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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-22 18:01:18

The Beard will devour you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-22 23:44:38

OMGs, folks. 10101 posts.... 25102 saves.

I've just accumulated more than 100 posts and 100 saves in LESS THAN A WEEK. I'm on a freakin' streak!

At 3/21/08 10:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut LUL Posts - PART ONE

I ALMOST tripleposted here. Damn you gfox! ;)

Damn me? Whysofor? What's wrong with tripleposting? Sometimes I have to QUADpost in here to catch up after a good week or two away. So my posts made you doublepost and it was tough to pare down the posts into just two... big deal! Either post three posts or deal with it! #;-}>

At 3/20/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hahahah.... special, eh? Thanks, man. And yep, I do it for the fans.
Yep, just like me and Afro_Stud make flashes for our fans.

.... suuuuure you do. YOU DO IT FOR THE SELF-AGGRANDISEMENT! #;-}>



I'm still quite loyal to the C&C forum, but General forum, well, with a video games forum, things might improve. However, I'm not going to count on that.

VG FORUMS FTW. It's my new second forum on teh NGs. I haven't had an official one of those since the days when I actually posted on General or C&C myself. VG owns them.

At 3/20/08 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Since when is better late than never my catch-phrase?!? .... HEY! I see what you did there. #;-}>
You've said it a few times to me, especially when you missed me out on one of your updates when I got 10k blams.

It's my way of calming the left-out-of-an-update people tensions, I suppose.

Lolz. Poor Denvish.
I heard BT are fucking him in the ass. :(

Yes, we can all see that from checking his profile. #;-}>

3/6 + 36 FTWs.
Of course.

Goes without saying. So why did I say it? Oh well.

THAT'S your Bahamut alt?

You wish!

I agree. I only check sometimes to see if it's back, but I'm sure I'd hear something on NG once it's up.


Hahahaha... oh, that's rich. #;-}>
If only one of us were BBS mods.


Yeah, just to make it easier to get 10k reviews, lol.

True, dat..... yeah, just leave it combined forever. Brilliant. Then I can go for 5k flash reviews and 5k audio reviews, which is far more accomplishable. #;-}>

You should definitely do that. Because now that you've said that name, if you don't... someone else will. #;-}>
He did it already. :)

I saw the account, but I wasn't sure it was him who mades it. Glad to hear he had some sense and did so before the squatters could get it. #;-}>

Cool. :)

Sounds like a Fagamut parody. :P

Would they be my names if I was a furry? :P

gfoxamut! There we go.
Good, but none of them were the names I had in mind.

LOL! Oh well.

At 3/21/08 10:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's LUL Posts - PART TWO

Damn you damn you damn you.

Oh, hush....

I think Wade should make an exception on that 4 posts per half hour on you. Although you're not a mod anymore, but you should be allowed to post as many times as possible per half hour, because your posts are that fucking awesome!


I think the limit on size of posts should just be upped from 8k all the way up to 10k or even 12k, double the original size limit.

I dunno why they stopped at upping it from 6k to 8k in the first place. The uppings of file size limitations in the portal was way higher than that, proportionally-speaking.

Hey, you used to be a mod and did you think it was cool to be one? :P

For about 5 minutes. Mostly it was cool that liljim respected me as a NG user and modded me himself, really. But he coulda just said "I think you're a cool user and a cool person in general" via AIM where we used to chat back in those days, and that woulda been about the same. #;-}>

Cool things about being a mod to me:

A) having my name show up green, my fave colour, on BBS "who's online" listings.
B) getting to post more than 4 times in a row, which made huge BBS-based list posting very easy relative to for other users.

That's seriously it.

Then maybe it should be for the staff only, while BBS mods get the fab aura. Heh, that would make me hate to become a mod.

Any forced colour other than green would make me hate to re-become one, too.

They can still choose their aura, just not their colour. But yeah, that still sucks.

The most important reflection of one's aura on the BBS is the level icon colour, not the words "dark" or "fab" or whatever... so when I say aura, I really mean the colour more than the label for it, as that's what's most important to me. Trust me, I like the "neutral" part, too, so I'm happy green = neutral. But if neutral = red or something, and green = fab or dark or evil or JEALOUS, FFS, I'd be green, whatever it meant. #;-}>


.... no, but you know, that gives me an idea. If I ever ask to be re-reviewmodded, I'll do so on my alt, gfoxclock, so this account doesn't have to switch auras! WAHOO.

Yes, the biggest dragon balls of them all. XD

I heard they're a delicacy in Japan.

But have you ever been a C&C regular? I've been regularly posting there since March 2005, so I've been there for three years now! Ah, doesn't time fly?

Sure I was. I posted in the Blam Club thread all the time, and a few others, back in 2003-2004. Yet another thing you missed out on along with me being a big General postwhore, Mister 2005 Johnny-Come-Lately. #;-}>

EXCEPT FOR 13.37 PPD, now that 1.337 and 13.337 won't show up in teh profiles. ;_;
Of course, that is our one exception.

It still makes me sad they changed from .xxx to .xx format on the ppd in our profiles, though. ;_;

Did you make the BahamutMadness account, or did someone else beat you to it as I had feared?
That's his alt.

