That's 2YK B/P, baby.
Hope this is something worth posting.

That's 2YK B/P, baby.
Hope this is something worth posting.
Rev is tired already; congrats to:
Coop83 - 22k Blams!
Bahamut7 - Level 34!
Molotov - Level 47!
Bahamut - For being a Winner!
NEVR - 50k Total Stats!
InnerChild548 - 2,000 B/P
Thanks to:
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
"You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!"
Indeed :D
At 8/4/09 02:00 PM, Mrputter wrote: "You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!"
Indeed :D
How dare you steal my glory. >:(
Listening to:
Tocotronic - Letztes Jahr Im Sommer
Motörhead - Born To Raise Hell
Congrats to:
Molotov: Level 47
Bahamut: Most Underrated user of the halfyear!
NEVR: 50,000 Total Stats
InnerChild548: Police Captain
Mrputter: 50,000 Total Stats
At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 8/3/09 05:25 PM, Haggard wrote:Fucking hell, must everyone try and make me rush things?At 8/3/09 07:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll get it whenever I have the urge for more Radiohead.Then you'll better get an urge for more Radiohead quickly! >:(
If rushing you means: Getting you to buy more albums from Radiohead, then rushing you is a good thing. ;)
If that's the case, they are officially traitors. Dragons should never transform into humans. However, anyone becoming dragons are welcome to our family as long as they never transform back. :PNope, they can't turn into dragons. You have to be a dragon from the start for me to care. :PMaybe they where born dragons but they can transform themselves into hairy, ugly humans?
I would like to investigate this case further, but on the other hand I really don't want to look at more Manowar pictures. :P
Also: How do you type? Did you learn to use a normal keyboard designed for humans or do you have a special keyboard just for dragons? ^^
1,337 Posts!
No, Gfoxcook, I'm not stopping.
Yes you read it right my 50th list in this thread. I should have almost 100, but i missed alot of time here. I would make a big deal out of this, but it just does not seem like one to me. When i reach 100 lists then it will be a big deal.
Welcome to Idiot-buster's 50th Up Lounge list!
Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field.
And it goes to....Molotov: Level 47!
Listening to: Michael jackson; pretty young thing.
Congrats to:
Molotov: Level 47
Bahamut: Most Underrated user of the halfyear!
NEVR: 50,000 Total Stats
InnerChild548: Police Captain
Mrputter: 50,000 Total Stats
Hacsev: 1,337 posts.
Thanks to:
Congrats everyone above me!
Finally hit level 43. This is probably one of my favorite level icons, so if for some reason I decide to stop coming here, I figure this would be a good level to stop at!
Level 47 + 19th to reach 14 total voting power.
Gone with the wind..
- "Myst"
Listening to:
Uriah Heep - Demons and Wizards
Thanks to:
At 8/4/09 04:00 PM, NEVR wrote:At 8/4/09 02:00 PM, Mrputter wrote: "You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!"How dare you steal my glory. >:(
Indeed :D
Congrats to both of you. :D
At 8/4/09 05:15 PM, Haggard wrote:At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fucking hell, must everyone try and make me rush things?If rushing you means: Getting you to buy more albums from Radiohead, then rushing you is a good thing. ;)
Rushing won't lead to happiness.
If that's the case, they are officially traitors. Dragons should never transform into humans. However, anyone becoming dragons are welcome to our family as long as they never transform back. :PI would like to investigate this case further, but on the other hand I really don't want to look at more Manowar pictures. :P
I'm pretty sure you do. :)
Also: How do you type? Did you learn to use a normal keyboard designed for humans or do you have a special keyboard just for dragons? ^^
I just type on a normal keyboard. It may be awkward but it was easy once I got the hang of it.
At 8/5/09 04:54 AM, Odyssic wrote: NG wasn't working this morning, oh now it is...
How early were you up today? :P
Top 2,000 in Experience!
First alt to reach the top 2000. :)
Congrats to:
Hacsev: 1,337 Posts
Bryan: Level 13
Aksumka: Level 43
Myst: Level 47, 14.00 Total Voting Power
At 8/5/09 05:45 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 8/4/09 05:15 PM, Haggard wrote:Rushing won't lead to happiness.At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fucking hell, must everyone try and make me rush things?If rushing you means: Getting you to buy more albums from Radiohead, then rushing you is a good thing. ;)
But Kid A will.
