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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 13:28:33

Flu-Watch, Day 12: Much improved throat, cough is still prominent yet is not as chesty as before.

P.S. Shadow of Rome is now one of my top 10 PS2 games ever, probably the best hack'n'slash ever (or at least the best I've played ;P), excepting God of War. Any game where enemies can and will attack you with their own severed limbs simply cannot be criticised, regardless of crappy dialogue and annoying stealth sections. Just a warning, the video is fairly graphic, so it's possibly NSFW.

Also, fighting tigers is awesome.

Congratulations to: -

MrPutter - Level 35 and 20,000 Saves
zephiran - 1,000 B/P
sumidiotdude - 600 Reviews
FC-Thun-Fan - Sergeant
Bahamut - 8.00 Base Voting Power
gfoxclock - 20,000 Experience
gfoxcook -32,000 Saves
Coop83 - 20,000 Blams: really nice tale btw ;P
Gooch - Level 35
sirtom93 - Level 24

At 3/1/09 09:38 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/1/09 06:34 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Flu-Watch, Day 11: Turns out my chest got infected as well, so I'm now on antibiotics.
Damn. Good thing you went and visited the doc.

Yeah, funnily enough I was against the idea at first, but got so fed up with being sick I decided to get myself checked out. Good thing too.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 14:33:59

List #52

TPM is surfing the web while congratulating:

Fion: Top 500 BP
JackoX52: Level 10
darknessdweller: 20,000 Total Stats & 4,000 Posts
DumbassDude: 6,000 BP
Greenfrost6: Level 12
Nijsse: Level 43, 13.37 Voting Power
Mrputter: Level 35, 20,000 Saves
sonofkirk: Top 3,000 Exp
Bahamut: 8.00 Base VP
zephiran: 1,000 BP
sumidiotdude: 600 flash reviews
FC-Thun-Fan: Sergeant
gfoxclock: 20,000 Exp
gfoxcook: 32,000 Saves
Coop83: 20,000 Blams
Gooch: Level 35
sirtom93: Level 24

Thanks to:



Tex Avery - Droopy in Dumb Hounded
Dick Lundi - Droopy Dog in Caballero Droopy

Hey guys, Who loves Droopy's cartoons? Or at least who used to watch them when you were kids?
At my 16 years, I still enjoy them because they never get old. Droopy is the shit.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 15:29:05

Usually I don't really notice my overall voting power, but today I just reached a combined voting power of 10, which I thought was pretty cool.

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 15:35:21

Insanimation is feeling tired, excited, bored, lazy and anxious whilst offering his congratulations to:
darknessdweller: 4,000 Posts, 20,000 Total Stats
idiot-buster: 36,000 Total Stats
Greenfrost6: Level 12
Nijsse: Level 42, 13.37 Total Voting Power
Mrputter: Level 35, 20,000 Saves
Bahamut: 8.00 Base Voting Power
zephiran: 1,000 B/P
sumidiotdude: 600 Reviews
FC-Thun-Fan: Sergeant
gfoxclock: 20,000 Experience
gfoxcook: 32,000 Saves
Coop83: 20,000 Blams
Gooch: Level 35
sirtom93: Level 24
Timmy: 10.00 Total Voting Power

I would love to make a thanks list, but I can't be bothered :(

Sorry, but listmaking is just becoming a chore these days. I don't seem to be engaging in conversation much anymore, since some of my best friends on NG, sonofkirk and mwmike, have left the LUL.

Oh well, I guess I'll just trudge on and hope for it to get better..


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 17:03:25

Listening to:
Metallica - Call of Ktulu
Goethes Erben - Marionetten

Congrats to:
gfoxclock: 20,000 Experience
gfoxcook: 32,000 Saves
Coop83: 20,000 Blams - And the story continues
Gooch: Level 35
sirtom93: Level 24
Timmy: 10.00 Total Voting Power

At 3/2/09 07:56 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/1/09 02:45 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/1/09 08:24 AM, Bahamut wrote: 4. I'm starting to get fucking sick of the bullshit server errors on the BBS. Why this issue hasn't been solved for months now is beyond me.
I never encounter any such errors while browsing through the BBS.
Maybe it's just a Firefox issue, but it's still bullshit.

