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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 08:23:12

Congrats to:
plebmonk: Deity Whistle
LiquidSapphire: 7.77 Voting Power - Yes, you give a shit. Or else you wouldn't post here at all
Flared24: Level 16
PinballWizard976: Level 13, 2,000
PureLionHeart: 7,000 Saves
YukonCornelius: 1,000 Experience
Timmy: Level 23

Thanks to:

At 3/5/08 06:30 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote: Wade is Tom's alt.
Sure.. *rolls eyes*

Sure. Both names end with "Fulp". Coincidence? I don't think so! :P

I usually avoid youtube. If someone posts a youtube link I never click on it (at least not if the person just posts the link, without any information of what to expect).
Why? There's nothing illeagal on there.... is there?

It's just annoying to read through a topic where thousands of people post thousands of posts that contain nothing more than a single link to a sitty youtube video. It's not that hard to write a short sentence of what to expect.

At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/08 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/08 08:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Stop it. It's bad enough about having dreams of 10,000 Reviews sadly crushed, without doubling the total to get to accomplish said dream!
No, don't stop it. I think we need even more 10k-stats. Like Review Responses. 10,000 Review Responses, now that would be a big deal ^^
Now that would be something, but I am still smarting from the possibility of a 5x20k list appearing :(

I won't even appear on the list at all. Unless gfox decides to inlcude a 1x10k list....

At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote:
Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P
I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.
Sure, living as a Sponge isn't so much fun, even if you can live for more than 10.000 years that way. But what's the use in only living 20 years for example, if you could have easily lived for another 60 years if you only had been a bit more careful?
The point being would living (existing) for 60 more years actually be classed as living, in being able to derive any enjoyment or fulfilment from this activity?
I think it's no problem to derive enough enjoyiment in 60 years to make life worth living.
If you're going to spend your time looking over your shoulder, you can't let loose and enjoy yourself. Everyone needs and has the right to cut loose and do what they want to do for fun...
I never said one should spent his/her whole time looking over the shoulder. However, looking left and right (or right and left in your case :P ) before crossing a street sure can help to extend ones lifespan ;) .
Oh undoubtedly. From personal experience, being quite agile (1) and wearing the appropriate safety gear (2) has extended my lifespan somewhat. Missed being run over once, was knocked off my bike by a large 4x4

Heh, I've been hit TWICE by a car. I guess I can be lucky to be still alive... :/

At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/5/08 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote: Oh my god, the portal is so fucking slow today... I planned doing my list when I reached 10,000 Saves. But I still have 10 to go and no new flashes are coming in... I only made 10 Saves so far today >:(
Really? I got like 20 saves yesterday.

I got some more saves after I made my list. But by the time I started typing, I only had made 10... I blame the time zone for that! >:(

And 8 more today. But only 8 was on purpose, for I started at 24992...
Yep, folks.... I forgot to mention it at the start of my catch-up tonight, but:
25,000 saves!!!!!

Only 11k to go :P

Nah, we only can make long words even longer. But that's very funny, too ^^.
Oh, okay. Didn't realise it was limited just to that. Tacking on more and more modifiers to existing words, gotcha.

My favorite example of how we can make long words even longer is: "Fußballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikations spiel". That's right, that's only ONE word.
It means: "Football [soccer] world cup qualification match". As if "Weltmeisterschaft (World Cup)" wouldn't be long enough already ^^.

At least I link you to some youtube videos :P (oh teh noes, youtube-trap!!!!1one)
Humppaa taika kuole - A cover of "2unlimited - No limit"
Ace of spades - Yes, an ace of spades cover ^^
The first one.... I'm not familiar with the original song. But I listened to the whole second one, and that was hilarious, especially with the original Motorhead video.
The first one was very famous in the early 90's. You can listen to a sample on Wikipedia (but don't get caught in teh wikitrap!!11)
It wasn't famous in America. See below from the wiki page for another song of theirs:
Get Ready for This is the only 2unlimited song that 90%+ of America knows. Of the other 10%, 9% doesn't know ANY 2unlimited, and maybe the remaining 1% knows No Limit.
But I'm part of the 90%. I listened to the sample of No Limit and it's not familiar to me at all.
But of course I recognise the group name of 2unlimited, because I've long been aware of Get Ready For This, thanks to it being played at sporting events since the early 90s all over this country, and being included on tons of "dance mix CDs" advertised on TV and so forth.

Haven't read the article, and wow I didn't even know that "Get Ready for This" is from 2unlimited, heh.

I like how they manage to get the word "Humppa" in nearly every song they make ^^.
Which means "dance," right?

Well, it's the name of a few social dances and it also describes the music pretty well. It contains a lot of "Hump-pa" sounds ^^.

At 3/5/08 03:30 PM, Haggard wrote: 10,000 Saves
Congrats, man!

Thank you very much!

