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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-06 20:48:34

Stats are like buses... none come along for ages and then three show up at once... and I miss the lot of them!

Today I made it to:
20,000 blams
22,000 saves
42,000 total B/P

To think once my blams were double my saves, and in fact I made it to 19,000 blams long before I made it to 19,000 saves... how the portal has changed.

Congrats to all that have achieved something recently (and a quick scan through the last page or two...)- big congrats to Molotov for the big 100k.

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-06 22:13:21

Am now in the top #700 for B/P.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 03:55:07

Once I've done this I'm going to make myself some awesome breakfast.

NEVR Congratulates:

DarkSoldier: Level 21
Coop83: Top 70 B/Per - Top 50 is in sight!
Bahamut: 17,000 Posts
LittleWashu: Level 31
viceman: Level 13
hamz10: Level 12
Haggard: 9,000 Saves
Sentio: 20,000 Blams; 22,000 Saves; 42,000 B/P

At 2/6/08 02:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I mean, it's not like it's that big a deal, but I don't think we should change our referential habits just because audio reviews and the audio portal are suddenly more visible. The flash portal and its related stats, such as exp, b/p, VP, and reviews... STILL OWN ALL.

There's no exp and b/p and VP in the audio portal, after all. Just audio reviews. Note: I didn't say reviews. #;-}>

It's true. It's a shame that the Audio portal doesn't get more exposure, but as you said, NG is a primarily flash-based site, so that's where the focus has to stay.

If he was me, it would. But he's not me, so maybe it will be broken.

Poor gfox, you misfortune can't be that bad?

Oh noe. What will the coroner report to the police department.... shall I be arrested? ;_;

They're too afraid to come after you and your badass Level 42 sword...

If you'd SAID blams in the first place, I wouldn't have believed it as a result. I woulda gone "surely he meant saves!"

But then in your gfox wisdom, you would have checked my profile to ascertain the truth, and seen that Blams was in fact what I meant :)

At 2/6/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So wait, you slept for 4 hours or.... 28 hours? #;-}>

Unfortunately, 4 hours. I think 28 hours would be verging on hibernation :P

TBH, though, there's quite a lot of 777/7777/77777 fans around here, so it's not clear to me if that's a special number or not.

Hmm... Personally, I think it should only be stuff like 6.66, 10.00, etc., unless you actually have 777 or whatever at the end of your name.

At 2/6/08 09:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: 4 in the morning? Around then, I was just about to fall asleep.

Whenever I stay up that late, I always think 'Ah, might as well stay up another hour to deposit my EXP.' Then it gets to 5am (which is 12 midnight EST), and think, 'Well, it's too late to sleep now.'

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.

I preferred it when you were light. Frankly, I think the old neutral aura was infinitely better than the current one. (Don't kill me, gfox).

NEVR the Noodle

Maybe I'll have chinese tonight...

Bahamut is an air-hotstess, you can get put in prision for flirting when they are in their job. (I wish)

He only pretends not to enjoy it.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 07:12:21

Listening to:
Joint Venture - Streikpostenlied

Congrats to:
hamz10: Level 12
Sentio: 20,000 Blams, 22,000 Saves, 42,000 B/P
Night-Ranger: Top 700 in B/P

Thanks to:
NintendoMadness... even though you got my achievement wrong! :P

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.

It's okay. I mean, I can't say I don't like it. But I can't say I like it either. I'm so neutral...

Haggard: 9,000 Blams

I wish...


I'd say japanese.


And that's german ;) .

Here's another one:


It's another word for "Zwei". Mostly used when speaking with an other person via radio.

Oh, and:


It's Low German ^^.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 10:12:06

Oh level 11

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 11:54:55


Unlucky Number...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 12:37:26

Coop is still watching the NHL All Star game, while congratulating:
Bahamut: 17,000 Posts
LittleWashu: Level 31
viceman: Level 13
Haggard: 9,000 Saves
Sentio: 20,000 Blams; 22,000 Saves; 42,000 B/P
DikkopStudios: Level 11
Alfie: Level 13

At 2/6/08 10:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Dammit, I lost 3 audio reviews... AND 3 audio reviews responses as well! >:(

Fortunately, you've got plenty left. I'll have to catch up with the RRC soon as well, as my outstanding review count on the week is still in double figures...

