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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-11 14:20:18

Finaly.... managed to get

Rank: Sgt. Major


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-11 15:18:30

And as pitifully bad as this stat actually is, it still looks cool.

Experience per day: 6.666

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-11 15:24:12

At 3/11/10 03:18 PM, gamejunkie wrote: And as pitifully bad as this stat actually is, it still looks cool.

Experience per day: 6.666

I have a loooooooooong way to go before I hit that number. I only recently passed 1.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-11 16:59:47

Rev is excited to learn that his monitor is going out; congrats to:
Bahamut - 21k Posts and 120k Total Stats
Hacsev - 7,000 Exp
vader316 - 9.00 Total VP
iscrulz - Level 48
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 6,000 Exp and 40k Total Points
Coop83 - 71k B/P
gamejunkie - Saves 12345 Saves
LegolaSS - Sgt. Major


At 3/10/10 03:51 PM, Bahamut wrote: Well, that tweet I made about them I WAS trash talking their call centres. Whoops! Seriously, what do you expect when they send an engineer to your house instead of acknowledging an area fault?

Heh, at least they cared enough send someone. When my cable or internet goes out I'm just SOL.

At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop converts to Opera, before congratulating:

Why would you, when you can have this fun with your browser. :) (see below)

But seriously, most people complain about FF when it's their own doing. Too many add on will really bloat the memory usage and cause stability issues.

Well, that's a fair enough comment. It's whether or not you can prize them away from the Champions League and the glory of playing at the highest level in Europe.

We might have to import our talent from Mexico. :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-11 17:47:33

At 3/11/10 09:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: 71,000 B/P

Congrats on that coop, keep on b/p-ing, im somewhat behind ya so will take abit to catch up but im more active then ever before especially in b/p



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-11 20:03:20

Well i felt like I should make this my 300 hundred. Man I have no life to make 300 posts =(

300 and counting...

"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson

Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 00:02:01

Level 12.
This icon looks crappy.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 03:25:23

Coop prepares to go to a funeral today. Congratulations to:
iscrulz: Level 48
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 6,000 Experience
gamejunkie: 12,345 Saves
LegolaSS: Sergeant Major
Tetimaru000: Level 12

Thank you to:

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great

At 3/11/10 05:17 AM, skullcrusher8785 wrote: im looking at these high ranked people in this thread talking about how high up they are. then i check thier profile and see that they watch thousands of flash videos but are you watching them or just saving/blaming/voting on them? so many but hardy and reviews on them. why not show some input for the creators working hard to make and post these flash and music submissions? i plan on doing so

I've got over 2,600 Reviews. Granted, I may not have reviewed every single piece that I've viewed, but that would be going a little far. I tend to try and leave reviews for authors that respond to them, since that way, I know whether or not they are encouraged by what I have written.

At 3/11/10 08:16 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop converts to Opera, before congratulating:
Oh awesome, what made you want Opera?

Firefox kept crashing for me, so I decided to make the change as enough was enough.

Before I got Opera, I used Firefox. I thought it was to slow and it was strange as people say that it is the fastest.

There are some issues that I have with Opera - the BBS pages seem to be about 25-30 feet long, with just a massive tail of black below the actual posts, so the scrolling doesn't work properly.

That and my navigation via the back button (drop down) doesn't work properly. I can't drop down the menu to check the pages I have recently viewed.

At 3/11/10 09:16 AM, vader316 wrote: Well I borrowed it from some guy. I did not make it =) Unless you can edit this sig and fix the spelling I sadly cant =/

I could do a poor MS Paint job. Other than that, I'll just leave it for you :P

At 3/11/10 10:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop, be sure to let me know when you hit 120,000 total points.

About 7.5k to go.

At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop converts to Opera, before congratulating:
Wise choice. I started using Opera after getting fed up with the constant crashes Firefox had. Sure, it may not be as bad now but I'm sticking with Opera. The RSS feeds are very handy, the scrolling is very neat and bookmarks are well organised for me. I just wish it didn't freeze for a few seconds when putting videos on full screen.

Meh, I think I can live with that.

At 3/11/10 04:59 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop converts to Opera, before congratulating:
Why would you, when you can have this fun with your browser. :) (see below)

You demodded me? >:(

But seriously, most people complain about FF when it's their own doing. Too many add on will really bloat the memory usage and cause stability issues.

