Years on NG


At 6/18/10 07:54 PM, Limited wrote: I levelled up the other day, glad not to be black anymore.

Pity you're French now.

At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: *slow handclaps*

*crescendo applause*

At 6/19/10 08:03 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:

Looks like you got your wish, brutal game, almost unwatchable.

Yeah, I just wanted the US to have a decent chance to advance instead of relying on anyone else. I'm glad Rooney and the guys were able to help out.

At 6/19/10 01:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: It's all fine by me as I hardly care about how England are doing.

There is always Cricket and Dart throwing.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-19 20:16:02

Cross country training is exhausting, but the euphoria of drinking a peach Snapple afterward is just amazing! It's my only incentive to keep running everyday. And the "Real Facts" on the cap aren't bad either.

At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/10 07:14 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: It takes me almost a month to get an amount of blams equal to the amount of saves I get in a week. It's a slow climb to say the least. At least you were around during a time when blams were ample.
I think it's something that you can help yourself with, by trying to convince more people to vote 0 or 1 on marginal flash.

Collectively it would be much easier, but I guess it couldn't hurt to tell a few people alone. If we all tell a few people it could certainly make a difference. Sometimes I fear that some of the voters today don't even watch the submissions and vote anyway. Nobody around here, I'm sure. I for one get more kicks out of watching flash than gaining points.

The balance is there and I personally think that Tom needs to remove the 2 week ban for people that get 2 flash blammed - it only takes out the marginal authors and doesn't stop the real spam, as if it gets blammed, another account submits it.

I didn't even know such a ban existed. It would certainly help to have more genuinely terrible submissions to vote on.

At 6/19/10 01:40 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/18/10 07:14 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: Well it appears that I'm now unofficially ranked #300 in B/P after having passed Joelasticot about an hour ago. Won't see it on my page till tomorrow though.
Welcome aboard! :)

Thanks! Can't wait for the update.

To me, it almost seems like some of the BBS mods encourage users to make short, useless posts. We could use more who set a good example.
This is what us Wi/Ht?'ers are here for. This is our revolution for the General forum.

They need to quit thrashing around in the kiddie pool and get in the jacuzzi, where the grammar is correct, the people are friendly and the women are fine indeed.

At 6/19/10 01:56 PM, Hacsev wrote: Hey, quick question. What can I do to get nominated in these BBS awards?

Well firstly, at least some of the users in the General forum have to know who you are. Then they have to think of you when they see a category, so your general post style should be attention-grabbing in some way. It's a bit too late now though, since the nominations are already posted.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-20 00:30:28

Axe with Fluff Get!

Level 36

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-20 02:21:15

And a few hours ago, I reached 26,000 B/P! More points for the masses!

And a classic post-catch-up line:

"Back to list-making, I suppose"

Congrats to:
- Gold Whistle
Auz - 62,000 B/P
chris-marks - 1,000 Posts + Staff Sergeant + Top 1,000 in B/P
Hacsev - EGSC + 8,000 Exp. points + 22,000 Saves - Sorry for overlooking your EGSC post, I must have been distracted... :(
vader316 - 17,000 Saves
Knuckstrike - Level 19 + Police Sergeant
dawg25043 - 6.66 Total VP
GUTHRIE - Level 44
WeirdAlthe3rd - Major
Myst - Level 50 - Closing on the top 50!
dx5231 - Level 25 + 16,000 B/P
WilhelmTheVampire - Top 300 in B/P
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 9,000 Blams + 7000 Exp. points
Tetimaru000 - Master Sergeant
Molotov - 8,500 Flash Reviews
gamejunkie - EGSC
Rabid-Animals - Top 1,000 in B/P
llarss - Level 12
EDDDDDDDDD - 3 Years on NG
reverend - Level 36

Coop83 (x9!)
Odyssic ( x9!)
RohantheBarbarian (x8!)
Fro (x11!)
reverend (x7!)
Auz (x8!)

Listening to:
Dream Theater - Score

At 6/17/10 07:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Whoa whoa WHOA, what have I been doing? :O

Catching up, of course! ;)

At 6/17/10 09:13 PM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: Sorry, couldn't resist.
The setup was too perfect and the impulse was too great.

Heh, that's OK, I was expecting a combo breaker sooner or later, anyway.

At 6/17/10 09:44 PM, Hacsev wrote: I have Pokemon Silver and Soul Silver and there are lots of differences (besides the pokewalker). The special events, the pokemon that walk with you, battle frontier, a new safari and the pokéathlon. Too bad you can't enter Silph Co. like in Silver.

Hmm, seems like a reason to buy a DS, for me at least. But I don't know now, I'll wait until the end of the year, when bigger things might come...

But no Silph Co? Damn, that was one of my favourite parts in Jotho. There was where I got most of my Pokemons levelled up for the later gyms...

Also, you forgot to congratulate me on reaching SC, Sir-Nuts.

Sorry again. :(

At 6/18/10 02:03 AM, Knuckstrike wrote: I had played over 250 hours with the original Silver, and then there was some dust that ruined my save file.


Heh, I usually keep my cartridge either in the gameboy or in this small protection box. Pretty handy.

At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:01 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Like that crash involving him and Webber, when they were leading the race, but they're both too greedy? :P
Basically, yes. Then a few laps later, when Button caught and passed Lewis and then Lewis burned him back. That's how to do it, Messrs Vettel & Webber

Indeed. And now, McLaren has the driver's and constructor's lead. If they win by a small advantage over RBR... ouch.

Hey, I never mentioned the Avs during the playoffs, though. :( Either way, the Capitals were surprised as well with the Habs, and BLEH, EARLY EXIT.
Well, the merry go round has started up and the Blues are making some noise - Jaroslav Halak will be their #1 goalie next year. Great reward from Les Habs - you were awesome in the playoffs, now off you go to St. Louis.

Heh, poor Halak. :P

I really don't get that move... Are the Habs relying that much in Carey Price? He didn't do that well when Halak got pulled in game 3 (4?), and Halak was still on the rise. He COULD have been this season's best goalie... but really? The Blues?

At 6/17/10 08:03 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Indeed. After I finish the LUL catch up, that thread should be my next goal. All ten pages of it, it will look weird if I double-post-catch-up in there. It's still a hostile territory, I mean. :P
Did you nominate it for best topic? You have until Noon Eastern Time to do so.

Nominated and now voted. Hopefully our takeover in General will take another step with it winning it's category.

At 6/17/10 08:32 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/13/10 04:52 PM, Coop83 wrote: Will kill for Blams... anyone?

And make sure to distribute the saves for the masses.
I'm still peeved that I don't have that many Blams - I'm climbing towards the top 50, but it's so infuriatingly slow >:(

Heh, you and Sentio are putting up a good battle on who'll reach the top 50 first. Still 900ish to go...

Speaking of blams, I think I had over 100 blams this week. Devastating. ;P

CoopMX, son of CoopMXMLXXXIII.

That's a large Roman numeral, btw.
1888 is bigger ;) And, for that matter, so in 1988.

Typo of mine: CoopMMX, not just MX. :P

And yeah, if only you were born 5 years later...

At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/19/10 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches an awesome goaltending clinic from Craig Anderson...
But not enough to stop Pavelski later. :(
Meh - the best team won. We'll be that team in 2-3 years time ;)

I think so. The Avs have a young and talented team, in a couple of years they should be today's Chicago.

So Dick Dastardly is German now, yes? (Schumacher or Vettel?)
I'd say Schumacher, since he's already crashed a couple of times this season. But Vettel is close enough on fuck ups as well. :P
I'd say Vettel - he's tried to pass his teammate, to get ahead of the McLarens in the championship and it backfired so momentously for him.

Yeah, the two main German drivers like to pull a Dick Dastardly... pretty often. :P

Some accents do sound weird - people have commented that I sound like the natives, because I've got a good ear and I can just slip into the accents. Sometimes, that can be scary, especially when I'm in foreign countries.

Accents will always sound weird for someone with a different one. If you get someone in the north and someone in the south in here, it sounds like a different language. Even better, get someone from Portugal. It's like Australia and England, I'd say. :P

At 6/17/10 08:59 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: The 2008 winner for this was a Brazilian priest. Hilarious. Sad, yes, but still HILARIOUS.

http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwi n2008-16.html
Everyone remembers Lawn Chair Larry. This douche took Sat Nav, but didn't know how to work it.

Heh, I had never heard about Lawnchair Larry. :P But his plan was pretty similar to our mad priest, only that his intention with that was a little different...

At 6/9/10 03:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches Steven Strasburg's impressive debut...
Indeed. This makes me have some hopes for the Nationals once again...

Well, we'll see if he's got something when he goes again tonight. 22 Ks in his first 2 starts is pretty good.