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.

What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.

At 2/6/08 08:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/5/08 08:06 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/4/08 03:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Which episode next?
I see. You guys going through all the series?
I'm picking the next program to quote!
Well don't keep us in suspense man, give us the episode title!
I'll pick one from Bottom but it's been a long since I watched it. So I forgotten the quote's.


"What time do you call this?"

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 13:02:17

Next milestone passed 10,000 Exp. Is it a big deal? maybe it is be it is NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL! >_<

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 13:06:09

Listening to:

Symphony X - The Odyssey

Congrats to:

LittleWashu - Level 31, 10000 EXP. They are a big deal.
viceman - Level 13
hamz10 - Level 12
Haggard - 9000 saves
Sentio - 20000 blams
DikkopStudios - Level 11
Alfie - Level 13

Thanks to:


At 2/6/08 10:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Dammit, I lost 3 audio reviews... AND 3 audio reviews responses as well! >:(

Hey, I only have 3 audio reviews.

Ok. Just wanted to make sure.

I'm guessing this was about the laziness thing.

I have no opinion on that matter as I haven't watched Simpsons in a long time.

Good, because the newer episodes are utter shit.

I think beer would help you with that as well ;) .

Cider is good enough.

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.


Thanks to
Bahamut the Bacon - Of course I made it up, it has to be awesome. :d

Bahamut the Bitch.

I'm confused already. I just had some.

With who?

Do mean he was wrong saying all the flims were super bad?

No, he was wrong by saying the only good film there was Superbad.

Or in a nunnery.

NUN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! *jumps out of the window*

There needs to be a list of what all the weapons on NG are. I might make that, but I'm lazy.

I declare level 35 as dual swords.

It looks like your first post here was on page 80 about 2 posts down.

My first post in the LUL was on page 891.

Yes, sort of random but there is some sence behind it when you've watched Bahamut's NG Log Bytesize part.

Of course. I once wanted it, but now I don't.

Methinks the reason the way you quote other people's posts sometimes is confusing to me is because you yourself are confused by the quoting system itself. Or something. #;-}>

He is right.

I'll pick one from Bottom but it's been a long since I watched it. So I forgotten the quote's.


Ok then.

At 2/7/08 03:55 AM, NEVR wrote: Whenever I stay up that late, I always think 'Ah, might as well stay up another hour to deposit my EXP.' Then it gets to 5am (which is 12 midnight EST), and think, 'Well, it's too late to sleep now.'

Ugh. I don't even bother with the first to deposit thing, unless I happen to be up at 5AM when either it's the new year or my parents are away.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 14:07:42

So anyone wanna dance??

aldlv - 8000 Saves
SupraAddict - Captain & Level 16
zimzap - 3000 Saves
Bstuk2 - level 19
GUTHRIE - level 36
Blackanese - level 26
plebmonk - 1337 B/P & top 4000 B/P
NewsReporter - level 14
BlueHippo - 11000 exp
viceman - 1337 Posts & level 13
Joeyag - 2000 Saves
Pinoyguy75 - Pvt. First Class, 1000 exp & 100 Flash Reviews
NEVR - 8000 Saves & 5555 Blams
life - level 37
farfenwaffle - level 11
Frank-The-Hedgehog - 7000 exp
lilhunter03 - 10000 B/P
Night-Ranger - Staff Sergeant, 6000 B/P, 8.00 VP & #700 B/P
Molotov - 10000 B/P
NintendoMadness - level 14
IM-KOOL-R-U - Gold Whistle
JoeisCooler - level 33
Bertn - level 21 & 2000 Blams
DarkSoldier - level 21
Coop83 - top 70 B/P
Bahamut - 17000 Posts
LittleWashu - level 31 & 10000 exp
hamz10 - level 12
Haggard - 9000 Saves
Sentio - 20000 blams, 22000 saves & 42000 B/P
DikkopStudios - level 11
Alfie - level 13

Thanks to:
Haggard (x2)
Bahamut (x2)


At 2/4/08 03:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks! That was quite the insane congrats list, BTW.