Not when it randomly crashes and I've only got 3 addons bolted onto it.

At 3/11/10 08:03 PM, vader316 wrote: Well i felt like I should make this my 300 hundred. Man I have no life to make 300 posts =(

300 and counting...

It's not an achievement here - come back when you've got 1,000 Posts.

How do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 Posts :P
Plus, how do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 of the buggers :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 03:36:19

Achievement of the Day
Coop83: 71,000 BP

Not that I forgot you yesterday. I just took a long time to reply to Haggard and didn't see your achievement before I posted.

Anyway congrats on this nice achievement Coop!

Congrats to:
gamejunkie: 12,345 Saves, 6.666 Experience/Day
LegolaSS: Sgt Major
Tetimaru000: Level 12
Bahamut: 120,000 Total Stats

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 05:20:07

Just hit Private First Class, not much, but I'm slowly working my way up. I believe I'm really close to Deity as well, so that should be my next achievement, if not lvl 11, not sure which will come first.

Just watched a barrage of movies including Alice in Wonderland(This one in theater, the rest on Dvd), 2012, Zombieland, and Couple's Retreat. (Girlfriend makes me watch movies I don't particularly want to)

Surprisingly they weren't excruciating to watch.

Ruin can finally go online now that his annoying girlfriend has fallen asleep and Congratulates: (I'm horrible for saying that)
chris-marks: 500 posts, 750 blams, 2k saves, top 15k exp rank | Not too shabby!
aldlv: 23k saves
DrHood: Lvl 40| The bone axe thing suits your name well! have fun murdering!
X8X: Lvl 30| That lvl is badass! Stop ya whining!
Kaytee: 7.00 VP | Nice!
C0Gma: Lvl 30!
FroNickProductions: Lvl 21!
Rabid-Animals: Sergeant
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 40,000 total points! 6,000 exp |Stat whores unite! =P jking Congrats man
Hacsev: 7,000 exp!
vader316: 9.00 VP! Nice! Powerful!
Bahamut: 21,000 posts! We're lucky to have you aboard for so long! Congrats!
gamejunkie: 12,345 saves!
LegolaSS: Sgt. Major! Congrats!
Tetimaru000: Level 12! Broken bottles are badass! Lvl 11 and 13 suck imo

If I made any typos or left anyone out, my apologies, I'm just extremely drowsy at the moment.

Listening to: Radiogrounds

Why aren't you?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 06:09:10

At 3/11/10 09:59 AM, Auz wrote:
At 3/11/10 05:05 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/10/10 11:16 AM, Auz wrote: Really? :p
Sure :P
Lol, what is it for? Bath-coats :p?

Lol, I think it was a commercial for nutella. ^^

I don't think Holland has ever had that problem. Our offensive players have always been really good. It's our defense that occasionally screws up though.
Jan Wouters was a pretty tough guy, but he's about the only dutch defender I know. ^^
Not sure from which era Jan Wouters was. I think from long ago, because I don't know much about him actually.

I remember he played at Bayern Munich, that must have been in the 80s.

Anyway I think our best and most bad-ass defender of the past two decades was Jaap Stam. Seriously if I was up against him as a striker, I'd be shitting my pants.

Oh yeah, I think I know that guy as well.

Jeez that guy was amazing. I don't think I have ever seen a player before that has an almost 1:1 goals to matches ratio over his entire career. More than 1:1 on the national team is even more impressive.

I know they used to play way more offensive several decades ago, but still... I don't think many players have matched him.
Yeah, those kind of players are really rare. He had what whe call a "Torriecher", he just seemed to knew where the ball would be after a team mate fired a shot, so he almost always stood in the right place. :D
Like a 'goalgetter' right? I believe that's the English term. I think strikers like that are never that popular, but they're usually the most effective ones.

I tried to find a translation for that word, but the only thing I found is "to have a nose for a goal". I think it's a bit different from the term "goalgetter".