Or maybe it's your ISP again. :P

At 2/28/09 04:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
Again, STFU!
Again, LOL! :P
And again, STFU!!! Otherwise, I'll post a picture of them in their speedos and no-one wants to see that picture ever again, but I'll do it if you keep LOL'ing! :P


If you post that picture you are going to win the "most unpopular user award" of the month. :P

I've seen a bit of season 18 already. Some of it wasn't as bad as the last few seasons, but the Halloween special made me want to slit my throat.
Which was it? Where Bart told a story about some serial killer at the school?
I haven't seen the whole of that episode, but I have seen that part of the episode. What I've seen from season 18 so far are:

- The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer (ok-ish)

I remember that one, it was good.

- Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em (passable up until the end)

Not as good as the mook, the chef... but still pretty nice.

- Treehouse of Horror XVII (utter shit)

Either I missed that or it has not been aired here yet.

- The Haw-Hawed Couple (nothing special)

Yep, nothing special.

- 24 Minutes (not too bad)

Will be aired next week, I think

- You Kent Always Say What You Want (nothing special)

Didn't see it/hasn't been aired yet.

My favorite so far is "Dial N For Nerder" (I think that is what it's called) where Nelson plays the role of Inspector Columbo. :D

It seems season 18 wasn't as bad as seasons 15 - 17 are, but I probably haven't seen the worst from the season yet.

I think I did not see one single episode of season 17.
Mostly because it was aired at a pretty shitty time (sometime during Saturday) and also because Marge got a new voice (as the old voice actor died :/ ), which was... very unusual.

At 3/1/09 01:18 PM, hotspotmar wrote: your lvl 35 now
You've just replied to a 6 year old post. Congrats!
Plus, he can't get his you'res and yours right. Seriously, do these people even fucking pass in English exams?

Luckily I never had any problems with that. I think it's because I have to translate the posts first, so such an error can't happen to me. :)
But I sometimes notice that I write "now" when I actually want to write "know". :(

At 3/2/09 04:01 PM, sirtom93 wrote:
At 3/2/09 03:36 PM, JKMonkey wrote: 3,900 BBS Posts

100 more to 4,000
I'm failing to see how this is a noticeable achievement.

Just ignore the troll and move on.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 17:41:44

Congrats to:

DumbassDude: 6,000 B/P; Staff Sergeant
idiot-buster: 36,000 Total Stats
Greenfrost6: Level 12
Nijsse: Level 43; 13.37 Total Voting Power
Mrputter: Level 35; 20,000 Saves
sonofkirk: Top 3,000 in B/P
Bahamut: 8.00 Base Voting Power
zephiran: 1,000 B/P
sumidiotdude: 600 Flash Reviews
FC-Thun-Fan: Sergeant
gfoxclock: 20,000 Experience
Coop83: 20,000 Blams
Gooch: Level 35
sirtom93: Level 24
Timmy: 10.00 Total Voting Power

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 19:34:44

At 3/2/09 05:35 PM, OverCynicalBlasphemy wrote: What so I just post here whenever I level up or achieve anything? Ok then.

Level 5.


Exp Levels & Milestones
Level 10 or above.
1,000 exp or above.
Any level or amount of exp. below these levels are typically disregarded.

Blam/Protect Levels & Milestones
Police Sergeant or above
1,000 b/p or above
As with exp, any amount of b/p below said above are not valid.

1,000 is the limit here. Though there are exceptions for special numbers that fall below 1K. Such as: 666, 123, etc...

Reviews & Review Responses
100 is typically the cutoff point for reviews, so don't post anything lower than that.
Review responses, on the other hand are harder to collect, therefor 50 may be acceptable.