Like I said... "whew."

Everyone hates the tomahawk for some reason. I think it looks OK. It's much much better than that staff on the old 30 levels. Now that level I feared to have, even if it would have took me 4 years from now to get it.

I don't hate it. Just think it's a disappointment for level 36 to me especially, considering my 36-worship.

Oh, sure it's better than levels 23 and 29 on the old NG, hands down.

I've missed eight deposits so far, which is great considering I've still kept up depositing without missing too many deposits. :D

If you've only missed 8 deposits, why are you so worried about missing NG Loggings on Saturdays? If you deposit, you NG Log right afterwards, right? I always do, unless I'm trying to get to some specific savecount or postcount for NG Log screenshotting later in the day or something.

Probably not very many threads, relatively speaking... sad to say.
There's been a few threads about Pimp reaching 30k EXP.

A) I said relatively-speaking, so few.... to me, still sounds like not very many.
B) Are they all about him getting teh last secret, or just the 30k exp/level 53 parts? Because you specifically were saying about the secret part, and that's what I meant in response, just the secret aspect.

Finally... all caught up on teh Wi/Ht?s.... for the first time since 3/06, the day of my 10,000th post.... now, today, on 3/21.... 2 weeks later. Boy, took me long enough, eh? DAMN YOU, PENTALIST UPDATING. #;-}>
You forgot to talk about my 36k blamness!

OH NOE. Congrats on 36k blamness, you bastard! PASS ME WHY DONTCHA!?!?!? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-22 23:50:59

At 3/21/08 09:26 AM, Shanus wrote: It's good Friday, gotta love living in a deeply religious country :D

I wouldn't know anything about that. #;-}>

At 3/21/08 09:12 AM, gfoxcook wrote: ROTFL!
Well you pass automatically so it's cool :P

Yeah, that's exactly what I first thought when I read your proclamation on SPD back on Monday. #;-}>

It's easy being Green.

And still I've never gotten it once. On any of my THREE NG Logged accounts, which are #9, 10, and 11 in terms of most times logged on the list. OH WELLS.
Well I'm #7 so I deserve it more, but I think there's a cheat, if you sign in around midnight you get it, perhaps??

But I'm THREE accounts, not just one. My odds should be tripled. Yet still nothing.

Whereas on NG gfoxcook's been UOTD twice and I think gfoxclock got UOTD as well, though I'm not positive....

Heh. Glad you enjoyed it. Come on by my topic more often! It's finally active for a LIST reason for the first time since 2006.
I think I will, like I'm on there now :P

I noticed! Thanks for taking me up on my invite. #;-}>

At 3/22/08 06:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches a formation of red cars take up the front row for the Malaysian GP, while congratulating:

Toyotas? Or Ferraris?

At 3/21/08 09:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/21/08 06:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: On a very windy day, Coop prepares to lay some laminate flooring, while congratulating:
WORK ON GOOD FRIDAY?!? Why, I never....
Well, without that, my dad would have been in even worse a mood. I think of it as a birthday present for my cousin, as it was finishing off laying the flooring at his house (Which I technically own :P)

Heh. Wait... you own the flooring or the house? It wasn't clear. #;-}>

*Techno-moshes* Suppose I'd better get some work done :(
Work to that song. It'll make you work faster, at least.
Unfortunately, I don't have any speakers for my iPod... except the ones in the car, that is. But I can't park the car close enough to get the sound in from there.

Yeah, I got no speakers for my Zen, either.

If I had an iPod rather than a Zen, I would, though. My mom got me some speakers last year for birthday or christmas or something, but they were ONLY iPod compatible.

Just walking through electronics sections of stores here in America, almost everything is either iPod only or iPod + that shitty Zune crap. I wish Creative Zen had more third party hardware support... I just need to buy some accessories from creative.com and be done with it. #;-}>

As a result of this, I didn't get up early - I just lounged about in bed and watched "I second that Emotion" with the commentary.

I inspired you to hit some Futurama commentaryness late at night? I'm touched. #;-}>

There's no closer bond between men than a shared appreciation of Futurama.... or baseball.... or stats. Yes.

Which is why the blernsball eps of Futurama are the pinnicle of awesomeness.

If he wants to make total reviews a pentalist stat, rather than add audio reviews as a separate entity, we will have at least 3 x 10k Reviewers. Cyberdevil has got both areas covered well past 5k.
True, true! Awesomeness. That seals it for me.... till Cyber hits 10k audio responses... urgh... I mean reviews (I left that there for humour value #;-}>)... that would kick ass.

I hope he hits 10k in both flash and audio reviews at the same time, BTW. That'd be awesome for when Bahamut splits the columns due to him.
I messed up - he's only got about 2,200 Audio Reviews and about 6,700 Flash Reviews. That's not a combined 10k yet.

Whoops. But yes... operative word: "yet." #;-}>

... yet

Worth saying twice, I see. #;-}>

At 3/21/08 10:53 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/21/08 06:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/20/08 12:31 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I'd have more EXP than Pimp. :D
And because you seem slightly obsessed with it, some naked pics as well :P
Hey, everyone's curious about the last secret. I'd at least see what it actually is.
Ankh-Morpork is a place where curiosity not only kills the cat, but it ties lead weights to its feet and throws it in the river Ankh. Be vary wary of that.

You guys do realise that before the secret exp amounts were increased, there were like 7-12 or so users that hit the exp amount needed for the final secret back in the 2002-2003 days.

At 3/22/08 06:01 PM, TheBeard wrote: The Beard will devour you.

I look forward to being eaten. :::tip o' the cap:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 00:10:29

Level 22!

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 00:28:06

wjy do people post, cuz i mean cmon posting is really for nothing cuz i post on forums where we use money on like rune scimitars and shit like that xD

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 00:29:18

so whats the reason of posting

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 01:09:39

Thanks for voting, JUSTIN-BAILEY! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 3,210 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 18. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 22 hours, 51 minutes, and 10 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 03:46:53

At 11/2/02 10:14 AM, Mangeta wrote:
At 10/30/02 12:24 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I JUST WENT 2 VOTING POWER 4%
too bad theres about 5000 people with more power than you...

Lol, yeah but he's lying.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 05:40:38

Coop waits for his girlfriend to steal his chocolate, while congratulating:
viceman: 2,000 Experience
Hybrid-of-Souls: Level 24
DarkSoilder: Level 22

At 3/22/08 08:45 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/22/08 06:43 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/21/08 10:53 AM, Bahamut wrote: Also, I'd like to copy and paste part of review you wrote to one of my flashes:
Well, technically Bahamut is already naked - there aren't many episodes where you actually wear clothes, are there?
The most clothing he's ever had is wearing sunglasses. XD

The Blues Brothers Bahamut SE?! Can I get a signed copy?

At 3/22/08 11:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote: OMGs, folks. 10101 posts.... 25102 saves.

I've just accumulated more than 100 posts and 100 saves in LESS THAN A WEEK. I'm on a freakin' streak!

Well, the Experience list update certainly helped, with an extra special 8 posts in about 34 minutes :P

Keep it up, you're still slower than me!

At 3/22/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/22/08 06:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop watches a formation of red cars take up the front row for the Malaysian GP, while congratulating:
Toyotas? Or Ferraris?

Toyotas are predominantly white, with red streaks of paint across them. I was referring to the Prancing Horse Brand

At 3/21/08 09:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/21/08 06:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: On a very windy day, Coop prepares to lay some laminate flooring, while congratulating:
WORK ON GOOD FRIDAY?!? Why, I never....
Well, without that, my dad would have been in even worse a mood. I think of it as a birthday present for my cousin, as it was finishing off laying the flooring at his house (Which I technically own :P)
Heh. Wait... you own the flooring or the house? It wasn't clear. #;-}>

I own part of the house - my investment, which probably explains why the housing market in the UK has gone so flat :P

*Techno-moshes* Suppose I'd better get some work done :(
Work to that song. It'll make you work faster, at least.
Unfortunately, I don't have any speakers for my iPod... except the ones in the car, that is. But I can't park the car close enough to get the sound in from there.
Yeah, I got no speakers for my Zen, either.

I've got my headphones, but the problem is that if I worked with them on, I couldn't hear my dad getting pissed off with the flooring. Made it difficult to dodge the flying tools when he got angry.

As a result of this, I didn't get up early - I just lounged about in bed and watched "I second that Emotion" with the commentary.
I inspired you to hit some Futurama commentaryness late at night? I'm touched. #;-}>

Early in the morning, actually. It was all of 0930 :P

There's no closer bond between men than a shared appreciation of Futurama.... or baseball.... or stats. Yes.

Which is why the blernsball eps of Futurama are the pinnicle of awesomeness.

"Except for the word 'blern', that was complete gibberish!"

If he wants to make total reviews a pentalist stat, rather than add audio reviews as a separate entity, we will have at least 3 x 10k Reviewers. Cyberdevil has got both areas covered well past 5k.
True, true! Awesomeness. That seals it for me.... till Cyber hits 10k audio responses... urgh... I mean reviews (I left that there for humour value #;-}>)... that would kick ass.

I hope he hits 10k in both flash and audio reviews at the same time, BTW. That'd be awesome for when Bahamut splits the columns due to him.
I messed up - he's only got about 2,200 Audio Reviews and about 6,700 Flash Reviews. That's not a combined 10k yet.
Whoops. But yes... operative word: "yet." #;-}>

... yet
Worth saying twice, I see. #;-}>

Oh most definately. It seems that we have little else to say in this thread at present...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 05:46:08

Good for you if your making it ok l dotn care

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 07:50:43

Listening to>
Flash Fm GTA-VCS

Congrats to::
Coop83 500 movie reviews
Haggard: Major with 10.00 VP
Shanus 123 film reviews + 11 musical review responses
yoshi77777: Level 14
Bahamut 36K Blams

Honorable Mentions to Dei-Sama, aldlv, glover85, Psycho-Simple, wismty, Peregrinus, BahamutClock, Muffin, killslasher, zimzap(: Level 26), AnalPenguinFarming, Hellian00, Mendou, MinusNick, LiveBreatheTom, Dream-of-Duke, Emlfuryoflion, GUTHRIE, TheNossinator, Pimp, 1337, AxeWarrrior, PinballWizard976, cadreamer, IvanTuroc, SoulMaster71, Joshiwa, TehHood, BIGmamaKATIE, Incognitus, TwatHeafy (lol nice name), Helloween, simon, Basspro55, viceman, DarkSoldier, JUSTIN-BAILEY,

THanks to""

At 3/17/08 01:39 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 3/16/08 03:44 AM, iscrulz wrote: When I try to picture spam the bbs the computer lags so badly. Well best not to get upset.
Nice, mine works most of the time, then will just Blue screen, but a few quick restarts fixes it.

hmm I have been blessed I havent gotten the BSOD in years.