Thank you, I've found it harder and harder to do lists, so kinda like a not so extreme you I suppose :P

Schweet. I gots dat. And Mothership. Even though I already have all 8 albums and have since the 90s. #;-}>

Damn me being yound I do got them, just recently though, my dad's got most of the 9 on vinal, even got Presence twice for some reason, :D

I have seen Juno once and have the soundtrack. Cool points +2.

Gonna see that tomorrow, first day out in Europe, it'll be so worth the wait :D

At 2/4/08 10:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: That lucky bastard.

Agreed :P

Sex? :D

I barely know you sir, first buy me dinner and then sex :D

Who's Welsh?

Welsh people of course


Us Irish get a little craving for the sheep after a while too :P


Skips (LOL @ Crisp joke, even if meanies exist in England)

Postman Pat supports communism!


LOL @ you all.

LOL @ you LOLING @ us all

Really? Since when?

Best Alt Idea ever

At 2/4/08 12:14 PM, NEVR wrote: A girl on the internets? OH TEH NOES!!!

This girls got stubble & a penis

At least your liver is OK, mine still isn't talking to me :)

At least you didn't get boiling water poured on the back of your head to wake you, painful :(

At 2/5/08 03:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You wanna have sex with a girl named Shanus? THIS IS VERY STRANGE.
-us is about the most masculine ending a name can have, thanks to Latin.

Well I am a guy, and I didn't actually know that thanks gfox :D

At 2/5/08 08:06 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: It would of been so fustrating if Shanus lost it. 4 DAYS!!!

Well my laptop crashes randomly these days so that could happen, alot :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 15:04:14

I have reached Level 17!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 15:27:43

I have just aquired the bronze gauntlet. I wonder how many people I'll be able to kill with this weapon.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 15:41:50

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.

Ah Neutral the aura everyone starts with until they decide to change it It is a cool aura especially when it is saint patricks day. I would love to change my aura but I can't do that without giving up something in return. The only way my aura will ever change color now is if by some chance I was made into a mod.

LittleWashu: Level 31 - Yes not a big deal at all. YOU SUCK! :)

LoL I suck because I say getting to level 31 isn't a big deal? Hey at least I am posting solid level ups unlike some of the spammers that I have seen posting in the past.

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Congrats to:

LittleWashu - Level 31, 10000 EXP. They are a big deal.

Wow you forgot that I was going to say that they weren't big deals when you asked me "How long have you bee using that Not really a big deal thing "about a week ago? if not then they you should have seen this coming? If you did well here you go. Maybe sometime in the future I will reveal why I say that after I post a milestone and no it is not for the same reason I would say "Smooches ^_^ " everytime I posted in the abuse thread.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 18:04:36

I've decided that neutral really dosn't go with me. I'm too nice. Also blue isn't my favourite colour.
Green is my favourite but I don't really like that shade of green.
I basiclly wanted to try neutral for a day.

Laughing at the ridiculous new news post NM congrats:
Sentio: 20,000 Blams, 22,000 Saves and 42,000 B/P
Night-Ranger: Top #700 in B/P
DikkopStudios: Level 11
Alfie: Level 13
LittleWashu: 10,000 Experience
TwatHeafy: Level 17
Devil: Level 24

Thanks to:
Haggard the Haggis - If only it twas true.
Coop the Cauliflower - Not good enough for your list? I'll put you here anyway because I liked the name.
Shanus the Spaghetti

At 2/7/08 03:55 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/6/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Hmm... Personally, I think it should only be stuff like 6.66, 10.00, etc., unless you actually have 777 or whatever at the end of your name.

Only the beast number? Well I think there whould be an achievment congratulated on if they reach x.xx. x meaning all the numbers the same.

At 2/6/08 09:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: 4 in the morning? Around then, I was just about to fall asleep.
Whenever I stay up that late, I always think 'Ah, might as well stay up another hour to deposit my EXP.' Then it gets to 5am (which is 12 midnight EST), and think, 'Well, it's too late to sleep now.'

That's what I'm like

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
I preferred it when you were light. Frankly, I think the old neutral aura was infinitely better than the current one. (Don't kill me, gfox).

I've changed back now, simply because I preffered light. No idea why..

NEVR the Noodle
Maybe I'll have chinese tonight...