Didn't he have 10 more Ks yesterday?

At 6/18/10 09:25 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Mind-boggling catch-up levels detected.


At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Welcome back! It's good to see you around here again!
It's very good to be back :P

I can say the same now. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-20 02:22:22

At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: You rock Sir-Nuts!

Thanks, I guess. ^^

At 6/17/10 07:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: OK, the last time that I posted in here was around March. But I could've caught up here in the middle of April, when I created the .txt file with part of the catch-ups.
It's been March since you last posted here? Wow, it doesn't feel that long for you.

Yeah, although 9 posts feel like it's been a long time...

At 6/17/10 08:01 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/29/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: Speaking of concerts, one week until Opeth. Hell yeah!
And how many weeks until the DVD comes out? :)
No exact date is announced but they said before Christmas so by the time 2010 ends, hopefully you'll all see Opeth playing a magnificent show on DVD as well as spotting me.

Make sure to upload a "Bahamut in Opeth!" video with your greatest moments in there. :P

Despite hating Demomen in general, I think that one of the best TF2 quotes.
I don't hate any TF2 classes but Snipers can be really annoying at times as well as Soldier's crit rockets.

I have roughly 30 minutes as a Demoman. I don't know if it's the fact that he has 2 primary weapons or the sticky-camping or the pipe spamming...

Nothing against crits, although "pro-snipers" that sit way on the back and are "anti-bodyshots" are pretty gay. :P

Indeed, if they ever come in here, I hope they play mostly their older stuff, maybe up to the "For the Sake of Revenge" DVD, it gets blurry for me after that.
Unia wasn't a bad album. It was different but still good. The Days of Grays, though, it feels like a huge step back from all the previous works.

...anyway, Ecliptica > everything. :)

Speaking of which, are you going to hold a mini "non-characters" battle?
I have two special contests planned before the third main contest. The first one should be sometime soon!

Two contests? Nice, but could you hold it only next week and/or onwards? I'll have tests this entire week, I don't even know if I'll be able to keep up with the lists in here...

Your Silver cartridge still works? Supposedly the battery that operates the clock will be expired for just about every G/S/C cartridge by now. This and the fact that GB/GBC games are really hard to play these days without a decent handheld console for them are why I really wanted SoulSilver and it was a great game.

It worked when I last played it, last year. And I still own a purple Gameboy color, and I have the original Tetris from the first Gameboy. :)

Also, what is that new DS...? An upgrade or more Nintendo crap?
You mean the 3DS? It's a brand new console and shows dramatic changes. However, I think they're too obsessed with 3D effects.

Ah right, so there will be exclusive games for it, thus it isn't just an "expansion" of the original DS?

And I think they are going too far with the 3D thing as well. I just don't like the idea of watching anything with silly glasses, including the headaches that I have when I wear them.

I hope I never get that kind of pressure when I'm catching up. O___O
Good suggestion, though. :P We really should get iscrulz back to posting here as well.

He's retired since he got elected to the Memberlist. I think that's a sign of disappointment with the Wi/Ht community. o_O

At 6/17/10 08:03 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: What's wrong with PropHunt? =/
I guess he doesn't like the limitations the mod has. You can't use all the weapons in PropHunt and spending too much time in it can make you feel funny when you move onto regular games.

PropHunt is almost like a different game. The goal is completely different, so is the gameplay (kinda). And yeah, it feels weird after you go to a normal server, especially when you find yourself shooting random objects and (gasp) chasing them. O__O

At 6/17/10 08:28 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I need to go to the US again.
And I need to go to the US for Mountain Dew. Supposedly it's very good but they never sell it here.

Another one that I've never tasted., Hey, at least I can brag that you (probably) never tasted a Guaraná Antarctica. ;P

At 6/18/10 11:01 AM, Fro wrote: Fro hates it when Sir-Nuts spams this thread...

That was NOT spam! How can you call a 9-post masterpiece SPAM? >:(

Sir-Nuts: 12,000 Blams, 13,000 Saves, Level 33, Commander, 40,000 Total Points, Total VP of 11, Top 1,000 in Experience, Top 200 in B/P, Spam, Spam, and Spam

By spam, you meant greatness, right?

At 6/17/10 07:58 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Whoa whoa WHOA, what have I been doing? :O
Preparing to spam you bastard.