I do it for the longer posts and maybe some people crave the recognition. OVERLOOKS
Yeah at least guys here aren't complete idiots PRAISES

Wanna have a headache post in the video games threads, but its a fun way to troll.

At 3/17/08 02:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/17/08 03:04 AM, iscrulz wrote: Crap fake x-naut and Rule passed me, Yeah Bluehippos azteca89 and M-ARCUS didnt. but 11k total increase in a year is the sad for me.
Don't forget about me. :P

I didnt forget I wasnt mad you passed me just those former two you seen. you have me whooped in blams saves and posts so I didnt stand a chance

even if I was really active in 07.

At 3/16/08 02:01 PM, Bahamut wrote: Then let's hope no fucktards report you.
Lets do so, some LW bitch or EGB would.
I wonder who reported BigBahamut.

Does BMK have any enemies or it might have been wade seeing it at the right time.

Please explain more.
Well its not an internet holiday its just celebrated here on NG and other similar sites I got 2 alts to make as you know of the first the second will be...
And that NG holiday is?

I dont know if the UK celebrates it but its All Fools Day hey your fly is open.

At least I still hear about Drew Pickles.
I don't hear about teh Drew, well I hope the next terrorist flash group is as good as the Barneys
I do hear about Drew, on news posts and on one BBS sig.

Oh that give me another idea for an alt.

I truly believe Disney sucks ass.

I truly believe you sir are incorrect good day to you.
I truly believe I am correct good day to you.
I truly believe your statement is false good sir.
I truly believe your statement is false good sir.
I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.

I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.

This'll go on forever!
I am not quitting.

I may not post daily here but it doesnt mean I quit. I can be very stubborn and debate(ive)

I prefer the DS.
I prefer the Gameboy Pocket
I prefer the Virtual Boy.

I prefer Boys

At 3/20/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/9/08 05:37 AM, iscrulz wrote: CONgrats in order:>
gfoxcook 9,999th post
1000000th: Blams 36k, Saves 25k, Posts 10k and 666 reviews
ROFFLES! WTF, dude? Give all of my credits except the 9999 posts to my alt alt alt (1000000th)?

wtf I am thinking to I must of been loopy.

You shoulda given credit on the 9999 posts to my alt alt alt alt, then (999999th)! #;-}>

I know I am sorry. Why not just say your 3rd alt or 4th alt.

At 3/20/08 11:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/9/08 05:37 AM, iscrulz wrote: SaY HELLO TO 69BaHaMuTXXX666pyro soon it will be clickable.
Holy shit. Not enough for, Nintendo, Coop, or NEVR to truly make it a parody name of everyone around here, though. #;-}>

Wait then maybe I wont make the parody alt, just change the name of another alt.

Hi PLH remember the good old days. I bet you wont keep up. heres a listmaking tip only congrats people by saying "Congratsulation to all. I have been very busy with work, school, friends, stuff at home and my girlfriend". there.
It's a good tip. #;-}>

He should um have I guess taken the advice.

At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks, dude! Glad you noticed this one, if not the 13.37 VP. #;-}>
Oh yes the your are then welcome. Sorry about the 13.37 VP miss, I must of skimmed by it or other reason yesterday I ran a red light.
OH NOE. Did you hits teh old lady crossing the street?

It was so quick I didn't even know I ran it until I glanced in the mirror and saw some laying or lying idk
in the streets I looked and it was John McCain.

If so, please tell me she was Hillary Clinton.

I would run here over but I don't want the government killing every person I know and make it a conspiracy/cover up.

Ba-dum-dum... CHING!

Ra oh Foll.

No it wasn't. First of all, she was expected to win Ohio big. Always.

Wow okay I am not arguing poltics with you, or as a matter of fact nobody. I just vote for the indepents and nothing else.

At 3/9/08 05:40 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Okay, this is absolute madness.
I had to stand up for the so called underdog while everyone was favoriting the LT.
Not everyone. There were 3 for LT, and 1 for Disney (2 once you joined in). While a majority, I wouldn't call that "everyone."

Ok not everyone but if everyone in took part they would have choosen LT.

I confess both are great. I just have a big oversized Snob Appeal.
Awww. Thanks, man. You're a good winner. #;-}>

Ah shot lets seal the deal with a huge [[[you}}}

in closing arugements D is better but LT is still good.
I can live with that.

Live on Livin' lively.

At 3/7/08 11:50 AM, Rig wrote: 3,560th post.

