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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

4,198,948 Views | 87,984 Replies
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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 03:12:14

Over 10,000 experience... 10,005 to be specific.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 04:02:55

Coop prepares to watch an epic fourth day of the final Ashes test, while congratulating:
Fim: Level 35
Hacsev: 5,000 Experience
Auz: 8.00 Base Voting Power
michelinman: Private
reverend: 6,000 Saves
HecticCircleCrap: 1,234 Days on Newgrounds
Molotov: 7,777 Reviews (Flash)
DumbassDude: 8,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: 10,000 Experience

Thank you to:
TehSlapHappy (x3)
Soapbubble (x2)

At 8/22/09 05:00 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD .And it goes to....Coop83: 62,000 b/p; 2,000 Reviews!

Thanks man, it was a good day for achievements yesterday :P

At 8/22/09 06:04 PM, TehSlapHappy wrote:
At 8/20/09 03:33 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/19/09 05:56 PM, TehSlapHappy wrote:
no homo
"And the loser has to sing the 300 Theme tune with my dick in their mouth. It goes a little something like this Blah doo dee doo dee doo! Blah doo dee doo!"
)))))))))))))) that made me happy

It's all down to timing

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 04:39:12

17,000 Experience

Not particularly good, considering my lost pace, but still reasonably high.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 05:54:04

I NAO HAEV a fisting glove of steel.

also, apparantley i passed 15'000 posts the other day. NEWGROUNDS, WHY DO YUO KEEP STEALING MAH LIEEFF <:O

Wakka wakka

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 07:48:34

Listening to:

Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God

At 8/22/09 08:14 PM, Molotov wrote: 7,777 Flash Reviews

Now that's a number I really like. Infact, it was once going to be the retirement goal of mine for flash reviews. However, I'm too far away from there and there isn't a chance on that happening.

At 8/23/09 05:54 AM, Rucklo wrote: also, apparantley i passed 15'000 posts the other day. NEWGROUNDS, WHY DO YUO KEEP STEALING MAH LIEEFF <:O

There's always that place called outside to take a break from here. Just look what happened to me yesterday. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 08:03:46

Congratulations to: -

Auz - 8.00 Total Voting Power
michelinman - Private
Hacsev - 13,000 Medal Points
Coop83 - 62,000 B/P and 2,000 Total Reviews
HecticCircleCrap - 1,234 Days on NG
Molotov - 7,777 Reviews
DumbassDude - 8,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane - 10,000 Experience
schneelocke - 17,000 Experience
Rucklo - Level 29 and 15,000 Posts

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 12:06:56

Achievement of the Day
Molotov: 7,777 Flash Reviews. Nice number, would be cool if you reached 10,000 someday. Congrats!

Congrats to:
reverend: 6,000 Saves
Coop83: 62,000 BP, 2,000 Total Reviews
HecticCircleCrap: 1,234 Days on NG
DumbassDude: 8,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: 10,000 Experience
schneelocke: 17,000 Experience
Rucklo: Level 29, 15,000 Posts

Thanks to:

Listening to:
Mr Mister - Broken Wings
U2 - Kite

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 12:38:48

Level 11

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 13:30:25

Rev is watching the LLWS; congrats to:
Coop83 - 62k B/P and 2,000 Reviews!
Molotov - 7,000 Flash Reviews!
DumbassDude - 8,000 Posts
Soapbubble - 5,000 Medal Points
AlexanderThe Insane - 10,000 Exp!
schneelocke - 17k Exp!
Rucklo - Level 29
JKMonkey - 7,000 Posts
1337UMD - Level 11

Thanks to:

Listening to:
Tool - Eulogy


At 8/22/09 07:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Man, . . . So yeah, having fun outside with my friends > Newgrounds.

I think you meant: fun outside with my friends >>>> Newgrounds.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 13:39:18

Catch up time...

I think this will be my last list for some time. It feels more like chore than fun lately, especially when I have so much to do for my studies.
Maybe I'll return once things start to quiet down a bit again.

