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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-13 14:01:16


Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 13: Kirby vs Banjo

Listening to:

Rhapsody - Legendary Tales

At 2/12/10 10:36 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/11/10 03:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: I decided to not bother with YouTube after the video screwing up my channel by not showing any videos at all, so instead of putting my video on there, you can see it on Blip. So far, no complaints but if I ever get a problem with them, I'll take reverend's advice and use Veoh.
Nice list. I'd put Painkiller on first, though.

Can't argue with that. I did my best to put Painkiller in the top 5 but a few intros just beat it.

This I find annoying as well. If their copyright claims just threw ads on my video, I wouldn't complain but they took a step further. I wouldn't be surprised if I could find videos of all 10 songs I used and was able to watch them.
Yeah, I often come across some "copyright claim blabla" crap, but there are tons of other videos where I can watch the content just fine.

Yep, YouTube is full of hypocrisy but I've established that before.

I just need to remind you that my opinion is more important. :P
Still wrong, I see.

Nope, I'm right all along.

Because Manowar are great. I'll admit, that person shouldn't have mentioned AC/DC.
No, Manowar sucks monkey balls.


At 2/12/10 02:13 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah, but even 20,000 Experience will still take you a month.

True enough but it shows how sparse my achievements are these days.

At 2/13/10 01:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/29/09 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/09 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: SURPRISE LUL CATCHUP PREEMPTIVE STRIKE HO!

Wow, that was over 6 months ago. However, since you've done one hell of an epic catch-up, HOORAY!

Here's hoping they bring over Monkey Island 2 and Grim Fandango as well
PLEASE YES! I really need those games on Steam, most especially Grim Fandango.
Still hoping... still not having zem in my Steam library. ;_;

*sigh* Still not on Steam. However, there are talks about remaking Monkey Island 2 as well so I'll be hyped for that. Well, special edition or not, I'll get it the moment it's on Steam as well as Grim Fandango. Also, I will definitely get the other two Oddworld games when they're released on Steam.

No, iscrulz is cool. Bonus is not.
Yet iscrulz hates the FF series, and Bonus (presumably) does not... FASCINATING. #;-}>

I've never heard of Bonus' thoughts on Final Fantasy but why should I care?

Interest in GTA4 has increased.
Heh! Yep, far less food/exercise/weight-gain realities in GTAIV than in GTA:SA. Good schtuff, good schtuff.

On top of that, GTA4 episodes are coming to PS3 so that's one less reason to get a 360. I'll need to get GTA4 on PS3 soon enough but before that, I should play San Andreas. That will come whenever I get to G on my Steam games at least. Hey, on the bright side, I'm done with A and B I only need to play four games or maybe even three if I don't like the Bone titles.

It seems a lot but there's a bunch of active depositers together and they'll all make gfox crash down.
Well, back in August, gfox was #169... now, he's #217... net change of -48. Looks like you were right after all. More than right. #;-}>

Of course, I keep a close eye on the users who are right in front of me and I know there are many active/semi-active depositers around where I am.

At 7/29/09 03:09 PM, Toocool100 wrote: im level 47 now :)
You'll always be level 100 in our hearts, Mr. Cool!

What does this level 100 icon look like? :P

At 2/13/10 01:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/31/09 05:44 PM, ninjakoopa-33 wrote: After my 3-4 week absence, I've finally returned. Not sure if anyone cares lol. Well anyways, it seems a lot has changed here. I understand that Corky52 is now Fro, KevnSevn is now Kevin, and TECh2o is now Achromatic, correct? What else did I miss?
Somebody should really make a list of such namechangery tomfoolery sometime. Nice summary of (then) recent changes.

Don't let it be me, I do enough around here.

At 8/2/09 12:08 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Well, I don't like the "Sir" before Nuts. I only use it when the name "Nuts" is already taken or something. I even thought of asking for a name change to Wade, but he probably wouldn't read my PM. =/
I had no idea the Sir wasn't something you liked in your name. ;_;

will have to remember to try and think of you as just Nuts from now on, instead of Sir Nuts:::

Ah nuts. I mean...Ah nuts!

I will always vote for you in some of the honorable category over some general fruit until your a Mod then its the Worst Mod Ever for you lambso j/k dragon.
lols and can't wait for iscrulz to be a guaranteed worst-mod-category voter for Bahamut each and every award season:::

Funny how some people joke about me becoming the worst mod someday since someone actually nominated me for Worst Mod for the 2009 awards.

At 2/13/10 01:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/17/09 08:53 AM, Auz wrote: Personally I don´t think I´ll ever get into metal. Although I can appreciate some Maiden and Metallica and also liked some Sonata Artica and Volbeat that I heard, there is also a lot of stuff that I dislike. I think I´ll always prefer classic rock. It never gets old for me.
I'm not as into metal as I am into classic rock, but there's nothing wrong with being into both, man.

Whether you're metal or not, listen to Slough Feg! OK, you already know them gfox but Auz doesn't. Also, that's a link gfox.

At 8/17/09 09:21 AM, Bahamut wrote: I look forward to passing you in 145 days time.
I'm sure you did! How was it? #;-}>

It felt great! That's one less alt who's above me in EXP.

At 8/17/09 11:07 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Where have i been? I have been busy for the computer the yesterday and most of today, i went on a boat for most of yesterday.

I'M ON A BLIMP! <---Link gfox but you already know this.

At 8/25/09 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/24/09 08:13 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
Yes but he's motherfucking gfox. He did say he'll catch up this week but if he doesn't, we know what will happen.
(yawn)... moar 37s? Eh. :::shrugs:::

Nah, PropHunt is the new 37.