Maybe you were thinking of posting 3,650th post.
Yeah, maybe he got confused about 10 ppd for a whole year or something. :::shrugs::

Frick knew probably just a dumbass trying to be funny by posting some non milestone achievement.

At 3/21/08 09:12 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/16/08 03:44 AM, iscrulz wrote: oh the egb. I still think the badges should be named Elite Guard Private - EGSC.
They still are, to us. As I just demonstrated by using the acronym rather than the "new rank name," which is TEH LAMES, albeit more brief and concise.

Well most but not all are calling them by the current name maybe they forgot or don't know. Sure EGSC > Supreme Commander and so further.

At 3/17/08 03:04 AM, iscrulz wrote: After 1,737 days 13.00 Voting Power is finally mine. Yes finally the unlucky 13 on St. Patricks day. Time go vote 0.
Time to go get 13.37 is what it's time to go do, man. #;-}>

Uh 13.13 first all then yes 13.37

2000 days or so, right? YOU CAN DO IT.

hmm 20k exp yeah I can easily do that.

Well I tried I bumped the Lul first then the pentalist second
I wasn't singling anyone out, just commenting on the fact that this megalith of a topic always get noticed before mine, and that's okay, but I wanted to let people here know about the update, in case they weren't going to find out any other way, that's all. #;-}>

They are turned of by it because most likely they don't have 1 x 1k so they won't partake in the pentaparties.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 07:53:57

W00T Double Post.

At 3/20/08 11:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
DAMN time to look at the LLL wait.
Sorry, man. NO LLLs. ;_;

good I would be listed 58th after that I suppose it could be done but it would be a waste of time.

Crap fake x-naut and Rule passed me, Yeah Bluehippos azteca89 and M-ARCUS didnt. but 11k total increase in a year is the sad for me.
11k is good, man. Better than me, I didn't even break 10k. What was I at.... 6k or so? Yep.

I guess my rare b/ping in 2007 help to get the 5k more. Ah well I should get 10k before July.

At 3/21/08 09:26 AM, Shanus wrote: It's good Friday, gotta love living in a deeply religious country :D

Happy Easter to you. Yes thank mostly the Midwest, but just like Christmas everyone religious or atheist celebrates it for 2 reasons. A day off work nonetheless.

At 3/22/08 12:05 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: Level (4!).
If you knew your math, you'd know what that means.
4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24.

Congrats how clever of you. for my 41st I could do something to shiftless to think of anything.

At 3/23/08 06:17 AM, Reaperssythe wrote:
At 3/23/08 05:46 AM, q13qew wrote: Good for you if your making it ok l dotn care
L dont care either. we should be a team

Yeah I hope he doesnt make it either.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 08:27:14

No list yesterday due to a very busy day.
First I went to see my newborn niece (hey, I became uncle for the first time! :D ), then I went with my gf to her sister and her sister's husband to play the WoW board game (which is really fun, by the way). I just had the time to deposit my Exp... no B/Ping at all. Hell, I even missed to log my stats on NGLog which is a bit annoying, because now I have to deal with the "Stats not logged past Saturday! Stats are only counted from Saturday!"-message for the whole week :( .


Congrats to:
BIGmamaKATIE: Top 600 in B/P
Incognitus: 1,000 Posts
TwatHeafy: Level 18
Helloween: Level 23
simon: 8 Years on NG - Today it's exactly 8 years ;)
killslasher: 1337 Posts
aldlv: 7.77 Voting Power
Emlfuryoflion: 20,000 Total Stats
viceman: 2,000 Experience
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 24
gfoxcook: 10101 Posts - Yes, I congrat you on that, because it's a nice number ^^
DarkSoldier: Level 22

Listening to:
Tocotronic - Es ist egal, aber
Die Fantastischen 4 - Michi Beck in Hell
Torfrock - Rollos Taufe

At 3/21/08 09:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/21/08 06:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/20/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: (gasp) There's nothing stopping you from looking at the last few 2006 updates of the list, though. Why did you even care about being on the pentalist if you've never really looked at a pentalist update before, eh? EH? #;-}>
Well, I looked at the list of the FINAL Update a few times, but not at the updates, heh...
Ah... well, I'm talking about the update text ABOVE the lists itself. That's where you'd need to look to know about the stuff we were talking about being routine for my updates. The 1x10k mentions, I mean.

Heh, that's a bad habit I have. I nearly never read introduction texts ^^.

And when I learned that you are planning on doing an ULTIMATE update, well of course I hoped to be part of that list. You know, stat whores aren't satisfied until someone recognizes their achievements ;) .
TRUE DAT! And then recognises them again. And again. And again. #;-}>

and again and again....

At 3/21/08 09:26 AM, Shanus wrote:
At 3/21/08 06:44 AM, Haggard wrote: How DARE you! I typed that myself! Well, at least the numbers, the rest did the LUL List Maker ^^.
I know ya do, sure you probably take most care with your lists, as English isn't your native tongue :D

Damn, I don't know what to reply here, but I don't think this statement is true :P

I will change it in 10 days, though.
To what may I ask??

To evil, I think.

