Enjoying the taste of victory for the first Sunday this year, Coop congratulates:
Yamor: 10,000 Total Points
BahamutClock: Level 27
LittleWashu: 555th Most Experienced
Snowy-Beast: $100 winner.
ibehenowflee: 1,000 Days on Newgrounds
YoungAndWise: 6.00 Base Voting Power
At 7/20/08 07:48 AM, Odyssic wrote:At 7/20/08 04:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: "We interrupt this episode of Everyone Loves Hypnotoad, to bring you this message *glares* No, please Hypnotoad, it's out of my control! Don't make me kill myself!""Oh, hmm, hi Fry"
I loved the way that he hid in Stowaway hatch #25
At 7/20/08 10:46 AM, Haggard wrote:At 7/20/08 04:30 AM, Coop83 wrote:Erst wenn sie ihre Opfer leiden sehenAt 7/19/08 07:49 AM, Haggard wrote:Gewalt und BrutalitätAt 7/19/08 04:43 AM, Coop83 wrote:zelebrieren sie die ZerstörungAt 7/18/08 09:48 AM, Haggard wrote: Auf dem Kreuzzug gegen die OrdnungUnd die scheinbar heile Welt
Spüren sie Befriedigung
At 7/20/08 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: Say, what do you two think about Bender's Game so far?
I'll reserve judgement until I've had long enough to properly digest the first two. I'll watch with commentaries soon.
Who am I kidding? It's going to be fantastic!