Awesome. You simply HAVE to get duck. The legendary meat. Also spring rolls! Bring back some for me.


Come into my den. DEN=re-arranged END.

At 2/7/08 07:12 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
It's okay. I mean, I can't say I don't like it. But I can't say I like it either. I'm so neutral...

You can be happy if you're light!

I'd say japanese.

Like, lick my Ni.

And that's german ;) .

That was a total guess! I kinda' gathered it was German though because not many words have Z in it in England a quite alot of other countries.

Here's another one:
It's another word for "Zwei". Mostly used when speaking with an other person via radio.
Oh, and:
It's Low German ^^.

Wow there's loads. Why is there so many types of German?
It's ort of like England though-ish.

At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/6/08 10:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Dammit, I lost 3 audio reviews... AND 3 audio reviews responses as well! >:(
Fortunately, you've got plenty left. I'll have to catch up with the RRC soon as well, as my outstanding review count on the week is still in double figures...

It's sort of annoying that CD keeps posting all those songs I wish he'd only request about 4 a week.

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.

Lust of power and gold is modship, not neutral.

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/6/08 10:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Dammit, I lost 3 audio reviews... AND 3 audio reviews responses as well! >:(
Hey, I only have 3 audio reviews.

Take me down to funky town. Sorry, that was un-revalent.

I have no opinion on that matter as I haven't watched Simpsons in a long time.
Good, because the newer episodes are utter shit.

Cool, because I can't even watch them! Let's talk Futurama.

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.

No to not liking the discussion or no to the neutral aura?

Thanks to
Bahamut the Bacon - Of course I made it up, it has to be awesome. :d
Bahamut the Bitch.

Thankyou for correcting myslef.

I'm confused already. I just had some.
With who?

NEVR. Check his congrats to Molotov's 100k B/P.

Do mean he was wrong saying all the flims were super bad?
No, he was wrong by saying the only good film there was Superbad.

Okay, I'm not up to scratch on movies. I'm going to see Bee Movie with my baby freind on Saturday.

Or in a nunnery.
NUN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! *jumps out of the window*

Do not disrespect. *jumps on the back on a nun* Fly nun, FLY! "Nun's can't fly" she replied. Really? I thought you were a penguin.
Rough Simpsons quote.

There needs to be a list of what all the weapons on NG are. I might make that, but I'm lazy.
I declare level 35 as dual swords.

Too lazy though... Maybe if we got all of Haggard's, Bahamut's and mine lazyness together we might be able to be not lazy enough to make it!

It looks like your first post here was on page 80 about 2 posts down.
My first post in the LUL was on page 891.

Awww, memories. :3
100 reveiws then, Bahamut7.

Yes, sort of random but there is some sence behind it when you've watched Bahamut's NG Log Bytesize part.
Of course. I once wanted it, but now I don't.

What the new one that ramagi and YoinK have? Those are cool! They have gems.

I'll pick one from Bottom but it's been a long since I watched it. So I forgotten the quote's.

Ok then.

You didn't quote Coop!

At 2/7/08 02:07 PM, Shanus wrote: So anyone wanna dance??


At 2/4/08 10:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sex? :D
I barely know you sir, first buy me dinner and then sex :D

I has a micro-dinner.

Postman Pat supports communism!

Emergency post delivery.

At 2/5/08 08:06 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: It would of been so fustrating if Shanus lost it. 4 DAYS!!!
Well my laptop crashes randomly these days so that could happen, alot :P

OMG! New laptop time.

I'm tired. R U?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 18:26:01

Level 18 today

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 18:48:56

too bad so sad

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 21:36:00

1.8k POSTS! :D



Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 23:01:09

WOOHOO I just got police lutenti and I went from 6.03 votes to 6.14 votes! +.11 to my voteing power XP

My Youtube channel

http://www.youtube.com/user/fuzzum1 11

If you get a ban, it was totally worth it. 10/10, I love you. -Skaren

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-07 23:12:45

At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW


long time ago.

i just got lvl up!!

My grass went emo, so now I don't have to cut it anymore.

Anyone up for some Team Fortress 2??

Sig pic stolen from this person.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 00:12:06

At 2/7/08 03:55 AM, NEVR wrote: Once I've done this I'm going to make myself some awesome breakfast.

