At 6/21/09 11:32 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/21/09 09:35 PM, BonusStage wrote:
I agree
On the contrary.
OH DEAR. Bonus's 2 posts at the top of page 2421 have been deleted. I SMELL ZE CONSPIRACY.
Athletes have the Sports Illustrated cover curse. I guess Newgrounds has the "featured on an ED article" curse. #;-}>
At 6/22/09 08:33 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/21/09 11:01 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I may be forgetting/twisting my sword name etymology, but was it not called a bastard sword because the hilt wasn't quite a 2-handed length hilt, and wasn't quite a 1-handed length hilt, and thus kinda 1.5-handed, and thus a "bastard" between the two proper lengths?
Yep. The other term was hand-and-one-half Sword, but it never really caught on. Since a mule is also termed a bastard, because it's neither a horse, nor a donkey. I think that's where the old English is derived.
Good stuff, good stuff.
All I know is that whatever its name had ended up being, it's a badass type of European sword. Sure you've got your giant Scottish Claymores and your epic German Zweihanders, but... when it comes to a sword that's big enough to kick some ass but not SO big that you look like a FF7 wannabe Cloud groupie... a bastard sword is where it's at.
Ooooooooooooh heee don't knoooooooooooo-ooooow! So he chases them awaaaaaaaaaaaayeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaeee eeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!
We're gonna win this.... we're gonna win this.... WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR...
"Gillian was her name, She was sweeter than Aspartane. Her kisses reconfigured my DNA, and after that, I never was the saaaaaaaame!"
Well, if I continue this onwards, we'll have gone from Pearl Jam to Bloc Party to Weird Al to Iron Maiden, and I'm not sure that combination is going to be good for the stability of the universe, so I'd better nip it in the bud. #;-}.
At 6/21/09 11:26 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I've never seen such level 42 appreciation before. The gold really does set it off nicely, but I still think it looks better with green and then grey. Gold's a close third, though.
One thing's for sure: no level rocks out with ALL the fucking auras as much as level 42 does.
Except Fab. Fab sucks, unless it's for Stamper.
Well, then technically level 42 rocks for all auras still, like I said, with the caveat of only for Stamper when it's a Fab level 42. #;-}>
I was actually going to mention that the only aura I personally wouldn't like to have on one of my accounts with level 42 is fab, but I'm sure there are some out there would enjoy the level 42 + fab besides just Stamper.
the worst part is that you've sullied your beautiful level 42ness with this horrible 37,xxx b/pness.... ugh... ack... HORFFFFF. </vomit>
Leela! Mop up in aisle 2!
I've not retired. I'm close to passing so many more accounts, I can't stop now!
I know you're not, but even a TEMPORARY 37,xxx b/pness sullies your level 42ness so...
I really hope you get to 38k b/p before you get to level 43, because otherwise... ugh. What a tragedy.
At 6/21/09 11:32 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
WTF?!?!?! Dude, I'd been away from this ONE topic for like 4 days when you posted that. I have to post twice a week, evenly spaced, for you to consider me not slacking? You're getting worse than Bahamut. Bahamut, tell him to stop stealing your comedy bits. #;-}>
*puts bit back in a box marked "Bahamut's Comedy Bitz" Aaw, this box is fun :(
Stop playing with Bahamut's bits and work on your own material! (wink)
How is your potential 37,xxx retirement range shrinking from 950 to 880 saves going to inspire me to catch up, anyway? Wouldn't the fact that the number is shrinking towards 0 and the lovely 38,000 saves that entails.... pretty much put my mind at ease?
Two hit combo of myself and Bahamut both at 37,777 Saves and in control of 4 of your lists?
Eh. I've already said why 37777 doesn't bother me. I'd bother me on MY account, that's for sure, but he can do what he likes. Hell, like he said, I even suggested it. The even 40,000 on the other stat helps balance it out. The main thing to him was the 77,777 total, after all.
And I know you wouldn't stop saving to just blam. That's madness for someone with 100k+ aspirations like you.
Maybe I'm just being coy :P
That's ONE word for it, but not the one I woulda used. #;-}>
Shall we try for girl number three?
You can, but like I said, I'm sitting this one out to avoid destroying the time-space fabric of all that surrounds us. I'm on to Aqualung by Jethro Tull right now, and that would just stir the mix up even more dangerously...
No, my girlfriend is still the same - EchoRun on NG, if you want to check out her art, she'll love you forever :P
Raven is her friend, who changed her name via deed poll. I've never been formally introduced, despite sitting next to her for half a freaking hour on Saturday night >:(
Oh. I guess something about the way you and Bahamut were talking back and forth and one of ya mentioned some "Raven" and I probably didn't see all of the conversation because I was just reading the (presumably somewhat edited/trimmed/cropped/whathaveyou) quotes after the fact made me misinterp ya. Gotcha.
Anyway, is Raven's namechangery what inspired Bahamut to start wanting to do that, too, or is it just a coincidence?
At 6/22/09 08:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Oh yes, the music in Vice City is great. I've been listening to a lot of VROCK, but I also listen to my custom soundtrack as well.
No, but he did inspire a huge wave of reviewers with videos.
As of recent years only, though. NOT CLASSIC YET.
I love your latest catch-ups.
You love that I did them, that I'm doing them so rapidly (this is two catch-ups in a row that I've replied again in the same threads about 1-2 days later, after all), or the content of them?
So we'll see. How long do I have until I have to make a decision on gfox, I wonder. Also, I'll need to find a good # for him to stop at within the (current?) level 42 range.
You have 77 days to decide. Well, that's how long you are until you lose the sword, so choose QUICKLY!
18,830 / 19,580
Hmmmm. It is indeed an urgent situation. I'm about to pass one of the numbers that immediately comes to mind.
18,880, if you hadn't guessed.
Beyond that, there's 19,000.... 19,240, 19,360, and 19,420... and I'd say that's about it.
So there we go. I've got 5 numbers to choose from.
Lemme see if which dates I'll be hitting each of them sways me one way or the other with some sort of numerical (or historical) significance:
18,880 - June 28th
19,000 - July 10th
19,240 - August 3rd
19,360 - August 15th
19,420 - August 21st
Hah. Well, I'm sure both you and Coop can probably guess which one of those now has additional appeal to me for a retirement date AND retirement exp number for gfox. #;-}>
There is only ONE problem with this, BTW, which I've just now thought of: no more b/p for gfox. Not that I'm bothered by leaving him at 12 saves and 6 blams or whatever he's on (not even sure I'm remembering it right) for all eternity, but... hm. I wonder... if you only vote on one or two things, say, and then 2 weeks later vote on one or two things, surely NG's forgotten about the previous votes by then and they won't register towards a deposit, correct?
I might work gfox up to 36/36 if so.
Hell, in fact.... I should put gfoxcook at 36k/36k, gfoxclock at 3.6k/3.6k, and gfox at 36/36 (or 360/360, whichever).
EPIC. #;-}>