At 6/17/10 08:03 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Oh well, I get your point of view... After a bit of Googling, I found out that my name has never been mentioned in here, neither by me or anybody else. I couldn't find your name either, but it could've been a typo, I don't know...
Hm, my name does lead back to a few of my movies and things, but people would really have to be digging deep to figure it out.

Indeed. So I believe you're "safe" now from any searches for you name, right?

Haven't you had any "apprentice" jobs?
Apprentice jobs? I work the cash register at Sears if that counts.

Ah right, sorry. I though you were still pretty early at university, I don't know why...

At 6/17/10 08:45 PM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.
The best post of the entire friggin night. Not only did you disrupt the spam, but with a beautiful masterpiece of a combo breaker.

I have to admit - It was a great combo breaker. That face s priceless. :P

At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:32 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/6/10 10:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Heh, imagine how the ranks will be in 2 years time. Chances are we'll have over 250 EGSCs by then.
Including me! :)
Good to know. Hopefully NEVR gets there as well. He's taking forever to reach Supreme Commander.

Indeed, but he has his reasons. Summer is here, so maybe...

Although I'll join it when there are a little less than 1800 EGSCs. Great!
That'll be in 2030. :P

Hey, I'm still correct, though. :P

At 4/18/10 10:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: *laughs like Muttley*

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-20 02:24:29

At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/21/10 07:40 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, I remember when I had this little EXP and posts.
LOL, eternal level 9! :P
Those awful days are long behind us.

Thankfully. I was a silly level 9 when the redesign came to save us from that doomed level.

At 5/4/10 12:37 PM, reverend wrote: May the 4th be with you;
MAY the FOURTH be with you.

Read my response to reverend later in this post....

You could have made THIS reference instead! :) (link)
Nah, that's only for level 35.

Why? Leonardo is the best turtle and everybody knows that! ;)

You could have saved the level up post for the 77,777th reply. EPICNESS ASSURED!
I could have if I remembered but the epic glitch by Baron was even better.

It would've been so epic the entire thread would glitch.

At 6/17/10 08:59 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 6/7/10 09:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, the BBS midyear awards are up. NOT ME for Most Underrated. :P
Voting for you as the most underrated is an overrated thing. ;P
You are absolutely right on that and voting me for Most Overrated is an underrated thing.

So, for the real end-year nominations...

At 6/8/10 09:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: ... As for the revolution thread, it must be bumped! I thought Sir-Nuts was going to bump the thread.
...And I will, soon after this catch up. ;)
Alright, I'm looking forward to your latest posts over there.

Postponed. Tests all week won't help, although the upcoming weekend might help, if I'm inspired...


More like "Phew! Finally!".

Combo breaker by Fro, lol.


At 6/18/10 12:29 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is hoping for a total implosion of the English team

Boom. And Rooney gets even redder.

At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 5/4/10 12:37 PM, reverend wrote: May the 4th be with you;
Clearly not a Star Wars fan. Too bad I missed out on my other date quote March 4th.


Really, I just didn't think of it at the time, but I did say "May the fourth be with you...?" out loud to myself to try and figure it out. Too bad I missed it. :P

And I do like Star Wars, btw.

At 6/13/10 04:58 PM, reverend wrote: Rev favorite color is now GREEN

Another reference that I missed. :(

At 6/17/10 12:20 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is ready for Game 7...
So am I. And I have no idea who's going to win this one, but I'm hoping for the Celtics to win.
Yeah me too since I don't partially care for Kobe or Phil Jackson. Alas, Boston just couldn't hold on to the lead in the 4th.

Exactly. The first three quarters were a pretty rough game, but Kobe showed up in the final quarter and there's his fifth ring. =/

Also, Pau Gasol.

At 6/18/10 12:53 PM, Auz wrote: Holy shit 0.0 Epic catch-up there Sir-Nuts.

Thanks! ^^

If you don't mind I'm not gonna catch-up with you yet. Maybe I'll have to postpone that to next week, because I am a little swamped here at the moment.

No problem. Hey, I postpones your catch up for three months, feel free to skip it forever. :P

At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Regardless of whether or not I'm scary, I already have a moustache, currently intermingled with my goatee.

So you have a Dave Grohl?

At 6/18/10 02:07 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:01 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I wish my replies also came on the day after. :(
Well you just have to work harder on your timing then. :P

That and stop being lazy. :(

Violence is the only language those nasty PCs will understand! >:(

Exactly. And remote controllers also understand it pretty well.