I hear that! One of my favorite meals is hash browns & eggs. I mix the hash browns with snow peas and fresh shrimp. The eggs are cooked over easy with cheddar melted on top. Toast is optional depending on how hungry I am. :)

At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.

It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: My first post in the LUL was on page 891.

My first post in the LUL was..... ack! A long time ago. >_<

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I basiclly wanted to try neutral for a day.

... and failed miserably. **nudge** ^_~

At 2/7/08 11:46 PM, sQueef wrote:
At 10/6/02 04:28 PM, Transformers wrote: Congrats on getting to level 11, I just leveled up yesterday.I don't think its nessesary to make a whole new thread about leveling up. :/
Thats cool that you said that on Page 2 and now this thread is like 2k + pages long.

So have you found the fine line between irony and hypocrisy?

Here's another random fact about the man, the myth, the legend;

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 01:02:24

top 5000 in experiance

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 02:06:50

At 10/6/02 04:28 PM, Transformers wrote: Congrats on getting to level 11, I just leveled up yesterday.I don't think its nessesary to make a whole new thread about leveling up. :/

hes right your all going to hell

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 02:17:42

Oh yea.............

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell

Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 02:52:13

Coop finds a new way to wake up in the morning, while congratulating:
LittleWashu: 10,000 Experience
TwatHeafy: Level 17
Devil: Level 24. I think you'll be able to kill 6 1/2 people with that, before Level 25
LiveBreatheTom: Level 18
MercatorMap: 1,000 Posts
superstatguy: Level 23

Thanks to:

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
There needs to be a list of what all the weapons on NG are. I might make that, but I'm lazy.
I declare level 35 as dual swords.

What?! Level 35 is clearly Sai, which looks nothing like dual swords.

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/6/08 10:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Dammit, I lost 3 audio reviews... AND 3 audio reviews responses as well! >:(
Fortunately, you've got plenty left. I'll have to catch up with the RRC soon as well, as my outstanding review count on the week is still in double figures...
It's sort of annoying that CD keeps posting all those songs I wish he'd only request about 4 a week.

Amen to that

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.
Lust of power and gold is modship, not neutral.

It's a Futurama Quote. I can't help that the meaning isn't perfect :P

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.
It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.

Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?

And yes, most icons do look better with a green background

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 03:17:58

I am again looking forward to cooking myself some nice breakfast. I swear breakfast is one of the best meals of the day, but I used to skip it all the time.

And what's with the sudden flurry of people quoting the first page of this thread?

NEVR Congratulates:

DikkopStudios: Level 11
Alfie: Level 13
LittleWashu: 10,000 EXP
TwatHeafy: Level 18
Devil: Level 24
LiveBreatheTom: Level 18
fuzzum111: Police Lieutenant - I assume that's what you meant by 'lutenti'
Emlfuryoflion: Top 5,000 in EXP
MercatorMap: 1,000 Posts
superstatguy: Level 23

NEVR Thanks:

Shanus (x2)

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote: Ugh. I don't even bother with the first to deposit thing, unless I happen to be up at 5AM when either it's the new year or my parents are away.

Heh. I always think it'll be worth it at the time, and then when I've actually done it and desposited my Experience for the day, I realise how incredibly pointless it was.

At 2/7/08 02:07 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 2/4/08 12:14 PM, NEVR wrote: A girl on the internets? OH TEH NOES!!!
This girls got stubble & a penis

I thought something was wrong with that...

At least you didn't get boiling water poured on the back of your head to wake you, painful :(

Oh that would have made me so angry...

At 2/7/08 03:41 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Maybe sometime in the future I will reveal why I say that after I post a milestone and no it is not for the same reason I would say "Smooches ^_^ " everytime I posted in the abuse thread.

I think we deserve smooches too, Washu. We're infinitely more sexy than those fools in the Abuse thread.

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Only the beast number? Well I think there whould be an achievment congratulated on if they reach x.xx. x meaning all the numbers the same.

I don't know, I think that's too frequent, personally. If we congratulate for that, we might as well congratulate for the whole numbers too, like 5.00, 6.00 etc., which I don't think we should.