And only 27 days until I hit 10,000 Exp.
I regret to inform you that I won't be able to wait 26 days to update the pentalist, considering that I'll be hitting 10k posts today. I think the rest of Wi/Ht? would revolt against me if I tried to delay for you. #;-}>

Well, I know that fact for quite some time now. I figured that you won't slow down with posting until you finally hit the 10k. So I simply guessed that I won't reach 10k Exp before you hit 10k posts a few days (weeks?) ago.
But I'm glad that I made it to 10k saves before your final update. Even though it's not good enough to be listed there :/.

But we've got two options... either I just give you a "congrats on the 1x10k" mention in the update..... or I fudge your exp total up to 10,000. CHEATING! #;-}>

OH TEH NOES! Cheates have small dicks! :P

Well, I tried, but I couldn't fit this in one post....

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 08:24:30


At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote: Glad that you liked it - I've missed some of the classic quotages of gfoxcook and his conversations with various BBS people.
You guyz is so crazy. I never continued a huge quote mountain as high as you and Haggard just did for that crazy "sponge" convo you just had. Snip snip snip, I always say. #;-}>

But if we snipped, the whole context would have been gone!

Well, he may not make it to 4x10k in time, but at least he'll be on the 3x10k. I'm feeling a bit down right now that Haggard isn't going to make it to 2x10k in time to even make it on the list.

It's not that bad after all.... I'll go cry now.... :'(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 09:17:01

Top 700 b/per...w00t!

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 12:19:33

Listening to:

Stratovarius - Episode
Dio - Sacred Heart

Congrats to:

Paradox - Level 21
Odyssic - 2 year old NG account
plebmonk - Deity whistle
LiquidSapphire - 7.77VP
Flared24 - Level 16
Haggard - 10000 saves
PinballWizard976 - 2000 posts, Level 13. Good, nothing stupid.
PureLionHeart - 7000 saves
YukonCornelius - 1000 EXP
Timmy - Level 23
Dew - 1500 flash reviews. WOW! 0__0

Thanks to:


At 3/5/08 05:07 PM, yoshi77777 wrote:
BIGmamaKATIE, I dunno.
No but she has some alts.

I know she has.

Ok, ok! I'll try it...


At 3/5/08 06:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Umm, what would be wrong with my aura being gold?
Nobody said anything about that? :|

gfox did!

He's been away from the Wi/Ht? for a long time now.
And been awarded Most Missed 2 years running sounds like he deserved them.

He really was a great user back in the days.

Damn. :[
Damn for a reason?

I'm a king, not a captain. :P



Afro_Stud would agree with you.
It's just a massive rip-off. Has Afro_Stud left the BBS now? I'v never seen him when you talk about him so much.

Uhh, MSN?





But we have every other fricking film out there!

Yeah, such as Rambo! He'll save the day by killing the Disney troop.

Sometimes I end up finishing my list and quotes around 3AM

Why at that time? :S

Bahamut (I'm going to try to review every one of your flashes -- because you respond to them. I'll try to get ten tomorrow, so be on the look-out. A pleasure to see you again!)
Bahamut's respond time is around .5 seconds. Well it was for me.

It took a millisecond. :P

I went to LEGOland (the original) in 1982.
Which is the orignal? Which country I mean?

I went to Legoland once.

At 3/5/08 06:30 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: DRINK!


Slight correction. Where you said determination don't you mean lazy?

Don't have enough lazy? :S

At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Ah, so you want a large one. Tell me when to stop *continues to pour, now over half a bottle in the glass* Say when you've got enough


At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I cannot deny the 3/6 + 36 straight days of posting magic that simply has aligned by pure accident, happenstance, coincidence, call it what you will, I didn't plan it.

So who am I to say no, as the fates converge?

You must have planned that all along.

Oh I should create a bahamut alt then.
But of course. Everyone's got a Bahamut alt. It's a rule.

So where's YOUR Bahamut alt?

Gold can never turn old. XP
Wrong you are.

Right I am.

Almost 800.
Jesus Christ. Wait, just news posts in his OWN account? Or counting comments as well?

Just news posts. Over half of them are to do with his Guessing Game, and about half of all the questions are just saying which Pokemon is on the picture.

lolno. And besides, the sooner, the better.
3/6 it is.

AWESOME! I assume you'll hit 10k when I'm asleep. Oh well.

OK, I did read it, but didn't reply. Sorry gfox.
That's good enough, worry not.

And I dunno about replying tonight. I will be distracted by BattleZone! That's my fault for installing it on the better computer, but at least the game runs fine with no problems with an exception or two. The game crashes when I go to Options mode.

I thought of a Paul Loves Pain4.jpg, but first, I need to introduce Bob Loves Bottleguy and Mike Loves Meatspin.

Their names have been mentioned ages ago, but have never been given an image of what they look like.

OK then. He's still unhappy about a video he saw on YouTube.

It had a Motörhead song placed on the Emmerdale intro.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 13:00:39

Little late, but better late than never.