Whistle Level
Any level up in whistle status is congrats-worthy. But congrats is not given if the user is REgaining a previously obtained whistle level after being demoted.

Other Stuff
RL (real life) birthdays and Newgrounds account anniversaries are good. (Also called Newgrounds "Berfdays")
Also "Total Stat" achievements, which are ALL your stats combined. (EXP + B/P + POSTS + REVIEWS)

Thanks to Metal-Therapy for writing these guidelines. Please help out and try to add these guidelines to the top, or as close to the top, of every page possible

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 20:48:49

At 3/2/09 07:34 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
Level 5.

That's not right. This topic was once a cool place for anyone wanting to share their own and other's achievements that they were happy and excited about. Now this looks like an 'office of achievements' where you report and mindlessly acknowledge eachother's achievements lacking emotion and care.

If you have guidelines acting as strict rules deciding what is worthy of 'celebrating' and what's not that's just wrong.. I, or anyone should be able to be happy about leveling up to level 9 or regaining a silver whistle after hours of hard work and share it here.

The guidelines should be more like this:
Only post achievements that you think are important to you or someone else. Don't post lots of random achievements just to raise your postcount.

Now this is more like a bunch of people acting like robots that completely without emotion just makes list after list of whoever shared an 'accepted' achievements according to the guidelines. It's pretty much a +1 post thread in that sense except for the few 'discussions' in between all the lists.

Think about it. How much do you or anyone else for that matter care about every 100th review you make? Does it really mean anything? Do the five or so "Congratulations to: You: 200 reviews" make you feel special? You know very well before you even post here that unless your achievement is very special you will just get mentioned in a mindless and cold list made by people who don't care about your achievement.

I know that the behavior has been going on for quite some time, but it has been worsening.

I'm not demanding a change, I'd just like to recommend that everyone who regularly visits here should rethink the original 'purpose' and spirit of this topic. Perhaps you new people should go back and look at how it was back in the day compared to now. To me, this has gone far too corrupted.

I suggest scrapping the completely mindless listings and things such as 'rules for accepted achievements'.

I can show you an example of what I mean by the mindless, uncaring robot-like acting in this topic:

Poster 1 -
200 reviews this morning
Poster 2 -
2,000 posts
Congratulations to:
Poster 1: 200 reviews
Poster 3 -
Level 14, level 15 soon.
Poster 1 -
Congratulations to
Poster 2 2,000 posts
Poster 3: Level 14
Thanks to
Poster 2

Like some robots just going on and on, simply acknowledging eachother's achievements, perhaps throwing in short comments here and there.. I mean, what?

You may tell me why I am wrong or right or whatever, but yeah, please consider this. I always used to like this topic.

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-02 22:43:16

26666 saves. yar.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 00:03:37

Tasty level up to 35. Man I hate ninja stars

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 02:20:11

Level 17. xD

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 03:52:20

Flu-Watch, Day 13: Same as yesterday, but no complaints.

Congratulations to: -

Timmy - 10.00 Total Voting Power
Aci6 - 30,000 Total Stats
Yamor - 15,000 Total Stats
Malachy - Level 35
GodsBitch - Level 17

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 04:03:18

Coop gears up for a slower, but still hectic day in the office, while congratulating:
sirtom93: Level 24
Timmy: 10.00 Total Voting Power
Yamor: 15,000 Total Points
Malachy: Level 35
GodsBitch: Level 17

Thank yous to:

At 3/2/09 07:56 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/2/09 03:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Story
Congrats on 20k blams and while the story was great, the cock jokes ruined it. :(

Well, I can't write for everyone's tastes, can I?

At 3/2/09 05:03 PM, Haggard wrote: Coop83: 20,000 Blams - And the story continues

I'm open for suggestions for what to attack for Blammer 21, so keep them coming :)

At 3/2/09 06:31 PM, Aci6 wrote:
At 3/2/09 03:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Ah, but that day is not today. Nor is it tomorrow!" Coop shouldered his axe and trudged off through the portal, still surveying the wasteland and trying to figure how to make it better.
Nice read, unfortunately it would seem you've taken my idea somehow :(

How so? I did the prelude to this when I reached 19,000 Blams a few months back.

I was planning on doing something like that when I level up.

You still can

At 3/2/09 08:48 PM, Narusegawa wrote: That's not right. This topic was once a cool place for anyone wanting to share their own and other's achievements that they were happy and excited about. Now this looks like an 'office of achievements' where you report and mindlessly acknowledge eachother's achievements lacking emotion and care.

Well, be that as it may, it's a format that works.

I suggest scrapping the completely mindless listings and things such as 'rules for accepted achievements'.

Your suggestion has been noted. *looks around* No, we're going to stick with this, thanks anyway. At the end of the day, you don't have to like what the thread has evolved into. If you don't, an experienced poster such as yourself should know where the door is. This has been influenced over the years by the people who have frequented it and have contributed positively to the thread.

You may tell me why I am wrong or right or whatever, but yeah, please consider this. I always used to like this topic.

I don't know, I ain't never seen you round here before. </scruffy>

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 04:50:34

10.000 exp
lvl 31

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 06:55:00

At 3/3/09 06:26 AM, SmoG878 wrote: yay, lvl 8. I wonder if there has ever been a lvl 60? Also, is it possible to unlock all the secrets? the amount of points you need is astronomical :P

No, there has not been a level 60 user, yet, though Pimp is currently ranked #1 in exp and will more than likely become the 1st user to reach level 60, so long as he keeps depositing.
It is possible to unlock all the secrets, save the "naked pics of Tom", that is nothing more than a joke. :P


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 07:04:51

Listening to:

Demons & Wizards - Demons & Wizards

Thanks to:


At 3/2/09 08:58 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/2/09 07:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Maybe it's just a Firefox issue, but it's still bullshit.
Hmm, I'm using FF and I haven't had any errors on NG except for Ad-Block blocking the Portal Defenders flash.

And you've had AdBlock on when posting on the BBS? That could be a possible reason as to why I keep getting these errors. Also, yeah, I have to disable AdBlock for the Portal Defenders flash. Kinda annoying to do it when I block ads (and fab aura icons) for good reasons, but the game is worth having AdBlock off for the time being. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a flash game this much.

At 3/2/09 01:28 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: P.S. Shadow of Rome is now one of my top 10 PS2 games ever, probably the best hack'n'slash ever (or at least the best I've played ;P), excepting God of War.

I still need to look at the God of War franchise. I intend to get the first game first whenever I'm up to buying some PS2 games.

At 3/2/09 05:03 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/09 07:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Maybe it's just a Firefox issue, but it's still bullshit.
Or maybe it's your ISP again. :P

If it is, I may have to trash Virgin's office. :P

And again, STFU!!! Otherwise, I'll post a picture of them in their speedos and no-one wants to see that picture ever again, but I'll do it if you keep LOL'ing! :P


If you post that picture you are going to win the "most unpopular user award" of the month. :P

One more LOL will do the trick.

- Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em (passable up until the end)
Not as good as the mook, the chef... but still pretty nice.

Except for the ending. What the fuck were they thinking with that clicé Star Wars "joke"?

It seems season 18 wasn't as bad as seasons 15 - 17 are, but I probably haven't seen the worst from the season yet.
I think I did not see one single episode of season 17.

You must be really lucky to have not seen anything from that season.

At 3/2/09 06:31 PM, Aci6 wrote:
At 2/27/09 01:15 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, the old classics are great. It's just the newer crap I really hate. Infact, I hate the newer seasons of The Simpsons more than I hate Corrie.
What's your reason behind disliking the Simpsons now?

For their newer episodes, their jokes aren't funny at all and make me cringe more than laughing. Also, the majority of plots are full of shit.

At 3/2/09 08:48 PM, Narusegawa wrote:

I respect your opinion on the LUL today, but there's a good reason why we have these guidelines and ask people to not post what aren't considered achievements here. We've had spammers in the past posting tons of crap here which aren't anything special at all (e.g. 10 blams, 100 EXP, 1300 posts, etc.) and they needed to be cut down.

If you have guidelines acting as strict rules deciding what is worthy of 'celebrating' and what's not that's just wrong.. I, or anyone should be able to be happy about leveling up to level 9 or regaining a silver whistle after hours of hard work and share it here.

I'll admit, I'm not too bothered with those posting very low level and B/P rank achievements since they wouldn't be familiar with our policies. However, I still think they're too minor achievements since those levels are easy to reach.

I suggest scrapping the completely mindless listings and things such as 'rules for accepted achievements'.

I'm afraid that won't be happening. With the exception of spam, things are fine the way they are.

At 3/3/09 04:03 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/2/09 07:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats on 20k blams and while the story was great, the cock jokes ruined it. :(
Well, I can't write for everyone's tastes, can I?

You can't, but you could have mentioned a much better joke than that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 07:24:10

The Rev is reminding everyone to not forget to vote, if you can, and also he would like to congratulate these happy people:
sirtom93: Level 24
Timmy: 10.00 Total VP
Yamor: 15k Total Stats
Mal: Level 35
GodsBitch: Level 17
1337: 10,000 Exp and Level 31


At 3/2/09 02:33 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Tex Avery - Droopy in Dumb Hounded
Dick Lundi - Droopy Dog in Caballero Droopy

Hey guys, Who loves Droopy's cartoons? Or at least who used to watch them when you were kids?
At my 16 years, I still enjoy them because they never get old. Droopy is the shit.

Droopy is pretty cool but I love all of Tex Avery's work. :)

Magical Maestro
Red Hot Riding Hood

At 3/3/09 07:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: And you've had AdBlock on when posting on the BBS? That could be a possible reason as to why I keep getting these errors. Also, yeah, I have to disable AdBlock for the Portal Defenders flash. Kinda annoying to do it when I block ads (and fab aura icons) for good reasons, but the game is worth having AdBlock off for the time being. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a flash game this much.

I haven't had any errors on the BBS in a long time. What exactly is it doing? Is it timing out or something like that . . .

I really enjoy Portal Defenders even though it doesn't save my game info at all. :/

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 08:38:11

Level 31 and 10k experiance.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 09:06:36

02 leveL + PXE 0004

And that's it for this account.

At 3/3/09 07:24 AM, reverend wrote:
At 3/3/09 07:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: And you've had AdBlock on when posting on the BBS? That could be a possible reason as to why I keep getting these errors. Also, yeah, I have to disable AdBlock for the Portal Defenders flash. Kinda annoying to do it when I block ads (and fab aura icons) for good reasons, but the game is worth having AdBlock off for the time being. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a flash game this much.
I haven't had any errors on the BBS in a long time. What exactly is it doing? Is it timing out or something like that . . .

It says "Error - Unable to contact the Newgrounds servers. Please try again later." or something similar yet the post goes through anyway.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 10:35:26

level 19!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 11:31:11

Haha, I think you should have the Posting Average on here. I do good posts, and my PA is 8.77 I believe. Ive been here like 4months, and id say (not including art or this forum) like 70% of users know me (not personally). Or is it just me? lol

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 12:14:44

Congrats to:
Aci6: 30,000 Total Stats
Malachy: Level 35
GodsBitch: Level 17
1337: 10,000 Experience, Level 31
Little-Rena: Level 31, 10,000 Experience
PXE 0004 ,02 leveL :tumahaB - Too bad you stop depositing with this account. I like it. ^^
Barry-Fanilow: Level 19
No36: 2,000 Experience

At 3/2/09 08:48 PM, Narusegawa wrote:
At 3/2/09 07:34 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
Level 5.
That's not right. This topic was once a cool place for anyone wanting to share their own and other's achievements that they were happy and excited about. Now this looks like an 'office of achievements' where you report and mindlessly acknowledge eachother's achievements lacking emotion and care.

