Don't forget that the General forum hit 500,000 topics!
Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......

Don't forget that the General forum hit 500,000 topics!
Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......
Coop gets ready to go and see a solicitor, while congratulating:
Reyals: 5,000 Posts
Aksumka: 64,000 B/P
Emlfuryoflion: 11,000 Saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 26
Thank yous go out to these fine people:
Shanus (x2)
At 2/21/08 10:51 AM, Reyals wrote: 1,000 posts! Finally, I'll get the respect I deserve here!
Respect? Get out! You can't even count properly :P
Quiet in here today... Bahamut being on holiday really kills this place :'(
At 2/21/08 03:08 PM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote:At 2/21/08 06:58 AM, youngblood26 wrote: Thanks for voting, youngblood26! Your experience has been automatically deposited!Congrats on the new level! :)
Thanks, kinda like my new level. My previous level sucks.
I Pinoy Club! I American Basketball Crew I Asian Users Club I Follow me on Twitter! I
Thanks, BlueHippo
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
6.66 Total Voting power!
At 2/21/08 04:41 AM, Haggard wrote: Queens Of The Stone Age - Better Living Through Chemistry
That's a QOTSA song? It sounds really familiar, I think another band has a song or an album title with the same name. Argh, now it's driving me crazy...
But MCs also have advantages. They are smaller than CDs and therefor don't take up so much space. And when you stop the MC and then press PLAY again, it's still at the point where you stopped it, whereas a CD will most likely start over from the beginning.
My car's 4-disc CD changer always remembers not only the CD you were on when you turned off the player, the engine, or changed over to FM/AM radio... but the track, and indeed the exact second in the track.
So it really depends on the player.
Well, that too. But it's a part of Great Britain, which contains a tad bit more than just Scotland, England and Wales ;) .
If N. Ireland is considered the "tad bit more," I suppose. #;-}>
Oh, story time: I was in Poland once and there was a big flea market. They sold all kind of stuff there. Some of it was so obviously faked, that it nearly hurt the eyes. For example one guy sold jeans from "Lives" (instead of "Levis"). And one guy had the "Titanic" movie on DVD, although at that time it wasn't even officialy released.
Long story short: No one in Poland cares if things are faked or not (HOORAY FOR STEREOTYPES! :P ).
So Poland... = China?
At 2/21/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop enjoys a fulfillig lunch, then congratulates:
Whoa. That was like... a quote from the JABBERWOCKY or somesuch. "'twas brillig... and the slothy tothes..." or whatnot. FULFILLIG! #;-}>
At 2/20/08 11:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:Like you'd commute to work in my office. You wouldn't get a travel allowance :PAt 2/19/08 08:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: I haven't been fired yet, so I'm probably not going to be making way for you.Damn you, Coop. Damn you. XP
Hell, he's offered to come and do my job for me for 30% of my pay, and I'm in Houston, Texas. I doubt he'd care about the travel expense to your job, it'd have to be minute by comparison.
At 2/20/08 04:54 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: You have to. It's a bit of an English film but I can keep on watching it ever so often and not get bored of it. Sort of like Star Wars.Not really, considering it was written by 2 Australians and directed in America by an American. It stars some of the most talented American actors of the time and while there are English actors, they don't play the major roles. (Richard Attenborough & Donald Pleasence)
Heh! More of a collaborative effort between many of the English-speaking nations of the world, then, sorta LOTR-y that way.
I do know of both those actors you mention. Who are the main American actors in it besides Steve McQueen, BTW?
At 2/21/08 03:13 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: Sorry for the double post but I have 1337 PMs!Read my typing - WE. DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK
And a pic to prove it! :)
I wanted to say something to him, but I told off too PM-statbraggers last week, and you guys have more fun doing it, so I left him for you. #;-}>
At 2/21/08 04:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Yeah - see my news post for interesting pictures :(At 2/20/08 03:57 AM, Coop83 wrote: Mourning his cricket bat in the form of a news post, Coop congratulates:Did it crack and breaks?
At 2/21/08 08:22 AM, NEVR wrote: Separate congrats to BananaBreadMuffin for being made a BBS mod yesterday.
O'reilly? Well, congrats to him. I never figured on BBM for teh modly aspirations.
At 2/21/08 12:54 AM, ReconRebel wrote: GRANNY'S TUNA CASSEROLEDude, I'm going to try that tomorrow. Sounds excellent. Thanks a lot! :)
Recon's the recipe master. I swear, he ALMOST makes me want to cook. Almost. #;-}>
At 2/21/08 04:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I see. Thanks for the details, I have no real comment on the events, though (gasp, I know... gfox... speechless!).I never thought I'd witness this event...
Yes, it's a day long awaited.
Ahh, I see. I'm sorry to hear about that, but such is life I suppose. I've had a bit of a rough time myself lately - nothing serious, but enough to give me a general feeling of apathy about many aspects of life.
Eh, we're talking about 1998-2001ish right now, so... it's kinda old news to me.
That's exactly the kind of stuff I did for English lit at A level. (A levels are the last two years of high school, which aren't compulsory in England, in case you didn't know). I went to one of the best schools in the country, though, so my teachers definitely knew what they were talking about. I was lucky in that I got a really good education, so even though I'm slightly adverse to the prospect of University, I think I owe it to myself to take my education further.
Well, then do you want more of the same of that? Possibly with even deeper explorations, a wider range of novels to read... and perhaps more engaged classmates? There's your question before chosing to be an English literature major.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
OMG, American Politics discussion post:
At 2/21/08 08:22 AM, NEVR wrote:Just ask Barack Obama.He went to Harvard Law, didn't he? Can't go far wrong if you go there. I'm not following the Presidential elections avidly, due to the fact that I'm not American, but it does affect Britain indirectly due to the USA being our closest western ally. Most of the press I've seen so far seems to be in Obama's favour, though of course, it could just be that Obama is doing well on all the days that I decide to catch up on it :)
Harvard Law and could have become a millionaire many times over by practicing in a Wall Street law firm. But instead, from his college experiences in California and NYC (at Columbia), and then his early work in Chicago... on to Harvard in Boston.... and then back to Chicago... he kept working for nearly nothing in Chicago on behalf of the poor working class and children there, before going into politics.
Obama is gaining momentum with each week. He's won 10 states in a row. That's 10 out of 50 states, in case you don't know. He has the lead in the vote, in the delegates, he's cruising.
It's no guarantee, because how Ohio and Texas vote on Tuesday 3/04/08 matters a lot... and then Pennsylvania in April if it isn't decided by then..... those three states will decide it from here on.
My gf and I are voting for Obama here in Texas. My mom was leaning more towards Hillary Clinton, but I think she's shifted towards Obama in the past couple of months. I'm not sure if I've managed to convert my dad, too. But hopefully all 4 of our votes will be going for him.
I'll be very interested to see who wins, though.
This is the greatest presidential election in my LIFEtime (since 1977), and certainly the most interesting primaries since I turned 18 and gained the right to vote (1995, so I'm comparing this to three elections: 1996, 2000, and 2004).
I hear it most often compared to 1968, though to me it's even more like 1960.
Meh, I think there's just less British users overall, which creates the illusion that there are more stupid American users, when in reality the ratio is probably more or less the same. Doesn't matter to me where they're from, intelligence is intelligence.
Oh, I see what you mean, then. But why doesn't the smaller amount of British users hurt the perception of the amount of intelligent Brits on NG?
In any event, Wi/Ht? certainly has a high concentration of smart and/or funny folks from the UK, so it's always fun around these parts thanks to you lot. AND NO, I WILL NOT BE SPECIFYING WHO IS WHOM. #;-}>
We also have to remember that some users don't speak English as a first language, so even though their posts may seem slightly unintelligible to us, they're likely pretty clever. I personally don't speak a second language (though I'm planning on re-learning Spanish), so I have a huge amount of respect for anybody who is multilingual.
I learned Spanish for 2 years, Japanese for 2 years, Latin for 3 years, Greek for 1 year, and French for 1 year. I'm not fluent, but it was good to have a range of language.
There's plenty of English-as-a-second-language NG users who write English way better than a lot of American teen NG users, so.... I don't judge anyone based on where they're from. I judge them on the ideas they present, or failing that.... the manner in which they present them.
At 2/21/08 09:30 AM, Shanus wrote: So I bring you peace and love it seems :D
Like Mr. Burns while high?
At 2/18/08 03:42 AM, gfoxcook wrote: KILLING IN THE NAME OF....I might actually be seeing them if they play Oxegen this year :D (Big Irish Festival)
Yeah, that's the one. If that tour hurries up on schedule and ends... it could be time for... TEH ZEP TOUR.God yes, but I may have to start selling Kidney's as I'm already in debt!!!!
I will SO be there, even if it costs me like $200 a ticket.
Heh. Anything's worth it for a chance to see Led Zep when I was born in 1977 and never had the chance to see them in my childhood, obviously.
Yeah, it comes and goes every few years. No Country for Old Men is what I'll see next, BTW. I already saw There Will Be Blood after Juno. I'm not trying to see all the best picture nominees or anything, I just liked the look of those three movies specifically, and I've only got one more to go.I haven't actually seen There Will Be Blood, which is weird, I usually see most films if they come out here, hmmm I'll have to investigate. But No Country For Old Men is just superb, one of my favourite movies I've ever seen :D
Well, you go and see There Will Be Blood when you get the chance, it is excellent as well.
And I shall see No Country for Old Men quite soon. Probably a week from this coming weekend.
At 2/20/08 03:07 AM, gfoxcook wrote: ROCK THE VOTE!However much I dislike the American politics and how the system works over there and here, I can't help noticing the Obama seems to remind me of John F. Kennedy.
He is definitely going to be the most inspirational president since John F. Kennedy if he gets elected, yes. And he's the most inspirational candidate since Robert Kennedy in 1968. That's why this election evokes those years.
Here's hoping he's more JFK than RFK, first of all... for many obvious reasons...
Among them that I hope McCain is his Nixon.
Now if he gets in, which on my opinion is highly unlikely as he's Black for one and the powers that be don't really like that sort of thing, it would be great for all the worlds governments. So we'll just have to see
America is ready for a black president. If you haven't been paying attention, some of the highest %age white states in this country have voted for Obama over all other candidates.
Iowa, Wisconsin, Maine, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Alaska, Washington... all these states and many more with hardly any blacks represented... have voted for Obama.
Trust me, he is electable. There's no guarantees, but this is an exciting time to be an American, trust me. I'm a Texan, but I never voted for Bush either as governor of my state of Texas OR as US President, and I hate that he's been giving not only my country but also my state a bad reputation for 8 years now.
We have the chance to start fixing things. And yes, Obama would not only heal this country, but help the world. He would be more involved in Africa than any other US President has been, for starters. I know Kennedy and Clinton, to name but two, cared about situations there, but no one has done enough. Not everything CAN be fixed, of course...
Also, I believe that Obama can not only reach from the left to the middle and to the right to bring all people of all politics together in the USA... but that he can reach out to the Middle East as a black son of a Muslim father.... and implore the world not to hate each other and to forgive and to seek solutions.
I'm not saying he'll fix the Israel/Palestine situation. But he's certainly going to make things better in the Middle East.
So anyway, it's an exciting time, like I said.
At 2/22/08 03:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop gets ready to go and see a solicitor, while congratulating:
Oh noes. What for?
Quiet in here today... Bahamut being on holiday really kills this place :'(
I'm here, I'm here! Sorry, just posting a bit late at night (AGAIN!). Thursday night, though... the weekend is almost here.
And I am going to go and Early Vote with my girlfriend on Saturday morning. I'm so excited, I can't wait. My first time voting in Texas' Democratic Primary. It's never mattered before, and I've voted third party/independent in the three elections I've voted in, anyway, so I'd already signed petitions and couldn't vote in the primaries.
Getting through Friday's workday will be so hard... yet so easy, thanks to that. SATURDAY, HERE WE COME.
Oh, but for now... 2/22/2008!
