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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 08:45:53

I'm a police officer now! Fuck yeah!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Disregard this post.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 08:50:01

At 3/8/08 08:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:

I had to forget, didn't I?

Congrats to gfoxcook on reaching 25000 saves!

11000 more to go now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 08:57:48

Thanks for voting, Toohot100! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 9,000 experience points. You need 340 more to get to Level 30. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 15 hours, 2 minutes, and 48 seconds.

100 deposits to go!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 09:27:18

I'm now a Lieutenant.

god wants me dead Madness Combat Crew

Elite Guard Barracks

"It was good" - Honors American Literature

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 10:37:53

Oh yeah, forgot to mention I've got 6.66 VP ^^

Woop woop woop.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 11:55:29

At 3/8/08 09:27 AM, lilhunter03 wrote: I'm now a Lieutenant.

nice... I'm a Lieutenant too... XD
I think I level up 2 hours after you

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 11:57:01

15,0000 B/P!

Listening to:
SBB - ==(Distant Oceans)==

Congrats to:
Suaron: Bronze Whistle
lilhunter03: Top 300 in B/P
BobbaQ: Level 18, 6.66 Voting Power
RedCoin: 8888 Posts
glover85: 100 Reviews
thegreatmorph: 2,000 Saves
schneelocke: Top 400 in Experience
Mendou: 9,000 Saves
yoshi77777: 1337 Blams
zimzap: Sgt. Major
Dew: 1,700 Reviews - Trying to beat Cyberdevils record, eh?
Shanus: Brig. General
Flared24: 4,000 Saves
PureLionHeart: 44,444 Total Stats
darx: Level 12
Night-Ranger: 5,000 Saves, To 600 in B/P
Nijsse: Levle 39
Odyssic: 16 Years IRL - Happy Birthday!
BIGmamaKATIE: 7.00 Voting Power
Skat0r: Police Officer
Toohot100: 9,000 Experience
lilhunter03: Lieutenant

At 3/7/08 08:57 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/6/08 08:23 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/08 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/08 08:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Stop it. It's bad enough about having dreams of 10,000 Reviews sadly crushed, without doubling the total to get to accomplish said dream!
No, don't stop it. I think we need even more 10k-stats. Like Review Responses. 10,000 Review Responses, now that would be a big deal ^^
Now that would be something, but I am still smarting from the possibility of a 5x20k list appearing :(
I won't even appear on the list at all. Unless gfox decides to inlcude a 1x10k list....
You'll be on the 'close' list at the top of the update - I'm actually still listed on that now, as I was only a 1x 10ker when gfox did his final update.

Ah, that's fine :)

At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote: At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote:
Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P
I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.
Sure, living as a Sponge isn't so much fun, even if you can live for more than 10.000 years that way. But what's the use in only living 20 years for example, if you could have easily lived for another 60 years if you only had been a bit more careful?
The point being would living (existing) for 60 more years actually be classed as living, in being able to derive any enjoyment or fulfilment from this activity?
I think it's no problem to derive enough enjoyiment in 60 years to make life worth living.
If you're going to spend your time looking over your shoulder, you can't let loose and enjoy yourself. Everyone needs and has the right to cut loose and do what they want to do for fun...
I never said one should spent his/her whole time looking over the shoulder. However, looking left and right (or right and left in your case :P ) before crossing a street sure can help to extend ones lifespan ;) .
Oh undoubtedly. From personal experience, being quite agile (1) and wearing the appropriate safety gear (2) has extended my lifespan somewhat. Missed being run over once, was knocked off my bike by a large 4x4
Heh, I've been hit TWICE by a car. I guess I can be lucky to be still alive... :/
Nice... I think

Either somebody likes me that I survived both accidents... or somebody hates me so much he/she doesn't want me there, where you go after you die -.-

At 3/6/08 08:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
Well, he may not make it to 4x10k in time, but at least he'll be on the 3x10k. I'm feeling a bit down right now that Haggard isn't going to make it to 2x10k in time to even make it on the list.
It's not that bad after all.... I'll go cry now.... :'(
There there, more things to life than stats, my friend

Life has been busy enough the last week. And it doesn't look like it's going to slow down during the next few weeks.

At 3/7/08 11:51 AM, Rig wrote:
At 3/7/08 11:50 AM, Rig wrote: 3,560th post.

Fuck, I need my glasses. That should've been 3,590th post.
3,591st post.

You need to go away.

At 3/7/08 08:35 PM, BrAddErZ958 wrote:
At 3/7/08 06:52 PM, BrAddErZ958 wrote: 500 Saves at last!
100 Blams too ^_^

And you, too

At 3/7/08 08:47 PM, killslasher wrote: I just got 1000 recieved PMs!

currently 74,after I deleted 929!

that is 1003 recieved PMs!