At 9/16/09 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: Supreme congratulations, man. One of my own long standing goals - I wonder who I'm going to pass to reach the top 50 most experienced

Sorry, Bahamut :P
Why are you sorry to Bahamut for wondering who you're going to pass to get into the top 50 yourself, eh? Anyway, if my example is any hint, it will probably not be someone you were expecting to knock out of the top 50. Though perhaps it will be. WE SHALL SEE. #;-}>

He apologised because I keep telling him to not look at getting into the top 50 just yet and I still do so. XD

At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
gfox also recommends teh Muse, and is hoping to see them live in March. :::nods:::

SO... Haggard, have you listened to any/much Muse since September? :::waits:::

He wasn't that interested in Muse but did like Knights of Cydonia. Hey, it's an improvement from his Manowar hatred. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-13 14:02:27

At 2/13/10 02:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/21/09 10:38 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD. And it goes to...Bahamut: 77,777 B/P - 40,000 Blams and 37,777 Saves!
Sweet! Of course, I congratulated Bahamut way back in the day for this 77777ness, but I never did here in LUL, so... one more time, with feeling:


MANY TANKS! Thanks for looking back at this post and reminding me the great comments I got for when I reached my retired numbers. You know, it feels strange being retired from the portal and not even visiting the judgment zone these days with the exception of a few when depositing for Toohot.

At 9/27/09 02:33 PM, Haggard wrote: We should spam his Inbox with "37!" messages... >:(

Stop pretending to be Evil!Bahamut, you bastich!

Mwahahahaha! You know what would be better, if I got everyone in the LUL to play PropHunt mod in TF2.

At 10/9/09 09:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: He's still around, check the other threads and his userpage. ;)
Thanks, dude. WAY TO STICK UP FOR THE DEAD GUY. #;-}>

I'm too kind at times.

At 10/14/09 09:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 10/13/09 06:45 PM, Aci6 wrote: Also, is 37,000 total points an achievement anyone?
Just mention it to gfox, lol.
And back to being a bastard of a dragon just a few weeks later. You know, you swing back and forth between defending my aliveness to the others... to tired, old 37 threats... to saying I should be tempted with lovely 36s to come back and post... and finally to more evil 37ness. ;_;

Haha, I knew you'd love my post.

At 10/15/09 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats on becoming a review mod Wylo. You truly deserve this position. :D
Whoa, did you tell me that on Steam? It sounds vaguely deja-vu-ish, yet also... like news to me.

Of course, I keep you up to date with awesome people being modded.

At 11/2/09 10:41 AM, Bahamut wrote: gfox approves of dragons having swords under their crotches. Here's what he said last night on Steam:

01:17 - gfox: enough unicorns with dicks for horns!
01:17 - gfox: We want dragons with swords for dicks, damnit!

I couldn't agree more.
heh. I remember that. And it was true. EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.

Indeed. Hmm, we still need to see pictures of dragons with swords for dicks. You'd think with someone drawing pictures of dragons having sex with cars, someone would have drawn a dragon with a sword for his dick by now. I am very disappointed in you, internet.

At 2/13/10 02:12 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 11/6/09 11:32 AM, Toohot100 wrote: 15,000 EXP. Now that's a lot of EXP for an alt. Of course, it's nothing compared to gfoxclock.
I'd say that's still plenty. And one day in the not-too-distant future you'll have more than gfox, at least, Mr. Hot!

Indeed but that's not until next year. Still, that time will come eventually. :)

It's time the truth came out, guys... the reason both DD and myself disappeared in the summer for about 4 months (as of November) is... well... we're the same person. ;_;


At 11/16/09 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: I've finally gone HD! :D
ewwww.... close-up dragon pimples. BRING BACK OLDSCHOOL TV TUBES, PLOX. Don't need to see dragon skin so damned well!

Surprisingly, that's not what I've used for my HDTV...Yet. <_<a t 2/13/10 02:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

While I haven't watched many of Afro Stud's flashes, I can certainly understand why he was trying to complete the series, even if he was no longer enjoying their creation.

Well, that's all in the past now and I want those flashes to be left as they are. When people say you should move forward, this is a great example.

At 11/19/09 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: The catch-up would have put gfox to shame.
Well that just makes me wish he'd actually done that catch-up... I'd have to see that to believe it. #;-}>

Haha, that will be something. You made a 10-post catch-up and I highly doubt anyone will EVER top that!

At 11/20/09 02:14 PM, NewsReporter wrote: Hello Newgrounders, I just reached level 28.
How interesting....


At 11/30/09 01:41 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, all we have from the first generation are gfox and Recon. I do like the thought of generations of Wi/Ht? and I'd say we're on the third generation now. 2002 - 2004 for first, 2005 - 2007 for second and 2008 - present for the current generation.
By the same pattern as the previous two, you'll have to cap the third at 2008-2010, then... and start a 4th in 2011.

Yep, that sounds about right. :)

3 years for a NG BBS generation sounds about right, yeah.

Just like there's 3/4 years for each Pokemon generation, even though they should stop at the fourth one.

At 11/30/09 12:13 PM, reverend wrote: Is Ramgai even still around? I never see her.
I saw her making a news post the other day about her level up. Shame she didn't post it here.
Thank goodness ramagi is around to see how badly her name's been fucked up as of late in here... she'd rip you guys new ones. #;-}>

The most she did to me was calling me a tiny lizard. That's a puny insult.

At 12/11/09 10:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Here's hoping I see them...Soon.
Sorry I let you down, man. ;_;

Well, no need to apologise now.

At 2/13/10 02:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You guys are like astrologists when it comes to predicting whether I'll finally post here or not. "Hey, look, he played L4D instead of TF2 tonight, that means THIS!" #;-}>

Speaking of L4D, if you have L4D2, what's the point of the original game nowadays?

At 12/18/09 08:46 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/17/09 04:07 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 12/17/09 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: If I can't convince you to like them, maybe gfox will.
I wonder how this should work. ^^
This'll be interesting and it's one of the many reasons why gfox needs to post those goddamn catch-ups already!
So I can convince Haggard to like Manowar? WTF?