I'm pretty sure you do. :)If that's the case, they are officially traitors. Dragons should never transform into humans. However, anyone becoming dragons are welcome to our family as long as they never transform back. :PI would like to investigate this case further, but on the other hand I really don't want to look at more Manowar pictures. :P
Again, don't confuse your desires with my own. :P
Congratulations to: -
NEVR - 50,000 Total Stats
InnerChild548: 2000 B/P
Mrputter - 50,000 Total Stats
Hacsev - 1337 Posts
Bryan - Level 13
Aksumka - Level 43
Myst - Level 47 and 14.00 Voting Power
LadyX - Top 2,000 in Experience
Coop celebrates 2nd place in the June Monthly Writing Contest, while congratulating:
NEVR: 50,000 Total Points
InnerChild548: 2,000 B/P
Mrputter: 50,000 Total Points
Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
Bryan: Level 13
Aksumka: Level 43
Myst: Level 47; 14.00 Total Voting Power
Thank you to:
At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 8/3/09 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:Sorry Coop, but we really needed the original cast back.At 8/2/09 08:20 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Oh yes! My faith in the new season has been restored.Well, we'll just have to cope with the fact that my dream of starring in Futurama has died (temporarily)
"You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, Sir."
At least it was after the awards. However, there's still the Endyear awards for him to vote you for Worst Mod, lol.At 8/3/09 07:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: Shouldn't you have nominated Coop for Worst Mod then? :PNo, don't go giving him ideas. I think that his whining about the fact I'm going to pass him for B/P is why he calls me Jewish, but this would be taking it one step too far.
I'll have to permaban him if he does that :P
At 8/3/09 01:17 PM, Coop83 wrote: 22,000 BlamsAnother epic story. These are a hell lot better than Idiot-Finder's. :) I really need to find the previous stories you've made and if we do find them, maybe make an archive for future reference.
You mean like the reference that I have saved on my computer. I might see if I can get to make a Newgrounds Fanfiction category. Failing that, if ever a place existed that would accept my literary works about Newgrounds, I might just submit them as they are :P
I've only got to write a few back chapters in order to show how I got to where I am ;)
Also, with your award for Most Underrated, you should receive the Beans from me. I wonder if you'll get the beans for the whole year?
At 8/4/09 04:00 PM, NEVR wrote:At 8/4/09 02:00 PM, Mrputter wrote: "You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!"How dare you steal my glory. >:(
Indeed :D
That's your own fault for missing a deposit :P
At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I'm glad to hear someone here's a fan of the Tomb Raider games. Although it's understandable for its decline eras, the franchise is truly underappreciated at times.
Oh yeah I've loved Tomb Raider for over a decade. Although I'd played the original at a friend's house I didn't get into it seriously until I got a copy of TR2. Since then I've owned and beaten every game except the handhelds, including the expansions for 1, 2 & 3. I've even gone so far as to collect all the secret items in every game. If anybody could be called a Tomb Raider fanatic it's gonna be me.
I had a somewhat unhappy upbringing and escapism, particularly playing video games was one of my few methods of coping with my problems. Playing the first 3 Tomb Raider games, especially TR2, make up some of my only happy memories before I was 15 or 16.
Yeah, many people had to use walkthroughs to get through the game because it was that hard. It's even worse in the later levels when you need it for so many things. The worst part of TR3 was losing your inventory in Nevada. Why couldn't they just take away the weapons and leave everything else be?
Boy you're not kidding. The levels in TR3 were so large and detailed that it was easy just to get lost, making it even harder to do whatever you were supposed to be doing. I wouldn't have stood a chance without using a walkthrough. Losing your weapons is no new concept to the games but losing the whole inventory took the piss. I always played Nevada before the South Pacific or London so I could at least scrape together as many weapons as possible before getting to Antarctica but it was still a big pain in the arse.
The Last Revelation could have been a good game, but what put me off were the level designs for parts of the game where you could enter one level and return to it later on and the save system. If you had to return to certain places, I wish it could have been like the first game where you'd revisit some places but on a different level.
I completely agree with this but it hadn't really bothered me before I thought about it. My main issue with TLR was that I felt the levels were much less inspired. I loved the complete change in scenery every few levels in the previous games, whereas here it was like "great, another fucking pyramid."
By the end of the game I could practically feel the sand getting stuck in my buttcrack.