Happy Cat Day to all! (In Japan, all 2/22s are considered Kitty Days thanks to 2-2-2 being "ni-ni-ni" in Japan, which to them sounds like a cat meowing)
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Listening to:
Therion - Ewerald crown
Real Life - Send me an Angel
Congrats to:
youngblood26: Level 13
Reyals: 5,000 Posts
Aksumka: 64,000 B/P
Emlfuryoflion: 11,000 Saves
Officer: 4,000 Experience
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 26
C0GMA: 6.66 Voting Power
Thanks to:
Shanus (2x)
At 2/21/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 2/20/08 10:58 AM, Haggard wrote: Coop83: 111 Audio Reviews - Closing in on the Top Audio Reviewers list ;)Way to steal my thunder :P
Sorry... :(
At 2/22/08 04:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 2/21/08 04:41 AM, Haggard wrote: Queens Of The Stone Age - Better Living Through ChemistryThat's a QOTSA song? It sounds really familiar, I think another band has a song or an album title with the same name. Argh, now it's driving me crazy...
According to Wikipedia, it's also an album title from Fatboy Slim and a song from Adema (never heard of them, though).
But MCs also have advantages. They are smaller than CDs and therefor don't take up so much space. And when you stop the MC and then press PLAY again, it's still at the point where you stopped it, whereas a CD will most likely start over from the beginning.My car's 4-disc CD changer always remembers not only the CD you were on when you turned off the player, the engine, or changed over to FM/AM radio... but the track, and indeed the exact second in the track.
So it really depends on the player.
That's what I meant by writing "most likely". Actually I wanted to write "depending on the player", too but I must have forgotten that somehow.
Well, that too. But it's a part of Great Britain, which contains a tad bit more than just Scotland, England and Wales ;) .If N. Ireland is considered the "tad bit more," I suppose. #;-}>
I think Northern Ireland can be considered "a tad bit more" ^^.
Long story short: No one in Poland cares if things are faked or not (HOORAY FOR STEREOTYPES! :P ).So Poland... = China?
I think Cina > Poland, when it comes to fakeing things...
14,000 posts.
Congrats to everyone.
Hi Recon, gfox, and everyone else. No, I'm not back, just passing by.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
I have plans to go out tonight to meet some friends, but I'm undecided on whether I should drive and not drink, or drink and spend an uncomfortable night at a friend's house (and likely spend more money than I technically have).
NEVR Congratulates:
Reyals: 5,000 Posts
Aksumka: 64,000 B/P
Emlfuryoflion: 11,000 Saves
Officer: 4,000 EXP
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 26
C0GMA: 6.66 Total VP
ZombiePhil: 6.00 Total VP
PureLionHeart: 14,000 Posts
lilhunter03: Ranked #333 in B/P
At 2/22/08 02:20 AM, Spaghetti14 wrote: Level 4 betchez!!!
Wait until level 10.
At 2/22/08 03:16 AM, superstatguy wrote: Don't forget that the General forum hit 500,000 topics!
Meh. I wonder how many of them are actually worth reading?
At 2/22/08 04:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: O'reilly? Well, congrats to him. I never figured on BBM for teh modly aspirations.
Me neither, but hey. He's an active user, and if absent really has left, a replacement is needed.
Recon's the recipe master. I swear, he ALMOST makes me want to cook. Almost. #;-}>
You should try it sometime. I never used to be into cooking all that much, but I started getting into it a few years ago, and it's quite nice making a good meal. Good to impress a girlfriend's parents, I've found :)
Well, then do you want more of the same of that? Possibly with even deeper explorations, a wider range of novels to read... and perhaps more engaged classmates? There's your question before chosing to be an English literature major.
I do enjoy exploring literature, and occasionally writing the odd bit of prose, so it's a strong possibility. I really have no experience of Law, although I know I could do a degree in it if I put my mind to it.
At 2/22/08 04:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Harvard Law and could have become a millionaire many times over by practicing in a Wall Street law firm. But instead, from his college experiences in California and NYC (at Columbia), and then his early work in Chicago... on to Harvard in Boston.... and then back to Chicago... he kept working for nearly nothing in Chicago on behalf of the poor working class and children there, before going into politics.
That's pretty impressive. It's not often that you come across somebody who wouldn't seize the chance to make their millions when it came along.
My gf and I are voting for Obama here in Texas. My mom was leaning more towards Hillary Clinton, but I think she's shifted towards Obama in the past couple of months. I'm not sure if I've managed to convert my dad, too. But hopefully all 4 of our votes will be going for him.
Heh, you propaganda wizard, you.
This is the greatest presidential election in my LIFEtime (since 1977), and certainly the most interesting primaries since I turned 18 and gained the right to vote (1995, so I'm comparing this to three elections: 1996, 2000, and 2004).