Paradox - level 21
Odyssic - 2 years on NG
Haggard - 10k saves
Plebmonk - Deity whistle
LiquidSapphire - 7.77vp
Flared24 - level 16
PinballWizard976 - 2k posts, level 13
PureLionHeart - 7k saves (CONGRATSS!! :D)
Dew - 1.5k reviews.


At 3/5/08 05:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Heh. Thanks. I like it, too, but this is definitely one of those "everyone else loves it even more than I do" levels for me. Mostly because I was really attached to level 42, which I just had to leave behind to get up to this one.

I can certainly see why, that sword is one of the more sought after levels. I personally think it looks better than say, 51, or even 55, which are supposed to be sexier/more powerful than 42.

Anyway, level 19 may not be all that super awesome, level icon wise, but you've hit 3600 exp, man. That, to me, is sheer sexiness

I may have been a member for 4 years, coming up to 5 soon, but I've still yet to manage a years' worth of depositing. So, when 3,650 rolls around, I'll share your sentiments. :)

At 3/5/08 10:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: thegreatmorph - Level 19. Long time no see. :)

Yeah, it's certainly good to be back. I feel as though I'll be back regularly for a while now, I've genuinely found how fun it can sometimes be to be back on the BBS and depositing.

At 3/6/08 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: OMG PURELIONHEART!

It's almost as if Addicted to NG were back... Except there's no lilskater anywhere to be found.

And BBM isn't posting in this thread. Still! I can remember good times :D

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 13:29:30

Police Captain WOO HOO!!!!!!



Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 13:47:20

I was feeling pretty ill yesterday and actually fell asleep at about 5pm, so excuse my lack of list.

Making up for it... now.

NEVR Congratulates:

Joshiwa: 5,000 EXP
aldlv: Level 15
Emlfuryoflion: Level 19
Timmy: 9.00 Total VP; Level 23
thegreatmorph: Level 19
Night-Ranger: Master Sergeant; 7,000 B/P
lilhunter03: Level 15
Paradox: Level 21
Odyssic: 2 years on NG
Haggard: 10,000 Saves
plebmonk: Deity Whistle
LiquidSapphire: 7.77 Total VP
Flared24: Level 16
PinballWizard976: Level 13; 2,000 Posts
PureLionHeart: 7,000 Saves - Welcome back! :D
YukonCornelius: 1,000 EXP
Dew: 1,500 Reviews

At 3/5/08 07:40 PM, PureLionHeart wrote: I'm trying to return. Getting back in here is the tricky part. So many lists and such.
Well, B/Ping again, as well as depositing and posting. Let's see if I can keep it up.

You can, dude. I have faith in you!

At 3/6/08 02:05 AM, Timmy wrote: Goodbye wrench, hello Ax.

I might stay on this level for a bit - the next couple icons aren't that cool looking.

I prefer 24 to 23. I didn't like 25 all that much originally, but it's grown on me lately. It's all worth it to get to 27 (which still isn't as awesome as the original level 16 nunchaku, as I've said countless times, but it's still fairly hot).

At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 12.... POSTS.... TO 10K!!!!!

12... POSTS... TO 10K!

It's so close now...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 14:12:28

So after a week of being just a ghost I'm back with a huge super list, should be fun :D

If anyone wants to give me news I'll gladly converse bout it :P

AnalPenguinFarming - 6000 B/P, Staff Sergeant & top 700 B/P
BrAddErZ958 - level 16
NintendoMadness - 2000 Posts, 6.66 VP & 111 Review Responses
Flared24 - 7.00+ VP
TehHood - Police Lieutenant
Mendou - 10000 Posts
aldlv - 12000 B/P, 3333 Blams & level 15
lilhunter03 - 3333 Blams, Deity Whistle, 12000 B/P & level 16
NEVR - Major
1337 - #333 B/P, 6000 Saves & Level 25
SlashFirestorm - 11.00 VP
Kidiri - Corporal & 4000 B/P
BananaBreadMuffin - level 32
LukeLovesLemonparty - Level 22
Emlfuryoflion - 4000 Blams & level 19
bifgis - 6000 Blams & 22000 B/P
DaVeB0T - 1337 Posts & level 21
AtomicTerrorist - level 31, 10000 exp, 30000 B/P, 18000 Saves, top 600 exp & top 100 B/P
Darkside7000 - 25000 total points, 8000 B/P, 6.66 Base VP & Sgt. First Class
SoulPiker - Police Captain
Coop83 - 14000 exp, 11111 Posts & 21000 Saves
BIGmamaKATIE - 5000 Saves & 10000 Total Stats
BBQBeefburgerdragon - level 25
Flared24 -Sergeant & level 16
Night-Ranger - 2000 Blams, Master Sergeant & 7000 B/P
gfoxcook - 13.37 VP & level 43
zimzap -9000 B/P
Aksumka - level34
ZombiePhil - 666 Posts
ReconRebel - 92000 B/P
Timmy - 16000 Posts, 9.00 VP & level 23
AdamJack - level 25
Darkside7000 - 9000 Posts
Sk8erGirl14 - level 14
KIRBYLINK - 666 Saves & Police Captain
Nimhster -level17
emochild - 3000 Posts
Nomader - Private First Class, 1000 Saves & 50 Audio Reviews
Joeyag - level14
yoshi77777 - 7000 Posts, 100 Flash Reviews & 10000 Total Stats
BobbaQ - Sergeant
Sterockicy - top 2000 exp & 6000 exp
Emlfuryoflion - Major
DarkLotusJuggalo - level 21
TheNossinator - Police Sergeant
LordZeebmork - 100 Flash Reviews
LittleBahamut - 6.66 VP
Bertn - top 300 exp
Joshiwa - 5000 exp
thegreatmorph - level 19
Paradox - level 21
Odyssic - 2 Years on NG
plebmonk - Deity Whistle
LiquidSapphire - 7.77 VP
Haggard - 10000 Saves
PinballWizard976 - 2000 Posts & level 13
PureLionHeart - 7000 Saves
YukonCornelius - 1000 exp
Dew - 1500 Flash Reviews