That's what I don't understand. The dutch team is ALWAYS great on paper, so you'd expect them to come very far in a tournament, but somehow they always fail. Much like the english team. They have great players, but the team performs pretty badly.
At the moment our team is not so impressive on paper I think. Our offense is pretty good since most of them are base players for clubs like Bayern Munchen and Liverpool. But for the rest a lot of them are still playing in the dutch competition, which is widely known as a "Mickey Mouse"-league.

Heh, I remember when dutch teams where top notch in Europe. Well, at least Ajax and Feyenoord.

Fortunately the new generation of players after 2002 knows how to take penalties.

Well, that's one thing the english team still doesn't know how to do. ^^
I think the german team never lost a penalty shootout at a tournament. And this may be their biggest advantage when it comes to a shootout. Somewhere in the back of their heads the opposing players may think: "Oh shit, a shootout against THEM? We don't have a chance..." and then it becomes a kind of self fulfilling prophecy. ^^

Also wasn't Germany the best team on tournaments of all time or something?

At least no other team reached the finals so often, I think.

At 3/11/10 04:59 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop converts to Opera, before congratulating:
Why would you, when you can have this fun with your browser. :) (see below)

Because you can do the same thing in Opera just as easy. :P (see below)

At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: There are some issues that I have with Opera - the BBS pages seem to be about 25-30 feet long, with just a massive tail of black below the actual posts, so the scrolling doesn't work properly.

That's strange. I had that from time to time in the flash portal, but never on the BBS. :/

That and my navigation via the back button (drop down) doesn't work properly. I can't drop down the menu to check the pages I have recently viewed.

Another strange thing. Never heard of this before.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 09:43:56

Congrats to:

iscrulz: Level 48 -
Coop83: 71,000 B/P
Bahamut: 120,000 Total Points
gamejunkie: 12,345 Saves
LegolaSS: Sergeant Major
Tetimaru000: Level 12

Keep going stong everyone.

71K B/P points....Holy Smokes Coop!!! That's impressive!!!
GameJunkie: That is worth a Cool Screenie!! Remind me to do that when I hit that mark

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 09:56:58

30,000 medal points..damn, it took me some time :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 10:11:07

Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 15 (Second Round): Kratos vs Alien Hominid

Listening to:

Opeth - Orchid

Thanks to:


At 3/11/10 05:05 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/10/10 10:10 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/9/10 12:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/7/10 10:23 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/7/10 06:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
Too late for me..
In my hands
It lies I thought
But I failed
Now he's in me

My soul is lost

Well that sucks. Still, is Slayer an option for the next song? XP
I don't think so. :P

Not even Raining Blood? Hey, this might be a way to get Casualty back here on a regular basis. :P

But what about Queens of the Stone Age? ^^

I don't know any of their songs.

Also, Virgin Media are STALKERS!

It's not funny, it's downright creepy.

At 3/11/10 04:59 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/10/10 03:51 PM, Bahamut wrote: Well, that tweet I made about them I WAS trash talking their call centres. Whoops! Seriously, what do you expect when they send an engineer to your house instead of acknowledging an area fault?
Heh, at least they cared enough send someone. When my cable or internet goes out I'm just SOL.

Except they waste the engineer's times which is a damn shame. They should only be for when there's definitely a problem on the user's end.


lol, Coop's demodded. I take it you have the demod all script. That's not one I'll use considering then there'd be more fab icons. It'd be great if there was a fab to neutral script. That's more preferable than blocking them.

At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/11/10 10:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop, be sure to let me know when you hit 120,000 total points.
About 7.5k to go.

Wow, getting close to me already. I thought you were roughly 9k behind me.

Wise choice. I started using Opera after getting fed up with the constant crashes Firefox had. Sure, it may not be as bad now but I'm sticking with Opera. The RSS feeds are very handy, the scrolling is very neat and bookmarks are well organised for me. I just wish it didn't freeze for a few seconds when putting videos on full screen.
Meh, I think I can live with that.

Oh yeah, be careful of sites that aren't fully compatible with Opera such as YouTube. Those fuckers don't even care about Opera users well enough.

At 3/11/10 08:03 PM, vader316 wrote: Well i felt like I should make this my 300 hundred. Man I have no life to make 300 posts =(

300 and counting...
It's not an achievement here - come back when you've got 1,000 Posts.