The saving system applies to that game, Chronicles and Angel of Darkness. I really don't know why Core ditched the saving system from the first three games. They were done very well, most especially the first two. The fact that you couldn't replay any levels you've beaten or restart the current level really pissed me off. I actually experienced fatal glitches in those three games and when I was fucked for saving in one specific place, it was back to square fucking one. >:(
Funny, I don't remember this at all. I owned all the games before Legend on the PC so maybe this problem was confined to the PS versions. I vaguely remember having to collect crystals to save on the PS version of TR3. I'm pretty obsessive and I remember at least on the first 3 games I'd always make a save at the beginning of every new level so I could come back and play it later. This would have really pissed me off at the time, so maybe I put it out of my head as a method of dealing with my frustration, or maybe all the alcohol and drugs I've enjoyed since I last played any of those games (6 or 7 years ago) has ruined my memory.
I was uncertain with Anniversary at first but I knew I had to give it a try before giving a verdict. I actually made a review for Tomb Raider Anniversary (NOTE: Review isn't on Newgrounds just yet), so most of my thoughts are there. However, I will say two things which were bullshit about the remake:
- The remade main theme. how on earth could they leave out the choir from the original?
- No Unfinished Business levels. There are many who haven't played the additional levels and would have been a great bonus to play in Anniversary. If I wish to play these levels, I'll have to pick up an old copy from eBay and chances are, the game might not run very well on Vista. :(
I read your review and it actually enlightened me to whole load of things they did fuck up but I hadn't realised. It's been a really long time since I played TR1 and while I noticed things like the grouping together of areas and the epic music, I didn't notice a lot of the smaller details. Plus you're right, it would have been really nice to include the Unfinished Business levels. Bastards...
Despite this, I still think Anniversary was a pretty good remake. And it was probably played by a lot of people who never played the original game which has likely increased support for the old games.
I didn't get very far in Underworld as the Wii version is complete balls. The gameplay was completely stripped down from the other platforms and the controls were downright awkward. I only got as far as entering the boat in the first level. Maybe I should have been more patient, but how could I when the game decided to randomly crashed on me? I didn't feel like torturing myself any longer.
Oh yeah I heard the Wii version is total crap, I can forgive you for packing it in. I played it on the 360 which is supposed to be a million times better, despite me finding the controls to be awkward at times and the camera has a mind of it's own.
Despite that, I still wish to get Underworld for another platform with better controls. PC or PS3 (whenever I get one) will be good options, but I'll probably end up getting it on PC since I know someday Steam will lower the price of the game as well as putting it on sale for a few days. I know even getting it on another platform won't change the fact that the Kraken was killed without an epic fight, which is why I don't feel like paying too much for it.
You should get it on 360 to take advantage of the DLC. I've played Beneath the Ashes so far and thought it was really good. It reminds me of the older games which has to be a good thing. I heard Lara's Shadow is pretty good as well, although it's much more combat oriented, whereas BtA is more puzzles and traps.
And the prices are getting more reasonable because it's been out for 9 months now. I'm sure I saw the 360 version on for 12 quid and I got it new on eBay for 15 quid back in April.
Praporshchik (It is a fun word to say, the Russian/Cyrillic shch letter is awesome. I'm a Warrant Officer now!)
11,000 total BP, 8000 saves. (Going by what NG Logs tells me.)
Rev thinks it's going to be another boring day; congrats to:
Mrputter - 50k Total Stats!
Hacsev - 1337 Posts
Bryan - Level 13
Aksumka - Level 43!
Myst - Level 47 and 14.00 Total VP!
Coop83 - 2nd Place - June Monthly Writing Contest!
KrevZabijak - Praporshchik, 11k B/P and 8,000 Saves!
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Just reached Private (2500 B/P).
Is it just me overthinking or is there potential for everyone to get some kind of stat-whoring achievement every few days? For example I made my first post in this thread less than 2 weeks ago and I've already had at least 5 achievements. I'll probably get another one sometime in the next week.
I love hunting for Blam points!!!
This is my first achievement in some time now...... and son of a bitch is missed the screenshot by 2 points >.<
20,000 saves!
Ninja is enjoying his new Xbox 360 Elite while congratulating:
Molotov - Level 47
Bahamut - 2009.5 Most Underrated User
NEVR - 50,000 Total Stats
InnerChild548 - Police Captain
Mrputter - 50,000 Total Stats
Hacsev - 1,337 BBS Posts
Bryan - Level 13
Aksumka - Level 43
Myst - Level 47, Total Voting Power of 14.00
KrevZabijak - Praporshchik, 8,000 Saves, 11,000 B/P
sushi13 - Private, 2,500 B/P
juansolous - Master Sergeant
idiot-buster - 20,000 Saves
Audio Forum Lounge, Paper Mario!