Thanks to:
yoshi77777 (x5)
NEVR (x2)
Haggard (x2)
Coop83 (x2)
Bahamut (x2)
Odyssic (x2)
iscrulz (x2) - lol that's a combo of dial up type connection and tiredness :P
NintendoMadness - Yeah one of my reviews were deleted :(

Listening to:

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Wahoo! U23D FTWs. I'll have to see that sooner or laters.

It's actually quite a good movie, I got a guy who works in the 14 screen cinema in Dublin, gets me in for free :D


We built the world,don't forget that :P

shrugs::: It was pretty tough on medium back in September, but I wasn't very good at GH yet then. I'll bet I could take it on Medium easily... on Hard maybe not-so-easily... and... I'd probably fail it on Expert. Over and over and over again.

I reallyneed to actually buy the game, I've been putting it off,due to the fact it's readily available to me, with friends and what not, but I do want to become an expert one day :D

I've heard it only is harder than Through the Fire and Flames due to two parts of its solo, but that the song overall is shorter and much less of a painful marathon than TTFAF. But no part of TTFAF is as hard as those two solo parts in Jordan.

I know the solo is insane, and supposedly made up on the spot, as the actual song itself doesn't have a solo. I think the head creator rang Buckethead up & it was made up over the phone....

From your CD collection, you mean? Or you had a lot of songs only on mp3, lost them in a crash, and... haven't had time to download again?

Well I'd got CD's off my friends, and put them on there too, aswell as some of my dad's music,it'll be hard to get organized and get to borrow the CD's again :(

LOL! Major props for the top. Nice.

I thought it was nice, some horrifying news I heard was that ZZTop was President Bush's favourite band :(

Yep. Fargo's awesome. Great combination of dark humour and great characters and a twisted plot and wonderful white snowy scenery. I haven't seen it in years, I gotta get it on DVD someday.

Meaning to do that myself someday. Can remember seeing it when I was quite young, and thinking it was the shit, haha a sign of my film addiction at an early age :P

At 3/2/08 04:52 PM, NEVR wrote: Just realised I forgot to make my list yesterday! OH TEH NOES.

LOL it's been a week for me :P

At 3/4/08 12:18 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Hahaha you loser, caught out BAD, now everyone knows your little secret!

I think I covered that up pretty well actually :P




Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 15:01:18

At 3/6/08 02:12 PM, Shanus wrote:
Timmy - 16000 Posts, 9.00 VP & level 23

That would be awesome...

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 15:45:21

At 3/6/08 03:01 PM, Timmy wrote:
At 3/6/08 02:12 PM, Shanus wrote:
Timmy - 16000 Posts, 9.00 VP & level 23
That would be awesome...

lol sorry bout that, obviously I meant 16000 B/P
Haha, but yes I made a mistake happy now :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 15:55:24

i want more power

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 16:28:39

You passed 10000 Saves. Way to go!

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 17:31:11

At 3/6/08 02:12 PM, Shanus wrote: yoshi77777 - 7000 Posts, 100 Flash Reviews & 10000 Total Stats

That would be awesome.

Oh yeah and 6,000 Saves.

List coming tomorrow.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 20:32:21

I started my list too late. Convo delayed again. :(

Congrats to:
PureLionHeart: 7,000 Saves
Timmy: Level 23
YukonCornelius: 1,000 Experience
AnalPenguinFarming: Top #700 B/P'er
Dew: 1,500 Reviews
Joshiwa: 10,000 Saves

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 20:47:07

I can't leave this in Blank...
so... just see the image down

TOP 300 B/P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 20:49:30

At 3/6/08 08:47 PM, aldlv wrote: I can't leave this in Blank...
so... just see the image down
TOP 300 B/P

ohh... I knew I was forgetting something...
8,888 SAVES

--- SORRY...