How do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 Posts :P
Plus, how do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 of the buggers :P

And how do you think I feel? I've got over 21,000 posts :P

At 3/12/10 05:20 AM, RuinedMartyr wrote: Ruin can finally go online now that his annoying girlfriend has fallen asleep and Congratulates: (I'm horrible for saying that)

At least you have a girlfriend.

At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/10 04:59 PM, reverend wrote: Why would you, when you can have this fun with your browser. :) (see below)
Because you can do the same thing in Opera just as easy. :P (see below)

Too good to be true.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 11:29:40

10K Blams today! I just made the 2x Pentalist List. Woo Hoo!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 12:17:37

Fro still hasn't done his voice acting because he keeps getting distracted while saying Congrats To:

Bahamut: 120,000 Total Stats
gamejunkie: 12,345 Saves
LegolaSS: Sgt. Major
Tetimaru000: Level 12
HeavyTank: 30,000 Medal Points
byteslinger: 10,000 Blams

I'm getting close to:

26,000 Medal Points
32,000 B/P
55,555 Total Stats
444 Review Responses
700 Audio Review Responses
1,000 Flash Reviews
1,000 Audio Reviews


At 3/11/10 10:51 AM, chris-marks wrote:
At my low level, small ones are milestones too. Though I've gotten tired of posting here for every small milestone I get, so I'm going to wait until some bigger ones for my next post. Same reason I wait until several have built up before posting.

On the contrary, when you are at the low levels the milestones are plentiful and don't take very long to reach. Don't post things that aren't really milestones, especially at the lower levels, because it's really easy to get a bunch of them. The higher levels and milestones are a different story though.

At 3/11/10 08:03 PM, vader316 wrote: Well i felt like I should make this my 300 hundred. Man I have no life to make 300 posts =(

300 and counting...

Come back when you get 700 more. :P I'll only count posts by the 1,000's and some special numbers like 1,111 or 12,345.

At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to go to a funeral today. Congratulations to:

Funerals are never a fun thing. Sorry for your lost whoever it might be.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 13:02:05

12,000 EXP


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 15:58:35

Rev has miles to go before he sleeps; Congrats to:
Tetimaru000 - Level 12
RuinedMartyr - Private First Class
HeavyTank - 30k Medal Points
byteslinger - 10k Blams and Doublelisted!
wreckages - 12k Exp


At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to go to a funeral today.

My regards.

You demodded me? >:(

Not just you but everybody. It's really interesting to see the mods in their regular auras. The only downside is this specific script also hides the green color on the forum online list.

Not when it randomly crashes and I've only got 3 addons bolted onto it.

Hmm, interesting and odd. Without knowing what they are I can't begin to tell you what's the deal.

At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote: Because you can do the same thing in Opera just as easy. :P (see below)

Iscrulz at level 10; nice. Did you just edit the source code manually, because I actually found a script that does it automatically. It's pretty simple and clever.

At 3/12/10 10:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: lol, Coop's demodded. I take it you have the demod all script. That's not one I'll use considering then there'd be more fab icons. It'd be great if there was a fab to neutral script. That's more preferable than blocking them.

You know, I'll poke round that de-mod script and see if there is a way to get it to switch Fab to Netural. It's shouldn't be too hard since I think they all work on javascript.

At 3/12/10 05:20 AM, RuinedMartyr wrote: Ruin can finally go online now that his annoying girlfriend has fallen asleep and Congratulates: (I'm horrible for saying that)
At least you have a girlfriend.

I second that notion. At least you have someone.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 16:28:20

Wow, it appears I'm captain now, and have the 14,000 B/P that such a title would entail. Almost half way there, if I ever choose get "there".

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 17:18:06

At 3/12/10 10:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/11/10 05:05 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/10/10 10:10 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/9/10 12:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/7/10 10:23 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/7/10 06:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
Too late for me..
In my hands
It lies I thought
But I failed
Now he's in me
My soul is lost

In his black chamber

Well that sucks. Still, is Slayer an option for the next song? XP
I don't think so. :P
Not even Raining Blood? Hey, this might be a way to get Casualty back here on a regular basis. :P

I don't know the lyrics too well, only the intro riff. XD

But what about Queens of the Stone Age? ^^
I don't know any of their songs.