Also, we have so many listmakers right now that I'm sure one user less who posts a list won't hurt anyone. :P

Thanks to:

Congrats to:
TehSlapHappy: 4,000 Posts
SupraAddict: 8,000 B/P, Sergeant First Class
ninjakoopa-33: 3,000 Experience
idiot-buster: Level 29
Simple: 1,337 Blams, 4,000 Saves
Auz: 33,000 Saves
youngblood26: Level 24
BananaBreadMuffin: Level 38
Coop83: 22,222 Blams, 62,000 B/P, 2,000 Reviews
BahamutClock: Level 33
WilhelmTheVampire: 10,000 Medal Points
AnalPenguinFarming: Top 900 in Experience
Jake: Level 37
Frenzy: 1,800 Reviews
FroNickProductions: Level 16
aquaticmole: Level 28
Fim: Level 35
Hacsev: 5,000 Experience
Auz: 8.00 Base Voting Power
michelinman: Private
HecticCircleCrap: 1,234 Days on NG
Molotov: 7,777 Reviews
DumbassDude: 8,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: 10,000 Experience
schneelocke: 17,000 Experience
Rucklo: Level 29, 15,000 Posts
JKMonkey: 7,000 Posts
1337UMD: Level 11

At 8/20/09 10:17 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/19/09 05:35 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/19/09 04:24 PM, Bahamut wrote: I've wasted nine hours today being with my family for a family day and I feel so unclean for doing so.
Better clean yourself then with some statwhoring.
What statwhoring can I do? Well, there's one achivement on the way, so hopefully that's better than nothing.

Depositing your experience, reviewing... submitting your 100th flash? Oh wait, you'd have to finish it first. :P

Nope, I've not once been wrong here.
You've been wrong from the start.
Actually, I've been right all along.

Wrong again.

Hell no, you're the one posting pictures of them half-naked.
But you keep talking about it. :P
But you're the one who keeps posting pictures of them half-naked. I don't even judge the band by how they look.

I keep posting pics of them? Where?
I posted like two pics, but you keep talking about it for like two weeks now. :P
Also, I don't judge them by their looks, their uglyness is just the icing on the mud cake. :P

At 8/22/09 07:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Man, I was with my friends from midday to 11PM today and instead of heading back home earlier to relax, I decided to stick with the group for even longer since I originally intended to go along for wherever they'd go to eat for the evening and then decided to stay for even longer. So yeah, having fun outside with my friends > Newgrounds.

You know, this somehow reminded me of when I was at your age... and best of all, I don't even feel old now that I remember how it was like being 19. :D

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 16:56:13

7000 Medal points.

Cool I guess.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 19:08:06

Ninja is off to school tomorrow, but would like to congratulate:
tally1989 - 3,000 Saves, Level 25
LegolaSS - #555 in Experience; 7,777 Total B/P; 16,000 Medal Points
Kaytee - Base Voting Power of 6.66
InnerChild548 - 2,000 BBS Posts
Raizen-Pyro - 1,000 Saves
Ledgey - Level 22
GodsBitch - Level 21
LegolaSS - 15,000 Medal Points
jonthomson - Level 47
wizardman - 19,000 Experience
WilhelmTheVampire - 13,337 Total Stats; 10,000 Medal Points
Dream-of-Duke - 15,000 Experience Points
Fro - 888 Flash Reviews, Total Voting Power of 11.11, 12,000 Medal Points
AndrewGlisson13 - 1,000 Experience
iscrulz - Level 46; 35,000 Saves
mothballs - 13,000 Medal Points
letiger - Police Sergeant
Soapbubble - 4,000 B/P, Corporal, 500 Flash Reviews, 100 Flash Review Responses
TehSlapHappy - 4,000 BBS Posts
SupraAddict - 8,000 B/P, Sergeant First Class
idiot-buster - Level 29
Simple - 4,000 Saves, 1,337 Blams
Auz - 33,000 Saves; Base Voting Power of 8.00
Haggard - 36,000 B/P
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 12,000 Medal Points
youngblood26 - Level 24
BananaBreadMuffin - Level 38
Coop83 - 22,22 Blams; 62,000 B/P; 2,000 Reviews
BahamutClock - Level 33
AnalPenguinFarming - Top 900 in Experience
Jake - Level 37
Frenzy - 1,800 Flash Reviews
FroNickProductions - Level 16
aquaticmole - Level 28
Fim - Level 35
Hacsev - 5,000 Experience Points; 13,000 Medal Points
michelinman - Private
HecticCircleCrap - 1,234 Days on NG
Molotov - 7,777 Flash Reviews
DumbassDude - 8,000 BBS Posts
AlexanderTheInsane - 10,000 Experience
schneelocke - 17,000 Experience
Rucklo - Level 29, 15,000 BBS Posts
JKMonkey - 7,000 BBS Posts
1337UMD - Level 11
milinko959 - 7,000 Medal Points


Awfully sorry that I've been falling behind in making lists. I've really been inactive as of late. With school starting up for me tomorrow, I'll probably be even more inactive. I'll continue making lists here, but school comes first.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 19:21:00

Lieutenant (man that 12500 BP went by really fast!) , and over 2000 XP points. (Is XP counted?) :)