For you statwhores - Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge
Welcome to Idiot-buster's 51st Up Lounge list!
Achievement of the day!
This special award that goes to the person with the highest rank/level/points of some kind in a cirtain field.
And it goes to....Myst: Level 47; 14.00 Total Voting Power!
Listening to: Michael jackson.
Congrats to:
NEVR: 50,000 Total Points
InnerChild548: 2,000 B/P
Mrputter: 50,000 Total Points
Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
Bryan: Level 13
Aksumka: Level 43
Myst: Level 47; 14.00 Total Voting Power
sushi13: Private, 2,500 B/P
juansolous: Master Sergeant
VinnyXY: level 21
Thanks to:
Listening to::
On Ancient Ground by Communic
It's the Fear by Within Temptation
Emperor of the Void by Candlemass
Ride With the Sun by Fairyland
Sweet Revenge by Krypteria
You Better Breathe While There's Still Time by Lake of Tears
Two Dreamers by Lunatica
At 8/3/09 07:45 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 8/2/09 07:30 PM, iscrulz wrote: Disclaimer: Some of you might notice the quotes are not in chronological order, I am trying a new innovative way of posting by categorizing by users or certain posts.Pretty neat.
Lets see if I can organize it again or have it rub off onto others.
At 8/2/09 07:30 PM, iscrulz wrote: No, buster brown the can is mine, you can have a nice can of Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coca~Cola.Diet? Coca-Cola? NO THANKS!
you should drink diet or zero to cut the calories and sugar, your teeth will thank you. Oh and Coca~Cola is the best, dude wtf.
People can be easily manipulated I will have you know.Don't build your hopes up.
Oh I am ever so confident that I will.
So you are ditching the PS3 (WHHYYYYYYYYYY)Never said I would be ditching the PS3.
Well that is the good news to hear just when nobody knows.
Shouldn't you have nominated Coop for Worst Mod then? :PAt 7/28/09 06:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:I will always vote for you in some of the honorable category over some general fruit until your a Mod then its the Worst Mod Ever for you lambso j/k dragon.
Nah there's enough mods that are really bad. There isn't a correct negative category I could nominate.
Well Fuck me over.
At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: So I won Most Underrated in the BBS 2009 Midyear awards.
I knew you would win, Now go to the London meet and fellatio Luis and company and you will become a mod.
At 8/3/09 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/2/09 07:30 PM, iscrulz wrote: I will pass gfox before he reaches 72K I am confident in that.Oh well, in that case I'll definitely pass gfoxcook before 72k B/P
Hmm he said he is going to reach 36K saves by the end of the year you need 11.5K I don't know about that.
You for a fact will never stay ahead of me.Only time will tell. I'm within striking distance and poised to take another digit off your lead today. I wonder if I can get that Blams milestone this afternoon?
Oh so you will I only have one more day of work then I am free. I guess you did or not (lemme check) fuck it. Oh Clock day is in 9 days and I am going to get every save point.
A bad workman always blames his tools.At 7/28/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: LOLMATHSFAIL :PStupid CALCUATA, fffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Why won't this stupid screw go in I hit it with the hammer as hard as I could.
Damn it I wil be someday. heed my warning, I will boost through the B/P right under your huge nose.Ah, a Jewish nose size joke. How original. Let's see if you can take a joke when I pull the rug out from under you and drop you out of the Top 30 again.
Well I got band for more offensive Jewish jokes so stfu I have to be kind to you. We Americunts are working for your jew gold, so you can enslave the masses and end up genocide the Ayran race, right.
At 8/2/09 07:35 PM, iscrulz wrote: No. I am recording this so he can watch it agian and again to relive the moment over and over learning you don't simply pass me.Looks pretty simple to me - get more B/P consistently than iscrulz. Gain a greater total than him. Pass him.
You may think that will work but I will prove it wrong.
Iscrulz is upset because of the rain delay at Pocono so he plays cricket instead, while congratulating:Thank god that I wasn't actually playing yesterday - I was with friends at the pub watching the cricket while getting some good old fashioned D&D on!
I wouldn't have watched the race or play cricket, but oh and D&D I will pass on that too. Yeah so we aren't alike after all Jahhahah I am going to Syria.