You did like one of Manowar's songs so Haggard can't deny Manowar anymore. YOU LOSE, HAGGARD!

You and him arguing about whether Manowar are good or not was one of the most boring things during my 114 pages of catch-ups today, guys, I gotta be honest... yet you think it'd be interesting? #;-}>

Yes, it was one of our finest debates but Haggard was wrong wrong wrong.

At 12/19/09 12:54 PM, Bahamut wrote: Come on gfox, we need you! You too NEVR if you're going to make those catch-ups eventually. XD
GET ON NEVR'S BACK NOW. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

NEVR's been around lately, so...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-13 14:03:38

At 2/13/10 02:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/24/09 12:31 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah, it was among the top sellers again during the weekend. I had thought everyone got the game during the 2.50$ sale. =P
Bahamut shouldn't act like it's any mystery how there's still people without TF2... half the people who vote in his alternative character battle seem to have no TF2 knowledge, so... there ya go. There's still plenty of people for Valve to sell TF2 to. #;-}>

Those fuckers! Alright, there's only one way to solve this:


Let's see Engineer or Heavy winning this. We can't hope for Soldier winning now as he had his ass kicked by Mantis.

At 1/7/10 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/6/10 10:11 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I fail at catchups.... ;_;
gfox, you're failing! STOP FAILING!
Eh, what else is new, eh?

We'll see how you are in two months time. :P

Well, I think that's probably going to happen naturally... but that's not that big of an accomplishment, since I might not hit 12,000 posts for months from now.

There'll be a time when I'll have 10,000 more posts than you.

At 2/13/10 07:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/12/10 10:03 AM, Bahamut wrote: Nice work, now you're 5 ranks behind me. :)
At this pace, it will be 4 in a matter of weeks. Then when it comes to the mighty charge to actually pass you, I could gain 4 ranks in around 3-4 weeks :D

Everything seems going good for you then. However, we'll see what actually happens when you get to the 76k-78k range.

Definitely not possible for EXP with Ehwaz around but for B/P, it's possible. Just get to working on passing me in B/P.
Yeah, but he dropped experience enough for me to pass him, didn't he?

True but he's very persistent now. My statement will be proved right if he gets a perfect depositer mention on my 2 year EXP update special. We have four months left until the second special update.

At 2/13/10 01:42 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/2/09 07:51 PM, iscrulz wrote: I will have you demodded if you do that. 2009 Newgrounds BBS Worst MOD - Coop83 (He is the worst only wants more Jew Gold doesn't care about the site.)
LOL. That review of Coop in parantheses looks like feedback on eBay or something. Hilarity. #;-}>
I can just imagine iscrulz buying some of my stuff off eBay, just so he can give me such negative feedback.

Also, does anyone else see the irony in him calling me a Jew, now that I'm a BBS (Nazi) Mod?

Hilarity in hindsight.

At 2/13/10 12:24 PM, ornery wrote: (So much yellow in my icon, its blinding)

It's a great combination to me. Congrats on level 47!

Whew, I'm done with all of that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-13 14:17:51

Rev is watching Olympics and OU v OSU. Good day to be lazy.; congrats to:
Hacsev - 25k Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 21k Medal Points
A - 15k Exp
RageVI - Level 49!
ornery - Level 47!

Thanks to:


At 2/12/10 03:46 PM, Fro wrote: Also, happy birthday to your dog.

Ha! Thanks.

At 2/13/10 02:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 11/3/09 12:33 PM, reverend wrote: We'll I can't deny the masses of what they want, so here it is. :D

Ha! The masses preferred it that way.

At 2/13/10 07:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches the Winter Olympics start under a cloud, while congratulating:

It's a very dark day when they host games in Canada. :P
But really it's really terrible to what happened to that luger from Georgia. At least they have decided to start further down to slow down their running speeds, but still 21 is still to young.

It'll get going some more - epic postage from gfoxcook will certainly help ;)

Yes, we need every man at their stations. The enemy maybe disillusioned but still a threat.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-13 17:24:34

At 2/13/10 02:03 PM, Bahamut wrote:

I missed "Lara Croft vs Rin Tohsaka "

At 2/13/10 02:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

Consta!!! (for Real!!!)
because i really would like one XD

Let's see Engineer or Heavy winning this. We can't hope for Soldier winning now as he had his ass kicked by Mantis.

sounds kinda hard... there are still some good characters to bet...
*look at spyro*
you have to win against them!... you hear me?

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 01:13:24

Normally I don't care for gimmick achievements but

12345 Experience is pretty unique.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 03:59:06

Well, assuming that Wingman26 doesn't deposit this morning (as is his want of late), once the site updates the rankings, I'll be the 150th Highest Experienced User!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 04:14:32

Coop wonders if one spam attack will bring two, while congratulating:
ornery: Level 47
Yrtnej: 2nd NG Berfday
reverend: 12,345 Experience

At 2/13/10 10:36 AM, hdwade wrote: how do you level up

Check your PM inbox

At 2/13/10 10:42 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/13/10 02:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Jeez, no need to learn Bond movie history like it's actual history, though. THERE'S ENOUGH YEAR MEMORISATION IN DA CLASSROOM, DAGNABIT. #;-}>
Not so much in my history classes. Only dates I really had to remember are 1933,

Hitler made German Chancellor?


End of WWII

and November 9th. ^^

Specifically 1989 - Berlin wall comes down, reunifying Germany?

The rest of German History is a little fuzzy to me, save for things like the Saxon invasions of England and the fact that our Royal Family is descended from Germans.

At 2/13/10 02:03 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/13/10 07:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/12/10 10:03 AM, Bahamut wrote: Nice work, now you're 5 ranks behind me. :)
At this pace, it will be 4 in a matter of weeks. Then when it comes to the mighty charge to actually pass you, I could gain 4 ranks in around 3-4 weeks :D
Everything seems going good for you then. However, we'll see what actually happens when you get to the 76k-78k range.