At 4/2/10 08:34 AM, Haggard wrote: He = Sir-Nuts, I think. :P
Indeed it is. And I knew it the whole time, but I never mentioned it... I think I wanted to have you figuring it out by yourselves. :P
Thanks for clearing that up. :)

You should blame me for hiding it all the time. :P

At 6/17/10 08:32 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/10/10 06:47 PM, Haggard wrote: Physical copies always beat the digital copy.
I actually agree with this statement. Physical copies are actually better than digital copies in everything; albums, games, even books nowadays. It just feels "better" to hold a copy in your hands. ^^
That's what I'm saying. :)
I bought a few MP3 albums this year, but somehow it just doesn't feel as if I'm owning a copy of those albums.

Exactly. I have a few MP3 albums as well, but I don't count them as albums that I actually own. It feels strange to say that you own a copy of something only digital. =/

I have yet to try Opera. My brother said it isn't very good (and he works with computers, so his words count), but I still haven't downloaded it on this computer. I might try it one day...
And I study business informatics, so my word counts more. :P

Sure. But he's graduated in Computer/Network Engineering. :P

Anyway, I can only say if it's good or not if I try it. Which I might do later this year, if everything goes the way I'm planning... ¬¬ ¬¬

German TV interviewed Mr. Lucas. The last question was: "Can you say the most famous quote form the movies, please?" and Lucas replied "May the force be with you."
But the guy who translated it for german TV was really confused and he thought Lucas said "May the 4th, (we'll) be with you" so he translated that. ^^

Really? So it was a bad translation all along? :(

At 6/18/10 11:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: You rock Sir-Nuts!
You rule Sir-Nuts!

Hey, don't start an argument over that as well! :P


At 6/19/10 11:13 AM, Auz wrote: Just wanna point out that the voting topic for the midway BBS awards is up :)

Indeed, and you guys are doing great. Can we snag another victory in the strange lands? :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-06-20 04:05:24

Coop prepares to launch an assault on Art and FLash Reviews, while congratulating:
gamejunkis: 30,000 B/P; Supreme Commander
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 7,000 Experience
Rabid-Animals: Top 1,000 B/Per
dx5231: 16,000 B/P
Hacsev: 22,000 B/P
EDDDDDDDDD: 3rd NG Berfday
reverend: Level 36
Sir-Nuts: 26,000 B/P

Listening to:
Laibach - The Great Seal
Van Halen - Jump
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
System of a Down - Deer Dance
Velvet Revolver - Let It Roll
MeatLoaf - A Kiss is a Terrible Thing To Waste

At 6/19/10 04:06 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Officially the 172nd EGSC. Thank you linesmen, thank you ball-boys.

173rd - SevenStar got deleted ;)

At 6/19/10 11:13 AM, Auz wrote: Just wanna point out that the voting topic for the midway BBS awards is up :)

I've already voted :)

Me and Bahamut are nominated for most underrated, Coop for best mod and Bahamut again for best poster. That's about it for the Wi/Ht?-ers this time. Oh and you can also vote viva la revolution! for best thread.

Could be a good half year for the Wi/Ht forum. The Writing forum has a few props as well :)

At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/10 12:53 PM, Auz wrote: I keep hearing from everyone that the Karaoke was one of the highlights of that day.
Karaoke really is a highlight, with these people. I love it.
Heh I never joined a Karaoke myself, except for that one time me and some friends played Singstar. I'm a horrible singer though, so I should stay away from them :p

Basically, if you're all drinking, it's fine. Having some of them stand looking dumbfounded at my rendition of Rock You Like A Hurricane was brilliant.

At 6/19/10 11:16 AM, Fro wrote:
At 6/18/10 02:36 PM, Myst wrote: Anyway, thinks have changed since the last time I've been here. I think the only user I remember (from the previous page, I'm a lazy bum ^^) is Bahamut :P
I always assumed that Coop83, Haggard, and Auz where well known around these parts for a long time.

I may have been here for a long time, but I never made as big a splash as Bahamut ;)

I do remember Myst though.

At 6/19/10 01:24 PM, llarss wrote: im almost lvl 12 and nearly Town Watch!... i know town watch is low

Tell us when you reach milestones, not before.

At 6/19/10 01:40 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/10 11:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: The death metal band named Vader?
Well... it was a Star Wars quote, but if that Death Metal band was named after the legendary Star Wars character, then what the hell.
"According to Piotr Wiwczarek, the band's founding singer and guitar player, the band's name was inspired by Darth Vader from the Star Wars film series."

