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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 18:06:57

Level 7...
movin' on up.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 19:54:38

900 post.

IRC : 36in

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 20:13:38

So my Penicorn got wasted last nite,along with me. Good times, invented a drinking game too. And slept/watched all the Saws. Good nite :D

Fion - Corporal
Josh - level 42 & #73 exp
JUSTIN-BAILEY - level 17
aldlv - Praporshchik & 11111 B/P - *clears way for aldlv :P*
McJesus - 6000 Posts
TheNumberOfTheDragon - level 23
LittleBahamut - level 25
Little-Rena - 5000 Posts
mranarchy - 2500 Posts
Powerage - level 28 & 1234 Posts
Auz - 17000 Saves
All-American-Badass - 6000 Posts
macio - level 12
dumassstudios - level 16
NEVR - 14000 B/P, Captain & 9.00+VP
Bahamut - 65000 B/P
zombiemassacre - level 11
Slayer3751 - level11
Fagamut - level 23

Listened to:
The Juno Soundtrack
Buckethead - Bucketheadland 2

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: That would hurt like hell. I'd kick those men in the bollboks rip them and feed them to some vicious animal. actaully I'd get a dinosaur made for me so I could feed the balls to him.

Ah it was so worth it, so I don't mind :D

New laptop time!

Hasn't crashed in two day :S

The Macarana.

I do that shit in mosh pits, so I win :P

*buys some new money* Here...

Yummy :P

A bad one aswell.

Well I can't be perfect all thetime :D

Bet you've got your back burnt red.

Yup pretty much, funny story though :P


Yes, the Shanus has spoken :P

At 2/9/08 07:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Smash your laptop.

It lives now :P

Yes, we killed him.

How do we dispose of the body?

lol, get more money.


You bastard.

That I am :P

At 2/9/08 07:35 AM, NEVR wrote: For the sake of women everywhere, I hope not.

We'll see what I can do :P

Still being drunk the next morning is so much fun.

Did that today, we played a shots game at 4 in the morining :P

At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: This'll get confusing and boring.

Haha, looks like ya just pwned someone :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 21:01:22

Thought I'd post 2,000 saves. And tommorow I should have the new B/P rank. K bye. *zonks out on keyboard.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 23:05:52

4000 POSTS

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 23:22:03

At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?

The man has good taste. My ass ages like a fine wine. lol

And yes, most icons do look better with a green background

Hence the reason you changed your aura to black? Color me confused.

At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I mix the hash browns with snow peas and fresh shrimp. The eggs are cooked over easy with cheddar melted on top.
That sounds incredible... I'm definitely going to try that one day, although currently I'm sadly lacking in the food department. Might have to go out shopping later.

Melt a heaping tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and add the peas and shrimp first. Dump a layer of hash browns on top and cook on a low heat for about 20 min. Stir together at least 3 or 4 times.

Want a wicked tuna casserole recipe?

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: And hey, check this post from Recon to me re: save rank

LOL! Why did you quote a post from 2003 Greg? You know, I've gone digging for posts in the past and some have mysteriously disappeared. No spam, no obscenities, no double posts, no mod bashing. Just straightforward posts. I'd like to know what the criteria for removal is.

At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Hahahahaha. Recon and I have long been brothers in arms. Green, neutral arms, that is.

Be aware I fully intend to switch my aura to evil once I reach level 46. That axe looks best with a red background. It would look even better in my profile. :D

At 2/8/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: My first post in the LUL was..... ack! A long time ago. >_<
I assume sometime before the LUL hit 100 pages.

You would be correct in that assumption Bahamut. Check the 4th post on page one. 0_o

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I mix the hash browns with snow peas and fresh shrimp. The eggs are cooked over easy with cheddar melted on top.
I've never added that much stuff to my brekkie.

I like a lot of variety. Do you boil perogies *winces* or fry them in butter?

I basiclly wanted to try neutral for a day.

... and failed miserably. **nudge** ^_~

It was a joke bud. Didn't you catch the nudge and wink?

At 2/9/08 07:16 AM, LittleBahamut wrote:
At 2/7/08 01:02 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Next milestone passed 10,000 Exp. Is it a big deal? maybe it is be it is NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL! >_<
You're right. 10000 EXP isn't such a big deal

Way to fuel LittleWashu's lack of enthusiasm. Back into the pit of despair she falls. T_T

At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells

I bought that tape decades ago. I love The Exorcist theme. I'm currently listening to "As Heaven Is Wide" by Garbage. How about a religious joke?

Three men are standing at Heaven's Gate waiting to get in. Saint Peter says, "OK guys, pretty much anything goes up here but whatever you do, never lie; or you'll spend the rest of eternity with the ugliest women in the universe." So they all agree and are admitted in. The first guy makes it a week before he lies about how rich he was on Earth. Bam! Right at his side appears the ugliest woman he's ever seen. The second guy makes it another couple weeks before he lies about how smart he is. Bam! At his side appears the second ugliest woman in the universe. So the first two guys are walking around with monsters for wives when they see their third friend with the hottest woman ever conceived. The first two guys say in unison, "How did you land that babe when we got stuck with these nasty pieces of work?"

The third guy nudges the babe and says, "Tell them." The woman shamefully replies, "I lied."

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-10 23:29:09

At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I only have 3 audio reviews.
Heh... I have about 100 times more than that :P .

I've only 4 of 'em. Ironically, if Bahamut and Cyberdevil get their way and the successor to my list puts audio reviews into the pentalist or whatever it will be at that point.... I will probably review more in the audio portal just to not have 4 audio reviews showing up on that list. #;-}>

Just accents. People from the north speak a different accent than people from the south and so on. I think it's in every country like that ^^.
Oh, and you say "Zwo" instead of "Zwei" when talking with an other person over a radio because sometimes the quality is really bad and "Zwei" sounds very similar to "Drei" (Three).
And to be able to distinguish those two numbers you just count "Eins, Zwo, Drei, ..." (One, Two, Three).

Whoa. "Zwo" as in "zah-woe?" kinda? Or "zah-wah"?

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: FEAR MY ZWEIHANDER (that'd be my TWO-handed sword right there in my level 42 icon)!
Zweihänder. Umlauts are VERY important :P .


Much like every other Brit or American, I will claim the laziness excuse. We don't all have our keyboards and OSes set up for quick access. And yes, yes, I know all about the alt-numpad way to make all the ASCII character, but I only have a few special ones memorised, and sadly umlauted-A is not one of them. ;_;

Plenty of Americans like popcorn. 90%, probably. I'm not one of them, that's all. Too salty, too boring.
And that's why you only get popcorn with sugar here!

That doesn't sound very appealing, either. There's so many other things that are sweeter and tastier than popcorn + sugar or any other flavourings, so I just don't see the point.

If I want corn, I'll have a meal or dish that has corn tortillas in it. That's my preferred corn ingestion method. :::nods:::

At 2/8/08 07:35 AM, iscrulz wrote: My experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, I now have 17,000 experience points. dang, I am overwhemled

Congrats, dude. You're getting up there.... here, I mean.

And thanks a belated to:"< Haggard, NEVR, Shanus, bahamut, Coop83, Odyssic, yoshi77777, NintendoMadness

Hmph. You're welcome, anyway. #;-}>

At 2/8/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:

King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

Heh, did our convo inspire ya to listen to that then?

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: My first post in the LUL was..... ack! A long time ago. >_<
I assume sometime before the LUL hit 100 pages.

Well, duh. We were just talking about my first post in here and I estimated around page 80.

Recon's got a higher (i.e. lower) membership on Wi/Ht? than me, so do the math... he was posting in this topic dozens of pages before me. Probably in the first 10 pages.

At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: What?! Level 35 is clearly Sai, which looks nothing like dual swords.

NO YOU SHUT UP. They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: EPIC FAIL!
How so? :(

I don't remember!

But I think I was just randomly saying that, anyway...

And it's just a pretty number. So pretty.
What about 7, 23, 33, 50 and 100?

None of those numbers offends me too much, but I like 33 and 50 and 100 more than 7 or 23.

It's pretty simple, man. The best numbers, to me, will NEVER be primes. And I just looked at the numbers you listed that I didn't like as much... 7 and 23. Both prime.

I have some sort of insta-prime detector sometimes... and sometimes even if it's not prime, but it's still an odd number and ugly "enough," it'll set off my sensors as well.

I've been UOTD twice.... :::ducks:::


It would almost be better if instead of all my posts being deleted... and thus all my topics... that instead my account was deleted instead. Then at least the topics and posts would still be there, just with "DELETED" next to them all.
I wouldn't like to see the DELETED name, but yes, at least the posts would stay there.

It was weird to say that, but.... yeah, what's more important, a name on a userpage with no posts (or reviews or blams or saves or exp?), a hollow shell? ... or a once great account deleted... but at least leaving a history of posts and reviews for posterity.

Like I said, though, very few have less than 666 exp, alas.
Or we could find an old account with a 6 at the end.

... I keep saying there are tons of them, just most have 5-digit exp by now. If I'm not getting ya here, please explain. O_o

Sounds like it, yes. Unless one cartoon kiss would have made him feel uncomfortable. O_o
Nah, he'd tolerate that. It's when it's close to showing an actual sex scene is when he'll feel uncomfortable.

I had a friend like that in high school, though not that extreme. It was three of us who hung out and went to a lot of movies together.

My best friend was a fan of sex in movies but not of violence.
My other friend who reminds me of yours was a fan of violence but not of sex.
And me? I was always cool with both, but didn't have to have either to enjoy a movie, either.

Arghghgh... you missed my point, man. Relationships tend to involve... S-E-X.
To him, it's all about love.

The two things are inextricably linked for homo sapiens, at least until we evolve out of our genitalia.

Cool. I am Fry. Will you be my Bender? BEST BUDDIES FOREVER.

You sound about as enthusiastic as Bender right there. AWESOME.

Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O

Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?

I was referring to seasons 15 onwards about the newer episodes being utter shit. The episode with The Simpsons going to Australia is a classic.

I guess... but I really remember a lot of harder-core Simpsons fans than myself back then thinking the show had already taken a turn for the worse and headed downhill by that point. That ep started a season, right?

Presence is underrated. Achilles' Last Stand FTW!
I first heard Achilles' Last Stand from Dream Theater's cover of it. :D

How is it compared to the Zep original?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 01:31:49

At 2/8/08 04:11 PM, Eggys wrote: I just changed my aura to evil, now I'm gonna start blamming shit like crazy.

Noooooot... a good idea.

At 2/8/08 04:28 PM, Coop83 wrote: In other news, I've just left review number 800 for Bahamut's BlueHippo is a mod flash.

Congrats on the 800, man! To a passerby, it might not sound super-impressive, but speaking as someone who struggles to ever add another 100 onto his total, I know that 800 is an accomplishment indeed, more impressive than 5000 posts.

At 2/8/08 04:37 PM, HypaShadow wrote: oh no i did not just waste my 666th post here, well yeah i did. i've now got 666 posts.

Your 666th post being in this thread wouldn't have been a waste at all if you PUT MORE EFFORT/SUBSTANCE into your posts, dude.

alsooo....., i notice my noobish post is on bahamut's sig =3

Don't be a camera whore.

At 2/8/08 05:16 PM, RoobyKillAll wrote: I've never posted here because it's all full of stat whores. But let's face it-

I'm fucking proud of being ranked 504th in experience. Level 33 in 12 days. :D

Congrats on your emminent arrival into the top 500, the hallowed lands of experience.

At 2/8/08 07:26 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Wait, 9 Led Zep albums? I always think of them as having 8 albums. What's the 9th one you're talking about, I wonder...
Well I gots Led Zep I-IV, Physical Graffiti, Presence, In Through the Out Door, Houses of the Holy & Coda. Coda was out after John Bonham died but it's still a studio album :D

Ah yes. I wasn't counting Coda, I guess. Yeah, I have that, too. I just don't think of it the same way I think of the other 8, I guess. #;-}>

Presence is underrated. Achilles' Last Stand FTW!
Love that album :D

Yeah. I really need to listen to the whole album more often.

Cool. Enjoy!
Amazing one of the best films I;ve seen in a while, seen it twice now :D

Juno was? Cool, glad you liked it.

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I basiclly wanted to try neutral for a day.
... and failed miserably. **nudge** ^_~


You failed at quoting again, it looks like you're talking to yourself there "At blahblah Nintendo Madness wrote..... At blahblah Nintendo Madness (also) wrote...." See? This is what I've been trying to tell you about for weeks now. #;-}>

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.
Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?
Recon liked neutral back when we were discussing neutral.

Well duh, man. Recon has liked neutral for almost as long as I have. Since at least 2003, maybe even 2002 when he signed up.

But Coop's point was that I'm more well known around these parts for being an insane green/neutral die-hard, so when Recon starts talking like me.... Coop makes a joke about me disguising myself... as ... HIM? Get it? #;-}>

Level Up Get.
Grand Star Get. Japanese version of SMG.

Grand Stars are in the English version as well. I take it you mean that phrasing, though?

YOU GET A NEW PARTS. Horrible English translation of Japanese version of 18 WHEELER!

I'm Lord Nibbler! *replaces nappy thing*

Holy shit... man, you got the best role. Aw shucks.

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
No, you're not. That must not have lasted long. YOU WANKER.
I was. I didn't really like it.

I know you WERE, but when I replied... and for awhile beforehand.. you weren't. You neutral-wannabe... you poser!!

Must be 'cos the poor guy loves you so much. Still your in jail for 30 seconds for murdering someone.

Sounds like a deal to me. Now expunge it from my record, as well, plus the arrest.

I was neutral for a day! Not that long but I think it didn't suit me because I'm too nice. *strokes kittens and gives his Granny a biccy*

I've seen you be mean to noobs. You're a fake-o light user, too!


....Welcome to another confusing GFox post. Actaully they're probably not confusing, I'm just rather dumb.

It might be a little of both, I'll admit. I APOLOGISE FOR AIDING YOUR DUMBNESS? #;-}>

Try other flavours of popcorn.

I've already addressed this in replying to Haggard, I believe.