Well, I'm going to be at 70k in less than a week now - I'm trying to get myself a guaranteed 50 per day pace for this week, which would be egotastic!

Definitely not possible for EXP with Ehwaz around but for B/P, it's possible. Just get to working on passing me in B/P.
Yeah, but he dropped experience enough for me to pass him, didn't he?
True but he's very persistent now. My statement will be proved right if he gets a perfect depositer mention on my 2 year EXP update special. We have four months left until the second special update.

I'm still miffed that there are 2 users with better deposit rates than me. Save from having various special forces cause IP meltdowns for them, I can't do anything but hope they miss a deposit or two :P

At 2/13/10 02:17 PM, reverend wrote:
At 2/13/10 07:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches the Winter Olympics start under a cloud, while congratulating:
It's a very dark day when they host games in Canada. :P

Oh god, not you as well. They're being held less than 40 miles from the happiest memories I've had while being on your continent.

Granted, I was only 5 at the time :P

But really it's really terrible to what happened to that luger from Georgia. At least they have decided to start further down to slow down their running speeds, but still 21 is still to young.

They raised the wall by half a metre, but hindsight always allows for things like this. I think that it was an utter tragedy for the kid to die like that and I've seen that video is circulating, but I didn't have the heart or stomach to watch.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 07:27:05

At 2/13/10 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I just need to remind you that my opinion is more important. :P
Still wrong, I see.
Nope, I'm right all along.


Because Manowar are great. I'll admit, that person shouldn't have mentioned AC/DC.
No, Manowar sucks monkey balls.

I am.

At 2/13/10 01:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/16/09 08:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: When Coop recommends it as well, you know you've got to listen to them.
gfox also recommends teh Muse, and is hoping to see them live in March. :::nods:::

SO... Haggard, have you listened to any/much Muse since September? :::waits:::
He wasn't that interested in Muse but did like Knights of Cydonia. Hey, it's an improvement from his Manowar hatred. :)

Oh yeah, I remember now. I listened to one song, but didn't like it too much. Me not remembering listening to them yesterday only shows that they didn't had any impact on me, so I simply forgot I listened to one of their songs.

At 2/13/10 02:02 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/18/09 08:46 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/17/09 04:07 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 12/17/09 01:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: If I can't convince you to like them, maybe gfox will.
I wonder how this should work. ^^
This'll be interesting and it's one of the many reasons why gfox needs to post those goddamn catch-ups already!
So I can convince Haggard to like Manowar? WTF?
You did like one of Manowar's songs so Haggard can't deny Manowar anymore. YOU LOSE, HAGGARD!

Lol? I don't care what Mr. Cook thinks about them, therefore I WIN for sticking to my opinion. :P

You and him arguing about whether Manowar are good or not was one of the most boring things during my 114 pages of catch-ups today, guys, I gotta be honest... yet you think it'd be interesting? #;-}>
Yes, it was one of our finest debates but Haggard was wrong wrong wrong.

I was right all the way, you are just afraid to admit it. :P

At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/13/10 10:42 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/13/10 02:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Jeez, no need to learn Bond movie history like it's actual history, though. THERE'S ENOUGH YEAR MEMORISATION IN DA CLASSROOM, DAGNABIT. #;-}>
Not so much in my history classes. Only dates I really had to remember are 1933,
Hitler made German Chancellor?


End of WWII

Of course.

and November 9th. ^^
Specifically 1989 - Berlin wall comes down, reunifying Germany?

No specific date there, really. Even though the reunifying of Germany has a special place in my heart because it's the only thing from that list I witnessed with my own eyes. ^^
Anyway, the Beer Hall Putsch (which actually should have been a "march on Berlin" much like Mussolinis "march on Rome") was on that date, because Hitler specifically chose that date. The Weimar Republic was proclaimed on that date as well, so Hitler tried to occupie this date for his own propaganda. That's also the reason the Kristallnacht took place on that date.
So, it's quite interesting to see how Hitler tried to use dates that where important for democratics for his own propaganda. Sad thing is he actually was succesfull, because now the german national day isn't celebrated on this date even though the Berlin Wall came down then, but on Oktober 3rd, the day of the formal reunification.

The rest of German History is a little fuzzy to me, save for things like the Saxon invasions of England and the fact that our Royal Family is descended from Germans.

Don't worry, the rest of the History of my country is fuzzy to most germans as well. The thing is, in history classes most of the time we where talking about nazi germany. No French Revolution, no October Revolution, no Mao Zedong... only in my last year we had a bit about the cold war. But really, most of the time it was nazi germany.
Most pupils simply where annoyed by this after the umpteenth time we had this subject, and I really don't think nazi germany is a topic you should annoy people with. :/

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 07:28:31

Thanks for voting, LadyX! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 9,340 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 30.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 07:36:43

Sorry for not stopping by yesterday. I've been quite busy and I'm afraid I don't have much time today either. So replies will have to wait until tomorrow guys.

Achievement of the Day
RageVI: Level 49. Looks alright with the golden aura. Congrats!

Congrats to:
Hacsev: 25,000 MP
reverend: Colonel, 12,345 Experience
A: 15,000 Experience
ornery: Level 47
Yrtnej: 2 Years on NG
Coop83: Top 150 Experience
LynchedJohNNY: Level 27
LadyX: Level 30

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 08:57:24

Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 14: Jill Valentine vs Gordon Freeman

Listening to:

Fear Factory - Obsolete

At 2/13/10 05:24 PM, aldlv wrote:
Consta!!! (for Real!!!)
because i really would like one XD

Haha, I probably should have mentioned that it was just a joke as that will only encourage people to vote them for the sake of a free game. I may as well just say I'll post nude pictures of Lara Croft if she won the contest but she was knocked out by a character hardly any of us knows about.