Well, you should, though.
"I got wine
and so do you
mine came with a cork
I wish yours did too"

We could sing Opeth, but it could take a while if we also play all the riffs. XD

Also, Virgin Media are STALKERS!
It's not funny, it's downright creepy.

That's what makes it so funny!

At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/10 04:59 PM, reverend wrote: Why would you, when you can have this fun with your browser. :) (see below)
Because you can do the same thing in Opera just as easy. :P (see below)
Too good to be true.

What, iscrulz at level 10 or Coop being evil for a change?

At 3/12/10 03:58 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote: Because you can do the same thing in Opera just as easy. :P (see below)
Iscrulz at level 10; nice. Did you just edit the source code manually, because I actually found a script that does it automatically. It's pretty simple and clever.

Yeah, I just edited the source code. Opera let's you view the changes you made in the site, which is pretty nice for figuring out what went wrong with the code on your own web page (sure, there are offline web editors, but PHP doesn't work there)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 17:24:01

At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/11/10 09:16 AM, vader316 wrote: Well I borrowed it from some guy. I did not make it =) Unless you can edit this sig and fix the spelling I sadly cant =/
I could do a poor MS Paint job. Other than that, I'll just leave it for you :P

O I see how it is... You give criticism on the spelling of the sig and now your don't even try to fix it when I offer you it? The cold man. Really cold.

cries in a corner
At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop converts to Opera, before congratulating:
Why would you, when you can have this fun with your browser. :) (see below)
You demodded me? >:(

But seriously, most people complain about FF when it's their own doing. Too many add on will really bloat the memory usage and cause stability issues.
Not when it randomly crashes and I've only got 3 addons bolted onto it.

At 3/11/10 08:03 PM, vader316 wrote: Well i felt like I should make this my 300 hundred. Man I have no life to make 300 posts =(

300 and counting...
It's not an achievement here - come back when you've got 1,000 Posts.

How do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 Posts :P
Plus, how do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 of the buggers :P

Well I think 300 to me is an achievement.. I don't need your petty award =) Well you got over 17K because more then half is locking a thread. (which should not count in your total posts ^.^)

"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson

Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-12 18:31:15

Congrats to:
chris-marks - 2,000 Saves
aldlv - 23,000 Saves
DrHood - Level 40
X8X - Level 30 - Half the way to 60 :3
Kaytee - 7.00 Base VP
C0GMA - Level 30
FroNickProductions - Level 21
Rabid-Animals - I suddenly keep on seeing you around
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 40,000 Total Stats - Amazing achievement, 6,000 EXP
Bahamut - 21,000 Posts - How fast are you posting at the moment? Just wondering seeing as you're starting to near 22,222
Hacsev - 7,000 EXP - Feck, you gain fast.
vader316 - 9.00 TVP
Coop83 - 71,000 B/P
gamejunkie - 12,345 Saves
LegolaSS - Sgt. Major
gamejunkie - 6.666 EXP/D
Tetimaru000 - Level 12
RuinedMartyr - Private First Class
HeavyTank - 30,000 Medal Points - Fucking hell.
ByteSlinger - 10,000 Blams - Massive congratulations on joining the pentalist
Wreckages 12,000 EXP
PabMo - 5.55 BVP
WilhelmTheVampire - Captain, 14,000 B/P

Fucking hell that was a long list, I believe I missed two days. Gawd.

Listening to:
Absolutely nothing

At 3/10/10 12:03 AM, DrHood wrote: Level 40, woo. By far my least favorite of the high level icons. :(

Yeah, it's a great looking icon but a rusty meat-cleaver is by no measure an upgrade to a fucking chainsaw.

At 3/10/10 12:37 PM, reverend wrote: Rev finally bought something at the NG Store, go me;

The keychains certainly are nice little things.

At 3/11/10 02:20 PM, LegolaSS wrote: Finaly.... managed to get

Rank: Sgt. Major


I've gotta say, for every time I see someone ranking up to Sgt. Major the song 'Kiss Me Goodnight Sgt. Major' comes into my head. Heh.

At 3/11/10 08:03 PM, vader316 wrote: Well i felt like I should make this my 300 hundred. Man I have no life to make 300 posts =(

300 and counting...

After another 4,700 odd posts you know it's the right time to start feeling like that, and yet I don't.