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 22:06:27

I turned 15 today... ironically I also got sick (I think it's the Flu) for the first time in about 4 years today, also.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 23:20:39

At 3/6/08 08:23 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Really? I got like 20 saves yesterday.
I got some more saves after I made my list. But by the time I started typing, I only had made 10... I blame the time zone for that! >:(

Ah yes. True enough.

And 8 more today. But only 8 was on purpose, for I started at 24992...
Yep, folks.... I forgot to mention it at the start of my catch-up tonight, but:
25,000 saves!!!!!
Only 11k to go :P

Yeah, but can't I be happy every 1k? Damnit. #;-}>

Only one person out of like 6 people making lists congratted me for 25k. I guess they all agree with you... it only counts for teh gfox when he hits 36k, apparently. Fair enough, I certainly set the bar high for myself!

My favorite example of how we can make long words even longer is: "Fußballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikations spiel". That's right, that's only ONE word.
It means: "Football [soccer] world cup qualification match". As if "Weltmeisterschaft (World Cup)" wouldn't be long enough already ^^.

I take it NG put the space in there before spiel? #;-}>

But I'm part of the 90%. I listened to the sample of No Limit and it's not familiar to me at all.
But of course I recognise the group name of 2unlimited, because I've long been aware of Get Ready For This, thanks to it being played at sporting events since the early 90s all over this country, and being included on tons of "dance mix CDs" advertised on TV and so forth.
Haven't read the article, and wow I didn't even know that "Get Ready for This" is from 2unlimited, heh.


Well, I know that fact for quite some time now. I figured that you won't slow down with posting until you finally hit the 10k. So I simply guessed that I won't reach 10k Exp before you hit 10k posts a few days (weeks?) ago.
But I'm glad that I made it to 10k saves before your final update. Even though it's not good enough to be listed there :/.

You forget, I used to always congrat the people who made a 10k stat, even if it was just one. So you'll be mentioned on the update, one way or the other.

But we've got two options... either I just give you a "congrats on the 1x10k" mention in the update..... or I fudge your exp total up to 10,000. CHEATING! #;-}>
OH TEH NOES! Cheates have small dicks! :P

Heh. Well, I can assure you a congrats on the 1x10k mention, then. #;-}>

At 3/6/08 08:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
Well, he may not make it to 4x10k in time, but at least he'll be on the 3x10k. I'm feeling a bit down right now that Haggard isn't going to make it to 2x10k in time to even make it on the list.
It's not that bad after all.... I'll go cry now.... :'(

awwwww.... come on, man. It ain't so bad. I'm gonna cheer you up, I promise. Don't lose teh hopes or teh faiths. You can rely on the gfox, you know that. #;-}>

At 3/6/08 10:49 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 25,000 Saves

THANK YOU! I'm glad one person around here sees 25k as a valid stat. #;-}>

At 3/6/08 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/5/08 06:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Umm, what would be wrong with my aura being gold?
Nobody said anything about that? :|
gfox did!

Ha ha! I surely did.

He's been away from the Wi/Ht? for a long time now.
And been awarded Most Missed 2 years running sounds like he deserved them.
He really was a great user back in the days.




At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I cannot deny the 3/6 + 36 straight days of posting magic that simply has aligned by pure accident, happenstance, coincidence, call it what you will, I didn't plan it.

So who am I to say no, as the fates converge?
You must have planned that all along.

I didn't, man. I seriously didn't.

I had a brief moment earlier in the week of thinking "which is better? 3/04, the 4 year anniversary of my EGSCness.... 3/06 because I love 36.... or 3/08 because that's my sister's birthday, and that's where I originally predicted back in early/mid-February that I would hit 10k?" All three had their advantages.

But once I just realised last night that 3/6 also meant 36 straight days of posting on the gfoxcook account... it was perfect.

But of course. Everyone's got a Bahamut alt. It's a rule.
So where's YOUR Bahamut alt?

I ain't tellin'.

lolno. And besides, the sooner, the better.
3/6 it is.
AWESOME! I assume you'll hit 10k when I'm asleep. Oh well.


The party will be ON this weekend, worry not.

At 3/6/08 01:00 PM, thegreatmorph wrote:
At 3/5/08 05:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Heh. Thanks. I like it, too, but this is definitely one of those "everyone else loves it even more than I do" levels for me. Mostly because I was really attached to level 42, which I just had to leave behind to get up to this one.
I can certainly see why, that sword is one of the more sought after levels. I personally think it looks better than say, 51, or even 55, which are supposed to be sexier/more powerful than 42.

I like both of those others, but yeah... I kinda like 42 the best of those three sword levels. Still, 55's a great long term goal. 55's the kind of level I hope I get stuck on if the old exp-scaling system starts up again. #;-}>

Anyway, level 19 may not be all that super awesome, level icon wise, but you've hit 3600 exp, man. That, to me, is sheer sexiness
I may have been a member for 4 years, coming up to 5 soon, but I've still yet to manage a years' worth of depositing. So, when 3,650 rolls around, I'll share your sentiments. :)

3650 is an awesome number as well, not only because it indicates 365 days of deposits, but just.... I dunno, 36 is my fave number, but I like 360, 365, and 369 especially as offshoots of it.