And you a fortiori!!

At 3/8/08 02:41 AM, killaboy69 wrote: how is this thread alive srsly it is spam has no mod noticed it yet

Thank you, that post really made my day! *lol*

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 12:24:43

Sweet lvl 15!, and tomorrow im turning 16!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 12:25:20

At 3/8/08 05:29 AM, Nijsse wrote: Lvl 39, and I really like it.

39 does look really nice. I don't like the 26 that I am about to hit.

Congrats to Odyssic on the real life level up as well!

Wi/Ht Member #50 | Top 500 XP | Top 80 B/P! | Top 45 Protector | Top 125 VP

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 12:35:24

I just passed 16,000 B/P, which is an OK achievement I suppose. Just under 1,500 to go until I reach Colonel now.

List will probably come tomorrow due to the fact that I'm still ill and thus unmotivated - especially after watching England lose to Scotland in the Six Nations. Urgh.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 13:32:01

I've just written Music Review #150

That has taken my total review counter up to 1,002, having now passed the 4th figure today :)

1,000 Reviews

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 13:36:34

At 3/7/08 05:31 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: schneelocke: Top 400 EXP Rank

Thanks! :)

At 3/8/08 01:34 AM, PureLionHeart wrote: schneelocke: Top 400 Experience

Thank you!

At 3/8/08 05:53 AM, Coop83 wrote: schneelocke: Top 400 Experienced

Thanks! ^^ It's mostly due to you, so you deserve most of the credit really.

At 3/8/08 05:59 AM, Odyssic wrote: 16 years old today!

Happy berfday!

schneelocke: Rank 400 in Experience


At 3/8/08 08:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Schneelocke - Top 400 in EXP

Thank you!

At 3/8/08 11:57 AM, Haggard wrote: 15,0000 B/P!


schneelocke: Top 400 in Experience

Thank you! ^^

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 16:01:59

9,000 saves... XD
& 400 Audio reviews

this week have been very nice...
top 300 B/P
3,333 Blams
9,000 saves
lvl 15
400 Audio reviews

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 16:16:02

It took awhile, but it's mine now.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I miss my old sig )=

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 16:37:36

My post count;

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 17:39:44

Not as good as the one above, but this is my 3000th post.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 18:08:21

At 3/8/08 01:36 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 3/8/08 05:53 AM, Coop83 wrote: schneelocke: Top 400 Experienced
Thanks! ^^ It's mostly due to you, so you deserve most of the credit really.

Meh, it's nothing - you've inspired me to keep depositing for C0GMA :P

Besides, I never noticed, did I?

Anyway, I've just reached 37,000 B/P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 19:35:35

3333 posts.

wolf piss

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 21:14:03

I accidently logged Tom Fulps stats. :S

Also level 15 attained.

More also, my comp buggered up and my comp froze and I couldn't copy this convo so I had to it again. >:(

And some more also (¬_¬) I got Private First Class.
The first time I logged my stsats on NG Log I got a level up and a B/P up and now today!

Congrats to:
aldlv: Top #300 in B/P and 8,888 Saves
gfoxcook: 10,000 Posts
JerkClock: Level 36
Little-Rena: Level 25
lilhunter03: Top #300 in B/P
BobbaQ: Level 18
RedCoin: 8,888 Posts
glover85 - 100 reviews
thegreatmorph - 2000 saves
Schneelocke - Top 400 in EXP
Mendou - 9000 saves
yoshi77777 - 1337 Blams
darx - Level 12
Shanus - Brigadier General
Flared24 - 4000 saves
Night-Ranger - 5000 saves and Top 600 in B/P
Nijsse - Level 39
BIGmamaKATIE - 5.55 Base VP and Total 7.00VP
gfoxcook - 25,000 Saves

At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/3/08 12:37 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Just for that. huh anyone impersonating me wouldn't be deleted thats a fact.

I bet it would. Bahamut shouldn't be treated any different from any other NG users.

gfox, NintendoMadness, shall we bring pitchforks and torches with us?
I will use the Hannah Montana fankiddies as frontline infantry.
You are all doomed turn back now and confess Disney is better.

Your Hannah Montana kiddies shall not defeat us!

Really? *discusses what movies we shall use against him*
Yes no matter what movie you(s) select Disney has a superior movie.

You sure.... Rambo shall pummel you!

Ah yes I need to go back to my roots and spam the general and get banned every month.
Of course. We all have to get banned once in our NG life.
Not ReconrebEL as far as I know, so far.