At 3/21/08 02:12 PM, Dei-Sama wrote: 600 post is achieved.

Fuck off

At 3/21/08 03:01 PM, Basspro55 wrote: I expect to reach rank 18 for b/ps sometime soon.

Tell us when you got there.

At 3/21/08 03:10 PM, smc316 wrote: 11 postes per day.

Fuck off

At 3/21/08 03:21 PM, JSSKFF wrote: Town watch

Sorry, not noteworthy.

At 3/22/08 03:08 AM, benavides20 wrote: check out pimp 99%

Yes, thank you... but tell us something we don't know already :P

At 3/23/08 03:46 AM, Alfie wrote:
At 11/2/02 10:14 AM, Mangeta wrote:
At 10/30/02 12:24 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I JUST WENT 2 VOTING POWER 4%
too bad theres about 5000 people with more power than you...
Lol, yeah but he's lying.

Nice job on replying to a 6 year old post. But at least you didn't quote the first post of this thread.

At 3/23/08 05:46 AM, q13qew wrote: Good for you if your making it ok l dotn care

Ah, I guess YOU did reply to the first post here, right? We hadn't such a post in quite some time now, thanks! ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 08:37:27

You entered the top 200 in B/P Points. Outstanding!

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 09:17:48

Happy easter everyone!

Congrats to:
Little-Rena: EG Supreme Commander
viceman: 3,000 Saves, 2,000 Experience
zimzap: 5,000 Saves, 5,000 Blams, 10,000 B/P, Level 26
NintendoMadness: 500 Flash Reviews
Shanus: 20,000 B/P, NG Log User of the Day, 111 Audio Review Responses, 123 Flash Review Responses
Idiot-Finder: Supreme Commander
Darkknight777: Level 15
Psycho-Simple: 3,000 Posts
Flared24: Staff Sergeant
RageVI: Level 42, Happy 21st Birthday!
Dream-of-Duke: 11,000 Experience Points
TamiyaGuy: Level 19
Bstuk2: Level 20, 4,000 Experience, 1,000 Blams
AnalPenguinFarming: Level 27, 4,000 Saves, 2,000 Posts, Silver Whistle
1337: 12,000 B/P, 6.66 Voting Power
Toohot100: 7.77 Voting Power
Joeyag: 2,000 Experience
SoulMaster71: 1,337 B/P, Level 13
Paradox: 9,000 Posts
YukonCornelius: Level 11
aldlv: 300 Flash Reviews, 13,000 B/P, 7.77 Voting Power
iscrulz: 13.00 Voting Power, 26,000 Blams, 24,000 Saves, 50,000 B/P
Josh: 19,000 Experience
Coop83: 500 Flash Review Responses
glover85: 10,000 B/P
Haggard: Major, 10.00+ Voting Power
Psycho-Simple: 2 Years on NG
wismty: Level 41
Peregrinus: 7,000 B/P
BahamutClock: Level 25
killslasher: Level 11
Hellian00: Level 13
Mendou: 4,000 Experience Points, Level 20
MinusNick: Level 15
LiveBreatheTom: Level 19
Dream-of-Duke: 18,000 Blams
Emlfuryoflion: 16,000 B/P, 20,000 Total Stats
GUTHRIE: 14,000 Experience Points
TheNossinator: Level 11
Pimp: 30,000 Experience Points
AxeWarrior: Police Sergeant
TehHood: Police Captain
cadreamer: Sergeant First Class
IvanTuroc: Level 35
Bahamut: 36,000 Blams
Joshiwa: 18,000 B/P, Top 200 B/P
TehHood: 1,000 Experience Points
Incognitus: 1,000 Posts
TwatHeafy: Level 18
Helloween: Level 23
simon: 8 Years on NG
smc316: 11.00 PPD
killslasher: 1,337 Posts
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 24
DarkSoldier: Level 22

Thanks to:

Was listening to
U2 - Gone
Pink Floyd - Brain Damage/Eclipse

At 3/20/08 11:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/9/08 11:09 AM, Auz wrote: I just got 18,000 Saves
Congrats! You're halfway to where I wanna be.

About 1/4th of where I wanna be (at least) =p

At 3/9/08 11:10 AM, Auz wrote: Was listening to
Pink Floyd - Hey You, Comfortably Numb, Wish You Were Here, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Welcome to the Machine
INXS - Kiss the Dirt, Need You Tonight, Mediate, New Sensation, Suicide Blond
U2 - Dirty Day, October, All I Want Is You, Hawkmoon 269
Heh. I know every single one of those songs..... except (AFAIK, I may know them and just not the titles) Kiss the Dirt

Kiss the Dirt was one of the many awesome tracks in GTA: Vice City. I think you´ll like it.

and Mediate.

It´s quite a relaxing song. It´s not that I like it that much, but sometimes they play it right after Need You Tonight so I listened to it by accident.

Clearly I'm much more of a U2 fan and Pink Floyd fan (indeed, 2 of my top 5 fave rock bands) than an INXS fan.

Cool, I didn´t know you liked Pink Floyd as well =)

I wouldn´t really call myself an INXS fan either, but I like most of their more popular songs.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 09:22:34

Happy Easter to all and a merry lvl 26 to me!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 10:28:45

Sign-Up: 03/23/04
Time on NG: 4 years (1461 days)

Well then.