Let's see Engineer or Heavy winning this. We can't hope for Soldier winning now as he had his ass kicked by Mantis.
sounds kinda hard... there are still some good characters to bet...

They're against many great characters. It's not easy when the majority of the characters in the contest are GOOD!

At 2/14/10 01:13 AM, reverend wrote: Normally I don't care for gimmick achievements but

12345 Experience is pretty unique.

You are now tied with BahamutClock!

At 2/14/10 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, assuming that Wingman26 doesn't deposit this morning (as is his want of late), once the site updates the rankings, I'll be the 150th Highest Experienced User!

Great work, Coop! The next thing will be for me to get there, even if I have a long way to go.

At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop wonders if one spam attack will bring two, while congratulating:

Toohot to the rescue?

At 2/13/10 02:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Everything seems going good for you then. However, we'll see what actually happens when you get to the 76k-78k range.
Well, I'm going to be at 70k in less than a week now - I'm trying to get myself a guaranteed 50 per day pace for this week, which would be egotastic!

That's good, it felt good when I got 70k. Heh, that was even my original retirement until I got a few additional blams and I was like "Ah screw it, I may as well continue now."

True but he's very persistent now. My statement will be proved right if he gets a perfect depositer mention on my 2 year EXP update special. We have four months left until the second special update.
I'm still miffed that there are 2 users with better deposit rates than me. Save from having various special forces cause IP meltdowns for them, I can't do anything but hope they miss a deposit or two :P

Are you really bothered about DrJam and chazzybigdog having a higher deposit rate than you? At least they have less EXP than you and DrJam deserves a pat on the back for being PERRRRRRRRFECT all this time.

At 2/14/10 07:27 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/13/10 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote: START MAKING SENSE, DAMMIT!
I am.

No, you're not making the slightest sense with the Manowar sucks monkey balls statement.

At 2/13/10 02:02 PM, Bahamut wrote: You did like one of Manowar's songs so Haggard can't deny Manowar anymore. YOU LOSE, HAGGARD!
Lol? I don't care what Mr. Cook thinks about them, therefore I WIN for sticking to my opinion. :P

gfox is your lord and master. Do not deny him!

Yes, it was one of our finest debates but Haggard was wrong wrong wrong.
I was right all the way, you are just afraid to admit it. :P

How can I be afraid to admit of anything when you're clearly wrong?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 09:50:26

At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/13/10 05:24 PM, aldlv wrote:
Consta!!! (for Real!!!)
because i really would like one XD
Haha, I probably should have mentioned that it was just a joke as that will only encourage people to vote them for the sake of a free game. I may as well just say I'll post nude pictures of Lara Croft if she won the contest but she was knocked out by a character hardly any of us knows about.

i know you were joking ¬¬
i mean, even if you got the games for $2... i would cost like $20-50 to send it to me... you ain't going to pay that for the shipping XD

anyway... about those Lara's pics, it sounds tempting... hahaha, just kidding hahaha

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 11:31:09

Alright, Level 21.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 14:34:02

26,000 Saves!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 14:34:59

Rev is watching skiing with guns!; congrats to:
Yrtnej - 2 Years on NG
Coop83 - Top 150 in Exp!
LynchedJohNNY - Level 27
LadyX - Level 30
steph2568 - Level 21

Thanks to:
Auz x2


At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: Oh god, not you as well. They're being held less than 40 miles from the happiest memories I've had while being on your continent.

Granted, I was only 5 at the time :P

I assume Seattle. You're 26 so that must mean it was 1988 so ... was it when Starbucks was founded or Nirvana formed?

They raised the wall by half a metre, but hindsight always allows for things like this. I think that it was an utter tragedy for the kid to die like that and I've seen that video is circulating, but I didn't have the heart or stomach to watch.

I heard one luger said it was boring now since they were moved up to the women's starting position so I guess that's a good sign. I really dislike how the IOC findings blamed the guy for his death. The track had to have something to do with it too. That just really upsets me.

I watched the video when there was a thread about it and it's not too sicking. He looked like a rag doll being tossed around; kind of like those motorbike racers when they crash. You don't really see anything since the post is in the way of the camera angle. But still. . .

At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: You are now tied with BahamutClock!


Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 14:40:57

Just read a ton of gfox stuff last few pages lol.

Anyways not much but I did recently get 25,000 protects. Anyways congrats to all.



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-14 15:45:21

600 Audio Review Responses

I think that within a few weeks, I'll be at 1,000 Audio reviews as well. We'll see what that brings.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 02:45:29

I just reached 18,000 Experience!

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 03:45:54

Coop congratulates NASCAR for messing up the track at Daytona (5 1/2 hours for a race?!), and then congratulates:
LynchedJohNNY: Level 28
LadyX: Level 30
steph2568: Level 21
Haggard: 26,000 Saves
XwaynecoltX: 25,000 Saves
Auz: 18,000 Experience

Thank you to:
Odyssic (x2)

At 2/14/10 07:13 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 2/13/10 07:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: "INVALID SELECTION. Yo, what are ya talkin' about?"
lolwat, how did that happen? Fixed anyhow.

It's a Futurama quote - Fry orders a pizza with anchovies and the waiterbot doesn't understand what an anchovy is.

At 2/14/10 07:27 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/13/10 10:42 AM, Haggard wrote: and November 9th. ^^
Specifically 1989 - Berlin wall comes down, reunifying Germany?
No specific date there, really. Even though the reunifying of Germany has a special place in my heart because it's the only thing from that list I witnessed with my own eyes. ^^
Anyway, the Beer Hall Putsch (which actually should have been a "march on Berlin" much like Mussolinis "march on Rome") was on that date, because Hitler specifically chose that date. The Weimar Republic was proclaimed on that date as well, so Hitler tried to occupie this date for his own propaganda. That's also the reason the Kristallnacht took place on that date.
So, it's quite interesting to see how Hitler tried to use dates that where important for democratics for his own propaganda. Sad thing is he actually was succesfull, because now the german national day isn't celebrated on this date even though the Berlin Wall came down then, but on Oktober 3rd, the day of the formal reunification.

Wow, that's one hell of a day for you guys. I think that we've never had one single day that encompases so much, and I wouldn't even say that America has something that concentrated in history, that they mark so many things on a single day.

At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/14/10 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, assuming that Wingman26 doesn't deposit this morning (as is his want of late), once the site updates the rankings, I'll be the 150th Highest Experienced User!
Great work, Coop! The next thing will be for me to get there, even if I have a long way to go.

Thanks - now to focus on what, the top 125?

Nah, I'm just kidding. Top 50 it is!

At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop wonders if one spam attack will bring two, while congratulating:
Toohot to the rescue?

I was watching, but nothing really desperate was happening

At 2/13/10 02:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Everything seems going good for you then. However, we'll see what actually happens when you get to the 76k-78k range.
Well, I'm going to be at 70k in less than a week now - I'm trying to get myself a guaranteed 50 per day pace for this week, which would be egotastic!
That's good, it felt good when I got 70k. Heh, that was even my original retirement until I got a few additional blams and I was like "Ah screw it, I may as well continue now."

LOL - great anecdote for if Newgrounds ever had a black tie dinner :P

I'm still miffed that there are 2 users with better deposit rates than me. Save from having various special forces cause IP meltdowns for them, I can't do anything but hope they miss a deposit or two :P
Are you really bothered about DrJam and chazzybigdog having a higher deposit rate than you? At least they have less EXP than you and DrJam deserves a pat on the back for being PERRRRRRRRFECT all this time.

I think that I should be peeved with them both, because they're better than me >:(

At 2/14/10 02:34 PM, reverend wrote:
At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: Oh god, not you as well. They're being held less than 40 miles from the happiest memories I've had while being on your continent.

Granted, I was only 5 at the time :P
I assume Seattle. You're 26 so that must mean it was 1988 so ... was it when Starbucks was founded or Nirvana formed?

Nope, Vancouver - I was refering to Whistler being some 40 miles from where we stayed in Sechelt.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 11:50:11

Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 15: Dante vs Sakura Matou

Listening to:

Gamma Ray - Insanity & Genius

At 2/14/10 09:50 AM, aldlv wrote: i mean, even if you got the games for $2... i would cost like $20-50 to send it to me... you ain't going to pay that for the shipping XD

Actually, I wouldn't need to worry about shipping one bit as you would have got it digitally rather than getting the hard copy of The Orange Box.

At 2/15/10 03:45 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Great work, Coop! The next thing will be for me to get there, even if I have a long way to go.
Thanks - now to focus on what, the top 125?

Yeah, that's more like it.

Nah, I'm just kidding. Top 50 it is!

No, go back! GO BACK!

Toohot to the rescue?
I was watching, but nothing really desperate was happening

Ah well, Toohot is ready whenever. ;)

Are you really bothered about DrJam and chazzybigdog having a higher deposit rate than you? At least they have less EXP than you and DrJam deserves a pat on the back for being PERRRRRRRRFECT all this time.
I think that I should be peeved with them both, because they're better than me >:(

How about I make a new alt now and make sure it never misses a single deposit by the time it enters the EXP list?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 12:37:46

Achievement of the Day
Coop83: 600 Audio Review Responses. Difficult choice this time, but since there are less people that have also reached your achievement once... So congrats Coop!

Congrats to:
steph2568: Level 21
Haggard: 26,000 Saves
XwaynecoltX: 25,000 Saves

At 2/13/10 01:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/30/09 08:47 AM, Auz wrote: Really? I didn´t know that. I thought Bono wrote it for his wife after he had some relationship problems with her. I believe he forgot her birthday or the day they were married or something. Hence why you see banners with "I'm really sorry' in the video of the song.
shrugs::: All I know is that it was a b-side in the late 80s, man. If that's the story behind the song, it's a story from back in the 80s (unless somehow a fight with his wife was the reason for them putting Sweetest Thing on the 80-90 best of, that is... in which case it's the story behind the song selection for that #;-}>)...

Well let's look it up then...

Looks like you are right. The song was on the B-side of 'Where the Streets Have No Name' and was later re-released (1998) as a single on it's own. It was written as an apology to his wife when Bono was in the studios recording The Joshua Tree on her birthday.


Although I don´t think my top 5 would change much then. Zooropa might be out in my case and perhaps ATYCLB and HTDAAB would score higher than they do on my favourites list (they´re somewhere at the bottom there). If you would include the two "best of" CD's then I think those two would make the top 5 start-to-finish. Rattle and Hum might also be out since I believe there is also a streak of songs there which I like less (from after Hawkmoon 269 up until Pride).
Yep. That's my problem with R&H and why I told you last summer that there's no way it can make any top 5 U2 CDs by any sort of standard. Too many dry patches for most of my moods.

So start-to-finist list:
1 Achtung Baby
2 Best of 80-90
3 Joshua Tree
4 Best of 90-00
5 Boy
6 Zooropa
7 Rattle and Hum
10 The rest.

Something like that. Can´t place War, October and The Unforgettable Fire anywhere yet.
How's that coming, BTW? #;-}>

Oh yeah. I've listened to War from start to finish like you suggested, but that was already some time ago. I think my opinion was that it was a good album, but I wouldn't put it among my favorites.

I still gotta give the other two a full listen. Perhaps I should put them on my iTunes.

Aha. Well I guess they are always cheaper since you´re not paying for CD cases, instruction booklets, shelf rental and all sorts of other stuff anymore. And those sales sure sound interesting, 75% off a game is really a lot 0.o Or do you only get old, not-so-popular-anymore games for that?
If you think 1-2 years after a game was brand new and full price is "old, not-so-popular," I suppose.

Well that's usually about the point where newer/better/updated games and sequels are brought out, right? And they'll start to disappear from the shelves in the store.

At 2/13/10 01:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/17/09 08:53 AM, Auz wrote: So you gave up on the idea that your girlfriend/wife is ever gonna come to NG? ;)
Pretty much. If she ever finally does, she'll make her own new acct, I guess. Damned namefreeze (the only problem I have with it, since I obviously never want to change my own acct names #;-}>).

Heh, yeah the question is if she even wants that account. If she cared about levels she'd probably prefer to start at level 1 and work her way up herself. And if she doesn't care she probably wouldn't mind to start at level 1 either.

Personally I don´t think I´ll ever get into metal. Although I can appreciate some Maiden and Metallica and also liked some Sonata Artica and Volbeat that I heard, there is also a lot of stuff that I dislike. I think I´ll always prefer classic rock. It never gets old for me.
I'm not as into metal as I am into classic rock, but there's nothing wrong with being into both, man.

That's true. They're pretty much part of the same family after all.

At 8/30/09 11:55 AM, Auz wrote: And with that, it´s nice to know that I`m finally passing you in saves :p
And congrats on passing me in saves!

Jeez that was a while ago. I've already passed Bahamut by now =)

Now I got ReconRebel ahead of me and Gagsy behind me though. I think I'll be moving down first before I go back up again.

At 2/13/10 02:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 10/26/09 05:36 AM, Auz wrote: Achievement of the Day
gfoxcook: Level 49. Not such a great level icon, but very nice anyway! Congrats.
Another AOTD, holy shit. Anyway, thanks, dude... yeah, lots of people were down on 49 when I got it, including Bahamut (who didn't hesitate to tell me so on Steam at the time, so worry not, I got the message)... it's a bit scrawny, but a bit o' beefin' up would improve it greatly.

Yeah. I think I would've liked it more if it seemed made out of wood rather than gold.

Now I've got these twin golden shuriken that don't look very useful, but oh well. Level 51's Zelda sword lies beyond, and that's pretty nifty, at least. Some more good ones to come after that, as well.

The Zelda sword is probably my least favorite of the swords, but still a decent level icon.

At 2/13/10 02:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 11/18/09 09:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 11/17/09 01:18 PM, Auz wrote: That sounds odd indeed. It didn't seem like he had much effort to put into it though, and to be honest it also seemed he put less and less effort in the flashes as the series proceeded. I was expecting at least some special episodes on the legendary Pokemons and at the start of a new generation, but he just moved on. That was slightly disappointing imo.
Hell, even I suggested he did something special with the legendary Pokemon episodes but he refused. :( You all had to rely on me to make something for the landmarks.
You guys have never put a lot of effort into something... and then continued to do so long after your passion/interest/fun in that thing faded away? ... hm... if you say so.

While I haven't watched many of Afro Stud's flashes, I can certainly understand why he was trying to complete the series, even if he was no longer enjoying their creation.

Well I suppose I have. But it was quite an undertaking and he was still only halfway with them. Like he had another half-year of creating and uploading new episodes to go. I think I would not have gone on with it if the end was still so far away.

At 11/29/09 12:43 PM, Auz wrote:
At 11/29/09 12:02 PM, lightning wrote:
Probably only gfoxcook. Although he doesn't show up that often anymore, but he'll be back someday.
Technically, I didn't start posting here until page 90-100ish... I wasn't really around at the very beginning.

I think relatively speaking that's very near the beginning.

At 2/13/10 02:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/16/09 10:23 AM, Auz wrote: That's nice indeed, hadn't noticed it yet. Too bad it's not exactly all 36's, but it's about as close as you can get. Anyway, I think I'll park myself at these numbers for a while so gfox will have some time to check it out before I move on. Having 555 reviews at the end of the year would be sweet.
As Auz clearly realised. #;-}> I noticed you're at 560 reviews now, BTW, but it's February... did you make it to 555 by 2009's end, then?

*Check his first newspost*

Yep. I was at exactly 555 flash reviews and 190 responses at midnight. As you can see I haven't done much reviewing anymore ever since.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 12:43:14

And gfox' replies part 2.

At 2/13/10 02:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/10/10 12:47 PM, Auz wrote: 6 years old? That's quite young then. I think I really got into Pink Floyd when I turned 17 or so. Before that I never listened to them much and only knew their famous songs.
I started listening to rock in general early as well. It helped me with English and defining what songs I like nowadays. I loved Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Zeppelin, Mike Oldfield, Genesis... All the songs that my dad listens to, basically.
My dad was a big Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd fan, and as a kid and as a teen I resisted getting into music he was into... but by late high school/college by the time I was moving out and getting on with my life, I ended up finding out how awesome they in particular were, and I got over the fact that my dad liked them too. #;-}>

I should have done that a bit earlier, but oh well. mid-90s was better than never.

Hehe I think many kids don't like the music their parents listen to at first. But the 80's music my dad always turned on when we went on vacation started to grow on me over the years. And it also helps that I now actually know who those songs are from.

The 60's and 70's I just went on exploring by myself. I think they're ultimately my favorite music decades, and I still got a lot to discover.

At 2/11/10 01:09 PM, Auz wrote: Achievement of the Day
gfoxcook: Level 50. Awesomeness! Gotta say though that the level icon is not great. It's like level 33 and 34 all over again.
Jeez, man! A 5th one (IIRC)... yer makin' me blush here.

As for the icon: there's just no pleasing you guys. If I have the thin lil' golden bow and arrow @ 49, you say it's lame, if I get the twin golden shuriken @ 50, you say it's lame as well. OH WELL, I guess I'll just keep on depositing instead of retiring with these icons, then! No brainer there. #;-}>

Well sorry. I guess I just think that after level 46 you've pretty much had all the awesome icons. There's still a few between 50 and 60 I like, but overall I just prefer the early 40's.

Not that I'm going to retire any time soon though.

At 2/11/10 01:09 PM, Auz wrote:
You should give a listen to "Rock And Roll" and "Black Dog". They're a lot better than Stairway to Heaven.

Look, Black Dog is a great song, but I really wouldn't say it's better than Stairway. As for R&R, it definitely isn't. Part of this is just that I'm so damned tired of that song after the last 5 years of it being used in 80% of Cadillac advertisments on TV here in America, but... ugh... so tired of R&R.

And actually... my fave song on that album is When the Levee Breaks (so I pick none of the three above, anyway).

Alright then. I'll just listen to all of them and see which one I like most :p

And PS: I just noticed they made Whole Lotta Love. Should've known that, and great song.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 12:48:19

Listening to:
Douglas Adams - Episode 25 (Quintessential Phase)

At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Alternative Character Battle 2 - Battle 14: Jill Valentine vs Gordon Freeman

More people need to play Resident Evil. >:(

At 2/14/10 07:27 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/13/10 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote: START MAKING SENSE, DAMMIT!
I am.
No, you're not making the slightest sense with the Manowar sucks monkey balls statement.

I am making sense because my statement is perfectly true.

At 2/13/10 02:02 PM, Bahamut wrote: You did like one of Manowar's songs so Haggard can't deny Manowar anymore. YOU LOSE, HAGGARD!
Lol? I don't care what Mr. Cook thinks about them, therefore I WIN for sticking to my opinion. :P
gfox is your lord and master. Do not deny him!

I don't have a lord. :P

Yes, it was one of our finest debates but Haggard was wrong wrong wrong.
I was right all the way, you are just afraid to admit it. :P
How can I be afraid to admit of anything when you're clearly wrong?

Because I am clearly right.

At 2/15/10 03:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop congratulates NASCAR for messing up the track at Daytona (5 1/2 hours for a race?!), and then congratulates:
Haggard: 26,000 Saves


At 2/14/10 07:27 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/13/10 10:42 AM, Haggard wrote: and November 9th. ^^
Specifically 1989 - Berlin wall comes down, reunifying Germany?
No specific date there, really.
Wow, that's one hell of a day for you guys.

Yeah. And that's the reason you can answer about 90% of the questions that start with "When was..." in history class with: "November 9th!" XD

At 2/15/10 08:04 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
Haggard: 26,000 Saves


At 2/15/10 12:37 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to:
Haggard: 26,000 Saves


Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 13:11:20

With that vote, you now have 14,000 experience points.

Thanks for supporting the Alternative Character Battle!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 13:34:43

Rev survived another pointless holiday; congrats to:
Haggard - 26k Saves
XwaynecoltX - 25k Saves
Coop83 - 600 Audio Review Responses!
Auz - 18k Exp
Bahamut7 - 14k Exp


At 2/15/10 03:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop congratulates NASCAR for messing up the track at Daytona (5 1/2 hours for a race?!), and then congratulates:

Ha! It's the folks that owned the track that messed up. Apparently the entire track hasn't been repaved since the late 70s which is shocking. A shame since other super speedways like Talladega resurface theirs every ten years or so and it shows how they have been slacking.

What next? A sinkhole behind the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. :P

Nope, Vancouver - I was refering to Whistler being some 40 miles from where we stayed in Sechelt.

I see. My knowledge of Pacific Northwest geography and your childhood is lacking.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 17:48:43

You passed 29000 B/P! Congrats!

I'm almost satisfied

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-15 18:29:53

I will be back.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-16 03:46:28

Coop readies to take on the new road works / one way system, while congratulating:
Bahamut7: 14,000 Experience
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 29,000 B/P
PabMo: Level 13

Thank you to:

At 2/15/10 11:50 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/15/10 03:45 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/14/10 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Great work, Coop! The next thing will be for me to get there, even if I have a long way to go.
Thanks - now to focus on what, the top 125?
Yeah, that's more like it.

I'll get there... soon.

Nah, I'm just kidding. Top 50 it is!
No, go back! GO BACK!

What, stop depositing? I don't think so!

Toohot to the rescue?
I was watching, but nothing really desperate was happening
Ah well, Toohot is ready whenever. ;)

Good, keep him primed ;)

Are you really bothered about DrJam and chazzybigdog having a higher deposit rate than you? At least they have less EXP than you and DrJam deserves a pat on the back for being PERRRRRRRRFECT all this time.
I think that I should be peeved with them both, because they're better than me >:(
How about I make a new alt now and make sure it never misses a single deposit by the time it enters the EXP list?

That wouldn't be the same - these two are mains, are they not?

At 2/15/10 12:48 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/14/10 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Wow, that's one hell of a day for you guys.
Yeah. And that's the reason you can answer about 90% of the questions that start with "When was..." in history class with: "November 9th!" XD

And then the teacher throws something at you and shout "WHAT YEAR?!"

At 2/15/10 01:34 PM, reverend wrote:
At 2/15/10 03:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop congratulates NASCAR for messing up the track at Daytona (5 1/2 hours for a race?!), and then congratulates:
Ha! It's the folks that owned the track that messed up. Apparently the entire track hasn't been repaved since the late 70s which is shocking. A shame since other super speedways like Talladega resurface theirs every ten years or so and it shows how they have been slacking.

Yeah, in the NASCAR club, I wrote an open letter to ISC, to get them to resurface the track - it's madness, otherwise.

What next? A sinkhole behind the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium. :P

Don't even go there.

Nope, Vancouver - I was refering to Whistler being some 40 miles from where we stayed in Sechelt.
I see. My knowledge of Pacific Northwest geography and your childhood is lacking.

Pfft, you should know more!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-02-16 04:16:36

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