At 8/20/03 02:59 AM, -_James_- wrote:
At 8/20/03 01:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Ahh, thank goodness for signup-date-tiebreakers:
Heh, amusing. It's gotta bring a pang of pain to Recon though.
Well, perhaps...
but if you recall the Great Recon/gfox B/P Race (as you dubbed it! #;-}>) of a few pages ago, I was noticing we had 14428 at the same time, 14429, 14430, 14431, 14432, and 14433. And not only that, but of course, were getting a blam when the other guy got a blam on the same thing, a save at the same time as a save, and so on....
but what's remarkable about that screenshot of us both at 14433, aside from the fact that it's not faked, and actually was on the top 50 combined list for 7 hours on the 18th, that is....
is that Recon stopped getting points for about 36 hours AT THAT NUMBER. In other words, the automated top 50 process happened RIGHT after he hit 14433 and stopped for the night (and his weekend), but BEFORE the next blams and saves that I was getting poured in.
It wans't until yesterday that he finally bumped up a bit from 14433 to 14436, but has remained there for awhile now.
In the meantime, I've added a cool 200 onto my total, coming up just about to 14636 in a a few minutes.
But in all of that drama... I'm not even sure Recon noticed! I mean, he'd already stopped posting in level up! when I started, so... heh. I guess we'll find out within a day, as his weekend shall be ending.
:::waits with a sniper rifle in the bushes around 14636 for Recon to approach:::