He r goody gooddy. ;d

Sorry but there mascot Buggs Bunny is an arrogant cunt.
Yes he is but I like him.
Oh okay are you all right. People hate brats and cocky people or animals.

Yeah, it's funny.

Is BMK an alt.


I will use the Hannah Montana fankiddies as frontline infantry.
Fuck, we lost!
Never underestimate the power of a pop diva princess. HSM 1 and 2 will be used on any user who thinks they are brave enough to get past the HM fanboys and fangirls

Did you say you like HSM? Aww jeez. That is the biggest reason I hate Disney.

Hey I am a cheater. and Disney does like to lose

They like to lose?

At 3/5/08 10:09 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/4/08 03:06 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: I was banned once. But only for my friend bumping a 7 year thread.
I've been banned a few times, but have no bans since December 2005.

That was probably because you were getting accoustumed to the way of NG?

At 3/4/08 03:13 PM, NEVR wrote: I talk to BlueHippo every now and again on MSN, so maybe I'll ask him - he does seem like the most Wi/Ht active mod.
But he doesn't seem to like the LUL nowadays. :(

Maybe he dosn't like epic posts. :*(

At 3/5/08 05:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/4/08 09:10 AM, Bahamut wrote: Meh, I couldn't complain about having a gold aura. :D
It'd get old eventually.
Gold can never turn old. XP

You can rhyme!

10k news posts?!?!? WTF? How many does he have right now?
Almost 800.

800?! That's stupid. He could just have an updatated one.

At 3/5/08 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote: No, don't stop it. I think we need even more 10k-stats. Like Review Responses. 10,000 Review Responses, now that would be a big deal ^^

Holy shit fuck that would be awesome!

At 3/4/08 03:06 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Tom is Wade's alt.
No, Tom is Stamper's alt.

They are all my alts, sillies.

At 3/5/08 05:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
I thought that the whole "turning a whole sentence into one long-ass word" was within the German language's ability as well, though? #;-}>
Nah, we only can make long words even longer. But that's very funny, too ^^.

Talking of big words.... Antidistablishmentarianism. That's a real word. And if you can answer it without using search sites like Google and Wikipedia, I'll give you something.

At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/3/08 02:56 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Thats what I need but can I do it.
You've done it before, so you know the formula for getting banned by mods :P Revisit that formula!

Tom Fulp is gay=ban....hopefully. Emos are strange=ban.....most likley Post porn here=ban

rofl I was caught with my cock in the watermelon.
So long as you enjoyed it, I won't hold it against you.

It would be all cold! XS

At 3/5/08 06:30 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/4/08 08:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/3/08 12:37 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/13/08 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Keep going, you know you want it!
Ah yes I need to go back to my roots and spam the general and get banned every month.
Of course. We all have to get banned once in our NG life.
I've been banned for flaming in A Very English Post (General); For posting stats in the EGB and for something I'm not quite sure about in the WoW club. There was someone other than me that I held responsible for that each time (QuikFox; JoS and RedCircle, the latter two being the banning mod) and I shall protest my innocence on both of those occasions.
I only got banned from reviewing once for saying "In other words, blam this peice of crap!". I was a big n00b back then and I thought it was alright to say that because the vote o option said 'Blam this peice of crap'.
Well, we all live and learn, don't we? I think that it's the people who don't learn that need some sort of electroshock treatment, or something.

Elecetroshock treatment=banning!

At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/3/08 12:37 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Because Bahamut likes other Bahamut's.
Oh I should create a bahamut alt then.
But of course. Everyone's got a Bahamut alt. It's a rule.

Dosn't it count as impersonating? I'll make an alt BahamutMadness if it's not against the rules to impersonate.

At 3/4/08 12:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote: At 3/4/08 02:45 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah... we're screwed... my gf agrees, she fears the Hannah Montana hoards.
You didnt even stand a chance. ask your girlF about High School Musical hoards.
I don't even wanna go there....

She'll rip your arm off!

Hey I am a cheater. and Disney does like to lose

That's what I though. XD

At 3/5/08 09:01 AM, iscrulz wrote: Yes the CW doesnt but the WB might have I rarely watched the channel, they may have played them saturday mornings
Well under first impression I thought it was all the products Warner Bros and Disney made to compare. While focusing on Looney Tunes and classic Disney characters
yes right there but I went off on a tangent, to prove even more LT < D.
Isn't it Buggs I always thought it was. Disneys House of Mouse ( okay its not classic but the characters are) is better than old and new LT. So to correct your error D > LT
Okay, this is absolute madness.

Yes I agree

I give up. You win, Disney rules all.

Yes I ag...... wait no!

At 3/5/08 10:09 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/08 05:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Gold can never turn old. XP
Wrong you are.

