At 3/8/08 09:18 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:I wasn't sure which park was made first. I know Lego is awesome but there are peices whihc are getting a little too unique nowadays. Oldskool is the funnest.Denmark, of course. HOME OF TEH LEGO.I went to LEGOland (the original) in 1982.Which is the orignal? Which country I mean?
Dude, LEGO is from Denmark. Come on, now. I'm an American and I know this. Then again, I'm one of the rare Americans to have visited 30+ nations, but STILL, man. You Europeans are supposed to be so worldly and shit, that's the stereotype. FAIL. #;-}>
Wow, you've just never posted in ages then?The rest is history. Been on NG almost every single day since January 5th or so 2003.At 3/4/08 02:45 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I won't truly ever regain my rightful place, unless I can get ahead of everyone who isn't Shrapnel, bomb, Pimp, and HTThis may be a personal question but why did you actually leave NG. Life taking over?
Huh? You mean from 2000-2002... or you mean in 2005-2007?
I never posted on NG until January 2003 because I didn't even know about the BBS here. I've posted every single year here since then, but there have certainly been times I went somewhat inactive on the boards. I would say the height of my activity was January 2003 to May 2004, which is when I started to fade away a bit. Then my most inactive times were May 2004 to April 2007. In April 2007 I started to make a comeback when I demodded myself.... and then in January 2008, I went back to super-active mode, just like in 2003-2004.
But I never left completely or didn't post for a super-long-time at any point once 2003 had begun, really.
Where you here for the wave of SSBB submissions? It was great there was like 40 and some of them were rather funny and then Wade goes and deleted them all. It was Camel day...
No, I missed it. And I still don't get what camels have to do with SSBB and Clocks.... but I did see a recent "Camel Race" flash game in the portal a few days ago, and it was somewhat fun. But had nothing to do with SSBB. Just Camels with Clocks riding on them. #;-}>
How long does it take you to do the update? It must take a while but maybe not a month but if it did then maybe Haggard could be the last on the list and then we'd be a happeh cat. But without the cheezburger but.
Normally, it would take me 6-10 hours to do an update, back in the day. To do this update, after 14-15 months of not doing one? It took me around 25-30 hours, I would estimate. Longer, probably, but there were breaks and distractions.
gfoxamut! There we go.
At 3/9/08 05:37 AM, iscrulz wrote: SaY HELLO TO 69BaHaMuTXXX666pyro soon it will be clickable.
Holy shit. Not enough for, Nintendo, Coop, or NEVR to truly make it a parody name of everyone around here, though. #;-}>
At 3/5/08 07:40 PM, PureLionHeart wrote: I'm trying to return. Getting back in here is the tricky part. So many lists and such.Hi PLH remember the good old days. I bet you wont keep up. heres a listmaking tip only congrats people by saying "Congratsulation to all. I have been very busy with work, school, friends, stuff at home and my girlfriend". there.
Well, B/Ping again, as well as depositing and posting. Let's see if I can keep it up.
It's a good tip. #;-}>
At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks, dude! Glad you noticed this one, if not the 13.37 VP. #;-}>Oh yes the your are then welcome. Sorry about the 13.37 VP miss, I must of skimmed by it or other reason yesterday I ran a red light.
OH NOE. Did you hits teh old lady crossing the street?
If so, please tell me she was Hillary Clinton.
Ba-dum-dum... CHING!
It was a great victory regardless of the situtaion coming back after an eleven state lose.Woot snap pwn Hillary won or was when I checked at 11:15 pm yesterday.LAME.
No it wasn't. First of all, she was expected to win Ohio big. Always.
And though she barely won the Texas primary, which accounts for 66.66% of the delegates (BTW, she won by 100,000 votes, and 120,000 Republicans voted for her, so take from that what you will... all I'll say is that Rush Limbaugh told all the Republicans in Texas to vote for her instead of for a Republican or for Obama and look what happens...)....
She lost the Texas caucus, which accounts for 33.33% of them. And Obama will get more delegates from the state. Just as she has lost every single caucus except for Nevada, thanks to the hispanic vote, which blindly supports her 60-70% for no good reason.
And lastly, Obama winning 11 contests in a row wasn't really like a sports team winning 11 in a row, like my Rockets winning 22 in a row. All 50 states, and the other 5 or so primaries (DC, Guam, Samoa, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and there may be more...) that happen each 4 years.... are not held on the same day, but they are all representative of the people living within their borders.
And what that means is, Ohio was always going to go for Clinton, all Obama could do was make the loss as small as possible there. There are few states where the campaigns can actually make a huge different more than 2-3% either way. These states are going to vote the way they're going to vote, barring huge scandals and idiots like Rush brainwashing his fans into doing his bidding when they don't even like either Democratic candidate.
So if Ohio had been held back in February, Obama would have won 5 contests, then lost Ohio, then won 6 contests, then "tied" Texas. See what I mean? People talk about momentum so much, but each of these votes is not the same voters changing their mind each time, it's a new, different set of voters in a different state voting DIFFERENTLY because we are all different in some ways, and that's one thing that makes the USA a great country at its core. We are United States, not one monolithic, homogenous crappile. NO OFFENSE, KAZAHKSTAN!
Doesn't !Hey I am a cheater. and Disney does like to loseDoes?
At 3/9/08 05:40 AM, iscrulz wrote:Okay, this is absolute madness.I had to stand up for the so called underdog while everyone was favoriting the LT.
Not everyone. There were 3 for LT, and 1 for Disney (2 once you joined in). While a majority, I wouldn't call that "everyone."
I give up. You win, Disney rules all.I confess both are great. I just have a big oversized Snob Appeal.
Awww. Thanks, man. You're a good winner. #;-}>
in closing arugements D is better but LT is still good.
I can live with that.
At 3/7/08 11:50 AM, Rig wrote: 3,560th post.Maybe you were thinking of posting 3,650th post.
Yeah, maybe he got confused about 10 ppd for a whole year or something. :::shrugs::
At 3/9/08 11:09 AM, Auz wrote: I just got 18,000 Saves
Congrats! You're halfway to where I wanna be.
At 3/9/08 11:10 AM, Auz wrote: Was listening to
Pink Floyd - Hey You, Comfortably Numb, Wish You Were Here, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Welcome to the Machine
INXS - Kiss the Dirt, Need You Tonight, Mediate, New Sensation, Suicide Blond
U2 - Dirty Day, October, All I Want Is You, Hawkmoon 269
Heh. I know every single one of those songs..... except (AFAIK, I may know them and just not the titles) Kiss the Dirt and Mediate. Clearly I'm much more of a U2 fan and Pink Floyd fan (indeed, 2 of my top 5 fave rock bands) than an INXS fan.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)