Yeah, it's certainly good to be back. I feel as though I'll be back regularly for a while now, I've genuinely found how fun it can sometimes be to be back on the BBS and depositing.

WELCOME BACK THEN! Don't leave. #;-}>

At 3/6/08 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: OMG PURELIONHEART!
It's almost as if Addicted to NG were back... Except there's no lilskater anywhere to be found.

And BBM isn't posting in this thread. Still! I can remember good times :D

Hey... you're around, PLH is back.... anything's possible.

Hell, even gfox is posting. #;-}>

At 3/6/08 01:47 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 12.... POSTS.... TO 10K!!!!!
12... POSTS... TO 10K!

It's so close now...

Yes... yes it is at hand even now.

At 3/6/08 02:12 PM, Shanus wrote: So after a week of being just a ghost I'm back with a huge super list, should be fun :D


gfoxcook - 13.37 VP & level 43


My 25k saves feels left out, but you're not alone in missing that one. Besides, it's about to be eclipsed by most most amazing of accomplishments in 2008 so far, so.... understandable.

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Wahoo! U23D FTWs. I'll have to see that sooner or laters.
It's actually quite a good movie, I got a guy who works in the 14 screen cinema in Dublin, gets me in for free :D

Cool. I will definitely see it at some point.

LOL! Major props for the top. Nice.
I thought it was nice, some horrifying news I heard was that ZZTop was President Bush's favourite band :(

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo. :::dies:::

At 3/6/08 10:06 PM, JUSTIN-BAILEY wrote: I turned 15 today... ironically I also got sick (I think it's the Flu) for the first time in about 4 years today, also.

Happy b-day. Feel better, man. No one should be sick on their b-day.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-06 23:36:08

No big speeches, folks.

Just.... 1 more to go.

9999 posts... and counting. Next one's in the pentalist topic. See you over there!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 00:16:58

Post made between commercials during new Lost episode (AKA under EXTREME duress). Forgive mistakes.

Congrats to:
YukonCornelius: 1,000 Experience
Timmy: 23 Experience
gfoxcook: 25,000 Saves
Dew: 1,500 Reviews
KIRBYLINK: Police Captain
Joshiwa: 2,000 Saves
yoshi77777: 6,000 Saves
aldlv: Top 300 B/P & 8,888 Saves


At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote: In that case, welcome back. A nice target for you is that Quadralist - you've got less than 3,000 Saves to go. Even though you're not going to make it in time for gfoxcook's fabled final update, I'll be keeping an eye on the lists, to make sure you get credit for joining the quadralist when you finally do :)

Well thank you for the welcome and vote of confidence. I'm looking forward to cracking another 10,000k milestone in the future.

At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HUZZAH! I was surprised to see you drop into my neck of the woods, and I'm even more surprised to read the above. Overjoyed, though. WELCOME BACK, MOFO!

Why thankie. ^_^

You denied coming back the last time you dropped by... but you had a change of heart, eh?

I'm a sucker for nostalgia. And my beloved C&C is all but dead it seems. I need to be SOMEWHERE!

Screw the lists, just come hang with us, man!

GASP! :o

Anywho... time marches on.
12.... POSTS.... TO 10K!!!!!

Someone stop him! He's mad!

At 3/6/08 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: OMG PURELIONHEART!

I know, eh?



At 3/6/08 01:00 PM, thegreatmorph wrote: It's almost as if Addicted to NG were back... Except there's no lilskater anywhere to be found.

Don't forget KineticMonkey. That dude rocked.

And BBM isn't posting in this thread. Still! I can remember good times :D

Best club ever. EVER. EVAR!

At 3/6/08 01:47 PM, NEVR wrote: You can, dude. I have faith in you!


At 3/6/08 11:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey... you're around, PLH is back.... anything's possible.

Hell, even gfox is posting. #;-}>

Wonder who else will resurrect from the grave?

At 3/6/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: No big speeches, folks.
Just.... 1 more to go.
9999 posts... and counting. Next one's in the pentalist topic. See you over there!

*Holds breath*

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 02:06:45

Level 36, you know I actually like the tomahawk better than the level 37 and 38 axes.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 02:27:14

NEVR Congratulates:

Joshiwa: 10,000 Saves
yoshi77777: 6,000 Saves
aldlv: Top 300 B/Per; 8,888 Saves
JUSTIN-BAILEY: Happy 15th Birthday!
gfoxcook: 10,000 Posts! - I'm so happy for you :)
Dew: 1,600 Reviews
JerkClock: Level 36 - Where have you been lately?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 02:38:37

At 3/6/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: No big speeches, folks.

Just.... 1 more to go.

9999 posts... and counting. Next one's in the pentalist topic. See you over there!

That's a good number. Me likey.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 02:42:01

At 3/7/08 02:38 AM, 999999th wrote:
At 3/6/08 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: No big speeches, folks.

Just.... 1 more to go.

9999 posts... and counting. Next one's in the pentalist topic. See you over there!
That's a good number. Me likey.

STFU. He's got a better number now. Full of lots of zeroes. Unlike you, you nine-bastard!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 03:52:57

Finally level 26, lmao.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 03:54:28

At 3/7/08 03:52 AM, Little-Rena wrote: Finally level 26, lmao.

I mean level 25, darn it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 05:57:51

Listening to:
Fred Timm - Heilige Nacht
Gautsch - Zensur macht das Leben leicht

Congrats to:
AnalPenguinFarming: Top 700 in B/P
Dew: 1500... 1600 Reviews
KIRBYLINK: Police Captain
Joshiwa: 10,000 Saves
yoshi77777: 6,000 Saves
aldlv: Top 300 in B/P, 8,888 Saves
JUSTIN-BAILEY: 15 Years IRL, get well soon!
gfoxcook: 10,000 Posts
JerkClock: Level 36
Little-Rena: Level 25

Thanks to:
Shanus - Epic list :P

At 3/6/08 11:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/6/08 08:23 AM, Haggard wrote:
And 8 more today. But only 8 was on purpose, for I started at 24992...
Yep, folks.... I forgot to mention it at the start of my catch-up tonight, but:
25,000 saves!!!!!
Only 11k to go :P
Yeah, but can't I be happy every 1k? Damnit. #;-}>

Of course. But we all know that you aren't truly happy until you hit 36k saves :P .

My favorite example of how we can make long words even longer is: "Fußballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikations spiel". That's right, that's only ONE word.
It means: "Football [soccer] world cup qualification match". As if "Weltmeisterschaft (World Cup)" wouldn't be long enough already ^^.
I take it NG put the space in there before spiel? #;-}>

Either that or I accidentally hit the space bar there ^^.

Well, I know that fact for quite some time now. I figured that you won't slow down with posting until you finally hit the 10k. So I simply guessed that I won't reach 10k Exp before you hit 10k posts a few days (weeks?) ago.
But I'm glad that I made it to 10k saves before your final update. Even though it's not good enough to be listed there :/.
You forget, I used to always congrat the people who made a 10k stat, even if it was just one. So you'll be mentioned on the update, one way or the other.

I didn't knew that. By the time I came to the BBS and figured out the meaning of all the lists slowly the FINAL update was already done. So I never actually saw you updating the list -_- .

But we've got two options... either I just give you a "congrats on the 1x10k" mention in the update..... or I fudge your exp total up to 10,000. CHEATING! #;-}>
OH TEH NOES! Cheates have small dicks! :P
Heh. Well, I can assure you a congrats on the 1x10k mention, then. #;-}>

Ok, I'm fine with that.

At 3/6/08 08:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
Well, he may not make it to 4x10k in time, but at least he'll be on the 3x10k. I'm feeling a bit down right now that Haggard isn't going to make it to 2x10k in time to even make it on the list.
It's not that bad after all.... I'll go cry now.... :'(
awwwww.... come on, man. It ain't so bad. I'm gonna cheer you up, I promise. Don't lose teh hopes or teh faiths. You can rely on the gfox, you know that. #;-}>


Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 07:55:50

OMG Two days, Two Lists, I think I might have died and gone to heaven :P
I see there were quite a few mistakes in my previous list, ah well :(

gfoxcook - 25000 Saves - I apologize, 9999Posts & 10000 Posts - Congrats :D
Timmy - 16000 B/P
Joshiwa - 10000 Saves
yoshi77777 - 6000 Saves & 7000 B/P
aldlv - top 300 B/P & 8888 Saves
JUSTIN-BAILEY - level 15 IRL & Flu - Get better man
Dew - 1600 Reviews
JerkClock - level 36
Little-Rena - level 25

At 3/6/08 11:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks!
My 25k saves feels left out, but you're not alone in missing that one. Besides, it's about to be eclipsed by most most amazing of accomplishments in 2008 so far, so.... understandable.

FIXED, I always leave my customers satisfied, Grats :D

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo. :::dies:::

Yeah sorry, probaobly shouldn't have said that, but be save in the knowledge, they're probably not, he just said it to be cool. HE FAILS AT COOL >:(

At 3/7/08 05:57 AM, Haggard wrote: Shanus - Epic list :P

Epic lists like that seem to be a regular occurrence these days, need to NG more :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 08:49:17

Top 300 B/P.

god wants me dead Madness Combat Crew

Elite Guard Barracks

"It was good" - Honors American Literature

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-07 08:57:15

Hoping to find the new definition of normal life today, Coop congratulates:
gfoxcook: 25,000 Saves; 10,000 Posts. Epic
Dew: 1,500 Reviews (Flash)
Joshiwa: 10,000 Saves
yoshi77777: 6,000 Saves
aldlv: Top 300 B/Per; 8,888 Saves
JUSTIN-BAILEY: 15th Birthday
JerkClock: Level 36
Little-Rena: Level 25
lilhunter03: Top 300 B/Per

Thank yous to:
Shanus (x3)

At 3/6/08 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/5/08 08:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop honours the memory of Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008), while congratulating:
Yeah, heard about that. A good long 70 years, and his memory will live on as long as D&D does, which should probably be forever, so.... D&D FOREVER IN THE AFTERLIFE, DUDE!