To be honest, even I'm pretty intrigued with it.
Oh, I see what you mean, then. But why doesn't the smaller amount of British users hurt the perception of the amount of intelligent Brits on NG?
I imagine because British users are just more seldom seen on the BBS, and even when one does come across a British user, it's not always clear that they are actually British unless you check out their profile. I remember somebody recently thought NintendoMadness was Canadian.
In any event, Wi/Ht? certainly has a high concentration of smart and/or funny folks from the UK, so it's always fun around these parts thanks to you lot. AND NO, I WILL NOT BE SPECIFYING WHO IS WHOM. #;-}>
Heh, I think the Wi/Ht generally has a lot of intelligent, fun people, British or not. It's always a nice experience posting in these forums, which is largely due to the regulars being so accommodating. The General forums, on the other hand, is full of users who will openly flame you for saying anything other than a tired, worn out, overused 4chan meme.
I learned Spanish for 2 years, Japanese for 2 years, Latin for 3 years, Greek for 1 year, and French for 1 year. I'm not fluent, but it was good to have a range of language.
Showoff :P
There's plenty of English-as-a-second-language NG users who write English way better than a lot of American teen NG users, so.... I don't judge anyone based on where they're from. I judge them on the ideas they present, or failing that.... the manner in which they present them.
Sometimes you get foreign users posting completely unintelligible posts, which is slightly annoying, but you can't condemn them for trying. What's even more annoying though is when you get people flaming foreign users out of the water for making a few mistakes in their English.
At 2/22/08 03:23 PM, EvilEgg wrote: Just hit level 14 today... no big deal to me anymore though since it doesn't seem to affect voting power
The more experience you have, the higher your base voting power is. Nothing more, nothing less.
At 2/22/08 05:07 PM, EvilEgg wrote: What do yo mean?
Base Voting Power: Based on your experience
Total Voting Power: Based on your experience + the bonus voting power you get from the B/P-Ranks
I have a power of like 5 votes or something....
Yep, that's your Base Voting Power. It goes up pretty quickly at first but starts to rise slower and slower the more experienced you get.
I got that at like level 8 and the only way i changed is by blamming and saving.
You can change the bonus you get by blamming and saving and thus chaning your total voting power. But you can't change your base VP via blamming and saving ;) .
i got level 12 today!! and im about to hit 1300 posts.
5000 Blams, Finally, blams aren't my thing but at last I've got some.
Slow net connection, so no list tonight :(
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
'K people, it feels like my eyes are about to explode I'm so tired because of all those audio requests. But never the less I must go on! I think I'll be doing a convo later on today.
Also 100 audio reviews. all of them from the request club.
Congrats to:
Shanus: Top #2,000 Experience
glover85: Sergeant First Class
smc16: Level 19
yoshi77777: Master Sergeant
CursedPanther: Level 33
Aci6: Level 20 and 800 Flash Reviews
phantomlussk: Level 22
youngblood26: Level 13
Reyals: 5,000 Posts - You mean 5,000?
Aksuma: 64,000 B/P
Emlfuryoflion: 11,000 Saves
Officer: 4,000 Experience
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 26
C0GMA: 6.66 Voting Power
ZombiePhil: 6.00 Voting Power
PureLionHeart: 14,000 Posts
lilhunter03: Ranked #333 in B/P
Joshiwa: Major
EvilEgg: Level 14
DP36: 1,337 Posts
maxsparkson: Level 12
Shanus: 5,000 Blams
LordZeebmork: 3,000 Posts
Specl thanks to:
You might not believe me but I actually fell asleep on the keyboard. So many g and h's up there.
*SPLAT* Great, my eyes exploded.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
WOHOO! Level 18!
Look out level 60, I'm on a roll now. :)
Listening to:
Tocotronic - Für immer dein Feind
J.B.O. - J.B.O.
Congrats to:
PureLionHeart: 14,0000 Posts
lilhunter03: #333 in B/P
Joshiwa: Major, Level 22
EvilEgg: Level 14
DP36: 1337 Posts
maxsparkson: Level 12
Shanus: 5,000 Blams
LordZeebmork: 3,000 Posts
NintendoMadness: 100 Audio Reviews
X-Naut: Level 31
SoulPiker: Level 13
Officer: Level 20
cherries: Level 18
vdviking: Level 18
mranarchy: 5,000 Experience
Aci6: Private 1st Class
My account is now 3 years old!!!
Congrats to:
MinusNick: Level 14
Incognitus: Level 20
ZombiePhil: 1,000 Saves, 6.00 Voting Power
AtomicTerrorist: 18,000 Saves, Top 600 Experience
youngblood26: Portal Security, Level 13
Flared24: Deity Whistle
yoshi77777: 1,111 Blams, Level 13, Master Sgt., 7.00 Total VP
DrHood: 11,000 Exp
Trish-Loves-Tubgirl: Level 22
Bertn: 4,000 Saves
Magical-Mark: Level 11
lilhunter03: Praporshchik, Ranked #333 B/P
NintendoMadness: 2,000 Experience, 100 Audio Reviews
1337: 11,000 B/P
Shanus: 100 Review Responses
gamerpeepinpa: 300 Reviews
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 39
Jozzalanco: Portal Security
Timmy: 15,000 B/P
superstatguy: 8.00 Voting Power
emochild: 1 year on NG
C0GMA: Level 19, 6.66 VP
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: Level 21
Joshiwa: 9,000 Saves, Major, Level 22
Koeberto190: 3,000 Exp
AfroBahamut: 4,000 Exp, Level 20
zombiemassacre: 1,000 B/P
Haggard: Captain
firemario1: Level 19
Muffin: Level 30
RoobyKillAll: Level 33
Egarewop: Level 18
John12346: Level 23
Oppugnant: Level 20
cherries: Level 17, Level 18
ibhenowflee: Level 26
sickstick: Level 16
DeviI: 6,000 Exp
Little-Rena: 500 Reviews
Bobogoobo: 5.55 Voting Power
EternitySpent: Level 35
Absolutelynothing: Level 12
Hybrid-Of-Souls: 7.77 Voting Power
bifgis: 7,000 Exp
FBIpolux: 11,000 Exp
Snowy-Beast: Level 34
Aci6: 4,000 Exp, 800 Reviews, Level 20, Private 1st Class
Coop83: 111 Audio Reviews
Haggard: 400 Audio Reviews
Bahamut7: 7,000 Exp
Wreckages: Level 23
smc316: Level 19, 11.00 PPD
DreamworX: 3,000 Saves
jokerscard: Private, 6.66 VP
Shanus: Top 2,000 Exp
glover85: Sgt. First Class
LordZeebmork: 100 Flashes in the Portal, 3,000 Posts
CursedPanther: Level 33
DarkLotusJuggalo: 1,337 PM's - Normally I don't congratulate for PM's, but this was cool
phantomlassuk: Level 22
Reyals: 5,000 Posts
Aksumka: 64,000 B/P
Emlfuryoflion: 11,000 Saves
Officer: 4,000 Exp, Level 20
TheBlackDahliaMurder: Level 26
PureLionHeart: 14,000 Posts - Hi ^.^
EvilEgg: Level 14
DP36: 1,337 Posts
maxsparkson: Level 12
X-Naut: Level 31
SoulPiker: Level 13
cherries: Level 18
vdviking: Level 18
Thanks to:
Was listening to:
Pink Floyd - Sorrow, Take It Back, Welcome to the Machine
U2 - Last Night on Earth, Discotheque, The Unforgetable Fire, Running to Stand Still, A Day Without Me
Dire Straits - Walk of Life
It is indeed. Taking me ages, I mean.At 2/16/08 06:36 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Yes, but that´s because it´s taking you ages ;) Why don´t you just vote on UJ submissions when you´re depositing? You could´ve had at least 700 more B/P´s that way.
I'm just in the habit of voting on some of my fave flash every single day. I vote on BEEBO and Marc M flashes with all three of my accounts every day. But you know what? I'll think about changing to voting on some UJ flashes with gfoxcook every day, and then my two alts can vote on BEEBO and Marc M afterwards (just not as many)... so it'd be the best of both worlds. And then the saves would at least trickle in... 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 a day. Not a bad idea, man. THANKS, AUZ!
You're welcome ;)
Tbh I'm a little suprised you never thought of that before =/
At 2/19/08 04:39 AM, Bahamut wrote:
:: koreaman was a user who posted in the General forum and flamed lots of users who insulted him. His posts usually contained nothing but CAP LOCKS and excessive exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was the funniest alt ever.
Yeah, I still remember he's "kicking you in the nuts"-thread. But an alt? I was always under the impression that he was actually a main account (and that he really was that stupid).. =/
At 2/22/08 03:16 AM, superstatguy wrote: Don't forget that the General forum hit 500,000 topics!
Congrats to the general. That reminds me, not too long ago the 100,000,000th vote was cast on a movie. I think it was somewhere last week.
Coop waits for the water to heat up, while congratulating:
ZombiePhil: 6.00 Voting Power
PureLionHeart: 14,000 Posts. Hello
Joshiwa: Major; Level 22
EvilEgg: Level 14
DP36: 1,337 Posts
maxsparkson: Level 12
Shanus: 5,000 Blams
LordZeebmork: 3,000 Posts
X-Naut: Level 31
SoulPiker: Level 13
Officer: Level 20
cherries: Level 18
vdviking: Level 18
mranarchy: 5,000 Experience
Aci6: Private 1st Class
Auz: 3rd NG Berfday
zimzap: 4,000 Saves
viceman: Private 1st Class
Thank Yous go out to:
Auz (x2)
At 2/22/08 04:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 2/21/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop enjoys a fulfillig lunch, then congratulates:Whoa. That was like... a quote from the JABBERWOCKY or somesuch. "'twas brillig... and the slothy tothes..." or whatnot. FULFILLIG! #;-}>
Too much butter on the sandwiches, meaning that I missed the n out :P
;_;At 2/21/08 04:14 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Yeah - see my news post for interesting pictures :(At 2/20/08 03:57 AM, Coop83 wrote: Mourning his cricket bat in the form of a news post, Coop congratulates:Did it crack and breaks?
I've bought my new one today Details here
At 2/22/08 04:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: My car's 4-disc CD changer always remembers not only the CD you were on when you turned off the player, the engine, or changed over to FM/AM radio... but the track, and indeed the exact second in the track.
So it really depends on the player.
My old car had a MiniDisc player that would remember the track and the precise place in the shuffle that you were at whenever youswitched it off. I always like to start from the beginning of the track though.
My new stereo is an iPod attached to a nifty adaptor, so it plays through my stereo :)
At 2/22/08 04:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 2/22/08 03:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop gets ready to go and see a solicitor, while congratulating:Oh noes. What for?
Delivering a contract for work - we're buying a piece of land that is costing us a seven-figure sum, which we will build lots of houses on. The boss said it would take me about 1 hour each way. My total time, after a little light socialising with said vampire, sorry, solicitor was 5 hours.
At 2/22/08 06:12 AM, Haggard wrote:At 2/21/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:Sorry... :(At 2/20/08 10:58 AM, Haggard wrote: Coop83: 111 Audio Reviews - Closing in on the Top Audio Reviewers list ;)Way to steal my thunder :P
Think I was more peeved about you being right behind me with a bigger audio achievement than anything.
At 2/23/08 12:05 AM, X-Naut wrote: Meat cleaver get.
Triplelisted tomorrow :)
After a long day, I'm looking forward to relaxing in front of the Rugby Six Nations England vs. France match with a curry and an ice cold 660ml bottle of Cobra beer.
(Despite the fact that France will probably destroy us).
NEVR Congratulates:
Joshiwa: Major; Level 22
EvilEgg: Level 14
DP36: 1,337 posts
maxsparkson: Level 12
Shanus: 5,000 Blams
LordZeebmork: 3,000 Posts
NintendoMadness: 100 Audio Reviews
X-Naut: Level 31
SoulPiker: Level 13
Officer: Level 20 - I prefer 20 to 19 by a LONG way.
cherries: Level 18
vdviking: Level 18
mranarchy: 5,000 EXP - Of course it counts :)
Pvt. First Class: The 1,000 point gaps are easy.
Auz: 3rd NG birthday!
zimzap: 4,000 Saves
viceman: Pvt. First Class
Too tired for any conversation right now, I'll do a little catch up tomorrow or something.