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 19:39:29

2000 posts!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 19:43:21

Buckle up kids, this is gonna be a long one. Congratulations to:

Coop83: 600 Audio Reviews
InnerChild548: Level 22; 300 Reviews; B/P Private; 2,000 Posts
Incisor: 34,000 Saves
AndrewGlisson13: Private B/P; 400 posts; 1,000 Exp; 100 days on NG? Seriously dude?
sushi13: 1500 Saves; PFC B/P
reverend: Top 500 B/P; 10,000 B/P; 6,000 Saves
LegolaSS: 2,222 Saves; Level 36; #555 Exp. Rank; 15,000 Medal Points; 7,777 B/P (You post here too much), 16,000 Medal Points
Fro: Supreme Commander B/P
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 13,000 Saves; 18,000 B/P; 12,000 Medal Points
Davidzx: Level 26; Private
LillioTheOne: Level 7; 1st post on the BBS. WAY TO GO DUDE!
Joshiwa: 21,000 Saves
Life-Stream: 5,500 Posts
Haggard: 500 Audio Review Responses; 36,000 B/P
Lizzardis: 15,000 Total Stats; 7,000 B/P; 100 Reviews
aldlv: 40,000 Total Stats
NeonFlame126: 2,000 B/P; 1,111 Exp. Rank
Kaytee: 16,000 Saves; 6.66 Voting Power
RohanTheBarbarian: 12,000 Saves; 17,000 B/P
Odyssic: 13,000 Saves; Colonel
IvanTuroc: 29,000 B/P
WillhelmTheVampire: 5,000 Saves; 8,000 B/P; 13337 Total Stats; 500 Posts; 10,000 Medal Points
titchman12: Level 15; B/P Safety Patrol; 6.00 Voting Power, Level 17 IRL
Castilveinya: Level 26
Auz: 51,000 B/P; 33,000 Saves; 8.00 Base Voting Power
AniMetal: Police Captain B/P
JKMonkey: Private First Class B/P; 7,000 Posts
agatio: 4,000 Saves
RupeeClock: 27,000 B/P
Bloodthorne: Private B/P
TehSlapHappye: Police Lieutenant B/P; 4,000 Posts
SevasTra: Major B/P
JohnnyTheWinnar: Level 11
Shaun: 8,000 Saves
portalwarpedJP: Level 15
gfox: 1337 ass level icon: Keep that sumbitch
dx5231: 9,000 B/P
SoulMaster71: 3,000 Saves; Top 1,000 B/P: 6.66 Base Voting Power
Stretchysumo: 1,000 Saves
GUTHRIE: 18,000 Experience
Tally1989: 3,000 Saves; Level 25
Raizen-Pyro: 1,000 Saves
Ledgey: Level 22 - The crowbar is lame anyways
GodsBitch: Level 21 - See? She agrees with me
JonThomson: Level 47
wizardman: 19,000 Experience
Dream-of-Duke: 15,000 Experience
mothballs: 13,000 Medal Points
letiger: Police Sergeant B/P
Soapbubble: 4,000 B/P; Top #5000 EXP points; Top #1500 B/Pers; 500 flash reviews; 100 flash review responses; 5,000 Medal Points
SupraAddict: 8,000 B/P
ninjakoopa-33: 3,000 Experience
idiot-buster: Level 29
Simple: 1,337 Blams; 4,000 Saves
youngblood26: Level 24
BananaBreadMuffin: Level 38 - I hope you read this BBM. I look forward to sucking your mod-cock more in the future.
Coop83: 22,222 Blams; 62,000 B/P; 2,000 Reviews
BahamutClock: Level 33
AnalPenguinFarming: Top 900 Experience
Jake: Level 37
Frenzy: 1800 Reviews
aquaticmole: Level 28
Fim: Level 35
Hacsev: 5,000 Experience; 13,000 Medal Points
Molotov: 7,777 Reviews - (Or should I call you blonde_bitch666? Haha. Oh the good old days)
DumbassDude: 8,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: 10,000 Experience
schneelocke: 17,000 Experience
Rucklo: Level 29; 15,000 Posts
1337UMD: Level 11
milinko959: 7,000 Medal Points
KrevZabijak: Lieutenant B/P; 2,000 Exp; Being a successful troll
loansindi: 2,000 Posts

At 8/23/09 04:39 AM, schneelocke wrote: 17,000 Experience

Not particularly good, considering my lost pace

You don't know the half of it my friend. :/

1043 Characters remaining.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 21:56:36

5000 blams

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-23 22:56:29

Welcome to Idiot-buster's 67th Level Up Lounge list!

Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field, or i just think they should have the AOTD .And it goes to....Molotov: 7,777 Reviews!

