:::continuing catchups:::
At 2/13/10 02:17 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is watching Olympics and OU v OSU.
... we ARE talking about Oklahoma State here, not Ohio State, right? Just checking. #;-}>
At 2/13/10 02:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Ha! The masses preferred it that way.At 11/3/09 12:33 PM, reverend wrote: We'll I can't deny the masses of what they want, so here it is. :DTHEY'RE FACING THE WRONG WAY, YOU BASTICH! #;-}>
Silly masses....
It'll get going some more - epic postage from gfoxcook will certainly help ;)Yes, we need every man at their stations. The enemy maybe disillusioned but still a threat.
We're talking about the Revolution thread here, not LUL, right? O_o
:::looks around for the nameless, faceless enemy:::
whew.... sweet home Wi/Ht?bama.
At 2/14/10 01:13 AM, reverend wrote: Normally I don't care for gimmick achievements but
12345 Experience is pretty unique.
Gimmick? 12345 = awesome. Always. #;-}>
Grats. Mmmmm... 12345....
At 2/14/10 07:27 AM, Haggard wrote:
:::snips Haggard vs. Bahamut over Manowar of all things... WHODATHUNKIT?:::
Oh yeah, I remember now. I listened to one song, but didn't like it too much. Me not remembering listening to them yesterday only shows that they didn't had any impact on me, so I simply forgot I listened to one of their songs.At 2/13/10 01:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: gfox also recommends teh Muse, and is hoping to see them live in March. :::nods:::He wasn't that interested in Muse but did like Knights of Cydonia. Hey, it's an improvement from his Manowar hatred. :)
SO... Haggard, have you listened to any/much Muse since September? :::waits:::
Bahamut says you liked KOC, and then you come and say you "didn't like it too much." (sigh)
"one of their songs." KOC... is EPIC SONG MATERIAL, and if you don't know that from the very first listen, then either you're.... bluffing just to play with Bahamut's mind... or... INSANE. #;-}>
Lol? I don't care what Mr. Cook thinks about them, therefore I WIN for sticking to my opinion. :PSo I can convince Haggard to like Manowar? WTF?You did like one of Manowar's songs so Haggard can't deny Manowar anymore. YOU LOSE, HAGGARD!
Well, if by them you meant Muse, I'd be offended, as I consider myself a fairly big Muse fan, but since the them means Manowar, which I really don't care one way or the other about (I = neutral in you guys' crazy fights on this matter), I think you're wise to not care what I think about a band I don't know what to think about much myself. #;-}>
At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Haha, I probably should have mentioned that it was just a joke as that will only encourage people to vote them for the sake of a free game. I may as well just say I'll post nude pictures of Lara Croft if she won the contest but she was knocked out by a character hardly any of us knows about.
sad panda is sad. ;_;
They're against many great characters. It's not easy when the majority of the characters in the contest are GOOD!Let's see Engineer or Heavy winning this. We can't hope for Soldier winning now as he had his ass kicked by Mantis.sounds kinda hard... there are still some good characters to bet...
Yep. Next time... more shite characters for the TF2 characters to knock off SUPER EASY, kthxplz.
At 2/14/10 07:27 AM, Haggard wrote:No, you're not making the slightest sense with the Manowar sucks monkey balls statement.At 2/13/10 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote: START MAKING SENSE, DAMMIT!I am.
ohhhhh you guyyyyyyyz... :::shakes head semi-sadly, semi-amusedly:::
gfox is your lord and master. Do not deny him!At 2/13/10 02:02 PM, Bahamut wrote: You did like one of Manowar's songs so Haggard can't deny Manowar anymore. YOU LOSE, HAGGARD!Lol? I don't care what Mr. Cook thinks about them, therefore I WIN for sticking to my opinion. :P
When did I sign up to be his lord and master? I didn't ask for that job. It clearly pays nothing, too, since I haven't gotten any paychecks for it... I QUIT. #;-}>
How can I be afraid to admit of anything when you're clearly wrong?Yes, it was one of our finest debates but Haggard was wrong wrong wrong.I was right all the way, you are just afraid to admit it. :P
lololol. Oh, you two....
At 2/14/10 02:40 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Just read a ton of gfox stuff last few pages lol.
Anyways not much but I did recently get 25,000 protects. Anyways congrats to all.
A quarter of the way to TooCool, give or take a few thousand saves. Sweet. Congrats!
At 2/15/10 03:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop congratulates NASCAR for messing up the track at Daytona (5 1/2 hours for a race?!), and then congratulates:
I didn't watch a minute of the race, but heard aaaaaaall about it for the next 24 to 48 hours on overnight sports radio (which I tend to listen to to go to sleep, even if I didn't listen to any sportsradio during the day). Talk about an epic fuckup.
PAVEMENT FAIL's bad enough, but pavement fail on the track where the biggest race of each and every year takes place every winter? Jeeeez.... ;_;
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)