At 8/3/09 07:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: Shouldn't you have nominated Coop for Worst Mod then? :PNo, don't go giving him ideas. I think that his whining about the fact I'm going to pass him for B/P is why he calls me Jewish, but this would be taking it one step too far.
You are a no good dirty filthy Jewish cunt because you have to have more stats than me you Kiiii*censored*. I am started to get ideas. Yes lulz.
At 8/5/09 08:54 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: At least it was after the awards. However, there's still the Endyear awards for him to vote you for Worst Mod, lol.I'll have to permaban him if he does that :P
I will have you demodded if you do that. 2009 Newgrounds BBS Worst MOD - Coop83 (He is the worst only wants more Jew Gold doesn't care about the site.)
At 8/4/09 04:00 PM, NEVR wrote:At 8/4/09 02:00 PM, Mrputter wrote: "You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!"How dare you steal my glory. >:(
Indeed :D
Now watch me say I passed 100K stat points and Coop steals mah pride and glory.
At 8/5/09 04:54 AM, Odyssic wrote: NG wasn't working this morning, oh now it is...
That sucked I was up around 2:30 to 5:00 I hope I got all my deposits, now I need to work on my DPC for tonight. SO its all good.
At 8/5/09 12:51 PM, KrevZabijak wrote: Weehee.
Praporshchik (It is a fun word to say, the Russian/Cyrillic shch letter is awesome. I'm a Warrant Officer now!)
11,000 total BP, 8000 saves. (Going by what NG Logs tells me.)
Generic congrats to all of that Krev, but my my you should be bragging about Rookie of the Year.
At 8/5/09 01:49 PM, sushi13 wrote: Just reached Private (2500 B/P).
Is it just me overthinking or is there potential for everyone to get some kind of stat-whoring achievement every few days? For example I made my first post in this thread less than 2 weeks ago and I've already had at least 5 achievements. I'll probably get another one sometime in the next week.
Its just you I go months upon months without an achievement perhaps it is spread out farther with higher levels and no more b/p ranks to gain. Although speak of the devil I am 1 day away from the Top 80 in Exp a milestone well it depends on who is looking at it.
At 8/5/09 03:34 PM, idiot-buster wrote: This is my first achievement in some time now...... and son of a bitch is missed the screenshot by 2 points >.<
MSPAINT my boy snip copy paste ding and done. I do it all the time. I hit 27K Blams on the button but blams are easy to do that.
20,000 saves!
Impressive <NgLog>
At 8/5/09 08:54 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
At 8/5/09 10:34 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
Yeah why would he.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Congratulations to: -
KrevZabijak - Praporshchik, 8,000 Saves and 11,000 B/P
sushi13 - Private and 2,500 B/P
juansolous - Master Sergeant
idiot-buster - 20,000 Saves
RyuMaple - Level 13
Jawdyn - Level 23
Coop prepares himself for the London Meet, while congratulating:
KrevZabijak: 11,000 B/P; Praporshchik; 8,000 Saves
sushi13: Private; 2,500 B/P
juansolous: Master Sergeant
idiot-buster: 20,000 Saves
RyuMaple: Level 13
Jawdyn: Level 23
Life-Stream: Level 31; 10,000 Experience
Thank you to:
Listening to:
Velvet Revolver - For A Brother
At 8/6/09 04:07 AM, iscrulz wrote:At 8/3/09 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:Hmm he said he is going to reach 36K saves by the end of the year you need 11.5K I don't know about that.At 8/2/09 07:30 PM, iscrulz wrote: I will pass gfox before he reaches 72K I am confident in that.Oh well, in that case I'll definitely pass gfoxcook before 72k B/P
Well, it all depends on Cock Day, doesn't it?
Oh so you will I only have one more day of work then I am free. I guess you did or not (lemme check) fuck it. Oh Clock day is in 9 days and I am going to get every save point.You for a fact will never stay ahead of me.Only time will tell. I'm within striking distance and poised to take another digit off your lead today. I wonder if I can get that Blams milestone this afternoon?
Meh, if it's damage limitation over Cock Day, then I'll just stay as close as I can to you, in order to make the pass permanent at some point later in the year.
When last I checked, the gap was 13 points, so it could be today that I reach the top 30 ;)
Why won't this stupid screw go in I hit it with the hammer as hard as I could.A bad workman always blames his tools.At 7/28/09 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: LOLMATHSFAIL :PStupid CALCUATA, fffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Council screwdrivers are the most versatile tool in the world!
