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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 06:10:19

Level 15!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 06:41:17

Listening to:

Congrats to:
DikkopStudios: Level 11
Alfie: Level 13 - 13 is a lucky number!
LittleWashu: 10,000 Experience
TwatHeafy: Level 17
DeviI: Level 24
LiveBreatheTom: Level 18
MercatorMap: 1,000 Posts
superstatguy: Level 23
Darkside7000: Level 25
Acerbic: Level 28

Thanks to:

At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/6/08 10:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Dammit, I lost 3 audio reviews... AND 3 audio reviews responses as well! >:(
Fortunately, you've got plenty left. I'll have to catch up with the RRC soon as well, as my outstanding review count on the week is still in double figures...

Yeah, but somehow songs get more often deleted (and the reviews as well) than flashes. I nearly never lose flash reviews (except for when they were "abusive") but I lost plenty of audio reviews already. But none of them were abusive, as I never got PM'd by M-Bot.

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I only have 3 audio reviews.

Heh... I have about 100 times more than that :P .

Ok. Just wanted to make sure.
I'm guessing this was about the laziness thing.

Don't know. And I'm too lazy to check ;) .

I have no opinion on that matter as I haven't watched Simpsons in a long time.
Good, because the newer episodes are utter shit.

And I don't watch Futurama either. I don't even know if it is aired here at the moment... :P

I think beer would help you with that as well ;) .
Cider is good enough.

But beer, man. Beer!

My first post in the LUL was on page 891.

My first post was on page 1732
My first list was on page 1771 (nearly one year ago :D ).

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I've decided that neutral really dosn't go with me. I'm too nice.

Weak... :P

At 2/7/08 07:12 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
It's okay. I mean, I can't say I don't like it. But I can't say I like it either. I'm so neutral...
You can be happy if you're light!

I was light when I was level 29.

Wow there's loads. Why is there so many types of German?

Just accents. People from the north speak a different accent than people from the south and so on. I think it's in every country like that ^^.
Oh, and you say "Zwo" instead of "Zwei" when talking with an other person over a radio because sometimes the quality is really bad and "Zwei" sounds very similar to "Drei" (Three).
And to be able to distinguish those two numbers you just count "Eins, Zwo, Drei, ..." (One, Two, Three).

It's ort of like England though-ish.

At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: Fortunately, you've got plenty left. I'll have to catch up with the RRC soon as well, as my outstanding review count on the week is still in double figures...
It's sort of annoying that CD keeps posting all those songs I wish he'd only request about 4 a week.

But it helps me getting high in the top 100 audio reviews list :P .

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: FEAR MY ZWEIHANDER (that'd be my TWO-handed sword right there in my level 42 icon)!

Zweihänder. Umlauts are VERY important :P .

Plenty of Americans like popcorn. 90%, probably. I'm not one of them, that's all. Too salty, too boring.

And that's why you only get popcorn with sugar here!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 07:31:09

Now I'm LV2

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 07:35:51

My experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, I now have 17,000 experience points. dang, I am overwhemled

And thanks a belated to:"< Haggard, NEVR, Shanus, bahamut, Coop83, Odyssic, yoshi77777, NintendoMadness

At 1/29/08 10:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: My first 20k Stat!

20,000 Saves!

hmm that got me thinking I am working on my 3rd 20k stat. 300 days to go oh see ya on the flipside and ONyl 2 more days left of my free offer.

At 2/8/08 03:21 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: Level Up Get.

Congrats got.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 08:32:04

Thanks for voting, Helloween! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 5,000 experience points. You need 380 more to get to Level 23. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 15 hours, 28 minutes, and 52 seconds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 08:38:02

I have reached level 23!

Tweet tweet!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 09:14:28

Listening to:

King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

Congrats to:

LiveBreatheTom - Level 18
fuzzum111 - Police Lieutenant
Emlfuryoflion - Top 5000 in EXP
MercatorMap - 1000 posts. Nope, Amateur Sig Makers and Politics Lounge thread beat the LUL. :(
superstatguy - Level 23
Darkside7000 - Level 25
Acerbic - Level 28
LadyX - Level 15
iscrulz - 17000 EXP

Thanks to:


At 2/7/08 02:07 PM, Shanus wrote: Agreed :P

Wanna kill 'im?