Hey rebel alliance we got another Yoda here..... yes another one. Except this one isn't green and hairy. He has a slight hint of awesomeness but my inferior non-jedi powers cannot tell.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 21:14:45

900 saves...


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 21:18:15

At 3/6/08 06:22 AM, gfoxcook wrote: ZOMG. Dedicated single post reply to Nintendo Madness... because we're both crazy like that. O_O

Hells yeah!

At 3/5/08 06:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/4/08 02:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I went to LEGOland (the original) in 1982.
Which is the orignal? Which country I mean?
Denmark, of course. HOME OF TEH LEGO.

I wasn't sure which park was made first. I know Lego is awesome but there are peices whihc are getting a little too unique nowadays. Oldskool is the funnest.

I think my meh is your heh and your heh is my meh. ;3
I think we've had this conversation before, now that you mention it.

I was summarising it.

Again, if you say "meh" all the time like I say heh all the time, you'll look like you don't care.
Yeah meh sounds more like "Don't care about your opinion" maybe that's why I don't say it as much, maybe.
Meh sounds EXACTLY like that, but why do you say you don't say it as much? According to you, you say "meh" all the time and "heh" hardly at all. O_o

Hmmm... Maybe my meh heh thing was wrong... maybe I am wrong.... psyhicially. I don't say either. *nods*

Yum yum in the tum tum.
Yummy yummy yummy I got bugs in mah tummeh.
I've never been able to tell what it says.
I believe the original lyric is "love in my tummy."

LOVE! I see now. It's always sounded like bugs to me. XD

What do you think of 'motorbikes' being in Mario 'Kart' Wii?
I literally just heard about that yesterday or today.

Old news babe. :p

Sounds interesting. Not a cart, no, but.... more variety in the vehicles? I got no probs with that.

It will be fun knocking eachother off. >:)

I missed a comma. Still, he still gets an and. Or maybe it should be 'But still, he still gets an and'.
I don't think you get why I was questioning the "still" part, but... it would take way too much effort to explain it again and probably fail again. So let's just forget it. #;-}>

Yes I have many grammar probs.

Yeah, Hippy has more of a ':3' feel to it.
Is that a kitty smiley face? I don't get what a :3 feel is supposed to mean, either way. O_o

I think when you put it into context it would be "Awwww... so cute. :3", so yeah it sort of means that it's cute.

Noooo.... a deal for "your sigpic shows nothing but kick-ass classic rock bands on it!"
I meant what are you getting out of this 'deal'?
The pleasure of seeing a sigpic that has a better band on it than KISS, to go with all the other great bands on the sigpic?


At 3/5/08 06:30 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Never underestimate the knowledge that can be gained about old users who aren't around much by just paying attention to who started legendary threads, and perhaps reading some page 1s of said threads, I suppose!
Nope that was stuff from the top of my head I have a habit of remembering usernames.
But maybe the reason you remember the names is due to the areas I spoke of?

Not after you said but before you said them, yes.

At 3/4/08 02:45 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I won't truly ever regain my rightful place, unless I can get ahead of everyone who isn't Shrapnel, bomb, Pimp, and HT
This may be a personal question but why did you actually leave NG. Life taking over?
The rest is history. Been on NG almost every single day since January 5th or so 2003.

Wow, you've just never posted in ages then?

At 3/4/08 02:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
It's amazing how you pick up on grammar problems so easily.
I'm anal like that. Gots teh English skillz, boyeeee!

Get more English than me! #:-p

I dump all the quoted messages I'm going to reply to in notepad. When I saw how long his list was, before I snipped it down, I counted it, yep. I didn't do it one at a time. I counted that there were 38 lines in my notepad window, counted 4 pages full of his congrats lines, so 38 * 4.... and then + a few more lines = 160 or 161 or so, I lost exact count because I was doing it so quickly/imprecisely.

Right, I are seeing now.

At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/5/08 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
I guarantee you it will not take as long for me to go from 25k to 26k... as it did for me to go from 24k to 25k (June to March? 9 months? HELL NO. NOT AGAIN).

Where you here for the wave of SSBB submissions? It was great there was like 40 and some of them were rather funny and then Wade goes and deleted them all. It was Camel day...

At 3/5/08 03:30 PM, Haggard wrote:
And only 27 days until I hit 10,000 Exp.
But we've got two options... either I just give you a "congrats on the 1x10k" mention in the update..... or I fudge your exp total up to 10,000. CHEATING! #;-}>

How long does it take you to do the update? It must take a while but maybe not a month but if it did then maybe Haggard could be the last on the list and then we'd be a happeh cat. But without the cheezburger but.