At 3/12/10 05:24 PM, vader316 wrote: Well I think 300 to me is an achievement.. I don't need your petty award =) Well you got over 17K because more then half is locking a thread. (which should not count in your total posts ^.^)

Heh, Coop's only been a mod for about a month or two and he doesn't seem to lock threads anywhere near as much as quite a few of the BBS mods out there.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 06:02:46

Coop prepares to get the Formula 1 Season underway, with Bahrain Qualifying. Congratulations to:
RinedMartyr: Private 1st Class
HeavyTank: 30,000 Medal Points
byteslinger: 10,000 Blams; Doublelisted
wreckages: 12,000 Experience
WilhelmTheVampire: Captain; 14,000 B/P

Thank you to:

At 3/12/10 03:36 AM, Auz wrote: Achievement of the Day
Coop83: 71,000 BP

Not that I forgot you yesterday. I just took a long time to reply to Haggard and didn't see your achievement before I posted.

I don't mind - I don't think I'd have beaten iscrulz' Level 48 yesterday :P

At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: There are some issues that I have with Opera - the BBS pages seem to be about 25-30 feet long, with just a massive tail of black below the actual posts, so the scrolling doesn't work properly.
That's strange. I had that from time to time in the flash portal, but never on the BBS. :/

Interesting - it hasn't stopped for mine, but it has only been a few days so far.

That and my navigation via the back button (drop down) doesn't work properly. I can't drop down the menu to check the pages I have recently viewed.
Another strange thing. Never heard of this before.

Well, do you get a drop-down menu for your navigation, showing which pages you recently visited? On firefox, there was a drop down menu, next to the forward and back buttons, but I can't find this one, if there is.

At 3/12/10 10:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/11/10 10:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop, be sure to let me know when you hit 120,000 total points.
About 7.5k to go.
Wow, getting close to me already. I thought you were roughly 9k behind me.

112,381, as of first thing this morning :P

Oh yeah, be careful of sites that aren't fully compatible with Opera such as YouTube. Those fuckers don't even care about Opera users well enough.

I might just have to switch back to Firefox for those sites - the occasional crash on that beast will be tolerable for a site that I'm never really on too much.

At 3/12/10 12:17 PM, Fro wrote:
At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to go to a funeral today. Congratulations to:
Funerals are never a fun thing. Sorry for your lost whoever it might be.

My maternal uncle. He had a birthmark on his brain that had been growing by 2% per year. By the time he reached 50, the docs said it was life threatening. We're now 8 days away from what would have been his 62nd birthday. 12 bonus years that saw him really happy with his wife, traveling the world.

I think that it was good to have the release and it was great to see some of the family again, despite the sad circumstances. That and one of my uncles nearly dropped the coffin at the crematorium.

At 3/12/10 03:58 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to go to a funeral today.
My regards.


You demodded me? >:(
Not just you but everybody. It's really interesting to see the mods in their regular auras. The only downside is this specific script also hides the green color on the forum online list.

Interesting - I've never seen stuff like this before. Meh, I'm not a FF user any more.

Not when it randomly crashes and I've only got 3 addons bolted onto it.
Hmm, interesting and odd. Without knowing what they are I can't begin to tell you what's the deal.

British English Dictionary, Google Wave App, Download Statusbar. Nothing overly special.

At 3/12/10 05:24 PM, vader316 wrote:
At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/11/10 09:16 AM, vader316 wrote: Well I borrowed it from some guy. I did not make it =) Unless you can edit this sig and fix the spelling I sadly cant =/
I could do a poor MS Paint job. Other than that, I'll just leave it for you :P
O I see how it is... You give criticism on the spelling of the sig and now your don't even try to fix it when I offer you it? The cold man. Really cold.

cries in a corner

You're telling me that I'm lazy? Says the guy that stole his sig from someone :P

At 3/11/10 04:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/11/10 08:03 PM, vader316 wrote:
300 and counting...
It's not an achievement here - come back when you've got 1,000 Posts.

How do you think I feel? I've got over 17,000 Posts :P
Well I think 300 to me is an achievement.. I don't need your petty award =) Well you got over 17K because more then half is locking a thread. (which should not count in your total posts ^.^)

Not really, I had over 16,500 posts before I was modded. I've made about 10-20 posts while locking threads. How about Bahamut and his 21,000+ Posts? Or ZeroAsALimit, with his almost 50,000 Posts?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 06:09:59

20,000 EXP!

You'd think it'd be as exciting as reaching 10,000 EXP but it isn't. I'm more excited about my next level up than reaching 20,000 EXP. In addition, I should have remembered this before but my account was 2,000 days old last week.

Well, time to get 30,000 EXP on 7th December 2012 assuming I don't miss any deposits by then but that shouldn't be a problem considering the two times I missed any deposits during my 10,000's were the redesign launch and in February 2008 when my friend forgot to deposit for me for one day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 06:24:33

This alt has 8.00 base VP!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 06:49:11

4 years of my life has been wasted here. Woo.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 07:02:33

39,000 Saves!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 07:25:34

Achievement of the Day
byteslinger: 10,000 Blams, 2x10k

10,000 Blams is a rarity these days. And nice to see you'll get included on the pentalist as well. Congrats!

Congrats to:
RuinedMartyr: Private First Class
HeavyTank: 30,000 MP
wreckages: 12,000 Experience
PabMo: 5.55 Base VP
WilhelmTheVampire: 14,000 BP
Bahamut: 20,000 Experience, 2,000 Days on NG
Toohot100: 8.00 Base VP
Simple: 4 Years on NG

At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/10 09:59 AM, Auz wrote: Not sure from which era Jan Wouters was. I think from long ago, because I don't know much about him actually.
I remember he played at Bayern Munich, that must have been in the 80s.

Hmm... maybe he was there when we won the EC then in 1988.

Like a 'goalgetter' right? I believe that's the English term. I think strikers like that are never that popular, but they're usually the most effective ones.
I tried to find a translation for that word, but the only thing I found is "to have a nose for a goal". I think it's a bit different from the term "goalgetter".

Hmm maybe it is slightly different. In Holland we would say a "goaltjesdief" which is literally a "goals thief". I think that would be an accurate translation.

Is the German word literally "goals hunter" by the way?

At the moment our team is not so impressive on paper I think. Our offense is pretty good since most of them are base players for clubs like Bayern Munchen and Liverpool. But for the rest a lot of them are still playing in the dutch competition, which is widely known as a "Mickey Mouse"-league.
Heh, I remember when dutch teams where top notch in Europe. Well, at least Ajax and Feyenoord.

I think the glory years of those clubs are long over. Feyenoord won the UEFA Cup in 2001 and that's the last big milestone we've had here. I remember in 2005 or so both PSV and AZ had a good shot at making it to the finals of the Champions League and UEFA Cup respectively, but both clubs lost their matches due to a goal in the very last minute.

Fortunately the new generation of players after 2002 knows how to take penalties.
Well, that's one thing the english team still doesn't know how to do. ^^
I think the german team never lost a penalty shootout at a tournament. And this may be their biggest advantage when it comes to a shootout. Somewhere in the back of their heads the opposing players may think: "Oh shit, a shootout against THEM? We don't have a chance..." and then it becomes a kind of self fulfilling prophecy. ^^

Yeah. I think it works the other way around as well. Like the dutch team must have always been thinking "Oh shit, a penalty shootout! We're fucked". And then everybody lost their self confidence and screwed up.

Also wasn't Germany the best team on tournaments of all time or something?
At least no other team reached the finals so often, I think.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they have added up the points of every country once. Like 3 points for every win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss, no matter if it was group stage or final. And Germany came out #1, even though everyone was expecting Brazil.

At 3/13/10 06:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: 20,000 EXP!

You'd think it'd be as exciting as reaching 10,000 EXP but it isn't.

Aren't we forgetting something? ;)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 08:08:19

At 3/13/10 06:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/12/10 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: That and my navigation via the back button (drop down) doesn't work properly. I can't drop down the menu to check the pages I have recently viewed.
Another strange thing. Never heard of this before.
Well, do you get a drop-down menu for your navigation, showing which pages you recently visited? On firefox, there was a drop down menu, next to the forward and back buttons, but I can't find this one, if there is.