Listening to: Michael Jackson- dangerous album.

Congrats to:
DumbassDude: 8,000 Posts
AlexanderTheInsane: 10,000 Experience
schneelocke: 17,000 Experience
Rucklo: Level 29, 15,000 Posts
JKMonkey: 7,000 Posts
1337UMD: Level 11
Jamie: Corporal
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 5,000 blams

At 8/22/09 07:57 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/21/09 11:35 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 8/21/09 08:55 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Michael Jackson - Bad
Good choice, i like that one.
Well, I only list the album titles of what I'm listening to these days. If it's just random songs, I put the song titles in italics. But yeah, Bad is a great song. :D

Oh so what your saying is that you listen to all of the songs on that album? Don't hit me if i'm wrong @;-] Bad is a great album, but i do think HIStory was the best. And has alot of my favorite songs on it.
They don't care about us just has a great meaning behind it, theres a censored version and one that just sounds a bit better.

Fuck that shit, Haggard got 36k! Thirty-fucking-six, it's AOTD worthy.
Is that not the sign of Greg.....come out, come out where ever you are? :::oh i know were he is, stop playing thoes damn online games:::
He's slacking. AGAIN!

Ya, oh well. When he comes around, he posts in damn near every topic on the first page. I think that makes up for it.

At 8/23/09 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/22/09 05:00 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Achievement of the day!
Thanks man, it was a good day for achievements yesterday :P

Both were worthy by themselves to be the AOTD so both of them in one shot was a no brainer.

And your welcome.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 00:07:15

Thanks for voting, JUSTIN-BAILEY! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 4,010 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 20. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 53 minutes, and 37 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 04:22:59

Coop continues to celebrate England's fantastic win over Australia, while congratulating:
schneelocke: 17,000 Experience
Rucklo: Level 29
JKMonkey: 7,000 Posts
1337UMD: Level 11
milinko959: 7,000 Medal Points
KrevZabijak: 2,000 Experience; Lieutenant
Ioansindi: 2,000 Posts
Jamie: Corporal
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 5,000 Blams

Thank you to:
Odyssic (x2)
RohantheBarbarian (x2)
Auz (x2)
reverend (x2)
Haggard (x4) - An extra one for being a listmaker for so long. Kudos to you, man :)
ninjakoopa-33 (x3)
michelinman (x4)

At 8/23/09 07:35 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 8/22/09 05:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: This might be the season that is made up of the serialised episodes of the 4 movies. Effectively becoming season 5, but it might be season 4a, since I'll probably refer to the new season coming in Autumn 2010 as season 5...
I thought it might be the movies but I've already seen them on Sky. If I can remember, it is four episodes then one long episode.

Hmm, that's interesting - I don't think it's new material, because the 'new' series of Futurama isn't due out for another 12 months yet...

At 8/23/09 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/23/09 05:54 AM, Rucklo wrote: also, apparantley i passed 15'000 posts the other day. NEWGROUNDS, WHY DO YUO KEEP STEALING MAH LIEEFF <:O
There's always that place called outside to take a break from here. Just look what happened to me yesterday. :)

You mean you didn't see the pictures of him from when he came to London? Curled up on the sofa, with only the NG flag for warmth?

At 8/23/09 01:39 PM, Haggard wrote: I think this will be my last list for some time. It feels more like chore than fun lately, especially when I have so much to do for my studies.

Sorry to see you go, but stop by every now and again for conversations at the very least. We're still your friends

Maybe I'll return once things start to quiet down a bit again.

I hope so.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 05:37:35

Congratulations to: -

JKMonkey - 7,000 Posts
1337UMD - Level 11
milinko959 - 7,000 Medal Points
KrevZabijak - 2,000 Experience and Lieutenant
Ioansindi - 2,000 Posts
Jamie - Corporal
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 5,000 Blams

At 8/23/09 01:39 PM, Haggard wrote: I think this will be my last list for some time. It feels more like chore than fun lately, especially when I have so much to do for my studies.
Maybe I'll return once things start to quiet down a bit again.

Sorry to hear that man but I understand, drop by whenever you can.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 05:41:41

and so... i return with another pittyfull milestone...
Rank #: 666 in B/P

shhh just beacuse your higher!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 06:28:38

Achievement of the Day
JKMonkey: 7,000 Posts. Congrats!

Congrats to:
1337UMD: Level 11
KrevZabijak: Lieutenant
loansindi: 2,000 Posts
Jamie: Corporal
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 5,000 Blams
LegolaSS: Ranked 666 BP

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 07:22:08

Level 20

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 08:30:18

an so... i return once again with another milestone

1,111 posts... loving these milestones more then the 1,000's ones :3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 08:46:20

Two angry but fun moments still gives this post the Angry faic mood icon.

Listening to:

W.A.S.P. - The Headless Children

Thanks to:


At 8/23/09 12:06 PM, Auz wrote: Achievement of the Day
Molotov: 7,777 Flash Reviews. Nice number, would be cool if you reached 10,000 someday. Congrats!

I'm pretty sure he'll get there someday. :)

At 8/23/09 01:30 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/22/09 07:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Man, . . . So yeah, having fun outside with my friends > Newgrounds.
I think you meant: fun outside with my friends >>>> Newgrounds.

I thought one > was enough but if you say four times the amount, then go right ahead.

At 8/23/09 01:39 PM, Haggard wrote: I think this will be my last list for some time. It feels more like chore than fun lately, especially when I have so much to do for my studies.

If you want to give up the lists, that's fine. However, I'd still appreciate it if you still came here to talk to us all. :)

Also, we have so many listmakers right now that I'm sure one user less who posts a list won't hurt anyone. :P

Yeah, that's what I was like earlier this year. There were way too many listmakers and thought it'd be the right time to step down.

At 8/20/09 10:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: What statwhoring can I do? Well, there's one achivement on the way, so hopefully that's better than nothing.
Depositing your experience, reviewing... submitting your 100th flash? Oh wait, you'd have to finish it first. :P

Depositing, got that under control but I have something tomorrow.

Reviewing, very rarely these days.

100th flash, LOL!

Actually, I've been right all along.
Wrong again.

Nope, I was right once again.

But you're the one who keeps posting pictures of them half-naked. I don't even judge the band by how they look.
I keep posting pics of them? Where?


I posted like two pics, but you keep talking about it for like two weeks now. :P

No, WE keep talking about it for two weeks now. You're the one who brought it up in the first place. I just told Sir-Nuts to listen to more Manowar and then you butted in with pictures of them. >:(

At 8/22/09 07:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Man, I was with my friends from midday to 11PM today and instead of heading back home earlier to relax, I decided to stick with the group for even longer since I originally intended to go along for wherever they'd go to eat for the evening and then decided to stay for even longer. So yeah, having fun outside with my friends > Newgrounds.
You know, this somehow reminded me of when I was at your age... and best of all, I don't even feel old now that I remember how it was like being 19. :D

Were you having great times outside at the age of 19 before you even had an account here?

At 8/23/09 10:56 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 8/22/09 07:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Well, I only list the album titles of what I'm listening to these days. If it's just random songs, I put the song titles in italics. But yeah, Bad is a great song. :D
Oh so what your saying is that you listen to all of the songs on that album?

Yep, that's what I do with most albums.

Don't hit me if i'm wrong @;-] Bad is a great album, but i do think HIStory was the best. And has alot of my favorite songs on it.

Well it's partly new album and partly compilation. I only know a few songs from HIStory right now but I really like Bad.

He's slacking. AGAIN!
Ya, oh well. When he comes around, he posts in damn near every topic on the first page. I think that makes up for it.

I'll try and get him to working on it. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! >:(

At 8/24/09 04:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/23/09 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: There's always that place called outside to take a break from here. Just look what happened to me yesterday. :)
You mean you didn't see the pictures of him from when he came to London? Curled up on the sofa, with only the NG flag for warmth?

In that case, more time outside for him.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 09:35:41

At 8/24/09 09:21 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Thanks for voting, Lizzardis! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

Might I also add that this is your first NG anniversary.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 09:53:19

At 8/24/09 09:51 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Holy shit it is....Haha. I totally forgot. Thank you for reminding me.

Its is my 1 year NG berfday!

Might I also add good job on almost depositing experience everyday. You've missed so little, a real dedicated newgrounds might I say.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 11:59:35

14000 saves

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 12:09:19

Congrats to:
milinko959 - 7,000 Medal Points
KrevZabijak -Lieutenant and 2,000 Exp
loansindi - 2,000 Posts
Jamie - Corporal
LegolaSS - Top 666 in B/P
Pokemonpoeguygcn - Level 20, 5,000 Blams and 14,000 Saves
Lizzardis - 1 Year on NG and Level 19

Thanks to:
michelinman x 3


At 8/23/09 01:39 PM, Haggard wrote: I think this will be my last list for some time. It feels more like chore than fun lately, especially when I have so much to do for my studies.
Maybe I'll return once things start to quiet down a bit again.

Sorry to see you go. Be sure to drop in from time to time.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-08-24 12:35:51

Awesome, level up!

Make war, not love.

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