Wait... I mean... Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = CRAZY DELICIOUS.
Are those like Coke and candy?
Those are like... LAZY SUNDAY.
So they're beer concotions?

.... Lazy Sunday is an online video made by some guys from Saturday Night Live, and it refers to the best drink + candy to have at the movie theatre. The point of the skit is that they're rapping about going to see the HARDCORE Chronic-what?-cles of Narnia.


From that article:

"Slate.com wrote an article stating "If you haven't seen Saturday Night Live's Chronicles of Narnia rap, then you don't have any friends. Or at least any friends with Internet access.""

I guess I'd better make sure you can prove you have friends, then. Here's the actual video:

http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/v ideo/#mea=2921 <--- watch it! Or be square.

You didn't change your aura at all? Wow.

Not for one second. Not ever been anything but greeeeeeeeeeen.

Let me stress how meaningful that is. One of my most important principles on NG is that I never change my username. Obviously, this principle only mattered before Tom locked the usernames down about a year ago, but anyway:

Despite that, I did change my username... only on ONE day (8/15/2003, to gfoxclock in honour of my first Clock Day that I was on NG BBS for... but I made my alt that very day to hold onto my gfoxcook name so no one else could snag it.... and then when I changed my account name back to gfoxcook of course........ I set my alt's name to gfoxclock and that's how it stands to this very day, tada!).

But my aura? Never. Yep.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 02:16:39

At 2/8/08 08:57 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: With euros. The devils money. We are different. We drive on the left and we have different money. FOAM?

Foaming at the mouth?

Damn... driving on the left DOES make people go nutsoid!

At 2/9/08 01:29 AM, Josh wrote:
At 2/9/08 12:53 AM, TheNossinator wrote: Yes, just look at Josh's (Bedn's) amount of exp.
Yeah, back in 2001 there used to be a way to get more experience than the 10 per day, by visiting other parts of the website. Like easter eggs.

More up to 11... but also less than 10 exp, too, right?

At 2/9/08 06:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: listening to:
AC/DC - Hells Bells
AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill

Hell freakin' yeah.

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 08:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's one less tyo have to post to reach teh hallowed 10k Posts!
Yes... one less post needed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE!
Now respond to this one, to complete the mobius loop!

:::complies with destiny:::

Speaking of "School's Out," have you ever seen Dazed and Confused?
No, should I have?

Only if you like teenage/high school stoner comedies that have about 30 classic rock songs in them, School's Out being one of the most prominent ones that comes to mind. #;-}>

It's like a movie version of That 70's Show, only set in Texas and with less likeable characters, seeing as how it's not a sitcom where they have to paint everyone all likeable to get you to keep coming back week after week.

... hm... not sure if that's much of an endorsement. It's a good flick, bottom line. I just got it on DVD so my gf could watch it a few months ago, she'd never seen it neither (gasp).

The computer to people ratio must be 1:1 to assure full home harmony, yes.
No, if you get the ratio of 2 computers to 1 person, we're winning, other than that, we're nowhere near!

2:1, eh? Hm. If only I had enough money to throw around for that. Oh wells.

Coop's Leela.
What? You pick one of maybe 3 characters in the entire catalogue of Futurama that I can't do an impression of! I'd be more like Professor, Zapp and Hermes all rolled into the one guise of me, as their voice artist!
Good for you - I considered wanting the dark aura when I saw the redesign, but I realised that the Shurikens and Sai looked better with the neutral background. I will return to the neutral alignment soon, trust me.

Good, good.... after this current level, I presume?

Set alarm on mobile phone, place phone on desk, far away from bed, in order to have to leap out of bed to switch off the alarm. Go to bed. Girlfriend comes in, places glass of water next to phone, gets into bed. After a while go to sleep. Next morning, alarm goes off, involving the phone dancing the jive across the desk. Leap out of bed and knock the glass of water over various pieces of important paperwork. Lots of swearing and locating of towells to soak up the water, which my girlfriend hasn't even touched all night.


Doesn't sound like one I want to employ, no...

Brothers in alignments... seems like I'd better get back to Neutral pretty quick, before you decide to fong me or something similar.

!_! Nah, don't worry about that. At least you're neutral most of the time. That's what counts. :::nods:::

At 2/9/08 07:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:

AC/DC - Highway to Hell

Also a good one, but I likes me my Back in Black songs better.

Coop.... WINNER!

At 2/8/08 04:11 PM, Eggys wrote: I just changed my aura to evil, now I'm gonna start blamming shit like crazy.
And that's an achievement?

No, that's a declaration of insanity!

Coop returns from maintenance work on the cricket field and congratulates:
HypaShadow: 666 posts. He says my username sucks. Discuss.


People, Coop can do a great impression of Zapp.

Hmmm... you know this... how?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 02:50:51

lvl 12 now! awesome!!!

La Eme

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 03:00:17

At 2/9/08 07:35 AM, NEVR wrote: Curse word of the day: Cocknobs.

Lately, I've been partial to "nimnuts."

It's a cross between a nimrod and numbnuts. "HEY NIMNUTS, GET OUT OF THE ROAD!"

At 2/9/08 08:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote:
No, if you get the ratio of 2 computers to 1 person, we're winning, other than that, we're nowhere near!
I've got 4:2 ratio. But I've got 2 fairly decent ones and some old shitty ones.

Um... dude, 4:2 = 2:1!

.... this is like when you didn't realise me saying "3 of twelve is 36!" was the same thing as 12x3 = 36..... isn't it. #;-}>

You can't claim it's all due to gfox posts being confusing anymore, since, now you got tripped up by a Coop post, too!

Futurama > The Simpsons
Wow we've un out of topics to talk about with cartoons. Ummm... how about..... Looney Tunes?

Looney Tunes > Disney?

With euros. The devils money. We are different. We drive on the left and we have different money. FOAM?
I love Pound sterling.
Much more than euro because they don't give you 1cent back when you buy something for 99cents in Holland and Belguim.

There's talk of getting rid of the penny here in America, BTW.

But in 2009 the Mint's going to release special pennies due to the 200th anniversary of Abe Lincoln's birth and the 100th anniversary of the Lincoln 1-cent penny's creation.... it would be kinda lame to kill the coin right before such celebrations are planned.

So they will at least wait until 2010, methinks, to do it in.

Pennys and nickles cost more to make now than they're worth in currency... thanks to copper and nickle and zinc prices going up 2x/3x in the past few years. Good piece on that tonight on 60 Minutes before the Grammy Awards came on.

At 2/9/08 10:52 AM, Josh wrote: Seven months may not be an achievement on Newgrounds, but tomorrow. I would be here exactly seven years.

Congrats on that, Bedn.

Not trying to outdo you here exactly, but you saying that made me think of my own anniversary coming up. A week from today (Monday 2/18), it'll be 8 years of NG-accountness for meself.

At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/9/08 07:35 AM, NEVR wrote: Been there, my friend. I don't like sleeping that late, I feel like I've wasted too much of my day.
Exactly. It's even worse in the Winter since by the time you've woken up, it's only about 3 hours until night-time.

But night time is the RIGHT time. LIVE FOR THE NIGHT.

At 2/9/08 09:59 AM, Haggard wrote: Driving on the left side of the road is just confusing.
Yeah, it doesn't seem right. :P

That's because it isn't.... right. Driving on the right... is right. O_O

At 2/10/08 01:12 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/10/08 12:58 PM, aldlv wrote: and.. I'm not sure... but... ENTERING the TOP 1000 EXP user... and thing like that... counts too... right?¿
Yeah, generally top 1,000; top 500; top 400; top 300; top 200 and top 100 are all good achievements.

Don't forget about top 50s, 25s, 20s, and 10s! Those are the elitest of the top XXX lists!

At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: Josh: 7th NG Berfday. You signed up on my dad's 50th Birthday :)

Happy 57th birthday to your dad, then!

At 2/9/08 07:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/9/08 06:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop returns from maintenance work on the cricket field and congratulates:
HypaShadow: 666 posts. He says my username sucks. Discuss.

HEY! I thought we discussed this... hmph.

People, Coop can do a great impression of Zapp.
Thank you, apparently my Hermes one is quite good, so my brother and girlfriend apparently say.

They also both agree that you're good..... IN BED.

Sorry, it had to be done. #;-}>

I've got 4:2 ratio. But I've got 2 fairly decent ones and some old shitty ones.
That's still a 2:1 Ratio, dummy.

hahahaha.... yeah. Now you know how I feel all the time when he totally misses or twists something from a post of yours he's replying to, eh?

It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!

.... Oh dear. Now I gotta make sure to keep my gf away from ya. She's a sucker for Spock.

At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?
The man has good taste. My ass ages like a fine wine. lol


And yes, most icons do look better with a green background
Hence the reason you changed your aura to black? Color me confused.

It's temporary. Like he said--"most" (but presumably not all)...

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: And hey, check this post from Recon to me re: save rank
LOL! Why did you quote a post from 2003 Greg? You know, I've gone digging for posts in the past and some have mysteriously disappeared. No spam, no obscenities, no double posts, no mod bashing. Just straightforward posts. I'd like to know what the criteria for removal is.

Some other guys were talking about what page number people first came to this topic. You know, page six-hundred-this, page one-thousand-five-hundred-that, etc. etc. I mentioned that I think I came in around page 80 or 90 or something.

So someone (probably NintendoMadness) linked to page 80, and while there was indeed a post from me there, it didn't look like my first post in the topic.

So.... anyway, I was looking around on that page because it was linked, and I saw that post from you to me and thought it was worth revisiting by posting it anew. Good ol' stat discussion for old time's sake.

At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Hahahahaha. Recon and I have long been brothers in arms. Green, neutral arms, that is.
Be aware I fully intend to switch my aura to evil once I reach level 46. That axe looks best with a red background. It would look even better in my profile. :D

I think you've mentioned that before. You'll be switching right back to neutral for level 47, though, right?

You would be correct in that assumption Bahamut. Check the 4th post on page one. 0_o

Like I said in my first catch-up post in here tonight, I knew it was within the first 10 pages, but I wasn't going to bet it was right on page 1. #;-}>


Anywho.... That about wraps it up, folks. Hope you had a good weekend. Have a good week if I don't talk to you every day again this coming week (we'll see if I can keep my streak up, but even if I can... LUL is often the only topic I don't have time to catch up in).

This marks my 9800th post.... and.... in lieu of any actual NG accomplishments as of late:


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 03:19:14

Coop has lots of Audio Reviews to write, but congratulates instead:
NintendoMadness: 2,000 Saves
DarkSoilder: 4,000 Posts

At 2/10/08 05:28 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/9/08 07:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/9/08 06:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: You so need to make a news post
What would Sky say?
Tweet? I'm not supposed to do everything around here now, am I Kiff?

*Zapp rushes offstage and returns wearing the Kiff costume* I'll switch on writerbot1.0, shall I sir?

At 2/9/08 08:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: I've got 4:2 ratio. But I've got 2 fairly decent ones and some old shitty ones.
That's still a 2:1 Ratio, dummy.
That's me! I became dumb when you smacked with the rifle butt. :p

That charge was never upheld!

At 2/9/08 09:59 AM, Haggard wrote: Good idea. I should do that next week. This week I'm happy if I manage to review all requests and keep my 100%-rate. I have examns on Monday and Tuesday and still lots of work to do :/ .
It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!
You need pointy ears!

I have a Night Elf on World of Warcraft, so I can use hers :P

At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?
The man has good taste. My ass ages like a fine wine. lol

Two flavours that I steer well clear of - Ass and fine wine.

And yes, most icons do look better with a green background
Hence the reason you changed your aura to black? Color me confused.

I thought that Level 36 looks better with Black, rather than the greenness.

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: What?! Level 35 is clearly Sai, which looks nothing like dual swords.
NO YOU SHUT UP. They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>

Oh shit, he's going to go nova in this thread as well. Slaying the noob in the top Reviewers list obviously wasn't enough AND NOW HE'S GOT THE TASTE FOR BLOOD!

Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O
Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?

Monoboob for the win!

At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/8/08 04:28 PM, Coop83 wrote: In other news, I've just left review number 800 for Bahamut's BlueHippo is a mod flash.
Congrats on the 800, man! To a passerby, it might not sound super-impressive, but speaking as someone who struggles to ever add another 100 onto his total, I know that 800 is an accomplishment indeed, more impressive than 5000 posts.

Great, because I've got something more impressive than that now - 450 Review Responses

At 2/11/08 02:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/9/08 06:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: listening to:
AC/DC - Hells Bells
AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill
Hell freakin' yeah.

Glad you appreciate the music. I have my own radio station in my car :)

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 08:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's one less tyo have to post to reach teh hallowed 10k Posts!
Yes... one less post needed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE!
Now respond to this one, to complete the mobius loop!
complies with destiny:::

*Continues to comply with destiny*

The computer to people ratio must be 1:1 to assure full home harmony, yes.
No, if you get the ratio of 2 computers to 1 person, we're winning, other than that, we're nowhere near!
2:1, eh? Hm. If only I had enough money to throw around for that. Oh wells.

I will accomplish that at some point.

Coop's Leela.
What? You pick one of maybe 3 characters in the entire catalogue of Futurama that I can't do an impression of! I'd be more like Professor, Zapp and Hermes all rolled into the one guise of me, as their voice artist!
Good for you - I considered wanting the dark aura when I saw the redesign, but I realised that the Shurikens and Sai looked better with the neutral background. I will return to the neutral alignment soon, trust me.
Good, good.... after this current level, I presume?

You are so perceptive. I'll have to prove you right.

Brothers in alignments... seems like I'd better get back to Neutral pretty quick, before you decide to fong me or something similar.
!_! Nah, don't worry about that. At least you're neutral most of the time. That's what counts. :::nods:::

Fair enough then :)

At 2/9/08 07:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:

AC/DC - Highway to Hell
Also a good one, but I likes me my Back in Black songs better.

Coop.... WINNER!

*Raises glove and dances around the ring* ADRIAAAAAAAN!

People, Coop can do a great impression of Zapp.
Hmmm... you know this... how?

By listeneing to the impression of Zapp that I MSNed across to him, prior to me taking a role in his Xmas flash.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 05:44:59

Thanks for voting, BIGmamaKATIE! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 1,600 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 13. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 18 hours, 16 minutes, and 36 seconds.

Level 13. I hate the level 13 icon. What is it anyway, a barber's razor?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 06:08:27

Thought of the day: "Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still." [Chinese Proverb]

NEVR Congratulates:

Bahamut: 65,000 B/P
zombiemassacre: Level 11
Slayer3571: Level 11
Fagamut: Level 23
NintendoMadness: 2,000 Saves
DarkSoldier: 4,000 Posts
TheRealEggman: Level 12
Coop83: 450 Review Responses
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 13

NEVR Thanks:

Coop83 (x3)
NintendoMadness (x2)
Shanus (x3)

At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Exactly. It's even worse in the Winter since by the time you've woken up, it's only about 3 hours until night-time.

Yeah, it's been like that until recently. It's starting to get dark later now, which I like.

Come on, these sort of people deserve the bashing. :P

It's often true.

Just like I never congratulate KIRBLYLINK for the retarded posts he makes.

I haven't congratulated him recently - he's posting every 100 posts as an achievement.

Oh, dude, isn't is censorship day on Sunday?

At 2/10/08 05:20 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: NEVR: Captain, 14,000 B/P and 7.00 Voting Power

The first two are right, but I'm at 9.00+ VP, not 7.00... AMEND PLEASE!

Welcome to another confusing Gfo... I mean NEVR post.

Philosophy is great, you can apply it to lots of different aspects of life. It's also great in arguments ;)

He needs to stop doing that... NEVR, PM him. :P

I will do next time he posts something useless. I checked his profile and apparently he's 13, which explains the idiocy. His news post also depicts a ban that he had in December from absent, which he seems rather pleased with himself about. "Reason for ban: "use your Dick!" Useless and unfunny. Don't post if you don't plan on helping. -absent".

Quite right, too.

At 2/10/08 08:13 PM, Shanus wrote:
Still being drunk the next morning is so much fun.
Did that today, we played a shots game at 4 in the morining :P

Have you ever played centurion? You have a shot of beer (usually) every minute. I played it with whiskey once and got incredibly drunk.

At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Melt a heaping tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and add the peas and shrimp first. Dump a layer of hash browns on top and cook on a low heat for about 20 min. Stir together at least 3 or 4 times.

OK, I'll bear that in mind. :D

Want a wicked tuna casserole recipe?

Go for it, this stuff is gold. Cooking is so satisfying when you make something really good.

At 2/11/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Lately, I've been partial to "nimnuts."

It's a cross between a nimrod and numbnuts. "HEY NIMNUTS, GET OUT OF THE ROAD!"

Heh, it's always fun making up new curse words. They do come in handy when driving.

Don't forget about top 50s, 25s, 20s, and 10s! Those are the elitest of the top XXX lists!

Indeed, indeed. Generally after the top 75 or so (for EXP) I'll congratulate for each individual rank, as it's so hard to pass someone by that point. For B/P I'll do the same after about the top 50.

At 2/11/08 05:44 AM, BIGmamaKATIE wrote: Level 13. I hate the level 13 icon. What is it anyway, a barber's razor?

They're called 'cut-throat' razors, I believe. They're really old fashioned and hurt like hell to shave with.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 08:18:46

At 2/10/08 02:05 PM, Fagamut wrote:
At 2/9/08 07:11 AM, TheNumberOfTheDragon wrote:
At 2/8/08 08:38 AM, S-k-y wrote: I have reached level 23!
I have reached level 23!
I have reached level 23!

I have reached level 23!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 09:06:07

Listening to:

Anthrax - Spreading the Disease
Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy IX Soundtrack

Congrats to:

NEVR - 9.00VP
zombiemassacre - Level 11
Slayer375145345347682354270 - Level 11
NintendoMadness - 2000 saves
DarkSoldier - 4000 posts
TheRealEggman - Level 12. You broke gfox's chain of posts. :(
gfoxcook - 9800 posts. loil
Coop83 - 450 responses
BIGmamaKATIE - Level 13. Hey NintendoMadness. ;)

Thanks to:


At 2/10/08 11:41 AM, Bobogoobo wrote: This topic looks interesting. Could someone tell me the rules so I don't do anything noobish? :)

Now this is a sort of post I like to see from someone who just discovered this thread. :)

At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: Quite

lol he's banned.

Thank you, apparently my Hermes one is quite good, so my brother and girlfriend apparently say.

I want to hear your Hermes impression.

Tweet? I'm not supposed to do everything around here now, am I Kiff?

He might make a news post later.

At 2/10/08 05:20 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Or flashes...!

It's OK, I highly doubt any of my flashes would get deleted or blammed. For blams, only if it's a really really shitty flash.

Here's some confusion. Beer >< Cider.


He needs to stop doing that... NEVR, PM him. :P


I think HypaShadow is rather slow in the brain.

I guess so.


He did say Gandalf once upon a time. :)


As gfox said, Looney Tunes > Disney

Because I just had a drink of smoothieness

And I had a drink of coffee. Now, I'm having coke.

Let's stop at Beer >< Cider!


At 2/10/08 08:13 PM, Shanus wrote: It lives now :P


How do we dispose of the body?

You decide.



At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote: You would be correct in that assumption Bahamut. Check the 4th post on page one. 0_o

Actually, I did later that night when I got a bit bored and looked through the first few pages of the LUL. :)

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I've only 4 of 'em. Ironically, if Bahamut and Cyberdevil get their way and the successor to my list puts audio reviews into the pentalist or whatever it will be at that point.... I will probably review more in the audio portal just to not have 4 audio reviews showing up on that list. #;-}>

I don't care how many audio review I have, even if many people have more than 3.




Heh, did our convo inspire ya to listen to that then?

That, AND I wanted to listen to lots of prog rock at that time.



They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>


I don't remember!

Your posts.

But I think I was just randomly saying that, anyway...

Oh. XP

None of those numbers offends me too much, but I like 33 and 50 and 100 more than 7 or 23.


It's pretty simple, man. The best numbers, to me, will NEVER be primes. And I just looked at the numbers you listed that I didn't like as much... 7 and 23. Both prime.

OK then, what about the number 1? :D

It was weird to say that, but.... yeah, what's more important, a name on a userpage with no posts (or reviews or blams or saves or exp?), a hollow shell? ... or a once great account deleted... but at least leaving a history of posts and reviews for posterity.

A once great account deleted... but at least leaving a history of posts and reviews for posterity.

My best friend was a fan of sex in movies but not of violence.

My friend isn't a big fan of violence either, but isn't so sensitive about it.

My other friend who reminds me of yours was a fan of violence but not of sex.

Funny enough, he was making sex jokes on Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for the Wii last Saturday.

You sound about as enthusiastic as Bender right there. AWESOME.

Up yours chump!

I guess... but I really remember a lot of harder-core Simpsons fans than myself back then thinking the show had already taken a turn for the worse and headed downhill by that point. That ep started a season, right?

Bart vs Australia? I dunno if it was a season starter. I'm guessing it's on season 6/7.

How is it compared to the Zep original?

It's good, but it's part of their Led Zeppelin cover medley on one of their EPs,

At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But my aura? Never. Yep.

*thinks about editing a screenshot of one of gfox's posts* >:)

At 2/11/08 02:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Also a good one, but I likes me my Back in Black songs better.

But does Back in Black have a video of dolls singing to the song like this one does? ;)

No, that's a declaration of insanity!

Hey, why don't I change my aura to neutral and I get a congratulations from you? :D

Hmmm... you know this... how?

He sent me a voice clip of himself doing an impression of Brannigan, of course.

At 2/11/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Looney Tunes > Disney?

So fucking true. However, I feel like beating the shit out of Bugs Bunny.

There's talk of getting rid of the penny here in America, BTW.


But night time is the RIGHT time. LIVE FOR THE NIGHT.


That's because it isn't.... right. Driving on the right... is right. O_O


Don't forget about top 50s, 25s, 20s, and 10s! Those are the elitest of the top XXX lists!

Top 16 in B/P.

HEY! I thought we discussed this... hmph.

Yes, I keep saying "BURN THE WITCH!"

At 2/11/08 06:08 AM, NEVR wrote: Yeah, it's been like that until recently. It's starting to get dark later now, which I like.

Yeah, I really like it. In a few months time, night time won't come until 10PM. :D

I haven't congratulated him recently - he's posting every 100 posts as an achievement.

He needs a banner.

Oh, dude, isn't is censorship day on Sunday?

Yes it is!

Censorship Day is on Sunday 17th February!

Hopefully that catches people's attention.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 12:59:51

Level 32

I think evil aura looks best on this icon, so I´ll be evil until I get to the next level.


Congrats to:
Acerbic: Level 28
aldlv: 666 Posts, 8,000 Saves, Praporshchik (omg, spelled it correctly without looking :p), 11,111 B/P
Alfie: Level 13
All-American-Badass: 6,000 Posts
AnalPenguinFarming: 3,000 Saves
Bahamut: 17,000 Posts, 65,000 B/P
BahamutClock: 6,000 Exp
Bertn: Level 21, 2,000 Blams, 1,111 Posts
bifgis: Brigadier General
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 13
Blackanese: Level 26
BlueHippo: Level 32
Bobogoobo: Town Watch
BrAddErZ958: 1,000 Posts
Bstuk2: Level 19
Coop83: Top 70 B/P, 800 Reviews
DarkLotusJuggalo: Master Sergeant
Darkside7000: Level 25
DarkSoldier: Level 21, 4,000 Posts
Dead-Body-Man: Level 12
DeviI: Level 24
DikkopStudios: Level 11
Dream-of-Duke: 21,000 Saves
dumassstudios: Level 16
Emlfuryoflion: Top 5,000 Exp
EmoDragon: Level 23
Fagamut: Level 23
farfenwaffle: Level 11
Fion: Corporal
five: 555 Saves
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 7,000 Exp
fuzzum111: Police Lt.
gamerpeepinpa: Level 11
gfoxcook: 5,000 Groupies on Guitar Hero or something
GUTHRIE: Level 36
Haggard: 9,000 Saves
hamz10: Level 12, Police Officer
Helloween: 5,000 Experience
HypaShadow: 666 Posts
iateamexican: 8,000 Saves, 100 Reviews
IM-KOOL-R-U: Gold Whistle
iscrulz: 17,000 Experience
JoeisCooler: Level 33
Joeyag: 2,000 Saves
Josh: Level 42, 7 Years on NG
Joshiwa: Captain
Koeberto190: Level 17
LadyX: Level 15
life: Level 37
lilhunter03: 7,000 Saves, Level 15, 10,000 B/P
LittleBahamut: Level 25
Little-Rena: 100 Audio Reviews, 5,000 Posts
LittleWashu: 1,000 Days on NG, Level 31, 10,000 Experience
LiveBreatheTom: Police Lt., Level 18
lordofchaos000: Safety Patrol
macio: Level 12
McJesus: Level 19, 6,000 Posts
Mendou: Level 19
MercatorMap: 1,000 Posts
Molotov: 42,000 Saves, 100,000 B/P
mranarchy: 2,500 Posts
NEVR: 8,000 Saves, 5,555 Blams, Captain, 9.00 VP
NewsReporter: Level 14
Night-Ranger: 6,000 B/P, 8.00 VP, Top 700 B/P
NintendoMadness: Level 14, 2,000 Saves
Phantox: 3000 posts
PinballWizard976: Level 12
Pinoyguy75: Private 1st Class, 1,000 Exp, 100 Reviews
plebmonk: 1,337 B/P, Rank #4,000 B/P
Powerage: Level 28
renzoljd: Police Sec.
S-k-y: Level 23
Sentio: 20,000 Blams, 22,000 Saves, 42,000 B/P
Shanus: 100 Audio Reviews, NG Log UotD
Slayer3751: Level 11
smc316: 6.00 VP
superstatguy: Level 23
SupraAddict: Captain
TheNossinator: Portal Security
TheNumberOfTheDragon: Level 23
Tluck-Person: 1,000 Exp
toohot100: Level 29
TwatHeafy: Level 17
viceman: Private, 1,337 Posts, Level 13
zimzap: 3,000 Saves
zombiemassacre: Level 11
ZombiePhil: Level 12, Gold Whistle


Thanks to:

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 14:20:53

Listening to:
Eisregen - Wundwasser
Arch Enemy - Dead bury their dead

Congrats to:
NEVR: 14,000 B/P, Captain, 9.00 Voting Power
Bahamut: 65,000 B/P
zombiemassacre: Level 11
Slayer3751: Level 11
Fagamut: Level 23
NintendoMadness: 2,000 Saves
DarkSoldier: 4,000 Posts
TheRealEggman: Level 12
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 13
EmoDragon: Level 23 - :'(
Auz: Level 32

Thanks to:

At 2/10/08 10:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Too expensive. Besides, I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection first. I think I got to season 6 recently, 5 more to go!
They're only about £20 or less on Amazon.co.uk.

20 Pounds (oh no! I don't have the pound sign on my keyboard and I don't know the ALT-code for it! :( )... I can buy it for 21EU on amazon.de! :P
But as I've said, first I have to complete my M*A*S*H*-Collection.

We could go on forever.

The cleverer give in. But maybe we both aren't clever enough, so yes we could go on forever ^^.

ALT+NumBlock works wonders. For example: ALT+152 = ÿ. ALT+139 = ï.
I could do with finding out alt code for the U one for Hansi Kursch.


Hey, I found it on first try! :D
At 2/10/08 05:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: It just seemed logical, Captain.

My god, I can do a Spock as well!

OMG! Please, can I have your autograph?

At 2/10/08 05:20 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: %u2642%u263B%u2665%u2660%u2663%u2022%u25 D8%u2640%u266A. Wow, I never knew that.

Something went awfully wrong there...

At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
Driving on the left side of the road is just confusing.
No, driving on the right is confusing!

The whole world drives on the right side, just those few countries that belonged to England for a short time don't get it... :P

Here's some confusion. Beer >< Cider.
Go figure.

Now everything makes sense!

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Just accents. People from the north speak a different accent than people from the south and so on. I think it's in every country like that ^^.
Oh, and you say "Zwo" instead of "Zwei" when talking with an other person over a radio because sometimes the quality is really bad and "Zwei" sounds very similar to "Drei" (Three).
And to be able to distinguish those two numbers you just count "Eins, Zwo, Drei, ..." (One, Two, Three).
Whoa. "Zwo" as in "zah-woe?" kinda? Or "zah-wah"?

More like "Ts-voe".

Zweihänder. Umlauts are VERY important :P .


Much like every other Brit or American, I will claim the laziness excuse. We don't all have our keyboards and OSes set up for quick access. And yes, yes, I know all about the alt-numpad way to make all the ASCII character, but I only have a few special ones memorised, and sadly umlauted-A is not one of them. ;_;


meh, took a few more tries...
Plenty of Americans like popcorn. 90%, probably. I'm not one of them, that's all. Too salty, too boring.
And that's why you only get popcorn with sugar here!
That doesn't sound very appealing, either. There's so many other things that are sweeter and tastier than popcorn + sugar or any other flavourings, so I just don't see the point.

Yeah, Popcorn isn't that great to begin with. But when I have some popcorn, it should have sugar and not salt on it.
I remember that I had popcorn once when I was in Chicago... I was so dissappointed when I realized that you only get salty popcorn there -.- .

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:


Üh, thät hürt.


Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 15:18:37

Why did you make another alt? lol :x

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 15:38:08

Start Time: 2:35 PM

Hello guys. How's it been? Yeah I got banned because my stupid friend screwed with my account and got me banned for 14 days for Bumping. And it was good to take a vacation from the forums. I realized I don't miss the General Forums. I only missed you guys...

1,000 Blams

Yes, sadly that's all I accomplished in 2 weeks.

Well here I am. Gonna try and catch up..

Congrats to:
silentkat: Lvl 13
Molotov: 18,000 EXP
Egarewop: 3,000 EXP
Coop83: 20K Saves
iatemexican: Level 18
LittleWashu: 666th In EXP
Joshiwa: 8,000 Saves
lilhunter03: Sergeant Major
aldlv: 7,777 Saves
John12346: 4,000 Posts
zimzap: Master Sergeant
Frank-The-Hedgehog: Level 26
Haggard: 111 Review Responses
DP36: Level 17
AxeWarrior: Level 11
Joeyag: Private
Officer: 3000 Posts, 9000 Total Points, 2222 B/P
zombiemassacre: 1,000 EXP
Dream-of-Duke: 600 Reviews
PinballWizard976: 1,337 Posts
ibhenowflee: Sergeant
Powerage: 8,000 EXP
youngblood26: 1,337 Posts
1337: 20,000 Total Stats
Joeyag: Level 13
NEVR: 6,000 Exp
Haggard: #777 in EXP; 333 Audio Reviews; 13K B/P
Casualty: 10,000 Saves
fuzzum111: 6.00 Total VP
aldlv: Level 14
lilhunter03 Top 400 In B/P
Bahamut: 35K Blams
Auz: Top 100 B/P & VP
Koeberto190: Level 17
gamerpeepinpa: 3333 Post Count
lilhunter03: 7,000 Saves
Molotov: 42000 Saves
aldlv: 666 Posts
Phantox: 3,000 Posts
ZombiePhil: Level 12
Little-Rena: 100 Audio Reviews
lilhunter03: Level 15
LittleWashu: 1000 Days on NG
Tluck-person: 1,000 Experience
smc316: 6.00 Voting Power
LiveBreathTom: Police Lieutenant
gamerpeepinpa: Level 11
iatemexican: 8,000 Saves; 100 reviews
viceman: Private
Dream-of-Duke: 21,000 Saves
AnalPenguinFarming: 3,000 Saves
Joshiwa: Captain
McJesus: Level 19
ZombiePhil: Gold Whistle
renzoljd: Portal Security
Magical-Mark: Bronze Whistle
Toohot100: Level 29
bifgis: Lt. General
Shanus: 100 Audio Reviews; UoTD on NG Log
DP36: 777 Posts
aldlv: 8,000 Saves
SupraAddict: Captain, Level 16
zimzap: 3,000 Saves
Bstuk2: Level 19
GUTHRIE: Level 36
Blackanese: Level 26
plebmonk: 1337 B/P
NewsReporter: Level 14
BlueHippo: 11,000 EXP
AnalPenguinFarming: Top 1,400 in EXP
viceman: 1337 Posts
Joeyag: 2,000 saves
Pinoyguy75: Private 1st Class, Passed 1,000 EXP; 100 Posts/Reviews
NEVR: 8,000 Saves
killslasher: Safety Patrol
NEVR: 5,555 Blams
AnalPenguinFarming: Bronze Whistle
life: Level 37
farfenwaffle: Level 11
Frank-The-Hedgehog: 7,000 EXP
lilhunter03: 10,000 B/P
Night-Ranger: Staff Sergeant, 6,000 B/P
Molotov: 100,000 B/P
NintendoMadness: Level 14
IM-KOOL-R-U: Gold Whistle
JoeisCooler: Level 33
Bertn: Level 21, 2000 Blams
DarkSoldier: Level 21
Bahamut: 17,000 Posts
LittleWashu: Level 31
viceman: Level 13
hamz10: Level 12, Police Officer
Haggard: 9,000 Blams
Sentio: 20,000 blams; 22,000 saves; 42,000 total B/P
DikkopStudios: level 11
Alfie: level 13
TwatHeafy: Level 17
DeviI: Level 24
LiveBreatheTom: Level 18
fuzzum111: Police Lieutenant
Emlfuryoflion: Top 5,000 In Exp
MercatorMap: 1,000 Posts
superstatguy: Level 23
Darkside7000: Level 25
Acerbic: Level 28
LadyX: Level 15
iscrulz: 17,000 Exp
Helloween: 5,000 Exp
S-k-y: Level 23
BrAdderZ958: 1,000 Posts
Mendou: Level 19
Dead-Body-Man: Level 12
Coop83: 800 Reviews
HypaShadow: 666 Posts
B*rtn: 1111 P*sts
DarkLotusJuggalo: Master Sgt.
PinballWizard976: Level 12
Fion: Corporal
Josh: Level 42
aldlv: Praporshchik
McJesus: 6,000th Post
TheNumberOfTheDragon: Level 23
LittleBahamut: Level 25
Little-Rena: 5,000 Posts
Josh: 7 years on NG
Powerage: Level 28; 1,234 Posts
Auz: 17,000 Saves
All-American-Badass: 6,000 Posts
aldlv: 11,111 B/P
macio: Level 12
dumassstudios: Level 16
NEVR: 14K B/P; Captain
Bahamut: 65,000 B/P
NEVR: 9.00 Total VP
zombiemassacre: Level 11
Slayer3751: Level 11
Fagamut: Level 23
NintendoMadness: 2,000 Saves
DarkSoldier: 4,000 Posts
TheRealEggman: Level 12
Coop83: 450 Review Responses
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 13
EmoDragon: Level 23
Auz: Level 32

Whew, that's it, I'm done! Seeya guys tomorrow.


End time: 3:37 PM

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 17:03:01

Congrats Bluehippo! Your a BBS mod now!

Didn't notice till now so I don't know how late I am...

At least I already knew he was a review Mod.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 17:04:24

At 2/11/08 05:03 PM, smc316 wrote: Congrats Bluehippo! Your a BBS mod now!

Didn't notice till now so I don't know how late I am...

At least I already knew he was a review Mod.

PM's are magical things.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 17:07:41

At 2/11/08 05:04 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/11/08 05:03 PM, smc316 wrote: Congrats Bluehippo! Your a BBS mod now!

Didn't notice till now so I don't know how late I am...

At least I already knew he was a review Mod.
PM's are magical things.

You just noticed!!!??

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 18:01:46

You passed 6000 Blams. Impressive!

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 18:09:08

Rank #: 333 in B/P

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 19:25:41

I'm a Private!

Congrats to:
DarkSoldier: 4,000 Posts
TheRealEggman: Level 12 - You messed up gfox's in a row posts! :p
BIGmamaKATIE: Level 13 - Barber razor or emo razor, you choose.
EmoDragon: Level 23 - I like these chains of alt acheivments.
Auz: Level 32 - Nice epicness
yoshi77777: 1,000 Blams
NEVR: 9.00 Voting Power - Correction.
Joshiwa: 5,000 Blams
aldlv: Top #33 in B/P

Thanks to:

At 2/10/08 08:13 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: New laptop time!
Hasn't crashed in two day :S

Lucky you. :/

The Macarana.
I do that shit in mosh pits, so I win :P

Well so do I.

*buys some new money* Here...
Yummy :P

Talkin' of money, anyone heard there's gonna' be anew 50p out soon?

At 2/9/08 07:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, we killed him.
How do we dispose of the body?

Duh, Bahamut can breathe fire.

At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: And yes, most icons do look better with a green background
Hence the reason you changed your aura to black? Color me confused.

The colour of confusion is? I know it's sort of an exxpresion but what are the colours of emotions? It's obvious angry is red and things.

At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
Melt a heaping tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and add the peas and shrimp first. Dump a layer of hash browns on top and cook on a low heat for about 20 min. Stir together at least 3 or 4 times.

STOP! Your really making me dribble. You sound like that Marks & Spencers advert/commercial.

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
I've never added that much stuff to my brekkie.
I like a lot of variety. Do you boil perogies *winces* or fry them in butter?

I had to Wikipedia perogies because I've no idea what they are. But I'd probably fry them. It sounds nicer than boiling and making them soggy.

... and failed miserably. **nudge** ^_~
It was a joke bud. Didn't you catch the nudge and wink?


The third guy nudges the babe and says, "Tell them." The woman shamefully replies, "I lied."

LOL! Nice one.

At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Much like every other Brit or American, I will claim the laziness excuse. We don't all have our keyboards and OSes set up for quick access.

Whenever I try the Alt+NumPad it goes all funny. E.g. %u263A%u263B%u2665%u2666%u2663%u2660 Those will probably come up as loads of perecentages and stuff.

NO YOU SHUT UP. They are a pair of SAI, goddamnit! Coop and I can't lose this one, man, because we happen to be RIGHT. Wanna go ask Tom Fulp? GO ON AND ASK HIM. #;-}>

Calm down, neutraler. :p

Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O
Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?


At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/8/08 04:11 PM, Eggys wrote: I just changed my aura to evil, now I'm gonna start blamming shit like crazy.
Noooooot... a good idea.

Maybe he'll grow up to be Toohot100 wanabee

You failed at quoting again, it looks like you're talking to yourself there "At blahblah Nintendo Madness wrote..... At blahblah Nintendo Madness (also) wrote...." See? This is what I've been trying to tell you about for weeks now. #;-}>

I see what you mean now. Remember your aiding my stupidty. *wink*

Get it? #;-}>

I never didn't get it.

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Level Up Get.
Grand Star Get. Japanese version of SMG.
Grand Stars are in the English version as well. I take it you mean that phrasing, though?

The 'Grand Star Get' part was a Japanese translation.

I'm Lord Nibbler! *replaces nappy thing*
Holy shit... man, you got the best role. Aw shucks.

Lord Nibbler was my MSN name for a couple of months. THE most under-rated character fo Futurama.

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
I was neutral for a day! Not that long but I think it didn't suit me because I'm too nice. *strokes kittens and gives his Granny a biccy*
I've seen you be mean to noobs. You're a fake-o light user, too!

I'm so confused.com


Well I suppose if I'm good and bad that makes me........ neutral?

....Welcome to another confusing GFox post. Actaully they're probably not confusing, I'm just rather dumb.
It might be a little of both, I'll admit. I APOLOGISE FOR AIDING YOUR DUMBNESS? #;-}>


At 2/11/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/9/08 08:54 AM, NintendoMadness wrote:
No, if you get the ratio of 2 computers to 1 person, we're winning, other than that, we're nowhere near!
I've got 4:2 ratio. But I've got 2 fairly decent ones and some old shitty ones.
Um... dude, 4:2 = 2:1!

I know but it's easier to put 4:2 into context.

You can't claim it's all due to gfox posts being confusing anymore, since, now you got tripped up by a Coop post, too!

I'm claiming it's me!

Wow we've un out of topics to talk about with cartoons. Ummm... how about..... Looney Tunes?
Looney Tunes > Disney?


At 2/11/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/10/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O
Just one. But two eyes. Weird, huh?
Monoboob for the win!

And the best body pun goes to...... MONOBOOB!

At 2/11/08 06:08 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/10/08 05:20 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: NEVR: Captain, 14,000 B/P and 7.00 Voting Power
The first two are right, but I'm at 9.00+ VP, not 7.00... AMEND PLEASE!

You're in the list again. ^_^

At 2/10/08 11:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Want a wicked tuna casserole recipe?
Go for it, this stuff is gold. Cooking is so satisfying when you make something really good.

Write it down, NEVR.

At 2/11/08 09:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: BIGmamaKATIE - Level 13. Hey NintendoMadness. ;)


At 2/10/08 11:41 AM, Bobogoobo wrote: This topic looks interesting. Could someone tell me the rules so I don't do anything noobish? :)
Now this is a sort of post I like to see from someone who just discovered this thread. :)

I just posted and I don't think I broke any rules. :p

At 2/10/08 05:20 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: And GANDALF
He did say Gandalf once upon a time. :)

You so shoudl of recorded it.

At 2/10/08 08:13 PM, Shanus wrote: How do we dispose of the body?
You decide.

That sounds like Big Brother to me.

At 2/11/08 01:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But my aura? Never. Yep.
*thinks about editing a screenshot of one of gfox's posts* >:)

Awwww poor gfox, that would be so evil.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 19:35:16

At 2/11/08 07:25 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm a Private!

Congrats to:
aldlv: Top #33 in B/P

I wish...
33... I mean... that would be awesome.. XD


You passed 3000 Blams. Impressive!

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 19:43:28

I'm Police Sergeant finally!

Thanks MuffDiver102 for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 20:22:41

30,000 saves and the number continues to grow. :D

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-11 21:46:30

After a few years of trying i got my posts per day from 0.31 to 2!



Sig by me.

BBS Signature