Oh, you mean that. By default there's no back button with a drop down menue, but you can simply add it by going to "Tools -> Appearance -> Buttons -> Browser" and then simply drag and drop it to the main bar.

At 3/13/10 07:25 AM, Auz wrote:
At 3/12/10 06:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/11/10 09:59 AM, Auz wrote: Like a 'goalgetter' right? I believe that's the English term. I think strikers like that are never that popular, but they're usually the most effective ones.
I tried to find a translation for that word, but the only thing I found is "to have a nose for a goal". I think it's a bit different from the term "goalgetter".
Hmm maybe it is slightly different. In Holland we would say a "goaltjesdief" which is literally a "goals thief". I think that would be an accurate translation.

Sounds like what we call an "Abstauber", someone who's suddendly there and scores the goal. Of course you need to have that "Torriecher" to be an "Abstauber". ^^

Is the German word literally "goals hunter" by the way?

The "Torjäger", yes that translates to "goal hunter".

Also wasn't Germany the best team on tournaments of all time or something?
At least no other team reached the finals so often, I think.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they have added up the points of every country once. Like 3 points for every win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss, no matter if it was group stage or final. And Germany came out #1, even though everyone was expecting Brazil.

Interesting. But I think Brazil has another great "stat". IIRC they never lost a final. So, when they made it to the finals they also won the tournament. Impressive.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-13 08:56:54


700 Audio Review Responses


Made two threads yesterday. Post if you have anything to add. :)

Make an escape the room game in real life. It's exactly what it sounds like. It's about making search/escape games in real life. Check it out, it really is fun to do.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1152 063

Generic Sprite Collab. Only post if your interested in making a sprite collab with me I guess. So far no luck though.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1152 103


Fro's girlfriend is sick so he has quite a day ahead of him while saying Congrats To:

wreckages: 12,000 Experience Points
WilhelTheVampire: Captain, 14,000 B/P
RuinedMarty: Private First Class (You put it in a place I didn't notice it last time)
Bahamut: 20,000 Experience Points, 2,000 Day Old Account
Toohot100: 8.00 Base Voting Power
Simple: 4 Wasted Years on Newgrounds
Auz: 39,000 Saves

I'm getting close to:

26,000 Medal Points
32,000 B/P
55,555 Total Stats
444 Review Responses
1,000 Flash Reviews
1,000 Audio Reviews


At 3/12/10 05:20 AM, RuinedMartyr wrote:

I'd just like to take this time that the first part of your username is correct. You ruined your username. :( It was much better before. I guess some would say that Corky52 was better than Fro as well though.

Just watched a barrage of movies including Alice in Wonderland(This one in theater, the rest on Dvd), 2012, Zombieland, and Couple's Retreat. (Girlfriend makes me watch movies I don't particularly want to)

I enjoyed Zombieland. It wasn't realistic at all, but it added a nice touch of humor, emotion, and action spread throughout it. Especially the Bill Murry scene pretending to be a zombie.

At 3/12/10 05:24 PM, vader316 wrote:
Well I think 300 to me is an achievement.. I don't need your petty award =) Well you got over 17K because more then half is locking a thread. (which should not count in your total posts ^.^)

I guarantee that not even 5% of Coop's posts are lock messages. To think that he gets his post count from anything other than contributing to a topic would be crazy.

Anyway, I can think a carrot is a pineapple, but in the end it's still a carrot. You may think that 300 posts is an achievement here, but in the end it's still just another number that isn't. ;)

At 3/13/10 06:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
My maternal uncle. He had a birthmark on his brain that had been growing by 2% per year. By the time he reached 50, the docs said it was life threatening. We're now 8 days away from what would have been his 62nd birthday. 12 bonus years that saw him really happy with his wife, traveling the world.

I think that it was good to have the release and it was great to see some of the family again, despite the sad circumstances. That and one of my uncles nearly dropped the coffin at the crematorium.

I'm one that won't say "I know what you are going through because I lost so and so" because I'll never know what you were going through even if I was in a similar circumstance. I do know it can hurt a lot though. My last funeral was my nephew. He died the same night that he was born.

I don't know what's harder to handle. Losing someone that you've had so many fun times with or losing someone that you never had the opportunity to have those fun times with. I'm happy I made it in enough time to hold him though.