I barely know you sir, first buy me dinner and then sex :D

Then fuck it.

Welsh people of course

Any welsh people here?

LOL @ you LOLING @ us all

Then LOL @ you LOLING @ me LOLING @ you all

At 2/7/08 03:04 PM, TwatHeafy wrote: IT'S NOT KURTZ THAT MINCES ONCE ON A MOPED!

Yes, go keep riding that bike Twat Heafy.

At 2/7/08 03:41 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Wow you forgot that I was going to say that they weren't big deals when you asked me

No I didn't.

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: That's what I'm like

And all-nighters are only rare occasions for me.

I've changed back now, simply because I preffered light. No idea why..

Good! :D

Cool, because I can't even watch them! Let's talk Futurama.


Bahamut the Bitch.
Thankyou for correcting myslef.

You're welcome.

NEVR. Check his congrats to Molotov's 100k B/P.

I see.

Awww, memories. :3
100 reveiws then, Bahamut7.

That was a long long time ago. Now I'm on my way to 1200 reviews.

What the new one that ramagi and YoinK have? Those are cool! They have gems.


You didn't quote Coop!

Sorry, I was too tired to make a quote then.

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: My first post in the LUL was..... ack! A long time ago. >_<

I assume sometime before the LUL hit 100 pages.

At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: What?! Level 35 is clearly Sai, which looks nothing like dual swords.


At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote: Heh. I always think it'll be worth it at the time, and then when I've actually done it and desposited my Experience for the day, I realise how incredibly pointless it was.

If I start doing that, I'd expect myself to return to that dreadful oversleeping of mine from weeks ago when I didn't get up until 1-2PM.

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Wow... you were just dying to do that, weren'tcha. #;-}>

Of course. I stole the spotlight from him >;D


How so? :(

And it's just a pretty number. So pretty.

What about 7, 23, 33, 50 and 100?

Even I'm not that crazy. Who the hell was that?

I can't remember his name now, but he said he was going to read through every page here.

I've been UOTD twice.... :::ducks:::


When I came to LUL, he was one of the most active LULers of them all. See page 80 for more proof of that.

Yep, I was far too late, but at least I witnessed some of the awesome stat lists at that time such as the NGTL and the EGRL. I really miss them.

It would almost be better if instead of all my posts being deleted... and thus all my topics... that instead my account was deleted instead. Then at least the topics and posts would still be there, just with "DELETED" next to them all.

I wouldn't like to see the DELETED name, but yes, at least the posts would stay there.

Like I said, though, very few have less than 666 exp, alas.

Or we could find an old account with a 6 at the end.

Sounds like it, yes. Unless one cartoon kiss would have made him feel uncomfortable. O_o

Nah, he'd tolerate that. It's when it's close to showing an actual sex scene is when he'll feel uncomfortable.

Arghghgh... you missed my point, man. Relationships tend to involve... S-E-X.

To him, it's all about love.

Maybe in your future version of it, then.


Cool. I am Fry. Will you be my Bender? BEST BUDDIES FOREVER.


Coop's Leela.

He has boobs? :O

I was saying that you 77777777fans might like 7.77 ppd achievements.

Of course we will.

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The GRAPE?

Noodles and Bacon and Sausage? Were you really really hungry or something?

I'm thirsty.

At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You guys were talking about the ep where the Simpsons go to Australia or whatever?

I was referring to seasons 15 onwards about the newer episodes being utter shit. The episode with The Simpsons going to Australia is a classic.

It sounds so high, but... 2000+, so... relatively, that was a long time ago, early in the thread's history, I suppose. #;-}>

I've been here too long.

Presence is underrated. Achilles' Last Stand FTW!

I first heard Achilles' Last Stand from Dream Theater's cover of it. :D

At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote: Heh... I have about 100 times more than that :P .

So be happy.

Don't know. And I'm too lazy to check ;) .


And I don't watch Futurama either. I don't even know if it is aired here at the moment... :P


But beer, man. Beer!


My first list was on page 1771 (nearly one year ago :D ).


At 2/8/08 07:31 AM, Goodlife13 wrote: Now I'm LV2

Now you're a piece of shit.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 12:22:12

1000 posts as of yesterday.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 16:05:24

Level 12 now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 16:20:18

pretty crazy whistle lol?


LOL pretty craz3h...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 16:28:13

At 2/8/08 04:20 PM, killslasher wrote: LOL pretty craz3h...

No, just some bad decisions on how you vote reviews, when flagging them as abusive.

In other news, I've just left review number 800 for Bahamut's BlueHippo is a mod flash.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 16:37:58

oh no i did not just waste my 666th post here, well yeah i did. i've now got 666 posts.

alsooo....., i notice my noobish post is on bahamut's sig =3


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 16:47:16

1111 posts MOTHERF*CKER! >:(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 17:00:46

Master Sergeant and below 600 in b/p rank now! :D

Also, passed 3,500 posts!

Congrats to everyone else as well! :)


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 17:05:54

Got level 12. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 17:16:33

I've never posted here because it's all full of stat whores. But let's face it-

I'm fucking proud of being ranked 504th in experience. Level 33 in 12 days. :D


¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)

(¸.·´ (¸.·`¤[Rooby.22's Tunes]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 19:26:22

Second time doing this list, god damn laptop >:(

TwatHeafy - level 17
DeviI - level 24
LiveBreatheTom - level 18
fuzzum111 - Police Lieutenant
Emlfuryoflion - top 5000 exp
MercatorMap - 1000 Posts
superstatguy - level 23
Darkside7000 - level 25
Acerbic - level 28
LadyX - level 15
iscrulz - 17000 exp
Helloween - 5000 exp
S-k-y - level 23
BrAddErZ958 - 1000 Posts
Mendou - level 19
Dead-Body-Man - level 12
Coop83 - 800 Reviews
HypaShadow - 666 Posts
Bertn - 1111 Posts
DarkLotusJuggalo - Master Sergeant & top 600 B/P
PinballWizard976 - level 12

Listening to:
Jools Holland show thing :P

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Shanus the Spaghetti

Nice one :P


Pick a dance so!!!

I has a micro-dinner.

Buy a bigger one so :D

Emergency post delivery.

THis place gots lots of posts, oh BBS joke :-|

OMG! New laptop time.

Agreed :(

I'm tired. R U?

Yup ever so so :P

At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote: I thought something was wrong with that...

Hmmm I bet I could find a girl that could pull it off :O

Oh that would have made me so angry...

Too drunk to care :P

At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Wait, 9 Led Zep albums? I always think of them as having 8 albums. What's the 9th one you're talking about, I wonder...

Well I gots Led Zep I-IV, Physical Graffiti, Presence, In Through the Out Door, Houses of the Holy & Coda. Coda was out after John Bonham died but it's still a studio album :D

Presence is underrated. Achilles' Last Stand FTW!

Love that album :D

Cool. Enjoy!

Amazing one of the best films I;ve seen in a while, seen it twice now :D


I know, I'm a crafty one :P

Yep, -us = masculine. Which is why someone renamed you Shanua. #;-}>

That's actually a name though :D

At 2/8/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wanna kill 'im?

I'm sure a quick fireball to the chest wouldn't go a miss :P

Then fuck it.

Damn, thought I was about to get a free meal :(

Any welsh people here?

Do they gots the nets??

Then LOL @ you LOLING @ me LOLING @ you all

*Sees pattern emerging and stops the fun* :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 20:03:53

Joining the Corporal ranks!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 20:55:10

While forcing himslef to congrat HypaShadow NM congrats:
LiveBreatheTome: Level 18
fuzzum11: Police Luietenant
MercatorMap: 1,000 Posts
superstatguy: Level 23
Darkside7000: Level 25
Acerbic: Level 28
iscrulz: 17,000 Experience
Heloween: 5,000 Experience
S-k-y: Level 23 - Hello tweetness
BrAddErZ985: 1,000 Posts
Mendou: Level 19
Dead-Body-Man: Level 12
Coop83: 800 Reviews
HypaShadow: 666 Posts - Number of Beast
Bertn: 1,111 Posts - K, stop now. That joke is way to overused.
DarkLotusJuggalo: Master Sergeant and Top #600 in B/P
PinballWizard976: Level 12
RoobyKillAll: Level 33
Fion: Corporal

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I hear that! One of my favorite meals is hash browns & eggs. I mix the hash browns with snow peas and fresh shrimp. The eggs are cooked over easy with cheddar melted on top. Toast is optional depending on how hungry I am. :)

I've never added that much stuff to my brekkie.

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I basiclly wanted to try neutral for a day.
... and failed miserably. **nudge** ^_~


At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop finds a new way to wake up in the morning, while congratulating:

Which is? Staring at a window with the curtains open eventually wakes me up enough to get dressed.

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote:
It's sort of annoying that CD keeps posting all those songs I wish he'd only request about 4 a week.
Amen to that

Now there's like 25 audio requests.

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Lust of power and gold is modship, not neutral.
It's a Futurama Quote. I can't help that the meaning isn't perfect :P

I see, I didn't know. I thought it was something lie Optimus Prime.

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.
Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?

Recon liked neutral back when we were discussing neutral.

At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote: I am again looking forward to cooking myself some nice breakfast. I swear breakfast is one of the best meals of the day, but I used to skip it all the time.

I usually just eat Weetabix. I normally have some kind of fry-up at lunch.

And what's with the sudden flurry of people quoting the first page of this thread?


At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: Ugh. I don't even bother with the first to deposit thing, unless I happen to be up at 5AM when either it's the new year or my parents are away.
Heh. I always think it'll be worth it at the time, and then when I've actually done it and desposited my Experience for the day, I realise how incredibly pointless it was.

Then you realise you need to get for 9am.

At 2/7/08 02:07 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 2/4/08 12:14 PM, NEVR wrote:
At least you didn't get boiling water poured on the back of your head to wake you, painful :(
Oh that would have made me so angry...

That would hurt like hell. I'd kick those men in the bollboks rip them and feed them to some vicious animal. actaully I'd get a dinosaur made for me so I could feed the balls to him.

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I hear that! One of my favorite meals is hash browns & eggs. I mix the hash browns with snow peas and fresh shrimp. The eggs are cooked over easy with cheddar melted on top. Toast is optional depending on how hungry I am. :)
That sounds incredible... I'm definitely going to try that one day, although currently I'm sadly lacking in the food department. Might have to go out shopping later.

I keep breaking the eggs when I crack them. Tips?

At 2/8/08 03:21 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: Level Up Get.

Grand Star Get. Japanese version of SMG.

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 09:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: But it ain't my favourite number.
Exactly my point to him. But I guess that's the reason there's "Madness" after the Nintendo in his name. HE NO UNDERSTAND CAUSE HE CRAZY! #;-}>

You say name, ya? I'll return to my colourful hexacave now and start eating foam with some polygons. BYYYEEEEE *screech* *bang* *bang*

I wish I would be the UoTD sometime. Have any of you guys been UoTD day on NG before?
Nope, and I hope I get UOTD soon. Not even my alts are getting me to become UOTD. :(
I've been UOTD twice.... :::ducks:::

*passes Bahamut assorted pots*

At 2/6/08 09:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Because he's in love with someone.
Arghghgh... you missed my point, man. Relationships tend to involve... S-E-X.

Segment egg xylophone?

Yeah, it's the year 3008 now.
Cool. I am Fry. Will you be my Bender? BEST BUDDIES FOREVER.

I'm Lord Nibbler! *replaces nappy thing*

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
No, you're not. That must not have lasted long. YOU WANKER.

I was. I didn't really like it.
WA-WA-WANKER. They're all lazy fucking cunts. London Underground, London Underground.

Thanks to
SoulMaster71 the Sausage
NEVR the Noodle
GFox the Grape
Bahamut the Bacon - Of course I made it up, it has to be awesome. :d

Noodles and Bacon and Sausage? Were you really really hungry or something?

I was at that time.

Oh noe. What will the coroner report to the police department.... shall I be arrested? ;_;
Yes. *smacks on cuffs*

Must be 'cos the poor guy loves you so much. Still your in jail for 30 seconds for murdering someone.

And to contemplate my new level I'm neutral.
Again.... that didn't last long.

I was neutral for a day! Not that long but I think it didn't suit me because I'm too nice. *strokes kittens and gives his Granny a biccy*

Cool. 12 and 9 are good numbers, too. Mostly because 3 of the first is 36 and 4 of the second is 36, of course. #;-}>
And 12x3=36.
Um... dude, "3 of the first (12)" is the same thing as 12x3, I just said that. #;-}>

....Welcome to another confusing GFox post. Actaully they're probably not confusing, I'm just rather dumb.

FEAR MY ZWEIHANDER (that'd be my TWO-handed sword right there in my level 42 icon)!


Well, destined to pass and stay.
As in flashes in the portal pass and stay? #;-}>

Yes, I iz the learner of lifeness.

OMG! They popcorn must be strange in America becasue it's nice here. Do like popcorn at all?
Plenty of Americans like popcorn. 90%, probably. I'm not one of them, that's all. Too salty, too boring.

Try other flavours of popcorn.

Wait... I mean... Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = CRAZY DELICIOUS.
Are those like Coke and candy?
Those are like... LAZY SUNDAY.

So they're beer concotions?

At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: I declare level 35 as dual swords.
How many times do I have to tell you they're sai (Japanese daggers), not swords? Dude, come on.

Seems like someone already saw my post and now the've already created one.

There are some of us who NEVER decide to change it. Why would you change perfection?

You didn't change your aura at all? Wow.

At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop finds a new way to wake up in the morning, while congratulating:
What's this new way to wake up, eh? DO TELL.

I need to know too.



At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I only have 3 audio reviews.
Heh... I have about 100 times more than that :P .

I'm getting there. Well, 223 to get. 3:

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 20:57:57

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I've decided that neutral really dosn't go with me. I'm too nice.
Weak... :P


At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: FEAR MY ZWEIHANDER (that'd be my TWO-handed sword right there in my level 42 icon)!
Zweihänder. Umlauts are VERY important :P .

I wish I had those accent s above my a's. All I've got is éúíóá.

At 2/8/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: That's what I'm like
And all-nighters are only rare occasions for me.

It's...*checks watch* 1:41am.

Cool, because I can't even watch them! Let's talk Futurama.

Well go one then!

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: My first post in the LUL was..... ack! A long time ago. >_<
I assume sometime before the LUL hit 100 pages.


At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote: Heh. I always think it'll be worth it at the time, and then when I've actually done it and desposited my Experience for the day, I realise how incredibly pointless it was.
If I start doing that, I'd expect myself to return to that dreadful oversleeping of mine from weeks ago when I didn't get up until 1-2PM.

That happened to me at Christams ALOT.

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: It would almost be better if instead of all my posts being deleted... and thus all my topics... that instead my account was deleted instead. Then at least the topics and posts would still be there, just with "DELETED" next to them all.
I wouldn't like to see the DELETED name, but yes, at least the posts would stay there.

<deleted>. I did that with one of my newsposts. I had Hybrid-of-Sould asking mewhat was origanlly there. So it must fo been pretty convincing.

Like I said, though, very few have less than 666 exp, alas.
Or we could find an old account with a 6 at the end.

And hack it?

Coop's Leela.
He has boobs? :O

And one eye.... and purple hair and constanly weard a tanktop.

At 2/8/08 04:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The GRAPE?

Noodles and Bacon and Sausage? Were you really really hungry or something?
I'm thirsty.

Try some Innocent smoothie.

At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
And I don't watch Futurama either. I don't even know if it is aired here at the moment... :P

With euros. The devils money. We are different. We drive on the left and we have different money. FOAM?

At 2/8/08 04:28 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/8/08 04:20 PM, killslasher wrote: LOL pretty craz3h...
No, just some bad decisions on how you vote reviews, when flagging them as abusive.

You had to make he more of a n00b didn't you? LOL pretty craz3h...

At 2/8/08 07:26 PM, Shanus wrote: Second time doing this list, god damn laptop >:(

New laptop time!

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Shanus the Spaghetti
Nice one :P
Pick a dance so!!!

The Macarana.

I has a micro-dinner.
Buy a bigger one so :D

*buys some new money* Here...

Emergency post delivery.
THis place gots lots of posts, oh BBS joke :-|

A bad one aswell.

At 2/8/08 03:17 AM, NEVR wrote: Oh that would have made me so angry...
Too drunk to care :P

Bet you've got your back burnt red.

At 2/8/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wanna kill 'im?
I'm sure a quick fireball to the chest wouldn't go a miss :P
Then fuck it.
Damn, thought I was about to get a free meal :(

Me haz foody. FOAM?

Then LOL @ you LOLING @ me LOLING @ you all
*Sees pattern emerging and stops the fun* :P

Then LOL @ you LOLING @ me LOLING @ Shanu

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 00:09:13

Thanks for voting, JUSTIN-BAILEY! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 2,840 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 17. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 51 minutes, and 28 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!



Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 00:10:26


in just 7 months... and 3 days... XD
(btw... does 7 months on Ng is an archivement???)

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 00:39:43

Sorry to interrupt the flow of the thread here but how is it possible to get an amount of exp not divisible by 10?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 06:23:13

6000th post, just for this thread! Feel the love.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 06:31:53

Coop returns from maintenance work on the cricket field and congratulates:
Darkside7000: Level 25
Acerbic: Level 28; 7.00 + Voting Power
LadyX: Level 15
Helloween: 5,000 Experience
S-k-y: Level 23
BrAddErZ958: 1,000 Posts
Mendou: Level 19
Dead-Body-Man: Level 12
HypaShadow: 666 posts. He says my username sucks. Discuss.
Bertn: 1,111 Posts
PinballWizard976: Level 12
Fion: Corporal
Josh: Level 42; 73rd most experienced
aldlv: Praporshchik
McJesus: 6,000 Posts

Thank yous go out to:

listening to:
AC/DC - Hells Bells
AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill
Aerosmith - Love in an Elevator
Aerosmith - Livin' on the Edge
Ben E. King - Stand By Me
Velvet Revolver - For a Brother
Kiss - Beth

At 2/8/08 04:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/08 08:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's one less tyo have to post to reach teh hallowed 10k Posts!
Yes... one less post needed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE!

Now respond to this one, to complete the mobius loop!

I was impressed - I thought he was only in his mid-50s.
Well, he really doesn't seem to have aged much from the 80s to the 00s, that's for sure. ALICE COOPER IS TIMELESS.

He hasn't really changed much since his debut album in 1969 (Pretties for you) His music has adapted for the time, becoming more rock like now, but it's all good stuff.

Now I've got to play that on the way home tonight.
Speaking of "School's Out," have you ever seen Dazed and Confused?

No, should I have?

2 computers in my house, but a minimum of 3 people all wanting a go most of the time. My brother gets access to the computer in his room most of the time, even though I own most of it (It was half, but then I bought a 1GB graphics card. Swish)
The computer to people ratio must be 1:1 to assure full home harmony, yes.

No, if you get the ratio of 2 computers to 1 person, we're winning, other than that, we're nowhere near!

At 2/6/08 09:50 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Maybe in your future version of it, then.

Yeah, it's the year 3008 now.
Cool. I am Fry. Will you be my Bender? BEST BUDDIES FOREVER.

Coop's Leela.

What? You pick one of maybe 3 characters in the entire catalogue of Futurama that I can't do an impression of! I'd be more like Professor, Zapp and Hermes all rolled into the one guise of me, as their voice artist!

At 2/8/08 04:48 AM, gfoxcook wrote: As I have long said, I not only like the idea of the neutral alignment/aura, I love green above all other colours. Having the aura I have on NG is right on SO many levels for me, that's why I would never think of changing it. EVER.

Good for you - I considered wanting the dark aura when I saw the redesign, but I realised that the Shurikens and Sai looked better with the neutral background. I will return to the neutral alignment soon, trust me.

At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop finds a new way to wake up in the morning, while congratulating:
What's this new way to wake up, eh? DO TELL.

Set alarm on mobile phone, place phone on desk, far away from bed, in order to have to leap out of bed to switch off the alarm. Go to bed. Girlfriend comes in, places glass of water next to phone, gets into bed. After a while go to sleep. Next morning, alarm goes off, involving the phone dancing the jive across the desk. Leap out of bed and knock the glass of water over various pieces of important paperwork. Lots of swearing and locating of towells to soak up the water, which my girlfriend hasn't even touched all night.

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.
It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.
Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?

And yes, most icons do look better with a green background
Hahahahaha. Recon and I have long been brothers in arms. Green, neutral arms, that is.

Brothers in alignments... seems like I'd better get back to Neutral pretty quick, before you decide to fong me or something similar.

At 2/8/08 06:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: Fortunately, you've got plenty left. I'll have to catch up with the RRC soon as well, as my outstanding review count on the week is still in double figures...
It's sort of annoying that CD keeps posting all those songs I wish he'd only request about 4 a week.
But it helps me getting high in the top 100 audio reviews list :P .

Yeah, but you could always just review all of his submissions and put [Review Request Club] at the bottom of each, so you get the points when they are requested. He will request all of them eventually, I have no doubt.

At 2/8/08 07:35 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 1/29/08 10:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: My first 20k Stat!

20,000 Saves!
hmm that got me thinking I am working on my 3rd 20k stat. 300 days to go oh see ya on the flipside and ONyl 2 more days left of my free offer.

It's going to take me a while to get that far in the 20k game, to be brutally honest, but I have only recently joined the 4x 10k list, relatively speaking.

At 2/8/08 08:38 AM, S-k-y wrote: I have reached level 23!

Tweet tweet!

You so need to make a news post

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop finds a new way to wake up in the morning, while congratulating:
Which is? Staring at a window with the curtains open eventually wakes me up enough to get dressed.

And your neighbours probably don't like to look toward your house before, say, 10am?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 07:11:47

At 2/8/08 08:38 AM, S-k-y wrote: I have reached level 23!

I have reached level 23!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 07:30:20

Listening to:

AC/DC - Highway to Hell

Congrats to:

BrAddErZ958 - 1000 posts
Mendou - Level 19. Stop calling everything shit.
Dead-Body-Man - Level 12
Coop83 - 800 flash reviews. I RULE! :D
HypaShadow - 666 posts. No offence, but you still make noobish posts.
B*rtn - 1111 posts
DarkLotusJuggalo - Master Sergeant
PinballWizard976 - Level 12
Fion - Corporal
Josh - Level 42
McJesus - 6000 posts

Thanks to:


At 2/8/08 04:11 PM, Eggys wrote: I just changed my aura to evil, now I'm gonna start blamming shit like crazy.

And that's an achievement?

At 2/8/08 04:20 PM, killslasher wrote: pretty crazy whistle lol?

UB is a dickhead.

At 2/8/08 07:26 PM, Shanus wrote:

Smash your laptop.

I'm sure a quick fireball to the chest wouldn't go a miss :P

Yes, we killed him.

Damn, thought I was about to get a free meal :(

lol, get more money.

Do they gots the nets??

Yes they do. So, any welsh people here?

Then LOL @ you LOLING @ me LOLING @ you all
*Sees pattern emerging and stops the fun* :P

You bastard.

At 2/9/08 06:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop returns from maintenance work on the cricket field and congratulates:
HypaShadow: 666 posts. He says my username sucks. Discuss.


What? You pick one of maybe 3 characters in the entire catalogue of Futurama that I can't do an impression of! I'd be more like Professor, Zapp and Hermes all rolled into the one guise of me, as their voice artist!

People, Coop can do a great impression of Zapp.

You so need to make a news post

What would Sky say?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 07:34:14

Sorry for the unnecessary double post guys, but I seemed to have forgotten to Copy and paste NintendoMadness' quotes onto WordPad. :S

At 2/8/08 08:57 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: It's...*checks watch* 1:41am.

No, I meant staying up for the WHOLE NIGHT!

Well go one then!

Futurama > The Simpsons


Actually, his first post here was on the first page. :)

That happened to me at Christams ALOT.

Same here, but luckily we're heading towards Summer now AND I've improved on my sleeping recently. Today, I got up at 11AM, which is great. That gave me enough time to do stuff on the Internet before I leave to go to my friend's party. :)

And one eye.... and purple hair and constanly weard a tanktop.

Weard? XP

Try some Innocent smoothie.

Nah, I've had a cup of coffee.

With euros. The devils money. We are different. We drive on the left and we have different money. FOAM?

I love Pound sterling.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 07:35:44

Curse word of the day: Cocknobs.

NEVR Congratulates:

Darkside7000: Level 25 - I'm looking forward to getting there.
Acerbic: Level 28
LadyX: Level 15
iscrulz: 17,000 EXP - Must be nice :)
Helloween: 5,000 EXP
S-k-y: Level 23
BrAddErZ958: 1,000 posts - I hate names with alternating upper/lower case letters.
Mendou: Level 19
Dead-Body-Man: Level 12
Coop83: 800 Reviews
HypaShadow: 666 posts
DarkLotusJuggalo: Master Sergeant
PinballWizard976: Level 12
Fion: Corporal
Josh: Level 42; Ranked #73 in EXP
aldlv: Praporshchik
McJesus: 6,000 posts
TheNumberOfTheDragon: Level 23
LittleBahamut: Level 25 - Heh, so many of your alts on my list today.

At 2/8/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: If I start doing that, I'd expect myself to return to that dreadful oversleeping of mine from weeks ago when I didn't get up until 1-2PM.

Been there, my friend. I don't like sleeping that late, I feel like I've wasted too much of my day.

Now you're a piece of shit.

Haha! Aggressive Bahamut is endlessly amusing :D

At 2/8/08 04:20 PM, killslasher wrote: pretty crazy whistle lol?


LOL pretty craz3h...

Maybe you should just learn to flag properly?

At 2/8/08 07:26 PM, Shanus wrote: Hmmm I bet I could find a girl that could pull it off :O

For the sake of women everywhere, I hope not.

Too drunk to care :P

Still being drunk the next morning is so much fun.

At 2/8/08 08:55 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: While forcing himslef to congrat HypaShadow NM congrats:

I showed him the way. He's checking the achievements he's unsure about with me before he posts them, and you can't say fairer than that.

Bertn: 1,111 Posts - K, stop now. That joke is way to overused.

He's an idiot. I still don't congratulate him - he annoys me too much.

I usually just eat Weetabix. I normally have some kind of fry-up at lunch.

Weetabix is OK, but it's too bland and I can't be fucked with all that 'Weetabix week' bullshit. I like cooking my own breakfast - nothing nicer than a cooked breakfast and a cup of tea.

I keep breaking the eggs when I crack them. Tips?

It's all about technique. When tapping them against the edge of the pan/bowl, don't tap too hard, but not too softly either. And when splitting it into the pan, lower it closer to the surface of the pan so that it isn't dropping from a great height.

You'll get there eventually :)


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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-09 08:41:56

haha, i'm in bahamut's sig!


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