Congratulatory Textual Affirmation to:
Psycho-Simple; Level 26.
Joshiwa, Top 200 B/Per.
DarkSoldier Level 22.
Hybrid-Of-Souls Level 24.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 10:33:28

Bahamut's LUL posts - PART ONE

Wi/Ht? Regulars Voting election will start in a few hours! :)

Also, Happy Easter!

Listening to:

The Beatles - Beatles for Sale and Help!

Congrats to:

Hybrid-Of-Souls - Level 24
DarkSoldier - Level 22
Joshiwa - Top 200 in B/P
Psycho-Simple - Level 26

Thanks to:


At 3/22/08 04:33 PM, NEVR wrote: Bleh, I hate applying for things.

I'm just glad I'll never be going to University.

At 3/22/08 06:01 PM, TheBeard wrote: The Beard will devour you.

Yes, it could devour me. :o

At 3/22/08 11:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote: OMGs, folks. 10101 posts.... 25102 saves.

25102 saves, eh? Anything interesting about it?

I've just accumulated more than 100 posts and 100 saves in LESS THAN A WEEK. I'm on a freakin' streak!


Damn me? Whysofor? What's wrong with tripleposting? Sometimes I have to QUADpost in here to catch up after a good week or two away. So my posts made you doublepost and it was tough to pare down the posts into just two... big deal! Either post three posts or deal with it! #;-}>

Just kidding. Multi-posting is great, but it shows I've had too much to quote in a day. XD

Yep, just like me and Afro_Stud make flashes for our fans.
.... suuuuure you do. YOU DO IT FOR THE SELF-AGGRANDISEMENT! #;-}>

No, for my fucking fans.


Can I eat the haters?

I'm still quite loyal to the C&C forum, but General forum, well, with a video games forum, things might improve. However, I'm not going to count on that.
VG FORUMS FTW. It's my new second forum on teh NGs. I haven't had an official one of those since the days when I actually posted on General or C&C myself. VG owns them.

Too bad the VG forum already has General faggots fucking it up. Permaban on moronic users who go there would be sweet.

Also, making a Console war thread is the stupidest thread to make there.

You've said it a few times to me, especially when you missed me out on one of your updates when I got 10k blams.
It's my way of calming the left-out-of-an-update people tensions, I suppose.

Hmm. <__<

I heard BT are fucking him in the ass. :(
Yes, we can all see that from checking his profile. #;-}>

It just makes me glad I have something not as bad as BT, like Virgin Media. Hell, BT sounds worse than AOL.

Of course.
Goes without saying. So why did I say it? Oh well.


THAT'S your Bahamut alt?
You wish!

I highly recommend you to make that alt.

I agree. I only check sometimes to see if it's back, but I'm sure I'd hear something on NG once it's up.

Happy Easter!

...Sorry, no Easter flash from me this year. Maybe next year. ;)

If only one of us were BBS mods.


Yeah, just to make it easier to get 10k reviews, lol.
True, dat..... yeah, just leave it combined forever. Brilliant. Then I can go for 5k flash reviews and 5k audio reviews, which is far more accomplishable. #;-}>

Damn you gfox. First, you said the two stats should be separate and NOW you think they should be combined?! I'll stick with the two being combined for now.

He did it already. :)
I saw the account, but I wasn't sure it was him who mades it. Glad to hear he had some sense and did so before the squatters could get it. #;-}>

Of course. I always take names I like when I have the chance.

Oh, hush....

no u

I think the limit on size of posts should just be upped from 8k all the way up to 10k or even 12k, double the original size limit.

I did once suggest a character limit being extended to 10k, but since it's 8192, that number follows the double number rule (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.)

Cool things about being a mod to me:

A) having my name show up green, my fave colour, on BBS "who's online" listings.

I'd say green name on BBS > green aura #;-}>

B) getting to post more than 4 times in a row, which made huge BBS-based list posting very easy relative to for other users.

Of course, who can deny the awesomeness of that?

Then maybe it should be for the staff only, while BBS mods get the fab aura. Heh, that would make me hate to become a mod.
Any forced colour other than green would make me hate to re-become one, too.

Then why not make green the mod aura? :)

.... no, but you know, that gives me an idea. If I ever ask to be re-reviewmodded, I'll do so on my alt, gfoxclock, so this account doesn't have to switch auras! WAHOO.


Yes, the biggest dragon balls of them all. XD
I heard they're a delicacy in Japan.

...Yes, that's...true.

Sure I was. I posted in the Blam Club thread all the time, and a few others, back in 2003-2004. Yet another thing you missed out on along with me being a big General postwhore, Mister 2005 Johnny-Come-Lately. #;-}>

Who cares about General postwhoring nowadays besides the Generalfags?

Of course, that is our one exception.
It still makes me sad they changed from .xxx to .xx format on the ppd in our profiles, though. ;_;

Oh, it makes me happy.

I don't hate it. Just think it's a disappointment for level 36 to me especially, considering my 36-worship.