At 3/5/08 07:40 PM, PureLionHeart wrote: I'm trying to return. Getting back in here is the tricky part. So many lists and such.
Well, B/Ping again, as well as depositing and posting. Let's see if I can keep it up.
You denied coming back the last time you dropped by... but you had a change of heart, eh?

Lion's always return to their feeding rounds. This is obviously where he feeds.

At 3/6/08 08:23 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/5/08 06:30 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote: Wade is Tom's alt.
Sure.. *rolls eyes*
Sure. Both names end with "Fulp". Coincidence? I don't think so! :P

Lol. I think they are gay twins.

It's just annoying to read through a topic where thousands of people post thousands of posts that contain nothing more than a single link to a sitty youtube video. It's not that hard to write a short sentence of what to expect.

Don't go to the C&C Reg Lounge we should be renamed Youtube Refferal Group.

My favorite example of how we can make long words even longer is: "Fußballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikations spiel". That's right, that's only ONE word.
It means: "Football [soccer] world cup qualification match". As if "Weltmeisterschaft (World Cup)" wouldn't be long enough already ^^.

You said Germans are more intelligent than us, I don't think so with ridiculous words like that! Is it hard to say?

Well, I tried, but I couldn't fit this in one post....

Don't need to shorten it, if you need 2 posts... do it, no ones gonna' stop you.

At 3/6/08 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/08 06:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Damn. :[
Damn for a reason?
I'm a king, not a captain. :P

Almight King Bahamut *NM bows*


What is RetroGade? I wasn't around while it was still here.

But we have every other fricking film out there!
Yeah, such as Rambo! He'll save the day by killing the Disney troop.

Awwww....I said him.

Sometimes I end up finishing my list and quotes around 3AM
Why at that time? :S

I do other things while quoting here like B/Ping and other threads.

At 3/5/08 06:30 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Slight correction. Where you said determination don't you mean lazy?
Don't have enough lazy? :S

Yes, you need enough lazy to unlock things.

At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Oh I should create a bahamut alt then.
But of course. Everyone's got a Bahamut alt. It's a rule.
So where's YOUR Bahamut alt?


I'll catch up later today it's a bit oo late for me right now and I'm selling stuff at a jumble sale later today so I need some sleepy time. BAI! <3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 22:16:38

9000 saves.

god wants me dead Madness Combat Crew

Elite Guard Barracks

"It was good" - Honors American Literature

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 22:31:15

At 3/7/08 02:27 AM, NEVR wrote:
JerkClock: Level 36 - Where have you been lately?

Soooo busy studying for tests and filling out reports it isn't funny. The grades are coming in quite well though, seeing as I'm pulling straight A's thus far.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 22:41:31

You passed 17000 B/P! Congrats!

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-08 22:50:01

Congrats to:
Mendou: 9,000 Saves
Shanus: Brigadier General
Flared24: 4,000 Saves
PureLionHeart: 44,444 Total Points
darx: Level 12
Night-Ranger: 5,000 Saves
Nijsse: Levle 39
Odyssic: 16 Years IRL
BIGmamaKATIE: Base VP 5.55, 7.00 Total VP
Skat0r: Police Officer
gfoxcook: 25000 Saves
Toohot100: 9,000 Exp
lilhunter03: Lieutenant
glover85: Level 15
Coop83: 150 Audio Reviews, 1000 Reviews
aldlv: 9000 Saves, 400 Audio reviews, 3333 Blams, top 300 B/P, level 15
alicetheDroog: Private First Class
Jozzalanco: Police Officer
RedCoin: 9000 Posts
JPI: 3000 Posts
Coop83: 37000 B/P
LordZeebmork: 3333 Posts
Aci6: 900 Reviews
NintendoMadness: Level 15, Private 1st Class
lilhunter03: 9000 saves

Thanks to:

yoshi77777 - 1337 blams. And some say you've never heard of the 0 button, lol.

Yeah. I've been trying to raise up my ratio lately. Trying to fill in the gap.

At 3/8/08 01:36 PM, schneelocke wrote: Thanks! :)

You're welcome! :)

At 3/8/08 04:37 PM, RedCoin wrote: My post count;

Actually no, its only 9,000 :P

They are all my alts, sillies.

In that case..hi umm myself.
Why am I responding to myself?

Sure. Both names end with "Fulp". Coincidence? I don't think so! :P
Lol. I think they are gay twins.

I am the long lost Fulp brother.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-09 01:45:55

Yes finally level 10!