Well, I enjoy making lists and I do care about other peoples level ups.

You are right that it seems a bit "robotic" but after all those are guidelines and not rules that everyone posting here has to follow. I don't even read those guidelines, but I rather congratulate what I think is noteworthy. Other people congratulate other achievements, and so on.

If you have guidelines acting as strict rules deciding what is worthy of 'celebrating' and what's not that's just wrong.

See above, they are guidelines, not "strict rules" that you have to follow.
But level ups like "Level 5" are just a matter of a few days and not noteworthy (in my opinion ;) ).

At 3/3/09 07:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/2/09 05:03 PM, Haggard wrote: If you post that picture you are going to win the "most unpopular user award" of the month. :P
One more LOL will do the trick.

Hm... I am tempted to write another LOL, but I don't want to see a picture of half naked men. XD

- Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em (passable up until the end)
Not as good as the mook, the chef... but still pretty nice.
Except for the ending. What the fuck were they thinking with that clicé Star Wars "joke"?

TBH, I don't remember a Star Wars joke at the end. XD

At 3/3/09 11:31 AM, BillysProgrammer wrote: Haha, I think you should have the Posting Average on here.

No, it would just encourage spammers.

Ive been here like 4months, and id say (not including art or this forum) like 70% of users know me (not personally). Or is it just me? lol

Well, I have seen you post in the Wi/Ht? before. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 12:29:23

So what does everyone think about our new profile section?

Congrats to:
Timmy: 10.00 Voting Power
Aci6: 30,000 Total Stats
Yamor: 15,000 Total Stats
Malachy: Level 35
GodsBitch: Level 17
1337: 10,000 Experience Points, Level 31
Little-Rena: Level 31, 10,000 Experience Points
tumahaB: Level 20, 4,000 Experience
Barry-Fanilow: Leve 19
No36: 2,000 Experience

At 3/2/09 08:48 PM, Narusegawa wrote: You may tell me why I am wrong or right or whatever, but yeah, please consider this. I always used to like this topic.

I´m not sure whether this would actually become such a better place if we all just stop the congrats lists. You say people don´t seem to care about the achievements you post here, but do you think people will care if it´s somewhere in between pages upon pages of posts like: "I just reached level 3"? Do you think people are actually going to read through all those pages? My guess is that 95% of the achievement will get totally ignored.

At least now you know some people read your achievement and post a comment on it every now and again if they feel like it. And there are still some other discussions going on so it kinda helps making this topic serve like a regulars lounge as well.

Although I do not really like the idea of the made-up guidelines either, I do think we should keep the congrats lists or something similar in this topic.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 13:33:52

At 3/2/09 09:12 PM, Aci6 wrote:
At 3/2/09 08:48 PM, Narusegawa wrote: I suggest scrapping the completely mindless listings and things such as 'rules for accepted achievements'.
Won't happen, it works too well in its current state.

Works too well? In what sense? Yes it works very well if the goal would be to archive and list everyone's achievements. If the goal would be to discuss and congratulate eachother achievements, it isn't exactly working if you ask me.

At 3/3/09 04:03 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, be that as it may, it's a format that works.

Then again, ask yourself in which sense it works. Look what I wrote in my response to Aci6.

Your suggestion has been noted. *looks around* No, we're going to stick with this, thanks anyway. At the end of the day, you don't have to like what the thread has evolved into. If you don't, an experienced poster such as yourself should know where the door is. This has been influenced over the years by the people who have frequented it and have contributed positively to the thread.

I am saying this in an attempt to make this a better place for everyone, high level people and low level people alike. Just because it has with time turned into this it doesn't mean that it's the best thing. Actually, the reason it has changed is because of that different users has come and gone here, resulting in these changes over time, and in my opinion corrupting this topic, more or less.

I don't know, I ain't never seen you round here before. </scruffy>

It's irrelevant.

