At 4/17/08 10:25 AM, Haggard wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 20,000 Experience
At 4/17/08 05:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Yeah, but prices nearly doubled here as well. Plus you pay per gallon, while we have to pay per litre (gallons > litre).At 4/2/08 11:04 AM, Shanus wrote: You still pay only about half of what we pay, it's actually rediculous the price difference. It's like 1.20 Euro for a litre of the cheapest sort, I dn;t knowWe used to pay 20% of what you pay, now we pay 50%. You can understand why we're upset.
What difference does it make what measure of volume we pay for? If you convert one measurement to the other, then you can compare the price each country pays per ____ (whatever unit).
That's like saying "ooo, I drive 50 kph, and you drive 50 mph... you're driving so much faster than me!" ... well... yeah, duh. #;-}>
You also have to understand that you guys do not drive anywhere near as much as we do. The nearest big cities to my city (Houston) are 180, 200, and 350 miles away. If you drove that far from where you are in a straight line, I'd wager you'd be in the Atlantic Ocean. Am I right?Define "nearest big cities". There aren't that many cities with 1 milion inhabitants in europe (germany has about three. Berlin, Munich and Hamburg).
But it's true that Germany (if not Europe in general) is very densly populated. And of course the distances are very different, as you've already statet. While in the USA you can drive for hours and hours in one direction and still be in the same state you have traveled through 4 different countries in Europe.
Big cities is relative. How about "places lots of people go." They're a lot closer together everywhere in Europe than they are in America, unless you count Russia, I suppose.
And yes, Germany is larger than most other countries in Europe, but I was speaking to Shanus, who's in Ireland, so for his purposes, I was mostly talking about how if you drive any appreciable distance from where you are in either Ireland or England/Scotland/Wales... you end up on the coastline.
Another problem might be that people from the US define who they are via their cars (it's even worse over there than it's here in Germany, that's saying something! :P).
It's been our culture ever since Ford churned out 100s of thousands of Model Ts, man.
The public transportation might be another big problem. I don't even own a driver's license but due to the great public transportation system over here I don't have that big of a problem when I try to get from A to B.
Yes, I lived in Japan for 3 years, and I could get anywhere I wanted to go fairly quickly with buses and trains.
Here in America, that is only possible in the biggest cities, and even then only in the center of most of those cities (New York and Washington D.C. are the only real exceptions, with Europe-style public transit).
At 4/17/08 10:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 20000 EXP. Whoa. :o
Thanks. #;-}>
At 4/17/08 05:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Then what about this? XDAt 3/29/08 10:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: JACK THOMPSON IS MY HERO!... you've gone one step too far, sir. TOO FAR.
I haven't played it. Do you want to add it to your "you should review this shit, man!" list? #;-}>
I take it you extoll his virtues? Lame, man. Lame. You can dislike violent games all you want, but that asshole wants to restrict and ban them. Parents should keep their kids away from such games, yes, but any adult who wants to play them should be able to. Jack Thompson would be happiest if NO one could play them. He wants to shut down the producers of said games.
Video blogs + News Reporter = Oh shit.
Yes, are we all happy now?
Except that you haven't learned the plural of any Japanese word is the same as the singular. #;-}>
i.e. it's not a pair of katanas, it's a pair of katana.
No. "eeee-ehhh," as in "NO" in Japanese.Oh. Damn you! So what about money? :p
What about money? O_o
GTA is gay. XDGTA IS GAY!Oy. You there. STOP THAT.
But of course. All 36ness makes me happy.35.
A good number. Just add 1 and you've got my bliss.
BTW, I haven't "been to Japan once." I went to Japan for a few days in 1984 when my family and I were touring all around the Pacific Rim.... and I lived in Japan from 1988 to 1991, for those 3 years. 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.Oh, it was more than once. I get it now.
That... plus I wouldn't describe living in a country for 3 years as "going once." #;-}>
The reactions from GTA fans after seeing my GTA quiz are even funnier.
If I watch/play and review that, you might experience some genuine flames from teh gfox, you know.
You should do LUL catch-ups more often then. ;)
Well, not every page of LUL is a cool number, man.
The next one I definitely don't want to miss is 2222. Then 2345.
I already have three of their actual albums, which are Fly By Night, 2112 (duh) and Moving Pictures.
I've got A Farewell to Kings and Power Windows.
I got the former because the songs from that album are some of my faves on Chronicles, the best of 2-CD set.... aside from the obvious stuff I already knew of Rush from radio before I even got ANY of their stuff myself (such as Tom Sawyer, Limelight, Spirit of Radio, etc.).
And I got the latter because Chronicles has a live version of Mystic Rhythms that I REALLY love, and I wanted to get the studio version. Sadly, the studio version (from that album), isn't as good. ;_;
Which is pretty rare.
I almost always like the studio version of songs more than the live versions.
I guess U2's Bad is another exception. But I love both versions of that.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)