Thanks MuffDiver102 for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-09 05:26:08

Trying to clear the backlog of Audio Reviews, Coop congratulates:
Nijsse: Level 39
Odyssic: 16th Birthday
BIGmamaKATIE: 7.00 Voting Power
Toohot100: 9,000 Experience
lilhunter03: Lieutenant; 9,000 Saves
BobbaQ: 6.66 Voting Power
aldlv: Lieutenant; 9,000 Saves; 400 Reviews (Audio)
Haggard: 15,000 B/P
NEVR: 16,000 B/P
alicetheDroog: Private 1st Class
RedCoin: 9,000 Posts
JPI: 3,000 Posts
LordZeebmork: 3,000 Posts
Aci6: 900 Reviews (Flash)
Joshiwa: 17,000 B/P
TehHood: Level 10

At 3/8/08 08:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/8/08 05:53 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/7/08 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: *gasp* A MOD DID IT HIMSELF!
He's an impostor mod. That's like saying that X-Naut did something :P
X-Naut did what? :P


At 3/7/08 11:18 PM, Dew wrote: Is that 1700 reviews I see?
I'm only congratulating you at intervals of 500 now - you're far too quick :P
I'm with you Coop. After one reaches 1000 reviews, I feel only every 500 should count. Counting every 100 by then I find silly. And of course, there's special numbers like 2222, 1234 and 1337. Speaking of 1234 flash reviews, I'm getting close to reaching that. :O

Yeah, that's a special number alright.

At 3/8/08 11:57 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote: At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote: At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote:
Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P
I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.
Sure, living as a Sponge isn't so much fun, even if you can live for more than 10.000 years that way. But what's the use in only living 20 years for example, if you could have easily lived for another 60 years if you only had been a bit more careful?
The point being would living (existing) for 60 more years actually be classed as living, in being able to derive any enjoyment or fulfilment from this activity?
I think it's no problem to derive enough enjoyiment in 60 years to make life worth living.
If you're going to spend your time looking over your shoulder, you can't let loose and enjoy yourself. Everyone needs and has the right to cut loose and do what they want to do for fun...
I never said one should spent his/her whole time looking over the shoulder. However, looking left and right (or right and left in your case :P ) before crossing a street sure can help to extend ones lifespan ;) .
Oh undoubtedly. From personal experience, being quite agile (1) and wearing the appropriate safety gear (2) has extended my lifespan somewhat. Missed being run over once, was knocked off my bike by a large 4x4
Heh, I've been hit TWICE by a car. I guess I can be lucky to be still alive... :/
Nice... I think
Either somebody likes me that I survived both accidents... or somebody hates me so much he/she doesn't want me there, where you go after you die -.-

Only the good die young :P

I've got a nasty little problem occuring over this epic post, as the quoted text glitch has apparently been fixed... Now I can't just post this reply normally!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-09 05:37:44

CONgrats in order:>
Paradox: Level 21
Odyssic: 2 year ng birthsday & 16 yorirl
plebmonk dietu whistle
LiquidSapphire 7.77 vp ( I give a shit)
Flared24: Lvl 16
Haggard 1ok saves & 15k b/p (1/2waythere)
PinballWizard976: Levl 13 and 2k posts
PureLn<3 7k saves
YukonCornelius 1k exp
Timmy: Level 23 (missing deposits on purpose dont regret it)
AnalPenguinFarming Top 700 b/per
Dew 1.5k reviews no 1.6k no 1.8k wtf
Joshiwa 10k sves & 17k b\p
aldlv Top 300 b/pers, E.g. Lieutenant & 8.8k saves and many others
gfoxcook 9,999th post
JerkClock: Level 36
1000000th: Blams 36k, Saves 25k, Posts 10k and 666 reviews
Little-Rena: Level 25
lilhunter03: top 300 B/Ps & E.g.Lieutenant, 9k saves
BobbaQ: Level 18 & 6.66 vp
RedCoin 8888 & 9000 posts
glover85 100 reviews & Level 15
thegreatmorph 2k saves
Coop as schneelocke Top 400 expers
Mendou 9k saves
yoshi77777 1337 blams
zimzap: E.g. Sergeant Major
Shanus: E.g. Bridge General
Flared24 4k saves
Night-Ranger 5k saves & Top 600 B/pers
Nijsse: Level 39 ( cool I miss level 39 already)
BMK 7.00 TVP
Skat0r: Police badge
Toohot100 9k exp
NEVR 16k B/P
alicetheDroog: E.g.Private 1st Class
Jozzalanco: Police badge
JPI 3k posts
Coop83 37k B\P
LordZeebmork 3,333 posts
Aci6 900 reviews
NintendoMadness: E.g. pvt. 1st class and level 15

At 3/5/08 10:09 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote:
An alt of BIGmamaKATIE's.
Hmm that gives me an idea.
What is it?

I am going to make lots of alts and impersonate everyone.