At 3/3/09 07:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: I respect your opinion on the LUL today, but there's a good reason why we have these guidelines and ask people to not post what aren't considered achievements here. We've had spammers in the past posting tons of crap here which aren't anything special at all (e.g. 10 blams, 100 EXP, 1300 posts, etc.) and they needed to be cut down.

I know. I stated in 'my proposed guidelines' that people shouldn't post all kinds of achievements just to raise their postcount. If they seem like unimportant achievements, whoever shares them should also say why its so important for them.

I'll admit, I'm not too bothered with those posting very low level and B/P rank achievements since they wouldn't be familiar with our policies. However, I still think they're too minor achievements since those levels are easy to reach.

If you can only come on for one hour a day and don't really know what's flaggable and not, regaining a silver whistle might be a great achievement. As I said, it's about the importance to whoever's sharing the achievement, not about the actual 'statistical worth' of the achievement.

I'm afraid that won't be happening. With the exception of spam, things are fine the way they are.

I'll say it again, I think you need to rethink what you really mean by 'fine'.

At 3/3/09 12:14 PM, Haggard wrote: Well, I enjoy making lists and I do care about other peoples level ups.

It's easy to say. I don't know if you truthfully do or not, but if you do, I don't see a way for people to know that you do. Especially if you just write out a list identical to four others that just says the same thing, albeit in a different order, but that doesn't matter.

See above, they are guidelines, not "strict rules" that you have to follow.
But level ups like "Level 5" are just a matter of a few days and not noteworthy (in my opinion ;) ).

I know they are called 'guidelines', but I was reacting to that it was posted directly as some kind of 'follow these or get out' rules right after someone shared an achievement.

At 3/3/09 12:29 PM, Auz wrote: At least now you know some people read your achievement and post a comment on it every now and again if they feel like it. And there are still some other discussions going on so it kinda helps making this topic serve like a regulars lounge as well.

It used to work like that people shared achievements they were happy about, and discussions about those were often integrated in a constantly ongoing bigger discussion. Now it's almost as if they've been split, like the lists are irrelevant to the discussions and they have little to do with eachother.

Although I do not really like the idea of the made-up guidelines either, I do think we should keep the congrats lists or something similar in this topic.

Sure, lists are fine, but not how they work now. Now, to most, they simply work as lists summing up 'accepted achievements' people have shared. I don't see my username mentioned in a list I knew from before I was going to be mentioned in as a 'congratulation'. You could make a bot to do that automatically for you, sum up every achievement and add them to a list.

It's just mindless listing, without care or thought, that's what I'm saying. Sometimes someone adds a comment or two next to the achievment, it's a little better but it's still far too bad. It should be more about the fun with leveling up, achieving different Newgrounds stats and discussing them with fellow Newgrounds and less about just acknowledging achievements in mindlessly compiled lists.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 14:11:16

Level 23.

And perhaps my biggest NG achievement of all will come around a bit later...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 16:58:35

Congrats to:
Yamor: 15,000 Total Stats
Malachy: Level 35
GodsBitch: Level 17
1337: Level 31, 10,000 Experience
Little-Rena: Level 31, 10,000 Experience
tumahaB: 02 leveL, ecneirepxE 000,01
Barry-Fanilow: Level 19
No36: 2,000 Experience
MiharuForever: Level 23

Thanks to:
Haggard (x2)
No36 (x2)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 16:58:54

54,000 B/P
Can I get the Saves up as well, to complete the rank up tryptic? Probably not tonight, but tomorrow, surely :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 17:06:36

At 3/3/09 04:58 PM, Coop83 wrote: 54,000 B/P
Can I get the Saves up as well, to complete the rank up tryptic? Probably not tonight, but tomorrow, surely :)

Well, not as good as you and 30,000 less.... 24,000 Blam/Protection points !

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 17:44:35

Haggard, alright thanks for letting me know lol. I dont post bad, I post really good actually, lol, I have been talking to BlueHippo and Dry-Ice :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-03-03 17:53:10

6,000 Flash Reviews

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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