Listening to:
Liquid Eterity by Ayreon
Grail of Sahara by Katra
Via Dolorosa by Tiamat
Lament by Midnattsol
Thanks to
Auz 2X
Well I am back from my vacation and finally got
27,000 blams </moltov & Haggard>
only 3K more to go.
and its great to have the Barney Bunch back right.
At 7/9/09 03:56 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/7/09 04:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/6/09 05:47 PM, iscrulz wrote:
You'd like me to stop, wouldn't you, you dirty little bitch?
Yeah you greedy big nosed kike you better stop.
Haha! Nah, that's just too easy :P
You son of a bitch I am coming to the London meet to kick your motherfucking ass if you pass me.
At 7/9/09 10:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/8/09 03:13 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/7/09 09:32 AM, Bahamut wrote:
You should have used it if you were trying to mimic Haggard or Molotov.
I just forgot that Molotov does that. I was only mimicing one line not the whole post.
You should have mimicked that as well.
Yeah I should have I will try again. I did it yeah!
Whatever it is, it won't work. :D
I think it will have to work or you are just a bias poll keeper
I'm not biased, I'm trying to keep it fair, UNLIKE GAME FUCKING FAQS!
Okay but in the end I will find a legal way to win. Gamefaqs eh never bothered with there polls fuck 'em.
At 7/12/09 07:43 AM, R-T-B wrote:
Rohan here, my main suffered as a result of mass bannage so for the meantime I'll be posting on my alt. But enough doom and gloom, happy birthday Bahamut!.
Tsk tsk posting with an alt while your main account is banned. Permaban for Thee.
At 7/12/09 07:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
What speaky de english
48 tiems.
Eh the trident or whatever you call it looks like shit the bow and arrow is where its at.
Catch-up later.
That made us all happy but later can be in...
At 7/12/09 11:02 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Enjoy my new sig text AND new sig pic, courtesy of the mod-account-haxxors!
Wait the mod-account h4><><0rs got you a sig. I still think you should add the current badges like me. I need to re-do my sig fuck. Well I will see what I got.
At 7/13/09 12:26 AM, Overtired wrote:
Yay, I just go level 49. Also, this make for the big six six for post count. 10k posts here I come.
Lmao in 333,335 days.
At 7/13/09 09:45 AM, Bahamut wrote:
My other friend who doesn't like GTA4 claims the game is boring and doesn't have the same feel as GTA3, VC and SA.
At 7/13/09 12:40 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/13/09 03:56 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Both of the achievemnts surrounding me on this are better than my own 15k posts. Still, I'll accept the AotW award, nonetheless, but it will make me achieving those other two milestones all the sweeter for me :)
Well, they weren´t really put in a particuliar order.
Ah you mean I wasn't Numba 1.
At 7/17/09 04:51 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 5/28/09 03:01 PM, iscrulz wrote:
I am just sick of the green, Blue FO LYFE.
But you were Neutral for more that just one level this time, right? I mean, every time that you level up, you change your aura. =P
I was neutral for most of the time until I started to switch back at Level 14(Classic). I am for only for a few minutes but I could switch before I deposit when I am at level 47 near 48.
At 7/18/09 03:39 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Also, new EXP update.
Dayum I only got 200 exp wait on its a week early Whew
As a matter of fact, I actually once considered stopping at one level because I refused to stay with that stupid staff for years. I was thinking of stopping at level 22 on the old system assuming it was still there. However, that plan has lost all meaning thanks to the redesign. :)
Are you kidding the Level 23 sizzle stick was great. I was about 3 years from it, so if there was no redesign I would still be 1 year away from it, But Level 22 was my favorite so it would be tempting to stop 10 experience sort of level 23 though.
At 7/17/09 10:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/28/09 07:54 PM, iscrulz wrote:
In a very tragic turn of events TV pop culure icon Billy Mays was found dead. Shocking news to use all Vince won't be able to fill in his shoes or anyone else for that matter. God must be pissed.
The SCOUT SHALL LIVE ON and other TF2 references
At 6/27/09 05:03 AM, schneelocke wrote:
Heh... nice to see you again, too. :) Rough anal sex doesn't necessarily sound bad, either, but I usually prefer to get to know people a bit better before breaking out my strap-on. >:)
Yeah we should have gotten to known each other back in the day. So lets get to it then. Also whip-out your strap-on and plow me up the ass until it hurts like hell.
Ohhhhh deeeeeeear.....
That was some good clean fun. I guess she left or it was Coop that whole time.
You're right but RR didn't retire he went emo and left or the zombiez got him at work. He would have made so gifs annoucing his retirement. He was a huge daily depositor like you and me so I don't have a clue why he would leave, he should give his accounts to me
Emo zombies, eh? What an interesting new spin on your old theory... what a way to go. o_o
Yeah maybe the zombies turned emo and then RR got infected by them he deposited once so he must be alive he just gave up on the site.
And now his account sits dormant. I would take it and start depositing for it after I passed it so Cooper couldn't get a +1 exp rank.
Zombies was one thing. EMO zombies, OTOH... man....
They IMO like shitty melodramtic music and try cutting themselves instead of groaning and eating flesh.
Well NHL and NBA are over its just baseball and waiting for college and football. Speaking of baseball how is game 3 of the Tigers and Astros going. ::Checks:: dang commercial... poker. 4 to 3 YAY it wasn't a sweep.
Congrats to yer Tigers.
Yes congrats to thy Astros
Hey they are in the Western Conference, if they were in the Eastern or beat Pistons I would bash them like I do to FF. Well next year lets have faith both teams will rebound and make it furthre in the playoffs. As for the Astros as of this moment fuck them.
LOL. Why? Your Tigers are done playing them for the year, unless somehow both of our crappy teams (relatively) get to the world series by some miracle. Course, they've both made it there within the past 5 years, but... dunno if they can both do it again so soon. #;-}>
Well wait they are then it must been interleague now or division like that. The Tigers if they keep there streak up will make the playoffs after that they won't. Astros last time I checked 2 weeks are 4 games behind. The chances of them both in the world series any year is always low
Well is there an accent in either direction, I can't think of anything else it would be,
There's no accents above letters in Japanese. English letters, I mean. Japanese characters themselves have two different marks that can be above and to the right of them... and those marks are somewhat like an accent mark in appearance, I suppose, but rather than affect the vowel sound like accents do in Europe, they change the consonant sound (for instance sa becomes za with such a mark, or ta becomes da).
Then fuck, it was something like that mark I knew it was a motherfucking O something. If I remebered were I found it I would check it agian.
the Wii has lots of charactres like that, so I will check, I won't check.
Wii has characters like that for people trying to type in Spanish or French or whatever, dude, it's nothing to do with Japanese.
Okay but fuck it NG doesn't support most those characters.
At 6/28/09 08:01 PM, iscrulz wrote:
Well you might try to blam on Firefox and vote 2 and the flash gets saved. Then will you be screwed.
If I try to blam on Firefox but vote 2 by accident, that will be happening on gfoxclock, which will continue to get BOTH blams and saves for years from now, dude. So no, I wouldn't be screwed, I would be fine. O_o
Yes I see it but there's always a chance you could be screwed somehow. Never know when it many happen.