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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 21:48:03

At 2/11/08 09:46 PM, KIRBYLINK wrote: After a few years of trying i got my posts per day from 0.31 to 2!



Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 22:25:42

600 PM's!

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 01:06:02

Fear the wrath of my newly bought mace, muhahahahahahahaha!!!!! :D :D :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 04:13:44

At 2/11/08 10:10 PM, shadowchaotailsevil3 wrote: I forgot this a while a go but i reached level 16.
Forgot to put it here.

Bollocks, I remember you posting it here, on page 2,054 to be precise.

Quote for proof:

At 1/27/08 12:14 PM, shadowchaotailsevil3 wrote: level 16.


I'll try to check here again more often.

Please don't.

List coming later.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 04:18:25

At 2/11/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Kiff?
*Zapp rushes offstage and returns wearing the Kiff costume* I'll switch on writerbot1.0, shall I sir?


That's me! I became dumb when you smacked with the rifle butt. :p
That charge was never upheld!

IT'LL NEVER STICK. We'll get you off. :::tampers with the jury:::

At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Hence the reason you changed your aura to black? Color me confused.
I thought that Level 36 looks better with Black, rather than the greenness.

You know, it actually may. Personally, I still wouldn't change mine if this account had ever been level 36... but I can see why you did, yes.

NO YOU SHUT UP. They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>
Oh shit, he's going to go nova in this thread as well. Slaying the noob in the top Reviewers list obviously wasn't enough AND NOW HE'S GOT THE TASTE FOR BLOOD!

Hey, he started it. At least only 50% of my rant was all-caps, rather than 100% like his. #;-}>

Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O
Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?
Monoboob for the win!

Exactly. It's good that you see the value in your solo rack.

Great, because I've got something more impressive than that now - 450 Review Responses

That is indeed truly more impressive than 800 reviews.

Glad you appreciate the music. I have my own radio station in my car :)

Back in Black is chock full of teh rock. I think Obama should adopt it (well, the song, not the album) as his theme song. HELL YES.

Good, good.... after this current level, I presume?
You are so perceptive. I'll have to prove you right.


People, Coop can do a great impression of Zapp.
Hmmm... you know this... how?
By listeneing to the impression of Zapp that I MSNed across to him, prior to me taking a role in his Xmas flash.

I was imagining you (as Zapp) seducing him (as Leela) or something. Mwahahaa.

At 2/11/08 06:08 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Exactly. It's even worse in the Winter since by the time you've woken up, it's only about 3 hours until night-time.
Yeah, it's been like that until recently. It's starting to get dark later now, which I like.

I'd like that, too, if it wasn't for the HEAT the summer will then bring as a result of the long-ass days.

I love winter... but the consequence of winter is the pains of hot and humid summer.

So as a compromise, I wish it could just be fall and spring all year long. ;_;

At 2/11/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Lately, I've been partial to "nimnuts."

It's a cross between a nimrod and numbnuts. "HEY NIMNUTS, GET OUT OF THE ROAD!"
Heh, it's always fun making up new curse words. They do come in handy when driving.

Well, feel free to use nimnuts, it's delightfully stress-relieving!

Don't forget about top 50s, 25s, 20s, and 10s! Those are the elitest of the top XXX lists!
Indeed, indeed. Generally after the top 75 or so (for EXP) I'll congratulate for each individual rank, as it's so hard to pass someone by that point. For B/P I'll do the same after about the top 50.


I should announce my exprank moveups, but to be honest I only notice them half the time. When you're in the top 75, as you said, they're so few and far between... that for me, at least, I don't expect them to ever happen... so I don't track anymore, I don't notice much anymore... every now and then I just notice "oh, hey, I'm in the 60s now instead of the 70s" or "hey, I just moved up from 66 to 65, it appears" (which turned out to be due to that high-exp user's deletion recently, not from my own efforts).

At 2/11/08 08:18 AM, EmoDragon wrote:
At 2/10/08 02:05 PM, Fagamut wrote:
At 2/9/08 07:11 AM, TheNumberOfTheDragon wrote:
At 2/8/08 08:38 AM, S-k-y wrote: I have reached level 23!
I have reached level 23!
I have reached level 23!
I have reached level 23!

That's insane. THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WATER THIS WEEK. Congrats to all you level 23ers.

It's the new level 9!

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 9800 posts. loil

LOL! Thanks, man. I wasn't really saying that in my post as a congrats-worthy accomplishment, more of just a heads up that I broke the "200 left" marker, when so recently I had 500+ posts to go.

I AM ON MY WAY. It'll be 190 to go when I'm done tonight.

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I've only 4 of 'em. Ironically, if Bahamut and Cyberdevil get their way and the successor to my list puts audio reviews into the pentalist or whatever it will be at that point.... I will probably review more in the audio portal just to not have 4 audio reviews showing up on that list. #;-}>
I don't care how many audio review I have, even if many people have more than 3.

It's not because I'd care that other people had more, it's that I wouldn't want to show up on update after update after update with that 4 just sitting there, the same number every time. I'd at least try to get it up into the double-digits, if not triple. single digit stat = kinda lame on a list. ;_;





Not lately.

They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>


None of those numbers offends me too much, but I like 33 and 50 and 100 more than 7 or 23.

Yes, that's far more offensive than either 7 or 23.

OK then, what about the number 1? :D

I don't think most mathemeticians consider 1 a prime number, it's more of a "special case."

:::looks on wiki::: Sure enough:

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113

The only good prime numbers are 2, 3, and 5.

And... well, I guess 101's cool, too.

You sound about as enthusiastic as Bender right there. AWESOME.
Up yours chump!


Bart vs Australia? I dunno if it was a season starter. I'm guessing it's on season 6/7.

Really!?! ... no way, man. O_o

At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But my aura? Never. Yep.
*thinks about editing a screenshot of one of gfox's posts* >:)


But does Back in Black have a video of dolls singing to the song like this one does? ;)


Hey, why don't I change my aura to neutral and I get a congratulations from you? :D

You certainly would.

There's talk of getting rid of the penny here in America, BTW.


Just make them out of steel instead (that's an alternative).

Yeah, I really like it. In a few months time, night time won't come until 10PM. :D


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 04:33:50

At 2/11/08 12:59 PM, Auz wrote: Level 32

I think evil aura looks best on this icon, so I´ll be evil until I get to the next level.

Man, everyone around these parts is starting to switch auras all the time. YOU ALL SO CRAZY!

Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 5,000 Groupies on Guitar Hero or something

Heh! Thanks.

First non-NG stat congrats I've had in LUL's history, I think. #;-}>

Well, except perhaps my 10,000 days of being alive achievement, I suppose.

At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Too expensive. Besides, I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection first. I think I got to season 6 recently, 5 more to go!
They're only about £20 or less on Amazon.co.uk.
20 Pounds (oh no! I don't have the pound sign on my keyboard and I don't know the ALT-code for it! :( )... I can buy it for 21EU on amazon.de! :P
But as I've said, first I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection.

I hear ya. I like to complete my collections of individual shows before I start collecting other shows for the most part, too. Especially if they're shows that are already done.

It's one thing to have two or three ongoing shows you're collecting DVDs for (though the only one I currently am is Battlestar Galactica).

At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!
OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?


At 2/10/08 05:20 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: %u2642%u263B%u2665%u2660%u2663%u2022%u25 D8%u2640%u266A. Wow, I never knew that.
Something went awfully wrong there...


At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
Driving on the left side of the road is just confusing.
No, driving on the right is confusing!
The whole world drives on the right side, just those few countries that belonged to England for a short time don't get it... :P

Japan doesn't get it, either, and England never owned teh Japan.

90%+ of the countries in the world do drive on the right side, though, yes. The others? I guess they wanna be the left-handed peoples... just to be different. :::shrugs:::

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Just accents. People from the north speak a different accent than people from the south and so on. I think it's in every country like that ^^.
Oh, and you say "Zwo" instead of "Zwei" when talking with an other person over a radio because sometimes the quality is really bad and "Zwei" sounds very similar to "Drei" (Three).
And to be able to distinguish those two numbers you just count "Eins, Zwo, Drei, ..." (One, Two, Three).
Whoa. "Zwo" as in "zah-woe?" kinda? Or "zah-wah"?
More like "Ts-voe".

I didn't actually mean "zah," but I couldn't think quickly of a better way to type it. "ts" does seem like a better one, yes. #;-}>

Zweihänder. Umlauts are VERY important :P .


Yeah, Popcorn isn't that great to begin with.

That's all my point has ever been on this subject, yes. #;-}>

But when I have some popcorn, it should have sugar and not salt on it.
I remember that I had popcorn once when I was in Chicago... I was so dissappointed when I realized that you only get salty popcorn there -.- .

Gotta butter the heck out of it to take the dryness and blandness out of it.

At 2/11/08 03:18 PM, Little-Rena wrote: Why did you make another alt? lol :x

Who are you referring to there? You no quote anyone, so it's very unclear. O_o

At 2/11/08 03:38 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Hello guys. How's it been? Yeah I got banned because my stupid friend screwed with my account and got me banned for 14 days for Bumping. And it was good to take a vacation from the forums. I realized I don't miss the General Forums. I only missed you guys...


At 2/11/08 07:25 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Much like every other Brit or American, I will claim the laziness excuse. We don't all have our keyboards and OSes set up for quick access.
Whenever I try the Alt+NumPad it goes all funny. E.g. %u263A%u263B%u2665%u2666%u2663%u2660 Those will probably come up as loads of perecentages and stuff.

... um, yeah. We've been down this road before.

NO YOU SHUT UP. They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>
Calm down, neutraler. :p


Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O
Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?

I'm buying him (her?) a monobra for Valentine's Day.

I see what you mean now. Remember your aiding my stupidty. *wink*

I always aim to please.

I never didn't get it.

Good! See that you... never didn't!

Grand Stars are in the English version as well. I take it you mean that phrasing, though?
The 'Grand Star Get' part was a Japanese translation.

So yes, you just meant the "Get" part, basically, gotcha.

Lord Nibbler was my MSN name for a couple of months. THE most under-rated character fo Futurama.


Well I suppose if I'm good and bad that makes me........ neutral?

Exactly. Yet you don't wear the neutral aura. So you're clearly also confused-ed. #;-}>

It might be a little of both, I'll admit. I APOLOGISE FOR AIDING YOUR DUMBNESS? #;-}>

We have come to agreements.

Um... dude, 4:2 = 2:1!
I know but it's easier to put 4:2 into context.

If you say so. 2 to 1, 4 to 2, 8 to 4, etc. etc. are all just specific instances of number pairs following the 2:1 ratio. People tend to divide a ratio down to its lowest common denominators or whatnot.

You can't claim it's all due to gfox posts being confusing anymore, since, now you got tripped up by a Coop post, too!
I'm claiming it's me!

Okay then. #;-}>

Looney Tunes > Disney?

No one's argued the other way yet. I wonder if anyone ever will. o_O

And the best body pun goes to...... MONOBOOB!

Did you and Coop both come up with that independently? Or had you already read his post when you said it up there? TELL THE TRUTHS. #;-}>

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: BIGmamaKATIE - Level 13. Hey NintendoMadness. ;)

He thinks that's your alt?

At 2/10/08 11:41 AM, Bobogoobo wrote: This topic looks interesting. Could someone tell me the rules so I don't do anything noobish? :)
Now this is a sort of post I like to see from someone who just discovered this thread. :)
I just posted and I don't think I broke any rules. :p

I think Bahamut's just grateful that a new user is going out of his way to educate himself about the rules, which is even better than simply not breaking any. He's going above and beyond the call of duty.

At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But my aura? Never. Yep.
*thinks about editing a screenshot of one of gfox's posts* >:)
Awwww poor gfox, that would be so evil.

Thanks for defending poor lil' me. ;_;

At 2/11/08 08:22 PM, Seamonky wrote: 30,000 saves and the number continues to grow. :D

JEALOUS!!! Me is.

But congrats on the 30k+ saves.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 08:01:14

Listening to:
HammerFall - Warriors of faith
Excrementory Grindfuckers - Grindcore im Gummiboot
Iced Earth - Brainwashed (Live)

Congrats to:
yoshi77777: 1,000 Blams
Joshiwa: 6,000 Blams
aldlv: Ranked #333 in B/P
NintendoMadness: Private
aldlv: 3,000 Blams
TehHood: Police Sergeant
Seamonky: 30,000 Saves
Dream-of-Duke: Level 32

Thanks to:
yoshi77777 (various times) - Nice list

At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/11/08 12:59 PM, Auz wrote: Level 32

I think evil aura looks best on this icon, so I´ll be evil until I get to the next level.
Man, everyone around these parts is starting to switch auras all the time. YOU ALL SO CRAZY!

Changeing auras is great fun!

At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Too expensive. Besides, I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection first. I think I got to season 6 recently, 5 more to go!
They're only about £20 or less on Amazon.co.uk.
20 Pounds (oh no! I don't have the pound sign on my keyboard and I don't know the ALT-code for it! :( )... I can buy it for 21EU on amazon.de! :P
But as I've said, first I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection.
I hear ya. I like to complete my collections of individual shows before I start collecting other shows for the most part, too. Especially if they're shows that are already done.

And especially if it's such a great show like MASH!
But I've never been much into Futurama anyways...

It's one thing to have two or three ongoing shows you're collecting DVDs for (though the only one I currently am is Battlestar Galactica).

Either I complete the CSI-Collection (only the one that takes place in Las Vegas) after MASH or I start collecting Columbo! :D

At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!
OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?


At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
Driving on the left side of the road is just confusing.
No, driving on the right is confusing!
The whole world drives on the right side, just those few countries that belonged to England for a short time don't get it... :P
Japan doesn't get it, either, and England never owned teh Japan.

Oh yeah, I forgot. But Japan doesn't count, they live in their own little and weird universe anyways... :D

At 2/11/08 03:18 PM, Little-Rena wrote: Why did you make another alt? lol :x
Who are you referring to there? You no quote anyone, so it's very unclear. O_o

I was wondering, too...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 08:52:13

I thank Bahamut, Shanus, NintendoMadness, NEVR, Haggard, yoshi77777 and Auz

I congrats- Helloween, S-k-y, BrAddErZ958, Mendou, Dead-Body-Man, Coop83, HyphaShadow, B*rtn, DarkLotusJuggalo, PinballWizard976, Fion, TheNossinator , Josh, JUSTIN-BAILEY, aldlv, McJesus, TheNumberOfTheDragon, LittleBahamut, Powerage, Auz, All-American-Badass, macio, dumassstudios, NEVR, Bahamut, zombiemassacre, Slayer3751, Fagamut, Bobogoobo, NintendoMadness, DarkSoilder, TheRealEggman, BIGmamaKATIE, TheNossinator, EmoDragon, Joshiwa, TehHood, Seamonky, shadowchaotailsevil3 and Dream-of-Duke for their achievements. They know what.

At 2/9/08 06:31 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/8/08 07:35 AM, iscrulz wrote: hmm that got me thinking I am working on my 3rd 20k stat. 300 days to go oh see ya on the flipside and ONyl 2 more days left of my free offer.
It's going to take me a while to get that far in the 20k game, to be brutally honest, but I have only recently joined the 4x 10k list, relatively speaking.

Well now that blams are becoming extremely rare I would go for posts and experience but maybe blams still. I dont know when I am going to reach 20k posts or ever. Hmm time to post +1 spam %u263C%u263A½%u207F time it.

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/8/08 07:35 AM, iscrulz wrote:
17,000 experience points. dang, I am overwhemled

Congrats, dude. You're getting up there.... here, I mean.

A thanks dude. I am getting to the second 10k mark. Too bad to nglog always tells me I could had 23k.596

And thanks a belated to:"< Haggard, NEVR, Shanus, bahamut, Coop83, Odyssic, yoshi77777, NintendoMadness
Hmph. You're welcome, anyway. #;-}>

Hmm sorry I don't read trough all your or other peoples post, an invasion of the privacy it is sort of. Oh I see the irony I do glance through or skim at 'em.
Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.

BUT I saved the best for last My sign-up date is on its 6 anniversary. Wow what a great 6 years its has been so heres my speech and stats. I am not a good speaker so I am not going to say much. Oh TWOers happy 6th ng birthday whenever or if it past. I would like thank all the kind people here in closing.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 08:53:34

Over his lunch, Coop congratulates:
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 13. It's a cut-throat razor
EmoDragon: Level 23
Auz: Level 32
Joshiwa: 6,000 Blams
aldlv: Ranked 333 for B/P; 3,000 Blams
NintendoMadness: Private
Seamonky: 30,000 Saves
Dream-of-Duke: Level 32

Thank yous to:
Auz (x2)
yoshi77777 (x3)

At 2/11/08 06:08 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/11/08 05:44 AM, BIGmamaKATIE wrote: Level 13. I hate the level 13 icon. What is it anyway, a barber's razor?
They're called 'cut-throat' razors, I believe. They're really old fashioned and hurt like hell to shave with.

I've been shaved by a proper barber with one. If I could manage to get the technique, I'd buy one myself, as they shave me closer than I ever could, even with one of these Gillette Fusion razors.

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: Thank you, apparently my Hermes one is quite good, so my brother and girlfriend apparently say.
I want to hear your Hermes impression.

2 things to ask me about tonight on MSN :P

Tweet? I'm not supposed to do everything around here now, am I Kiff?
He might make a news post later.

Excellent. Kiff, join me on the observation deck, I have some musing to do.

At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!
OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?

I dread to think of what you would say if I declared I can do a Hasselhoff, as well. You can have my autograph - my associate is handing out photocopies of them as we speak.

At 2/11/08 10:25 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: 600 PM's!

*Throws the book at DarkSoilder*

At 2/12/08 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/11/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Kiff?
*Zapp rushes offstage and returns wearing the Kiff costume* I'll switch on writerbot1.0, shall I sir?

I need to do this, as I can do so many Futurama voices

That's me! I became dumb when you smacked with the rifle butt. :p
That charge was never upheld!
IT'LL NEVER STICK. We'll get you off. :::tampers with the jury:::

*stops picking handcuffs, twiddles thumbs*

Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O
Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?
Monoboob for the win!
Exactly. It's good that you see the value in your solo rack.

Novelty. I am only outdone by the lesser spotted triboob.

Great, because I've got something more impressive than that now - 450 Review Responses
That is indeed truly more impressive than 800 reviews.

Glad you appreciate the music. I have my own radio station in my car :)
Back in Black is chock full of teh rock. I think Obama should adopt it (well, the song, not the album) as his theme song. HELL YES.

Maybe that's going a little far, but what the heck :P

People, Coop can do a great impression of Zapp.
Hmmm... you know this... how?
By listeneing to the impression of Zapp that I MSNed across to him, prior to me taking a role in his Xmas flash.
I was imagining you (as Zapp) seducing him (as Leela) or something. Mwahahaa.

Why Leela, so it's you I've been attracted to? Oh god, I've never been so happy to be beaten up by a woman!

At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!
OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?

Please my loyal fans, there is enough e-penis to go around!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 11:25:26

Two things:

1. I miss BigBahamut.
2. I am now neutral. Congratsplzgfox.

Listening to:

Nobuo Uemastu - Final Fantasy IX Soundtrack Plus!
The Mars Volta - The Bedlam in Goliath

Congrats to:

Auz - Level 32
yoshi77777 - 1000 blams. Welcome back.
Joshiwa - 6000 blams
aldlv - #333 in B/P, 3000 blams
NintendoMadness - Private
TehHood - Police Sergeant
Seamonky - 30000 saves. I'm almost there!
Dream-of-Duke - Level 12
iscrulz - 6 year old account

Thanks to:


At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote: 20 Pounds (oh no! I don't have the pound sign on my keyboard and I don't know the ALT-code for it! :( )... I can buy it for 21EU on amazon.de! :P


But as I've said, first I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection.



Thanks. I shall remember that number.

Hey, I found it on first try! :D

I don't believe you.

Üh, thät hürt.


At 2/11/08 07:25 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Duh, Bahamut can breathe fire.

It's a mega flare! :D

Whenever I try the Alt+NumPad it goes all funny. E.g. %u263A%u263B%u2665%u2666%u2663%u2660 Those will probably come up as loads of perecentages and stuff.

Your computer must have symbols.

Calm down, neutraler. :p

I'm a neutraler right now. It doesn't look very Bahamut-ish, though. :(

Maybe he'll grow up to be Toohot100 wanabee

Or maybe he'll get the 0 reset.

Lord Nibbler was my MSN name for a couple of months. THE most under-rated character fo Futurama.

You have MSN?


Hey BIGmamaKATIE! :P

You so shoudl of recorded it.

I wish I did. That would make mum believe me.

That sounds like Big Brother to me.

Big Brother. :{

Awwww poor gfox, that would be so evil.

Of course it would.

At 2/12/08 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So as a compromise, I wish it could just be fall and spring all year long. ;_;

THAT would be perfect.

That's insane. THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WATER THIS WEEK. Congrats to all you level 23ers.

Aren't my alts awesome?

LOL! Thanks, man. I wasn't really saying that in my post as a congrats-worthy accomplishment, more of just a heads up that I broke the "200 left" marker, when so recently I had 500+ posts to go.

It's better than saying 6.50VP.

I AM ON MY WAY. It'll be 190 to go when I'm done tonight.


It's not because I'd care that other people had more, it's that I wouldn't want to show up on update after update after update with that 4 just sitting there, the same number every time. I'd at least try to get it up into the double-digits, if not triple. single digit stat = kinda lame on a list. ;_;

I'll try and get into double-digits sometime for audio reviewing, but not now. I don't feel like audio reviewing.

Not lately.

Not lately, so you have ridden a bike before.



Yes, that's far more offensive than either 7 or 23.

Of course it is. So what about 73?

I don't think most mathemeticians consider 1 a prime number, it's more of a "special case."

They don't, and that's why I asked. ;)


Bite. My. Shiny. Metal...

Really!?! ... no way, man. O_o

Why are you surprised?



But does Back in Black have a video of dolls singing to the song like this one does? ;)

So Highway to Hell wins for the doll video. :P

Hey, why don't I change my aura to neutral and I get a congratulations from you? :D
You certainly would.

Done and done.


Just make them out of steel instead (that's an alternative).

That's a fine alternative. Still, pennies are bullshit.


The heat isn't too bad in the UK when it's summer. It's only when I try to sleep is a bother.

At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote: He thinks that's your alt?

I was only joking.

I think Bahamut's just grateful that a new user is going out of his way to educate himself about the rules, which is even better than simply not breaking any. He's going above and beyond the call of duty.

Exactly! This thread attracted loads of douchebags a few months ago and that newcomer is different. He wanted to know about any rules and not just went "LOL 4 BLAMES"

At 2/12/08 08:01 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/11/08 03:18 PM, Little-Rena wrote: Why did you make another alt? lol :x
Who are you referring to there? You no quote anyone, so it's very unclear. O_o
I was wondering, too...


At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote: Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.

gfox, NintendoMadness, shall we bring pitchforks and torches with us?

At 2/12/08 08:53 AM, Coop83 wrote: 2 things to ask me about tonight on MSN :P

Hmm, something else you need to say?

Excellent. Kiff, join me on the observation deck, I have some musing to do.

When I deposit my alts later.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 12:37:08

You reached level 21! AWESOME!!

The codfish on the park bench is fried by the raw maple. 30/10/2009

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 12:48:18

Does a top Exp. member list still exist by any chance?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 13:11:40

At 2/12/08 12:48 PM, CursedPanther wrote: Does a top Exp. member list still exist by any chance?

The top 2,000 EXP user list is here, but it doesn't update anymore. :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 13:22:13

Well, I'm not sure if this is an achievement but I've just writen my 100th audio review. I hope you consider it an achievement since I'm not on the audio portal much. :(

Anyways, I no longer look like one of those reviewing noobs now that both my flash and audio review count is in triple digits. :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 16:07:21

1003 posts

GAMERTAG: robm227

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 16:56:47

Congrats to:
aldlv: 3,000 Blams
TehHood: Police Sergeant
Seamonky: 30,000 Saves - A Supreme Commander of saves badge. Kewl.
Dream-of-Duke: Level 32
Kidiri: Level 21
BIGmamaKATIE: 100 Audio Reviews - Bahamut, I wouldn't have my so called "alt" have higher Reveiws than me.

At 2/11/08 10:25 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: 600 PM's!

PM's don't count as and acheivment here.

At 2/12/08 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: (which turned out to be due to that high-exp user's deletion recently, not from my own efforts).

...Who was that?

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Hey, why don't I change my aura to neutral and I get a congratulations from you? :D
You certainly would.

Cool, a congratulations is in order.

At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/11/08 03:18 PM, Little-Rena wrote: Why did you make another alt? lol :x
Who are you referring to there? You no quote anyone, so it's very unclear. O_o

Must be Bahamut because he's the latest alt. I have reasons to beleive not so though.

At 2/11/08 07:25 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: WHAT KIND OF USER ARE YOU, REALLY!?
Well I suppose if I'm good and bad that makes me........ neutral?
Exactly. Yet you don't wear the neutral aura. So you're clearly also confused-ed. #;-}>

YES! With an extra 'ed', that's how confused I am. I think I shoudl change but then..... I DON'T KNOW.

Looney Tunes > Disney?
No one's argued the other way yet. I wonder if anyone ever will. o_O


And the best body pun goes to...... MONOBOOB!
Did you and Coop both come up with that independently? Or had you already read his post when you said it up there? TELL THE TRUTHS. #;-}>

I quote from my last congrats list so I cam up with it independently. I TELL THE TRUTHS. #;-}>

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: BIGmamaKATIE - Level 13. Hey NintendoMadness. ;)
He thinks that's your alt?

I got that part, but WHY?

At 2/11/08 08:22 PM, Seamonky wrote: 30,000 saves and the number continues to grow. :D
JEALOUS!!! Me is.

OMG, Yoda!

At 2/12/08 08:01 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Man, everyone around these parts is starting to switch auras all the time. YOU ALL SO CRAZY!
Changeing auras is great fun!

Only because other levels look better and such.


Awesome, taking back to old time ads.

Japan doesn't get it, either, and England never owned teh Japan.
Oh yeah, I forgot. But Japan doesn't count, they live in their own little and weird universe anyways... :D

Japan is awesome. where would my username without Japan? Japan is THE best gaming counrty in HISTORY! There would be no joystick without Nintendo.I would of died and gone to gaming heaven if I got to Japan.

At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote: Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.

Thanks for popping and stuff..... wait a sec....
Did you just say.... OMFG.
BAHAMUT, GFOX..... come with me.

At 2/12/08 08:53 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote: OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?
I dread to think of what you would say if I declared I can do a Hasselhoff, as well. You can have my autograph - my associate is handing out photocopies of them as we speak.

OMI GOD! Can I have ur panties?

At 2/12/08 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/11/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
I need to do this, as I can do so many Futurama voices

I totally forgot about Kiff in Futurama. Havn't seen it SUCH a long time.

I was imagining you (as Zapp) seducing him (as Leela) or something. Mwahahaa.
Why Leela, so it's you I've been attracted to? Oh god, I've never been so happy to be beaten up by a woman!

I'd post something here that Lord Nibbler would say but woe is me, he makes none.

At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote: MY GIRLFRIEND WAS IN LINE FIRST. :::shoves:::
Please my loyal fans, there is enough e-penis to go around!

I brought my e-knife.

At 2/12/08 11:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: I miss BigBahamut.

Yeah! wher'd he go. :'(

At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote: Üh, thät hürt.


At 2/11/08 07:25 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Duh, Bahamut can breathe fire.
It's a mega flare! :D


Maybe he'll grow up to be Toohot100 wanabee
Or maybe he'll get the 0 reset.

Not good at all.

Lord Nibbler was my MSN name for a couple of months. THE most under-rated character fo Futurama.
You have MSN?

Yessums, but I use MSN for my real-life freinds and AIM for my NG freinds.

Hey BIGmamaKATIE! :P

Seriously, I'm not BIGmamaKATIE. I wouldn't want my alt to have higher stats than me. Or your saying that i'm an alt. And people don't put loads of effort with posting with alts.

At 2/12/08 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I don't think most mathemeticians consider 1 a prime number, it's more of a "special case."
They don't, and that's why I asked. ;)

Bite. My. Shiny. Metal...

*Nibbler does his job and nibbles on Bender's Shiny. Metal. Arse.*

At 2/12/08 04:33 AM, gfoxcook wrote: He thinks that's your alt?
I was only joking.

Random joke. ¬_¬

At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote: Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.
gfox, NintendoMadness, shall we bring pitchforks and torches with us?

I've got some prepared for a flame war.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 17:25:51

Congrats to:
Joshiwa: 6,000 Blams
aldlv: Rank # 333 In B/P; 3,000 Blams
NintendoMadness: Private
TehHood: Police Sergeant
Seamonky: 30,000 Saves
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
Dream-of-Duke: Level 32
iscrulz: 6 years on NG.
Kidiri: Level 21
BIGmamaKATIE: 100 Audio Reviews

Thanks to:


At 2/12/08 11:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: Two things:

1. I miss BigBahamut.


2. I am now neutral. Congratsplzgfox.

Neutral? Ftw

Seriously, I'm not BIGmamaKATIE. I wouldn't want my alt to have higher stats than me. Or your
saying that i'm an alt. And people don't put loads of effort with posting with alts

Sure... ;)

You have MSN?
Yessums, but I use MSN for my real-life freinds and AIM for my NG freinds.

I have MSN and Yahoo Messenger.

At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.

Yeah definitely..

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 18:32:54

Police Captain.

About fucking time after being stuck on 1999 B/P points for hours.

wolf piss

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 18:56:47

At 2/12/08 05:41 PM, FlashMaker12 wrote: is this da longist thread ever?????

Not yet. The old Amateur Sig Makers holds that title still, but this is getting there.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 20:20:38

At 2/12/08 06:56 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote:
At 2/12/08 05:41 PM, FlashMaker12 wrote: is this da longist thread ever?????
Not yet. The old Amateur Sig Makers holds that title still, but this is getting there.

Let's boost it up!

Oh yeah and 999 Posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 20:23:17

two-fucking-thousand posts. 2-0-0-0!



Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 20:24:43

1,000 Posts

Also 6.66 PPD. (irrelevant)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 20:38:45

SoulMaster71 congratulates:
NintendoMadness: Private
TehHood: Police Sergeant
Seamonky: 30,000 Save Count
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
Dream-of-Duke: Level 32
Kidiri: Level 21
BIGmamaKATIE: 100 Audio Reviews
ibhenowflee: 3000 Save Count
LordZeebmork: Police Captain
KIRBYLINK: 2000 Post Count
yoshi77777: 1000 Post Count

I just got 300 Blams last night, and this marks my 666th Post.
Also last night, I reached the top 8000 B/P.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 21:48:53

30 000 total points!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-12 21:49:04

I reached supreme commander today, I just want to thank my friends and family for suporting me .

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-13 00:50:33

18000 total stats

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-13 03:37:06

Coop considers eating the last of that tempting bag of Cadbury's Mini Eggs, while congratulating:
iscrulz: 6th NG Berfday
Kidiri: Level 21
BIGmamaKATIE: 100 Reviews (Audio)
dumassstudios: 1,000 Posts
ibehenowflee: 3,000 Saves
yoshi77777: 1,000 Posts
KIRBYLINK: 2,000 Posts
bifgis: 30,000 Total Points

Thank yous to:

At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote: Well now that blams are becoming extremely rare I would go for posts and experience but maybe blams still. I dont know when I am going to reach 20k posts or ever. Hmm time to post +1 spam %u263C%u263A½%u207F time it.

Keep going, you know you want it!

BUT I saved the best for last My sign-up date is on its 6 anniversary. Wow what a great 6 years its has been so heres my speech and stats. I am not a good speaker so I am not going to say much. Oh TWOers happy 6th ng birthday whenever or if it past. I would like thank all the kind people here in closing.

And 6 years on NG is a great achievement

At 2/12/08 11:25 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/12/08 08:53 AM, Coop83 wrote: 2 things to ask me about tonight on MSN :P
Hmm, something else you need to say?

Separate topic (pentalist), but you found what I was on about anyway.

Excellent. Kiff, join me on the observation deck, I have some musing to do.
When I deposit my alts later.

Wait, that's not the line... *rumages through script* Can we do another take?

At 2/12/08 04:56 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/12/08 08:53 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/11/08 02:20 PM, Haggard wrote: OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?
I dread to think of what you would say if I declared I can do a Hasselhoff, as well. You can have my autograph - my associate is handing out photocopies of them as we speak.
OMI GOD! Can I have ur panties?

*Throws a pack of Lightspeed Briefs in NintendoMadness' general direction*

At 2/12/08 09:49 PM, s0da wrote: I reached supreme commander today, I just want to thank my friends and family for suporting me .

You really don't know how this site works. Leave now and save yourself from teh lynchings!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-13 05:35:20

Lack of list yesterday was due to extreme tiredness coupled with slight illness and acute laziness.

And lulz at the fact that yesterday I bumped into not one, but TWO of my ex girlfriends. The first one was actually rather pleasant, but the second one I saw is my most recent ex, so I very slyly avoided her - only to be harassed later on about why I didn't talk to her by her mates.

Thought of the day: "Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth."

NEVR Congratulates:

EmoDragon: Level 23
Auz: Level 32
yoshi77777: 1,000 Blams
Joshiwa: 6,000 Blams
aldlv: Rank #333 in B/P; 3,000 Blams
NintendoMadness: Private
TehHood: Police Sergeant
Seamonky: 30,000 Saves
Dream-Of-Duke: Level 32
iscrulz: 6 Years on Newgrounds - Nice 6th Birthday post :)
Kidiri: Level 21
BIGmamaKATIE: 100 Audio Reviews
ibhenowflee: 3,000 Saves
LordZeebmork: Police Captain
KIRBYLINK: 2,000 Posts
yoshi77777: 1,000 Posts
SoulMaster71: 666 Posts
bifgis: 30,000 Total Stats

NEVR Thanks:

Auz (x4)
Haggard (x3)
yoshi77777 (x5)
NintendoMadness - Thanks <3

At 2/12/08 08:53 AM, Coop83 wrote: I've been shaved by a proper barber with one. If I could manage to get the technique, I'd buy one myself, as they shave me closer than I ever could, even with one of these Gillette Fusion razors.

I have one already which used to be my father's, I believe. I've only used it a few times, I normally like to stick with my electric razor. Long live the ease of Philishave!

At 2/12/08 01:22 PM, BIGmamaKATIE wrote: Well, I'm not sure if this is an achievement but I've just writen my 100th audio review. I hope you consider it an achievement since I'm not on the audio portal much. :(

Review achievements (both audio and flash) are acceptable every multiple of 100, so yes it's fine.

At 2/13/08 12:50 AM, Emlfuryoflion wrote: 18000 total stats

Post total stats achievements every multiple of 10,000 please.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-13 05:47:43

Not on NG for a few days, shame on me. Going to see West Side Story Tomorrow, and not with a girl, cause I'm sad and lonely :P

NintendoMadness - 2000 Saves & Private
DarkSoldier - 4000 Posts
TheRealEggman - level 12
BIGmamaKATIE - level 13 & 100 Audio Reviews
EmoDragon - level 23 - Aw don't cry :P
Auz - Level 32
yoshi77777 - 1000 Blams, 1000 Posts & 6.66 Post/Day
Joshiwa - 6000 Posts
aldlv - #333 B/P & 3000 Blams
TehHood - Police Sergeant
Seamonky - 30000 Saves
Dream-of-Duke - level 32
iscrulz - 6 years on NG
Kidiri - level 21
ibhenowflee - 3000 Saves
LordZeebmork - Police Captain & 2000 B/P
KIRBYLINK - 2000 Posts
SoulMaster71 - 666 Posts & 8000 B/P
bifgis - 30000 Total Points

Thanks to:
Auz (x2)
yoshi77777 (x2) - You live :D

Listening to:
Pearl Jam - Jeremy
Pink Floyd - Two Suns in the Sunset
Radiohead - Bodysnatchers
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love Medley: Boogie Chillun'/Fixin to Die/That's

That's what my MP3 says it's called lol it's off the BBC Sessions


At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Ah yes. I wasn't counting Coda, I guess. Yeah, I have that, too. I just don't think of it the same way I think of the other 8, I guess. #;-}>

Still pretty damn good. I have a feeling they might not do a world tour again. But if they do I'll go. Probably my favourite band ever!!! :P

Yeah. I really need to listen to the whole album more often.

Led Zep albums need to be listened to in their entirety. Love their live stuff too :D

Juno was? Cool, glad you liked it.

The dialogue is amazing in it. Like quirky colloquialisms just make it reeally enjoyable to watch, and the amazing soundtrack helps it's cause too :D

At 2/11/08 06:08 AM, NEVR wrote: Have you ever played centurion? You have a shot of beer (usually) every minute. I played it with whiskey once and got incredibly drunk.

I haven't actually, hmm next weekend so, haha, G'n'R Tribute on Sat, my friends band are supporting. Should be a load of fun :D

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: SMAH-SHIT! SMAH-SHIT! SMAH-SHIT!

Hey if it can give itself a virus, it can give you one too, now play nice :P

You decide.

Pigs, like from Hannibal Returns :D


Selling bod organs, I only need one liver, right??

At 2/11/08 07:25 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Lucky you. :/

It crashed a bit yesterday, but it's looking good today :P

Well so do I.

Lol, you're crazy :P

Talkin' of money, anyone heard there's gonna' be anew 50p out soon?

I haven't as I don't live in that country anymore, we have euro :O

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-13 09:13:58

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you a first for Coop83. My first Audio Review achievement.

100 Audio Reviews

Thank you and good night.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature