At 10/11/03 08:42 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: about two weeks for my lvl 15
Exp. Points: 4,110 / 4,242
Actually... not to depress you too much, but 4242-4110 = 132, and since I was just getting 2 or 3 added every day as a level 13 to my exp requirement for 14 up till today when I finally got 14...
us level 14s, I suspect, get 3 added every day, more or less, so it might be more like 3 weeks till you get level 15, not 2.
At 10/12/03 05:31 PM, jonthomson wrote: Well, I did say experience rankings (882->870), not b/p ranks (I might drop back out of the top 200 in that if I'm not careful). It's annoying when NG goes down (for maintenance) half an hour after I get up, then doesn't get back up for twelve and a half hours.
Congrats on almost 1500 blams. Im currently 2,970th in exp, but 150th in blam/protect. I move up like 1 or soo each day depending on how long Im on and how many submissions there are.
Wait. 2,970th in exp? What are you talking about? You're 870th in exp, like you just said in the prior paragraph. O_o
BTW, does anyone know (probably in this thread somewhere) where exactly the discussion was about a month or two ago on which lists are hardest to make? Nobody go digging especially, I'll find it if no-one knows. Gfox I'm looking in your direction :-)
No, it wasn't here. It was in one of my top 50 lists, can't remember which one. Shouldn't be too tough to find. Just search for a word you know will be in the post, like "top 50" and lightning and gfoxcook. I know it was mostly me and lightning talking about it. So that'll bring it up for sure. If not, dig back about 5 pages in each thread.
Now to get some token shuteye before game 4. Go Burkett :-p
Sadly, no game 4. I thought FOX had fucked up when the game wasn't on, but then later found out it was postponed. At least the Marlins salvaged their dignity with a 2-hitter. Magnificent 4-0 victory over the Cubs. They're doomed in the last two games, though. Eh. Cubs represent my NL Central, but... I find it hard to root for them, especially when I don't particularly like their manager or star player. But I do have sympathy for their fans. So eh... either way is fine. But I hope the Yankees get kept out. They've had enough pie, it's time to share with the rest of the class.
At 10/13/03 03:30 AM, Dobio wrote: Congrats on the level up gfox, old man cane for about 4 months, give or take.
I'll have it soon too.
Thanks for noticing, I think you're the only one who did before I posted about it. #;-}>
Yeah. Come join me in lame rustpipedness. You know you want to.
Or not.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)