Oh, sure it's better than levels 23 and 29 on the old NG, hands down.

I still think the lollipop is the worst icon of all time.

*prepares for lynch*

I've missed eight deposits so far, which is great considering I've still kept up depositing without missing too many deposits. :D
If you've only missed 8 deposits, why are you so worried about missing NG Loggings on Saturdays? If you deposit, you NG Log right afterwards, right? I always do, unless I'm trying to get to some specific savecount or postcount for NG Log screenshotting later in the day or something.

If you miss NG loggings on Saturday, you will not be able to keep track on your pace for the whole week. And if I'm away anywhere and my friend deposits for me, I don't ask him to log my stats on NG Log. Just getting the damn EXP on my main account is enough.

You forgot to talk about my 36k blamness!
OH NOE. Congrats on 36k blamness, you bastard! PASS ME WHY DONTCHA!?!?!? #;-}>

Thank you. That took forever! :P

At 3/22/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Which is why the blernsball eps of Futurama are the pinnicle of awesomeness.

I'd say the parallel universes of Futurama are the pinnacle of awesomeness.

I messed up - he's only got about 2,200 Audio Reviews and about 6,700 Flash Reviews. That's not a combined 10k yet.
Whoops. But yes... operative word: "yet." #;-}>

He'll get it soon enough.

At 3/22/08 06:01 PM, TheBeard wrote: The Beard will devour you.
I look forward to being eaten. :::tip o' the cap:::

Look, here's me eating Tony, nyum nyum nyum. And Tony would be going "Oh no, get off me, I'm not dead yet" and I'm like "But I'm hungry, Tony" and Tony would be going "Oh no! Go away, go away, go away!" Wouldn't you Tony? Haha! Oh, and here's Tony's parents "He's eaten Tony. Uhuhuhuhuhuh. Why did you eat Tony? Tony was our only son." And then, I'd be at the funeral and I'd be going "Oh, better not show my face-"


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 10:34:37

Bahamut's LUL Posts - PART TWO

At 3/23/08 05:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: The Blues Brothers Bahamut SE?! Can I get a signed copy?

Sure. See picture.

At 3/23/08 07:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Listening to>
Flash Fm GTA-VCS


THanks to""


I wonder who reported BigBahamut.
Does BMK have any enemies or it might have been wade seeing it at the right time.

Any big L7C haters? Maybe one of them.

And that NG holiday is?
I dont know if the UK celebrates it but its All Fools Day hey your fly is open.


I do hear about Drew, on news posts and on one BBS sig.
Oh that give me another idea for an alt.

Good, good.

I truly believe Disney sucks ass.

I truly believe you sir are incorrect good day to you.

I truly believe I am correct good day to you.
I truly believe your statement is false good sir.
I truly believe your statement is false good sir.
I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe my statement is superior and still correct.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe and know your statement is inferior and completely incorrect.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are completely incorrect about every one of your statements.
I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.

I truly believe you are ignorant and do not know what your talking about.

I may not post daily here but it doesnt mean I quit. I can be very stubborn and debate(ive)

Well, I'm winning the argument.

I prefer the Virtual Boy.
I prefer Boys

I prefer women.

Yeah, maybe he got confused about 10 ppd for a whole year or something. :::shrugs::
Frick knew probably just a dumbass trying to be funny by posting some non milestone achievement.

All those pricks deserve 30 day bans.

At 3/23/08 08:44 AM, Odyssic wrote: I remember when I posted all the time, the most I posted in one day is 73 posts.

And the most I made in a day was 101 posts. That happened to be the day where I had more time in the Internet due to my sister having go to really early the next day and there was also the death hoax of illwillpress as well. I think that happened on 1st October 2005.

And here you go, Coop. :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 11:03:31

I got the axe for an easter gift :]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 13:11:37

Apparently I got 33k without noticing.

Go me I guess.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 13:54:51

1000 posts!

I made it, and without force.

Weak Men are Hard on Others while Strong Men are Hard on Themselves.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 13:59:41

At 3/23/08 01:11 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Apparently I got 33k without noticing.
At 3/23/08 01:54 PM, whatty wrote: 1000 posts!

BBM overshadows another '03 user with his insane post count :P

Hey guys, I'm not making a list today - I'm saving it for tomorrow, as I will have a rather special (in my opinion) achievement by then. Must save up teh posting goodness and unleash it at an appropriate time :P

See all you fine people tomorrow!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 14:15:53

7,777 B/P lol.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 15:39:10

I was just taking a look at my profile and noticed that I've got 5,555 saves.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 18:08:53

Didn't think I'd get this today, but I just passed 17,000 B/P! Getting higher...

Like I said earlier, better post + list tomorrow.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 18:40:14

I hit 3000 Saves, 4500 Blams, 50 review responses today. Busy day :)

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 18:42:57

16,000 Blams

This may not seem like much of an achievement, but given the amount of Blams available at the moment, it is to me!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 18:48:37

100 flash reviews!!! and 10 music reviews...

This and my non existent trophys are the only stats I really care about.

Who am I kidding, post count ftw.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-23 19:12:44

I just reached 1337 Posts...

But in far more important statistical news, Pimp just hit Level 53!