Because Bahamut likes other Bahamut's.
Oh I should create a bahamut alt then.

SaY HELLO TO 69BaHaMuTXXX666pyro soon it will be clickable.

Impersonating another user.
Just for that. huh anyone impersonating me wouldn't be deleted thats a fact.
Maybe there were other reasons for the deletion, but that's the only reason AFAIK.

Well lets hope there is more for the sake of Luke and Trish.

Is BMK an alt.
BIGmamaKATIE, I dunno.

Then lets assume so.

Because it was a perfect interpretation/impersonation of myself.
Ah what a swell thing bmk was doding. I wish penisstar was still here and able to post.
I don't think penisstar cares about me anymore. Same for the majority of the SS.

Time has past and healled, SS doesnt care about NG anymore the orginals IMHO

I truly believe Disney sucks ass.
I truly believe you sir are incorrect good day to you.
I truly believe I am correct good day to you.

I truly believe your statement is false good sir.

News Reporter will be making a news post tonight.
maybe my review wont be deleted if I review it. I will look for it this friday night.
OK then. He's still unhappy about a video he saw on YouTube.

Damn now I must watch it.

At 3/5/08 09:01 AM, iscrulz wrote: Hooray I used 2 posts. Not as bad as the convo me and DonDoli had here though a long time ago. So continuing on
Oh yes, I remember those days.

I am getting back to my roots in the ol LUL, its been a long hiatus but I am back and never worse than before, for the time being.

At 3/4/08 09:10 AM, Bahamut wrote: I bet he had an army of High School Musical fanatics as well.
Damn how did you know my secret weapon.
Simple. HSM is fucking evil.

Well I get turned on by all the guys so I am still using it at my disposal.

At 3/5/08 06:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Big mega kows.

SOunds interesting go on.

I will use the Hannah Montana fankiddies as frontline infantry.
Fuck, we lost!
But we have every other fricking film out there!

All will fall in defeat over the glorious HM and the noble classic disney characters.

At 3/5/08 07:40 PM, PureLionHeart wrote: I'm trying to return. Getting back in here is the tricky part. So many lists and such.
Well, B/Ping again, as well as depositing and posting. Let's see if I can keep it up.

Hi PLH remember the good old days. I bet you wont keep up. heres a listmaking tip only congrats people by saying "Congratsulation to all. I have been very busy with work, school, friends, stuff at home and my girlfriend". there.

okay your proving me wrong so far. 4 days of catch up is hard work for me, I need to post daily or every other or just go with stat posts and generic fuck you all oh hello I love you all.

At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/3/08 02:56 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 2/13/08 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Keep going, you know you want it!
Ah yes I need to go back to my roots and spam the general and get banned every month.
That's the spirit!
Thats what I need but can I do it.
You've done it before, so you know the formula for getting banned by mods :P Revisit that formula!

x=Ng rules -x=the opposite of the ng rules. My furmola is -3xy/.2hrsz=B where y=posts and B=banning

Congrats to*
Coop83: 14,000 Experience and 11,111 Posts only yesterday, but today I've also managed 21,000 Saves
rofl I was caught with my cock in the watermelon.
So long as you enjoyed it, I won't hold it against you.

I enjoyed both the watermelon and getting caught yes.

At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks, dude! Glad you noticed this one, if not the 13.37 VP. #;-}>

Oh yes the your are then welcome. Sorry about the 13.37 VP miss, I must of skimmed by it or other reason yesterday I ran a red light.

And wow... I'm touched. YOU'RE WELCOME! Yayyyy, I got to say it for REAL to iscrulz lately. #;-}>

Hmm ah yes indeed I dont remember thanking you in the past in the generic thanks lists, so hooraay

At 3/3/08 12:37 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Because Bahamut likes other Bahamut's.
Oh I should create a bahamut alt then.
But of course. Everyone's got a Bahamut alt. It's a rule.

Oh no I havent gotten one yet.

You are all doomed turn back now and confess Disney is better.
Yes no matter what movie you(s) select Disney has a superior movie.
Hey dont tell me to shush. SHush your self.
I truly believe you sir are incorrect good day to you.
Never underestimate the power of a pop diva princess. HSM 1 and 2 will be used on any user who thinks they are brave enough to get past the HM fanboys and fangirls
..... Man....

I gets carried away and dont think what I am typing.

Woot snap pwn Hillary won or was when I checked at 11:15 pm yesterday.

It was a great victory regardless of the situtaion coming back after an eleven state lose.

And poised 50 posts away from personal gfoxy history...
Oh my this is tense
Like clenched buttcheeks, man. You best believe it.

I best believed it. It is magic you know.