At 8/5/09 08:54 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?Yeah why would he.
At 8/5/09 10:34 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
That drizzler!
At 8/6/09 05:36 AM, Odyssic wrote:At 8/5/09 08:54 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop celebrates 2nd place in the June Monthly Writing Contest, while congratulating:Cool.
Yeah, now to celebrate in style with my holiday from work, which started 3 hours ago :)
Congrats to:
KrevZabijak: Praporshchik; 11,000 B/P; 8,000 Saves
sushi13: Private
juansolous: Master Sergeant
idiot-buster: 20,000 Saves
VinnyXY: Level 21
RyuMaple: Level 13
Jawdyn: Level 23
Life-Stream: Level 31; 10,000 Experience
At 8/5/09 08:54 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
Because a few pages back he said to a user that he should stop at 1337 posts.
At 8/5/09 10:34 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Hacsev: 1,337 Posts. Why would Greg encourage you to retire on such a low number?
You are copying Coop's lists?
I made a Top 15 Games I Played When I was 18 list the other night. :) Very long, though but worth having a look to see which games made the cut.
Listening to:
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Thanks to:
At 8/5/09 08:22 AM, Haggard wrote:At 8/5/09 05:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: Rushing won't lead to happiness.But Kid A will.
Look, just don't rush me. I have many other albums to get as well.
I'm pretty sure you do. :)Again, don't confuse your desires with my own. :P
They're humans. Therefore, not my desires. :P
At 8/5/09 08:54 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sorry Coop, but we really needed the original cast back."You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, Sir."
Now that's an awesome Futurama reference.
At least it was after the awards. However, there's still the Endyear awards for him to vote you for Worst Mod, lol.I'll have to permaban him if he does that :P
I'll laugh if he does so and you do so.
Another epic story. These are a hell lot better than Idiot-Finder's. :) I really need to find the previous stories you've made and if we do find them, maybe make an archive for future reference.You mean like the reference that I have saved on my computer. I might see if I can get to make a Newgrounds Fanfiction category. Failing that, if ever a place existed that would accept my literary works about Newgrounds, I might just submit them as they are :P
You can always put them all on your news posts and make a list of them.
Also, with your award for Most Underrated, you should receive the Beans from me. I wonder if you'll get the beans for the whole year?
lol the beans. Is this a tradition that started with you or does this apply to Brits only?
At 8/5/09 09:26 AM, sushi13 wrote:At 8/4/09 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I'm glad to hear someone here's a fan of the Tomb Raider games. Although it's understandable for its decline eras, the franchise is truly underappreciated at times.Oh yeah I've loved Tomb Raider for over a decade.
Same here. I first played it when I was only 7, lol. However, I didn't actually get into the franchise until 2 years later. Back then, my parents were reluctant to allow me and my sister to play the games because of the 15 rating. However, we kept asking and were eventually allowed to play them. Sure, we were too young at the time, but better that than Grand Theft Auto.
Although I'd played the original at a friend's house I didn't get into it seriously until I got a copy of TR2. Since then I've owned and beaten every game except the handhelds, including the expansions for 1, 2 & 3. I've even gone so far as to collect all the secret items in every game. If anybody could be called a Tomb Raider fanatic it's gonna be me.
Haha, you've certainly put me and my friend to shame and we're big fans of Tomb Raider, most especially the first three games and Anniversary. My friend has yet to play Legend and doesn't intend to until he plays through The Last Revelation, Chronicles and *gulp* Angel of Darkness.
Neither of us haven't gone as far as to getting the handheld games or even the expansions. Well, except for The Lost Artefact that I got since I was desperate to perform the quad bike glitch myself. I wanted to make a video so there I was. However, after this Tomb Raider discussion, I'd love to get my hands on Unfinished Business very soon. :)
As for the secrets, I've yet to find every secret on my own in Tomb Raider 3 but I did end up cheating to get all secrets just to see what the extra level is like. I've managed to find all the secrets in the first two games but what really annoyed me was that if you get all the secrets, you don't get any bonuses. OK, in the first game you at least got extra pickups but in the sequel, it was just picking up the secret items which don't give you anything. :( I feel for going through all that trouble to find every secret, you should be rewarded with at least something at the end, which is why I appreciated Tomb Raider 3's All Hallows level.