*69 :P

I've spoken to the lads in my gaming group and have suggested that we run a D&D game in his honour this Sunday.

At 3/5/08 05:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
More reasons to than not - I've got some difficult stuff coming up tomorrow and I'll be glad whan it's all dealt with.
Ah yes. I didn't remember exactly which day of this week it was, but I knew it was coming up. I've got really bad timing with my 10k posts, it seems, but maybe you'll enjoy seeing me post my 10k post later tonight, so... we'll see.

I can't hold that against you - I've got stuff at home to deal with and that comes first. I wouldn't expect you to miss your wedding to come and laud some major statistical achievement of mine, would I?

Coolios. 2nd place is great.
"Second? That's a fancy word for losing. You... Didn't... Stick... Your... Landing!"
"Forgive me, my friend."
"NEVER!" *Bender continues to whip Zoidberg
Heh. Well, when there's 40+ drivers.... and some won't place in the top 5 all season long, I say 2nd place is great. #;-}>

True, especially when we consider that without the wreck in the California race, he would have (probably) had 3 top 10s to start the year off.

At 3/6/08 06:24 AM, gfoxcook wrote: "Get Ready for This" is a 1991 eurodance single by Belgian/Dutch group 2 Unlimited. It is perhaps the most played opening song for arena-based sporting events. It reached #2 in the UK and #14 on the U.S. Dance chart, being arguably the most famous of the band's singles in the United States. However, its success was eclipsed elsewhere in the world by their fifth single No Limit.[1] The famous repeated line "Y'all ready for this?" is sampled from The D.O.C.'s hit single "It's Funky Enough".

It's been bugging me what that tune was, but now I know, I'll download it tonight!

At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares for the most difficult experience of his life (Don't ask), While congratul\ting:
Aw, man....

You're one of the few that knows what it is about on Newgrounds. Let's keep it like that ;)

I got through it ok, as proof is presented in this post!

At 3/6/08 08:23 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/5/08 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/4/08 08:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Stop it. It's bad enough about having dreams of 10,000 Reviews sadly crushed, without doubling the total to get to accomplish said dream!
No, don't stop it. I think we need even more 10k-stats. Like Review Responses. 10,000 Review Responses, now that would be a big deal ^^
Now that would be something, but I am still smarting from the possibility of a 5x20k list appearing :(
I won't even appear on the list at all. Unless gfox decides to inlcude a 1x10k list....

You'll be on the 'close' list at the top of the update - I'm actually still listed on that now, as I was only a 1x 10ker when gfox did his final update.

At 3/4/08 05:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote: At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote:
Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P
I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.
Sure, living as a Sponge isn't so much fun, even if you can live for more than 10.000 years that way. But what's the use in only living 20 years for example, if you could have easily lived for another 60 years if you only had been a bit more careful?
The point being would living (existing) for 60 more years actually be classed as living, in being able to derive any enjoyment or fulfilment from this activity?
I think it's no problem to derive enough enjoyiment in 60 years to make life worth living.
If you're going to spend your time looking over your shoulder, you can't let loose and enjoy yourself. Everyone needs and has the right to cut loose and do what they want to do for fun...
I never said one should spent his/her whole time looking over the shoulder. However, looking left and right (or right and left in your case :P ) before crossing a street sure can help to extend ones lifespan ;) .
Oh undoubtedly. From personal experience, being quite agile (1) and wearing the appropriate safety gear (2) has extended my lifespan somewhat. Missed being run over once, was knocked off my bike by a large 4x4
Heh, I've been hit TWICE by a car. I guess I can be lucky to be still alive... :/

Nice... I think

At 3/6/08 08:24 AM, Haggard wrote:
Well, he may not make it to 4x10k in time, but at least he'll be on the 3x10k. I'm feeling a bit down right now that Haggard isn't going to make it to 2x10k in time to even make it on the list.
It's not that bad after all.... I'll go cry now.... :'(

There there, more things to life than stats, my friend

At 3/7/08 12:16 AM, PureLionHeart wrote:
At 3/6/08 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote: In that case, welcome back. A nice target for you is that Quadralist - you've got less than 3,000 Saves to go. Even though you're not going to make it in time for gfoxcook's fabled final update, I'll be keeping an eye on the lists, to make sure you get credit for joining the quadralist when you finally do :)
Well thank you for the welcome and vote of confidence. I'm looking forward to cracking another 10,000k milestone in the future.

I love a bit of motivation in the morning.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature