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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 12:16:21

Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 9 (Second Round): Kirby vs Gordon Freeman

Listening to:

Judas Priest - Point of Entry. I only got this album to finish off my collection of Judas Priest studio albums. I still need three more of their albums, though which are Rocka Rolla, Jugulator and Demolition.

At 3/5/10 04:13 PM, mwmike wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Wait, so he's gfox's and Gagsy's alt?

IS GAGSY GFOX'S ALT? </conspiracy>
Heh, I actually quite miss darknessdweller. Whatever happened to Yoshi777777 or however much sevens there were anyways?

Yoshi is now Sispri. As for darknessdweller, he's been gone for a long time and I'm glad it's going to stay that way. Whatever happened to him exactly, I have no idea but this place is a lot better without him. After all, he did say a few dangerous things back then. Sure, he's no Sirtom but my point still stands.

At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/5/10 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:27 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/3/10 02:30 PM, Haggard wrote: *starts singing* I am lost in the black chamber...
There's no way to turn back
It takes me down forevermore
And death would be so sweet
I'm possessed by the old creature

Who has planned all

At 3/6/10 01:11 AM, Gagsy wrote: I don't know. I don't recall saying that though I might have done. I'll just keep doing as long as I can.

Nah, your retirement goal is 77,777 blams and saves. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 12:26:35

At 3/6/10 12:20 AM, Seraphim17 wrote:
I actually feel the overall quality of day to day submissions to the portal has went down. Disregard my sign up date, I've been around flash and Newgrounds since 2002 and had another account that I abandoned. Maybe I'm disillusioned in my opinion, but it just seems this way. I think there does tend to be more spam submissions nowadays, as well.

Granted, there still are some amazing flash submissions, but they are few and far between. I tend to vote very generously, most of the time and I may be adding to the problem. Unless the submission is just complete junk, it will probably be passed. A fact, I've taken dual note of and thus I have given far more 2's when I probably should give 1's or 0's. Later I see the flash with a score of 2.20 or 1.90 or something and it only reinforces me to vote 2 on the next questionable flash.

Anyway, I think the quality has gone down, but people vote more generously.

I'm probably wrong.

I won't say you are wrong. I admit I've been doing the same thing myself, even though I know my better judgment says otherwise.

I now suddenly feel tempted to go into a full "Back in my day" style speech, complete with crotchety old man voice and walking stick.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 12:44:45

Rev is one tired mo'fo; congrats to:
Tetimaru000 - 3,000 Saves
Pokemonpoeguygcn - Elite Guard Supreme Commander


At 3/6/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote: Of course, with the "Beckham Effect" sweeping the USA from LA, we're experiencing a burgeoning passion for Football, or Soccer, and kids are actually realizing that football applies to the kicking of the ball, hence the original name "foot-the-ball".

Did you know that the word soccer was also an English creation? From association football to assoc to socca to socker to soccer. So either term is appropriate according to the peeps who created the English language. :P

Of course, this has the more talented stars of the game upping their own performances and with stars such as Landon Donovan following former national keepers Kasey Kellar and Brad Friedel over to the UK to play in the Premiership, confidence is high for team USA.

I would love to see more of the US talent overseas like Jozy Altidore and Clint Dempsey. They really need to get some experience with the real pros. The creation of the MLS really helped build talent over the past 15 years or so compared to what it was, but it really hit a glass ceiling in the past few years imho.

Stranger things have happened, but expect to see USA carved onto the winners list before the end of this decade. They showed promise in 2002 and 2006, so why shouldn't they do well at the finals?

If I recall they choked in 06. I really hope to see the team that took down Spain last year rather than the one who lost to the Dutch (even though only half of the starters were there).

At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: . . .As for darknessdweller, he's been gone for a long time and I'm glad it's going to stay that way. Whatever happened to him exactly, I have no idea but this place is a lot better without him. After all, he did say a few dangerous things back then. Sure, he's no Sirtom but my point still stands.

Don't lie. You and Coop miss him so much.
We should PM him. :P

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 17:30:31

im level 16 :(

shut up

I Know Drugs, I Know Video Games, I Know Litliture, I Know Dru- wait...nevermind. Feel free to discuss any of these with me

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 19:36:01

39k medal points..

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 20:08:12

At 3/6/10 07:46 PM, Rabid-Animals wrote:
At 3/6/10 07:36 PM, HeavyTank wrote: 39k medal points..
I just pissed my pants at that number, realized you had 29K points, then pissed slightly less.

I almost have 38K :P.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 23:40:02

First of all, Auz's two-post catch-up replies:

At 3/4/10 01:02 PM, Auz wrote: Sir-Nuts replies are taking up more than a full post :p

Heh, sorry. :P

Again - it's productive spam.

At 3/3/10 09:18 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: - If you're a teenager, no matter what drime you commit, in a maximum of three years time you criminal file will be clean. Like if it never happened;
When you commit a crime when you are underaged, you will only have to do some work, like cleaning up the streets, for some time and then everything will be forgiven and forgotten. But I think if you commit a big crime at the age of 16 or so, you will have to go to a youth prison anyway and it will be recorded on your... penalty sheet? (not sure what the English term would be).

I think penalty sheet fits as well.

There are some similarities in here as well... If you're a teen and you commit a crime, you might do volunteer work in a poor community or - if it's a more serious crime - spend some time in a youth prison. The problem is that it isn't recorded afterwards - they have the thought that you "thought over what you've done" etc...

It doesn't work like that, IMO. =/

- If you have a "good behaviour" in prision, you'll only take 1/3 of the original punishment;
Lol :p I know good behaviour might set you free earlier here as well, but it's not like you will have to sit for only 1/3rd of you punishment.

And it isn't even helping around, it's just not getting caught doing anything wrong there. If you sit there all day long, you are behaving well...

robbing that jewelery store might start to become worth the risk.

Hahahaha, indeed. :P

But hey, the goods would be confiscated...

- You can respond to lawsuits in freedom, you just need to try and they'll concede you an habeas corpus.
A what? Sorry I don't know much about juridical terms. Don't speak Latin either :p

It would be, literally, a "clean body" - it's basically the right to respond the lawsuit in freedom.

Plus, I believe it's Greek, not Latin. Either way, our language is confusing. :P

- The maximum punishment is about 35 years. With the good behaviour thing... ~12 years? Even if you kill 1,000 people? Riiiight...
I thought you would have the death penalty in your country, but 35 years is still a lot. I believe we have the 'lifelong' sentence, but in practice I believe it often means 20 years maybe. You will have to have done something really bad if it's going to be lifelong.

Nah, there isn't death penalty in here. Sometime we think it should have, due to some crimes that are shocking, like throwing your own daughter out of the window is a rage moment (this actually happened). It's a riot when something like this happens - protests, TV coverage, "human beings are disgusting!"... and in about two years, nobody remembers about it.

And yeah, I agree on perpetual sentences. Especially for such crimes.

Not really. I mean, here we have innumerous political parties, so other parties can fill lawsuits against other politicians as well.
I suppose they do that a lot with all the corruptness and such?

Yup. We can't divide the govern in two; govern + allies X opposition. They consist of many political parties, but they are either in favour or against what the government says, respectively.

Really, I'm losing the little faith I had in our politicians.
Haha, yeah then you sort of lose all your credibility as a politician.

Even though a few days ago I got my card that gives me the right to vote in this year's elections. It's optional for who is 16-17 years old, but I still want to vote. Maybe I'll find someone who's decent/honest.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-06 23:42:33

At 3/4/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote: Exclusive replies to Sir-Nuts


Lol :p

I didn't like the emotional part afterwards much either. For some reason I just couldn't feel sorry for the Navi.

SPOILERS, in case no one has realised. :P

I felt that when her father died was more emotional, though. That and when he didn't have the oxygen mask on and she saved him.

Another complaint I heard was from my dad. He wears glasses, and using a glass in front of another one wasn't very pleasant. He had to adjust it all the time.
I haven't heard complaints about that yet. But I can imagine it would be very irritating for someone who wears glasses already.

It's really bad because the 3D glasses kept slipping while he was with them. You either adjust it all the time, or you have a huge nose to hold both glasses. :P

Right, that's something else. The original prices in here were about 50% cheaper than the 3D movies. And they weren't announcing the 3D prices anywhere, we got to know it at the balcony.
Also did they only announce it when you were just about to buy the ticket? That's just lame.

Yeah, that's just Brazil. :)

Even though I still got the regular 50% discount for being a student, it was still really expensive.

Really, there are many alternatives to YouTube. Sure YT is the most popular one, but if I search on Google for a song, it's really likely that I'll find it, possibly with a download link. There are many communities dedicated to that, it's a lost war.
Yeah. You can also always use limewire and programs like that. I personally use Youtube downloader though. I heard that was not even illegal because Youtube paid for it or something. I don't know, it's too vague what's exactly legal and what not. Another reason why it's war they can't win.

Right, there's too much to discuss about that, I think there won't be a definite answer of what's legal or not so soon. I just think the artists should be more decisive in this, not the record companies. I mean, it's their songs, not the company's!

See, this is the problem - will he ever return here? Possibly not... It's a lost opportunity.
No I doubt it as well. How old is he by now? He must be in his 80's or something. He probably won't be touring around the world much anymore.

He's 84 now, and it's possibly his last world tour. If only they didn't put so many concert at the same time... :(

Waters is a great musician, but I think his ego got bigger than him latter with Pink Floyd. Too bad they only reunited once for a Live Earth concert.
Yeah. I heard they might want to reunite again, but only if there is another special occasion. So far there were none yet I guess.

Maybe they could make a tribute to Richard Wright, their former keyboard player who passed away in 2008...

Also I recently saw a video from 2008 where Roger Waters and David Gilmour met again. They happened to be at the same studio to record some stuff. It was quite a cold meeting though, just some quick talk and they went back to work.

Oh, that might have been very awkward...

And yeah, his voice is annoying sometimes. Give a listen to Micro Cuts, you WILL hate it. :P
Ugh! Seriously that song is just... ugh. Is he even singing words or anything? Because it sounded to me like he was trying to sound like a whining cat =/

I think there are lyrics, somehow. Have you ever heard the live version from H.A.A.R.P? That one has no lyrics, I'M SURE!

I'll have to remember this song in case I have another argument about Muse again. I think it sums up pretty much everything I don't like about Muse.

Only the screaming voice, I'd say, because instrumentally it's pretty good.

Hmm, some of their songs are really depressing (Blackout; Unintended...), but some others are full of energy (Butterflies & Hurricanes; Map of the Problematique)...
I don't like B & H's that much, but Map of the Problematique sounds very good actually. As a matter of fact, I find it the best Muse song I have heard yet by far. I really, really like it.

Yeah, it's a great song, one of their best, IMO. But my top three would be Hysteria. Plug in Baby and Assassin. I'd use them as my argument of why Muse is awesome. :)

Lyrically, it's pretty confusing as well... I mean, Plug In Baby talks about... ehh... I have no idea. :P
I can't understand any of their lyrics to be honest :p With most artists I can usually make out a few lines if I don't know the lyrics, but with Muse... can't understand a word.

There are some songs that have a more clear, direct meaning, but some others... well, they just rhyme. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 00:57:13

Level up! level 23.

Thanks for voting, jmalouin7! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 5,380 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 23. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 4 minutes, and 31 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

If you are reading this, it means I have posted. Whether or not I am still posting, this has left its mark, for many years to come.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 01:09:05

And now, the regular catch-up.

Before anything else - today I'm going to a Guns N' Roses concert!

Oh, and I think today is the last day day to vote in the monthly best flashes, do it if you haven't.

Listening to:
Guns N' Roses - Greatest Hits

Congrats to:
reverend - 15,000 Medal points;
sushi13 - 7,000 exp;
Coop83 - 14,000 medal points;
cantstophammertime - 1,337 Saves;
DRD1982 - 10K Blams;
Goldfire64 - 5 years on NG;
Seraphim17 - Level 10;
1337UMD - Level 14;
Tetimaru000 - 3,000 Saves;
Pokemonpoeguygcn - EGSC!!!
walterwagner - Level 16;
HeavyTank - 39,000 Medals points;

At 3/5/10 04:03 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Oh, and what's everyone saying about that John Terry's affair with his teammate's girl in there?
Footballers are too rich, too young, according to Capello. Terry went and had an affair with Wayne Bridge's (now ex) girlfriend, so he lost the captaincy. Now we have to put up with Jar-Jar Binks (Rio Ferdinand) as the England captain for the World Cup.

Really, Ferdinand? I though Gerrard was chosen as the captain, I think a mid-fielder can hold that position better, since they are more active during the game.

Either way, I think being the captain only boosts the players morale, so it doesn't matter that much.

Have you heard of that Man. City fan who tattooed "Robinho" in his chest? :P
No, but that's about the standard of things that Man City fans will do.

What team to you cheer for there, anyway? Aston Villa?

Hmm, I agree with Spain, but Argentina is doubtful - I mean, Lionel Messi, somehow, forgets how to play with Argentina. And Maradona... he was a great player, indeed, but they could use a better coach, IMO.
I agree, but I've just got one of those feelings.

Well, I read a "specialist" opinion a few days ago and he pointed out Spain and Argentina as his favourite teams for the Cup. Maybe you write articles for sports site's as well. :P

Also, keep an eye for Brazil vs. Ivory Coast in the group stage. Bets are already on!
We've got some easier group games, with only the USA to really worry about there. Once we get to the knockout stages, it's going to be a lot tougher.

Sure. England vs. USA will be worth watching, since USA's football is growing more and more. It's going to be a great match, definitely.

At 3/5/10 07:18 AM, sushi13 wrote: Seeing as how I seem to post here quite regularly and people keep congratulating me on my achievements I thought that maybe I should give something back and start making lists. Would anybody object if I did?

Of course not, that would be great!

At 3/5/10 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: And add time into that. LOADS.
Yes, lots of time indeed. You've got to reply to posts from months ago. I wish you luck on going through all the posts since your last visit. That'll be as challenging as gfox's LUL catch-up.

Months? I think it's been a whole year since I haven't posted in there! It's only ~10 pages, though, I can do the "one-a-day" thing.

But it might take 10 posts as well. :O

It was on 1.6, last time I saw it.
No, it has been updated. You can now play as Engineer and Medic. Supposedly, when left-clicking as a prop, you'll be in first person, which helps a lot when you're a giant prop.

Ah, great. But how does it work when you're a Medic / Engie?

But yeah, I was a giant object a few times, and it's really hard trying to stick in a place where you can look like a normal object.

Oh, did they fix the ability to shoot as a prop (sometimes)?

Also, there are a few new maps. I noticed CTF Sawmill is now a PH map but it's fucking huge for 2 minute battles. If it was a minute longer, it wouldn't be so bad. That's the one reason why I'm beginning to like Cyberpunk less. It's far too big and far too easy to hide.

Sawmill is a huge map, you can hide in so many places...

And what would the pyros do if you hid in the water? Switch to shotgun?

But hey, I've been having trouble with Steam since their last update. Somehow, TF2 can't connect to it, thus I play with the default weapons. Anything's been going on with Steam for you or it's just fine?
Steam Community was down.

I saw that, but at the same time many players had all their items, while I was stuck with the default ones. I had to go Pyro, since I play with his default weapons, anyway. :)

Ah, but they were 20 posts in General. And, looking back, they weren't constructive at all. I regret that.
Oh, General...Well, we can always try and do something with our revolution.

Speaking of which, I still haven't posted in there - I somehow forgot about it! :(

Regs catch-up delayed for a good cause.

IS GAGSY GFOX'S ALT? </conspiracy>
Wow, what have I done?

You have showed us the truth! No wonders why Gagsy is neutral as well... gfox is just pretending he stopped B/Ping! </major cospiracy>

At 3/5/10 03:59 PM, Fro wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Posted/bumped. :)
My threads that involve discussion never get past the first or second page. :P

If only you bumped it again...

Really? Is it just a regular typo or something else...?
Yeah, I type everything out by hand. When I get to your name and I'm typing along I always type in Nutes. I have no clue why.

Hahaha, that's odd. Maybe it's something you know that has "Nutes" in it...?

How is that so? Even if he acknowledges that you're making a copy? Here copies are legal, at least.
It's the dorms key not mine. Anyway if it's lost then they have to drill the door again just in case somebody finds it and wants to break into the room.

Ah, that's OK then. Does the key has an identification in it, with address and everything?

At 3/5/10 04:13 PM, mwmike wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Turns out I can vote for this year's election. :)
Year's election? You mean the monthly flash voting?

No, the "real" elections, politically speaking. ;)

At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I think he's using the Medal tracker in NG Logs.
Gawd, I really need to keep up with these things. Thanks to byte for implementing this shit.

Heh, you don't go to NG Longs? I thought you were an avid user in there...

At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Keep up with eXtv, they're always putting up some great matches there, both American and European leagues.
Yeah, I watch it occasionally. Most of the time I watch comp play through sourceTV or - occasionally - through actual spectating, although that's mainly when I know one of the people playing and they're scrimming).

Ah, that seems nice. Sometimes I feel like just being a spectator in the matches, maybe because I'm not playing very well and want to learn something...

Also, how did your friend do in his match?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 01:26:44

Part 2...

More congrats to:
FBIpolux - Sergeant Major;
jmalouin7 - Level 23;

At 3/5/10 04:57 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Turns out I can vote for this year's election. :)
Vote and vote often. :)

I have to; voting is obligatory in here. I'm not sure if this is good or not, though.

It's good because people have to think before picking their candidates. It's bad because some people don't think before voting. =/

You guys got beaten by Netherlands 2-1. The Dutch team is good, and I honestly think that quarter finals should be more than enough for USA. :)
I don't care about that. If we beat those limey, girlfriend stealing British that would be all the joy I need.

Hahahaha, it's just for the glory of beating England, then? :P

At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Have you heard of that Man. City fan who tattooed "Robinho" in his chest? :P
Lol, my brother (who's a Man City fan) told me there's also a guy who tattooed "Kaká" on his chest. XD

Hahahaha, that's the same guy, actually! You know, he was so excited with the rumours of Kaká heading to Man. City that he went to have a tattoo done as soon as he heard the speculations.

The tattoo is still there. :P

Hmm, I agree with Spain, but Argentina is doubtful - I mean, Lionel Messi, somehow, forgets how to play with Argentina. And Maradona... he was a great player, indeed, but they could use a better coach, IMO.
You should never underestimate the german team. Sure, they play like shit right now, and they will continue to do so in the WC, but somehow other teams play even worse when they face the german team, so germany (almost) always wins. XD

The German team might seem disorganized, but the individual quality shows up when it gets real. ;)

But seriously, semi finale in WC 06, Finale in EC 08... not that bad.

Champions in '10? Who knows, right? =)

I'd be happy if either Germany, Italy, Uruguay and, of course, Brazil won it. Family stuff. :)

At 3/4/10 12:27 PM, Haggard wrote: Thanks! And Faggard gives out smooches to you as well.
Really? Aww... *blushes*. :*
I think he has a crush on you.

Oh wow, that's lovely! Can Faggard and I meet someday? :P

Even if they are being charged, the lawsuit might take so long that it reaches the "expiring date". That's right, sometimes it takes more than five years to complete a simple lawsuit here.
And I thought the german courts where slow... :/

Just so you can have an idea - we have over 60 thousand lawsuits going on since 2005, which are yet to be finished this year, before they expire. O_o

My dream finale: Netherlands vs Germany. Preferrably with the same result as in '74. :D

When you beat the Carousel football "Clockwork Orange"... Too bad, it was the only game they lost in the whole year, and right in the World Cup finals...

At 3/6/10 04:05 AM, Auz wrote: My dream final also, except that it would have to be ZWEI - EINS! again ;)

What would be that...? :P

At 3/6/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote: Of course, with the "Beckham Effect" sweeping the USA from LA, we're experiencing a burgeoning passion for Football, or Soccer, and kids are actually realising that football applies to the kicking of the ball, hence the original name "foot-the-ball".

Really, why is the American Football called... football? Because of the kick-off? It should be called tackleball or similar.


I'm done for now. Nap, pool, more nap and GUNS N ROSES! =)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 04:44:00

At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Nah, your retirement goal is 77,777 blams and saves. :P

Oh don't worry I didn't forget that retirement goal :D Just not sure if I thought of one before.

It's taken me like 2 years to get 10,000 blams so I'm gonna need to be on here a lot longer to get that 77,777 ;_;

But shit will look so cash if I can do it.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 06:14:50

Seraphim takes a sip of coffee and wonders what the day will bring him, while congratulating:
1337UMD: Level 14! Handle the hammer well!
Tetimaru000: 3,000 Saves
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Supreme Commander/30,000 B/P Congrats! You serve the portal proud sir!
Rabid-Animals: Top 3000 most experienced users! Keep on depositing! The sky is the limit!
Walterwagner: Level 16! Wield the chain well!
Heavytank: 29,000 medal points!
KingExodus:38,000 medal points!
FBIPolux: Sergeant Major! Keep serving our portal, you will make S. Commander one day!
jmalouin7: Level 23! Congrats on being an axe murderer! =P

Hardly any achievements today folks! Hopefully more pour in by tomorrow. Till then, stay sexy.

Listening to: The Red Chord- Fused Together in Revolving Doors

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 06:54:47

At 3/6/10 04:05 AM, Auz wrote:
At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hmm, I agree with Spain, but Argentina is doubtful - I mean, Lionel Messi, somehow, forgets how to play with Argentina. And Maradona... he was a great player, indeed, but they could use a better coach, IMO.
You should never underestimate the german team.
This is true. They ALWAYS do well, no matter how sucky their team seems to be on paper.

I just wished Löw wouldn't nominate Podolski and Klose anymore. Both play very badly right now, especially Podolski who didn't score a goal for over 1,400 minutes until yesterday...

My dream finale: Netherlands vs Germany. Preferrably with the same result as in '74. :D
My dream final also, except that it would have to be ZWEI - EINS! again ;)

Well, if the final really is Netherlands - Germany then of course the score should be EEN - TWEE. :P

At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/5/10 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:27 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/3/10 02:30 PM, Haggard wrote: *starts singing* I am lost in the black chamber...
There's no way to turn back
It takes me down forevermore
And death would be so sweet
I'm possessed by the old creature
Who has planned all

to take my soul

At 3/7/10 01:26 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hmm, I agree with Spain, but Argentina is doubtful - I mean, Lionel Messi, somehow, forgets how to play with Argentina. And Maradona... he was a great player, indeed, but they could use a better coach, IMO.
You should never underestimate the german team. Sure, they play like shit right now, and they will continue to do so in the WC, but somehow other teams play even worse when they face the german team, so germany (almost) always wins. XD
The German team might seem disorganized, but the individual quality shows up when it gets real. ;)

The german team always plays a lot better once the tournament starts. Just before WC 06 germany got beat by Italy 1-4, the game was just horrible. But in the tournament suddendly the team didn't play that bad at all. ^^

But seriously, semi finale in WC 06, Finale in EC 08... not that bad.
Champions in '10? Who knows, right? =)

Would be great. XD

I'd be happy if either Germany, Italy, Uruguay and, of course, Brazil won it. Family stuff. :)

I don't know why, but I just don't like the brazilian team. I never liked them even though the world's best footballers come from brazil.
I mean, I like the individual players (it's hard not to like them when you watch them play ^^), but as a team I find them very unfriendly.

At 3/4/10 12:27 PM, Haggard wrote: Thanks! And Faggard gives out smooches to you as well.
Really? Aww... *blushes*. :*
I think he has a crush on you.
Oh wow, that's lovely! Can Faggard and I meet someday? :P

When is the next gay parade in Brazil? I bet he'll be there. :P

At 3/6/10 04:05 AM, Auz wrote: My dream final also, except that it would have to be ZWEI - EINS! again ;)
What would be that...? :P

It's german for 2 - 1. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 07:45:59

I've recently passed 22222 saves in the last few hours

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 07:57:24

Forgot yesterday's list after a busy day, will write this up now and then make another one later tonight if I'm home, I'm likely to be out again tonight.

Congrats to:
1337UMD - Level 14
Tetimaru000 - 3000 Saves
Pokemonpoeguygcn - Sup. Commander - Fucking fantastic. You're the first 08er to reach that, right?
RabidAnimals - Top 3000 EXP
walterwagner - Level 16
HeavyTank - 29,000 Medal Points - Shat bricks when I saw 39,000
FBIpolux - Sergeant Major - Tuck me in my little wooden bed.
Jmalouin7 - Level 23 - My favourite level.

Listening to:
Bongzilla - Trinity

At 3/5/10 11:52 PM, DRD1982 wrote: Back then (we're talking 2004/2005) it was really common to have more blams than saves. I guess the quality of portal submissions has gone up since then.

Honestly, it seems that it's not the submissions that have changed but the voters. Seeing as over time people started voting higher more and more Flashes were passed the people who B/P purely for the points started doing so as well. I vote zero or one on about half of the submissions on the site and still end up with much more saves than blams.

At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yoshi is now Sispri.

I thought he got a name-change but I had a feeling it was something extremely Japanese sounding that I could never remember for more than twenty seconds at once.

As for darknessdweller, he's been gone for a long time and I'm glad it's going to stay that way.

Yeah, he was definitely very immature, although it seems like there's something missing from the LUL without him. Even if he seemed a bit of a twat, he definitely had a place.

Whatever happened to him exactly, I have no idea but this place is a lot better without him. After all, he did say a few dangerous things back then. Sure, he's no Sirtom but my point still stands.

Fuck, I remember that now, I suppose that it's best not having him. Looking back to then really fuels nostalgia, though.

At 3/7/10 06:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/5/10 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:27 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/3/10 02:30 PM, Haggard wrote: *starts singing* I am lost in the black chamber...
There's no way to turn back
It takes me down forevermore
And death would be so sweet
I'm possessed by the old creature
Who has planned all
to take my soul

Too late for me..

Hope you're alright with me chiming in.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 09:22:21

I've reached level 46 just now! I wonder how far i go on this site

No Fap November: 2014 - 2022

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 09:38:06

I hit 38K medal points yesterday and I achieved the ranking of:
Man with most medals. :D


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 09:48:17

Level 23.
It's taking too long to level up now :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 10:23:23

Latest EXP update now available!

Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 10 (Second Round): Dante vs Red Knight

Listening to:

Dream Theater - When Dream and Day Unite

At 3/6/10 12:44 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: . . .As for darknessdweller, he's been gone for a long time and I'm glad it's going to stay that way. Whatever happened to him exactly, I have no idea but this place is a lot better without him. After all, he did say a few dangerous things back then. Sure, he's no Sirtom but my point still stands.
Don't lie. You and Coop miss him so much.
We should PM him. :P

What will that PM do? Then again, some of us still try to PM koreaman to see if he's still around.

At 3/7/10 01:09 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/5/10 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, lots of time indeed. You've got to reply to posts from months ago. I wish you luck on going through all the posts since your last visit. That'll be as challenging as gfox's LUL catch-up.
Months? I think it's been a whole year since I haven't posted in there! It's only ~10 pages, though, I can do the "one-a-day" thing.

But it might take 10 posts as well. :O

The effort will definitely be worth it. You'll prove to be as epic as gfox.

No, it has been updated. You can now play as Engineer and Medic. Supposedly, when left-clicking as a prop, you'll be in first person, which helps a lot when you're a giant prop.
Ah, great. But how does it work when you're a Medic / Engie?

Medic - Syringe Gun to find the props. Sadly, you can't heal hunters.
Engineer - Build dispensers to heal your allies. Will come in handy but I'd rather play as other classes. However, I did see some Engineers building sentries but I'm not sure if they do anything in PropHunt.

Oh, did they fix the ability to shoot as a prop (sometimes)?

Not sure if that glitch has been fixed but they can shoot when they're the last prop remaining.

And what would the pyros do if you hid in the water? Switch to shotgun?


At 3/7/10 04:44 AM, Gagsy wrote: It's taken me like 2 years to get 10,000 blams so I'm gonna need to be on here a lot longer to get that 77,777 ;_;

It's a long way to the top but the effort shall be worth it. However, that means you'll be passing Denvish in blams who is still the top blammer.

At 3/7/10 07:57 AM, mwmike wrote:
At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: As for darknessdweller, he's been gone for a long time and I'm glad it's going to stay that way.
Yeah, he was definitely very immature, although it seems like there's something missing from the LUL without him. Even if he seemed a bit of a twat, he definitely had a place.

The LUL has no place for the likes of him.

Whatever happened to him exactly, I have no idea but this place is a lot better without him. After all, he did say a few dangerous things back then. Sure, he's no Sirtom but my point still stands.
Fuck, I remember that now, I suppose that it's best not having him. Looking back to then really fuels nostalgia, though.

Say what you want but I'm glad he's not around here anymore. I still find it funny how I was ranting at him for posting a school threat when a month later Sirtom makes a more severe threat and got on the news for it. To me, both are scum and the longer they're away from here the better.

At 3/7/10 06:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/10 06:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/5/10 10:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:27 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/10 12:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/3/10 02:30 PM, Haggard wrote: *starts singing* I am lost in the black chamber...
There's no way to turn back
It takes me down forevermore
And death would be so sweet
I'm possessed by the old creature
Who has planned all
to take my soul
Too late for me..

In my hands

Hope you're alright with me chiming in.

It's a very short song but I see no harm in you helping us out. However, it's usually better when it's just two people singing. Maybe you and Haggard can find one song to sing to each other.

At 3/7/10 09:48 AM, dx5231 wrote: Level 23.
It's taking too long to level up now :(

Trust me, it's nothing compared to up here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 12:55:22

Sir-Nuts replies coming up later.

Achievement of the Day
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 29,999 BP

Lol :p Congrats on this awesome achievement!

Congrats to:
Rabid-Animals: Top 3,000 Experience
walterwagner: Level 16
FBIpolux: Sergeant Major
jmalouin7: Level 23
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 22,222 Saves
Dent0n: Level 46
dx5231: Level 23

At 3/6/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to:
Just curious my man, but does 21st Highest B/Per not count as an achievement for you? :P

I know you only congratulate every 5 or 10k medal points, which is fair enough, but I was confused on the B/P milestone.

Well I know how difficult it is to rank up at these heights, but I see 21 as quite a random number to be honest ;)

Top 10/20/25/30/40 etc. I would congratulate. But 24, 23, 22, 21 is a bit much.

At 3/7/10 01:26 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/6/10 04:05 AM, Auz wrote: My dream final also, except that it would have to be ZWEI - EINS! again ;)
What would be that...? :P

Oh just a reference to the 1988 semi finals of the European championship ;) It's when Holland won from West-Germany in a 2-1 victory. Here it's pretty much considered the revanche for the lost final in 1974.

At 3/7/10 06:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/6/10 04:05 AM, Auz wrote: This is true. They ALWAYS do well, no matter how sucky their team seems to be on paper.
I just wished Löw wouldn't nominate Podolski and Klose anymore. Both play very badly right now, especially Podolski who didn't score a goal for over 1,400 minutes until yesterday...

No idea how good they are playing at the moment. I suppose they are both becoming a bit old by now. Aren't they both almost in their 30's? I wouldn't know any other good German strikers though. I thought Kuranyi was pretty good once, but wasn't he just some sort of 'one day fly' at the '06 WC?

My dream final also, except that it would have to be ZWEI - EINS! again ;)
Well, if the final really is Netherlands - Germany then of course the score should be EEN - TWEE. :P

No way! You're not gonna steal the world cup from us again ;)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 13:52:00

Part 1

At 3/6/10 11:40 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/4/10 01:02 PM, Auz wrote: When you commit a crime when you are underaged, you will only have to do some work, like cleaning up the streets, for some time and then everything will be forgiven and forgotten. But I think if you commit a big crime at the age of 16 or so, you will have to go to a youth prison anyway and it will be recorded on your... penalty sheet? (not sure what the English term would be).
I think penalty sheet fits as well.

There are some similarities in here as well... If you're a teen and you commit a crime, you might do volunteer work in a poor community or - if it's a more serious crime - spend some time in a youth prison. The problem is that it isn't recorded afterwards - they have the thought that you "thought over what you've done" etc...

It doesn't work like that, IMO. =/

Nah. It's a bit of a problem here as well. I believe youth prison is recorded, but for less serious crimes it's all forgiven and forgotten after you've done your work. The work is never that ... intimidating towards youth criminals since it's usually 8 hours a day for only one week. They're really soft on them. Therefore they usually go back to committing crimes soon and in the worse case they end up in the crime circuit, never to get out again.

Lol :p I know good behaviour might set you free earlier here as well, but it's not like you will have to sit for only 1/3rd of you punishment.
And it isn't even helping around, it's just not getting caught doing anything wrong there. If you sit there all day long, you are behaving well...

Lol. So you could be dealing drugs and murdering people in there, but if they never find out you'll get away with it and can even leave prison much earlier? :p

I always thought people would get mistreated in Brazilian prisons, but sounds like they're not so bad if you are a prisoner there.

A what? Sorry I don't know much about juridical terms. Don't speak Latin either :p
It would be, literally, a "clean body" - it's basically the right to respond the lawsuit in freedom.

Plus, I believe it's Greek, not Latin. Either way, our language is confusing. :P

Oh alright. So you don't have to be held in custody or anything when you got a lawsuit against you?

And I would guess Latin. I thought juridical terms are usually in Latin and you guys are Latin America aren't you?

I thought you would have the death penalty in your country, but 35 years is still a lot. I believe we have the 'lifelong' sentence, but in practice I believe it often means 20 years maybe. You will have to have done something really bad if it's going to be lifelong.
Nah, there isn't death penalty in here. Sometime we think it should have, due to some crimes that are shocking, like throwing your own daughter out of the window is a rage moment (this actually happened). It's a riot when something like this happens - protests, TV coverage, "human beings are disgusting!"... and in about two years, nobody remembers about it.

And yeah, I agree on perpetual sentences. Especially for such crimes.

I'm not really pro-death penalty to be honest, but for such people a lifelong sentence would indeed be justified if you ask me.

I suppose they do that a lot with all the corruptness and such?
Yup. We can't divide the govern in two; govern + allies X opposition. They consist of many political parties, but they are either in favour or against what the government says, respectively.

Oh that sounds a lot like the Dutch system then, and probably many other European systems. We also have many parties, and after the elections the biggest party may join together with a few other parties to form the 'government'. This government usually has the majority so that they can make laws and decisions and the opposition (which are the remaining parties) can't thwart all their plans.

Currently it is a bit messed up here though. Our government recently 'fell' since they came to a strong disagreement about sending more troops to Afghanistan. One party left the government so now they got a minority. New elections will be held here soon, but it seems like right wing extremists are gaining in popularity =/ Even so much that they might win the elections (you might have heard of Geert Wilders?) which is very worrying. But that's another matter.

Anyway, is the system in your country anything like that?

Haha, yeah then you sort of lose all your credibility as a politician.
Even though a few days ago I got my card that gives me the right to vote in this year's elections. It's optional for who is 16-17 years old, but I still want to vote. Maybe I'll find someone who's decent/honest.

Optional? But is it mandatory to vote in your country then after a certain age? Because in our country about 20% of the people who can vote usually don't even show up and people can vote 'blanco' as well if they want to.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 13:53:02

Part 2

Just hope I haven't forgotten anything or stopped sentences halfway :p Went through this a bit chaotically.