At 3/4/08 02:45 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah... we're screwed... my gf agrees, she fears the Hannah Montana hoards.
You didnt even stand a chance. ask your girlF about High School Musical hoards.
I don't even wanna go there....

Good choice spare yourself the disappointment in human kind.

Hey I am a cheater. and Disney does like to lose

Doesn't !

FF didnt catch my grammar errors.

Well I am saving my vaction time for clock day last year I missed it and miss anoter chance to easily get 1k saves
Yeah, I used vacation time for Clock Day last year. 'twas fun. Coop did as well.

I will probably get fucked over and have to use it before and be stuck working at work.

My goal is to pass all the inactive users then go after the weak depositers, so now I am aiming for blueasterick.
BlueAsterisk is still in the top 50. I haven't even passed 'im yet. What makes him your goal?

I believe he is the highest complete non-depositer left. Its a long time ahead but with my reglious depositing I will pass him.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-09 05:40:25

At 3/5/08 09:01 AM, iscrulz wrote: Yes the CW doesnt but the WB might have I rarely watched the channel, they may have played them saturday mornings
Well under first impression I thought it was all the products Warner Bros and Disney made to compare. While focusing on Looney Tunes and classic Disney characters
yes right there but I went off on a tangent, to prove even more LT < D.
Isn't it Buggs I always thought it was. Disneys House of Mouse ( okay its not classic but the characters are) is better than old and new LT. So to correct your error D > LT
Okay, this is absolute madness.

I had to stand up for the so called underdog while everyone was favoriting the LT.

I give up. You win, Disney rules all.

I confess both are great. I just have a big oversized Snob Appeal.


in closing arugements D is better but LT is still good.

At 3/6/08 02:12 PM, Shanus wrote: Thanks to:
iscrulz (x2) - lol that's a combo of dial up type connection and tiredness :P

I can relate.




I measure my time wasted by the months.

At 3/7/08 02:06 AM, JerkClock wrote: Level 36, you know I actually like the tomahawk better than the level 37 and 38 axes.

I argee 36 is more unique while the axes are generic but 38 is the old 22 the best classic level icon.

At 3/7/08 07:55 AM, Shanus wrote: Congrats:

Congratsing the Flu EL Fucking OH EL

At 3/7/08 11:50 AM, Rig wrote: 3,560th post.


Maybe you were thinking of posting 3,650th post.

At 3/8/08 04:37 PM, RedCoin wrote: My post count;

No it isnt.

Sign-Up: 09/04/03
Posts: 9,000

1. DBZ sucks donkey cock
2. Over means more than.

At 3/8/08 09:14 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 3/3/08 12:37 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Just for that. huh anyone impersonating me wouldn't be deleted thats a fact.
I bet it would. Bahamut shouldn't be treated any different from any other NG users.

Maybe but I am not active enough now to be treated in such way. I am posting in the general just for the hell of it. Then maybe after a few months

You are all doomed turn back now and confess Disney is better.
Your Hannah Montana kiddies shall not defeat us!

Miley Cryus will and shall defeat you.

Yes no matter what movie you(s) select Disney has a superior movie.
You sure.... Rambo shall pummel you!

Ah crap I may have to get the reanimated corpse of Walt ready to fight.

Not ReconrebEL as far as I know, so far.
He r goody gooddy. ;d

Yesum but he piss off lots of elder users, ngdr0nkns and mods.

Sorry but there mascot Buggs Bunny is an arrogant cunt.
Yes he is but I like him.
Oh okay are you all right. People hate brats and cocky people or animals.
Yeah, it's funny.

funny it isn't.

Is BMK an alt.

I will then get to know this person and make a smallDADDYkalvin

Never underestimate the power of a pop diva princess. HSM 1 and 2 will be used on any user who thinks they are brave enough to get past the HM fanboys and fangirls
Did you say you like HSM? Aww jeez. That is the biggest reason I hate Disney.

How could you hate teenagers dancing and sing in the school. Instant boner for me.

Hey I am a cheater. and Disney does like to lose
They like to lose?

only time my horrible spelling gets the best of me.

At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:55 AM, iscrulz wrote: rofl I was caught with my cock in the watermelon.
So long as you enjoyed it, I won't hold it against you.
It would be all cold! XS

Not after I am done.

At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Okay, this is absolute madness.
Yes I agree

I give up. You win, Disney rules all.
Yes I ag...... wait no!

Yes you do agree.

At 3/9/08 05:37 AM, iscrulz wrote:
SaY HELLO TO 69BaHaMuTXXX666pyro soon it will be clickable.

I mean it will be a real user\alt.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-09 06:12:03

Level 14,
2000 posts,
And Portal Security Rank.

Don't like the badge...