Good enough for me.

And that's another mystery solved by that amazing detective duo, Bahamut & Coop.

At 6/19/10 08:16 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 6/19/10 03:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/10 07:14 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: It takes me almost a month to get an amount of blams equal to the amount of saves I get in a week. It's a slow climb to say the least. At least you were around during a time when blams were ample.
I think it's something that you can help yourself with, by trying to convince more people to vote 0 or 1 on marginal flash.
Collectively it would be much easier, but I guess it couldn't hurt to tell a few people alone. If we all tell a few people it could certainly make a difference. Sometimes I fear that some of the voters today don't even watch the submissions and vote anyway. Nobody around here, I'm sure. I for one get more kicks out of watching flash than gaining points.

Only with watching the good flash, or playing interesting games. Blamming poor stuff is quite satisfying.

The balance is there and I personally think that Tom needs to remove the 2 week ban for people that get 2 flash blammed - it only takes out the marginal authors and doesn't stop the real spam, as if it gets blammed, another account submits it.
I didn't even know such a ban existed. It would certainly help to have more genuinely terrible submissions to vote on.

Yeah, they brought it in when we really did have a problem with blammable spam coming onto the portal every day. If anything, it's caused a decline in portal activity.

At 6/20/10 02:21 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 6/18/10 04:34 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/17/10 08:01 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Like that crash involving him and Webber, when they were leading the race, but they're both too greedy? :P
Basically, yes. Then a few laps later, when Button caught and passed Lewis and then Lewis burned him back. That's how to do it, Messrs Vettel & Webber
Indeed. And now, McLaren has the driver's and constructor's lead. If they win by a small advantage over RBR... ouch.

McLaren have been through this before - Japan two years on the bounce, when Senna and Prost took one another off at the first corner, sorting out the championship on both occasions, on for each driver.

Hey, I never mentioned the Avs during the playoffs, though. :( Either way, the Capitals were surprised as well with the Habs, and BLEH, EARLY EXIT.
Well, the merry go round has started up and the Blues are making some noise - Jaroslav Halak will be their #1 goalie next year. Great reward from Les Habs - you were awesome in the playoffs, now off you go to St. Louis.
Heh, poor Halak. :P

He'll live. It' not like he's a Quebec native ;)

I really don't get that move... Are the Habs relying that much in Carey Price? He didn't do that well when Halak got pulled in game 3 (4?), and Halak was still on the rise. He COULD have been this season's best goalie... but really? The Blues?

Nah, we all know that this season's best Goalie was Craig Anderson :P

At 6/17/10 08:32 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/13/10 04:52 PM, Coop83 wrote: Will kill for Blams... anyone?

And make sure to distribute the saves for the masses.
I'm still peeved that I don't have that many Blams - I'm climbing towards the top 50, but it's so infuriatingly slow >:(
Heh, you and Sentio are putting up a good battle on who'll reach the top 50 first. Still 900ish to go...

I'll catch Sentio. My marker is focused on YoinK, currently perched at 50th. I'll get him, leaving D0GMA for Sentio.

Speaking of blams, I think I had over 100 blams this week. Devastating. ;P

Nice, keep on moving towards us. I only managed 77 last week, but I'm in good company, so I'm still moving on my targets.

CoopMX, son of CoopMXMLXXXIII.

That's a large Roman numeral, btw.
1888 is bigger ;) And, for that matter, so in 1988.
Typo of mine: CoopMMX, not just MX. :P

I missed that :P

And yeah, if only you were born 5 years later...

Then I'd have 5 more years of B/Ping in me!

At 6/17/10 08:35 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 4/19/10 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches an awesome goaltending clinic from Craig Anderson...
But not enough to stop Pavelski later. :(
Meh - the best team won. We'll be that team in 2-3 years time ;)
I think so. The Avs have a young and talented team, in a couple of years they should be today's Chicago.

We need a better backup goalie and to get rid of dead wood like Svatos, but other than that, we're doing well.

At 6/9/10 03:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches Steven Strasburg's impressive debut...
Indeed. This makes me have some hopes for the Nationals once again...
Well, we'll see if he's got something when he goes again tonight. 22 Ks in his first 2 starts is pretty good.

Didn't he have 10 more Ks yesterday?

Yeah - 32 in 3 starts, which is an MLB record.

Oh and did I mention that last time you did you catchup, my available characters left was only a single one?!

Not so lucky this time...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


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