At 3/6/10 11:42 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/4/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote: I didn't like the emotional part afterwards much either. For some reason I just couldn't feel sorry for the Navi.
SPOILERS, in case no one has realised. :P

I felt that when her father died was more emotional, though. That and when he didn't have the oxygen mask on and she saved him.

Heh I couldn't care much for the father either. But yeah it was quite nice to see her meet the real Jake. You knew it would happen, but they did that scene quite well.

I haven't heard complaints about that yet. But I can imagine it would be very irritating for someone who wears glasses already.
It's really bad because the 3D glasses kept slipping while he was with them. You either adjust it all the time, or you have a huge nose to hold both glasses. :P

So he was like touching and adjusting his glasses all the way through the movie? That has got to be very annoying.

Speaking of 3D glasses by the way. I went to Alice in Wonderland yesterday and the glasses I got there were much better than the ones I had at Avatar. They were sort of greenish when you looked straight through them and this time almost everything on the screen was sharp. So they didn't hurt my eyes so much like they did with Avatar. I guess the quality of the 3D movie just depends a lot on to which cinema you go.

Also did they only announce it when you were just about to buy the ticket? That's just lame.
Yeah, that's just Brazil. :)

Even though I still got the regular 50% discount for being a student, it was still really expensive.

Well at you least you got a 50% discount ;) Normally you could about 50% off here if you go in the morning on normal weekdays. For some reason you can not benefit from any discounts here when you go to a 3D movie though =/

Yeah. You can also always use limewire and programs like that. I personally use Youtube downloader though. I heard that was not even illegal because Youtube paid for it or something. I don't know, it's too vague what's exactly legal and what not. Another reason why it's war they can't win.
Right, there's too much to discuss about that, I think there won't be a definite answer of what's legal or not so soon. I just think the artists should be more decisive in this, not the record companies. I mean, it's their songs, not the company's!

Well the companies invest in them and own their rights probably, so they want the money ;) But yeah it would probably be good if artists were clear on their standpoints on this themselves.

No I doubt it as well. How old is he by now? He must be in his 80's or something. He probably won't be touring around the world much anymore.
He's 84 now, and it's possibly his last world tour. If only they didn't put so many concert at the same time... :(

Yeah that's what I thought. It's too bad, but it might also explain the high ticket prices.

Yeah. I heard they might want to reunite again, but only if there is another special occasion. So far there were none yet I guess.
Maybe they could make a tribute to Richard Wright, their former keyboard player who passed away in 2008...

Yes that would be a good occasion. I believe Syd Barrett also passed away in 2006 or so, so they could also dedicate it to him as well.

Also I recently saw a video from 2008 where Roger Waters and David Gilmour met again. They happened to be at the same studio to record some stuff. It was quite a cold meeting though, just some quick talk and they went back to work.
Oh, that might have been very awkward...

Yeah you could see they were a bit uncomfortable. Not so strange though since they also had a camera running right under their noses. I can imagine they didn't want to be too emotional when the whole world was watching.

Ugh! Seriously that song is just... ugh. Is he even singing words or anything? Because it sounded to me like he was trying to sound like a whining cat =/
I think there are lyrics, somehow. Have you ever heard the live version from H.A.A.R.P? That one has no lyrics, I'M SURE!

Nope I have not. H.A.A.R.P is short for one of their tours/albums I assume...?

I'll have to remember this song in case I have another argument about Muse again. I think it sums up pretty much everything I don't like about Muse.
Only the screaming voice, I'd say, because instrumentally it's pretty good.

Yeah instrumentally they are always pretty good, but it's always the singing that turns me off and I think that song really makes it clear what I mean.

I don't like B & H's that much, but Map of the Problematique sounds very good actually. As a matter of fact, I find it the best Muse song I have heard yet by far. I really, really like it.
Yeah, it's a great song, one of their best, IMO. But my top three would be Hysteria. Plug in Baby and Assassin. I'd use them as my argument of why Muse is awesome. :)

I might have heard Hysteria before, but I'm not sure. I have listened to Plug in Baby recently as well. I thought it was alright, but still nothing too amazing.

I can't understand any of their lyrics to be honest :p With most artists I can usually make out a few lines if I don't know the lyrics, but with Muse... can't understand a word.
There are some songs that have a more clear, direct meaning, but some others... well, they just rhyme. :P

Haha really? :p Judging from their titles I always thought they would have very deep lyrics or something.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 14:55:11

After lengthy internet delays, Coop prepares to try and finish his epic MWC Entry, while congratulating:
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Supreme Commander; 30,000 B/P
walterwagner: Level 16
HeavyTank: 29,000 Medal Points
KingExodus: 38,000 Medal Points
FBIpolux: Sergeant Major
jmalouin7: Level 23
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 22,222 Saves
Dent0n: Level 46
dx5231: Level 23
WeirdAlthe3rd: Sergeant Major

Thank you to:

Listening to:

At 3/6/10 12:44 PM, reverend wrote:
At 3/6/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote: Of course, with the "Beckham Effect" sweeping the USA from LA, we're experiencing a burgeoning passion for Football, or Soccer, and kids are actually realizing that football applies to the kicking of the ball, hence the original name "foot-the-ball".
Did you know that the word soccer was also an English creation? From association football to assoc to socca to socker to soccer. So either term is appropriate according to the peeps who created the English language. :P

Yeah, I knew that. This knowledge is buried within my post history somewhere :P

Of course, this has the more talented stars of the game upping their own performances and with stars such as Landon Donovan following former national keepers Kasey Kellar and Brad Friedel over to the UK to play in the Premiership, confidence is high for team USA.
I would love to see more of the US talent overseas like Jozy Altidore and Clint Dempsey. They really need to get some experience with the real pros. The creation of the MLS really helped build talent over the past 15 years or so compared to what it was, but it really hit a glass ceiling in the past few years imho.

Well, if they can get exports going again, they will certainly reap the benefits. Donovan will head back to the MLS with some great experience from Everton. He may have struggled with the language, but other than that, he should be good.

Stranger things have happened, but expect to see USA carved onto the winners list before the end of this decade. They showed promise in 2002 and 2006, so why shouldn't they do well at the finals?
If I recall they choked in 06. I really hope to see the team that took down Spain last year rather than the one who lost to the Dutch (even though only half of the starters were there).

Exactly, you've got a chance for some of the less well established kids to make their marks. Brad Guzan is the second choice keeper at Aston Villa and it looks like he's the heir apparent for Brad Friedel at present.

At 3/6/10 12:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: . . .As for darknessdweller, he's been gone for a long time and I'm glad it's going to stay that way. Whatever happened to him exactly, I have no idea but this place is a lot better without him. After all, he did say a few dangerous things back then. Sure, he's no Sirtom but my point still stands.
Don't lie. You and Coop miss him so much.
We should PM him. :P

Yeah, we should. He's the one that would get a stick up his arse - a banstick :P

At 3/7/10 01:09 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/5/10 04:03 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/4/10 09:45 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Oh, and what's everyone saying about that John Terry's affair with his teammate's girl in there?
Footballers are too rich, too young, according to Capello. Terry went and had an affair with Wayne Bridge's (now ex) girlfriend, so he lost the captaincy. Now we have to put up with Jar-Jar Binks (Rio Ferdinand) as the England captain for the World Cup.
Really, Ferdinand? I though Gerrard was chosen as the captain, I think a mid-fielder can hold that position better, since they are more active during the game.

Gerrard is the vice captain - Rio is the captain, but was injured and thus unavailable for the Egypt tilt

Either way, I think being the captain only boosts the players morale, so it doesn't matter that much.

Doesn't make him a better player though :(

What team to you cheer for there, anyway? Aston Villa?

Yeah, I'm a long suffering Villain. I did enjoy watching us beat Reading 4-2 today, to seal a match up against Chelsea, the rematch of the 2000 FA Cup final.

At 3/7/10 01:26 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 3/6/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote: Of course, with the "Beckham Effect" sweeping the USA from LA, we're experiencing a burgeoning passion for Football, or Soccer, and kids are actually realising that football applies to the kicking of the ball, hence the original name "foot-the-ball".
Really, why is the American Football called... football? Because of the kick-off? It should be called tackleball or similar.

No, because of Rugby Football having such a similar style of ball, I believe.

At 3/7/10 12:55 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/6/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/10 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to:
Just curious my man, but does 21st Highest B/Per not count as an achievement for you? :P

I know you only congratulate every 5 or 10k medal points, which is fair enough, but I was confused on the B/P milestone.
Well I know how difficult it is to rank up at these heights, but I see 21 as quite a random number to be honest ;)

Top 10/20/25/30/40 etc. I would congratulate. But 24, 23, 22, 21 is a bit much.

Fair enough - I guess the fact that they were coming a little thinck and fast still is an indication that you wouldn't be willing to congratulate them. Still, I'll be going through a drought for a long while now that I'm chasing down the retired bila.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 15:44:21

8000 blams.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 15:55:58

Tonight's list, no quotes for now, some will come tomorrow if I find anything worth responding to then. Congrats to:
Dent0n - Level 46
dx5231 - Beautiful Axe
WeirdAlthe3rd - Sgt. Major
Emlfuryoflion - 8,000 Blams

Listening to:
High on Fire - Baghdad

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 16:26:10

Rev is pondering who will get tops for Feb; congrats to:
walterwagner - Level 16
FBIpolux - Sgt. Major
jmalouin7 - Level 23
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 22,222 Saves
Dent0n - Level 46
KingExodus - Man with no life
ds5231 - Level 23
WeirdAlthe3rd - Sgt. Major
Emlfuryoflion - 8,000 Blams

Thanks to:


At 3/7/10 01:26 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I have to; voting is obligatory in here. I'm not sure if this is good or not, though.

It's good because people have to think before picking their candidates. It's bad because some people don't think before voting. =/

Really? I think voting should be a privilege rather than a requirement. There is no benefit to having people vote when they are indifferent to whom they are voting for.

Hahahaha, it's just for the glory of beating England, then? :P


At 3/7/10 07:57 AM, mwmike wrote: Forgot yesterday's list after a busy day, will write this up now and then make another one later tonight if I'm home, I'm likely to be out again tonight.

Usually on list per day is the standard to keep things less spammy. Plus, it's not like the LUL is moving too fast to warrant it. :P

At 3/7/10 02:55 PM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, I knew that. This knowledge is buried within my post history somewhere :P

And Google too.

Well, if they can get exports going again, they will certainly reap the benefits. Donovan will head back to the MLS with some great experience from Everton. He may have struggled with the language, but other than that, he should be good.

I thought he was trying to stay. Regardless, we need more talent who are willing to play. If an athlete in the US has a choice of what they are going to play they will always go for Amer. Football, Baseball, Basketball. rather than Soccer. There is just little interest in it outside of U-17 leagues.

I can't imagine what our team would look like if we had Anquan Boldin or Reggie Bush streaking down the wing, Brian Urlacher as a fullback, or Kevin Garnett as a keeper.

Yeah, we should. He's the one that would get a stick up his arse - a banstick :P


Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 16:40:52

At 3/7/10 04:26 PM, reverend wrote: Usually on list per day is the standard to keep things less spammy. Plus, it's not like the LUL is moving too fast to warrant it. :P

Yeah, that was just a catchup list for the night before. I did it pretty early in the morning, and made this one just before the time I thought I might be going off for the night, as to maximize the time between them both - I mainly just wanted the one for tonight not to be too long. Seeing as today turned out to be pretty slow, it didn't make any real difference, but if it was a faster day then it would have been harder.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 19:28:10

At 3/7/10 04:26 PM, reverend wrote: KingExodus - Man with no life

D: What the fuck man... D:


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-03-07 20:42:33

At 3/7/10 07:57 AM, mwmike wrote: Pokemonpoeguygcn - Sup. Commander - Fucking fantastic. You're the first 08er to reach that, right?

What the...

HeavyTank - 29,000 Medal Points - Shat bricks when I saw 39,000

Goddamn.I have to typo-check even my 3 word posts :(