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I hear that! One of my favorite meals is hash browns & eggs. I mix the hash browns with snow peas and fresh shrimp. The eggs are cooked over easy with cheddar melted on top. Toast is optional depending on how hungry I am. :)

That sounds incredible... I'm definitely going to try that one day, although currently I'm sadly lacking in the food department. Might have to go out shopping later.

At 2/8/08 02:06 AM, Akotoshe wrote: hes right your all going to hell

I guess we'll see you there then? I'll be the big red guy laughing at you whilst you burn. Mwahaha!

Onwards to breakfast!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 03:21:19

Level Up Get.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 04:46:39

At 2/6/08 08:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's one less tyo have to post to reach teh hallowed 10k Posts!

Yes... one less post needed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE!

I was impressed - I thought he was only in his mid-50s.

Well, he really doesn't seem to have aged much from the 80s to the 00s, that's for sure. ALICE COOPER IS TIMELESS.

Now I've got to play that on the way home tonight.

Speaking of "School's Out," have you ever seen Dazed and Confused?

YEah, my accounts have money, hers don't. Do the math :P


2 computers in my house, but a minimum of 3 people all wanting a go most of the time. My brother gets access to the computer in his room most of the time, even though I own most of it (It was half, but then I bought a 1GB graphics card. Swish)

The computer to people ratio must be 1:1 to assure full home harmony, yes.

At 2/6/08 09:48 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/5/08 07:40 PM, KIRBYLINK wrote: 1700 POSTS! Almost at 2k! W00T!!!!
17000 POSTS! Almost at 20k! W00T!!!!

Wow... you were just dying to do that, weren'tcha. #;-}>

Well, not that close. XP

Relatively speaking, sure!

Yayness! I like that word...
Catch-up is EPIC!


Wow, I never realised there's so much stuff to do with 36.
Hence why gfox loves the number so much.

And it's just a pretty number. So pretty.

You favourite number? Remember?
But it ain't my favourite number.

Exactly my point to him. But I guess that's the reason there's "Madness" after the Nintendo in his name. HE NO UNDERSTAND CAUSE HE CRAZY! #;-}>

*attempts to find gfox's first list, but Madness of Nintendo is too lazy to look through 2,000 pages.
Hey, does anyone here remember that guy who said he would read EVERY page in the LUL from the first to the current? XD

Even I'm not that crazy. Who the hell was that?

I wish I would be the UoTD sometime. Have any of you guys been UoTD day on NG before?
Nope, and I hope I get UOTD soon. Not even my alts are getting me to become UOTD. :(

I've been UOTD twice.... :::ducks:::

At 2/6/08 09:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: -GOTHX ECLUSIVE QUOTES HERE


I think he became inactive in the Wi/Ht? forum around the time I came here.


When I came to LUL, he was one of the most active LULers of them all. See page 80 for more proof of that.

Oh yeah, that too. That would be a kick in the balls for not just you, but for those who made many replies to your threads such as myself and Coop.

Good point. I wasn't even thinking about my own created threads all going bye bye. ;_;

It would almost be better if instead of all my posts being deleted... and thus all my topics... that instead my account was deleted instead. Then at least the topics and posts would still be there, just with "DELETED" next to them all.

There's plenty, but very few have less than 666 exp, alas.
Do you know anyone whose digit ends at 6?

Uh... duh? Humantarget and Pimp and Shrapnel, to name just three.

Like I said, though, very few have less than 666 exp, alas.

Damn, you're brave. I would not do that. I'd be OK with watching movies on my own at home, but at the cinema?!

It's cheaper, too.

Still. It's a movie! It has no bearing on his relationship. I NO UNDERSTAND.
People have different opinions, OK? :P

I got no problem with that, I just want to understand why. I still don't.

Indeed. Then again, I didn't know any of the movies that were shown at the cinema. It would have been much better if Ratatouille was out a week before.

Sounds like it, yes. Unless one cartoon kiss would have made him feel uncomfortable. O_o

Why is he even in a relationship?
Because he's in love with someone.

Arghghgh... you missed my point, man. Relationships tend to involve... S-E-X.

I'll never understand people who're scared of sexuality, it's one of the 7 basic things about all living things. Reproduction.

But then... religion. That usually explains it.

You're seeing all the parodies and tributes without ever having seen the ORIGINAL, man. That's not the way to go about things. It colours your view of things. Go see the originals, then maybe you'll look on other references in a whole new way, you never know.


He thought the reason why you like 36 so much is because of 3 6's.

Well, it's not THE reason, but it's cool.

Nah, man. They're knives. Little short daggery knives with little side curvy bits. Like short little tridents. They ain't no swordsness.

Well, looks can be deceiving.

Ah, that's alright then. However, now I think audio reviews are important enough to be included to be in those sort of stat lists.

Maybe in your future version of it, then.

Yeah, it's the year 3008 now.

Cool. I am Fry. Will you be my Bender? BEST BUDDIES FOREVER.

Coop's Leela.

At 2/6/08 03:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: TBH, though, there's quite a lot of 777/7777/77777 fans around here, so it's not clear to me if that's a special number or not.
What's wrong with lucky numbers?

I was saying that you 77777777fans might like 7.77 ppd achievements.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 04:47:47

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.

No, you're not. That must not have lasted long. YOU WANKER.

Thanks to
SoulMaster71 the Sausage
NEVR the Noodle
GFox the Grape
Bahamut the Bacon - Of course I made it up, it has to be awesome. :d


Noodles and Bacon and Sausage? Were you really really hungry or something?

Oh noe. What will the coroner report to the police department.... shall I be arrested? ;_;
Yes. *smacks on cuffs*


News Reporter said thanks.
Tip o' the cap, wag o' the finger. Signed, Colbert.

I was just tipping my cap to him. So I did it Stephen Colbert style. Google it.

Much better. The sex may now commence. Enjoy!
I'm confused already. I just had some.

Not with anyone named Shanua, I'd wager, though.

... Looks like yer friends was TEH WRONG.
Do mean he was wrong saying all the flims were super bad?

No, wrong to think that Superbad was going to be a good movie to see considering how his friend freaked out about the sex in it.

And to contemplate my new level I'm neutral.

Again.... that didn't last long.

Cool. 12 and 9 are good numbers, too. Mostly because 3 of the first is 36 and 4 of the second is 36, of course. #;-}>
And 12x3=36.

Um... dude, "3 of the first (12)" is the same thing as 12x3, I just said that. #;-}>

*attempts to find gfox's first list, but Madness of Nintendo is too lazy to look through 2,000 pages.
Start looking around page 80 or 90. That's where I came into this topic.
It looks like your first post here was on page 80 about 2 posts down.

I think it's probably before 80, because that post doesn't look like my first. I do remember that post by Mr_James, though. Heh. Awesomeness.

And hey, check this post from Recon to me re: save rank:

At 4/1/03 06:22 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 4/1/03 05:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Not just that, but you're currently #13 in protects. Very very nice ratio of saves to blams you've got there, a true neutral ratio.

is stuck at #23 in protects currently:::
yes, I do keep track of protect rank. heh.
Wow. I'm a little surprised. I thought I was analytical. Thanks for the compliment gfoxcook. You're currently ranked 45th, a contender 'eh?

Good times, good times.

I was #45 in b/p at the time and #23 in saves, apparently.





FEAR MY ZWEIHANDER (that'd be my TWO-handed sword right there in my level 42 icon)!

Well, destined to pass and stay.

As in flashes in the portal pass and stay? #;-}>

OMG! They popcorn must be strange in America becasue it's nice here. Do like popcorn at all?

Plenty of Americans like popcorn. 90%, probably. I'm not one of them, that's all. Too salty, too boring. It's gotta be covered in butter to taste good to me, and then it's more unhealthy than some chocolate candy, so why not just eat the far-tastier chocolate candy? Which won't get stuck in your teeth, either.

Wait... I mean... Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = CRAZY DELICIOUS.
Are those like Coke and candy?

Those are like... LAZY SUNDAY.

I think it's because lots of digits in a row are special anyway.

That they are.

At 2/7/08 03:55 AM, NEVR wrote: It's true. It's a shame that the Audio portal doesn't get more exposure, but as you said, NG is a primarily flash-based site, so that's where the focus has to stay.

The Audio Portal is way more front and center than it used to be on NG, so I think it's getting plenty of exposure.

Unfortunately, 4 hours. I think 28 hours would be verging on hibernation :P

Yeah, that'd be wild.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 04:48:57

At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
I preferred it when you were light. Frankly, I think the old neutral aura was infinitely better than the current one. (Don't kill me, gfox).

Well, the old neutral aura was awesome, why would I kill you for saying that? I think the new one's fine, too. They've got something in common. They're both the greatest colour ever created by the forces of nature: GREEN.

At 2/7/08 01:02 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Next milestone passed 10,000 Exp. Is it a big deal? maybe it is be it is NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL! >_<

It kinda is a big deal. Congrats on the 10k exp!

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I have no opinion on that matter as I haven't watched Simpsons in a long time.
Good, because the newer episodes are utter shit.

You guys were talking about the ep where the Simpsons go to Australia or whatever? IIRC, that ep is from recent enough that the Simpsons had already gone downhill by that point, so whoever said that ep was good and isn't one of the newer/crappier ones... apparently has different standards than most early-Simpsons-fans-who-don't-like-the-r ecent-stuff, at least from what I can tell.

I declare level 35 as dual swords.

How many times do I have to tell you they're sai (Japanese daggers), not swords? Dude, come on.

It looks like your first post here was on page 80 about 2 posts down.
My first post in the LUL was on page 891.

It sounds so high, but... 2000+, so... relatively, that was a long time ago, early in the thread's history, I suppose. #;-}>

At 2/7/08 02:07 PM, Shanus wrote: Damn me being yound I do got them, just recently though, my dad's got most of the 9 on vinal, even got Presence twice for some reason, :D

Wait, 9 Led Zep albums? I always think of them as having 8 albums. What's the 9th one you're talking about, I wonder...

Presence is underrated. Achilles' Last Stand FTW!

I have seen Juno once and have the soundtrack. Cool points +2.
Gonna see that tomorrow, first day out in Europe, it'll be so worth the wait :D

Cool. Enjoy!

At 2/5/08 03:31 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You wanna have sex with a girl named Shanus? THIS IS VERY STRANGE.
-us is about the most masculine ending a name can have, thanks to Latin.
Well I am a guy, and I didn't actually know that thanks gfox :D


Yep, -us = masculine. Which is why someone renamed you Shanua. #;-}>

At 2/7/08 03:41 PM, LittleWashu wrote:
At 2/6/08 07:10 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm neutral! Discuss.
Ah Neutral the aura everyone starts with until they decide to change it It is a cool aura especially when it is saint patricks day. I would love to change my aura but I can't do that without giving up something in return. The only way my aura will ever change color now is if by some chance I was made into a mod.


There are some of us who NEVER decide to change it. Why would you change perfection?


At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.
It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.

Hear, hear!

As I have long said, I not only like the idea of the neutral alignment/aura, I love green above all other colours. Having the aura I have on NG is right on SO many levels for me, that's why I would never think of changing it. EVER.

At 2/7/08 06:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I basiclly wanted to try neutral for a day.
... and failed miserably. **nudge** ^_~

Some users just aren't cut out for neutral/green greatness, I suppose. Let's not pity them too much, Recon.

At 2/8/08 02:52 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop finds a new way to wake up in the morning, while congratulating:

What's this new way to wake up, eh? DO TELL.

At 2/7/08 01:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
There needs to be a list of what all the weapons on NG are. I might make that, but I'm lazy.
I declare level 35 as dual swords.
What?! Level 35 is clearly Sai, which looks nothing like dual swords.

Dude, I told him that days ago, but he doesn't listen. Maybe you'll have more luck convincing him of what a sai is than I did/have.

At 2/8/08 12:12 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/7/08 12:37 PM, Coop83 wrote: What makes a man turn Neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or maybe he's just born with a heart of solid neutrality.
It could also be simple aesthetics Coop. Most of the icons look best with a green background IMO.
Hang on, I know you *rips off rubber mask* Old man gfox! Why were you disgusing yourself as ReconRebel?

And yes, most icons do look better with a green background

Hahahahaha. Recon and I have long been brothers in arms. Green, neutral arms, that is.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-08 05:06:17

Level 28 and 7.19 voting power :)